To anyone who "ascended" through Looksmaxing: did things really change? And if so, what changed (how people react to you compared to before)?

you must be trolling. my post invalidates all the shit you just said, nothing more. just lol if you think for a single moment anyone here believes you're "winning at life" just because you got a whore to follow you around for a couple of weeks. your retarded posts indicate you didnt even inherit the smart gook genetics and ended up straight up retarded. see you in offtopic crying about your life again when chad comes around.
You’re insecure. I don’t have to prove my worth to you.
You’re insecure. I don’t have to prove my worth to you.
Tbh mad respect for your ascension. You make it sound like you didn’t do much which is prolly why people are acting this way.

to think you were the after photo is quite shocking tbh and you’ve got every going for you. You’ve already got the face part. Once you gym maxed and NT max you need to leave this server and never look back.

good luck though. Nice ascension
Doesn't matter how people treat you, I can't believe anyone actually cares about anything in life other than sex and romance lol.

And you have no chance at life if you're not attractive. It's just not a possibility. You have to live like a disabled person. No hope of having a girlfriend who doesn't make you vomit.
Wow man, its actually exactly what you wrote.

All those superficial friendships, going to social circle meetings etc. all that is bs. Ppl lived in tribes for thousands of years up untill even 100 years ago or less. Like 100 yrs ago your tribe was your family (several generations) and your wife's family (several generations) who lived in houses close to each other.

There was none of that shit with going to meet social circle friends, going to socialize etc., simply because transportation didnt exist. Places for "socializing" didnt exist. Youd maybe go to a place like a theatre realistically speaking like 1x in a year or even longer. Go to a local village festival like 1-2x a year. The rest of the time youve spent with your family and kids, i. e. with your tribe.

Even less than 100 years ago, around 80% of ppl lived in villages, not big cities (in most countries that is, not all ofcourse). There was none of this "socializing" nonsense possible and Im sure ppl lived a happier and healthier life without all the degeneracy like wasting yourself in bars every weekend etc.

I wouldnt say it is something negative if someone gets bored of ppl fast or doesnt prefer to be around tons of ppl you dont even know. Its because ppl were tribalist for thousands of years. You only care about your tribe, the closest ppl to you, because everyone would help each other as it is in every tribe members interest to pass their genes down the line.

All this socializing nonsense is artificial crap where 90% just virtue signal and try to blend in with the general consensus, where as soon as your individual view slightly deviates from the general consensus, youre looked upon as some weird/awkward lunatic etc. hence why everyone tries to blend in as much as possible. Its all fake and artificial and basically everyones trying to project their views onto others etc. Its also very predictable and monotonous, like the topics ppl will discuss about etc. boring AF, all the same, they regurgitate all the BS that they got brainwashed by the media, hollywood etc. basicaly what powers that be brainwash them with.

What Im trying to say is, what really matters at the end of the day is being around ppl in your tribe, who legitimately care for one another and dont just virtue signal etc. And its just about smashing and procreating and raising the children with your wife. Everything else is just useless distractions, like all the materialistic things, which are only designed to make the ruling elite more wealthy and powerful. All those fucking gadges, materialistic shit is completely useless for one's life.

Ppl lived happier lives without owning a 800 dollar smart watch and 50k usd car, dozens of pairs of shoes, clothes etc.
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I did some mild looksmaxxing and they benefited me in a way.
The phrase "you should looksmax for yourself in the first place" holds alot of truth tbh. Even if you wouldnt get better feedback from others after looksmaxing, it is easier to accept oneself as one is if youre in the looksmaxxed state, rather than rotting state. Since you know, usually we are our own biggest critics.
The phrase "you should looksmax for yourself in the first place" holds alot of truth tbh. Even if you wouldnt get better feedback from others after looksmaxing, it is easier to accept oneself as one is if youre in the looksmaxxed state, rather than rotting state. Since you know, usually we are our own biggest critics.
I personally don't give a single fuck about "feeling better about myself". If I told you I'm looksmaxing to please myself I'd be lying and coping hard.

I honestly never gave an actual fuck about how I looked. With this mindset, I would be more than happy living as an greasy obese neckbeard full of acne with a subhuman nose and terrible hairstyle. But unfortunately I need other people's approval to get a job, to get friends/support, to get a girlfriend, to get laid, to talk to, you know, to perform neurotypical social activities. So that's why I looksmax, I would be perfectly satisfied looking subhuman as long as I would get all of these things (meeting my standards), which unfortunately doesn't happen as that's the way life works.
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Don't expect your life to change because one or two surgeries JFL
depends on the surgery tbh

if its like otoplasty and eyebrow transplant then yeah no shit nothing much is gonna change.

but if u do something like jaw surgery and a midface implant (assuming the rest of ur face is sufficient) will be a much more massive and meaningful change.
I have gone from a 2/10 to a 4-5/10 in just over a year.

I evoked visible repulsion from people in the past. One women even covering their vagina when I looked her in the eye!

Now I am treated with civility as a normal member of society. Even given IOIs by women who like my look.
You’re coping. I’m above average in every way. I have a sick ass job, I travel the world, I love myself, I’m funny, intelligent, above average in frame, height, face, dick, and work ethic. There’s nothing I won’t achieve. I love myself more than you hate yourself. I’m something I admire.
ngl every single one of ur posts reads like a desperate attempt to convince urself of smth you know isnt true lol. combined with being unnecessarily aggressive in everything and feigning superiority over all forum users (which you are too), its like a sudden transformation into a raging narcissist. cool u got friends and had a girl talk to you, so did 98% of people when they were 14.

u definitely arent 'winning at life' if ur still active on this forum and u definitely arent NT jfl, stop acting like an arrogant faggot. just fucking lol if you think ur somehow better than the blackpill bc u left ur cube of social isolation for the first time.
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Incel here, soon to get a rhino+septo, as well gymmaxing, hairmaxing, skinmaxing... Everything maxing (and I intend to do other surgerymaxings in the future).

I'd like to hear from the users here who changed their looks significantly... Did anything actually change?

I've heard stories from guys that got jaw implants and suddenly received like 5x more matches on Tinder, also that GetLooksOrDieTryin user who reported some really interesting stuff that happened after he maxxed...

I rarely see stories about these things here anymore, does anyone has something to share?
people talk to me now.
im pretty introvert but since they were women out of my social circle it wasnt an issue, i can do very well on 1on1, dates werent a problem at all
Got any tips on this? Like what do you talk about, how you make a connection?

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