Thick curvy Latina with 6’6 Chad bf

LTB = Ugly
MTB = Average
HTB = Cute-Good looking
Stacylite+ = Very good looking

Stacylite and onwards is a face that has a woah factor. HTB is cute or good looking, your everyday good looking girl. MTB is not ugly by any means, but is a face that has nothing special going on. LTB is ugly.
Yeah so she’s MTB in the face.
If she was a foot taller, you guys wouldn't have a problem with her, and you certainly wouldn't if you saw them in real life..
This girl is half Pakistani. This is what I mean when I say about nothing being lost when sticking with the Caucasoid base, this girl has the pretty eye area of a white girl and the thicker hair and skin of a MENA or curry, so it's the best of both worlds. I'd say she fogs every hapa that I've ever seen, because hapas have weird Mongoloid eye areas. And they all look the same.
WDYM weird eye areas
View attachment 3022799

This girl is half Sri Lankan, again since the base is close enough and it's just a difference of features, it's possible that all of the darker features can get erased in one generation.

Caucasoid looks have way more variation than Mongoloid looks, which means that MENA and even South Asians have more potential to be good looking than NEA or SEA. Obviously not always, only the best looking mixed people look like this, but the ceiling is much higher. NEA women are classy and delicate looking, but again, they all look way too similar and it's impossible for me personally to find a foid with their skeletal proportions attractive. They have big wide heads. For Caucasoids, head size is a dimorphic thing, white men are supposed to have big wide heads and white women are supposed to have small narrow ones. So Asian women with their big wide ones get fogged.

I know plenty of half Hispanic half white people, but it's not like the couple in the OP. The Hispanic parent is at least somewhat white looking, and the white parent is like a plain looking MTN/MTB. To see a really classy looking guy with a goblin Latina is just strange, and it's yet another instance that makes me feel like real relationships are increasingly rare, and all people do any more is use each other and fetishize each other. Some nterracial couples are guilty of this fetishization, the foid in the OP sure is when she so openly celebrates it.

I don't mean to shit on all racially mixed people, I'm not 100% white either. But WMEF is just so gross to me because it's disgusting behavior from the guy, him running colonizer or sex tourist game, and disgusting behavior from the girl, blatant hypergamy. That's what the couple in the OP is, and they know it.

Which one is worse/better in your opinion: white/NEA or MENA (light)/NEA?
WDYM weird eye areas

Which one is worse/better in your opinion: white/NEA or MENA (light)/NEA?

Most hapas have the Chinese/Korean looking eye area so small, vertically narrow, no eyelid exposure. I just can not be attracted to that look, especially mixed with a bunch of white features it looks uncanny. I like big, open, glowing eyes.

I’d say that MENA and NEA is actually a much better and more natural mix than white and NEA. MENA and NEA mixed is basically what an entire region of the world, Central Asia, is. This comes from how the Chinese have been in contact with Middle Easterners for centuries, the history of the Silk Road. And there’s even a region in China, the Uyghurs, who write in the Arabic script and follow Islam.

So someone who’s half MENA and half NEA might end up looking Uyghur or Kyrgyz, someone who’s half white and half NEA will end up looking like they sleepwalk into a Facebook or Google office building everyday. White and NEA hapa is a distinctly 21st century look, and I don’t mean that as a compliment. My problem with WMAF is that ultimately, it’s creating this uncanny robot world that I don’t like the direction of.
She is at best weak HTB. He is at best HTN. Probably weak HTN with classic style. Height wise he mogs hard percentile wise.
That’s not a fucking Htb don’t rate again
She's built like a refrigerator you absolute subhuman

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