This Forum's Logical Fallacy and The End of Blackpill



Hardstuck MTN
Aug 25, 2023
I think its no secret that this forum is actually becoming less blackpilled if you just scroll through offtopic and talk to long-term users who are realizing the true importance of NT. Are they right though? Yes, and let me explain

Some long-term users of this site or 2022 cells are starting to realize they wasted their fucking time here and could've spent this time just trying to get a gf. Rotting is by far the biggest death sentence in terms of your life. It doesn't matter how good or bad you look. Look at a truecell @Bojack for example (sorry bojack) and an actual good-looking user like @MoggerGaston. They are both making offtopic threads on a website full of other men on a Friday night. But looks are everything, right? So why are both living the same life? It's because looks are in fact not everything
Logical Fallacy
The main point of this thread, and overall flaw with the blackpill. The biggest issue is that people apply the societal treatment of outliers to the entire population. This is a highly overlooked flaw. Every blackpill meme or post out there follows something like this
You've probably seen this post in a million different forms and thought, true. Well it is true, but guess what. One is someone with subhuman genetics. Almost no one has this bad genetics. The other is a model with amazing genetics. Same thing, extremely rare. So yes, the blackpill does apply here, of course, the chad will be treated much better and get more women than the subhuman. The flaw comes into thinking this is true at all levels. Let me use a bell curve to explain.

If you haven't taken math, and don't know what this is. Its a normal distribution bell curve. To give a rough idea, the amount of MTNs in the world is the dark blue portion(the two big bars in the middle). HTN would be the portion with the 10-20 range on the bottom, so 13.6%, Chadlite, would be the next at 2.1%, and chad at 0.1%. On the other side, LTN would be 13.6% on the left side, subhuman would be the 2.1%, and truecell is the bottom 0.1%. By now, I'm sure you can see where I'm going. People consistently apply subhuman or chads experiences to the entire population. This makes no sense considering how rare they both are. The middle of this graph represents a point where looks matter the least, as you go farther out they matter more and more. Yet, since the vast majority are closer to the middle why have we tricked ourselves into thinking looks are everything?

NT and the Whitepill
For the vast majority of the population. The blackpill simply just is not true, I don't care how many people this enrages. Yes, I wasted almost a year with this flawed mentality, when If I had been trying to be a more normal 19-year-old by now. I might've had a gf. The reality is that a normal-looking guy whos enjoyable to be around, funny, and interesting to women can pull. All of us have probably seen a dude around your looks level with a girl and thought 'how the fuck did he pull her?' Probably because he never discovered '' and had a normal childhood.

Yes, looks do matter. Yes, you should work on improving them to a degree. But understand when the blackpill is applicable, and work on becoming a normal person. This is going to help most of your more in the long run, give my ideas a chance and take a break from here

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@NorwoodAscender @Axii @NotCarv @Clavicular @TechnoBoss @5.5psl @Gengar @Xangsane @ConfusedBolivian
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good thread, take the oofy doofy pill legit

dead srs :p:bluepill:
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Reactions: sayi, likenesss, BeanletMogger and 3 others
I think its no secret that this forum is actually becoming less blackpilled if you just scroll through offtopic and talk to long-term users who are realizing the true importance of NT. Are they right though? Yes, and let me explain

Some long-term users of this site or 2022 cells are starting to realize they wasted their fucking time here and could've spent this time just trying to get a gf. Rotting is by far the biggest death sentence in terms of your life. It doesn't matter how good or bad you look. Look at a truecell @Bojack for example (sorry bojack) and an actual good-looking user like @MoggerGaston. They are both making offtopic threads on a website full of other men on a Friday night. But looks are everything, right? So why are both living the same life? It's because looks are in fact not everything
Logical Fallacy
The main point of this thread, and overall flaw with the blackpill. The biggest issue is that people apply the societal treatment of outliers to the entire population. This is a highly overlooked flaw. Every blackpill meme or post out there follows something like this
View attachment 2815687 You've probably seen this post in a million different forms and thought, true. Well it is true, but guess what. One is someone with subhuman genetics. Almost no one has this bad genetics. The other is a model with amazing genetics. Same thing, extremely rare. So yes, the blackpill does apply here, of course, the chad will be treated much better and get more women than the subhuman. The flaw comes into thinking this is true at all levels. Let me use a bell curve to explain.
View attachment 2815690
If you haven't taken math, and don't know what this is. Its a normal distribution bell curve. To give a rough idea, the amount of MTNs in the world is the dark blue portion(the two big bars in the middle). HTN would be the portion with the 10-20 range on the bottom, so 13.6%, Chadlite, would be the next at 2.1%, and chad at 0.1%. On the other side, LTN would be 13.6% on the left side, subhuman would be the 2.1%, and truecell is the bottom 0.1%. By now, I'm sure you can see where I'm going. People consistently apply subhuman or chads experiences to the entire population. This makes no sense considering how rare they both are. The middle of this graph represents a point where looks matter the least, as you go farther out they matter more and more. Yet, since the vast majority are closer to the middle why have we tricked ourselves into thinking looks are everything?

NT and the Whitepill
For the vast majority of the population. The blackpill simply just is not true, I don't care how many people this enrages. Yes, I wasted almost a year with this flawed mentality, when If I had been trying to be a more normal 19-year-old by now. I might've had a gf. The reality is that a normal-looking guy whos enjoyable to be around, funny, and interesting to women can pull. All of us have probably seen a dude around your looks level with a girl and thought 'how the fuck did he pull her?' Probably because he never discovered '' and had a normal childhood.

Yes, looks do matter. Yes, you should work on improving them to a degree. But understand when the blackpill is applicable, and work on becoming a normal person. This is going to help most of your more in the long run, give my ideas a chance and take a break from here

Looks aren’t normally distributed it’s easier for craniofacial development to go wrong than go right
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Akhi, Gigasubhuman, Deleted member 15539 and 8 others
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: Primalsplit, Deleted member 45239 and LooksThinker
I think its no secret that this forum is actually becoming less blackpilled if you just scroll through offtopic and talk to long-term users who are realizing the true importance of NT. Are they right though? Yes, and let me explain

Some long-term users of this site or 2022 cells are starting to realize they wasted their fucking time here and could've spent this time just trying to get a gf. Rotting is by far the biggest death sentence in terms of your life. It doesn't matter how good or bad you look. Look at a truecell @Bojack for example (sorry bojack) and an actual good-looking user like @MoggerGaston. They are both making offtopic threads on a website full of other men on a Friday night. But looks are everything, right? So why are both living the same life? It's because looks are in fact not everything
Logical Fallacy
The main point of this thread, and overall flaw with the blackpill. The biggest issue is that people apply the societal treatment of outliers to the entire population. This is a highly overlooked flaw. Every blackpill meme or post out there follows something like this
View attachment 2815687 You've probably seen this post in a million different forms and thought, true. Well it is true, but guess what. One is someone with subhuman genetics. Almost no one has this bad genetics. The other is a model with amazing genetics. Same thing, extremely rare. So yes, the blackpill does apply here, of course, the chad will be treated much better and get more women than the subhuman. The flaw comes into thinking this is true at all levels. Let me use a bell curve to explain.
View attachment 2815690
If you haven't taken math, and don't know what this is. Its a normal distribution bell curve. To give a rough idea, the amount of MTNs in the world is the dark blue portion(the two big bars in the middle). HTN would be the portion with the 10-20 range on the bottom, so 13.6%, Chadlite, would be the next at 2.1%, and chad at 0.1%. On the other side, LTN would be 13.6% on the left side, subhuman would be the 2.1%, and truecell is the bottom 0.1%. By now, I'm sure you can see where I'm going. People consistently apply subhuman or chads experiences to the entire population. This makes no sense considering how rare they both are. The middle of this graph represents a point where looks matter the least, as you go farther out they matter more and more. Yet, since the vast majority are closer to the middle why have we tricked ourselves into thinking looks are everything?

NT and the Whitepill
For the vast majority of the population. The blackpill simply just is not true, I don't care how many people this enrages. Yes, I wasted almost a year with this flawed mentality, when If I had been trying to be a more normal 19-year-old by now. I might've had a gf. The reality is that a normal-looking guy whos enjoyable to be around, funny, and interesting to women can pull. All of us have probably seen a dude around your looks level with a girl and thought 'how the fuck did he pull her?' Probably because he never discovered '' and had a normal childhood.

Yes, looks do matter. Yes, you should work on improving them to a degree. But understand when the blackpill is applicable, and work on becoming a normal person. This is going to help most of your more in the long run, give my ideas a chance and take a break from here

The fact the majority of us are probably using OLD or nightclubs is the problem. Those environments are the most blackpilled. Everything else normies can do well in
  • +1
Reactions: Gigasubhuman, likenesss, BlackpilledPlatypus and 4 others
I am not good-looking.
I think its no secret that this forum is actually becoming less blackpilled if you just scroll through offtopic and talk to long-term users who are realizing the true importance of NT. Are they right though? Yes, and let me explain

Some long-term users of this site or 2022 cells are starting to realize they wasted their fucking time here and could've spent this time just trying to get a gf. Rotting is by far the biggest death sentence in terms of your life. It doesn't matter how good or bad you look. Look at a truecell @Bojack for example (sorry bojack) and an actual good-looking user like @MoggerGaston. They are both making offtopic threads on a website full of other men on a Friday night. But looks are everything, right? So why are both living the same life? It's because looks are in fact not everything
Logical Fallacy
The main point of this thread, and overall flaw with the blackpill. The biggest issue is that people apply the societal treatment of outliers to the entire population. This is a highly overlooked flaw. Every blackpill meme or post out there follows something like this
View attachment 2815687 You've probably seen this post in a million different forms and thought, true. Well it is true, but guess what. One is someone with subhuman genetics. Almost no one has this bad genetics. The other is a model with amazing genetics. Same thing, extremely rare. So yes, the blackpill does apply here, of course, the chad will be treated much better and get more women than the subhuman. The flaw comes into thinking this is true at all levels. Let me use a bell curve to explain.
View attachment 2815690
If you haven't taken math, and don't know what this is. Its a normal distribution bell curve. To give a rough idea, the amount of MTNs in the world is the dark blue portion(the two big bars in the middle). HTN would be the portion with the 10-20 range on the bottom, so 13.6%, Chadlite, would be the next at 2.1%, and chad at 0.1%. On the other side, LTN would be 13.6% on the left side, subhuman would be the 2.1%, and truecell is the bottom 0.1%. By now, I'm sure you can see where I'm going. People consistently apply subhuman or chads experiences to the entire population. This makes no sense considering how rare they both are. The middle of this graph represents a point where looks matter the least, as you go farther out they matter more and more. Yet, since the vast majority are closer to the middle why have we tricked ourselves into thinking looks are everything?

NT and the Whitepill
For the vast majority of the population. The blackpill simply just is not true, I don't care how many people this enrages. Yes, I wasted almost a year with this flawed mentality, when If I had been trying to be a more normal 19-year-old by now. I might've had a gf. The reality is that a normal-looking guy whos enjoyable to be around, funny, and interesting to women can pull. All of us have probably seen a dude around your looks level with a girl and thought 'how the fuck did he pull her?' Probably because he never discovered '' and had a normal childhood.

Yes, looks do matter. Yes, you should work on improving them to a degree. But understand when the blackpill is applicable, and work on becoming a normal person. This is going to help most of your more in the long run, give my ideas a chance and take a break from here

Good read.

Blackpill ( Looks ) + Redpill ( Female Nature/Manipulation/Social Skills ) should be good for you to know, I know couple who get manipulated 24/7 and doesn't even lead a relationship.

Looks matter you need social skills too. Being a MTN with no knowledge of female nature or importance of looks is a death sentence she would just leave you.
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This forum does make you weird cause its a echo chamber you are what you consume pretty much
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Looks aren’t normally distributed it’s easier for craniofacial development to go wrong than go right
It adjusts for that doofus

The average person has a flaw or multiple.
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Reactions: Gigasubhuman, Deleted member 68446 and borismonster
It adjusts for that doofus

The average person has a flaw or multiple.
Look at the average guy marriage would you want that to be you? Go to local grocery store n watch couples.

You need blackpill knowledge and redpill. You need to know your enemy deeply
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water thread ive posted abt the NT pill a gazillion times
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it’s been repeated a shit ton on here but i agree with the following. you should think blackpill, act redpill, and talk bluepill.
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Reactions: Rhom, Gigasubhuman, STUPIDREFEREES and 16 others
I never believed most of the theories here. The only reason why I'm here is cuz niggas like @Orc @pneumocystosis and @Clavicular post useful, esoteric, low-inhib looksmaxxing threads which I apply irl. There's a shit ton of useful bro science here too that's making me stay
  • +1
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I never believed most of the theories here. The only reason why I'm here is cuz niggas like @Orc @pneumocystosis and @Clavicular post useful, esoteric, low-inhib looksmaxxing threads which I apply irl. There's a shit ton of useful bro science here too that's making me stay
Yeah thats similar for me and bc I get bored
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Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 62931 and i_love_roosters
Good thread
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The thing with Blackpill and .Org is its a rabbit hole, after reading all this stuff Niggas are using it as a coping mechanism: " Muh my genes are bad cant get woman "

Yet alot of Niggas which are even more ugly then them have ONSs, LTRs, Marriage and even kids in the real world.

Alot of users here are just complete social outcasts and thats their main problem.
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: tye, DelonLover1999, Gigasubhuman and 9 others
such a dogshit thread
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Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel, Deleted member 41749, Allornothing and 2 others
If you state that I am good-looking, then the following must be true:

1)good-looking men get no matches on OLD. (I don't).
2)good-looking men get 0 ioi and don't get approached IRL ever. (I don't).
3)when good-looking men approach they get indicators of disgust. (I do).

these are copes and you know it. Only conclusion is that I am not good-looking.
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  • +1
Reactions: Allornothing and trueceI
I think its no secret that this forum is actually becoming less blackpilled if you just scroll through offtopic and talk to long-term users who are realizing the true importance of NT. Are they right though? Yes, and let me explain

Some long-term users of this site or 2022 cells are starting to realize they wasted their fucking time here and could've spent this time just trying to get a gf. Rotting is by far the biggest death sentence in terms of your life. It doesn't matter how good or bad you look. Look at a truecell @Bojack for example (sorry bojack) and an actual good-looking user like @MoggerGaston. They are both making offtopic threads on a website full of other men on a Friday night. But looks are everything, right? So why are both living the same life? It's because looks are in fact not everything
Logical Fallacy
The main point of this thread, and overall flaw with the blackpill. The biggest issue is that people apply the societal treatment of outliers to the entire population. This is a highly overlooked flaw. Every blackpill meme or post out there follows something like this
View attachment 2815687 You've probably seen this post in a million different forms and thought, true. Well it is true, but guess what. One is someone with subhuman genetics. Almost no one has this bad genetics. The other is a model with amazing genetics. Same thing, extremely rare. So yes, the blackpill does apply here, of course, the chad will be treated much better and get more women than the subhuman. The flaw comes into thinking this is true at all levels. Let me use a bell curve to explain.
View attachment 2815690
If you haven't taken math, and don't know what this is. Its a normal distribution bell curve. To give a rough idea, the amount of MTNs in the world is the dark blue portion(the two big bars in the middle). HTN would be the portion with the 10-20 range on the bottom, so 13.6%, Chadlite, would be the next at 2.1%, and chad at 0.1%. On the other side, LTN would be 13.6% on the left side, subhuman would be the 2.1%, and truecell is the bottom 0.1%. By now, I'm sure you can see where I'm going. People consistently apply subhuman or chads experiences to the entire population. This makes no sense considering how rare they both are. The middle of this graph represents a point where looks matter the least, as you go farther out they matter more and more. Yet, since the vast majority are closer to the middle why have we tricked ourselves into thinking looks are everything?

NT and the Whitepill
For the vast majority of the population. The blackpill simply just is not true, I don't care how many people this enrages. Yes, I wasted almost a year with this flawed mentality, when If I had been trying to be a more normal 19-year-old by now. I might've had a gf. The reality is that a normal-looking guy whos enjoyable to be around, funny, and interesting to women can pull. All of us have probably seen a dude around your looks level with a girl and thought 'how the fuck did he pull her?' Probably because he never discovered '' and had a normal childhood.

Yes, looks do matter. Yes, you should work on improving them to a degree. But understand when the blackpill is applicable, and work on becoming a normal person. This is going to help most of your more in the long run, give my ideas a chance and take a break from here

True. Also we fail to realise that this forum underrates so many people (once saw some people seriously saying henry cavill is mtn :lul: :lul: )
  • +1
Reactions: got.daim and borismonster
True. Also we fail to realise that this forum underrates so many people (once saw some people seriously saying henry cavill is mtn :lul: :lul: )
He was trolling lol
  • JFL
Reactions: not.curry
water with some flaws

  1. i dont think that the standard bell curve is an accurate distribution of peoples looks
  2. lots of people on this website dont believe that they need to be htn+ to pull, they are here for other reasons
  3. blackpill is true for most people they just dont realise it/are in denial
  4. i think the change in overall treatment between people in the middle of the bell curve is definitely significant e.g. someone who ascends from ltn to mtn or mtn to htn will receive noticeably better treatment
I think its no secret that this forum is actually becoming less blackpilled if you just scroll through offtopic and talk to long-term users who are realizing the true importance of NT. Are they right though? Yes, and let me explain

Some long-term users of this site or 2022 cells are starting to realize they wasted their fucking time here and could've spent this time just trying to get a gf. Rotting is by far the biggest death sentence in terms of your life. It doesn't matter how good or bad you look. Look at a truecell @Bojack for example (sorry bojack) and an actual good-looking user like @MoggerGaston. They are both making offtopic threads on a website full of other men on a Friday night. But looks are everything, right? So why are both living the same life? It's because looks are in fact not everything
Logical Fallacy
The main point of this thread, and overall flaw with the blackpill. The biggest issue is that people apply the societal treatment of outliers to the entire population. This is a highly overlooked flaw. Every blackpill meme or post out there follows something like this
View attachment 2815687 You've probably seen this post in a million different forms and thought, true. Well it is true, but guess what. One is someone with subhuman genetics. Almost no one has this bad genetics. The other is a model with amazing genetics. Same thing, extremely rare. So yes, the blackpill does apply here, of course, the chad will be treated much better and get more women than the subhuman. The flaw comes into thinking this is true at all levels. Let me use a bell curve to explain.
View attachment 2815690
If you haven't taken math, and don't know what this is. Its a normal distribution bell curve. To give a rough idea, the amount of MTNs in the world is the dark blue portion(the two big bars in the middle). HTN would be the portion with the 10-20 range on the bottom, so 13.6%, Chadlite, would be the next at 2.1%, and chad at 0.1%. On the other side, LTN would be 13.6% on the left side, subhuman would be the 2.1%, and truecell is the bottom 0.1%. By now, I'm sure you can see where I'm going. People consistently apply subhuman or chads experiences to the entire population. This makes no sense considering how rare they both are. The middle of this graph represents a point where looks matter the least, as you go farther out they matter more and more. Yet, since the vast majority are closer to the middle why have we tricked ourselves into thinking looks are everything?

NT and the Whitepill
For the vast majority of the population. The blackpill simply just is not true, I don't care how many people this enrages. Yes, I wasted almost a year with this flawed mentality, when If I had been trying to be a more normal 19-year-old by now. I might've had a gf. The reality is that a normal-looking guy whos enjoyable to be around, funny, and interesting to women can pull. All of us have probably seen a dude around your looks level with a girl and thought 'how the fuck did he pull her?' Probably because he never discovered '' and had a normal childhood.

Yes, looks do matter. Yes, you should work on improving them to a degree. But understand when the blackpill is applicable, and work on becoming a normal person. This is going to help most of your more in the long run, give my ideas a chance and take a break from here


another day another shit thread with no value added bojack and the other guy is legit autistic there not your average guy who has loosks
  • +1
Reactions: borismonster
Good post

disagree with this part though
and work on becoming a normal person. This is going to help most of your more in the long run, give my ideas a chance and take a break from here
The biggest blackpill of them all is that it's all genetically determined, you can't just "become normal"
  • +1
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel, bigseal,🤫 and 2 others
odds are if you are on this site you do not possess the qualities of getting a girlfriend. either you look bad enough or you lack the social skills.
  • +1
Reactions: copemaxxeer and borismonster
It adjusts for that doofus

The average person has a flaw or multiple.
Are you retarded?:feelskek: The graph you posted is a normal distribution looks aren’t normally distributed there are more LTNs than HTNs
another day another shit thread with no value added bojack and the other guy is legit autistic there not your average guy who has loosks
Thats my point dipshit

They are autistic
Good post

disagree with this part though

The biggest blackpill of them all is that it's all genetically determined, you can't just "become normal"
Agreed, but genetic determinism and blackpill are not the exact same.

Bp specifically refers to looks
  • +1
Reactions: DelonLover1999 and rand anon
Agreed, but genetic determinism and blackpill are not the exact same.

Bp specifically refers to looks
We must redefine it then :feelshehe::Comfy::Comfy:
  • +1
Reactions: trueceI
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Clavicular
I think its no secret that this forum is actually becoming less blackpilled if you just scroll through offtopic and talk to long-term users who are realizing the true importance of NT. Are they right though? Yes, and let me explain

Some long-term users of this site or 2022 cells are starting to realize they wasted their fucking time here and could've spent this time just trying to get a gf. Rotting is by far the biggest death sentence in terms of your life. It doesn't matter how good or bad you look. Look at a truecell @Bojack for example (sorry bojack) and an actual good-looking user like @MoggerGaston. They are both making offtopic threads on a website full of other men on a Friday night. But looks are everything, right? So why are both living the same life? It's because looks are in fact not everything
Logical Fallacy
The main point of this thread, and overall flaw with the blackpill. The biggest issue is that people apply the societal treatment of outliers to the entire population. This is a highly overlooked flaw. Every blackpill meme or post out there follows something like this
View attachment 2815687 You've probably seen this post in a million different forms and thought, true. Well it is true, but guess what. One is someone with subhuman genetics. Almost no one has this bad genetics. The other is a model with amazing genetics. Same thing, extremely rare. So yes, the blackpill does apply here, of course, the chad will be treated much better and get more women than the subhuman. The flaw comes into thinking this is true at all levels. Let me use a bell curve to explain.
View attachment 2815690
If you haven't taken math, and don't know what this is. Its a normal distribution bell curve. To give a rough idea, the amount of MTNs in the world is the dark blue portion(the two big bars in the middle). HTN would be the portion with the 10-20 range on the bottom, so 13.6%, Chadlite, would be the next at 2.1%, and chad at 0.1%. On the other side, LTN would be 13.6% on the left side, subhuman would be the 2.1%, and truecell is the bottom 0.1%. By now, I'm sure you can see where I'm going. People consistently apply subhuman or chads experiences to the entire population. This makes no sense considering how rare they both are. The middle of this graph represents a point where looks matter the least, as you go farther out they matter more and more. Yet, since the vast majority are closer to the middle why have we tricked ourselves into thinking looks are everything?

NT and the Whitepill
For the vast majority of the population. The blackpill simply just is not true, I don't care how many people this enrages. Yes, I wasted almost a year with this flawed mentality, when If I had been trying to be a more normal 19-year-old by now. I might've had a gf. The reality is that a normal-looking guy whos enjoyable to be around, funny, and interesting to women can pull. All of us have probably seen a dude around your looks level with a girl and thought 'how the fuck did he pull her?' Probably because he never discovered '' and had a normal childhood.

Yes, looks do matter. Yes, you should work on improving them to a degree. But understand when the blackpill is applicable, and work on becoming a normal person. This is going to help most of your more in the long run, give my ideas a chance and take a break from here

2 flaws here:
1) Male attractiveness (as perceived by females) is not normally distributed. It is a log-normal distribution with left skew.
2) Aside from this flaw, you also omitted that your point applies only to long-term relationship contexts. Not in the short term market.
2 flaws here:
1) Male attractiveness (as perceived by females) is not normally distributed. It is a log-normal distribution with left skew.
2) Aside from this flaw, you also omitted that your point applies only to long-term relationship contexts. Not in the short term market.
Ive seen multiple people say this, there's no evidence to suggest this. You could argue that women's standards align more with that graph. But peoples looks are normally distributed. I see ur point though, but I think my point about outliers still stands

It applies more to LTR, but NT is still needed for club settings, just a bit less. I appreciate the critique though
The fact the majority of us are probably using OLD or nightclubs is the problem. Those environments are the most blackpilled. Everything else normies can do well in
There Are no other environments after youre a wagecuck
There Are no other environments after youre a wagecuck

I am 30 and I go to university organized events and programs, both daytime and nighttime. There are 18-23 yo women all around me. My last gf was 20. If you are not aware of all your possible options, then yes you are right.
Congratulations you discovered cuckoldry
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: ChadL1te
Dnr it's not about being NT it's about looking NT.

At the end of the day it's always about the way you look.
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Reactions: Deleted member 52452 and 97baHater
Dnr it's not about being NT it's about looking NT.

At the end of the day it's always about the way you look.
You cant always tell if someone is NT by the way they look
You cant always tell if someone is NT by the way they look
The thing is people come to this forum because they think they're ugly which made them social rejects. After enough time passes, they forget their roots and start believing they just need to be more social, when their looks was the reason they became antisocial in the first place.

I've seen enough faces on this forum (from subhuman to HTN), to conclude that practically every user here (and every bluepiller outside of these forums who struggles socially) just has an unwelcoming face, and they aren't good looking enough for it to be an intimidating halo. If people think you're weird before you've even said a word, you'll struggle no matter how NT you act.

These normies who are "uglier than most users here yet still have a social circle and gf etc. etc.", are either high-trust or good looking.

Conclusion: it's all looks.
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The thing is people come to this forum because they think they're ugly which made them social rejects. After enough time passes, they forget their roots and start believing they just need to be more social, when their looks was the reason they became antisocial in the first place.

I've seen enough faces on this forum (from subhuman to HTN), to conclude that practically every user here (and every bluepiller outside of these forums who struggles socially) just has an unwelcoming face, and they aren't good looking enough for it to be an intimidating halo. If people think you're weird before you've even said a word, you'll struggle no matter how NT you act.

These normies who are "uglier than most users here yet still have a social circle and gf etc. etc.", are either high-trust or good looking.

Conclusion: it's all looks.
I see your point, but this just isn't true of everyone

I came here to look for niche improvement tips and because I just started college and didn't know many ppl(so I had free time). I look a little weird but I've had moderate success with women given my age. Sure they dont approach me at every turn but if I'm at a party or meeting them in some social setting they dont rule me out automatically for having a slightly stern eye area

Ive been cold-approached a small amount of times too. Looks are not in fact everything
  • JFL
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