Things You Experience As A Chadlite And Above

Lol keep coping that text game only works for chads

I have non chad friends who pull from text game

I also couldn’t pull girls straight over before I learned text game

I can pull girls over due to a combination of looks + game

When I just relied on looks I had much worse results both irl and online
its too complicated nigga
muhh dont give investment
muhh push and pull
muhh do this do that
only chads are meant to have sex and can use tinder the way its meant to be used
rest of us jestermaxx just to be ghosted if we make one slip-up
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  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint, Pikabro, Clown Show and 1 other person
Im not very big. I’m not small, 5’10.5 with a good masculine frame.

This is a study on baboons but I found this to be accurate in my experience. beta males will challenge you if you are noticeably better than them

Being an alpha male doesn’t mean nobody challenges you, in fact it usually means the opposite because now dominating you is seen as a possible means of gaining status

Betas get nothing out of dominating other betas however they get a lot if they can successfully dominate an alpha.

Contrary to what you’re saying, many betas won’t simply accept an alpha mogging them, sure some of the most submissive or most intelligent ones will but a lot won’t. If and when they do respect you it is usually after they fail a dominance attempt. That’s when you see them go from hostile to submissive.

If you do pick up you will see this happen a lot too. You show up in a friend group or enter a mixed male female set and obviously mog the guys to death and suddenly those guys do things like start talking louder than you, making jokes at your expense, trying to get you to break eye contact, etc. same thing happens with randos on the street.

I would venture so far as to say if you aren’t constantly dealing with men reacting negatively to your presence, you aren’t really mogging them.

But who knows, maybe I’m just not mogging hard enough to completely deter betas from even attempting to mog me.
JFL at citing studies on baboons as a source

nobody is going up and trying to piss off/fight chad because chad is likely very popular and well known on campus, the incel that challenges him is gonna look like an autistic weirdo manlet by everybody watching
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: poopoohead, Whitepill_Saint, sozz and 1 other person
I'd say I'm a high tier normie by world standards despite being a Curry.

High tier normies

- get iois everyday, wherever they go, by every female
- high cold approaching success rate
- women are nice to you
- you can be an asshole and people forgive you easily
- you get tips as a waiter
- the iois you receive includes giggling, preening of hair and staring/glancing
- you get complimented on your looks
- dating is very easy
- you can get hired as an actor or a model
I'd say by most women
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint and Xangsane
I have non chad friends who pull from text game
They liked your non chad friends to begin with.
Texting women and generating attraction from zero over text through pickup lines is impossible. I know this from pure experience, 7-8 months of trying to make it work.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: poopoohead and Whitepill_Saint
I can't leave my place without every jb offering me pussy. I'm like "hey I'm flattered but I gotta get to my modeling/film/social media career." Just Chadlite things, I guess.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: poopoohead, Zikel_Nut, Whitepill_Saint and 5 others
They liked your non chad friends to begin with.
Texting women and generating attraction from zero over text through pickup lines is impossible. I know this from pure experience, 7-8 months of trying to make it work.
I never said you can generate attraction from zero

My non chad friends work on themselves, go to the gym, dress fashionably, and have social skills

They just aren’t chads

However I’m not sure I get what you’re saying. How are you getting numbers or text interactions with women who have zero attraction for you?
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: poopoohead and Whitepill_Saint
JFL at citing studies on baboons as a source

nobody is going up and trying to piss off/fight chad because chad is likely very popular and well known on campus, the incel that challenges him is gonna look like an autistic weirdo manlet by everybody watching
Complete losers incels usually aren’t the ones who challenge males of higher status

They would fall in the submissive male category. Those kind of guys just accept their position in the dominance hierarchy and usually don’t try and cause too much trouble.

It’s usually betas who are neither particularly low nor high status who feel the most emboldened to challenge chads. I would add it’s not all betas, what you say is true but mostly in social circles where dominance is already established.

I’m just telling you my experience. It’s not some constant thing, but it happens enough for me to have noticed it. It started happening a lot more specifically after I started looksmaxxing and hitting the gym and behaving more dominant in general.
It was really fascinating to me and has been something I’ve been mulling over for quite some time. Suddenly more and more dudes would randomly try and eye me down on the street, would make innocuous attempts to verbally lower my status in front of others, and in general behaved more hostile upon first encounter. On the flip side I also received a lot more immediate respect from men.

So I’m not denying what you’re saying, it is true but both can be true at the same time. Being dominant can make people submit to you very quicker than usual but it can also make many lower status men act out in insecure and resentful ways.

maybe I’m not explaining it the best but pre looksmaxxing and working on myself it seemed men were in general less threatened by my presence.

I’m open to the idea that I may exist in some alpha/beta gray zone where I don’t appear as aggressive as I am, which invites others to congruence test my dominant behavior. Some guys might be seeing me and thinking, “he’s behaving very alpha but I don’t think he’s an alpha so let me try and knock him down to the position I feel he should be at.” Whereas if I was evidently beta they wouldn’t care to challenge me and if I was taller or bigger muscularly they may not even make the attempt because they know they would lose.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: poopoohead and Whitepill_Saint
Amazing how do i procure the powers of Chad ?
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
I never said you can generate attraction from zero

My non chad friends work on themselves, go to the gym, dress fashionably, and have social skills

They just aren’t chads

However I’m not sure I get what you’re saying. How are you getting numbers or text interactions with women who have zero attraction for you?
Those teenage "make friends" apps. This was a long time ago
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: poopoohead and Whitepill_Saint
I never said you can generate attraction from zero

My non chad friends work on themselves, go to the gym, dress fashionably, and have social skills

They just aren’t chads

However I’m not sure I get what you’re saying. How are you getting numbers or text interactions with women who have zero attraction for you?
Sorry for being unclear, my point is, game can't generate attraction and those women were attracted or were eagerly receptive to your moms friends from the very start.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
I will belive you when you provide proof extrodinary claims require extrodinary evidence
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
Sorry for being unclear, my point is, game can't generate attraction and those women were attracted or were eagerly receptive to your moms non-chad friends from the very start.
I agree i don’t think game can generate attraction from nothing

I will say, game can get a woman off the fence if she is neutral on your attractiveness

However if she outright thinks you’re unattractive their isn’t much you can do
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: poopoohead, Whitepill_Saint and enchanted_elixir
I agree i don’t think game can generate attraction from nothing

I will say, game can get a woman off the fence if she is neutral on your attractiveness

However if she outright thinks you’re unattractive their isn’t much you can do
I don't even think game can amplify attractiveness if it's low, or moderate.
Game is merely a bonus for women who are into you. If you can genuinely have a great conversation or genuinely say something that is acutally funny and make her laugh, until her abs hurt then you're doing 20/10.
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
these are probably gigachads. I'm chadlite but didn't get this experience (maybe because I'm 5'9 and autistic)
cope nothing to do height u arent good looking enough
  • WTF
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint and Xangsane
What are you if they threaten to call the cops on you?
These are some of the recent experiences I've had that I can recall off the top of my head based on looks alone. I'll also include things that have happened to my friends who are also white/exotic 6'1+ Chadlite+.
  • Verified model with 10s of thousands of followers (not an "instagram model" but an actual fashion model signed to one of the top agencies in a tier 2 city a step down from Big 4 Fashion Week (think LA, Toronto, Miami, etc)) came up to me and gave me her contact information unsolicited, only found out she was verified and a model after looking her up
  • Stacylites+ several years my senior on Tinder were willing to fuck after a message or two
  • Foid artists would DM me on insta asking to draw me
  • Foid telling me "you should model" in middle of a makeout sesh
  • (Also happened to my friends) Got free drinks at bars/clubs from foid bartenders
  • (Also happened to my friends) Foids would come up to me at bars/clubs, opening with "I recognized you from (insert location far away from here)"
  • (Also happened to my friends) Multiple foids approaching me in one night even after seeing me brutally ignore the previous ones
  • (Happened to my friend) Strippers offering him free lapdances and stalking him and requesting to follow him on social media the next morning
  • (Happened to my friend) Ex's best friend messaged him asking to fuck right after they broke up
  • (Happened to my friend) Multiple foids would follow him on social media during/immediately after a sports game against another school
  • (Happened to my friend) Foids with boyfriends asked him to buy her drinks, made out with him
  • (Happened to my friend) Foids with boyfriends asking him for his contact information
  • (Happened to my friends) Getting raped/taken advantaged of by foids when drinking
Any other Chadlites+ feel free to pitch in with your own experiences, I really want to drive home how utterly over it is for the normies and sub5s on this forum
and people still cope with height when it is pure face
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
I don't even think game can amplify attractiveness if it's low, or moderate.
Game is merely a bonus for women who are into you. If you can genuinely have a great conversation or genuinely say something that is acutally funny and make her laugh, until her abs hurt then you're doing 20/10.
I disagree that game can’t amplify moderate attraction I do agree it’s much more difficult to generate attraction when it is low. Game is to some extent a factor in attractiveness like looks or money or status. As the wise Heartiste once said “game is it’s own status.” Game isn’t trying to convince a woman you are attractive, it’s the active display of confidence which is in itself a signal of status and is attractive. There are studies that show women do not find men who inherit their money as attractive as men who work for it and even find men who worked for their money equally as attractive as men who show qualities of someone who is liable to be successful in the future. Meaning women find men who seem like they will make a lot of money equally as attractive as men who already made a lot of money. Game works in a similar way in that you need not actually have status to signal to a woman that you are deserving of status which is in itself an attractive quality, similar to the fact a man need not actually be rich to reap the attractiveness benefits of a demeanor which signals he may one day be rich.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
These are some of the recent experiences I've had that I can recall off the top of my head based on looks alone. I'll also include things that have happened to my friends who are also white/exotic 6'1+ Chadlite+.
  • Verified model with 10s of thousands of followers (not an "instagram model" but an actual fashion model signed to one of the top agencies in a tier 2 city a step down from Big 4 Fashion Week (think LA, Toronto, Miami, etc)) came up to me and gave me her contact information unsolicited, only found out she was verified and a model after looking her up
  • Stacylites+ several years my senior on Tinder were willing to fuck after a message or two
  • Foid artists would DM me on insta asking to draw me
  • Foid telling me "you should model" in middle of a makeout sesh
  • (Also happened to my friends) Got free drinks at bars/clubs from foid bartenders
  • (Also happened to my friends) Foids would come up to me at bars/clubs, opening with "I recognized you from (insert location far away from here)"
  • (Also happened to my friends) Multiple foids approaching me in one night even after seeing me brutally ignore the previous ones
  • (Happened to my friend) Strippers offering him free lapdances and stalking him and requesting to follow him on social media the next morning
  • (Happened to my friend) Ex's best friend messaged him asking to fuck right after they broke up
  • (Happened to my friend) Multiple foids would follow him on social media during/immediately after a sports game against another school
  • (Happened to my friend) Foids with boyfriends asked him to buy her drinks, made out with him
  • (Happened to my friend) Foids with boyfriends asking him for his contact information
  • (Happened to my friends) Getting raped/taken advantaged of by foids when drinking
Any other Chadlites+ feel free to pitch in with your own experiences, I really want to drive home how utterly over it is for the normies and sub5s on this forum
i need to go out more my gf is holding me back
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
I have 6’1 Gymmaxed chad lite friend and can confirm this is all true
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: poopoohead and Whitepill_Saint
These are some of the recent experiences I've had that I can recall off the top of my head based on looks alone. I'll also include things that have happened to my friends who are also white/exotic 6'1+ Chadlite+.
  • Verified model with 10s of thousands of followers (not an "instagram model" but an actual fashion model signed to one of the top agencies in a tier 2 city a step down from Big 4 Fashion Week (think LA, Toronto, Miami, etc)) came up to me and gave me her contact information unsolicited, only found out she was verified and a model after looking her up
  • Stacylites+ several years my senior on Tinder were willing to fuck after a message or two
  • Foid artists would DM me on insta asking to draw me
  • Foid telling me "you should model" in middle of a makeout sesh
  • (Also happened to my friends) Got free drinks at bars/clubs from foid bartenders
  • (Also happened to my friends) Foids would come up to me at bars/clubs, opening with "I recognized you from (insert location far away from here)"
  • (Also happened to my friends) Multiple foids approaching me in one night even after seeing me brutally ignore the previous ones
  • (Happened to my friend) Strippers offering him free lapdances and stalking him and requesting to follow him on social media the next morning
  • (Happened to my friend) Ex's best friend messaged him asking to fuck right after they broke up
  • (Happened to my friend) Multiple foids would follow him on social media during/immediately after a sports game against another school
  • (Happened to my friend) Foids with boyfriends asked him to buy her drinks, made out with him
  • (Happened to my friend) Foids with boyfriends asking him for his contact information
  • (Happened to my friends) Getting raped/taken advantaged of by foids when drinking
Any other Chadlites+ feel free to pitch in with your own experiences, I really want to drive home how utterly over it is for the normies and sub5s on this forum
Suifuel and motivation fuel same time
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: poopoohead and Whitepill_Saint
I get told I should model all the time

I have a shorty over rn that told me I should be a model like 20 minutes ago

Also got a random offer to audition for a very famous reality TV show after the scout saw me in a picture with my 6’5 chad friend whom they also offered an audition

Been with a modeling agency before but I looked way worse back then, haven’t tried to do it again since I’ve looksmaxxed but get told all the time by foids and gay men that I should

Have gotten approached on the street a bunch of times by random women saying how GL I am, usually when I’m walking past a bar late at night

Have fucked a bunch of Tinder hoes with very little effort, pulling straight to my place after less than 10 messages

Have had on about 5 occasions, a woman I matched with on Tinder come up to me irl and say “hey are you x from Tinder?”

Have had multiple girls I spoke who were in a relationship hmu to fuck after their relationship ends

Girls routinely tell me I look perfect. With one foid amidst a discussion about the dick size of some BBC she fucked on a rooftop who she admitted had a longer albeit thinner dick. When asking her why she thought I was more attractive even though his dick was longer she said “the difference between you two is that when I look at your face I feel good emotions.”

My ex once came during sex while screaming “your face, your face is so perfect.”

Gay men routinely come up to me and hit on me

Get asked if I’m a catfish on dating apps pretty frequently

Women in the gym stare at me and position themselves very close to me unnecessarily

Men in the gym also stare at me

Other chads/chadlites feel an immediate kinship with me and gravitate towards me in social settings

A lot of men feel the need to challenge you, especially if you display high levels of extroversion and disinhibition in social settings

There’s probably more but this is all I can think of rn
Pm pics tbh
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
Are you a gook?
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
  • +1
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: poopoohead, Whitepill_Saint and ๕ඞChick3ncu1ry
Are you a gook?

This is unironically OP
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: poopoohead, Whitepill_Saint, Copeful and 1 other person

- I can walk into a supermarket/store and every single person in there will look at me, some will run away, some will orbit me
- Men and women are terrified to talk to me
- Most women will not make direct eye contact with me. Instead they will smile and look at me with their peripheral vision or start fixing their hair
- Some women will literally lose their shit and spaz out (e.g. when I sat in front of a girl on a train, her eyes went wide open and she pulled out her makeup and started doing her make up. A few minutes later she started spazzing out)
- Some women will trip over when I make eye contact with them
- IOI's everywhere I go, lots of head turning, lots of women sucking their lips inwards
- 7/10s+ will walk beside me if I'm walking down a street
- If I'm standing somewhere, little girls will straight up walk in front of me and stare at my face, some will point at me to whoever they're with (e.g. their mum) and the mum will act "lost"
- Most men absolutely hate me (average and below average men in particular) and will talk shit about me and the way I look
- Most women in the range of 1-5/10 hate me and will give me a look of disgust if I look at them
- Only other very good-looking men will befriend me or be friendly with me
- Women want to take photos with me, will share drinks and food, will allow me to kiss them on the cheek/lips or touch them without even saying a word to them
- Numbers are straightforward to get. Some women straight up give me their phone without even saying a word to them and tell me to put my number in it
- Complimented by every woman I talk to
- If I'm at a club, I can stand on the dancefloor and will be surrounded/approached by women, e.g. grinding
- Some women will shake when talking to me (usually their hands) or their voice
- Frequently catch women following me around
- Women go silent around me
- Older women are the best way to tell if you're attractive because they're very forward and aggressive. With me, they are scared
- Often hear good looking women (6/10+) rate me between 8 and 12 (9 or 10 is most common). Less attractive women will rate me between 2 and 7. Funny story, one 6.5/10 rated me a 7 out of anger because I wasn't attracted to her. I was like... "th- that's a compliment"
- Men hide their girlfriends from me
- Women will bump into me, touch my hand if I walk past them (even women who are holding their boyfriends hand), slap my ass, moan
- Literally everyone remembers me and my name
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
These are some of the recent experiences I've had that I can recall off the top of my head based on looks alone. I'll also include things that have happened to my friends who are also white/exotic 6'1+ Chadlite+.
  • Verified model with 10s of thousands of followers (not an "instagram model" but an actual fashion model signed to one of the top agencies in a tier 2 city a step down from Big 4 Fashion Week (think LA, Toronto, Miami, etc)) came up to me and gave me her contact information unsolicited, only found out she was verified and a model after looking her up
  • Stacylites+ several years my senior on Tinder were willing to fuck after a message or two
  • Foid artists would DM me on insta asking to draw me
  • Foid telling me "you should model" in middle of a makeout sesh
  • (Also happened to my friends) Got free drinks at bars/clubs from foid bartenders
  • (Also happened to my friends) Foids would come up to me at bars/clubs, opening with "I recognized you from (insert location far away from here)"
  • (Also happened to my friends) Multiple foids approaching me in one night even after seeing me brutally ignore the previous ones
  • (Happened to my friend) Strippers offering him free lapdances and stalking him and requesting to follow him on social media the next morning
  • (Happened to my friend) Ex's best friend messaged him asking to fuck right after they broke up
  • (Happened to my friend) Multiple foids would follow him on social media during/immediately after a sports game against another school
  • (Happened to my friend) Foids with boyfriends asked him to buy her drinks, made out with him
  • (Happened to my friend) Foids with boyfriends asking him for his contact information
  • (Happened to my friends) Getting raped/taken advantaged of by foids when drinking
Any other Chadlites+ feel free to pitch in with your own experiences, I really want to drive home how utterly over it is for the normies and sub5s on this forum

Experienced the ones in bold so can vouch this happens.
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
face is law after that i could agree height being the 2nd most important
Tall Chadlite+ > Average height Chadlite+ > Tall HTN > manlet chadlite+
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
Tall Chadlite+ > Average height Chadlite+ > Tall HTN > manlet chadlite+
first comparison is water
but the second depends on the height
how tall is the htn and chadlite in 2nd comparison
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: poopoohead and Whitepill_Saint

- I can walk into a supermarket/store and every single person in there will look at me, some will run away, some will orbit me
- Men and women are terrified to talk to me
- Most women will not make direct eye contact with me. Instead they will smile and look at me with their peripheral vision or start fixing their hair
- Some women will literally lose their shit and spaz out (e.g. when I sat in front of a girl on a train, her eyes went wide open and she pulled out her makeup and started doing her make up. A few minutes later she started spazzing out)
- Some women will trip over when I make eye contact with them
- IOI's everywhere I go, lots of head turning, lots of women sucking their lips inwards
- 7/10s+ will walk beside me if I'm walking down a street
- If I'm standing somewhere, little girls will straight up walk in front of me and stare at my face, some will point at me to whoever they're with (e.g. their mum) and the mum will act "lost"
- Most men absolutely hate me (average and below average men in particular) and will talk shit about me and the way I look
- Most women in the range of 1-5/10 hate me and will give me a look of disgust if I look at them
- Only other very good-looking men will befriend me or be friendly with me
- Women want to take photos with me, will share drinks and food, will allow me to kiss them on the cheek/lips or touch them without even saying a word to them
- Numbers are straightforward to get. Some women straight up give me their phone without even saying a word to them and tell me to put my number in it
- Complimented by every woman I talk to
- If I'm at a club, I can stand on the dancefloor and will be surrounded/approached by women, e.g. grinding
- Some women will shake when talking to me (usually their hands) or their voice
- Frequently catch women following me around
- Women go silent around me
- Older women are the best way to tell if you're attractive because they're very forward and aggressive. With me, they are scared
- Often hear good looking women (6/10+) rate me between 8 and 12 (9 or 10 is most common). Less attractive women will rate me between 2 and 7. Funny story, one 6.5/10 rated me a 7 out of anger because I wasn't attracted to her. I was like... "th- that's a compliment"
- Men hide their girlfriends from me
- Women will bump into me, touch my hand if I walk past them (even women who are holding their boyfriends hand), slap my ass, moan
- Literally everyone remembers me and my name
why weren't you attracted to the 6.5/10
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
why weren't you attracted to the 6.5/10

I don't really go for anything below an 8 lol, also I didn't like how she dressed
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
  • JFL
Reactions: Zikel_Nut and Whitepill_Saint
Foid telling me "you should model" in middle of a makeout sesh
This is when you stop the sesh and explain to her why she's wrong because of your ratios and maxillary positioning
  • JFL
Reactions: Zikel_Nut and Whitepill_Saint
This is when you stop the sesh and explain to her why she's wrong because of your ratios and maxillary positioning
keep coping for the Han master race + I have a good maxilla and perfect ratios
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: poopoohead, Zikel_Nut and Whitepill_Saint
These are some of the recent experiences I've had that I can recall off the top of my head based on looks alone. I'll also include things that have happened to my friends who are also white/exotic 6'1+ Chadlite+.
  • Verified model with 10s of thousands of followers (not an "instagram model" but an actual fashion model signed to one of the top agencies in a tier 2 city a step down from Big 4 Fashion Week (think LA, Toronto, Miami, etc)) came up to me and gave me her contact information unsolicited, only found out she was verified and a model after looking her up
  • Stacylites+ several years my senior on Tinder were willing to fuck after a message or two
  • Foid artists would DM me on insta asking to draw me
  • Foid telling me "you should model" in middle of a makeout sesh
  • (Also happened to my friends) Got free drinks at bars/clubs from foid bartenders
  • (Also happened to my friends) Foids would come up to me at bars/clubs, opening with "I recognized you from (insert location far away from here)"
  • (Also happened to my friends) Multiple foids approaching me in one night even after seeing me brutally ignore the previous ones
  • (Happened to my friend) Strippers offering him free lapdances and stalking him and requesting to follow him on social media the next morning
  • (Happened to my friend) Ex's best friend messaged him asking to fuck right after they broke up
  • (Happened to my friend) Multiple foids would follow him on social media during/immediately after a sports game against another school
  • (Happened to my friend) Foids with boyfriends asked him to buy her drinks, made out with him
  • (Happened to my friend) Foids with boyfriends asking him for his contact information
  • (Happened to my friends) Getting raped/taken advantaged of by foids when drinking
Any other Chadlites+ feel free to pitch in with your own experiences, I really want to drive home how utterly over it is for the normies and sub5s on this forum
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
Im 34 years old, living in in a very conservative small city in Vietnam. So my experience is quite different. But here is what I got:
- I was called goodlooking by many people, both men and women.
- I was called (by women ) "picky" for being single instead of being ridiculed as "left over". The men, on the other hand, still try to mock me though.
- Mature women approach me all the time in the gym for advices. I was even asked to come to their houses to fix some machines by divorced milfs, I declined though because I was in a relationship then.
- I had tried secretly touching and groping strange women at music and sport festivals before, and they even smiled back when I touched their asses. I only tried that with mature, over 35+ women though. Never tried that with young ones.
- I got checked out all the time when running shirtless in the park, by both men and women.
- I can talk to any stranger in the park. And women approach me a lot in the park to ask for directions or for some small helps.
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
ive modeled before, shit sucks
Bruh this is Chad level treatment
These are some of the recent experiences I've had that I can recall off the top of my head based on looks alone. I'll also include things that have happened to my friends who are also white/exotic 6'1+ Chadlite+.
  • Verified model with 10s of thousands of followers (not an "instagram model" but an actual fashion model signed to one of the top agencies in a tier 2 city a step down from Big 4 Fashion Week (think LA, Toronto, Miami, etc)) came up to me and gave me her contact information unsolicited, only found out she was verified and a model after looking her up
  • Stacylites+ several years my senior on Tinder were willing to fuck after a message or two
  • Foid artists would DM me on insta asking to draw me
  • Foid telling me "you should model" in middle of a makeout sesh
  • (Also happened to my friends) Got free drinks at bars/clubs from foid bartenders
  • (Also happened to my friends) Foids would come up to me at bars/clubs, opening with "I recognized you from (insert location far away from here)"
  • (Also happened to my friends) Multiple foids approaching me in one night even after seeing me brutally ignore the previous ones
  • (Happened to my friend) Strippers offering him free lapdances and stalking him and requesting to follow him on social media the next morning
  • (Happened to my friend) Ex's best friend messaged him asking to fuck right after they broke up
  • (Happened to my friend) Multiple foids would follow him on social media during/immediately after a sports game against another school
  • (Happened to my friend) Foids with boyfriends asked him to buy her drinks, made out with him
  • (Happened to my friend) Foids with boyfriends asking him for his contact information
  • (Happened to my friends) Getting raped/taken advantaged of by foids when drinking
Any other Chadlites+ feel free to pitch in with your own experiences, I really want to drive home how utterly over it is for the normies and sub5s on this forum
are your friends musclar at all?
I feel like an 18 bmi chadlite is much inferior to chadlite with medium-high muscle mass

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