There seems to be a significant misunderstanding among people here.

Looks and money, that’s all I’m focusing on for life
The 2 Things that will take you the furthest, they are way more important than everything else combined
  • +1
Reactions: 5.5psl and thickdickdaddy27
They hinder their own progress by either fearing failure, fear of being embarrassed, or convincing themselves that it's all hopeless and they can't make any changes. They've already given up before even trying. It's all in their mindset. Yet, they'll label you as a "coper" or "redpiller" simply because you speak the truth to them.
Yeah, exactly...

I’ve always believed that my ideology is the only one that benefits me, at the time that it benefits me.

When I’m going out to clubs or cold approach in the streets, I game from classic straight line Mystery Method / RSD script coupled with the new age Hot Seat materials of free association and other concepts.

When Im interacting with other men and women I red pill. This is the reason I go to the gym and box everyday because I want to have an intimidating presence in situations where I need to protect my close ones.

When I’m home I looksmax and convey my improvements through a lens of cool and use that on digitals and OLD.

Most people tremble if their friends find out they’ve been doing skincare or been using lifts.

I have no issues because I can convey it through a lens of cool and social aptitude.

I know how to smoothly agree and amplify and change the subject.

And to your point I passed through multiple stages of embarrassment, failure, rejection, last minute resistance and heartbreak before I got to be smooth.

Because I started socializing late in my teens, I made up by being around NTs 24/7.

If one has never got to the point of third base and experienced last minute resistance just before sex, they just dont know what’s going on weekends at clubs and how many chads go home sexless while the purple piller runs game.

Of course a good looking person can get better reacts on OLD, but I bet that if he aspie he's 100% insecure about not being able to communicate and out manoeuvre social situations because status in social situations is not just based on looks alone.

Not to mention, at too end clubs you need a connect and money to get in.

My point is...

Why not embrace everything and improve every different known metric as much as humanly possible based on a logical risk-to-reward analysis?

I believed looks didn't matter for a long time while I was running game and it seemed so to me through my lens of reality. It was the frame if mind that I needed to improve my game and social skills.

I see better now, but I haven't forgotten what I've seen.
  • +1
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Reactions: Deleted member 25938 and emeraldglass
How much of this is true for OLD? Which is now the most common way of meeting other people. First impressions are the most lasting impressions on there. Your first impression on OLD is literally your face then height.
Someone who relies on online dating is essentially seeking rejection. It's an imbalanced approach. The best way to meet women is in real life, where the limitations of a screen don't restrict other factors.
  • +1
Reactions: SecularIslamist and AsGoodAsItGets
I hear what you say and I got one thing to say: some people will never pass the looks threshold and nothing can compensate for it. I am in this boat. For anyone else, without actual facial deformities - I agree this is what they should concern themselves with. There’s always gonna be someone around with a better face.
I would say it's only truly over if you resemble the extreme bottom, like being extremely unattractive or monstrous. Otherwise, there's nothing preventing you from making improvements and progressing.
  • +1
Reactions: Numb The Pain
Someone who relies on online dating is essentially seeking rejection. It's an imbalanced approach. The best way to meet women is in real life, where the limitations of a screen don't restrict other factors.
What do you suggest for a 28 year old who lives in some isolated village and nearest friends live 200 miles away? Not in education and wageslaving.
They believe that focusing solely on improving their facial beauty is sufficient, while neglecting other important aspects. In today's world, being masculine is often seen as taboo, and the individuals on this forum contribute to this notion by disregarding their responsibility to be a true man.

Their sole objective seems to be visually appealing, but they are mistaken if they think this is the only way to attract women. While beauty does matter, and being exceptionally handsome can make dating easier, it is not the sole weapon to win a woman's interest. It is essential to be versatile, like a Swiss army knife, and excel in various areas.

Let's face it, how many people on this forum will actually achieve a 6 PSL status? Hardly anyone.

To increase your chances and compensate for any beauty gaps, you need much more than just a mediocre face. Even if you are above average, it will not be enough. You are competing with individuals who possess facial attractiveness, intelligence, physical strength, and wealth. So, how will you surpass them? Certainly not with your face alone. Most of you may give up upon realizing this, but that only worsens the situation.

The real men among you, the ones who truly want it, will maximize every aspect of their lives and build an arsenal. Go to the gym, enhance your social skills to become more socially accepted (NT), strive to become smarter rather than isolating yourself in the basement, make friends, and establish beneficial connections. Pursue financial success instead of merely complaining about its difficulty. Take action and truly live. Do not be afraid to take risks or face failure, as it is part of life. Remember, people quickly forget slip-ups, so don't fear them. It may seem intimidating because you haven't done it before, but learn to be comfortable in your own skin. Embrace your masculinity and take pride in who you are.

This is undoubtedly the first step towards becoming a better man and climbing out of the depressing hole. All of you need to realign yourselves completely.

Imma tag all of you and if you start whinin about gettin tagged, you straight-up a little bitch. Because guess what? You all need to hear this, no doubt. So pay attention and soak it in.

@TRUE_CEL @Xangsane @enchanted_elixir @justinzayn @the BULL @Iasacrko @PrinceLuenLeoncur @StrangerDanger @AscendingHero @Prettyboy @Piratecel @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Biggdink @Reckless Turtle @David Rothschild @House Lannister @Clark69 @St.TikTokcel @Anstrum95 @justadude @Amnesia @Sigmamale @dimorphism @Alexanderr @currylightskin @Vermilioncore @Octillionaire @Kroker @pneumocystosis @Oberyn @SteveRogers @Skywalker @fogdart @Beastimmung @anoright @Ozell Israelite @Shitfacegoodbod=mog @Corleone @BasedPsychiatrist @Manchild @luljankybo @HerpDerpson @KING REIDYZ @THEMOGGER @ascension! @saulgoodman @Aypo129 @Van @gribsufer1 @Sprinkles @sub5inchcel @tristan18 @Ellipsis @5ft1 @Reiraku @Pretty @bugeye @aBetterMii @ROTTING @callisto @nitesik @St.TikTokcel @Cheesyrumble @brea @Qazqa @EarthDollar @Allandro @Lone Wolf @julianchicago @Jungcuck @xtremfailer @pardocel @marauder @Tabula Rasa @friedbutter6o @positivecoper @53heightmogger @exo313 @forevermirin @baldgeeza @KingKthe9 @User49 @imustascend @applesrgreat @sabwicf @chrollo @Maesthetics=King @slayer69 @lordgandy2000 @Clark69 @Beastimmung @Mumbai Savior @Hoso @inferiorpispot234 @Zer0/∞ @Clown Show @Manletmachine @Shadosh101 @mrriceguy @Dr. Bruh @FrameMaxxed @AspiringMogger @jflsnowdzz @cillianmurphycel @tombradylover @5'7 zoomer @potential chad @Shycel @kimtaehyung @Esteban1997 @TUSSELEIF @dutchboi @nitesik @brea @_MVP_ @Elliot lodger @Curry Suicide @Patient A @House Lannister @Tallooksmaxxer @Arborist @hormonetherapy @zv1212 @Jamesothy @cloUder @curlyheadjames @Chad1212 @LiteralCaucasian @Shako Mako @Umbra @Corleone @ascension! @BrahminBoss @Beastimmung @Exterminator @seth @5.5psl @Solar @L @loksr @nitesik @khvirgin @subhuman incel @defezman @JovenCansao @Amnesia @forevergymcelling @MoggerGaston @aBetterMii @Pikabro @Dr. Bruh @Dystopian @rand anon @;-; @Eduardo DOV @Tyronecell @Uglybrazilian @Cauã @MatheusCqb @Beetlejuice @Bvnny. @Iasacrko @szolliontaraelis @skinnytwink @gymmaxedhorse @fnafmaxxer @MagnusTheRed @skorp @theL @PYT @ihatereddit@Brazitard @Kevin Logan @Zures @casadebanho @whiteissuperior @latino_ @Ritalincel @Ellipsis @Tyrion! @Entschuldigung @RAITEIII @Unsh @gribsufer1 @spongebob @kumquat @KingBetaTut @SaintOverBuddyBoyo @pneumocystosis @enchanted_elixir @leveruis @Lev Peshkov @ArcticStorm @exo @MeKKa @Hoso @Vain786 @Biggdink @Ekil73_YT @Erudición @WanderingBurro @anoright @Jacob Hate @Phillybeard1996 @Ai Impact @Iteration @Marsik @nineteen @SubhumanCurrycel @holdin'on @hattrick @KING REIDYZ @SuperSpoonman @RetardSubhuman @Bojack @Shieda_Kayn @BigJimsWornOutTires @Manchild @Reckless Turtle @Suimaxxer @DaRealSixpence @anon56 @Reformed @BongMog @ascendedd @andy9432 @St.TikTokcel @User49 @CristianT @eduardkoopman @Dr. Bruh @FML0908 @Anchor_Ship @EasyMan875 @Akuma @brain_destruction @mecha72 @the BULL @DefinitelyNT @cloUder @JCaesar @Nad @marauder @vinn98 @OGJBSLAYER @Eriot Lodger @qotav @maxmax901 @looksmidder @AverageEnjoyer @Esteban1997 @Myth @JovenCansao @poison @toolateforme @maheshdabwoi @hamo008 @xtremfailer @RedRiser @reborn @9Romance @chawaje @Seneca @zap @Flashback @Arborist @finnarope @cloUder @Moggable @AJVONDERPLANITZ @Zeruel @zerotohero @leontheleanmaxxer @thickdickdaddy27 @Loveland @Struggler03 @actual9cmjawslayer @Foreverbrad @Iasacrko @Batman @hhfub @LusterToLow @czwarty @HelpMePE @ShowerMaxxing @blackpillius @Broski @fuuuaaaakkk @lightskinbengali @AspiringMogger @tombradylover @Chinacurry @mizrahi_hater @Soumyadip @vanillaicecream @defezman @Goodman @angelo @Phillybeard1996 @Puschkin @Skywalker @APJ @Beastimmung @cmybk @jacksonwang @zura @ascension @Maesthetics=King @bigbongboo @idontwannabeamanlet @dlairals @ArdaxHG @solid7/10 @BoredPrince @DelonLover1999 @morgetmogged @Brus Wane @WhoAmIReally @try2beme @blackckatt @bug_eye_blackcel @alriodai @OneTwoThree @divine @your smile @IWantToMax @raul120 @marek937@Martyros @Allornothing @Looksmax25 @soulless_npc @Übermaxx @Enfant terrible @Bushman @Zoom759 @Jarate @jimbob97 @diabolusx666 @dutchboi @Alphacentauri5555 @OldRooster @gennaro @Donkeyballs @A.. @autisticretard @shieldzz @DasAuto @six feet tall @Incelistan @Timmy @Pit @QQ442244 @Lebgfinal @horizontallytall @B1B2 @eduardkoopman @bad rng unlucky @rateme932490 @nigtard @ProCoper @uberfuckchad @lifefuelshake @crybaby @AngryShane @gsizzle @fug @workingondying @Featherless Biped @tents @khasmax @cytoplasm @vonPsl @Brootal @DickLatinCel @0hMan @redCarpet @inferiorpispot234 @Wishful @ShineBright @SOLO292 @Sixfutwan @ true_cel @sub5inchcel @5'7 zoomer @Xangsane @UKCurry @SecularIslamist @JohnDoe @currylightskin @congoM @Ryan @justinzayn @SPFromNY914 @Lorsss @PrinceLuenLeoncur @ascendedd @HimmyButler @Unlimited @KingBetaTut @Manchild @PacinoCel @chinpilled69 @Sub0 @Htobrother @smvmaxxertilllate @sinn @KING REIDYZ
I wasn't invited to the mass ping such an disgrace.
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
Yeah, exactly...

I’ve always believed that my ideology is the only one that benefits me, at the time that it benefits me.

When I’m going out to clubs or cold approach in the streets, I game from classic straight line Mystery Method / RSD script coupled with the new age Hot Seat materials of free association and other concepts.

When Im interacting with other men and women I red pill. This is the reason I go to the gym and box everyday because I want to have an intimidating presence in situations where I need to protect my close ones.

When I’m home I looksmax and convey my improvements through a lens of cool and use that on digitals and OLD.

Most people tremble if their friends find out they’ve been doing skincare or been using lifts.

I have no issues because I can convey it through a lens of cool and social aptitude.

I know how to smoothly agree and amplify and change the subject.

And to your point I passed through multiple stages of embarrassment, failure, rejection, last minute resistance and heartbreak before I got to be smooth.

Because I started socializing late in my teens, I made up by being around NTs 24/7.

If one has never got to the point of third base and experienced last minute resistance just before sex, they just dont know what’s going on weekends at clubs and how many chads go home sexless while the purple piller runs game.

Of course a good looking person can get better reacts on OLD, but I bet that if he aspie he's 100% insecure about not being able to communicate and out manoeuvre social situations because status in social situations is not just based on looks alone.

Not to mention, at too end clubs you need a connect and money to get in.

My point is...

Why not embrace everything and improve every different known metric as much as humanly possible based on a logical risk-to-reward analysis?

I believed looks didn't matter for a long time while I was running game and it seemed so to me through my lens of reality. It was the frame if mind that I needed to improve my game and social skills.

I see better now, but I haven't forgotten what I've seen.
You Win First Place GIF
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Reactions: Deleted member 25938 and AsGoodAsItGets
True niggas only focus on one aspect when literally everything matters. Far more important things are in your control
Everything matters being below average in even one aspect is bad
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 19174
What do you suggest for a 28 year old who lives in some isolated village and nearest friends live 200 miles away? Not in education and wageslaving.
To train for a marathon so that he can jog to his friends' places more frequently.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 25938 and AsGoodAsItGets
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 30884
nigga watched a hamza video and tagged the entire forum because he felt like dishing out this turd jfl
The real men among you, the ones who truly want it, will maximize every aspect of their lives and build an arsenal. Go to the gym, enhance your social skills to become more socially accepted (NT), strive to become smarter rather than isolating yourself in the basement, make friends, and establish beneficial connections. Pursue financial success instead of merely complaining about its difficulty. Take action and truly live. Do not be afraid to take risks or face failure, as it is part of life. Remember, people quickly forget slip-ups, so don't fear them. It may seem intimidating because you haven't done it before, but learn to be comfortable in your own skin. Embrace your masculinity and take pride in who you are.

This is undoubtedly the first step towards becoming a better man and climbing out of the depressing hole. All of you need to realign yourselves completely.

Pride, masculinity, and a good personality are all you need to attract the right woman for yourself. This forum is filled with coping redcels and Currycels who’ve never been with a woman and have been rejected all they’re lives, so they rot on here all day trying to convince you that everything is about your “looks.” The thing is these redcels and Currycels get jealous whenever they see a guy they think isn’t handsome with a girlfriend or wife and will call him “subhuman.”
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 27660 and emeraldglass
His ignorance and lack of actual experience i dont see this in pakistanis and other people who live in sandy climates even if they arecurries like me
How did you know?
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: rand anon and Numb The Pain
They believe that focusing solely on improving their facial beauty is sufficient, while neglecting other important aspects. In today's world, being masculine is often seen as taboo, and the individuals on this forum contribute to this notion by disregarding their responsibility to be a true man.

Their sole objective seems to be visually appealing, but they are mistaken if they think this is the only way to attract women. While beauty does matter, and being exceptionally handsome can make dating easier, it is not the sole weapon to win a woman's interest. It is essential to be versatile, like a Swiss army knife, and excel in various areas.

Let's face it, how many people on this forum will actually achieve a 6 PSL status? Hardly anyone.

To increase your chances and compensate for any beauty gaps, you need much more than just a mediocre face. Even if you are above average, it will not be enough. You are competing with individuals who possess facial attractiveness, intelligence, physical strength, and wealth. So, how will you surpass them? Certainly not with your face alone. Most of you may give up upon realizing this, but that only worsens the situation.

The real men among you, the ones who truly want it, will maximize every aspect of their lives and build an arsenal. Go to the gym, enhance your social skills to become more socially accepted (NT), strive to become smarter rather than isolating yourself in the basement, make friends, and establish beneficial connections. Pursue financial success instead of merely complaining about its difficulty. Take action and truly live. Do not be afraid to take risks or face failure, as it is part of life. Remember, people quickly forget slip-ups, so don't fear them. It may seem intimidating because you haven't done it before, but learn to be comfortable in your own skin. Embrace your masculinity and take pride in who you are.

This is undoubtedly the first step towards becoming a better man and climbing out of the depressing hole. All of you need to realign yourselves completely.

Imma tag all of you and if you start whinin about gettin tagged, you straight-up a little bitch. Because guess what? You all need to hear this, no doubt. So pay attention and soak it in.

@TRUE_CEL @Xangsane @enchanted_elixir @justinzayn @the BULL @Iasacrko @PrinceLuenLeoncur @StrangerDanger @AscendingHero @Prettyboy @Piratecel @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Biggdink @Reckless Turtle @David Rothschild @House Lannister @Clark69 @St.TikTokcel @Anstrum95 @justadude @Amnesia @Sigmamale @dimorphism @Alexanderr @currylightskin @Vermilioncore @Octillionaire @Kroker @pneumocystosis @Oberyn @SteveRogers @Skywalker @fogdart @Beastimmung @anoright @Ozell Israelite @Shitfacegoodbod=mog @Corleone @BasedPsychiatrist @Manchild @luljankybo @HerpDerpson @KING REIDYZ @THEMOGGER @ascension! @saulgoodman @Aypo129 @Van @gribsufer1 @Sprinkles @sub5inchcel @tristan18 @Ellipsis @5ft1 @Reiraku @Pretty @bugeye @aBetterMii @ROTTING @callisto @nitesik @St.TikTokcel @Cheesyrumble @brea @Qazqa @EarthDollar @Allandro @Lone Wolf @julianchicago @Jungcuck @xtremfailer @pardocel @marauder @Tabula Rasa @friedbutter6o @positivecoper @53heightmogger @exo313 @forevermirin @baldgeeza @KingKthe9 @User49 @imustascend @applesrgreat @sabwicf @chrollo @Maesthetics=King @slayer69 @lordgandy2000 @Clark69 @Beastimmung @Mumbai Savior @Hoso @inferiorpispot234 @Zer0/∞ @Clown Show @Manletmachine @Shadosh101 @mrriceguy @Dr. Bruh @FrameMaxxed @AspiringMogger @jflsnowdzz @cillianmurphycel @tombradylover @5'7 zoomer @potential chad @Shycel @kimtaehyung @Esteban1997 @TUSSELEIF @dutchboi @nitesik @brea @_MVP_ @Elliot lodger @Curry Suicide @Patient A @House Lannister @Tallooksmaxxer @Arborist @hormonetherapy @zv1212 @Jamesothy @cloUder @curlyheadjames @Chad1212 @LiteralCaucasian @Shako Mako @Umbra @Corleone @ascension! @BrahminBoss @Beastimmung @Exterminator @seth @5.5psl @Solar @L @loksr @nitesik @khvirgin @subhuman incel @defezman @JovenCansao @Amnesia @forevergymcelling @MoggerGaston @aBetterMii @Pikabro @Dr. Bruh @Dystopian @rand anon @;-; @Eduardo DOV @Tyronecell @Uglybrazilian @Cauã @MatheusCqb @Beetlejuice @Bvnny. @Iasacrko @szolliontaraelis @skinnytwink @gymmaxedhorse @fnafmaxxer @MagnusTheRed @skorp @theL @PYT @ihatereddit@Brazitard @Kevin Logan @Zures @casadebanho @whiteissuperior @latino_ @Ritalincel @Ellipsis @Tyrion! @Entschuldigung @RAITEIII @Unsh @gribsufer1 @spongebob @kumquat @KingBetaTut @SaintOverBuddyBoyo @pneumocystosis @enchanted_elixir @leveruis @Lev Peshkov @ArcticStorm @exo @MeKKa @Hoso @Vain786 @Biggdink @Ekil73_YT @Erudición @WanderingBurro @anoright @Jacob Hate @Phillybeard1996 @Ai Impact @Iteration @Marsik @nineteen @SubhumanCurrycel @holdin'on @hattrick @KING REIDYZ @SuperSpoonman @RetardSubhuman @Bojack @Shieda_Kayn @BigJimsWornOutTires @Manchild @Reckless Turtle @Suimaxxer @DaRealSixpence @anon56 @Reformed @BongMog @ascendedd @andy9432 @St.TikTokcel @User49 @CristianT @eduardkoopman @Dr. Bruh @FML0908 @Anchor_Ship @EasyMan875 @Akuma @brain_destruction @mecha72 @the BULL @DefinitelyNT @cloUder @JCaesar @Nad @marauder @vinn98 @OGJBSLAYER @Eriot Lodger @qotav @maxmax901 @looksmidder @AverageEnjoyer @Esteban1997 @Myth @JovenCansao @poison @toolateforme @maheshdabwoi @hamo008 @xtremfailer @RedRiser @reborn @9Romance @chawaje @Seneca @zap @Flashback @Arborist @finnarope @cloUder @Moggable @AJVONDERPLANITZ @Zeruel @zerotohero @leontheleanmaxxer @thickdickdaddy27 @Loveland @Struggler03 @actual9cmjawslayer @Foreverbrad @Iasacrko @Batman @hhfub @LusterToLow @czwarty @HelpMePE @ShowerMaxxing @blackpillius @Broski @fuuuaaaakkk @lightskinbengali @AspiringMogger @tombradylover @Chinacurry @mizrahi_hater @Soumyadip @vanillaicecream @defezman @Goodman @angelo @Phillybeard1996 @Puschkin @Skywalker @APJ @Beastimmung @cmybk @jacksonwang @zura @ascension @Maesthetics=King @bigbongboo @idontwannabeamanlet @dlairals @ArdaxHG @solid7/10 @BoredPrince @DelonLover1999 @morgetmogged @Brus Wane @WhoAmIReally @try2beme @blackckatt @bug_eye_blackcel @alriodai @OneTwoThree @divine @your smile @IWantToMax @raul120 @marek937@Martyros @Allornothing @Looksmax25 @soulless_npc @Übermaxx @Enfant terrible @Bushman @Zoom759 @Jarate @jimbob97 @diabolusx666 @dutchboi @Alphacentauri5555 @OldRooster @gennaro @Donkeyballs @A.. @autisticretard @shieldzz @DasAuto @six feet tall @Incelistan @Timmy @Pit @QQ442244 @Lebgfinal @horizontallytall @B1B2 @eduardkoopman @bad rng unlucky @rateme932490 @nigtard @ProCoper @uberfuckchad @lifefuelshake @crybaby @AngryShane @gsizzle @fug @workingondying @Featherless Biped @tents @khasmax @cytoplasm @vonPsl @Brootal @DickLatinCel @0hMan @redCarpet @inferiorpispot234 @Wishful @ShineBright @SOLO292 @Sixfutwan @ true_cel @sub5inchcel @5'7 zoomer @Xangsane @UKCurry @SecularIslamist @JohnDoe @currylightskin @congoM @Ryan @justinzayn @SPFromNY914 @Lorsss @PrinceLuenLeoncur @ascendedd @HimmyButler @Unlimited @KingBetaTut @Manchild @PacinoCel @chinpilled69 @Sub0 @Htobrother @smvmaxxertilllate @sinn @KING REIDYZ
Very high IQ.
  • +1
Reactions: Numb The Pain and emeraldglass
nigga watched a hamza video and tagged the entire forum because he felt like dishing out this turd jfl
Why do you assume that I watchHamza videos? What I stated is simply common sense, and anyone with an average IQ should be able to realize this.
  • +1
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets
His ignorance and lack of actual experience i dont see this in pakistanis and other people who live in sandy climates even if they arecurries like me
Your assumptions were right, sir!
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall and rand anon
Very high IQ.
While it may appear to be a display of high IQ, it's actually just a careful examination of the truth. Many of the users on this forum have spent so much time immersed in this environment that they have lost touch with common sense. However, I'm pleased to see that you agree with me.
  • +1
Reactions: Numb The Pain, RAITEIII and AsGoodAsItGets
Why do you assume that I watchHamza videos? What I stated is simply common sense, and anyone with an average IQ should be able to realize this.
cuz hazamuzaza is known for grifting "good mindset" and "manliness"

I get the stoic thing you're trying to feed us, if it helps you cope then by all means go for it, it just won't work for everybody, some people cannot accept and ignore the shittiness of certain aspect of this shithole known as the milky way galaxy
How much of this is true for OLD? Which is now the most common way of meeting other people. First impressions are the most lasting impressions on there. Your first impression on OLD is literally your face then height.
What do you suggest for a 28 year old who lives in some isolated village and nearest friends live 200 miles away? Not in education and wageslaving.
First of all you need to move. Ive had way better results IRL in progressive cities. Ive lived in conservative muslim countrues and in EU.

If you're not into that you can arrange marriage based on your religion and family heritage.

nigga watched a hamza video and tagged the entire forum because he felt like dishing out this turd jfl
Im no fan of Hamza.

In fact Ive only watched one video on plastics in food and one on looksmaxing to get a perspective of what a “normie” thinks a looks max routine is.

You might be shocked to believe that he does more looskamxing than most active users on a looksmaxing forum.

If he is such a loser, how does he have a better life than you and me?

You might be led to believe a psyop into the forums to spread an ideology of fatalist genetic determinism through the label “blackpill” instead of the self improvement label “looksmax” is underway, and succesfully I would argue.
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
You might be shocked to believe that he does more looskamxing than most active users on a looksmaxing forum.

If he is such a loser, how does he have a better life than you and me?
idc if he looksmaxxes more or less than the users here lmfao

and he has a better life than me because he's a normie NT extroverted delusional faggot who scams people by selling them false hope which allowed him to become rich
  • +1
Reactions: rand anon
They believe that focusing solely on improving their facial beauty is sufficient, while neglecting other important aspects. In today's world, being masculine is often seen as taboo, and the individuals on this forum contribute to this notion by disregarding their responsibility to be a true man.

Their sole objective seems to be visually appealing, but they are mistaken if they think this is the only way to attract women. While beauty does matter, and being exceptionally handsome can make dating easier, it is not the sole weapon to win a woman's interest. It is essential to be versatile, like a Swiss army knife, and excel in various areas.

Let's face it, how many people on this forum will actually achieve a 6 PSL status? Hardly anyone.

To increase your chances and compensate for any beauty gaps, you need much more than just a mediocre face. Even if you are above average, it will not be enough. You are competing with individuals who possess facial attractiveness, intelligence, physical strength, and wealth. So, how will you surpass them? Certainly not with your face alone. Most of you may give up upon realizing this, but that only worsens the situation.

The real men among you, the ones who truly want it, will maximize every aspect of their lives and build an arsenal. Go to the gym, enhance your social skills to become more socially accepted (NT), strive to become smarter rather than isolating yourself in the basement, make friends, and establish beneficial connections. Pursue financial success instead of merely complaining about its difficulty. Take action and truly live. Do not be afraid to take risks or face failure, as it is part of life. Remember, people quickly forget slip-ups, so don't fear them. It may seem intimidating because you haven't done it before, but learn to be comfortable in your own skin. Embrace your masculinity and take pride in who you are.

This is undoubtedly the first step towards becoming a better man and climbing out of the depressing hole. All of you need to realign yourselves completely.

Imma tag all of you and if you start whinin about gettin tagged, you straight-up a little bitch. Because guess what? You all need to hear this, no doubt. So pay attention and soak it in.

@TRUE_CEL @Xangsane @enchanted_elixir @justinzayn @the BULL @Iasacrko @PrinceLuenLeoncur @StrangerDanger @AscendingHero @Prettyboy @Piratecel @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Biggdink @Reckless Turtle @David Rothschild @House Lannister @Clark69 @St.TikTokcel @Anstrum95 @justadude @Amnesia @Sigmamale @dimorphism @Alexanderr @currylightskin @Vermilioncore @Octillionaire @Kroker @pneumocystosis @Oberyn @SteveRogers @Skywalker @fogdart @Beastimmung @anoright @Ozell Israelite @Shitfacegoodbod=mog @Corleone @BasedPsychiatrist @Manchild @luljankybo @HerpDerpson @KING REIDYZ @THEMOGGER @ascension! @saulgoodman @Aypo129 @Van @gribsufer1 @Sprinkles @sub5inchcel @tristan18 @Ellipsis @5ft1 @Reiraku @Pretty @bugeye @aBetterMii @ROTTING @callisto @nitesik @St.TikTokcel @Cheesyrumble @brea @Qazqa @EarthDollar @Allandro @Lone Wolf @julianchicago @Jungcuck @xtremfailer @pardocel @marauder @Tabula Rasa @friedbutter6o @positivecoper @53heightmogger @exo313 @forevermirin @baldgeeza @KingKthe9 @User49 @imustascend @applesrgreat @sabwicf @chrollo @Maesthetics=King @slayer69 @lordgandy2000 @Clark69 @Beastimmung @Mumbai Savior @Hoso @inferiorpispot234 @Zer0/∞ @Clown Show @Manletmachine @Shadosh101 @mrriceguy @Dr. Bruh @FrameMaxxed @AspiringMogger @jflsnowdzz @cillianmurphycel @tombradylover @5'7 zoomer @potential chad @Shycel @kimtaehyung @Esteban1997 @TUSSELEIF @dutchboi @nitesik @brea @_MVP_ @Elliot lodger @Curry Suicide @Patient A @House Lannister @Tallooksmaxxer @Arborist @hormonetherapy @zv1212 @Jamesothy @cloUder @curlyheadjames @Chad1212 @LiteralCaucasian @Shako Mako @Umbra @Corleone @ascension! @BrahminBoss @Beastimmung @Exterminator @seth @5.5psl @Solar @L @loksr @nitesik @khvirgin @subhuman incel @defezman @JovenCansao @Amnesia @forevergymcelling @MoggerGaston @aBetterMii @Pikabro @Dr. Bruh @Dystopian @rand anon @;-; @Eduardo DOV @Tyronecell @Uglybrazilian @Cauã @MatheusCqb @Beetlejuice @Bvnny. @Iasacrko @szolliontaraelis @skinnytwink @gymmaxedhorse @fnafmaxxer @MagnusTheRed @skorp @theL @PYT @ihatereddit@Brazitard @Kevin Logan @Zures @casadebanho @whiteissuperior @latino_ @Ritalincel @Ellipsis @Tyrion! @Entschuldigung @RAITEIII @Unsh @gribsufer1 @spongebob @kumquat @KingBetaTut @SaintOverBuddyBoyo @pneumocystosis @enchanted_elixir @leveruis @Lev Peshkov @ArcticStorm @exo @MeKKa @Hoso @Vain786 @Biggdink @Ekil73_YT @Erudición @WanderingBurro @anoright @Jacob Hate @Phillybeard1996 @Ai Impact @Iteration @Marsik @nineteen @SubhumanCurrycel @holdin'on @hattrick @KING REIDYZ @SuperSpoonman @RetardSubhuman @Bojack @Shieda_Kayn @BigJimsWornOutTires @Manchild @Reckless Turtle @Suimaxxer @DaRealSixpence @anon56 @Reformed @BongMog @ascendedd @andy9432 @St.TikTokcel @User49 @CristianT @eduardkoopman @Dr. Bruh @FML0908 @Anchor_Ship @EasyMan875 @Akuma @brain_destruction @mecha72 @the BULL @DefinitelyNT @cloUder @JCaesar @Nad @marauder @vinn98 @OGJBSLAYER @Eriot Lodger @qotav @maxmax901 @looksmidder @AverageEnjoyer @Esteban1997 @Myth @JovenCansao @poison @toolateforme @maheshdabwoi @hamo008 @xtremfailer @RedRiser @reborn @9Romance @chawaje @Seneca @zap @Flashback @Arborist @finnarope @cloUder @Moggable @AJVONDERPLANITZ @Zeruel @zerotohero @leontheleanmaxxer @thickdickdaddy27 @Loveland @Struggler03 @actual9cmjawslayer @Foreverbrad @Iasacrko @Batman @hhfub @LusterToLow @czwarty @HelpMePE @ShowerMaxxing @blackpillius @Broski @fuuuaaaakkk @lightskinbengali @AspiringMogger @tombradylover @Chinacurry @mizrahi_hater @Soumyadip @vanillaicecream @defezman @Goodman @angelo @Phillybeard1996 @Puschkin @Skywalker @APJ @Beastimmung @cmybk @jacksonwang @zura @ascension @Maesthetics=King @bigbongboo @idontwannabeamanlet @dlairals @ArdaxHG @solid7/10 @BoredPrince @DelonLover1999 @morgetmogged @Brus Wane @WhoAmIReally @try2beme @blackckatt @bug_eye_blackcel @alriodai @OneTwoThree @divine @your smile @IWantToMax @raul120 @marek937@Martyros @Allornothing @Looksmax25 @soulless_npc @Übermaxx @Enfant terrible @Bushman @Zoom759 @Jarate @jimbob97 @diabolusx666 @dutchboi @Alphacentauri5555 @OldRooster @gennaro @Donkeyballs @A.. @autisticretard @shieldzz @DasAuto @six feet tall @Incelistan @Timmy @Pit @QQ442244 @Lebgfinal @horizontallytall @B1B2 @eduardkoopman @bad rng unlucky @rateme932490 @nigtard @ProCoper @uberfuckchad @lifefuelshake @crybaby @AngryShane @gsizzle @fug @workingondying @Featherless Biped @tents @khasmax @cytoplasm @vonPsl @Brootal @DickLatinCel @0hMan @redCarpet @inferiorpispot234 @Wishful @ShineBright @SOLO292 @Sixfutwan @ true_cel @sub5inchcel @5'7 zoomer @Xangsane @UKCurry @SecularIslamist @JohnDoe @currylightskin @congoM @Ryan @justinzayn @SPFromNY914 @Lorsss @PrinceLuenLeoncur @ascendedd @HimmyButler @Unlimited @KingBetaTut @Manchild @PacinoCel @chinpilled69 @Sub0 @Htobrother @smvmaxxertilllate @sinn @KING REIDYZ
Shut UP coper
cuz hazamuzaza is known for grifting "good mindset" and "manliness"
I get the stoic thing you're trying to feed us, if it helps you cope then by all means go for it, it just won't work for everybody, some people cannot accept and ignore the shittiness of certain aspect of this shithole known as the milky way galaxy
I agree with him. However, someone with a rational mindset and healthy perspective shouldn't necessarily rely on watching his videos to grasp how the world operates.

It's a form of coping to attribute everything solely to genetics and avoid putting in any effort. Success never comes to those who simply sit around without trying.

I can confidently say that the majority of people on this forum hardly make any effort to improve their looks; they're here mainly to engage in shitposting to get through the day. Only to repeat the same cycle day after day. It's better to focus on being productive and making the most of your time.
  • +1
Reactions: Numb The Pain and AsGoodAsItGets
I agree with him.
then you're as deluded as he is except you don't get rich by being so deranged, congrats

I can confidently say that the majority of people on this forum hardly make any effort to improve their looks; they're here mainly to engage in shitposting to get through the day. Only to repeat the same cycle day after day.
I don't see any issues with this, most of people here are ugly sad niggas and socializing in the form of shitposting on a forum with likeminded autists helps their mental immensely
  • Hmm...
Reactions: emeraldglass
Dndr, also:
“being masculine is often seen as taboo“

No it’s not ffs. Enough of this dumb cope, tons of zoomer males are going to the gym and trying to become “sigma” (masculine) so the idea that masculinity is dying or dead is a cope at this point. Is it what it was 100 years ago? No but it’s a pipe dream that in modern society men will be as masculine as they were back then.
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  • JFL
Reactions: St.TikTokcel
High iq post. Good looking people that could totally pull, bitch that their gonial angle is millimeter from perfect instead.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 25938, emeraldglass, RAITEIII and 2 others
idc if he looksmaxxes more or less than the users here lmfao
Then whats the point of being here jfl

The rating of any community is based on its productivity and decision making. This is why the US rose to superpower status during the industrial revolution through intelligent decisioj making.

I just laugh at people who post here that they have a 160IQ score on Mensa but it hasnt improved their life or status (ie. result) in any way.

Same with people who have looksmaxed but they still cant get the validation theyre looking for.

Because they simply only solved for one variable in an advanced equation.

There is a lot of shit to learn and do and I might be wasting my time, so good luck to you and your ascension.
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
While it may appear to be a display of high IQ, it's actually just a careful examination of the truth. Many of the users on this forum have spent so much time immersed in this environment that they have lost touch with common sense. However, I'm pleased to see that you agree with me.
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass
First of all you need to move. Ive had way better results IRL in progressive cities. Ive lived in conservative muslim countrues and in EU.
I live near London (hard mode). On outskirts because I bought property that's cheaper lol.

If you're not into that you can arrange marriage based on your religion and family heritage.
Yeah I can do this. And tbh I would be a 'catch' for some villager girl but I'd rather not and I'd probably be more depressed.

I seriously have no other option other than OLD. Even then it's too hard because I'm an autist and non-NT, 5'7. It's over. Moneymaxxing is a scam on life's other pleasure. I have money saved up but all for what? Nothing to spend it on and with no one.
  • +1
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets
They believe that focusing solely on improving their facial beauty is sufficient, while neglecting other important aspects. In today's world, being masculine is often seen as taboo, and the individuals on this forum contribute to this notion by disregarding their responsibility to be a true man.

Their sole objective seems to be visually appealing, but they are mistaken if they think this is the only way to attract women. While beauty does matter, and being exceptionally handsome can make dating easier, it is not the sole weapon to win a woman's interest. It is essential to be versatile, like a Swiss army knife, and excel in various areas.

Let's face it, how many people on this forum will actually achieve a 6 PSL status? Hardly anyone.

To increase your chances and compensate for any beauty gaps, you need much more than just a mediocre face. Even if you are above average, it will not be enough. You are competing with individuals who possess facial attractiveness, intelligence, physical strength, and wealth. So, how will you surpass them? Certainly not with your face alone. Most of you may give up upon realizing this, but that only worsens the situation.

The real men among you, the ones who truly want it, will maximize every aspect of their lives and build an arsenal. Go to the gym, enhance your social skills to become more socially accepted (NT), strive to become smarter rather than isolating yourself in the basement, make friends, and establish beneficial connections. Pursue financial success instead of merely complaining about its difficulty. Take action and truly live. Do not be afraid to take risks or face failure, as it is part of life. Remember, people quickly forget slip-ups, so don't fear them. It may seem intimidating because you haven't done it before, but learn to be comfortable in your own skin. Embrace your masculinity and take pride in who you are.

This is undoubtedly the first step towards becoming a better man and climbing out of the depressing hole. All of you need to realign yourselves completely.

Imma tag all of you and if you start whinin about gettin tagged, you straight-up a little bitch. Because guess what? You all need to hear this, no doubt. So pay attention and soak it in.

@TRUE_CEL @Xangsane @enchanted_elixir @justinzayn @the BULL @Iasacrko @PrinceLuenLeoncur @StrangerDanger @AscendingHero @Prettyboy @Piratecel @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Biggdink @Reckless Turtle @David Rothschild @House Lannister @Clark69 @St.TikTokcel @Anstrum95 @justadude @Amnesia @Sigmamale @dimorphism @Alexanderr @currylightskin @Vermilioncore @Octillionaire @Kroker @pneumocystosis @Oberyn @SteveRogers @Skywalker @fogdart @Beastimmung @anoright @Ozell Israelite @Shitfacegoodbod=mog @Corleone @BasedPsychiatrist @Manchild @luljankybo @HerpDerpson @KING REIDYZ @THEMOGGER @ascension! @saulgoodman @Aypo129 @Van @gribsufer1 @Sprinkles @sub5inchcel @tristan18 @Ellipsis @5ft1 @Reiraku @Pretty @bugeye @aBetterMii @ROTTING @callisto @nitesik @St.TikTokcel @Cheesyrumble @brea @Qazqa @EarthDollar @Allandro @Lone Wolf @julianchicago @Jungcuck @xtremfailer @pardocel @marauder @Tabula Rasa @friedbutter6o @positivecoper @53heightmogger @exo313 @forevermirin @baldgeeza @KingKthe9 @User49 @imustascend @applesrgreat @sabwicf @chrollo @Maesthetics=King @slayer69 @lordgandy2000 @Clark69 @Beastimmung @Mumbai Savior @Hoso @inferiorpispot234 @Zer0/∞ @Clown Show @Manletmachine @Shadosh101 @mrriceguy @Dr. Bruh @FrameMaxxed @AspiringMogger @jflsnowdzz @cillianmurphycel @tombradylover @5'7 zoomer @potential chad @Shycel @kimtaehyung @Esteban1997 @TUSSELEIF @dutchboi @nitesik @brea @_MVP_ @Elliot lodger @Curry Suicide @Patient A @House Lannister @Tallooksmaxxer @Arborist @hormonetherapy @zv1212 @Jamesothy @cloUder @curlyheadjames @Chad1212 @LiteralCaucasian @Shako Mako @Umbra @Corleone @ascension! @BrahminBoss @Beastimmung @Exterminator @seth @5.5psl @Solar @L @loksr @nitesik @khvirgin @subhuman incel @defezman @JovenCansao @Amnesia @forevergymcelling @MoggerGaston @aBetterMii @Pikabro @Dr. Bruh @Dystopian @rand anon @;-; @Eduardo DOV @Tyronecell @Uglybrazilian @Cauã @MatheusCqb @Beetlejuice @Bvnny. @Iasacrko @szolliontaraelis @skinnytwink @gymmaxedhorse @fnafmaxxer @MagnusTheRed @skorp @theL @PYT @ihatereddit@Brazitard @Kevin Logan @Zures @casadebanho @whiteissuperior @latino_ @Ritalincel @Ellipsis @Tyrion! @Entschuldigung @RAITEIII @Unsh @gribsufer1 @spongebob @kumquat @KingBetaTut @SaintOverBuddyBoyo @pneumocystosis @enchanted_elixir @leveruis @Lev Peshkov @ArcticStorm @exo @MeKKa @Hoso @Vain786 @Biggdink @Ekil73_YT @Erudición @WanderingBurro @anoright @Jacob Hate @Phillybeard1996 @Ai Impact @Iteration @Marsik @nineteen @SubhumanCurrycel @holdin'on @hattrick @KING REIDYZ @SuperSpoonman @RetardSubhuman @Bojack @Shieda_Kayn @BigJimsWornOutTires @Manchild @Reckless Turtle @Suimaxxer @DaRealSixpence @anon56 @Reformed @BongMog @ascendedd @andy9432 @St.TikTokcel @User49 @CristianT @eduardkoopman @Dr. Bruh @FML0908 @Anchor_Ship @EasyMan875 @Akuma @brain_destruction @mecha72 @the BULL @DefinitelyNT @cloUder @JCaesar @Nad @marauder @vinn98 @OGJBSLAYER @Eriot Lodger @qotav @maxmax901 @looksmidder @AverageEnjoyer @Esteban1997 @Myth @JovenCansao @poison @toolateforme @maheshdabwoi @hamo008 @xtremfailer @RedRiser @reborn @9Romance @chawaje @Seneca @zap @Flashback @Arborist @finnarope @cloUder @Moggable @AJVONDERPLANITZ @Zeruel @zerotohero @leontheleanmaxxer @thickdickdaddy27 @Loveland @Struggler03 @actual9cmjawslayer @Foreverbrad @Iasacrko @Batman @hhfub @LusterToLow @czwarty @HelpMePE @ShowerMaxxing @blackpillius @Broski @fuuuaaaakkk @lightskinbengali @AspiringMogger @tombradylover @Chinacurry @mizrahi_hater @Soumyadip @vanillaicecream @defezman @Goodman @angelo @Phillybeard1996 @Puschkin @Skywalker @APJ @Beastimmung @cmybk @jacksonwang @zura @ascension @Maesthetics=King @bigbongboo @idontwannabeamanlet @dlairals @ArdaxHG @solid7/10 @BoredPrince @DelonLover1999 @morgetmogged @Brus Wane @WhoAmIReally @try2beme @blackckatt @bug_eye_blackcel @alriodai @OneTwoThree @divine @your smile @IWantToMax @raul120 @marek937@Martyros @Allornothing @Looksmax25 @soulless_npc @Übermaxx @Enfant terrible @Bushman @Zoom759 @Jarate @jimbob97 @diabolusx666 @dutchboi @Alphacentauri5555 @OldRooster @gennaro @Donkeyballs @A.. @autisticretard @shieldzz @DasAuto @six feet tall @Incelistan @Timmy @Pit @QQ442244 @Lebgfinal @horizontallytall @B1B2 @eduardkoopman @bad rng unlucky @rateme932490 @nigtard @ProCoper @uberfuckchad @lifefuelshake @crybaby @AngryShane @gsizzle @fug @workingondying @Featherless Biped @tents @khasmax @cytoplasm @vonPsl @Brootal @DickLatinCel @0hMan @redCarpet @inferiorpispot234 @Wishful @ShineBright @SOLO292 @Sixfutwan @ true_cel @sub5inchcel @5'7 zoomer @Xangsane @UKCurry @SecularIslamist @JohnDoe @currylightskin @congoM @Ryan @justinzayn @SPFromNY914 @Lorsss @PrinceLuenLeoncur @ascendedd @HimmyButler @Unlimited @KingBetaTut @Manchild @PacinoCel @chinpilled69 @Sub0 @Htobrother @smvmaxxertilllate @sinn @KING REIDYZ
everyone needs to read this thread
  • Love it
Reactions: emeraldglass
I live near London (hard mode). On outskirts because I bought property that's cheaper lol.

Yeah I can do this. And tbh I would be a 'catch' for some villager girl but I'd rather not and I'd probably be more depressed.

I seriously have no other option other than OLD. Even then it's too hard because I'm an autist and non-NT, 5'7. It's over. Moneymaxxing is a scam on life's other pleasure. I have money saved up but all for what? Nothing to spend it on and with no one.
London sounds hard afaik and heard from friends, but your best bet is to talk to people you know who are already slaying and ask for help irl.

Yes, ask for help. “Hey bro, I've been having a dry spell lately. What do you do on weekends?”

Maybe social circles, maybe parties, there are insane underground raves in London happening on an invite-only basis.

Maybe travel to the EU on vacation and hop hostels to meet people.

Do everything. Something must work simply by probability and once it does, you find your lane and hone in on it.

Looksmax only addresses OLD like you mentioned. Of course helpful irl too but that's where it shines.

The closer you are to action, the more chance of getting action.

There is no one I know whos tried everything but has failed. Everyone runs their own game based on amplifying their strengths and neutralizing or improving on their weaknesses.

Be open to new ways of thinking and being and living.

All mental states are an addiction in terms of neurochemical ratios.

Analyse and use resources in this comment:

I’ve always believed that my ideology is the only one that benefits me, at the time that it benefits me.

When I’m going out to clubs or cold approach in the streets, I game from classic straight line Mystery Method / RSD script coupled with the new age Hot Seat materials of free association and other concepts.

When Im interacting with other men and women I red pill. This is the reason I go to the gym and box everyday because I want to have an intimidating presence in situations where I need to protect my close ones.

When I’m home I looksmax and convey my improvements through a lens of cool and use that on digitals and OLD.

Most people tremble if their friends find out they’ve been doing skincare or been using lifts.

I have no issues because I can convey it through a lens of cool and social aptitude.

I know how to smoothly agree and amplify and change the subject.

And to your point I passed through multiple stages of embarrassment, failure, rejection, last minute resistance and heartbreak before I got to be smooth.

Because I started socializing late in my teens, I made up by being around NTs 24/7.

If one has never got to the point of third base and experienced last minute resistance just before sex, they just dont know what’s going on weekends at clubs and how many chads go home sexless while the purple piller runs game.

Of course a good looking person can get better reacts on OLD, but I bet that if he aspie he's 100% insecure about not being able to communicate and out manoeuvre social situations because status in social situations is not just based on looks alone.

Not to mention, at too end clubs you need a connect and money to get in.

My point is...

Why not embrace everything and improve every different known metric as much as humanly possible based on a logical risk-to-reward analysis?

I believed looks didn't matter for a long time while I was running game and it seemed so to me through my lens of reality. It was the frame if mind that I needed to improve my game and social skills.

I see better now, but I haven't forgotten what I've seen.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist and emeraldglass
Great post, but you could cut down on the mass-tagging.
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets, emeraldglass and Kevin Logan
Max your face, max your money, max your NT, max this, max that, while a bitch only has to exist, you need to become Leonardo da Vinci, only to be treated as a human being and have moderate dating options.

But yeah, I agree that one must max everything, it is a curse of being a man.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Oueyy, AsGoodAsItGets and emeraldglass
then you're as deluded as he is except you don't get rich by being so deranged, congrats
Congrats on having common sense? Thank you.
I don't see any issues with this, most of people here are ugly sad niggas and socializing in the form of shitposting on a forum with likeminded autists helps their mental immensely
I don't see any issue with communicating and socializing on this forum either. It's only when they're hypocritical about looks, claiming looks is everything, yet put in no effort, that I find it quite amusing and peculiar.
  • JFL
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets
They believe that focusing solely on improving their facial beauty is sufficient, while neglecting other important aspects. In today's world, being masculine is often seen as taboo, and the individuals on this forum contribute to this notion by disregarding their responsibility to be a true man.

Their sole objective seems to be visually appealing, but they are mistaken if they think this is the only way to attract women. While beauty does matter, and being exceptionally handsome can make dating easier, it is not the sole weapon to win a woman's interest. It is essential to be versatile, like a Swiss army knife, and excel in various areas.

Let's face it, how many people on this forum will actually achieve a 6 PSL status? Hardly anyone.

To increase your chances and compensate for any beauty gaps, you need much more than just a mediocre face. Even if you are above average, it will not be enough. You are competing with individuals who possess facial attractiveness, intelligence, physical strength, and wealth. So, how will you surpass them? Certainly not with your face alone. Most of you may give up upon realizing this, but that only worsens the situation.

The real men among you, the ones who truly want it, will maximize every aspect of their lives and build an arsenal. Go to the gym, enhance your social skills to become more socially accepted (NT), strive to become smarter rather than isolating yourself in the basement, make friends, and establish beneficial connections. Pursue financial success instead of merely complaining about its difficulty. Take action and truly live. Do not be afraid to take risks or face failure, as it is part of life. Remember, people quickly forget slip-ups, so don't fear them. It may seem intimidating because you haven't done it before, but learn to be comfortable in your own skin. Embrace your masculinity and take pride in who you are.

This is undoubtedly the first step towards becoming a better man and climbing out of the depressing hole. All of you need to realign yourselves completely.

Imma tag all of you and if you start whinin about gettin tagged, you straight-up a little bitch. Because guess what? You all need to hear this, no doubt. So pay attention and soak it in.

@TRUE_CEL @Xangsane @enchanted_elixir @justinzayn @the BULL @Iasacrko @PrinceLuenLeoncur @StrangerDanger @AscendingHero @Prettyboy @Piratecel @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Biggdink @Reckless Turtle @David Rothschild @House Lannister @Clark69 @St.TikTokcel @Anstrum95 @justadude @Amnesia @Sigmamale @dimorphism @Alexanderr @currylightskin @Vermilioncore @Octillionaire @Kroker @pneumocystosis @Oberyn @SteveRogers @Skywalker @fogdart @Beastimmung @anoright @Ozell Israelite @Shitfacegoodbod=mog @Corleone @BasedPsychiatrist @Manchild @luljankybo @HerpDerpson @KING REIDYZ @THEMOGGER @ascension! @saulgoodman @Aypo129 @Van @gribsufer1 @Sprinkles @sub5inchcel @tristan18 @Ellipsis @5ft1 @Reiraku @Pretty @bugeye @aBetterMii @ROTTING @callisto @nitesik @St.TikTokcel @Cheesyrumble @brea @Qazqa @EarthDollar @Allandro @Lone Wolf @julianchicago @Jungcuck @xtremfailer @pardocel @marauder @Tabula Rasa @friedbutter6o @positivecoper @53heightmogger @exo313 @forevermirin @baldgeeza @KingKthe9 @User49 @imustascend @applesrgreat @sabwicf @chrollo @Maesthetics=King @slayer69 @lordgandy2000 @Clark69 @Beastimmung @Mumbai Savior @Hoso @inferiorpispot234 @Zer0/∞ @Clown Show @Manletmachine @Shadosh101 @mrriceguy @Dr. Bruh @FrameMaxxed @AspiringMogger @jflsnowdzz @cillianmurphycel @tombradylover @5'7 zoomer @potential chad @Shycel @kimtaehyung @Esteban1997 @TUSSELEIF @dutchboi @nitesik @brea @_MVP_ @Elliot lodger @Curry Suicide @Patient A @House Lannister @Tallooksmaxxer @Arborist @hormonetherapy @zv1212 @Jamesothy @cloUder @curlyheadjames @Chad1212 @LiteralCaucasian @Shako Mako @Umbra @Corleone @ascension! @BrahminBoss @Beastimmung @Exterminator @seth @5.5psl @Solar @L @loksr @nitesik @khvirgin @subhuman incel @defezman @JovenCansao @Amnesia @forevergymcelling @MoggerGaston @aBetterMii @Pikabro @Dr. Bruh @Dystopian @rand anon @;-; @Eduardo DOV @Tyronecell @Uglybrazilian @Cauã @MatheusCqb @Beetlejuice @Bvnny. @Iasacrko @szolliontaraelis @skinnytwink @gymmaxedhorse @fnafmaxxer @MagnusTheRed @skorp @theL @PYT @ihatereddit@Brazitard @Kevin Logan @Zures @casadebanho @whiteissuperior @latino_ @Ritalincel @Ellipsis @Tyrion! @Entschuldigung @RAITEIII @Unsh @gribsufer1 @spongebob @kumquat @KingBetaTut @SaintOverBuddyBoyo @pneumocystosis @enchanted_elixir @leveruis @Lev Peshkov @ArcticStorm @exo @MeKKa @Hoso @Vain786 @Biggdink @Ekil73_YT @Erudición @WanderingBurro @anoright @Jacob Hate @Phillybeard1996 @Ai Impact @Iteration @Marsik @nineteen @SubhumanCurrycel @holdin'on @hattrick @KING REIDYZ @SuperSpoonman @RetardSubhuman @Bojack @Shieda_Kayn @BigJimsWornOutTires @Manchild @Reckless Turtle @Suimaxxer @DaRealSixpence @anon56 @Reformed @BongMog @ascendedd @andy9432 @St.TikTokcel @User49 @CristianT @eduardkoopman @Dr. Bruh @FML0908 @Anchor_Ship @EasyMan875 @Akuma @brain_destruction @mecha72 @the BULL @DefinitelyNT @cloUder @JCaesar @Nad @marauder @vinn98 @OGJBSLAYER @Eriot Lodger @qotav @maxmax901 @looksmidder @AverageEnjoyer @Esteban1997 @Myth @JovenCansao @poison @toolateforme @maheshdabwoi @hamo008 @xtremfailer @RedRiser @reborn @9Romance @chawaje @Seneca @zap @Flashback @Arborist @finnarope @cloUder @Moggable @AJVONDERPLANITZ @Zeruel @zerotohero @leontheleanmaxxer @thickdickdaddy27 @Loveland @Struggler03 @actual9cmjawslayer @Foreverbrad @Iasacrko @Batman @hhfub @LusterToLow @czwarty @HelpMePE @ShowerMaxxing @blackpillius @Broski @fuuuaaaakkk @lightskinbengali @AspiringMogger @tombradylover @Chinacurry @mizrahi_hater @Soumyadip @vanillaicecream @defezman @Goodman @angelo @Phillybeard1996 @Puschkin @Skywalker @APJ @Beastimmung @cmybk @jacksonwang @zura @ascension @Maesthetics=King @bigbongboo @idontwannabeamanlet @dlairals @ArdaxHG @solid7/10 @BoredPrince @DelonLover1999 @morgetmogged @Brus Wane @WhoAmIReally @try2beme @blackckatt @bug_eye_blackcel @alriodai @OneTwoThree @divine @your smile @IWantToMax @raul120 @marek937@Martyros @Allornothing @Looksmax25 @soulless_npc @Übermaxx @Enfant terrible @Bushman @Zoom759 @Jarate @jimbob97 @diabolusx666 @dutchboi @Alphacentauri5555 @OldRooster @gennaro @Donkeyballs @A.. @autisticretard @shieldzz @DasAuto @six feet tall @Incelistan @Timmy @Pit @QQ442244 @Lebgfinal @horizontallytall @B1B2 @eduardkoopman @bad rng unlucky @rateme932490 @nigtard @ProCoper @uberfuckchad @lifefuelshake @crybaby @AngryShane @gsizzle @fug @workingondying @Featherless Biped @tents @khasmax @cytoplasm @vonPsl @Brootal @DickLatinCel @0hMan @redCarpet @inferiorpispot234 @Wishful @ShineBright @SOLO292 @Sixfutwan @ true_cel @sub5inchcel @5'7 zoomer @Xangsane @UKCurry @SecularIslamist @JohnDoe @currylightskin @congoM @Ryan @justinzayn @SPFromNY914 @Lorsss @PrinceLuenLeoncur @ascendedd @HimmyButler @Unlimited @KingBetaTut @Manchild @PacinoCel @chinpilled69 @Sub0 @Htobrother @smvmaxxertilllate @sinn @KING REIDYZ
I skimmed but it’s obvious that you’re average looking or even lower. Anyone who has ever been above average looking knows how PISS EASY life becomes.

This idea of competition and muhh you gotta muhh be perfect bro you gotta do everything bro INVEST IN CRYPTO NOW is an incel doomer fantasy. In the real world when you’re any amount above average you’re never gonna struggle with women and that just is what it is. Disagreeing with me should tell you that you’re overrating yourself lil bros
I skimmed but it’s obvious that you’re average looking or even lower. Anyone who has ever been above average looking knows how PISS EASY life becomes.

This idea of competition and muhh you gotta muhh be perfect bro you gotta do everything bro INVEST IN CRYPTO NOW is an incel doomer fantasy. In the real world when you’re any amount above average you’re never gonna struggle with women and that just is what it is. Disagreeing with me should tell you that you’re overrating yourself lil bros
I'm in the HTN category, bro. Life might become somewhat easier compared to MTN, but the difference is not as significant as some people exaggerate. This post was meant to demonstrate that attracting women requires more than just good looks; you need everything in your arsenal.

When it comes to crypto, that stuff worked for me. However, it may not work for you if you're too lazy to learn how to trade in it. The information available online won't be the key to making money in this case. You have to delve into the subject yourself and conduct thorough research to understand all the details.
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London sounds hard afaik and heard from friends, but your best bet is to talk to people you know who are already slaying and ask for help irl.

Yes, ask for help. “Hey bro, I've been having a dry spell lately. What do you do on weekends?”
Lol I wouldn't ask this to anyone I know. Not even my colleagues who are all in relationships. I'm 28 not 18.

All my friends who live hundreds of miles away (because I relocated) are incels/religious volcels in same position as me or waiting to get arrangemarriagemaxxed.

Maybe social circles, maybe parties, there are insane underground raves in London happening on an invite-only basis.
This isn't my scene.
Maybe travel to the EU on vacation and hop hostels to meet people.

Do everything. Something must work simply by probability and once it does, you find your lane and hone in on it.
Not a bad idea this one tbh... Only problem is I'm high inhib with new people.
Looksmax only addresses OLD like you mentioned. Of course helpful irl too but that's where it shines.

The closer you are to action, the more chance of getting action.

There is no one I know whos tried everything but has failed. Everyone runs their own game based on amplifying their strengths and neutralizing or improving on their weaknesses.

Be open to new ways of thinking and being and living.

All mental states are an addiction in terms of neurochemical ratios.

Analyse and use resources in this comment:
I appreciate the tips but I felt any opportunity I had was gone the moment I left university. I'll never blame Islam or my conservate attitude, but I'm clearly in the wrong society.

I tried OLD for first time ever back in December and used curry app Muzzmatch. I thought I'd do well because it's curry, and height of average girl is like 5'2. But I legit only get femcels who have other failos like unemployed. I know I'm doing quite well because people have told me my like: profile visit ratio is good, but in all seriousness if that's the best then I'm fucked. Even chadlite like @Xangsane couldn't get anyone worth fucking there.

If this is the best I can do - given I'm careermaxxed, propertymaxxed, moneymaxxed and people have told me I look good 'by curry standards' then it's totally over for most Muslim guys my position including a lot of my NEET volcel friends.
  • +1
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I'm in the HTN category, bro. Life might become somewhat easier compared to MTN, but the difference is not as significant as some people exaggerate. This post was meant to demonstrate that attracting women requires more than just good looks; you need everything in your arsenal.

When it comes to crypto, that stuff worked for me. However, it may not work for you if you're too lazy to learn how to trade in it. The information available online won't be the key to making money in this case. You have to delve into the subject yourself and conduct thorough research to understand all the details.
Would you rather be MTN, above average earnings, NTmaxxed and you have every other life halo.

Or be chadlite, wageslaving in a factory, semi-NT and just generally below average in other things?
  • +1
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Lol I wouldn't ask this to anyone I know. Not even my colleagues who are all in relationships. I'm 28 not 18.

All my friends who live hundreds of miles away (because I relocated) are incels/religious volcels in same position as me or waiting to get arrangemarriagemaxxed.

This isn't my scene.

Not a bad idea this one tbh... Only problem is I'm high inhib with new people.

I appreciate the tips but I felt any opportunity I had was gone the moment I left university. I'll never blame Islam or my conservate attitude, but I'm clearly in the wrong society.

I tried OLD for first time ever back in December and used curry app Muzzmatch. I thought I'd do well because it's curry, and height of average girl is like 5'2. But I legit only get femcels who have other failos like unemployed. I know I'm doing quite well because people have told me my like: profile visit ratio is good, but in all seriousness if that's the best then I'm fucked. Even chadlite like @Xangsane couldn't get anyone worth fucking there.

If this is the best I can do - given I'm careermaxxed, propertymaxxed, moneymaxxed and people have told me I look good 'by curry standards' then it's totally over for most Muslim guys my position including a lot of my NEET volcel friends.
If you got the funds, I would definitely consider leaving England, not permanently, but purchasing a house in Europe or another location and spending a few months there each year.
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Would you rather be MTN, above average earnings, NTmaxxed and you have every other life halo.

Or be chadlite, wageslaving in a factory, semi-NT and just generally below average in other things?
Ofcourse i would choose MTN. What good are my looks if I don't have the time or communication skills to use them?
  • +1
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Ofcourse i would choose MTN. What good are my looks if I don't have the time or communication skills to use them?
That's a fair point. I think I would too ngl.
But I still don't think MTN can get a HTB girl though - if lucky, he will betabuxx a roastie. He will probably get his looksmatch - the way it should be tbh. Still won't get it on OLD.

Chadlite can get HTB either IRL or OLD, although most of his life would be shit aside from having a hot gf (whose looks don't last long).

Broader point I guess there is more to life than looks... :bluepill:
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It's not water, but it is
Last edited:
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They believe that focusing solely on improving their facial beauty is sufficient, while neglecting other important aspects. In today's world, being masculine is often seen as taboo, and the individuals on this forum contribute to this notion by disregarding their responsibility to be a true man.

Their sole objective seems to be visually appealing, but they are mistaken if they think this is the only way to attract women. While beauty does matter, and being exceptionally handsome can make dating easier, it is not the sole weapon to win a woman's interest. It is essential to be versatile, like a Swiss army knife, and excel in various areas.

Let's face it, how many people on this forum will actually achieve a 6 PSL status? Hardly anyone.

To increase your chances and compensate for any beauty gaps, you need much more than just a mediocre face. Even if you are above average, it will not be enough. You are competing with individuals who possess facial attractiveness, intelligence, physical strength, and wealth. So, how will you surpass them? Certainly not with your face alone. Most of you may give up upon realizing this, but that only worsens the situation.

The real men among you, the ones who truly want it, will maximize every aspect of their lives and build an arsenal. Go to the gym, enhance your social skills to become more socially accepted (NT), strive to become smarter rather than isolating yourself in the basement, make friends, and establish beneficial connections. Pursue financial success instead of merely complaining about its difficulty. Take action and truly live. Do not be afraid to take risks or face failure, as it is part of life. Remember, people quickly forget slip-ups, so don't fear them. It may seem intimidating because you haven't done it before, but learn to be comfortable in your own skin. Embrace your masculinity and take pride in who you are.

This is undoubtedly the first step towards becoming a better man and climbing out of the depressing hole. All of you need to realign yourselves completely.

Imma tag all of you and if you start whinin about gettin tagged, you straight-up a little bitch. Because guess what? You all need to hear this, no doubt. So pay attention and soak it in.

@TRUE_CEL @Xangsane @enchanted_elixir @justinzayn @the BULL @Iasacrko @PrinceLuenLeoncur @StrangerDanger @AscendingHero @Prettyboy @Piratecel @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Biggdink @Reckless Turtle @David Rothschild @House Lannister @Clark69 @St.TikTokcel @Anstrum95 @justadude @Amnesia @Sigmamale @dimorphism @Alexanderr @currylightskin @Vermilioncore @Octillionaire @Kroker @pneumocystosis @Oberyn @SteveRogers @Skywalker @fogdart @Beastimmung @anoright @Ozell Israelite @Shitfacegoodbod=mog @Corleone @BasedPsychiatrist @Manchild @luljankybo @HerpDerpson @KING REIDYZ @THEMOGGER @ascension! @saulgoodman @Aypo129 @Van @gribsufer1 @Sprinkles @sub5inchcel @tristan18 @Ellipsis @5ft1 @Reiraku @Pretty @bugeye @aBetterMii @ROTTING @callisto @nitesik @St.TikTokcel @Cheesyrumble @brea @Qazqa @EarthDollar @Allandro @Lone Wolf @julianchicago @Jungcuck @xtremfailer @pardocel @marauder @Tabula Rasa @friedbutter6o @positivecoper @53heightmogger @exo313 @forevermirin @baldgeeza @KingKthe9 @User49 @imustascend @applesrgreat @sabwicf @chrollo @Maesthetics=King @slayer69 @lordgandy2000 @Clark69 @Beastimmung @Mumbai Savior @Hoso @inferiorpispot234 @Zer0/∞ @Clown Show @Manletmachine @Shadosh101 @mrriceguy @Dr. Bruh @FrameMaxxed @AspiringMogger @jflsnowdzz @cillianmurphycel @tombradylover @5'7 zoomer @potential chad @Shycel @kimtaehyung @Esteban1997 @TUSSELEIF @dutchboi @nitesik @brea @_MVP_ @Elliot lodger @Curry Suicide @Patient A @House Lannister @Tallooksmaxxer @Arborist @hormonetherapy @zv1212 @Jamesothy @cloUder @curlyheadjames @Chad1212 @LiteralCaucasian @Shako Mako @Umbra @Corleone @ascension! @BrahminBoss @Beastimmung @Exterminator @seth @5.5psl @Solar @L @loksr @nitesik @khvirgin @subhuman incel @defezman @JovenCansao @Amnesia @forevergymcelling @MoggerGaston @aBetterMii @Pikabro @Dr. Bruh @Dystopian @rand anon @;-; @Eduardo DOV @Tyronecell @Uglybrazilian @Cauã @MatheusCqb @Beetlejuice @Bvnny. @Iasacrko @szolliontaraelis @skinnytwink @gymmaxedhorse @fnafmaxxer @MagnusTheRed @skorp @theL @PYT @ihatereddit@Brazitard @Kevin Logan @Zures @casadebanho @whiteissuperior @latino_ @Ritalincel @Ellipsis @Tyrion! @Entschuldigung @RAITEIII @Unsh @gribsufer1 @spongebob @kumquat @KingBetaTut @SaintOverBuddyBoyo @pneumocystosis @enchanted_elixir @leveruis @Lev Peshkov @ArcticStorm @exo @MeKKa @Hoso @Vain786 @Biggdink @Ekil73_YT @Erudición @WanderingBurro @anoright @Jacob Hate @Phillybeard1996 @Ai Impact @Iteration @Marsik @nineteen @SubhumanCurrycel @holdin'on @hattrick @KING REIDYZ @SuperSpoonman @RetardSubhuman @Bojack @Shieda_Kayn @BigJimsWornOutTires @Manchild @Reckless Turtle @Suimaxxer @DaRealSixpence @anon56 @Reformed @BongMog @ascendedd @andy9432 @St.TikTokcel @User49 @CristianT @eduardkoopman @Dr. Bruh @FML0908 @Anchor_Ship @EasyMan875 @Akuma @brain_destruction @mecha72 @the BULL @DefinitelyNT @cloUder @JCaesar @Nad @marauder @vinn98 @OGJBSLAYER @Eriot Lodger @qotav @maxmax901 @looksmidder @AverageEnjoyer @Esteban1997 @Myth @JovenCansao @poison @toolateforme @maheshdabwoi @hamo008 @xtremfailer @RedRiser @reborn @9Romance @chawaje @Seneca @zap @Flashback @Arborist @finnarope @cloUder @Moggable @AJVONDERPLANITZ @Zeruel @zerotohero @leontheleanmaxxer @thickdickdaddy27 @Loveland @Struggler03 @actual9cmjawslayer @Foreverbrad @Iasacrko @Batman @hhfub @LusterToLow @czwarty @HelpMePE @ShowerMaxxing @blackpillius @Broski @fuuuaaaakkk @lightskinbengali @AspiringMogger @tombradylover @Chinacurry @mizrahi_hater @Soumyadip @vanillaicecream @defezman @Goodman @angelo @Phillybeard1996 @Puschkin @Skywalker @APJ @Beastimmung @cmybk @jacksonwang @zura @ascension @Maesthetics=King @bigbongboo @idontwannabeamanlet @dlairals @ArdaxHG @solid7/10 @BoredPrince @DelonLover1999 @morgetmogged @Brus Wane @WhoAmIReally @try2beme @blackckatt @bug_eye_blackcel @alriodai @OneTwoThree @divine @your smile @IWantToMax @raul120 @marek937@Martyros @Allornothing @Looksmax25 @soulless_npc @Übermaxx @Enfant terrible @Bushman @Zoom759 @Jarate @jimbob97 @diabolusx666 @dutchboi @Alphacentauri5555 @OldRooster @gennaro @Donkeyballs @A.. @autisticretard @shieldzz @DasAuto @six feet tall @Incelistan @Timmy @Pit @QQ442244 @Lebgfinal @horizontallytall @B1B2 @eduardkoopman @bad rng unlucky @rateme932490 @nigtard @ProCoper @uberfuckchad @lifefuelshake @crybaby @AngryShane @gsizzle @fug @workingondying @Featherless Biped @tents @khasmax @cytoplasm @vonPsl @Brootal @DickLatinCel @0hMan @redCarpet @inferiorpispot234 @Wishful @ShineBright @SOLO292 @Sixfutwan @ true_cel @sub5inchcel @5'7 zoomer @Xangsane @UKCurry @SecularIslamist @JohnDoe @currylightskin @congoM @Ryan @justinzayn @SPFromNY914 @Lorsss @PrinceLuenLeoncur @ascendedd @HimmyButler @Unlimited @KingBetaTut @Manchild @PacinoCel @chinpilled69 @Sub0 @Htobrother @smvmaxxertilllate @sinn @KING REIDYZ
Beyond water
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Water, obviously other stuff matters. This is a looksmaxxing site though so of course that's the main focus of discussion.

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