There seems to be a significant misunderstanding among people here.

They believe that focusing solely on improving their facial beauty is sufficient, while neglecting other important aspects. In today's world, being masculine is often seen as taboo, and the individuals on this forum contribute to this notion by disregarding their responsibility to be a true man.

Their sole objective seems to be visually appealing, but they are mistaken if they think this is the only way to attract women. While beauty does matter, and being exceptionally handsome can make dating easier, it is not the sole weapon to win a woman's interest. It is essential to be versatile, like a Swiss army knife, and excel in various areas.

Let's face it, how many people on this forum will actually achieve a 6 PSL status? Hardly anyone.

To increase your chances and compensate for any beauty gaps, you need much more than just a mediocre face. Even if you are above average, it will not be enough. You are competing with individuals who possess facial attractiveness, intelligence, physical strength, and wealth. So, how will you surpass them? Certainly not with your face alone. Most of you may give up upon realizing this, but that only worsens the situation.

The real men among you, the ones who truly want it, will maximize every aspect of their lives and build an arsenal. Go to the gym, enhance your social skills to become more socially accepted (NT), strive to become smarter rather than isolating yourself in the basement, make friends, and establish beneficial connections. Pursue financial success instead of merely complaining about its difficulty. Take action and truly live. Do not be afraid to take risks or face failure, as it is part of life. Remember, people quickly forget slip-ups, so don't fear them. It may seem intimidating because you haven't done it before, but learn to be comfortable in your own skin. Embrace your masculinity and take pride in who you are.

This is undoubtedly the first step towards becoming a better man and climbing out of the depressing hole. All of you need to realign yourselves completely.

Imma tag all of you and if you start whinin about gettin tagged, you straight-up a little bitch. Because guess what? You all need to hear this, no doubt. So pay attention and soak it in.
Did you tag me randomly or was it based on something I may have posted here before?

Kinda agree with your post to a certain extent with regards to finance maxxing & "swissarmyknifemaxxing" but looks unfortunately are
the sole weapon to win a woman's interest

How could you say it's not?

It's more than evident by now that all women care about are looks.

Wealth, personality and any other factors are very important no doubt but they all come in second place to your physical appearance.

Think about all the Asian foids in the west dating JBWcels when their looksmatch is statistically richer.
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nigga tagged EVERY forum member but me :feelsree:
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  • JFL
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Lol I wouldn't ask this to anyone I know. Not even my colleagues who are all in relationships. I'm 28 not 18.

All my friends who live hundreds of miles away (because I relocated) are incels/religious volcels in same position as me or waiting to get arrangemarriagemaxxed.

This isn't my scene.

Not a bad idea this one tbh... Only problem is I'm high inhib with new people.

I appreciate the tips but I felt any opportunity I had was gone the moment I left university. I'll never blame Islam or my conservate attitude, but I'm clearly in the wrong society.

I tried OLD for first time ever back in December and used curry app Muzzmatch. I thought I'd do well because it's curry, and height of average girl is like 5'2. But I legit only get femcels who have other failos like unemployed. I know I'm doing quite well because people have told me my like: profile visit ratio is good, but in all seriousness if that's the best then I'm fucked. Even chadlite like @Xangsane couldn't get anyone worth fucking there.

If this is the best I can do - given I'm careermaxxed, propertymaxxed, moneymaxxed and people have told me I look good 'by curry standards' then it's totally over for most Muslim guys my position including a lot of my NEET vocal friends.

Well, you know what to do then...

I've always had a self-belief that I can do anything if I wanted it enough and put my mind to it...

If you're high inhib but find hostel hopping to be the best possible idea, you're going to have to open your mind to concepts in pick up for STR / ONS and red pill for LTR...

Use the resources in my comment. It has worked for me and I'm not suggesting anything I haven't tried.

And to your MTN vs. Factory chadlite question, you have to understand that anyone's life is not exactly fixed.

I always say you get your “fate” written when you're born with your genetics and epigenetics. That is you as a leaf in the wind, slave to circumstance. But your actions and willpower decide if you reach your “destiny”, the highest possible actualization of your potential.

That begins with not saying “it's over” to yourself, about yourself, or about your community, not even as a joke.

They have a saying in the SEALs, “Never give fear a voice”. They know a thing or two about winning in dire situations.

If you work hard, hear both sides of the argument, learn from the people you love and hate, (ironically) respect people, and are prepared for opportunities, you will have a good life worth remembering.

Forget the lone wolf mogging everyone meme, we work best in teams of individually competent individuals. Models work with photographers and art directors.

The team makes the man. That's how we created cities and celebrated cultures. That's also why many cultures are reviled - because the groups in them have spoilt their collective name through their actions.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you're 28, I (31) could probably get you laid if I winged you on a night out and you mimicked how I operated in social situations from handling rejection with “Nice to meet you then” to moving from open to close through smooth articulation and practiced nonchalance.

Have you never been laid?

Lastly, I recommend you do not defend any ideology that doesn't benefit or defend you.
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It is easier to change looks than personality, there is no surgery to fix abused dog mentality
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nigga tagged EVERY forum member but me :feelsree:
Did I not tag you? I thought you were tagged man. My fault bro, I will add you to the list next time.
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Maaaaaaan i aint readin all dat shi
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  • JFL
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top 5 anime betrayals 😠
Sad Squad GIF by Buick
  • So Sad
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@Blackgymmax poor?
One of the most important posts on here. I swear these retards think that becoming better looking will make up the fact that they are still autistic as fuck and can not hold a conversation. Not only that our days are long as fuck no one here is using up all their day improving their looks theres time to improve a little bit at everything everyday. Doesn't even matter though niggas gonna read your thread and just lean back in their chair and jerk off and cope instead of changing anything.


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One of the most important posts on here. I swear these retards think that becoming better looking will make up the fact that they are still autistic as fuck and can not hold a conversation. Not only that our days are long as fuck no one here is using up all their day improving their looks theres time to improve a little bit at everything everyday. Doesn't even matter though niggas gonna read your thread and just lean back in their chair and jerk off and cope instead of changing anything.
I convey the message, and they are free to do as they please with it. I cannot compel them to take any specific action.
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  • JFL
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They believe that focusing solely on improving their facial beauty is sufficient, while neglecting other important aspects. In today's world, being masculine is often seen as taboo, and the individuals on this forum contribute to this notion by disregarding their responsibility to be a true man.

Their sole objective seems to be visually appealing, but they are mistaken if they think this is the only way to attract women. While beauty does matter, and being exceptionally handsome can make dating easier, it is not the sole weapon to win a woman's interest. It is essential to be versatile, like a Swiss army knife, and excel in various areas.

Let's face it, how many people on this forum will actually achieve a 6 PSL status? Hardly anyone.

To increase your chances and compensate for any beauty gaps, you need much more than just a mediocre face. Even if you are above average, it will not be enough. You are competing with individuals who possess facial attractiveness, intelligence, physical strength, and wealth. So, how will you surpass them? Certainly not with your face alone. Most of you may give up upon realizing this, but that only worsens the situation.

The real men among you, the ones who truly want it, will maximize every aspect of their lives and build an arsenal. Go to the gym, enhance your social skills to become more socially accepted (NT), strive to become smarter rather than isolating yourself in the basement, make friends, and establish beneficial connections. Pursue financial success instead of merely complaining about its difficulty. Take action and truly live. Do not be afraid to take risks or face failure, as it is part of life. Remember, people quickly forget slip-ups, so don't fear them. It may seem intimidating because you haven't done it before, but learn to be comfortable in your own skin. Embrace your masculinity and take pride in who you are.

This is undoubtedly the first step towards becoming a better man and climbing out of the depressing hole. All of you need to realign yourselves completely.

Imma tag all of you and if you start whinin about gettin tagged, you straight-up a little bitch. Because guess what? You all need to hear this, no doubt. So pay attention and soak it in.

@TRUE_CEL @Xangsane @enchanted_elixir @justinzayn @the BULL @Iasacrko @PrinceLuenLeoncur @StrangerDanger @AscendingHero @Prettyboy @Piratecel @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @Biggdink @Reckless Turtle @David Rothschild @House Lannister @Clark69 @St.TikTokcel @Anstrum95 @justadude @Amnesia @Sigmamale @dimorphism @Alexanderr @currylightskin @Vermilioncore @Octillionaire @Kroker @pneumocystosis @Oberyn @SteveRogers @Skywalker @fogdart @Beastimmung @anoright @Ozell Israelite @Shitfacegoodbod=mog @Corleone @BasedPsychiatrist @Manchild @luljankybo @HerpDerpson @KING REIDYZ @THEMOGGER @ascension! @saulgoodman @Aypo129 @Van @gribsufer1 @Sprinkles @sub5inchcel @tristan18 @Ellipsis @5ft1 @Reiraku @Pretty @bugeye @aBetterMii @ROTTING @callisto @nitesik @St.TikTokcel @Cheesyrumble @brea @Qazqa @EarthDollar @Allandro @Lone Wolf @julianchicago @Jungcuck @xtremfailer @pardocel @marauder @Tabula Rasa @friedbutter6o @positivecoper @53heightmogger @exo313 @forevermirin @baldgeeza @KingKthe9 @User49 @imustascend @applesrgreat @sabwicf @chrollo @Maesthetics=King @slayer69 @lordgandy2000 @Clark69 @Beastimmung @Mumbai Savior @Hoso @inferiorpispot234 @Zer0/∞ @Clown Show @Manletmachine @Shadosh101 @mrriceguy @Dr. Bruh @FrameMaxxed @AspiringMogger @jflsnowdzz @cillianmurphycel @tombradylover @5'7 zoomer @potential chad @Shycel @kimtaehyung @Esteban1997 @TUSSELEIF @dutchboi @nitesik @brea @_MVP_ @Elliot lodger @Curry Suicide @Patient A @House Lannister @Tallooksmaxxer @Arborist @hormonetherapy @zv1212 @Jamesothy @cloUder @curlyheadjames @Chad1212 @LiteralCaucasian @Shako Mako @Umbra @Corleone @ascension! @BrahminBoss @Beastimmung @Exterminator @seth @5.5psl @Solar @L @loksr @nitesik @khvirgin @subhuman incel @defezman @JovenCansao @Amnesia @forevergymcelling @MoggerGaston @aBetterMii @Pikabro @Dr. Bruh @Dystopian @rand anon @;-; @Eduardo DOV @Tyronecell @Uglybrazilian @Cauã @MatheusCqb @Beetlejuice @Bvnny. @Iasacrko @szolliontaraelis @skinnytwink @gymmaxedhorse @fnafmaxxer @MagnusTheRed @skorp @theL @PYT @ihatereddit@Brazitard @Kevin Logan @Zures @casadebanho @whiteissuperior @latino_ @Ritalincel @Ellipsis @Tyrion! @Entschuldigung @RAITEIII @Unsh @gribsufer1 @spongebob @kumquat @KingBetaTut @SaintOverBuddyBoyo @pneumocystosis @enchanted_elixir @leveruis @Lev Peshkov @ArcticStorm @exo @MeKKa @Hoso @Vain786 @Biggdink @Ekil73_YT @Erudición @WanderingBurro @anoright @Jacob Hate @Phillybeard1996 @Ai Impact @Iteration @Marsik @nineteen @SubhumanCurrycel @holdin'on @hattrick @KING REIDYZ @SuperSpoonman @RetardSubhuman @Bojack @Shieda_Kayn @BigJimsWornOutTires @Manchild @Reckless Turtle @Suimaxxer @DaRealSixpence @anon56 @Reformed @BongMog @ascendedd @andy9432 @St.TikTokcel @User49 @CristianT @eduardkoopman @Dr. Bruh @FML0908 @Anchor_Ship @EasyMan875 @Akuma @brain_destruction @mecha72 @the BULL @DefinitelyNT @cloUder @JCaesar @Nad @marauder @vinn98 @OGJBSLAYER @Eriot Lodger @qotav @maxmax901 @looksmidder @AverageEnjoyer @Esteban1997 @Myth @JovenCansao @poison @toolateforme @maheshdabwoi @hamo008 @xtremfailer @RedRiser @reborn @9Romance @chawaje @Seneca @zap @Flashback @Arborist @finnarope @cloUder @Moggable @AJVONDERPLANITZ @Zeruel @zerotohero @leontheleanmaxxer @thickdickdaddy27 @Loveland @Struggler03 @actual9cmjawslayer @Foreverbrad @Iasacrko @Batman @hhfub @LusterToLow @czwarty @HelpMePE @ShowerMaxxing @blackpillius @Broski @fuuuaaaakkk @lightskinbengali @AspiringMogger @tombradylover @Chinacurry @mizrahi_hater @Soumyadip @vanillaicecream @defezman @Goodman @angelo @Phillybeard1996 @Puschkin @Skywalker @APJ @Beastimmung @cmybk @jacksonwang @zura @ascension @Maesthetics=King @bigbongboo @idontwannabeamanlet @dlairals @ArdaxHG @solid7/10 @BoredPrince @DelonLover1999 @morgetmogged @Brus Wane @WhoAmIReally @try2beme @blackckatt @bug_eye_blackcel @alriodai @OneTwoThree @divine @your smile @IWantToMax @raul120 @marek937@Martyros @Allornothing @Looksmax25 @soulless_npc @Übermaxx @Enfant terrible @Bushman @Zoom759 @Jarate @jimbob97 @diabolusx666 @dutchboi @Alphacentauri5555 @OldRooster @gennaro @Donkeyballs @A.. @autisticretard @shieldzz @DasAuto @six feet tall @Incelistan @Timmy @Pit @QQ442244 @Lebgfinal @horizontallytall @B1B2 @eduardkoopman @bad rng unlucky @rateme932490 @nigtard @ProCoper @uberfuckchad @lifefuelshake @crybaby @AngryShane @gsizzle @fug @workingondying @Featherless Biped @tents @khasmax @cytoplasm @vonPsl @Brootal @DickLatinCel @0hMan @redCarpet @inferiorpispot234 @Wishful @ShineBright @SOLO292 @Sixfutwan @ true_cel @sub5inchcel @5'7 zoomer @Xangsane @UKCurry @SecularIslamist @JohnDoe @currylightskin @congoM @Ryan @justinzayn @SPFromNY914 @Lorsss @PrinceLuenLeoncur @ascendedd @HimmyButler @Unlimited @KingBetaTut @Manchild @PacinoCel @chinpilled69 @Sub0 @Htobrother @smvmaxxertilllate @sinn @KING REIDYZ
actual rare advice here, lifemaxxing is where its at if you don't have huge failos
  • +1
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Nobody gives a fuck about all this

Users here just check your flaws looksmax and leave this forum don't think about the rest, looks matter the most
Hows it been going for you since you were one of the first I spoke to?

What's your journey been like, might I ask?
Hows it been going for you since you were one of the first I spoke to?

What's your journey been like, might I ask?
Be more specific, journey on looksmaxxing, life? everything in general?

why not?
i guess i matured alot more mentally which is logical since i'm still a teen and making my own real personnality/Ideas about the world etc

i realized all my flaws and realized most of them are softmaxx fixable, i don't care about silly psl details, only about what women want

i bought RAD140 MK677 LGD4033 and will gym + bulk, gym is the only true softmaxx that work if you're not deformed
  • Hmm...
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i guess i matured alot more mentally which is logical since i'm still a teen and making my own real personnality/Ideas about the world etc
It is frustrating I'll admit since being here the more I realise I'm surrounded by virgin teen know it alls (no offense).
i realized all my flaws and realized most of them are softmaxx fixable, i don't care about silly psl details, only about what women want
How did you realize that, from irl or tiktok lol?
i bought RAD140 MK677 LGD4033 and will gym + bulk, gym is the only true softmaxx that work if you're not deformed
Looxmaxxing? Seems like it if from that side although the US is seemingly more of the prettyboy/ oofy-doofy agenda. Not trying to discredit gym and your efforts but I would have used the socialise more with people in real life as up there with one of the top tier softmaxxes tbh.

Not sure what I think about roiding.

thx for sharing, best of luck to you
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  • +1
Reactions: alriodai
It is frustrating I'll admit since being here the more I realise I'm surrounded by virgin teen know it alls (no offense).

How did you realize that, from irl or tiktok lol?

Looxmaxxing? Seems like it if from that side although the US is seemingly more of the prettyboy/ oofy-doofy agenda. Not trying to discredit gym and your efforts but I would have used the socialise more with people in real life as up there with one of the top tier softmaxxes tbh.

Not sure what I think about roiding.

thx for sharing, best of luck to you
Sounds like you're generalizing everyone based on a few ideas you made in your head lol, teenagers have more chance of fucking nowadays since most teenage girls are legit whores, I realized my flaws from looking at the mirror and using common sense most likely

Who told you I haven't socialized? I'm super NT and I have no problem with girls or making friends, I have problem with my self confidence in term of looks
Sounds like you're generalizing everyone based on a few ideas you made in your head lol, teenagers have more chance of fucking nowadays since most teenage girls are legit whores,
Then why is inceldom on the rise?
I realized my flaws from looking at the mirror and using common sense most likely
Sure. Okay.
Who told you I haven't socialized? I'm super NT and I have no problem with girls or making friends, I have problem with my self confidence in term of looks
I'm at a place of conflicted thinking where instead of needing a million different supplements and gains. The thing that might matter more now is needing a brain transplant but you do you. If you have results from going the same way as @androgenic has then and helps confidence (which no doubt gymcelling can) I'll be 'mirin but I've never even seen a shot of yourself and when users can't do that, it speaks volumes in relation to how it plays in real life.

That's my theory.
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Then why is inceldom on the rise?

Sure. Okay.

I'm at a place of conflicted thinking where instead of needing a million different supplements and gains. The thing that might matter more now is needing a brain transplant but you do you. If you have results from going the same way as @androgenic has then and helps confidence (which no doubt gymcelling can) I'll be 'mirin but I've never even seen a shot of yourself and when users can't do that, it speaks volumes in relation to how it plays in real life.

That's my theory.

Oofy Doofy theory? You realize Oofy Doofy is blackpill 101 too?
The guys might not be chad but some women can be attracted to their looks due to some niche, you don't have to be "chad" to be attractive to women, sometimes just being tall, or having good eyebrows or just a good trait, or sometimes even being ugly to some women is attractive (this isn't even cope jfl, some women like their men ugly which is weird)

Why would you wanna see a pic of me? I don't make threads about how I slay and shit like this, some people on this forum have already seen my face, the ones I trust, I shared confidential information about my religion that might get me killed if I get doxxed

Loox before roiding had no girls no social experience more likely was getting bullied and shit, roiding literally changed his life

I already had girlfriends, fucked one girl before and have good friends and an ok social life. Being a skinny fuck ruins my confidence tho, I want to looksmax for myself

Just because you looksmax for girls don't mean everybody looksmax as the same reason as you, the less you generalize people in a same bag, the more it's better for you
You need to radiate masculine energy and take control of situations
Oofy Doofy theory? You realize Oofy Doofy is blackpill 101 too?
Not too familiar with it yet.
The guys might not be chad but some women can be attracted to their looks due to some niche, you don't have to be "chad" to be attractive to women, sometimes just being tall, or having good eyebrows or just a good trait, or sometimes even being ugly to some women is attractive (this isn't even cope jfl, some women like their men ugly which is weird)
Even I struggle to understand this as it mainly has to do with women's logic and whatever stereotype or pheno is the current status quo. But the door is always revolving as I'm niche too.
Why would you wanna see a pic of me? I don't make threads about how I slay and shit like this, some people on this forum have already seen my face, the ones I trust, I shared confidential information about my religion that might get me killed if I get doxxed
Didn't realize you were mooslim too. Not so much you solely but I find it alien how people go through mental gymnastics about doing everything possible but aren't capable of showing themselves lmao. It's like how whenever @averagejoe posts another mogging session to prey on viewers, that all they can do to retaliate is post photos of his past, which at the same time is also them revealing their vaginas out.
Loox before roiding had no girls no social experience more likely was getting bullied and shit, roiding literally changed his life
News to me.
I already had girlfriends, fucked one girl before and have good friends and an ok social life. Being a skinny fuck ruins my confidence tho, I want to looksmax for myself
One ONS before the girlfriends if I'm understanding you right?
Just because you looksmax for girls don't mean everybody looksmax as the same reason as you, the less you generalize people in a same bag, the more it's better for you
Was gonna say I was starting to see a pattern for why people go roiding here compared to those who don't. :feelshah:
  • +1
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Not too familiar with it yet.

Even I struggle to understand this as it mainly has to do with women's logic and whatever stereotype or pheno is the current status quo. But the door is always revolving as I'm niche too.

Didn't realize you were mooslim too. Not so much you solely but I find it alien how people go through mental gymnastics about doing everything possible but aren't capable of showing themselves lmao. It's like how whenever @averagejoe posts another mogging session to prey on viewers, that all they can do to retaliate is post photos of his past, which at the same time is also them revealing their vaginas out.

News to me.

One ONS before the girlfriends if I'm understanding you right?

Was gonna say I was starting to see a pattern for why people go roiding here compared to those who don't. :feelshah:
Oofy Doofy = not ugly guy being NATURALLY nice and "golden retriever" type, aka not the fake nice like ER "i'm not why girls don't go for me", the Oofy Doofy type is just a guy who is naturally nice and cool like that

People thinking in black and white aka "girls only attracted to chads" is cope, girls can be attracted to many kind of guys facially wise, it sounds like cope but it isn't when you step outside

Yeah I also find people alien how they go thorugh mental gymnastics BUT ONLY IF THEY KEEP SAYING HOW GOOD LOOKING THEY ARE AND HOW TO GET GIRLS IN EVERY THREAD, OR NOT SHOWING PICS OF THEIRSELF AND ASKING WHAT SHUOLD THEY DO TO IMPROVE ETC and I do none of theses lol, and I also showed my face to some users in PMs, but tbh if you think that about me I don't really mind (also jfl at you if you believe at crisck copes and that he looks like that, refused to meet with friends where he allegedly live because of "work travels in Spain" and magically made an account on looksmax the day lookism died, he was so brutally bullied out of lookism he almost killed himself, but I guess you don't know that, lookism was 1000x more brutal than this shithole)

And also tbh most people do roid for women, but aye, most the shit we do is sub consicously for women, like it or not
  • Hmm...
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Oofy Doofy = not ugly guy being NATURALLY nice and "golden retriever" type, aka not the fake nice like ER "i'm not why girls don't go for me", the Oofy Doofy type is just a guy who is naturally nice and cool like that
And he never really looksmaxxed, not sure about socialmaxxed and it's a shame since he would had found a niche in the J/K-pop scene.
People thinking in black and white aka "girls only attracted to chads" is cope, girls can be attracted to many kind of guys facially wise, it sounds like cope but it isn't when you step outside
It's a hard pill to swallow, even I can't accept it now and then after Blackpill. Except JBF or socialmaxxed.
Yeah I also find people alien how they go thorugh mental gymnastics BUT ONLY IF THEY KEEP SAYING HOW GOOD LOOKING THEY ARE AND HOW TO GET GIRLS IN EVERY THREAD, OR NOT SHOWING PICS OF THEIRSELF AND ASKING WHAT SHUOLD THEY DO TO IMPROVE ETC and I do none of theses lol, and I also showed my face to some users in PMs,
Initially, I thought you were some spanish/ Tik-tok prettyboy, based on the profile picture. But now I'm getting @RetardSubhuman if he wasn't a virgin.
but tbh if you think that about me I don't really mind (also jfl at you if you believe at crisck copes and that he looks like that, refused to meet with friends where he allegedly live because of "work travels in Spain"
JFL at you if you don't see that being realistic.
and magically made an account on looksmax the day lookism died, he was so brutally bullied out of lookism he almost killed himself, but I guess you don't know that, lookism was 1000x more brutal than this shithole)
No, might I ask what killed that site? And tbf he dosen't seem like the abused dog type, it takes a lot of courage to come back up from setbacks and pitfalls. Said this before to others but in order to ascend there seems to be a trade-off of ones identity but how we take it is another thing. It's something I appreciate here over other sites I've got banned at that consistently do that to users, remove conversation and blacklist artists that are far right despite not having lyrics for extreme left as the classic double-standard goes and so on.
And also tbh most people do roid for women, but aye, most the shit we do is sub consicously for women, like it or not

@Amnesia and @androgenic come to mind but that's it in my radar. With the UK bulls it's 50-50 chance.

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