Tiktok star goes ER on his Stacy wife and "her male friend" because she wanted a divorce and he suspected her cheating with him.

A prenup isn't a thing in North America?
Yes, except that it doesn't change anything, They throw it out in court all the time. The only time I have seen it work is when rich people do it. For example, Elon Musk had a pre-nup for his second divorce so he only had to pay a few million (less than 10 million) instead of billions (he was a multi billionaire at the time).

So, the only guys who can use pre-nups are those who are so rich that they can afford the best lawyers that money can buy. If you're stuck with the average lawyer or even a more expensive lawyer but you're not even a multi millionaire, the prenup isn't going to work and you'll most likely spend a ton of money in the marriage, the divorce, and the lawyer fees because men, even in 2021, are forced to pay for not only their own lawyer but the woman's lawyer too. And when they say they split the money and assets in half, that is only the minimum, so it's basically communism. That's what divorce is.

And like I said, it has nothing to do with looks, women take advantage of the unfair laws because they can, not because they think you're ugly. So, the best way to protect yourself is to simply never marry. And if you want a girlfriend, you can still have that as long as you avoid marriage. And if she needs to get married and she tries to force you, it's best to tell her why you don't want to, and if she isn't happy, you'll eventually find someone who is okay with not getting married.

In my country, it's very common for people nowadays to not get married, so there is no social pressure to do so, not even in my family.
LMAO used to watch this dude's tony montana impressions fuark
I got some empathy for him actually.

He had to kill to save his face. Otherwise, he will be laughed at if people around know that he was cheated on. I live in a 3rd world shithole so I understand fully the concept of "save face at all cost".

To any rational man, the worst possible feeling is when you feel like an inferior man to other men. In other words, most men feel like shit if mogged.

But normally, we just keep the shitty feeling to ourselves if we are mogged in our daily life. But in this case, the situation is too extreme. When he knew the wife had cheated, he felt like shit. He felt totally mogged by the other man. And he felt that he will be a laughing stock to the end of his life if he did not revenge. That's why shit happened.

Some of you guys will laugh at the guy for killing the thot and the other guy. But Im pretty sure, he would be respected in prison. Otherwise, he would be laughed at.

Many of you are living in the western world and have totally lost to the leftist propaganda. The guy committed a crime. But in the past, that kind of crime was legal. It was called "crime of passion". And in many poor country (like mine for example), people will actually praise you if you did what the guy did. That's the concept of honor and dignity.
I totally respect that, 3rd world countries tend to be more man sympathetic and willing to hear a man's grievances while 1st world western countries are literal cucked gynocracies with absolutely no regard for your common man. There's many things about the third world i don't like, but atleast you guys give guys a voice.
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THIS SHIT MAKES ME SO DEPRESSED AND SCARED AT THE SAME TIME. I'm trying to looksmax and surgerymaxx so I can be atleast HALF as good looking as this guy, and yet clearly, EVEN THAT WON'T BE ENOUGH. If this man is getting cucked bro...:feelsbadman::feelsbadman::feelsbadman::feelsbadman::feelsbadman: bro I'm literally at a lost for words. I never wanted to say I hate women, cause I tried being some stoic nihilist and just accept things as they were, but idk this is too much for me to bear. I will ascend with surgeries, but I'll make these whores pay. I will also never get into ltrs, I refuse to allow myself to be cucked :lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes:
Nobody in prison would fuck with him after what he just did. In fact, he will gain a lot of respect in prison. That's common sense 101.

And what is worse?

1 - Rotting in jail knowing that you just killed some fuckers that dared to wrong you.
2 - Rotting in the free world and lose all self-respect knowing that you are just a loser that did not have a gut to do anything after being wronged
I'd rather rot in the free world for a few years and pick my life back up. This guy was famous on tiktok - he had almost 1 million followers; he had a bright future ahead of him. He could have moved on, made money and enjoyed life like the rest of us. I have been broken hearted before and thought that my world was coming to an end, but I moved on, now I look at those moments and laugh about it. Making an impulsive and emotional mistake that would cost you your life is never worth it. Now he's going to live the rest of his life like an abused dog and possibility never have any meaningful relationship ever again because he is a known murderer.
No its not in this case, because she wants out and lets him know it, and wants to divorce him. Its only cheating in a commited relationship.
:redpill:I agree, alot of these men with lack of options, believe the women their banging belongs to them, and said women wanting to leave and telling the man is cheating :soy:
A lot of men cannot handle losing the love of their life and get super emotional about it - this mostly happens when the guy lucks out and ends up dating/married to a girl above his looks level. The Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie situation is a perfect example. A lot of men cannot handle their Stacy GF leaving them for a superior dude - they know deep down that they can never get a girl as pretty as she is.
Your correct my God hes wife had a sexy body and a amazing ass. That dude was never gonna get anything close to that ever again.
no proof of her cheating, this guy was a emotional loser, who decided to shoot them both. Now hes gonna spend life in prison, what a idiot, should have just divorced the broad and moved on with your money, and tik tok fame and get even better/ younger broad age 21-24. Now hes gonna be in prison around violent criminals. All that crying is just him, upset hes life is over.
she wanted a divorce? that's proof enough :ROFLMAO: bitches don't do divorces without a backup plan. She deserved it. I'm glad she is dead
he should have set her on fire, that's proper punishment
:redpill:I agree, alot of these men with lack of options, believe the women their banging belongs to them, and said women wanting to leave and telling the man is cheating :soy:
Women are property, she can't decide to just quit and divorce because she is property of him.
Your correct my God hes wife had a sexy body and a amazing ass. That dude was never gonna get anything close to that ever again.
the guy who was "superior" to him is dead as fuck just as much as that bitch. And it's amazing :feelsgood:
wheres the stacy? or even hightier becky??
Jfl at marrying a hoe when u have access to virgins. Low iq muslimcel.
Lol I'm from a Muslim culture too and i can get a virgin submissive wife too but no i don't want it lol I don't want a fucking boring partner.

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