UK Night Game Report... finally moving in the right direction

I made a thread about this before- but on any given night what % of girls in a club go home with a guy they didn’t know before?

I think 1% or less
I'd probably agree that it's around 1% or so - although I guess it's more about what % of them WOULD go home with a guy they didn't know if the club/bar was full of attractive guys? It's surely higher now.
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Cant believe i read this good thread ngl
Holy shit bois... yesterday was a sick night. Got a whole of stories to tell. Grammar and writing will be pretty poor for this one because I'm still recovering... but I'll try to convey my points in chronological order.

So I made a prep thread yesterday

Was not fully soft-maxxed at all, so really was not expecting the night to go the way it did.

Ah... where to begin? Pres started around 8:30. It was dead ngl. I managed to lock myself out of my flat room a few minutes prior (don't even know how... my key/electronic fob was still in the room). I had to call estate patrol. They unlocked the room and I immediately swallowed 2g of phenibut. Went to the kitchen to discover only 4 ppl were there.

*A low tier becky zoomer English-born chinese girl with tourettes for the word "SLAYY". She kept repeating it over and over. It got a little annoying at times because that seemed to be the only word in her repertoire.

*A hapa mid tier becky dutch-indonesian girl that I'd spoken to for hours the night prior. She was open to talking about sex and all kinds of raunchy topics, but it was a friendzone-type vibe. Like before the night I'm pretty sure she thought I was gay.

*A literal incel-tier diagnosed aspie. 0 grooming (had chapped lips and dead skin on eyebrows), overweight with an estrogenic fat distribution. He's a nice chap though.

*Me - the ugliest man to ever exist
We drink a couple of shots and play a drinking game where you have to pick the person most likely to fit the statement shown on the app... and then pass the phone to that person so they can read it out. Considering my confidence was -1, I was very surprised to find both girls assumed I look like a "fuckboy". However, the hapa girl assured the LTB that I was not that way (as I said I'd spoken to a couple of times prior. We had long chats about progressive topics, sociology, being open about emotions etc. etc.... you get the gist).

Anyways, aspie was getting teased a bit. They kept giving him the semi-vulgar ones... like "using condom as a candy wrapper", can't exactly remember but something to do with alcohol and diahrrea. Tbh, I joined in a bit to appear NT. Gave him a few digs, but honestly, nothing beyond jokey or remotely nasty. He seemed to enjoy himself but didn't go to the club with us. Apparently legit aspies get panic attacks in clubs/bars due to the lights and loud music.

A MTN Italian and changlite were supposed to be with us, but they seemed to have already formed their own social circles.



Okay, so we head off to the club around 9:30ish. Get a couple of beers from the Co-Op. Can't really tell if the phenibut has hit at this point. Chat a bit and I don't seem to have any anxiety. Tbh, I am usually hyper-analytical... looking for micro gestures and ways normies are trying to put me down. Not this time though.

Get in the club line and I start chatting to an Indian dude in front of me. Tip here for Brits... always chat to the international Indian students if u want to build social lubricant and get warmed up. They are very open and are happy to talk to a British guy. Usually enthusiastic too, so it's a good vibe. Also great because u will inevitably see these ppl again in the club, and then makes you appear more popular and NT (i.e. network effects). But yeah start chatting to men in the line, and maybe a few girls but keep it platonic until u get in IMO. Don't want to seem desperate or getting any harsh rejections before u are even drunk.

So get in the club early... around 10. Buy a few jagerbombs with my flatmates and start dancing. First thing I always notice is that no one really knows what they are doing. Throwing arms and legs in whichever direction, hoping to appear more NT. So keep dancing for 15min or so. I keep building social lubricant. I purposefully bump into guys so we can start small talk (although it's difficult with blaring club music). A brown becky girl gave me her plastic shades and said "I had a nice haircut". I reciprocated her compliment, said "her hair looked nice". She'll be back later in the order of events. Get bored of dancing with the hapa girl and LTB. Both looked semi-disinterested at the time so I fucked off to the toilets. Met a few ppl... can't remember much tbh except that I picked up a foam light thingy from someone or other.

So I got this foam light thingy. I see a low-mid tier becky (she was around 40 percentile). I instinctively start sword fighting with her (we both have foam thingies). One thing led to another and I leaned in for the kiss. We kissed for around 20 seconds. I had no idea what I was doing (jfl I have never kissed a girl until this point). I just told her I was "very drunk" and she said, "she could tell". I promptly left and at the time it felt surreal. Couldn't process what had happened. Even though for normies something like that would have been fairly normal... for me it was like a paradigm-shifting event in my way of thinking. All of a sudden, I felt like billy big bollocks. Went to the smoking area and I started chatting to more students. Coolest ones were always international though. A trick that always works is when the student comes from an obscure country, and u know the capital city. Like there was a camp black dude who told me he was from Angola. I asked him if he was from Luanda and he got really excited (they always do)... because 9/10 times a rich international student of a random country no one cares about is going to come from the capital. So he introduced me to his friendship group. Some quite rambunctious characters I have to say... met these guys again in the bar area and they were chill. The eccentric one was an Indian-American dude with a chest tattoo. He managed to pull a petite MTB white JB on the floor a few minutes later.

So I talk to a few more people and find my flatmates again. Then I fuck off again to the toilets. Meet an English-born 4/10 Indian girl in the seating area next to the toilets. No idea how the convo went to politics, but I told her she was Priti Patel and that I voted tory (I have never even voted in my life). It was a pick-up line and it worked. The worst game imaginable (but I was running JBW theory) on her really. She told me it was bad to vote conservative, but she seemed strangely turned on by it. I think it's because a lot of Indians are quite conservative in their politics, but it also had to do with the fact she was from the posh catered halls. I faked being posh (I'm actually a pleb), and she kept asking for kisses from me. My pee-pee was not turned on by it though. I really wasn't feeling it. Thankfully her friend pulled her away, and I told her I'd see her on the floor (spoiler: I never did). The funny thing is I was presenting myself as this big game player when really I'd only kissed 1 drunk girl for less than a minute in my entire pathetic 23yrs of existence before our encounter.

Ok, so at this point I'm feeling like a million bucks, even though I've only made out with 2 mid girls. I head to the toilets again. I start chatting to a few guys in toilets. Ofc, the topic of conversation goes to gym. I add 1 of the chaps on snap (I try to find excuses for my pitiful snap score). So one of these guys is complimenting my physique, and suggests I take my shirt off. What transpired next was like what happens when a white girl travels to India

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Everyone starts groping my chest arms and abs in hetero-gym bro fashion. Then everyone starts taking their shirts off and we are complimenting eachothers physiques. I am littering everyone with free compliments and ppl are saying what a nice guy I am. So after the gym bro erotica ended... I headed out. Still feeling good off the pheni and my last 2 makeouts I chat to a few more geezers. I said one of them looked like Robert Pattinson (he did except he was a balding manlet covered with acne and didn't have pattison's jaw). I actually did the same thing last year to another chap... that sort of looked like Pattinson except he was balding. Anyways, this guy took it well. Looked like he was about to cry with happiness. Said it was the best compliment he'd received in his entire life. Heartwarming moment.

So I'm still waiting in the toilets area. Flatmates come up and sit with me. Turns out hapa girl likes the changlite who didn't turn up to pres. Surprise, surprise. My intuition is always second to none. Knew it. I reassured her she looked good and that I'd make out with her if it wasn't flat-cest. Also talked of my escapades and she seemed more interested ?! (red pill cope). Also told my hapa flatmate that I vote tory (I don't even vote) and she said we have to have a long chat tomorrow about why you shouldn't vote tory (fml).

So go back on the floor and dance with flatmates a little longer. They said they were gonna leave but obviously I wasn't

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It was around 1:30AM. The night is still young I told myself. But for the next hr it was pretty dead. The alcohol was hitting properly and I was going into obnoxious drunk mode. Also, people were less receptive to me dancing in their groups. I did manage to give a mid tier becky English girl a spin and made out with her for a bit (was the best-looking girl I made out with during the night), but I was too drunk to escalate beyond that.
Club Closing and post-club:

Went back to the toilets slouched in the corner for the next 30-45min or so. Then, the girl that I met earlier during the night (the one that gave me the shades and complimented my haircut) came to sit next to me. She asked me if I was alright and that I looked sad. She started softly speaking to me and groping me hard. She was mid-tier becky with an above average body. She looked Indian to me, but turns out she was from Morocco. Was living in Birmingham (makes sense why she liked my fuckboy fade haircut). Every 20s Asian guy that wears a full tracky and drives a BMW always sports a fuckboy fade haircut. Back to the matter at hand, she's feeling me up hard. She said my foam thingy was big.... and I told her my cock was big (classy). I was actually hard asf at this point, but then she told me she doesn't do hookups. I was too drunk to craft a witty response, but logistically couldn't have pulled her anyway because she was her friends.

So she immediately leaves and now here's the crazy part. These 5 low class mid-tier becky to staceylite blonde girls are watching this moroccan girl grope me. Straight as moroccan girl leaves they call me over and ask if I'm alright. They seem receptive and start chatting to me. So club closes they all leave. I follow 60 secs later, then they call me from the other side of the road to talk to them again. Insane. It's like all of unluckiness from all of these years had equalised in the space of a few hrs. The mid tier becky blonde (seemed really receptive) didn't want to leave my side. She wanted me to talk to her, but I was out of social fuel. Was beginning to crash at this point. They were getting uber back (not locals) to the train station and she kept looking at me starry-eyed wanting me to make a move. Eventually, she joined her friends.

I went subway. Made more small talk and got a foot long bacon sandwich (they discontinued the teriyaki was so mad about that). Talk to these 3rd years about my escapades. One of them starts having a go at me. I told them I was 23 (they thought I was lying and that I was actually 18-19). Btw, everyone in the club guessed me to be 18-19 (so massive lifefuel there because I wasn't even wearing concealer). Anyways, this guy calls me a paedo for making out with 18yr olds. Good thing I had phenibut in my system, otherwise I would have bashed this twink manlets skull in. He was an ugly fucker too. Pug-tier maxilla and facial structure. His friends were agreeing that my whole back story seemed weird and they were judging me hard. Left a sour stain on the night, but idgaf... headed back home. Drank a lot of water and sobered up. Went to bed. Tried to have a wank thinking about the Moroccan girl but the side effect of phenibut is that it turns you into a sex god with raging erections.. however, you can't actually finish. Fell asleep mid-wank.

started the night 23KHV. Ended the night 23V.

Tagging the boys:
@tyronelite @fogdart @Chadethnic101 @forevergymcelling @Over @aBetterMii @AscendingHero @the BULL @Chinacurry @AlexBrown84 @astatine @DoctorLooksmax @NOTCHADRIP @datboijj @FailedNormieManlet @StreegeReturn @germanlooks @TsarTsar444 @Xangsane @MoggerGaston @Biggdink @6ft4 @Seth Walsh @PrinceLuenLeoncur @Danish_Retard @SubhumanCurrycel @looksmaxxer234 @5ft1 @Beetlejuice @Pakicel @Kroker

Sorry if I missed anyone.
I am beyond proud
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So you are Htn, 6th tall and bodymaxed and you think you are ugly? You are literally chadlite. This is not even inspiring story.
  • +1
Reactions: cutecel
Holy shit bois... yesterday was a sick night. Got a whole of stories to tell. Grammar and writing will be pretty poor for this one because I'm still recovering... but I'll try to convey my points in chronological order.

So I made a prep thread yesterday

Was not fully soft-maxxed at all, so really was not expecting the night to go the way it did.

Ah... where to begin? Pres started around 8:30. It was dead ngl. I managed to lock myself out of my flat room a few minutes prior (don't even know how... my key/electronic fob was still in the room). I had to call estate patrol. They unlocked the room and I immediately swallowed 2g of phenibut. Went to the kitchen to discover only 4 ppl were there.

*A low tier becky zoomer English-born chinese girl with tourettes for the word "SLAYY". She kept repeating it over and over. It got a little annoying at times because that seemed to be the only word in her repertoire.

*A hapa mid tier becky dutch-indonesian girl that I'd spoken to for hours the night prior. She was open to talking about sex and all kinds of raunchy topics, but it was a friendzone-type vibe. Like before the night I'm pretty sure she thought I was gay.

*A literal incel-tier diagnosed aspie. 0 grooming (had chapped lips and dead skin on eyebrows), overweight with an estrogenic fat distribution. He's a nice chap though.

*Me - the ugliest man to ever exist
We drink a couple of shots and play a drinking game where you have to pick the person most likely to fit the statement shown on the app... and then pass the phone to that person so they can read it out. Considering my confidence was -1, I was very surprised to find both girls assumed I look like a "fuckboy". However, the hapa girl assured the LTB that I was not that way (as I said I'd spoken to a couple of times prior. We had long chats about progressive topics, sociology, being open about emotions etc. etc.... you get the gist).

Anyways, aspie was getting teased a bit. They kept giving him the semi-vulgar ones... like "using condom as a candy wrapper", can't exactly remember but something to do with alcohol and diahrrea. Tbh, I joined in a bit to appear NT. Gave him a few digs, but honestly, nothing beyond jokey or remotely nasty. He seemed to enjoy himself but didn't go to the club with us. Apparently legit aspies get panic attacks in clubs/bars due to the lights and loud music.

A MTN Italian and changlite were supposed to be with us, but they seemed to have already formed their own social circles.



Okay, so we head off to the club around 9:30ish. Get a couple of beers from the Co-Op. Can't really tell if the phenibut has hit at this point. Chat a bit and I don't seem to have any anxiety. Tbh, I am usually hyper-analytical... looking for micro gestures and ways normies are trying to put me down. Not this time though.

Get in the club line and I start chatting to an Indian dude in front of me. Tip here for Brits... always chat to the international Indian students if u want to build social lubricant and get warmed up. They are very open and are happy to talk to a British guy. Usually enthusiastic too, so it's a good vibe. Also great because u will inevitably see these ppl again in the club, and then makes you appear more popular and NT (i.e. network effects). But yeah start chatting to men in the line, and maybe a few girls but keep it platonic until u get in IMO. Don't want to seem desperate or getting any harsh rejections before u are even drunk.

So get in the club early... around 10. Buy a few jagerbombs with my flatmates and start dancing. First thing I always notice is that no one really knows what they are doing. Throwing arms and legs in whichever direction, hoping to appear more NT. So keep dancing for 15min or so. I keep building social lubricant. I purposefully bump into guys so we can start small talk (although it's difficult with blaring club music). A brown becky girl gave me her plastic shades and said "I had a nice haircut". I reciprocated her compliment, said "her hair looked nice". She'll be back later in the order of events. Get bored of dancing with the hapa girl and LTB. Both looked semi-disinterested at the time so I fucked off to the toilets. Met a few ppl... can't remember much tbh except that I picked up a foam light thingy from someone or other.

So I got this foam light thingy. I see a low-mid tier becky (she was around 40 percentile). I instinctively start sword fighting with her (we both have foam thingies). One thing led to another and I leaned in for the kiss. We kissed for around 20 seconds. I had no idea what I was doing (jfl I have never kissed a girl until this point). I just told her I was "very drunk" and she said, "she could tell". I promptly left and at the time it felt surreal. Couldn't process what had happened. Even though for normies something like that would have been fairly normal... for me it was like a paradigm-shifting event in my way of thinking. All of a sudden, I felt like billy big bollocks. Went to the smoking area and I started chatting to more students. Coolest ones were always international though. A trick that always works is when the student comes from an obscure country, and u know the capital city. Like there was a camp black dude who told me he was from Angola. I asked him if he was from Luanda and he got really excited (they always do)... because 9/10 times a rich international student of a random country no one cares about is going to come from the capital. So he introduced me to his friendship group. Some quite rambunctious characters I have to say... met these guys again in the bar area and they were chill. The eccentric one was an Indian-American dude with a chest tattoo. He managed to pull a petite MTB white JB on the floor a few minutes later.

So I talk to a few more people and find my flatmates again. Then I fuck off again to the toilets. Meet an English-born 4/10 Indian girl in the seating area next to the toilets. No idea how the convo went to politics, but I told her she was Priti Patel and that I voted tory (I have never even voted in my life). It was a pick-up line and it worked. The worst game imaginable (but I was running JBW theory) on her really. She told me it was bad to vote conservative, but she seemed strangely turned on by it. I think it's because a lot of Indians are quite conservative in their politics, but it also had to do with the fact she was from the posh catered halls. I faked being posh (I'm actually a pleb), and she kept asking for kisses from me. My pee-pee was not turned on by it though. I really wasn't feeling it. Thankfully her friend pulled her away, and I told her I'd see her on the floor (spoiler: I never did). The funny thing is I was presenting myself as this big game player when really I'd only kissed 1 drunk girl for less than a minute in my entire pathetic 23yrs of existence before our encounter.

Ok, so at this point I'm feeling like a million bucks, even though I've only made out with 2 mid girls. I head to the toilets again. I start chatting to a few guys in toilets. Ofc, the topic of conversation goes to gym. I add 1 of the chaps on snap (I try to find excuses for my pitiful snap score). So one of these guys is complimenting my physique, and suggests I take my shirt off. What transpired next was like what happens when a white girl travels to India

View attachment 1882554

Everyone starts groping my chest arms and abs in hetero-gym bro fashion. Then everyone starts taking their shirts off and we are complimenting eachothers physiques. I am littering everyone with free compliments and ppl are saying what a nice guy I am. So after the gym bro erotica ended... I headed out. Still feeling good off the pheni and my last 2 makeouts I chat to a few more geezers. I said one of them looked like Robert Pattinson (he did except he was a balding manlet covered with acne and didn't have pattison's jaw). I actually did the same thing last year to another chap... that sort of looked like Pattinson except he was balding. Anyways, this guy took it well. Looked like he was about to cry with happiness. Said it was the best compliment he'd received in his entire life. Heartwarming moment.

So I'm still waiting in the toilets area. Flatmates come up and sit with me. Turns out hapa girl likes the changlite who didn't turn up to pres. Surprise, surprise. My intuition is always second to none. Knew it. I reassured her she looked good and that I'd make out with her if it wasn't flat-cest. Also talked of my escapades and she seemed more interested ?! (red pill cope). Also told my hapa flatmate that I vote tory (I don't even vote) and she said we have to have a long chat tomorrow about why you shouldn't vote tory (fml).

So go back on the floor and dance with flatmates a little longer. They said they were gonna leave but obviously I wasn't

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It was around 1:30AM. The night is still young I told myself. But for the next hr it was pretty dead. The alcohol was hitting properly and I was going into obnoxious drunk mode. Also, people were less receptive to me dancing in their groups. I did manage to give a mid tier becky English girl a spin and made out with her for a bit (was the best-looking girl I made out with during the night), but I was too drunk to escalate beyond that.
Club Closing and post-club:

Went back to the toilets slouched in the corner for the next 30-45min or so. Then, the girl that I met earlier during the night (the one that gave me the shades and complimented my haircut) came to sit next to me. She asked me if I was alright and that I looked sad. She started softly speaking to me and groping me hard. She was mid-tier becky with an above average body. She looked Indian to me, but turns out she was from Morocco. Was living in Birmingham (makes sense why she liked my fuckboy fade haircut). Every 20s Asian guy that wears a full tracky and drives a BMW always sports a fuckboy fade haircut. Back to the matter at hand, she's feeling me up hard. She said my foam thingy was big.... and I told her my cock was big (classy). I was actually hard asf at this point, but then she told me she doesn't do hookups. I was too drunk to craft a witty response, but logistically couldn't have pulled her anyway because she was her friends.

So she immediately leaves and now here's the crazy part. These 5 low class mid-tier becky to staceylite blonde girls are watching this moroccan girl grope me. Straight as moroccan girl leaves they call me over and ask if I'm alright. They seem receptive and start chatting to me. So club closes they all leave. I follow 60 secs later, then they call me from the other side of the road to talk to them again. Insane. It's like all of unluckiness from all of these years had equalised in the space of a few hrs. The mid tier becky blonde (seemed really receptive) didn't want to leave my side. She wanted me to talk to her, but I was out of social fuel. Was beginning to crash at this point. They were getting uber back (not locals) to the train station and she kept looking at me starry-eyed wanting me to make a move. Eventually, she joined her friends.

I went subway. Made more small talk and got a foot long bacon sandwich (they discontinued the teriyaki was so mad about that). Talk to these 3rd years about my escapades. One of them starts having a go at me. I told them I was 23 (they thought I was lying and that I was actually 18-19). Btw, everyone in the club guessed me to be 18-19 (so massive lifefuel there because I wasn't even wearing concealer). Anyways, this guy calls me a paedo for making out with 18yr olds. Good thing I had phenibut in my system, otherwise I would have bashed this twink manlets skull in. He was an ugly fucker too. Pug-tier maxilla and facial structure. His friends were agreeing that my whole back story seemed weird and they were judging me hard. Left a sour stain on the night, but idgaf... headed back home. Drank a lot of water and sobered up. Went to bed. Tried to have a wank thinking about the Moroccan girl but the side effect of phenibut is that it turns you into a sex god with raging erections.. however, you can't actually finish. Fell asleep mid-wank.

started the night 23KHV. Ended the night 23V.

Tagging the boys:
@tyronelite @fogdart @Chadethnic101 @forevergymcelling @Over @aBetterMii @AscendingHero @the BULL @Chinacurry @AlexBrown84 @astatine @DoctorLooksmax @NOTCHADRIP @datboijj @FailedNormieManlet @StreegeReturn @germanlooks @TsarTsar444 @Xangsane @MoggerGaston @Biggdink @6ft4 @Seth Walsh @PrinceLuenLeoncur @Danish_Retard @SubhumanCurrycel @looksmaxxer234 @5ft1 @Beetlejuice @Pakicel @Kroker

Sorry if I missed anyone.
Nice one bro

It all starts somewhere !
  • +1
Reactions: EverythingMattersCel
Holy shit bois... yesterday was a sick night. Got a whole of stories to tell. Grammar and writing will be pretty poor for this one because I'm still recovering... but I'll try to convey my points in chronological order.

So I made a prep thread yesterday

Was not fully soft-maxxed at all, so really was not expecting the night to go the way it did.

Ah... where to begin? Pres started around 8:30. It was dead ngl. I managed to lock myself out of my flat room a few minutes prior (don't even know how... my key/electronic fob was still in the room). I had to call estate patrol. They unlocked the room and I immediately swallowed 2g of phenibut. Went to the kitchen to discover only 4 ppl were there.

*A low tier becky zoomer English-born chinese girl with tourettes for the word "SLAYY". She kept repeating it over and over. It got a little annoying at times because that seemed to be the only word in her repertoire.

*A hapa mid tier becky dutch-indonesian girl that I'd spoken to for hours the night prior. She was open to talking about sex and all kinds of raunchy topics, but it was a friendzone-type vibe. Like before the night I'm pretty sure she thought I was gay.

*A literal incel-tier diagnosed aspie. 0 grooming (had chapped lips and dead skin on eyebrows), overweight with an estrogenic fat distribution. He's a nice chap though.

*Me - the ugliest man to ever exist
We drink a couple of shots and play a drinking game where you have to pick the person most likely to fit the statement shown on the app... and then pass the phone to that person so they can read it out. Considering my confidence was -1, I was very surprised to find both girls assumed I look like a "fuckboy". However, the hapa girl assured the LTB that I was not that way (as I said I'd spoken to a couple of times prior. We had long chats about progressive topics, sociology, being open about emotions etc. etc.... you get the gist).

Anyways, aspie was getting teased a bit. They kept giving him the semi-vulgar ones... like "using condom as a candy wrapper", can't exactly remember but something to do with alcohol and diahrrea. Tbh, I joined in a bit to appear NT. Gave him a few digs, but honestly, nothing beyond jokey or remotely nasty. He seemed to enjoy himself but didn't go to the club with us. Apparently legit aspies get panic attacks in clubs/bars due to the lights and loud music.

A MTN Italian and changlite were supposed to be with us, but they seemed to have already formed their own social circles.



Okay, so we head off to the club around 9:30ish. Get a couple of beers from the Co-Op. Can't really tell if the phenibut has hit at this point. Chat a bit and I don't seem to have any anxiety. Tbh, I am usually hyper-analytical... looking for micro gestures and ways normies are trying to put me down. Not this time though.

Get in the club line and I start chatting to an Indian dude in front of me. Tip here for Brits... always chat to the international Indian students if u want to build social lubricant and get warmed up. They are very open and are happy to talk to a British guy. Usually enthusiastic too, so it's a good vibe. Also great because u will inevitably see these ppl again in the club, and then makes you appear more popular and NT (i.e. network effects). But yeah start chatting to men in the line, and maybe a few girls but keep it platonic until u get in IMO. Don't want to seem desperate or getting any harsh rejections before u are even drunk.

So get in the club early... around 10. Buy a few jagerbombs with my flatmates and start dancing. First thing I always notice is that no one really knows what they are doing. Throwing arms and legs in whichever direction, hoping to appear more NT. So keep dancing for 15min or so. I keep building social lubricant. I purposefully bump into guys so we can start small talk (although it's difficult with blaring club music). A brown becky girl gave me her plastic shades and said "I had a nice haircut". I reciprocated her compliment, said "her hair looked nice". She'll be back later in the order of events. Get bored of dancing with the hapa girl and LTB. Both looked semi-disinterested at the time so I fucked off to the toilets. Met a few ppl... can't remember much tbh except that I picked up a foam light thingy from someone or other.

So I got this foam light thingy. I see a low-mid tier becky (she was around 40 percentile). I instinctively start sword fighting with her (we both have foam thingies). One thing led to another and I leaned in for the kiss. We kissed for around 20 seconds. I had no idea what I was doing (jfl I have never kissed a girl until this point). I just told her I was "very drunk" and she said, "she could tell". I promptly left and at the time it felt surreal. Couldn't process what had happened. Even though for normies something like that would have been fairly normal... for me it was like a paradigm-shifting event in my way of thinking. All of a sudden, I felt like billy big bollocks. Went to the smoking area and I started chatting to more students. Coolest ones were always international though. A trick that always works is when the student comes from an obscure country, and u know the capital city. Like there was a camp black dude who told me he was from Angola. I asked him if he was from Luanda and he got really excited (they always do)... because 9/10 times a rich international student of a random country no one cares about is going to come from the capital. So he introduced me to his friendship group. Some quite rambunctious characters I have to say... met these guys again in the bar area and they were chill. The eccentric one was an Indian-American dude with a chest tattoo. He managed to pull a petite MTB white JB on the floor a few minutes later.

So I talk to a few more people and find my flatmates again. Then I fuck off again to the toilets. Meet an English-born 4/10 Indian girl in the seating area next to the toilets. No idea how the convo went to politics, but I told her she was Priti Patel and that I voted tory (I have never even voted in my life). It was a pick-up line and it worked. The worst game imaginable (but I was running JBW theory) on her really. She told me it was bad to vote conservative, but she seemed strangely turned on by it. I think it's because a lot of Indians are quite conservative in their politics, but it also had to do with the fact she was from the posh catered halls. I faked being posh (I'm actually a pleb), and she kept asking for kisses from me. My pee-pee was not turned on by it though. I really wasn't feeling it. Thankfully her friend pulled her away, and I told her I'd see her on the floor (spoiler: I never did). The funny thing is I was presenting myself as this big game player when really I'd only kissed 1 drunk girl for less than a minute in my entire pathetic 23yrs of existence before our encounter.

Ok, so at this point I'm feeling like a million bucks, even though I've only made out with 2 mid girls. I head to the toilets again. I start chatting to a few guys in toilets. Ofc, the topic of conversation goes to gym. I add 1 of the chaps on snap (I try to find excuses for my pitiful snap score). So one of these guys is complimenting my physique, and suggests I take my shirt off. What transpired next was like what happens when a white girl travels to India

View attachment 1882554

Everyone starts groping my chest arms and abs in hetero-gym bro fashion. Then everyone starts taking their shirts off and we are complimenting eachothers physiques. I am littering everyone with free compliments and ppl are saying what a nice guy I am. So after the gym bro erotica ended... I headed out. Still feeling good off the pheni and my last 2 makeouts I chat to a few more geezers. I said one of them looked like Robert Pattinson (he did except he was a balding manlet covered with acne and didn't have pattison's jaw). I actually did the same thing last year to another chap... that sort of looked like Pattinson except he was balding. Anyways, this guy took it well. Looked like he was about to cry with happiness. Said it was the best compliment he'd received in his entire life. Heartwarming moment.

So I'm still waiting in the toilets area. Flatmates come up and sit with me. Turns out hapa girl likes the changlite who didn't turn up to pres. Surprise, surprise. My intuition is always second to none. Knew it. I reassured her she looked good and that I'd make out with her if it wasn't flat-cest. Also talked of my escapades and she seemed more interested ?! (red pill cope). Also told my hapa flatmate that I vote tory (I don't even vote) and she said we have to have a long chat tomorrow about why you shouldn't vote tory (fml).

So go back on the floor and dance with flatmates a little longer. They said they were gonna leave but obviously I wasn't

View attachment 1882566

It was around 1:30AM. The night is still young I told myself. But for the next hr it was pretty dead. The alcohol was hitting properly and I was going into obnoxious drunk mode. Also, people were less receptive to me dancing in their groups. I did manage to give a mid tier becky English girl a spin and made out with her for a bit (was the best-looking girl I made out with during the night), but I was too drunk to escalate beyond that.
Club Closing and post-club:

Went back to the toilets slouched in the corner for the next 30-45min or so. Then, the girl that I met earlier during the night (the one that gave me the shades and complimented my haircut) came to sit next to me. She asked me if I was alright and that I looked sad. She started softly speaking to me and groping me hard. She was mid-tier becky with an above average body. She looked Indian to me, but turns out she was from Morocco. Was living in Birmingham (makes sense why she liked my fuckboy fade haircut). Every 20s Asian guy that wears a full tracky and drives a BMW always sports a fuckboy fade haircut. Back to the matter at hand, she's feeling me up hard. She said my foam thingy was big.... and I told her my cock was big (classy). I was actually hard asf at this point, but then she told me she doesn't do hookups. I was too drunk to craft a witty response, but logistically couldn't have pulled her anyway because she was her friends.

So she immediately leaves and now here's the crazy part. These 5 low class mid-tier becky to staceylite blonde girls are watching this moroccan girl grope me. Straight as moroccan girl leaves they call me over and ask if I'm alright. They seem receptive and start chatting to me. So club closes they all leave. I follow 60 secs later, then they call me from the other side of the road to talk to them again. Insane. It's like all of unluckiness from all of these years had equalised in the space of a few hrs. The mid tier becky blonde (seemed really receptive) didn't want to leave my side. She wanted me to talk to her, but I was out of social fuel. Was beginning to crash at this point. They were getting uber back (not locals) to the train station and she kept looking at me starry-eyed wanting me to make a move. Eventually, she joined her friends.

I went subway. Made more small talk and got a foot long bacon sandwich (they discontinued the teriyaki was so mad about that). Talk to these 3rd years about my escapades. One of them starts having a go at me. I told them I was 23 (they thought I was lying and that I was actually 18-19). Btw, everyone in the club guessed me to be 18-19 (so massive lifefuel there because I wasn't even wearing concealer). Anyways, this guy calls me a paedo for making out with 18yr olds. Good thing I had phenibut in my system, otherwise I would have bashed this twink manlets skull in. He was an ugly fucker too. Pug-tier maxilla and facial structure. His friends were agreeing that my whole back story seemed weird and they were judging me hard. Left a sour stain on the night, but idgaf... headed back home. Drank a lot of water and sobered up. Went to bed. Tried to have a wank thinking about the Moroccan girl but the side effect of phenibut is that it turns you into a sex god with raging erections.. however, you can't actually finish. Fell asleep mid-wank.

started the night 23KHV. Ended the night 23V.

Tagging the boys:
@tyronelite @fogdart @Chadethnic101 @forevergymcelling @Over @aBetterMii @AscendingHero @the BULL @Chinacurry @AlexBrown84 @astatine @DoctorLooksmax @NOTCHADRIP @datboijj @FailedNormieManlet @StreegeReturn @germanlooks @TsarTsar444 @Xangsane @MoggerGaston @Biggdink @6ft4 @Seth Walsh @PrinceLuenLeoncur @Danish_Retard @SubhumanCurrycel @looksmaxxer234 @5ft1 @Beetlejuice @Pakicel @Kroker

Sorry if I missed anyone.

This mango tree climber thinks he's a tryone lite.

In terms of competition, I got very lucky I think. Only 1 or 2 chadlites facially in the whole club, and a lot of manlets. Usually I'm getting mogged to suicide, but it wasn't that bad this time around.

Seems when chad is in the club the whole dynamic changes. Thankfully that wasn't the case. A lot of recessed-cels... 1/2 of the people I talked to had jaws that were a whole cm behind the Frankfurt line. 0 ppl that were gym-maxxed and most weren't even soft-maxxed.
I told you to chase curry foids when your incel @FailedNormieManlet sorry bro but your women are incel magnets, I had to use them to cope with inceldom in 2019. Ethnic women are a godsend to balck and white incels like us, we’d be incels if it weren’t for them
  • JFL
Reactions: FailedNormieManlet
I told you to chase curry foids when your incel @FailedNormieManlet sorry bro but your women are incel magnets, I had to use them to cope with inceldom in 2019. Ethnic women are a godsend to balck and white incels like us, we’d be incels if it weren’t for them
Life is all bout slim white girls tho
Over for @buckchadley31 and @KING REIDYZ your Berber women want white incel cock it is what it is no cope for you. I flirted with a moroc lightskin club staff she liked me cos as I was drunk I said she was pretty (low inhb with drink) your women live for white cock
Life is all bout slim white girls tho
Nar idc about them they look like shit most of the time ethnic women give me pussy and are a lot more needier begging you to date them

I love ethnic women god bless them for curing men like me and OP from inceldom
  • JFL
Reactions: DoctorLooksmax
Nar idc about them they look like shit most of the time ethnic women give me pussy and are a lot more needier begging you to date them

I love ethnic women god bless them for curing men like me and OP from inceldom
I could get ethnic but I’d rather surgerymax for white girls
I could get ethnic but I’d rather surgerymax for white girls
Eh I prefer ethnic foids (hot ones) over white ones, I’m like @Xangsane in this regard, as long as it ain’t mullato I’m happy, though I’m open to white foids but I’ll chose a black curry Latino Arab etc over a white foid all things equal
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
Eh I prefer ethnic foids (hot ones) over white ones, I’m like @Xangsane in this regard, as long as it ain’t mullato I’m happy, though I’m open to white foids but I’ll chose a black curry Latino Arab etc over a white foid all things equal
I’m the opposite

Ethnic Stacy = white MTB tbh
Over for @buckchadley31 and @KING REIDYZ your Berber women want white incel cock it is what it is no cope for you. I flirted with a moroc lightskin club staff she liked me cos as I was drunk I said she was pretty (low inhb with drink) your women live for white cock
You wouldn't be here if you were the cumskin slayer of ethnic bitches u claim to be.
Fr*nch girls like nafri bougnoule shitskins cuz Jean Pierre is too nice/beta for them
  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
You wouldn't be here if you were the cumskin slayer of ethnic bitches u claim to be.
Fr*nch girls like nafri bougnoule shitskins cuz Jean Pierre is too nice/beta for them
Trust me I don’t “slay” any women regardless of race that’s true cos I have standards and unfortunately ethnic women are ugly animals on avg so I won’t go near them with a 10 foot pole. Even THEN I still get your attractive women when I go out every single time cos they love me when my own ignore me JFL. On Halloween ima go out and pull more of your women meanwhile my own ignore me XD
  • Ugh..
Reactions: buckchadley31
Over for @buckchadley31 and @KING REIDYZ your Berber women want white incel cock it is what it is no cope for you. I flirted with a moroc lightskin club staff she liked me cos as I was drunk I said she was pretty (low inhb with drink) your women live for white cock
Be white, got it. Thanks OP
Aint AoC England 16 why are they acting faggy ?
How you look like op, could you pm?
Holy shit bois... yesterday was a sick night. Got a whole of stories to tell. Grammar and writing will be pretty poor for this one because I'm still recovering... but I'll try to convey my points in chronological order.

So I made a prep thread yesterday

Was not fully soft-maxxed at all, so really was not expecting the night to go the way it did.

Ah... where to begin? Pres started around 8:30. It was dead ngl. I managed to lock myself out of my flat room a few minutes prior (don't even know how... my key/electronic fob was still in the room). I had to call estate patrol. They unlocked the room and I immediately swallowed 2g of phenibut. Went to the kitchen to discover only 4 ppl were there.

*A low tier becky zoomer English-born chinese girl with tourettes for the word "SLAYY". She kept repeating it over and over. It got a little annoying at times because that seemed to be the only word in her repertoire.

*A hapa mid tier becky dutch-indonesian girl that I'd spoken to for hours the night prior. She was open to talking about sex and all kinds of raunchy topics, but it was a friendzone-type vibe. Like before the night I'm pretty sure she thought I was gay.

*A literal incel-tier diagnosed aspie. 0 grooming (had chapped lips and dead skin on eyebrows), overweight with an estrogenic fat distribution. He's a nice chap though.

*Me - the ugliest man to ever exist
We drink a couple of shots and play a drinking game where you have to pick the person most likely to fit the statement shown on the app... and then pass the phone to that person so they can read it out. Considering my confidence was -1, I was very surprised to find both girls assumed I look like a "fuckboy". However, the hapa girl assured the LTB that I was not that way (as I said I'd spoken to a couple of times prior. We had long chats about progressive topics, sociology, being open about emotions etc. etc.... you get the gist).

Anyways, aspie was getting teased a bit. They kept giving him the semi-vulgar ones... like "using condom as a candy wrapper", can't exactly remember but something to do with alcohol and diahrrea. Tbh, I joined in a bit to appear NT. Gave him a few digs, but honestly, nothing beyond jokey or remotely nasty. He seemed to enjoy himself but didn't go to the club with us. Apparently legit aspies get panic attacks in clubs/bars due to the lights and loud music.

A MTN Italian and changlite were supposed to be with us, but they seemed to have already formed their own social circles.



Okay, so we head off to the club around 9:30ish. Get a couple of beers from the Co-Op. Can't really tell if the phenibut has hit at this point. Chat a bit and I don't seem to have any anxiety. Tbh, I am usually hyper-analytical... looking for micro gestures and ways normies are trying to put me down. Not this time though.

Get in the club line and I start chatting to an Indian dude in front of me. Tip here for Brits... always chat to the international Indian students if u want to build social lubricant and get warmed up. They are very open and are happy to talk to a British guy. Usually enthusiastic too, so it's a good vibe. Also great because u will inevitably see these ppl again in the club, and then makes you appear more popular and NT (i.e. network effects). But yeah start chatting to men in the line, and maybe a few girls but keep it platonic until u get in IMO. Don't want to seem desperate or getting any harsh rejections before u are even drunk.

So get in the club early... around 10. Buy a few jagerbombs with my flatmates and start dancing. First thing I always notice is that no one really knows what they are doing. Throwing arms and legs in whichever direction, hoping to appear more NT. So keep dancing for 15min or so. I keep building social lubricant. I purposefully bump into guys so we can start small talk (although it's difficult with blaring club music). A brown becky girl gave me her plastic shades and said "I had a nice haircut". I reciprocated her compliment, said "her hair looked nice". She'll be back later in the order of events. Get bored of dancing with the hapa girl and LTB. Both looked semi-disinterested at the time so I fucked off to the toilets. Met a few ppl... can't remember much tbh except that I picked up a foam light thingy from someone or other.

So I got this foam light thingy. I see a low-mid tier becky (she was around 40 percentile). I instinctively start sword fighting with her (we both have foam thingies). One thing led to another and I leaned in for the kiss. We kissed for around 20 seconds. I had no idea what I was doing (jfl I have never kissed a girl until this point). I just told her I was "very drunk" and she said, "she could tell". I promptly left and at the time it felt surreal. Couldn't process what had happened. Even though for normies something like that would have been fairly normal... for me it was like a paradigm-shifting event in my way of thinking. All of a sudden, I felt like billy big bollocks. Went to the smoking area and I started chatting to more students. Coolest ones were always international though. A trick that always works is when the student comes from an obscure country, and u know the capital city. Like there was a camp black dude who told me he was from Angola. I asked him if he was from Luanda and he got really excited (they always do)... because 9/10 times a rich international student of a random country no one cares about is going to come from the capital. So he introduced me to his friendship group. Some quite rambunctious characters I have to say... met these guys again in the bar area and they were chill. The eccentric one was an Indian-American dude with a chest tattoo. He managed to pull a petite MTB white JB on the floor a few minutes later.

So I talk to a few more people and find my flatmates again. Then I fuck off again to the toilets. Meet an English-born 4/10 Indian girl in the seating area next to the toilets. No idea how the convo went to politics, but I told her she was Priti Patel and that I voted tory (I have never even voted in my life). It was a pick-up line and it worked. The worst game imaginable (but I was running JBW theory) on her really. She told me it was bad to vote conservative, but she seemed strangely turned on by it. I think it's because a lot of Indians are quite conservative in their politics, but it also had to do with the fact she was from the posh catered halls. I faked being posh (I'm actually a pleb), and she kept asking for kisses from me. My pee-pee was not turned on by it though. I really wasn't feeling it. Thankfully her friend pulled her away, and I told her I'd see her on the floor (spoiler: I never did). The funny thing is I was presenting myself as this big game player when really I'd only kissed 1 drunk girl for less than a minute in my entire pathetic 23yrs of existence before our encounter.

Ok, so at this point I'm feeling like a million bucks, even though I've only made out with 2 mid girls. I head to the toilets again. I start chatting to a few guys in toilets. Ofc, the topic of conversation goes to gym. I add 1 of the chaps on snap (I try to find excuses for my pitiful snap score). So one of these guys is complimenting my physique, and suggests I take my shirt off. What transpired next was like what happens when a white girl travels to India

View attachment 1882554

Everyone starts groping my chest arms and abs in hetero-gym bro fashion. Then everyone starts taking their shirts off and we are complimenting eachothers physiques. I am littering everyone with free compliments and ppl are saying what a nice guy I am. So after the gym bro erotica ended... I headed out. Still feeling good off the pheni and my last 2 makeouts I chat to a few more geezers. I said one of them looked like Robert Pattinson (he did except he was a balding manlet covered with acne and didn't have pattison's jaw). I actually did the same thing last year to another chap... that sort of looked like Pattinson except he was balding. Anyways, this guy took it well. Looked like he was about to cry with happiness. Said it was the best compliment he'd received in his entire life. Heartwarming moment.

So I'm still waiting in the toilets area. Flatmates come up and sit with me. Turns out hapa girl likes the changlite who didn't turn up to pres. Surprise, surprise. My intuition is always second to none. Knew it. I reassured her she looked good and that I'd make out with her if it wasn't flat-cest. Also talked of my escapades and she seemed more interested ?! (red pill cope). Also told my hapa flatmate that I vote tory (I don't even vote) and she said we have to have a long chat tomorrow about why you shouldn't vote tory (fml).

So go back on the floor and dance with flatmates a little longer. They said they were gonna leave but obviously I wasn't

View attachment 1882566

It was around 1:30AM. The night is still young I told myself. But for the next hr it was pretty dead. The alcohol was hitting properly and I was going into obnoxious drunk mode. Also, people were less receptive to me dancing in their groups. I did manage to give a mid tier becky English girl a spin and made out with her for a bit (was the best-looking girl I made out with during the night), but I was too drunk to escalate beyond that.
Club Closing and post-club:

Went back to the toilets slouched in the corner for the next 30-45min or so. Then, the girl that I met earlier during the night (the one that gave me the shades and complimented my haircut) came to sit next to me. She asked me if I was alright and that I looked sad. She started softly speaking to me and groping me hard. She was mid-tier becky with an above average body. She looked Indian to me, but turns out she was from Morocco. Was living in Birmingham (makes sense why she liked my fuckboy fade haircut). Every 20s Asian guy that wears a full tracky and drives a BMW always sports a fuckboy fade haircut. Back to the matter at hand, she's feeling me up hard. She said my foam thingy was big.... and I told her my cock was big (classy). I was actually hard asf at this point, but then she told me she doesn't do hookups. I was too drunk to craft a witty response, but logistically couldn't have pulled her anyway because she was her friends.

So she immediately leaves and now here's the crazy part. These 5 low class mid-tier becky to staceylite blonde girls are watching this moroccan girl grope me. Straight as moroccan girl leaves they call me over and ask if I'm alright. They seem receptive and start chatting to me. So club closes they all leave. I follow 60 secs later, then they call me from the other side of the road to talk to them again. Insane. It's like all of unluckiness from all of these years had equalised in the space of a few hrs. The mid tier becky blonde (seemed really receptive) didn't want to leave my side. She wanted me to talk to her, but I was out of social fuel. Was beginning to crash at this point. They were getting uber back (not locals) to the train station and she kept looking at me starry-eyed wanting me to make a move. Eventually, she joined her friends.

I went subway. Made more small talk and got a foot long bacon sandwich (they discontinued the teriyaki was so mad about that). Talk to these 3rd years about my escapades. One of them starts having a go at me. I told them I was 23 (they thought I was lying and that I was actually 18-19). Btw, everyone in the club guessed me to be 18-19 (so massive lifefuel there because I wasn't even wearing concealer). Anyways, this guy calls me a paedo for making out with 18yr olds. Good thing I had phenibut in my system, otherwise I would have bashed this twink manlets skull in. He was an ugly fucker too. Pug-tier maxilla and facial structure. His friends were agreeing that my whole back story seemed weird and they were judging me hard. Left a sour stain on the night, but idgaf... headed back home. Drank a lot of water and sobered up. Went to bed. Tried to have a wank thinking about the Moroccan girl but the side effect of phenibut is that it turns you into a sex god with raging erections.. however, you can't actually finish. Fell asleep mid-wank.

started the night 23KHV. Ended the night 23V.

Tagging the boys:
@tyronelite @fogdart @Chadethnic101 @forevergymcelling @Over @aBetterMii @AscendingHero @the BULL @Chinacurry @AlexBrown84 @astatine @DoctorLooksmax @NOTCHADRIP @datboijj @FailedNormieManlet @StreegeReturn @germanlooks @TsarTsar444 @Xangsane @MoggerGaston @Biggdink @6ft4 @Seth Walsh @PrinceLuenLeoncur @Danish_Retard @SubhumanCurrycel @looksmaxxer234 @5ft1 @Beetlejuice @Pakicel @Kroker

Sorry if I missed anyone.
Good story bhai, happy u r improving amd leveling up.

I assume this was one of Manchester, Birmingham, leeds, nottingham?

Also what r ur own stats?

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