There is no reason to feel sorry for the white working class srs



Jan 2, 2019
Yes I get it that they are being raped by immigration but honestly most of them are worthless dumbfucks whom would not even be threatened by immigration in the first place if they did not have 85-95 IQ. Just lol at stormfront phaggots whom think they are superior to the immigrant trash. For the most part they aren't. Most educated labor isn't even being threatened by the immigration because they aren't competing for jobs with them. For the typical computer programmer immigration could as well not be happening because the immigrants are too stupid to compete with them for jobs. Granted that the middle class will probably be destroyed at some point anyway once the migrants start voting in communist dictatorships but before that they have limited reason to care.
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didnt read lol
Kill yourself
Kill yourself

lel does the truth make you mad?

Let me ask you something: Why do you think most normies don't care about immigration?

It's because most normies aren't working class and don't have to compete with immigrants for jobs, and in many cases not even housing either. They are not at risk of losing their skilled labor job to a third world gangster with an IQ of 70. So they don't care. Fact is, you are getting fucked over by the fact that you belong to the bottom of the food chain. You are a genetic failure that is being weeded out by darwinian evolution.
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They do not care because they are brainless, and so are you. You are a spineless fag ded srs.
It only takes one generation for immigrants to be middle class tbh
lel does the truth make you mad?

Let me ask you something: Why do you think most normies don't care about immigration?

It's because most normies aren't working class and don't have to compete with immigrants for jobs, and in many cases not even housing either. They are not at risk of losing their skilled labor job to a third world gangster with an IQ of 70. So they don't care. Fact is, you are getting fucked over by the fact that you below to the bottom of the food chain. You are a genetic failure that is being weeded out by darwinian evolution.
didnt read lol
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"God is mogged and we mogged him" - Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra
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Yes I get it that they are being raped by immigration but honestly most of them are worthless dumbfucks whom would not even be threatened by immigration in the first place if they did not have 85-95 IQ. Just lol at stormfront phaggots whom think they are superior to the immigrant trash. For the most part they aren't. Most educated labor isn't even being threatened by the immigration because they aren't competing for jobs with them. For the typical computer programmer immigration could as well not be happening because the immigrants are too stupid to compete with them for jobs. Granted that the middle class will probably be destroyed at some point anyway once the migrants start voting in communist dictatorships but before that they have limited reason to care.
I don't give a shit about jobs. I'm afraid of the future of my people and my country.
I don't give a shit about jobs. I'm afraid of the future of my people and my country.

Working class "culture" was already garbage even before immigration.
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I don't care about classes. I'm not a worker, I just care about my people.


"Your" people? What fucking people? Most whites are hedonistic degenerates that don't give a single shit about other white people and have literally zero respect for their history. In facts whites are the only race degenerate and selfish enough to not give a shit about it's own future. Whites are literally the only race that will sell out it's own kind for personal gain where are all the other ones will at least stand by their own kind if threatened by outside forces. White people are pathetic and a failure.

Once the kikes start gassing them I won't give a single shit.
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"Your" people? What fucking people? Most whites are hedonistic degenerates that don't give a single shit about other white people and have literally zero respect for their history. In facts whites are the only race degenerate and selfish enough to not give a shit about it's own future. Whites are literally the only race that will sell out it's own kind for personal gain where are all the other ones will at least stand by their own kind if threatened by outside forces. White people are pathetic and a failure.
Not all of us are liberal asses with no roots, like whites of the US. As I said, I stand by my people. We finns fucking stopped the invasion of red army aka biggest war machine of the history, I'm sure we can keep some thousands of immigrants under control. We are among the most patriotic people in the Europe.
Not all of us are liberal asses with no roots, like whites of the US. As I said, I stand by my people. We finns fucking stopped the invasion of red army aka biggest war machine of the history, I'm sure we can keep some thousands of immigrants under control. We are among the most patriotic people in the Europe.

The overwhelming majority of nationalists in the west are working class phaggots who use white "identity" or national identity as a cope because they have nothing going for themselves. Everybody else is too busy degeneratemaxing to care.
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Curry cels and rice cels do high iq jobs and they take them away from white stemcels.
what's wrong with being working class?
> wants to fight prejudice
> fights it by discriminating against an entire class
> For the typical computer programmer immigration could as well not be happening because the immigrants are too stupid to compete with them for jobs.

do you not know what H1B bindis are or something? Code monkeys aren't geniuses. Most "programming" jobs are the tech equivalent of janitorial or shelf stocking work.
> For the typical computer programmer immigration could as well not be happening because the immigrants are too stupid to compete with them for jobs.

do you not know what H1B bindis are or something? Code monkeys aren't geniuses. Most "programming" jobs are the tech equivalent of janitorial or shelf stocking work.

I am a recreational game dev and know coding. It's very, very hard to learn. And even harder to get good at. The average IQ of professional coders is between 110-120, which is massively greater than 99% of the riffraff that is flooding into the west. It doesn't matter that most of them are doing "digital janitorial" work. This stuff is still very hard and the overwhelming majority of migrants will never ever get a job doing this unless companies choose to hire them for pure virtue signaling purposes. And even then the terrible shitty code would make them hated by the other coders whom would have to rewrite the code so that it actually works.
lel does the truth make you mad?

Let me ask you something: Why do you think most normies don't care about immigration?

It's because most normies aren't working class and don't have to compete with immigrants for jobs, and in many cases not even housing either. They are not at risk of losing their skilled labor job to a third world gangster with an IQ of 70. So they don't care.

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