There IS a cure for skullcels:

is there a skull reduction surgery that shaves the bone? especially the temporal
Nope, hairmaxx and gym maxx the only way. Gym so ur body width make ur head look less wide
Epplay says he didn't see a bone erosion process in his 30 years of doing chin implants.
Now I just hope the same is true for skull implants.
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Even if you will widen Skull your face still will be narrow and long, ipd and pfl short, nose long etc. You would Look comical. Also jfl at putting silicone on your Skull.
Plus there are many males who Look good despite narrower skull like Vanilla Ice or Sean Opry Cause they have forward mandible and maxilla.
If you wanted Jordan Barett Skull, maybe in the next life br, cranial base angle is a bitch.
gorilla maxxing who tf wants to do that
View attachment 781980
Even if you will widen Skull your face still will be narrow and long, ipd and pfl short, nose long etc. You would Look comical. Also jfl at putting silicone on your Skull.
Plus there are many males who Look good despite narrower skull like Vanilla Ice or Sean Opry Cause they have forward mandible and maxilla.
If you wanted Jordan Barett Skull, maybe in the next life br, cranial base angle is a bitch.
my skull is brachy but my face is narrow so what would be a good protocol for me to get wider
Skull implant and longhairmaxx to hide your ears from being recessed due to the implant. If you can get a pretty face through mse, sagittal mandibular distraction , lateral canthoplasty and lefort 1 double jaw ccw lefort 1 surgery, having long hair with skull implants and gonial implant, you can ascend hard. Also someone should ask to a specialist about the implant and how it can affect your ear recession. Maybe a surgery to move the ear lateral could help ?

Ascension can happen even for ethnicells.
View attachment 545201
Blackpill is hard, but there solutions for most of us. A longmidfacecell cured his face as you can see. Of course his bitemporal width was quite good, but you can replace it with implant and still have long hair.

So there is just one thing to say : MONEYMAXX , plastic surgery isn't cope, orthodontics and maxillofacial surgries aren"t cope as well if everything is well done.

If you're an ipdcell with a longmidface, then add an orbital box osteotomy to all of thoses procedures. If you're rich, you can do whatever you want.
Wtf did this guy get?

Post surgery
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I have been a depressed guy looking at studies and evidences from acromegalic individuals pictures for about 2 years, and what i'm writing are the theorical results of my searchs. As early as i can afford thoses procedures, i will get them all obviously.
Oh and before starting anything, just do a bioblock "twinblock" cycle from any orthotropics so that you get a good incisors relationship between your 2 jaws. Because chewing for example with a deep bite can even deepen your bite even more leading to a recessed chin and uggly hypertrophied lower lips.
Once the bioblock is done, you are free to start chewing and protract using hgh. ONLY CHEW WITH A GOOD OCCLUSION IF YOU DON T WANT TO FUCK YOURSELF UP.
Great Post

Can you elab on how chewing with a deep bite can hypertrophy your lips?
Implants by Dr. Eppley.

Narrow Head:

The perception of a head that is too narrow relates to the shape of the side of the head above the ears. This is the posterior temporal region and is actually much bigger than the anterior temporal area in terms of surface area. When the sides of the head lack any convexity (vertically flat), they can look too narrow. Just like the anterior temporal region, the posterior temporal area can be augmented as well by placing a silicone implant either on top of the muscle or even under the muscle. This requires a much larger implant to be used although it does not need to be overly thick

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Even though you can't see the face, the right side looks so much more masculine. Combined with Zyggo implants, this is the cure for skullcels.
@AlexanderTheGreat , lifefuel for u if u want lateral skull width increase
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@AlexanderTheGreat , lifefuel for u if u want lateral skull width increase
I kinda have the same forehead area as Maher. Outward projecting zygos which make the temple and the anterior part of the profile view of skull look small.

Do you / any-of-you think Maher needs a wider forehead through this surgery (ignore rest of his face)...?

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