This Article proves Low-Inhib theory and Personality is attractive



Dec 2, 2018
Here's it in it's entirety if you want to read the whole thing

But first low inhib theory

As with the other study there was a curvilinear relationship: students with IQs above 100 and below 70 were significantly less likely to have had intercourse than those in between. Also like the other study, they found teens with IQs ranging from 75 to 90 had the lowest probability of virginity (the authors note this is also the same IQ range where propensity towards crime peaks).

Powerful, now let's examine how early different majors lose their virginity

The student surveys at MIT and Wellesley also compared virginity by academic major. The chart for Wellesley displayed below shows that 0% of studio art majors were virgins, but 72% of biology majors were virgins, and 83% of biochem and math majors were virgins! Similarly, at MIT 20% of 'humanities' majors were virgins, but 73% of biology majors. (Apparently those most likely to read Darwin are also the least Darwinian!)


This holds true from my personal experience the seperated the humanitarian and science/math buildings in my college. Math/Science people were good to have academic discussion with , but the humanitarian majors were the funnest to go to the bar with. I also met a guy that was high end average that had sex with 100 Girls in his 3.5 years in college. If he posted here he would be rated max PSL 5
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I know psl 4 guys with girlfriends,they are low inhib and NT.Easy as that.
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Suicidefuel for High IQcels
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Interesting how neuroscience and computer science were clumped with the non-virgin side of the graph. I wonder how that works.

The humanities fields are dominated by girls, and we all know most girls in college aren't virgins, whereas a big proportion of college-aged men are. Aside from the IQ variable, gender probably plays a role in the discrepancy, though you could argue that biology and psych majors were also higher virginity. Dunno. Have you seen research showing proportions of male vs female virgins at uni age? I'd predict about 10% girls, 40% guys.
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Interesting how neuroscience and computer science were clumped with the non-virgin side of the graph. I wonder how that works.

The humanities fields are dominated by girls, and we all know most girls in college aren't virgins, whereas a big proportion of college-aged men are. Aside from the IQ variable, gender probably plays a role in the discrepancy, though you could argue that biology and psych majors were also higher virginity. Dunno. Have you seen research showing proportions of male vs female virgins at uni age? I'd predict about 10% girls, 40% guys.

I think it applies to the girls as well. I spent sometimes in the stem disciplines and the girls have this apprehensiveness to sex, and also a disconnect with humanity itself. Girls in humanities work out more, better with makeup, eat better food and are better fliters IMHO. Look at the graph and look at psychology. Thats a female dominated major if I remember correctly yet still a majority of virgins.

They're we're some pretty attractive girls in neuro and psych , but they're we're mostly pretty awkward tbh.
Dude you want to conclude what you want to conclude, that study doesn't even talk about personality but you use as a title that it supposedly proves that personality is attractive. I showed you 3 studies in another thread the other day that actually studied the covariance between personality and attraction, and found no correlation. My conclusion from analyzing hundreds of studies and reading several books on attraction from an evolutionary perspective is that personality does matter, but very marginally. And part of that marginal impact on attractiveness personality is caused by the positive/negative feedback you received based on your physique, so personality comes full circle back to looks to a certain extent. Don't spread false hope and misinformation here. Also what people conceptualize to be an attractive personality his counterintuitive in many regards to what it actually is, just the expression attractive personality is misleading in itself. A cherry-picked example to support the finding of a study doesn't prove anything by virtue of being cherry-picked.
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I think it applies to the girls as well. I spent sometimes in the stem disciplines and the girls have this apprehensiveness to sex, and also a disconnect with humanity itself. Girls in humanities work out more, better with makeup, eat better food and are better fliters IMHO. Look at the graph and look at psychology. Thats a female dominated major if I remember correctly yet still a majority of virgins.

They're we're some pretty attractive girls in neuro and psych , but they're we're mostly pretty awkward tbh.
Theory: Girls who go into liberal arts/music/social studies/language to some extent are more stacylike and have more sex. Women going into biology/psych/geology (which are pretty hard majors tbh) are more career oriented due to not having stacy looks to get away with a useless degree.

Dude girls in STEM are very often fat landwhales or just below average looks usually. Makes sense they would go into STEM lol, they need to be strong independent women who don't need no man (until they get depressed as fuck and settle for a desperate low quality dude)
Don't spread false hope and misinformation here. herr
My personality sucks more than my looks, if anything this is suifuel. I can change my looks more than I can get rid of my anxiety attacks, depression, and boring egocentric personality.
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My personality sucks more than my looks, if anything this is suifuel. I can change my looks more than I can get rid of my anxiety attacks, depression, and boring egocentric personality.

If you were a Chad you probably wouldn't perceive your personality that way because you would have had different reference experiences with much more positive regards, feedbacks and successful/enjoyable relationships. Basically, you would be a totally different person on the inside.
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If you were a Chad you probably wouldn't perceive your personality that way because you would have had different referring experience with much more positive regard, feedback and experience. Basically, you would be a totally different person on the inside.
You think if I do ascend to chadlite I can build up confidence and personality naturally just as a result of looksmaxing?
You think if I do ascend to chadlite I can build up confidence and personality naturally just as a result of looksmaxing?

Partly, depending on how much of your personality problems are caused by biological predispositions vs upbringing vs outside the family unit. Also, if it is only caused by the latter, you will need a lot of new referring experiences to recreate new neuropathways in your brain and slowly change your personality.
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Dude you want to conclude what you want to conclude, that study doesn't even talk about personality but you use as a title that it supposedly proves that personality is attractive. I showed you 3 studies in another thread the other day that actually studied the covariance between personality and attraction, and found no correlation. My conclusion from analyzing hundreds of studies and reading several books on attraction from an evolutionary perspective is that personality does matter, but very marginally. And part of that marginal impact on attractiveness personality is caused by the positive/negative feedback you received based on your physique, so personality comes full circle back to looks to a certain extent. Don't spread false hope and misinformation here. Also what people consider to be an attractive personality his counterintuitive in many regards to what is commonly conceptualize it to be, just the expression attractive personality is misleading in itself. A cherry-picked example to support the finding of a study doesn't prove anything by virtue of being cherry-picked.

I think ultimately we'll have to agree to disagree on this we both agree on looks being an cue for sexual attraction. However we disagree in that I think it's a lot more elements then that. Sure if your as high a PSL as the guy in the tinder black pill you can get away with some a repulsive personality. I've already stated what I defined as an attractive personality divided in the cultural and the productive. Both deeply genetically rooted just like looks.

To date I've never seen a study outside the context of online dating that showed personality had no correlation with attractiveness. Only on online dating. However by moving the medium from face to face , to pictures online. We reduce it to only physical looks. When IRL there are much more variables at play
Dude you want to conclude what you want to conclude, that study doesn't even talk about personality but you use as a title that it supposedly proves that personality is attractive. I showed you 3 studies in another thread the other day that actually studied the covariance between personality and attraction, and found no correlation. My conclusion from analyzing hundreds of studies and reading several books on attraction from an evolutionary perspective is that personality does matter, but very marginally. And part of that marginal impact on attractiveness personality is caused by the positive/negative feedback you received based on your physique, so personality comes full circle back to looks to a certain extent. Don't spread false hope and misinformation here. Also what people consider to be an attractive personality his counterintuitive in many regards to what is commonly conceptualize it to be, just the expression attractive personality is misleading in itself. A cherry-picked example to support the finding of a study doesn't prove anything by virtue of being cherry-picked.

It's more about not cucking yourself with anxiety and social awkwardness from maladjustment

Lower "IQs" in theory can engage with primal instincts without worrying about over analysis and overstimulation
Partly, depending on how much of your personality problems are caused by upbringing vs outside the family unit.
Everyone in my family is very introverted. I get along well with my family mostly, some occasional minor conflict. But also have history of suicide with a close relative, so depression and anxiety clearly runs badly in my family, I'm genetically like this. Lol. And of course I'm 4.5 PSL and I have low trust look so naturally not much positive reinforcement growing up, not invited out much, not reciprocated with etc. At least I have coffee and drugs.
To date I've never seen a study outside the context of online dating that showed personality had no correlation with attractiveness. Only on online dating. However by moving the medium from face to face , to pictures online. We reduce it to only physical looks. When IRL there are much more variables at play

Look at the last post I wrote on the initial thread we had our debate on.

It's more about not cucking yourself with anxiety and social awkwardness from maladjustment

Lower "IQs" in theory can engage with primal instincts without worrying about over analysis and overstimulation

It isn't as simple as that, it is mostly due to improper emotional nurturance and rate of traumas induced by your parents that cause inhibition than IQ itself. Do your parent help your true self flourish or constrained it and forced you to repress it. High IQ individuals tend to go towards slow life strategy which is an evolutionary concept that affects their sexual promiscuity which may possibly largely explain the finding of this study. You guys are too quick to conclude a causal link in correlation.

Everyone in my family is very introverted. I get along well with my family mostly, some occasional minor conflict. But also have history of suicide with a close relative, so depression and anxiety clearly runs badly in my family, I'm genetically like this. Lol. And of course I'm 4.5 PSL and I have low trust look so naturally not much positive reinforcement growing up, not invited out much, not reciprocated with etc. At least I have coffee and drugs.

It is possible, but it is a simple and easy explanation to conclude genetic as the common denominator. Possibly they passed on their pathologies onto you as well, but you lack perspective and the understanding to conceptualize how this came to be. (which is the norm btw)
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  • +1
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So you think high IQ correlates to high inhibition? In my experience it does.
Higher iq = more ogrethinking = higher inhib.

Just learn to turn that middle step off and you'll be fine
  • +1
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Higher iq = more ogrethinking = higher inhib.

Just learn to turn that middle step off and you'll be fine

I mugged posting rate you in the last couple of days. :feelsautistic:
Higher iq = more ogrethinking = higher inhib.

Just learn to turn that middle step off and you'll be fine
Freud pisses me off because 99% of his drivel is complete BS, but what he referred to as the ID, the ego and the superego might have some credibility.
Freud pisses me off because 99% of his drivel is complete BS, but what he referred to as the ID, the ego and the superego might have some credibility.

Have you read Civilization and It's Discontents. To me it's his greatest and most relavent contemporarily
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Have you read Civilization and It's Discontents. To me it's his greatest and most relavent contemporarily
Can't say I have, but I will later if I can find a .pdf of it online later.
Freud pisses me off because 99% of his drivel is complete BS, but what he referred to as the ID, the ego and the superego might have some credibility.

Even that is mostly shit, that is not how the self operates. Bits of truth applies to a certain extent, but 100% we don't speak of human beings in terms ID, ego and superego years from now, many intelligent thinkers already made several adjustments to his theory if not redone one entirely because it wasn't a correct foundation. The idea that there is an unconscious and it is much more vast than people intuitively like to believe is the biggest legacy of Freud I would say.
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Even that is mostly shit, that is not how the self operates. Bits of truth applies to a certain extent, but 100% we don't speak of human beings in terms ID, ego and superego years from now, many intelligent thinkers already made several adjustments to his theory if not redone one entirely because it wasn't a correct foundation. The idea that there is an unconscious and it is much more vast than people intuitively like to believe is the biggest legacy of Freud I would say.
I don't consider them to be actual states of subconscious, but it's an easy way to explain and understand them, even if we just use them as metaphors.
The more I hear about research, the more I think the research does not mean shit if any of the readers could see the obvious flaws in how some of the research papers are constructed and the obvious flaws in their logic which they havent accounted for. :feelsokman:

@Dude420 Do you have a model which explains how height, face and frame all are interrelated in producing a comprehensive attractiveness rating of a male as an output. Are there any equations, or a distribution model based on percentiles etc? Cuz psl science needs to move forward, not just arguing that only looks do matter in fact. Cuz its already obvious to anyone inside the community except for guys who like cherrypicking to prove their redpill ideas.
Look at the last post I wrote on the initial thread we had our debate on.

It isn't as simple as that, it is mostly due to improper emotional nurturance and rate of traumas induced by your parents that cause inhibition than IQ itself. Do your parent help your true self flourish or constrained it and forced you to repress it. High IQ individuals tend to go towards slow life strategy which is an evolutionary concept that affects their sexual promiscuity which may possibly largely explain the finding of this study. You guys are too quick to conclude a causal link in correlation.

It is possible, but it is a simple and easy explanation to conclude genetic as the common denominator. Possibly they passed on their pathologies onto you as well, but you lack perspective and the understanding to conceptualize how this came to be. (which is the norm btw)

I reviewed the studies I like them , but perhaps speed dating isn't the best context.

They give people tons of drinks at those things. People use to tell me story of Hurrydates and how cheap the drinks were. In a drunk primal state of course personality falls to zero, and looks is the only thing that matters.

Also when David Buss defines what woman find desirable in a man. He differentiates selecting a mate who is will to invest from selecting a mate is able to invest? Why this slight distinction. Well I really want to get him on the phone next weekend , but I think it's because willingness to invest is primarily attractive a long term partner, and ability to invest(IQ, Ambitiousness and industriousness) is desirable in a short term partner

He also makes the distinction in personality for good parenting skills vs compatible . Another LTR vs STR distinction
@Dude420 Do you have a model which explains how height, face and frame all are interrelated in producing a comprehensive attractiveness rating of a male as an output. Are there any equations, or a distribution model based on percentiles etc? Cuz psl science needs to move forward, not just arguing that only looks do matter in fact. Cuz its already obvious to anyone inside the community except for guys who like cherrypicking to prove their redpill ideas.

It will be impossible to come to something as precise as an equation, but I will attempt to explain how those different dimensions interact with one another as precisely as I can with as many scientific researches as I can, where I can identify repeating patterns between those studies. And that's why I am writing a book, because if you want to do this well, you need like 200 pages fucking packed of information/explanations because it is extremely intricate at many different levels, I can't tell you here just like that. Personality particularly is the hardest to explain, that's why I don't like when people just through it like that in the title, personality is affected by so many things, including looks, and as so many subparts in it that need to be addressed in order to be well understood, and my conclusion of that is that some subparts are objectively attractive and others are attractive dependently with other variables like looks level, age, social context and shit like that. But in the end all of this is very marginal. The problem also is that so many scientific studies are flawed as well and you need to scrutinize them in order not to be deceived by false conclusions, and the eternal question, if there is a causal link in the correlation, is never evident to know for certain, really easy to go down an improper path of deductive reasoning if you aren't super careful in your interpretations. Fuck me and my GigaIQ, I see the puzzle, but I also see it is 9999999999999999^99999999 pieces to put together.

And yes, once I am done with this I plan on creating an algorithm based on my findings which will probably be going to be hundreds of cells long to calculate proper rating (I already done that in the past on another project which was extremely intricate as well with several variables).
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  • +1
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Freud pisses me off because 99% of his drivel is complete BS, but what he referred to as the ID, the ego and the superego might have some credibility.
Freud just scammed rich Austrian Jews for their money. His theories all stem from his mommy issues and autism
I mugged posting rate you in the last couple of days. :feelsautistic:
It's ogre for having a life outside of this forum cels :feelsree:
  • +1
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Freud just scammed rich Austrian Jews for their money. His theories all stem from his mommy issues and autism
"Nah nah, everybody's like this, I promise, I'm not neurotic! I'm a respectable psychologist :bluepill:"
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"Nah nah, everybody's like this, I promise, I'm not neurotic! I'm a respectable psychologist :bluepill:"
"Yes yes give me your shekels and I'll give you my crackpot theories that I made up five minutes before seeing you yes yes :jew:"
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"Yes yes give me your shekels and I'll give you my crackpot theories that I made up five minutes before seeing you yes yes :jew:"
Yes, give me money so I can put it through my imaginary "face rating software" when in reality I'm going to rate you personally.
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Yes, give me money so I can put it through my imaginary "face rating software" when in reality I'm going to rate you personally.
LMFAO he has no idea about the subjectivity of human looks. Women don't function like his retard software

Meanwhile inside @BeautifulBones mom's basement:
LMFAO he has no idea about the subjectivity of human looks. Women don't function like his retard software

Meanwhile inside @BeautifulBones mom's basement:

Yes, give me money so I can put it through my imaginary "face rating software" when in reality I'm going to rate you personally.

Lol but 4 local NYC plastic surgeons have been begging me to use it, but I haven't given it to them since it's still in beta

There are some things that are so anthropomorphic that they can't be put in an algo like harmony. However it's quite easy to measure things like bizygomatic , IPD , labial fissure, and other body measurements. I even got my image recognition to learn what good skin is like using aws maching learning.

Maybe even harmony can be put in an algo once I learn how to use quantum computing

Also I don't appreciate the jewish jokes. My best friend is jewish and he verbal IQ mogs you both to the depts of hell
Maybe even harmony can be put in an algo once I learn how to use quantum computing
Yeah, this is proof that you're a LARPer and have no idea what you're doing.

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