Ultimate guide for lucid dreaming - part 1



Oxytocin explosion
Aug 7, 2022
This is a guide solely based on my own experience and knowledge, i haven't read any lucid dream book or watched any cringe YouTube videos about it. only book i read related to lucid dreaming is Sigmund Freud's "The Interpretation of Dreams and Beyond the Pleasure Principle" which is not about lucid dreaming but explains a lot about the phenomena of dreaming.
If you are interested about dreams, i suggest you dig Freud's works more because he is legit in terms of dreams.

Introduction of lucid dreams
digital art animation GIF by G1ft3d

There are 4 stages of sleeping, first three stages are called Non-REM (N1,N2,N3) which doesn't include any dreaming but the last stage is REM (Rapid Eye Movement) which the dreaming part happens. During the dreams you are unconscious(?) but there are debates on this matter in scientific communities. the reason why REM exists is unknown and there are theories but most of them are not provable. we are yet to find a reason for existence of dreams in the 21th century. but i'm not here to copy paste what scientists say, i consider myself expert and i'm here with my own theories. in my opinion, we are always conscious during the REM to a degree but we usually don't remember most or all of it when we wake up.

Basically imo you are always lucid dreaming or in other words dreaming, the term lucid is misused in 99% of articles and it's a misconception. Here is what wikipedia says about lucid dream and therefore most people in the internet:

A lucid dream is a type of dream in which the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming while dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream characters, narrative, or environment; however, this is not actually necessary for a dream to be described as lucid.

dreamer always have control on all aspects of the dream, lucid or non lucid. just because you don't use your powers in the dreams doesn't mean you don't have them. in 99% of all dreams that happen every night, the dreamers don't even know they can control the elements of dreams so they never try therefore it seems like they have no control on the dream and only "lucid dreamers" can which is wrong. all people have absolute control over their dreams.

you are a lucid dreamer as soon as you read the sentence below and understand it and accept it as a fact:

"you can dream whatever you want, control everything, see everything you demand and your dreams are your personal space for running simulations based on the data you collected during the waking life"

it is now over and you are a lucid dreamer. but there is two major issues that can cause you not to control your dreams.

1-How to realize you are dreaming?
The first issue is not realizing you are dreaming. Why don't we realize it instantly? since most of the times it's weird and extremely unrealistic? Freud believed that our dreams are sort of a self therapy session and a way to heal our inner conflicts and daily lives issues. we need to believe dreams as real events to perceive it as reality and fix our issues. if we always knew dreams aren't real, then we wouldn't care or be affected by them therefore it would be useless. if evolution made us dream, it means it has a role in our survival. but IMO this is a cope by dear Freud.

we simply believe things in the dream and perceive them as reality because some parts of our brain that is responsible for this matter is basically inactive or less active during the REM cycle. Freud dosen't even know the half of it, he lived in a age where Netflix wasn't a thing, there wasn't much movie, internet, monitors and videos going on. in our current time, people are mediapilled to oblivion. we are used to see strange and weird things in real life through the black screen. i believe the dreams we have in this current age of television and media is 20x more weird and strange than 100 years ago. therefore it's harder for people to notice they are dreaming.

Black screens are ruining your dreams btw
Shake Your Rump Television GIF by Beastie Boys

in order to realize you are dreaming, you need to treat your waking life as a dream. always be skeptical of reality, even now that you are reading this you should ask yourself "what if i'm dreaming right now?" [answer is, you are not. you don't read in dreams, there are some fundamentals that i will explain later] and to make sure if you are dreaming or not, you need to check if you can control it no matter how real you think your state is.

reality check

a habit and routine to check if the current sate is reality or dream. you do this only in your waking life, reality checks are not made for dreams. reality checks are designed for your waking life. you don't skip the test just because you are 100% sure this is a reality and the idea of checking it is absurd. in fact, the more sure you are that this is reality, more important to check. because your dreams seems just as real as what you experience in waking life.

there are certain things that we are sure that can't happen in real life, like being able to breath through your nose while you pinched it. when you are dreaming, your nose and mouth is open in real life and you can breath so pinching your nose in dream doesn't affect your breathing. if you were dreaming, you could breath through nose while it's pinched and this would confirm that you are dreaming.

i consider this reality checking method to be the easiest one and it's not cringe like some autistic methods of trying to pass through walls etc. imagine trying to pass through walls and looking like a lagged NPC in real life jfl. pinching your nose is 5 sec quick reality check and no one would even notice it.
you can either develop this habit of constantly pinching your nose and breathing, or just setup alarms on your phone for every 30 minutes or 1 hour to remind you to check reality. there are tons of apps for reality checking in app stores.

I don't bother explaining more about reality checks since there is tons of guides in internet about it. only important thing that matters is that you have to be serious about checking it, check it like you really mean. you should really really doubt reality, it's the critical thinking and doubting skill that matters not actually checking it. that part of your brain which is responsible for critical thinking and doubting should be trained to be more active during the REM.

physical reminder

once you sleep, every 60-90 minutes you enter the REM state that lasts 10-30 minutes. it's a cycle:
N1->N2->N3>REM->N2->N3->REM->N2->N3->REM-> brief waking->N1->N2->N3->REM... etc etc

longest REM is after 6-7 hours of sleeping. You can choose a specific song/sound as alarm for the time you entered REM, to remind you that you are dreaming. you can do this for each REM. you should not listen to this song/sound in waking life whatsoever. it should only be heard in your dreams so that anytime you heard it, you would be sure that you are dreaming.

I suggest using this specific song, because it has strong reminding properties and is not a popular song to listen to and none of you probably ever listened to it. this is the song used in Inception movie, so it's kind of already a reminder but you can choose your own but you have to convince yourself that the song/sound you are using is unique and you don't hear it in your daily life. you should tell yourself "if i ever heard this, it means i'm dreaming".

combination of both
you can use the same alarm for your waking life and REM cycles and reality check anytime you heard it, meaning only in your waking life. for this, you better choose a quick and unique sound and make sure you reality check 100% of the times.

Reality check at events
every event, even the small ones in your daily life, do a reality check in the peak. you just got brutally rejected by a foid, do a reality check instantly at that moment. you just had a fight with someone, do a reality check while dodging punches (seriously, not joking), someone approaches you to tell you something, do a reality check as they speak.
events, anything that can be considered a check point in your real life. the times when a loading icon appears top right of the screen at video games that indicates the game is being saved, because an event has happened, you entered a dungeons or sth. similar aspect in your real life.

Go directly into the REM state

This is fairly advanced and needs
practicing. you need to relax and meditate, shut down your body parts one by one by focus and will and at last, slowly deactivate your head and forehead. you enter the dream by imagining the scene and scenario or an existing memory by drawing it in the dark of your closed eyes. first you hear things then the your imaginations becomes stronger and more vivid to a point where it becomes a running dream and you are in it.
idk whatever the fuck people call this method in internet but this shit is hard and needs a peaceful mind. i used to do this a lot when i was younger but now i just want to shut down my brain and sleep because i realize i'm dreaming when i go to REM anyway. this needs effort but the lucid dreams from this method is god tier. i still do this once a month and i still don't know how to explain it to people that how it works. i can simultaneously hear the real life and hear the dream, once i had one eye opened to see real life and dream at the same time. it depends on how much tired you are, generally speaking lucid dream is much easier when tired.

mnemonic induction of lucid dreams (MILD)
remember that REM cycle chart above? basically you wake yourself up shortly after REM by alarms, do a little brain activity like reading and shit and go back to sleep asap, this way you interrupted the cycle your brain is now trying to wake up but you sleep instead and you have the intention of lucid dreaming, it can make you notice your dream because you go into REM so quickly that your consciousness is still active. this is a cringe method and i don't like it, jfl imagine waking urself up so that u can notice you are dreaming.
Stan Marsh Bed GIF by South Park

2-Remmebering dreams
second and most important issue is that you don't even remember your dreams, lucid or not. what's the point of lucid dreaming if you don't remember a thing in the morning? it's like you didn't lucid dream at all.

if you know how computers work, you know that there is a RAM and Storage. RAM (Random Access Memory) is for CPU and VGA for a quick and temporal storage, the data in RAM is not stored permanently. the human brain is the same, our short term memory has a even shorter memory section for our REM state. 99% of the dreams are temporal data that will be quickly removed shortly after we wake up unless we remember them and rehearse again or the dream has a emotional event in it that sometimes causes us to wake up.

by becoming self aware during the dream, realizing you are dreaming you open ports to your long term memory and therefore lucid dreaming exists. the only reason lucid dreaming is even a thing is that we somehow manage to transfer temporal data in the dream to the long term memory. so all we need to do is to train our brain to remember dreams, we should stop not giving a fuck about dreams and instead try to remember them when we wake up make a habit of trying to remember.

Dream journal
in order to do that, you can have a notebook beside your bed next to you with a pen to write down your dreams and anything that you can remember as soon as you wake up. i mean it literally, don't even wash your face and shit. the rate of losing data after you wake up accelerates heavily.

but if you keep remembering regularly and writing whatever u remember down, the graph above becomes less accelerated and therefore you remember more and your brain will eventually automatically remember more when you wake up.

it's better to use notebook instead phone etc, because you can draw symbols and the things that can't be described with text. symbols are so important in dreams, you can keep track of locations and similar dreams using symbols and those symbols will help you remember very vividly.

Dream journal is not supposed to be something cool and well written to show off to your friends etc. it's simply a manual override to quickly store temporal data and save it in your long term memory. you have write things down quickly and try not to make it sound reasonable and cool, write down what exactly you think you saw even it's weird no nonsense.

you should read your dream journal before going to bed the next night. it's all about training your brain, once you care about your dreams you will be amazed how much you remember and the shit that's going on in your life every night when you are sleep.

Waking up during the lucid dream
when you wake up while lucid dreaming, obviously you remember many things because you were conscious but only the last 5 minute is vivid and before that becomes vague and bizarre even though you were conscious during that. if you don't even wake up during the lucid dream, chances are high you will forget you have been conscious during your dream. if you are new to lucid dream, make sure you wake up from a lucid dream like after 50 seconds. don't stay too long because you may forget the fact that you are dreaming again and once you forget, the lucid dream ends and it will turn to a regular dream where you are unconscious.

you need to constantly remind yourself that you are dreaming while in lucid, most lucid dream armatures keep forgetting their lucid dreams because they don't know how short memory they are during the dreams. you are like a goldfish in your lucid dreams, you need to constantly carry the information you need by rephrasing them and the most important info is the fact that you are dreaming.

forget finding nemo GIF

Make your lucid dreams emotional
by having emotional elements in your lucid dream it becomes much easier to remember them. having your oneitis next to you as you explore, going to your favorite childhood memories locations, having comedic lucid dreams, religious shit, etc.

basically whatever makes you invested and emotional will make sure you remember it when you wake up.

Take drugs / Dont take drugs
there are certain drugs that can help you remember your dreams. Galantamine is considered one of the best drugs out there that can help you remember dreams. there are many other drugs out there, i haven't test any tbh but i have easier lucid dreams on opium.

there are certain drugs that will cause you not to remember shit too or make it very hard to become conscious in your dreams like weed. Nicotine also reduces your REM stage and smoking is basically bad for lucid dreaming.

your diet is very important, but i have 0 clue on this topic and i also don't trust what internet says about this. i only know that caffeine fucks everything up in terms of lucid dreaming. don't drink coffee, tea, soda etc.

Fundamentals and theories

Dreams exist so that our short term memory and most important parts of our brain stays active and ready for the waking life. everything else is cope from dear scientists.
we used to live in wild nature and we often had to instantly react to dangers around us after we woke up, like having bears showing up in your cave or sth. if brain wants to function fast, it needs to remain active and responsive and that's why REM exists.

Morale in dreams
we are unconsciously aware of our complete solitude inside our dreams all the time, we behave as if no one is watching us, we are true to ourselves and are not limited by the norms of society. However, the person you are in your dreams is not the same person as your waking life since some parts of your brain is inactive or has really low activities.

you might rape people in your dreams, be an absolute pedophile and kill people for fun but be a nice person in real life. I'm not saying all people do these acts in their dreams but know that if you do it, there is nothing wrong with you. it's your most personal space ever and you are free to do everything. but be careful that the habits in your dreams can show up in reality as well. don't go around sucking dicks in your dream if you don't want to end up gay in real life. the experiences are real af and it can make interests in you. not that i did such a thing, but considering how much gay users we have here, i thought they would probably do this jfl.

Dangers of lucid dream
it doesn't exist. 0 people have died due to lucid dream in history. no matter how fuck up you think the situation is in your lucid dreams, you will always wake up healthy and fine. you might get a little nocuous if do crazy shit like spinning around 200km/hr in a non-empty space when you wake up, you might even throw up. might get some minor temporal headaches that only happens in deep lucid dream hexagon fractals phase( will explain later).

Anything about dangers of lucid dream in internet is pure bullshit and is probably made up by jews or sth. most of the times, it's a click bait because people find it interesting that you can get hurt in your dreams or sth.

of cures there are some levels of deep lucid dreaming where you might lose the ability to wake up and freak out a little, you might experience some void level shit like becoming non-existent, you might think that you died already sometimes, but you will always and remember when i say it, ALWAYS WAKE UP HEALTHY!

anytime you thought you are in danger, keep reminding yourself and literally say it out loud "i will wake up fine" and know that this is a fact.

Some common misconceptions in internet :
  • don't look at mirrors:soy:
reddit level moronic belief, so what you don't see yourself because your brain has never tried to simulate yourself in it's life. anytime you have ever seen yourself, it was due to help of mirrors and cameras, you never imagined yourself from a third perspective. with enough practice you can see yourself in mirrors or even replicate yourself in your lucid dreams.
jfl at these retarded videos on youtube.

  • If you have them every single night and you become obsessed with them, you lose your interest in waking life and it starts to become an actual addiction!:soy:
no one has ever been obsessed with it's lucid dreams in the history of man kind to a point where they don't care about living life. this is pure bullshit, your lucid dreams are 5-20 minuets at max and you won't even remember the half of it. people who claim this just wanna look cool and give you "suffering from success" vibes.

  • Dont have sex in lucid dream:feelswhy:
Sure, lets be a complete faggot in our dreams and behave kindly to the NPC non-existent beings that are just imaginations. JFL at this fucking cucks in internet tbh, NOOOOOO you become addicted to sex in dreams then you won't have sex in real life NOOO kek.
i remember when i was new in lucid dream, i used to ask girls that if i can touch them or have sex with them. nowdays, i'll grab their neck and rape the shit out of them. sure, at first you will always wake up from the excitement but as you get more experienced you will be able to not wake up after cum. and the state after orgasm is god tier and divine. so calm and heavenly.

  • Dont try killing yourself in dreams, because you may sometimes mistake reality and kys in real life:ROFLMAO:
the faggot redditor who wrote this took Inception seriously. in fact i suggest you to explore the death experience in lucid dreams, it's so eye opening and makes you enter the deep state and void and fractal phase.

  • Lucid nightmares:eek:
so what? you are pussy? lucid nightmares are fun and i remember them in good memory. sometimes you lose your shit and get scared of something, then things get out of hand and all your fears show up. if you don't face your fears in your dreams, then where and when do you want to face them? you wanna remain afraid of that thing for rest of your life and be a beta cuck? embrace your fears and face them and fight them. become completely immune to your fears by exploring them in your lucid dreams.

reading about these fake dangers of lucid dreams in internet can actually fuck up your lucid dreams, don't read them don't believe them i have 12 years of experience and i saw some crazy shit but i always survived. i was afraid of heights when i was kid but due to constantly flying in lucid dreams i no longer have such a fear.

Vivid lucid dreams
your goal should be having more vivid lucid dreams as they are the ultimate enjoyable lucid dreams. everything is extremely vivid like real life, stable and you can walk around normally and people behave normal. i could say sex in vivid lucid dreams is even more enjoyable if i had more experience in real life but it truly is. to have vivid lucid dreams, you need to be calm and really relaxed. no anxiety or stress during the day, no external noise meaning your soundings in real life should be quiet and dark and smell good. even a tiny noise from someone's motorcycle far away can make your dreams unstable and non-vivid. however, if you are deeply sleep it doesn't matter much. the deeper your sleep, the more vivid it gets.

Everything is extremely detailed and you see what you love the most, you are emotional and every inch of the dream is detailed. some describe it as a 4k dream.
the dream is aesthetic af and the experience is amazing.
like a dream from your childhood when your momma used to sing for you and play with u

Deep lucid and fractal state
There levels in lucid dream and dreams in general. there are some states of dreaming that can't be considered a living experience and it's more of a visual simulation and background saver tier dream. in Deep lucid, you are not exeperincing the dream as a first person human perspective, you are more like a snake or an observer. you see things that can't e seen in real life or even be shown in movies. it usually happens when you take drugs in your lucid dream, for example when you use LSD in your dreams or smoke weed. you really become high of it and the high is a lot.
in deep lucid state, you can enter objects ( i don't mean passing through them). you can enter a tree for example and simulate visuals to understand what's being inside a tree feels like.
if you go deeper, and lets say enter cells and atoms and quantum level scales or you just get stuck in deep void of space and feel nonexistent , you will enter the fractal state.

Animation Infinity GIF by xponentialdesign
Star Math GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski
Pink Star GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski

The mentioned GIFs and Video are actually very accurate, there is even a deeper state where the shapes become much simpler and 2 dimensional. hexagons then triangles and circles.
this is what you really see and experience, i'm not bullshiting you. search fractal geometry in dreams. you experience the same if you take high amount of LSD in real life too. when very high on LSD, when you close your eyes, you see these shapes.

The void
this is the deepest state i ever got into, it happens when you can stand the insanity of fractal phase long enough or you just die in the dream but never wake up.
you hear nothing, you see nothing, you feel nothing, there is nothing. you can't even think properly, you are one and only one that there is. i believe this is where the original YOU in you exists. you feel enormous pain, you feel like your head is exploding and every cell in your body is falling apart. but nothing happens in the end you just wake up nocuous and a minor headache.
Outer Space Spinning GIF by Jason Clarke

Astral projection
Astral Projection Sleep GIF by bbsquirrel247

Some people think astral projection is not real and it's just in movies, well kind of true because you can't access unknown doing this and everything is simulated based on the data you have in your brain already or it's generated based on assumptions. but it's certainly different than normal lucid dreams, you could say it's not a dream anymore, it's simulation of real life.

In my opinion, most people have experienced astral projection for a short time at least. i think the origin of the idea of soul comes from astral projection, in fact right now Muslims, Christians, buddhas, etc teach it as a religious shit and the believers legit think they are walking around with their souls but in reality it's just another form of dream.

you have a self image and self awareness form of yourself that you use to explore your dreams, it's called astral body in internet and books. fancy name but it's just our senses put on manual mode. by practice and some techniques you can lift your astral body and get detached from your body into your room where you slept. you can move around go anywhere and fly and pass through things, your brain simulates everything based on knowledge and assumptions. it's very similar to a normal lucid dream the only difference is that it you don't pop into a random scenario out of nowhere and instead you are in real life as you perceive it.

I just had one today in the morning, my dead aunt showed up in my room out of nowhere and i freaked out and woke up. then tried again and she showed up again, i was so pissed so i woke up and didn't do it again. she wanted to tell me something i assume but i kept freaking out, because i'm kinda afraid of her cuz last time i saw her she was in pieces from a car accident, brutally damaged.

you need to be really tired and sleepy to do this, you can't just decide to do it and pop into it like in movies and the video i shared at the start of the thread. unless you are really a meditation nerd and meditatemaxxed.

i have tested many times with my friends back in uni, to see if i can gain info that i don't have but it never worked. i would tell them to hide an object in another room while i'm sleeping so i can astral and go there to see what it is, never guessed it right tho i see them do the hiding.

Why lucid dreams are just as real as reality?

you see, we perceive reality through our senses. hearing, touching, seeing, tasting, etc. we what we know as reality is just some nerve system's electricity and information that our brain receives. now in dreams, the receivers are inactive or has very low activity that is not considerable. we can't experience a realm without any senses, we don't feel existing if we sense nothing, therefore our brain creates manual inputs on behalf of our receivers (ears, eyes , etc ) so that we can experience and be.w

meanwhile, the difference between these manual neurological electricity information and natural one is very very insignificant and in vivid lucid dreams it's almost 0 difference.

How can you say that real life is more real than what your brain simulates for you if what it's receiving in both cases is the same exact thing?

First shocking thing that every new lucid dreamer experiences is how real the lucid dream is for them, they can't believe that they can see, touch, hear and feel everything just as if it was reality.

The hippocampus is responsible for illustrating dreams and simulating senses and imaginations. your brain receives senses directly from this part instead of ears and eyes and nervous system.

just like how we get happy through received certain data from our senses in real life ( making love, watching beautiful things, eating, etc ) we get happy the exact same way when we receive data from the manual input of our hippocampus. why do think you cum while dreaming? your dick is not even touched.

when you take drugs in lucid dream, when you wake up you feel good and awesome because even tho you didn't receive that particular subsistence, your brain releases endorphins and dopamine.

--- end of part 1
there are more fundamentals like the fact that numbers are weird in dreams and you can't really read stuff, etc and all the inside lucid techniques to control things, remain sleep and have longer and stable lucid dreams in the next part.

ask me any question you have here.

@futuregigamogger @LiteralCaucasian @HeLivesAgain @reborn @latino_ @Beastimmung @justshower @Thomas DOM @Niko @8PSLcel @cutie @Eriot Lodger
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  • +1
  • Love it
  • Woah
Reactions: Aero, EzikoIsHere, The False Prophet and 73 others
High iq if not copy paste ty
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Is looking at your hand and counting your fingers a good reality check? Thats what I used to do
  • +1
Reactions: coomahboomah, kingpiin, PointOfNoReturn and 2 others
Very good guide bro! For me I dont know if its possible to Lucid Dreams because i take Amitriptyline which knocks me out n makes me sleep very deep.

Also i found this very funny:

but considering how much gay users we have here, i thought they would probably do this jfl.

Haha yes this is true. There are even some users who would not even lick Stacys ass because they think its gross. LOL, cant be heterosexual if you wouldnt lick a hot Girls ass.

//Thomas DOM
  • JFL
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I hate lucid dreaming cause I wake up in the end
  • So Sad
Reactions: Aero, EzikoIsHere, TechnoBoss and 2 others
Very good thread OP, looking forward to the second part :love:

sure, at first you will always wake up from the excitement but as you get more experienced you will be able to not wake up after cum. and the state after orgasm is god tier and divine. so calm and heavenly.
Do you stay in lucid dream during the whole sex act? My record was up until the moment I cum, then I woke up and was very pissed that it was over. If so how do you stay in the lucid dream?
  • +1
Reactions: Niklaus Mikaelson
Is looking at your hand and counting your fingers a good reality check? Thats what I used to do
All reality checks are fine, it's not like there are certain reality checks that works. you can make up your own. nose pinch is just easy and not cringe to do in public.
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  • So Sad
  • JFL
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Very good thread OP, looking forward to the second part :love:

Do you stay in lucid dream during the whole sex act? My record was up until the moment I cum, then I woke up and was very pissed that it was over. If so how do you stay in the lucid dream?
Lucid dreaming is like riding a bike, at first you keep struggling and falling but eventually you will get used to it. excitement, strong fear, strong happiness, generally strong feelings can cause you to wake up.
it's normal to wake up as a beginner because the excitement is too high. what can really help is that stating things and saying it out loud in your dreams really affect you. if you say " now i will be calm and don't get too excited" you will really get calm.
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FILD technique is mogger technique, you can literally feel the transition from real world to dream world
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FILD technique is mogger technique, you can literally feel the transition from real world to dream world
FILD MILD KILD NILD, all of these fancy names are the same thing. youtubers and book writers just make up shit to create content because there isn't really much about lucid dreaming. if you understand the basics, you will figure out all different methods and ways to do it by yourself.
  • +1
Reactions: ALittleBitRacist, kingpiin, futuregigamogger and 3 others
FILD MILD KILD NILD, all of these fancy names are the same thing. youtubers and book writers just make up shit to create content because there isn't really much about lucid dreaming. if you understand the basics, you will figure out all different methods and ways to do it by yourself.
Well yes its considered a sub-type of WILD but this technique is a lot faster and you can do it in 7 seconds. By far the most succesful technique and fastest i have used
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How to write a dream journal if you don't remember your dreams?
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: ALittleBitRacist, kingpiin, PointOfNoReturn and 2 others
How to write a dream journal if you don't remember your dreams?
well you can't remember now, but when you wake up instantly if you don't roll around for an hour, you can probably remember things.
you shouldn't check your phone when waking up, or turn on the TV, no distractions.
and sometimes you just don't remember a thing and that's ok. try working on ur reality check habit and invite the skeptical view of reality to your life.
i mean it when i say that you should really doubt the very fabric of reality in your waking life, it helps a lot.
  • +1
Reactions: kingpiin, PointOfNoReturn and Niklaus Mikaelson
Well yes its considered a sub-type of WILD but this technique is a lot faster and you can do it in 7 seconds. By far the most succesful technique and fastest i have used
there is another one, pretty old, i remember this was one of my first techniques that i tried. it's the same as FILD, but instead of playing piano or sth, you just hold your hand straight toward the roof while your elbow on the bed or ground and just sleep.
when you fall sleep, your hands will fall and give you a signal that will awoken your conscious in the REM.
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Reactions: ALittleBitRacist, PointOfNoReturn, Niklaus Mikaelson and 1 other person
I read everything
good thread, funny and full of knowledge
i will try this, op, thank you
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Reactions: ALittleBitRacist, PointOfNoReturn, Niklaus Mikaelson and 1 other person
dnr but marked thread to read later, my dreams keep destroying me brutally
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Reactions: PointOfNoReturn and Psychophilly
fucked madison beer in my dream
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  • Woah
  • JFL
Reactions: ALittleBitRacist, Zonar, PointOfNoReturn and 3 others
This is a guide solely based on my own experience and knowledge, i haven't read any lucid dream book or watched any cringe YouTube videos about it. only book i read related to lucid dreaming is Sigmund Freud's "The Interpretation of Dreams and Beyond the Pleasure Principle" which is not about lucid dreaming but explains a lot about the phenomena of dreaming.
If you are interested about dreams, i suggest you dig Freud's works more because he is legit in terms of dreams.

Introduction of lucid dreams
digital art animation GIF by G1ft3d

There are 4 stages of sleeping, first three stages are called Non-REM (N1,N2,N3) which doesn't include any dreaming but the last stage is REM (Rapid Eye Movement) which the dreaming part happens. During the dreams you are unconscious(?) but there are debates on this matter in scientific communities. the reason why REM exists is unknown and there are theories but most of them are not provable. we are yet to find a reason for existence of dreams in the 21th century. but i'm not here to copy paste what scientists say, i consider myself expert and i'm here with my own theories. in my opinion, we are always conscious during the REM to a degree but we usually don't remember most or all of it when we wake up.

Basically imo you are always lucid dreaming or in other words dreaming, the term lucid is misused in 99% of articles and it's a misconception. Here is what wikipedia says about lucid dream and therefore most people in the internet:

A lucid dream is a type of dream in which the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming while dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream characters, narrative, or environment; however, this is not actually necessary for a dream to be described as lucid.

dreamer always have control on all aspects of the dream, lucid or non lucid. just because you don't use your powers in the dreams doesn't mean you don't have them. in 99% of all dreams that happen every night, the dreamers don't even know they can control the elements of dreams so they never try therefore it seems like they have no control on the dream and only "lucid dreamers" can which is wrong. all people have absolute control over their dreams.

you are a lucid dreamer as soon as you read the sentence below and understand it and accept it as a fact:

"you can dream whatever you want, control everything, see everything you demand and your dreams are your personal space for running simulations based on the data you collected during the waking life"

it is now over and you are a lucid dreamer. but there is two major issues that can cause you not to control your dreams.

1-How to realize you are dreaming?
The first issue is not realizing you are dreaming. Why don't we realize it instantly? since most of the times it's weird and extremely unrealistic? Freud believed that our dreams are sort of a self therapy session and a way to heal our inner conflicts and daily lives issues. we need to believe dreams as real events to perceive it as reality and fix our issues. if we always knew dreams aren't real, then we wouldn't care or be affected by them therefore it would be useless. if evolution made us dream, it means it has a role in our survival. but IMO this is a cope by dear Freud.

we simply believe things in the dream and perceive them as reality because some parts of our brain that is responsible for this matter is basically inactive or less active during the REM cycle. Freud dosen't even know the half of it, he lived in a age where Netflix wasn't a thing, there wasn't much movie, internet, monitors and videos going on. in our current time, people are mediapilled to oblivion. we are used to see strange and weird things in real life through the black screen. i believe the dreams we have in this current age of television and media is 20x more weird and strange than 100 years ago. therefore it's harder for people to notice they are dreaming.

Black screens are ruining your dreams btw
Shake Your Rump Television GIF by Beastie Boys

in order to realize you are dreaming, you need to treat your waking life as a dream. always be skeptical of reality, even now that you are reading this you should ask yourself "what if i'm dreaming right now?" [answer is, you are not. you don't read in dreams, there are some fundamentals that i will explain later] and to make sure if you are dreaming or not, you need to check if you can control it no matter how real you think your state is.

reality check

a habit and routine to check if the current sate is reality or dream. you do this only in your waking life, reality checks are not made for dreams. reality checks are designed for your waking life. you don't skip the test just because you are 100% sure this is a reality and the idea of checking it is absurd. in fact, the more sure you are that this is reality, more important to check. because your dreams seems just as real as what you experience in waking life.

there are certain things that we are sure that can't happen in real life, like being able to breath through your nose while you pinched it. when you are dreaming, your nose and mouth is open in real life and you can breath so pinching your nose in dream doesn't affect your breathing. if you were dreaming, you could breath through nose while it's pinched and this would confirm that you are dreaming.

i consider this reality checking method to be the easiest one and it's not cringe like some autistic methods of trying to pass through walls etc. imagine trying to pass through walls and looking like a lagged NPC in real life jfl. pinching your nose is 5 sec quick reality check and no one would even notice it.
you can either develop this habit of constantly pinching your nose and breathing, or just setup alarms on your phone for every 30 minutes or 1 hour to remind you to check reality. there are tons of apps for reality checking in app stores.

I don't bother explaining more about reality checks since there is tons of guides in internet about it. only important thing that matters is that you have to be serious about checking it, check it like you really mean. you should really really doubt reality, it's the critical thinking and doubting skill that matters not actually checking it. that part of your brain which is responsible for critical thinking and doubting should be trained to be more active during the REM.

physical reminder

once you sleep, every 60-90 minutes you enter the REM state that lasts 10-30 minutes. it's a cycle:
N1->N2->N3>REM->N2->N3->REM->N2->N3->REM-> brief waking->N1->N2->N3->REM... etc etc

longest REM is after 6-7 hours of sleeping. You can choose a specific song/sound as alarm for the time you entered REM, to remind you that you are dreaming. you can do this for each REM. you should not listen to this song/sound in waking life whatsoever. it should only be heard in your dreams so that anytime you heard it, you would be sure that you are dreaming.

I suggest using this specific song, because it has strong reminding properties and is not a popular song to listen to and none of you probably ever listened to it. this is the song used in Inception movie, so it's kind of already a reminder but you can choose your own but you have to convince yourself that the song/sound you are using is unique and you don't hear it in your daily life. you should tell yourself "if i ever heard this, it means i'm dreaming".

combination of both
you can use the same alarm for your waking life and REM cycles and reality check anytime you heard it, meaning only in your waking life. for this, you better choose a quick and unique sound and make sure you reality check 100% of the times.

Reality check at events
every event, even the small ones in your daily life, do a reality check in the peak. you just got brutally rejected by a foid, do a reality check instantly at that moment. you just had a fight with someone, do a reality check while dodging punches (seriously, not joking), someone approaches you to tell you something, do a reality check as they speak.
events, anything that can be considered a check point in your real life. the times when a loading icon appears top right of the screen at video games that indicates the game is being saved, because an event has happened, you entered a dungeons or sth. similar aspect in your real life.

Go directly into the REM state

This is fairly advanced and needs
practicing. you need to relax and meditate, shut down your body parts one by one by focus and will and at last, slowly deactivate your head and forehead. you enter the dream by imagining the scene and scenario or an existing memory by drawing it in the dark of your closed eyes. first you hear things then the your imaginations becomes stronger and more vivid to a point where it becomes a running dream and you are in it.
idk whatever the fuck people call this method in internet but this shit is hard and needs a peaceful mind. i used to do this a lot when i was younger but now i just want to shut down my brain and sleep because i realize i'm dreaming when i go to REM anyway. this needs effort but the lucid dreams from this method is god tier. i still do this once a month and i still don't know how to explain it to people that how it works. i can simultaneously hear the real life and hear the dream, once i had one eye opened to see real life and dream at the same time. it depends on how much tired you are, generally speaking lucid dream is much easier when tired.

mnemonic induction of lucid dreams (MILD)
remember that REM cycle chart above? basically you wake yourself up shortly after REM by alarms, do a little brain activity like reading and shit and go back to sleep asap, this way you interrupted the cycle your brain is now trying to wake up but you sleep instead and you have the intention of lucid dreaming, it can make you notice your dream because you go into REM so quickly that your consciousness is still active. this is a cringe method and i don't like it, jfl imagine waking urself up so that u can notice you are dreaming.
Stan Marsh Bed GIF by South Park

2-Remmebering dreams
second and most important issue is that you don't even remember your dreams, lucid or not. what's the point of lucid dreaming if you don't remember a thing in the morning? it's like you didn't lucid dream at all.

if you know how computers work, you know that there is a RAM and Storage. RAM (Random Access Memory) is for CPU and VGA for a quick and temporal storage, the data in RAM is not stored permanently. the human brain is the same, our short term memory has a even shorter memory section for our REM state. 99% of the dreams are temporal data that will be quickly removed shortly after we wake up unless we remember them and rehearse again or the dream has a emotional event in it that sometimes causes us to wake up.

by becoming self aware during the dream, realizing you are dreaming you open ports to your long term memory and therefore lucid dreaming exists. the only reason lucid dreaming is even a thing is that we somehow manage to transfer temporal data in the dream to the long term memory. so all we need to do is to train our brain to remember dreams, we should stop not giving a fuck about dreams and instead try to remember them when we wake up make a habit of trying to remember.

Dream journal
in order to do that, you can have a notebook beside your bed next to you with a pen to write down your dreams and anything that you can remember as soon as you wake up. i mean it literally, don't even wash your face and shit. the rate of losing data after you wake up accelerates heavily.
View attachment 1967293

but if you keep remembering regularly and writing whatever u remember down, the graph above becomes less accelerated and therefore you remember more and your brain will eventually automatically remember more when you wake up.

it's better to use notebook instead phone etc, because you can draw symbols and the things that can't be described with text. symbols are so important in dreams, you can keep track of locations and similar dreams using symbols and those symbols will help you remember very vividly.

Dream journal is not supposed to be something cool and well written to show off to your friends etc. it's simply a manual override to quickly store temporal data and save it in your long term memory. you have write things down quickly and try not to make it sound reasonable and cool, write down what exactly you think you saw even it's weird no nonsense.

you should read your dream journal before going to bed the next night. it's all about training your brain, once you care about your dreams you will be amazed how much you remember and the shit that's going on in your life every night when you are sleep.

Waking up during the lucid dream
when you wake up while lucid dreaming, obviously you remember many things because you were conscious but only the last 5 minute is vivid and before that becomes vague and bizarre even though you were conscious during that. if you don't even wake up during the lucid dream, chances are high you will forget you have been conscious during your dream. if you are new to lucid dream, make sure you wake up from a lucid dream like after 50 seconds. don't stay too long because you may forget the fact that you are dreaming again and once you forget, the lucid dream ends and it will turn to a regular dream where you are unconscious.

you need to constantly remind yourself that you are dreaming while in lucid, most lucid dream armatures keep forgetting their lucid dreams because they don't know how short memory they are during the dreams. you are like a goldfish in your lucid dreams, you need to constantly carry the information you need by rephrasing them and the most important info is the fact that you are dreaming.

forget finding nemo GIF

Make your lucid dreams emotional
by having emotional elements in your lucid dream it becomes much easier to remember them. having your oneitis next to you as you explore, going to your favorite childhood memories locations, having comedic lucid dreams, religious shit, etc.

basically whatever makes you invested and emotional will make sure you remember it when you wake up.

Take drugs / Dont take drugs
there are certain drugs that can help you remember your dreams. Galantamine is considered one of the best drugs out there that can help you remember dreams. there are many other drugs out there, i haven't test any tbh but i have easier lucid dreams on opium.

there are certain drugs that will cause you not to remember shit too or make it very hard to become conscious in your dreams like weed. Nicotine also reduces your REM stage and smoking is basically bad for lucid dreaming.

your diet is very important, but i have 0 clue on this topic and i also don't trust what internet says about this. i only know that caffeine fucks everything up in terms of lucid dreaming. don't drink coffee, tea, soda etc.

Fundamentals and theories

Dreams exist so that our short term memory and most important parts of our brain stays active and ready for the waking life. everything else is cope from dear scientists.
we used to live in wild nature and we often had to instantly react to dangers around us after we woke up, like having bears showing up in your cave or sth. if brain wants to function fast, it needs to remain active and responsive and that's why REM exists.

Morale in dreams
we are unconsciously aware of our complete solitude inside our dreams all the time, we behave as if no one is watching us, we are true to ourselves and are not limited by the norms of society. However, the person you are in your dreams is not the same person as your waking life since some parts of your brain is inactive or has really low activities.

you might rape people in your dreams, be an absolute pedophile and kill people for fun but be a nice person in real life. I'm not saying all people do these acts in their dreams but know that if you do it, there is nothing wrong with you. it's your most personal space ever and you are free to do everything. but be careful that the habits in your dreams can show up in reality as well. don't go around sucking dicks in your dream if you don't want to end up gay in real life. the experiences are real af and it can make interests in you. not that i did such a thing, but considering how much gay users we have here, i thought they would probably do this jfl.

Dangers of lucid dream
it doesn't exist. 0 people have died due to lucid dream in history. no matter how fuck up you think the situation is in your lucid dreams, you will always wake up healthy and fine. you might get a little nocuous if do crazy shit like spinning around 200km/hr in a non-empty space when you wake up, you might even throw up. might get some minor temporal headaches that only happens in deep lucid dream hexagon fractals phase( will explain later).

Anything about dangers of lucid dream in internet is pure bullshit and is probably made up by jews or sth. most of the times, it's a click bait because people find it interesting that you can get hurt in your dreams or sth.

of cures there are some levels of deep lucid dreaming where you might lose the ability to wake up and freak out a little, you might experience some void level shit like becoming non-existent, you might think that you died already sometimes, but you will always and remember when i say it, ALWAYS WAKE UP HEALTHY!

anytime you thought you are in danger, keep reminding yourself and literally say it out loud "i will wake up fine" and know that this is a fact.

Some common misconceptions in internet :
  • don't look at mirrors:soy:
reddit level moronic belief, so what you don't see yourself because your brain has never tried to simulate yourself in it's life. anytime you have ever seen yourself, it was due to help of mirrors and cameras, you never imagined yourself from a third perspective. with enough practice you can see yourself in mirrors or even replicate yourself in your lucid dreams.
jfl at these retarded videos on youtube.

  • If you have them every single night and you become obsessed with them, you lose your interest in waking life and it starts to become an actual addiction!:soy:
no one has ever been obsessed with it's lucid dreams in the history of man kind to a point where they don't care about living life. this is pure bullshit, your lucid dreams are 5-20 minuets at max and you won't even remember the half of it. people who claim this just wanna look cool and give you "suffering from success" vibes.

  • Dont have sex in lucid dream:feelswhy:
Sure, lets be a complete faggot in our dreams and behave kindly to the NPC non-existent beings that are just imaginations. JFL at this fucking cucks in internet tbh, NOOOOOO you become addicted to sex in dreams then you won't have sex in real life NOOO kek.
i remember when i was new in lucid dream, i used to ask girls that if i can touch them or have sex with them. nowdays, i'll grab their neck and rape the shit out of them. sure, at first you will always wake up from the excitement but as you get more experienced you will be able to not wake up after cum. and the state after orgasm is god tier and divine. so calm and heavenly.

  • Dont try killing yourself in dreams, because you may sometimes mistake reality and kys in real life:ROFLMAO:
the faggot redditor who wrote this took Inception seriously. in fact i suggest you to explore the death experience in lucid dreams, it's so eye opening and makes you enter the deep state and void and fractal phase.

  • Lucid nightmares:eek:
so what? you are pussy? lucid nightmares are fun and i remember them in good memory. sometimes you lose your shit and get scared of something, then things get out of hand and all your fears show up. if you don't face your fears in your dreams, then where and when do you want to face them? you wanna remain afraid of that thing for rest of your life and be a beta cuck? embrace your fears and face them and fight them. become completely immune to your fears by exploring them in your lucid dreams.

reading about these fake dangers of lucid dreams in internet can actually fuck up your lucid dreams, don't read them don't believe them i have 12 years of experience and i saw some crazy shit but i always survived. i was afraid of heights when i was kid but due to constantly flying in lucid dreams i no longer have such a fear.

Vivid lucid dreams
your goal should be having more vivid lucid dreams as they are the ultimate enjoyable lucid dreams. everything is extremely vivid like real life, stable and you can walk around normally and people behave normal. i could say sex in vivid lucid dreams is even more enjoyable if i had more experience in real life but it truly is. to have vivid lucid dreams, you need to be calm and really relaxed. no anxiety or stress during the day, no external noise meaning your soundings in real life should be quiet and dark and smell good. even a tiny noise from someone's motorcycle far away can make your dreams unstable and non-vivid. however, if you are deeply sleep it doesn't matter much. the deeper your sleep, the more vivid it gets.

Everything is extremely detailed and you see what you love the most, you are emotional and every inch of the dream is detailed. some describe it as a 4k dream.
the dream is aesthetic af and the experience is amazing.
like a dream from your childhood when your momma used to sing for you and play with u

Deep lucid and fractal state
There levels in lucid dream and dreams in general. there are some states of dreaming that can't be considered a living experience and it's more of a visual simulation and background saver tier dream. in Deep lucid, you are not exeperincing the dream as a first person human perspective, you are more like a snake or an observer. you see things that can't e seen in real life or even be shown in movies. it usually happens when you take drugs in your lucid dream, for example when you use LSD in your dreams or smoke weed. you really become high of it and the high is a lot.
in deep lucid state, you can enter objects ( i don't mean passing through them). you can enter a tree for example and simulate visuals to understand what's being inside a tree feels like.
if you go deeper, and lets say enter cells and atoms and quantum level scales or you just get stuck in deep void of space and feel nonexistent , you will enter the fractal state.

Animation Infinity GIF by xponentialdesign
Star Math GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski
Pink Star GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski

The mentioned GIFs and Video are actually very accurate, there is even a deeper state where the shapes become much simpler and 2 dimensional. hexagons then triangles and circles.
this is what you really see and experience, i'm not bullshiting you. search fractal geometry in dreams. you experience the same if you take high amount of LSD in real life too. when very high on LSD, when you close your eyes, you see these shapes.

The void
this is the deepest state i ever got into, it happens when you can stand the insanity of fractal phase long enough or you just die in the dream but never wake up.
you hear nothing, you see nothing, you feel nothing, there is nothing. you can't even think properly, you are one and only one that there is. i believe this is where the original YOU in you exists. you feel enormous pain, you feel like your head is exploding and every cell in your body is falling apart. but nothing happens in the end you just wake up nocuous and a minor headache.
Outer Space Spinning GIF by Jason Clarke

Astral projection
Astral Projection Sleep GIF by bbsquirrel247

Some people think astral projection is not real and it's just in movies, well kind of true because you can't access unknown doing this and everything is simulated based on the data you have in your brain already or it's generated based on assumptions. but it's certainly different than normal lucid dreams, you could say it's not a dream anymore, it's simulation of real life.

In my opinion, most people have experienced astral projection for a short time at least. i think the origin of the idea of soul comes from astral projection, in fact right now Muslims, Christians, buddhas, etc teach it as a religious shit and the believers legit think they are walking around with their souls but in reality it's just another form of dream.

you have a self image and self awareness form of yourself that you use to explore your dreams, it's called astral body in internet and books. fancy name but it's just our senses put on manual mode. by practice and some techniques you can lift your astral body and get detached from your body into your room where you slept. you can move around go anywhere and fly and pass through things, your brain simulates everything based on knowledge and assumptions. it's very similar to a normal lucid dream the only difference is that it you don't pop into a random scenario out of nowhere and instead you are in real life as you perceive it.

I just had one today in the morning, my dead aunt showed up in my room out of nowhere and i freaked out and woke up. then tried again and she showed up again, i was so pissed so i woke up and didn't do it again. she wanted to tell me something i assume but i kept freaking out, because i'm kinda afraid of her cuz last time i saw her she was in pieces from a car accident, brutally damaged.

you need to be really tired and sleepy to do this, you can't just decide to do it and pop into it like in movies and the video i shared at the start of the thread. unless you are really a meditation nerd and meditatemaxxed.

i have tested many times with my friends back in uni, to see if i can gain info that i don't have but it never worked. i would tell them to hide an object in another room while i'm sleeping so i can astral and go there to see what it is, never guessed it right tho i see them do the hiding.

Why lucid dreams are just as real as reality?

you see, we perceive reality through our senses. hearing, touching, seeing, tasting, etc. we what we know as reality is just some nerve system's electricity and information that our brain receives. now in dreams, the receivers are inactive or has very low activity that is not considerable. we can't experience a realm without any senses, we don't feel existing if we sense nothing, therefore our brain creates manual inputs on behalf of our receivers (ears, eyes , etc ) so that we can experience and be.w

meanwhile, the difference between these manual neurological electricity information and natural one is very very insignificant and in vivid lucid dreams it's almost 0 difference.

How can you say that real life is more real than what your brain simulates for you if what it's receiving in both cases is the same exact thing?

First shocking thing that every new lucid dreamer experiences is how real the lucid dream is for them, they can't believe that they can see, touch, hear and feel everything just as if it was reality.

The hippocampus is responsible for illustrating dreams and simulating senses and imaginations. your brain receives senses directly from this part instead of ears and eyes and nervous system.

just like how we get happy through received certain data from our senses in real life ( making love, watching beautiful things, eating, etc ) we get happy the exact same way when we receive data from the manual input of our hippocampus. why do think you cum while dreaming? your dick is not even touched.

when you take drugs in lucid dream, when you wake up you feel good and awesome because even tho you didn't receive that particular subsistence, your brain releases endorphins and dopamine.

--- end of part 1
there are more fundamentals like the fact that numbers are weird in dreams and you can't really read stuff, etc and all the inside lucid techniques to control things, remain sleep and have longer and stable lucid dreams in the next part.

ask me any question you have here.

@futuregigamogger @LiteralCaucasian @HeLivesAgain @reborn @latino_ @Beastimmung @justshower @Thomas DOM @Niko @8PSLcel @cutie @Eriot Lodger

you absolute madlad lets fucking goo ty for the tag going to read rn king shit 🤝
  • +1
Reactions: PointOfNoReturn, Niklaus Mikaelson and Psychophilly
  • +1
Reactions: PointOfNoReturn, Niklaus Mikaelson and Deleted member 17920
Very good guide bro! For me I dont know if its possible to Lucid Dreams because i take Amitriptyline which knocks me out n makes me sleep very deep.

Also i found this very funny:

Haha yes this is true. There are even some users who would not even lick Stacys ass because they think its gross. LOL, cant be heterosexual if you wouldnt lick a hot Girls ass.

//Thomas DOM
yeah some drugs can really block your consciousness during the dream, i rarely lucid dream after using weed. ironically even Tramadol makes it harder. but opium, it was opposite, it helped a lot.

wish i knew more about medicine like you bro.
  • +1
Reactions: PointOfNoReturn, Niklaus Mikaelson and Deleted member 20652
yeah some drugs can really block your consciousness during the dream, i rarely lucid dream after using weed. ironically even Tramadol makes it harder. but opium, it was opposite, it helped a lot.

wish i knew more about medicine like you bro.

Hopefully you can get Temgesic (subutex brand in iran) one day bro. I think you would really like it considering you liked opium , its stronger than opium though.

//Thomas DOM
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bookmarked for later.
can't wait to experience my third life in my dreams (second life is schizo hallucinations.)
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  • JFL
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Actually intresing fact, temgesic/subutex is produced from opium . All of those prescribtion opiate (not opioids/tram) pills are produced from the oil of the opium flowers

//Thomas DOM
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Reactions: PointOfNoReturn, Niklaus Mikaelson and Psychophilly
good thread

but im too lazy to start doing reality checks and dream journals lol
  • So Sad
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what the heck are the benefits to this anyways lol
  • +1
  • Hmm...
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Thanks a lot. I'm a beginner and this guide really helps.
  • JFL
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This is a guide solely based on my own experience and knowledge, i haven't read any lucid dream book or watched any cringe YouTube videos about it. only book i read related to lucid dreaming is Sigmund Freud's "The Interpretation of Dreams and Beyond the Pleasure Principle" which is not about lucid dreaming but explains a lot about the phenomena of dreaming.
If you are interested about dreams, i suggest you dig Freud's works more because he is legit in terms of dreams.

Introduction of lucid dreams
digital art animation GIF by G1ft3d

There are 4 stages of sleeping, first three stages are called Non-REM (N1,N2,N3) which doesn't include any dreaming but the last stage is REM (Rapid Eye Movement) which the dreaming part happens. During the dreams you are unconscious(?) but there are debates on this matter in scientific communities. the reason why REM exists is unknown and there are theories but most of them are not provable. we are yet to find a reason for existence of dreams in the 21th century. but i'm not here to copy paste what scientists say, i consider myself expert and i'm here with my own theories. in my opinion, we are always conscious during the REM to a degree but we usually don't remember most or all of it when we wake up.

Basically imo you are always lucid dreaming or in other words dreaming, the term lucid is misused in 99% of articles and it's a misconception. Here is what wikipedia says about lucid dream and therefore most people in the internet:

A lucid dream is a type of dream in which the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming while dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream characters, narrative, or environment; however, this is not actually necessary for a dream to be described as lucid.

dreamer always have control on all aspects of the dream, lucid or non lucid. just because you don't use your powers in the dreams doesn't mean you don't have them. in 99% of all dreams that happen every night, the dreamers don't even know they can control the elements of dreams so they never try therefore it seems like they have no control on the dream and only "lucid dreamers" can which is wrong. all people have absolute control over their dreams.

you are a lucid dreamer as soon as you read the sentence below and understand it and accept it as a fact:

"you can dream whatever you want, control everything, see everything you demand and your dreams are your personal space for running simulations based on the data you collected during the waking life"

it is now over and you are a lucid dreamer. but there is two major issues that can cause you not to control your dreams.

1-How to realize you are dreaming?
The first issue is not realizing you are dreaming. Why don't we realize it instantly? since most of the times it's weird and extremely unrealistic? Freud believed that our dreams are sort of a self therapy session and a way to heal our inner conflicts and daily lives issues. we need to believe dreams as real events to perceive it as reality and fix our issues. if we always knew dreams aren't real, then we wouldn't care or be affected by them therefore it would be useless. if evolution made us dream, it means it has a role in our survival. but IMO this is a cope by dear Freud.

we simply believe things in the dream and perceive them as reality because some parts of our brain that is responsible for this matter is basically inactive or less active during the REM cycle. Freud dosen't even know the half of it, he lived in a age where Netflix wasn't a thing, there wasn't much movie, internet, monitors and videos going on. in our current time, people are mediapilled to oblivion. we are used to see strange and weird things in real life through the black screen. i believe the dreams we have in this current age of television and media is 20x more weird and strange than 100 years ago. therefore it's harder for people to notice they are dreaming.

Black screens are ruining your dreams btw
Shake Your Rump Television GIF by Beastie Boys

in order to realize you are dreaming, you need to treat your waking life as a dream. always be skeptical of reality, even now that you are reading this you should ask yourself "what if i'm dreaming right now?" [answer is, you are not. you don't read in dreams, there are some fundamentals that i will explain later] and to make sure if you are dreaming or not, you need to check if you can control it no matter how real you think your state is.

reality check

a habit and routine to check if the current sate is reality or dream. you do this only in your waking life, reality checks are not made for dreams. reality checks are designed for your waking life. you don't skip the test just because you are 100% sure this is a reality and the idea of checking it is absurd. in fact, the more sure you are that this is reality, more important to check. because your dreams seems just as real as what you experience in waking life.

there are certain things that we are sure that can't happen in real life, like being able to breath through your nose while you pinched it. when you are dreaming, your nose and mouth is open in real life and you can breath so pinching your nose in dream doesn't affect your breathing. if you were dreaming, you could breath through nose while it's pinched and this would confirm that you are dreaming.

i consider this reality checking method to be the easiest one and it's not cringe like some autistic methods of trying to pass through walls etc. imagine trying to pass through walls and looking like a lagged NPC in real life jfl. pinching your nose is 5 sec quick reality check and no one would even notice it.
you can either develop this habit of constantly pinching your nose and breathing, or just setup alarms on your phone for every 30 minutes or 1 hour to remind you to check reality. there are tons of apps for reality checking in app stores.

I don't bother explaining more about reality checks since there is tons of guides in internet about it. only important thing that matters is that you have to be serious about checking it, check it like you really mean. you should really really doubt reality, it's the critical thinking and doubting skill that matters not actually checking it. that part of your brain which is responsible for critical thinking and doubting should be trained to be more active during the REM.

physical reminder

once you sleep, every 60-90 minutes you enter the REM state that lasts 10-30 minutes. it's a cycle:
N1->N2->N3>REM->N2->N3->REM->N2->N3->REM-> brief waking->N1->N2->N3->REM... etc etc

longest REM is after 6-7 hours of sleeping. You can choose a specific song/sound as alarm for the time you entered REM, to remind you that you are dreaming. you can do this for each REM. you should not listen to this song/sound in waking life whatsoever. it should only be heard in your dreams so that anytime you heard it, you would be sure that you are dreaming.

I suggest using this specific song, because it has strong reminding properties and is not a popular song to listen to and none of you probably ever listened to it. this is the song used in Inception movie, so it's kind of already a reminder but you can choose your own but you have to convince yourself that the song/sound you are using is unique and you don't hear it in your daily life. you should tell yourself "if i ever heard this, it means i'm dreaming".

combination of both
you can use the same alarm for your waking life and REM cycles and reality check anytime you heard it, meaning only in your waking life. for this, you better choose a quick and unique sound and make sure you reality check 100% of the times.

Reality check at events
every event, even the small ones in your daily life, do a reality check in the peak. you just got brutally rejected by a foid, do a reality check instantly at that moment. you just had a fight with someone, do a reality check while dodging punches (seriously, not joking), someone approaches you to tell you something, do a reality check as they speak.
events, anything that can be considered a check point in your real life. the times when a loading icon appears top right of the screen at video games that indicates the game is being saved, because an event has happened, you entered a dungeons or sth. similar aspect in your real life.

Go directly into the REM state

This is fairly advanced and needs
practicing. you need to relax and meditate, shut down your body parts one by one by focus and will and at last, slowly deactivate your head and forehead. you enter the dream by imagining the scene and scenario or an existing memory by drawing it in the dark of your closed eyes. first you hear things then the your imaginations becomes stronger and more vivid to a point where it becomes a running dream and you are in it.
idk whatever the fuck people call this method in internet but this shit is hard and needs a peaceful mind. i used to do this a lot when i was younger but now i just want to shut down my brain and sleep because i realize i'm dreaming when i go to REM anyway. this needs effort but the lucid dreams from this method is god tier. i still do this once a month and i still don't know how to explain it to people that how it works. i can simultaneously hear the real life and hear the dream, once i had one eye opened to see real life and dream at the same time. it depends on how much tired you are, generally speaking lucid dream is much easier when tired.

mnemonic induction of lucid dreams (MILD)
remember that REM cycle chart above? basically you wake yourself up shortly after REM by alarms, do a little brain activity like reading and shit and go back to sleep asap, this way you interrupted the cycle your brain is now trying to wake up but you sleep instead and you have the intention of lucid dreaming, it can make you notice your dream because you go into REM so quickly that your consciousness is still active. this is a cringe method and i don't like it, jfl imagine waking urself up so that u can notice you are dreaming.
Stan Marsh Bed GIF by South Park

2-Remmebering dreams
second and most important issue is that you don't even remember your dreams, lucid or not. what's the point of lucid dreaming if you don't remember a thing in the morning? it's like you didn't lucid dream at all.

if you know how computers work, you know that there is a RAM and Storage. RAM (Random Access Memory) is for CPU and VGA for a quick and temporal storage, the data in RAM is not stored permanently. the human brain is the same, our short term memory has a even shorter memory section for our REM state. 99% of the dreams are temporal data that will be quickly removed shortly after we wake up unless we remember them and rehearse again or the dream has a emotional event in it that sometimes causes us to wake up.

by becoming self aware during the dream, realizing you are dreaming you open ports to your long term memory and therefore lucid dreaming exists. the only reason lucid dreaming is even a thing is that we somehow manage to transfer temporal data in the dream to the long term memory. so all we need to do is to train our brain to remember dreams, we should stop not giving a fuck about dreams and instead try to remember them when we wake up make a habit of trying to remember.

Dream journal
in order to do that, you can have a notebook beside your bed next to you with a pen to write down your dreams and anything that you can remember as soon as you wake up. i mean it literally, don't even wash your face and shit. the rate of losing data after you wake up accelerates heavily.
View attachment 1967293

but if you keep remembering regularly and writing whatever u remember down, the graph above becomes less accelerated and therefore you remember more and your brain will eventually automatically remember more when you wake up.

it's better to use notebook instead phone etc, because you can draw symbols and the things that can't be described with text. symbols are so important in dreams, you can keep track of locations and similar dreams using symbols and those symbols will help you remember very vividly.

Dream journal is not supposed to be something cool and well written to show off to your friends etc. it's simply a manual override to quickly store temporal data and save it in your long term memory. you have write things down quickly and try not to make it sound reasonable and cool, write down what exactly you think you saw even it's weird no nonsense.

you should read your dream journal before going to bed the next night. it's all about training your brain, once you care about your dreams you will be amazed how much you remember and the shit that's going on in your life every night when you are sleep.

Waking up during the lucid dream
when you wake up while lucid dreaming, obviously you remember many things because you were conscious but only the last 5 minute is vivid and before that becomes vague and bizarre even though you were conscious during that. if you don't even wake up during the lucid dream, chances are high you will forget you have been conscious during your dream. if you are new to lucid dream, make sure you wake up from a lucid dream like after 50 seconds. don't stay too long because you may forget the fact that you are dreaming again and once you forget, the lucid dream ends and it will turn to a regular dream where you are unconscious.

you need to constantly remind yourself that you are dreaming while in lucid, most lucid dream armatures keep forgetting their lucid dreams because they don't know how short memory they are during the dreams. you are like a goldfish in your lucid dreams, you need to constantly carry the information you need by rephrasing them and the most important info is the fact that you are dreaming.

forget finding nemo GIF

Make your lucid dreams emotional
by having emotional elements in your lucid dream it becomes much easier to remember them. having your oneitis next to you as you explore, going to your favorite childhood memories locations, having comedic lucid dreams, religious shit, etc.

basically whatever makes you invested and emotional will make sure you remember it when you wake up.

Take drugs / Dont take drugs
there are certain drugs that can help you remember your dreams. Galantamine is considered one of the best drugs out there that can help you remember dreams. there are many other drugs out there, i haven't test any tbh but i have easier lucid dreams on opium.

there are certain drugs that will cause you not to remember shit too or make it very hard to become conscious in your dreams like weed. Nicotine also reduces your REM stage and smoking is basically bad for lucid dreaming.

your diet is very important, but i have 0 clue on this topic and i also don't trust what internet says about this. i only know that caffeine fucks everything up in terms of lucid dreaming. don't drink coffee, tea, soda etc.

Fundamentals and theories

Dreams exist so that our short term memory and most important parts of our brain stays active and ready for the waking life. everything else is cope from dear scientists.
we used to live in wild nature and we often had to instantly react to dangers around us after we woke up, like having bears showing up in your cave or sth. if brain wants to function fast, it needs to remain active and responsive and that's why REM exists.

Morale in dreams
we are unconsciously aware of our complete solitude inside our dreams all the time, we behave as if no one is watching us, we are true to ourselves and are not limited by the norms of society. However, the person you are in your dreams is not the same person as your waking life since some parts of your brain is inactive or has really low activities.

you might rape people in your dreams, be an absolute pedophile and kill people for fun but be a nice person in real life. I'm not saying all people do these acts in their dreams but know that if you do it, there is nothing wrong with you. it's your most personal space ever and you are free to do everything. but be careful that the habits in your dreams can show up in reality as well. don't go around sucking dicks in your dream if you don't want to end up gay in real life. the experiences are real af and it can make interests in you. not that i did such a thing, but considering how much gay users we have here, i thought they would probably do this jfl.

Dangers of lucid dream
it doesn't exist. 0 people have died due to lucid dream in history. no matter how fuck up you think the situation is in your lucid dreams, you will always wake up healthy and fine. you might get a little nocuous if do crazy shit like spinning around 200km/hr in a non-empty space when you wake up, you might even throw up. might get some minor temporal headaches that only happens in deep lucid dream hexagon fractals phase( will explain later).

Anything about dangers of lucid dream in internet is pure bullshit and is probably made up by jews or sth. most of the times, it's a click bait because people find it interesting that you can get hurt in your dreams or sth.

of cures there are some levels of deep lucid dreaming where you might lose the ability to wake up and freak out a little, you might experience some void level shit like becoming non-existent, you might think that you died already sometimes, but you will always and remember when i say it, ALWAYS WAKE UP HEALTHY!

anytime you thought you are in danger, keep reminding yourself and literally say it out loud "i will wake up fine" and know that this is a fact.

Some common misconceptions in internet :
  • don't look at mirrors:soy:
reddit level moronic belief, so what you don't see yourself because your brain has never tried to simulate yourself in it's life. anytime you have ever seen yourself, it was due to help of mirrors and cameras, you never imagined yourself from a third perspective. with enough practice you can see yourself in mirrors or even replicate yourself in your lucid dreams.
jfl at these retarded videos on youtube.

  • If you have them every single night and you become obsessed with them, you lose your interest in waking life and it starts to become an actual addiction!:soy:
no one has ever been obsessed with it's lucid dreams in the history of man kind to a point where they don't care about living life. this is pure bullshit, your lucid dreams are 5-20 minuets at max and you won't even remember the half of it. people who claim this just wanna look cool and give you "suffering from success" vibes.

  • Dont have sex in lucid dream:feelswhy:
Sure, lets be a complete faggot in our dreams and behave kindly to the NPC non-existent beings that are just imaginations. JFL at this fucking cucks in internet tbh, NOOOOOO you become addicted to sex in dreams then you won't have sex in real life NOOO kek.
i remember when i was new in lucid dream, i used to ask girls that if i can touch them or have sex with them. nowdays, i'll grab their neck and rape the shit out of them. sure, at first you will always wake up from the excitement but as you get more experienced you will be able to not wake up after cum. and the state after orgasm is god tier and divine. so calm and heavenly.

  • Dont try killing yourself in dreams, because you may sometimes mistake reality and kys in real life:ROFLMAO:
the faggot redditor who wrote this took Inception seriously. in fact i suggest you to explore the death experience in lucid dreams, it's so eye opening and makes you enter the deep state and void and fractal phase.

  • Lucid nightmares:eek:
so what? you are pussy? lucid nightmares are fun and i remember them in good memory. sometimes you lose your shit and get scared of something, then things get out of hand and all your fears show up. if you don't face your fears in your dreams, then where and when do you want to face them? you wanna remain afraid of that thing for rest of your life and be a beta cuck? embrace your fears and face them and fight them. become completely immune to your fears by exploring them in your lucid dreams.

reading about these fake dangers of lucid dreams in internet can actually fuck up your lucid dreams, don't read them don't believe them i have 12 years of experience and i saw some crazy shit but i always survived. i was afraid of heights when i was kid but due to constantly flying in lucid dreams i no longer have such a fear.

Vivid lucid dreams
your goal should be having more vivid lucid dreams as they are the ultimate enjoyable lucid dreams. everything is extremely vivid like real life, stable and you can walk around normally and people behave normal. i could say sex in vivid lucid dreams is even more enjoyable if i had more experience in real life but it truly is. to have vivid lucid dreams, you need to be calm and really relaxed. no anxiety or stress during the day, no external noise meaning your soundings in real life should be quiet and dark and smell good. even a tiny noise from someone's motorcycle far away can make your dreams unstable and non-vivid. however, if you are deeply sleep it doesn't matter much. the deeper your sleep, the more vivid it gets.

Everything is extremely detailed and you see what you love the most, you are emotional and every inch of the dream is detailed. some describe it as a 4k dream.
the dream is aesthetic af and the experience is amazing.
like a dream from your childhood when your momma used to sing for you and play with u

Deep lucid and fractal state
There levels in lucid dream and dreams in general. there are some states of dreaming that can't be considered a living experience and it's more of a visual simulation and background saver tier dream. in Deep lucid, you are not exeperincing the dream as a first person human perspective, you are more like a snake or an observer. you see things that can't e seen in real life or even be shown in movies. it usually happens when you take drugs in your lucid dream, for example when you use LSD in your dreams or smoke weed. you really become high of it and the high is a lot.
in deep lucid state, you can enter objects ( i don't mean passing through them). you can enter a tree for example and simulate visuals to understand what's being inside a tree feels like.
if you go deeper, and lets say enter cells and atoms and quantum level scales or you just get stuck in deep void of space and feel nonexistent , you will enter the fractal state.

Animation Infinity GIF by xponentialdesign
Star Math GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski
Pink Star GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski

The mentioned GIFs and Video are actually very accurate, there is even a deeper state where the shapes become much simpler and 2 dimensional. hexagons then triangles and circles.
this is what you really see and experience, i'm not bullshiting you. search fractal geometry in dreams. you experience the same if you take high amount of LSD in real life too. when very high on LSD, when you close your eyes, you see these shapes.

The void
this is the deepest state i ever got into, it happens when you can stand the insanity of fractal phase long enough or you just die in the dream but never wake up.
you hear nothing, you see nothing, you feel nothing, there is nothing. you can't even think properly, you are one and only one that there is. i believe this is where the original YOU in you exists. you feel enormous pain, you feel like your head is exploding and every cell in your body is falling apart. but nothing happens in the end you just wake up nocuous and a minor headache.
Outer Space Spinning GIF by Jason Clarke

Astral projection
Astral Projection Sleep GIF by bbsquirrel247

Some people think astral projection is not real and it's just in movies, well kind of true because you can't access unknown doing this and everything is simulated based on the data you have in your brain already or it's generated based on assumptions. but it's certainly different than normal lucid dreams, you could say it's not a dream anymore, it's simulation of real life.

In my opinion, most people have experienced astral projection for a short time at least. i think the origin of the idea of soul comes from astral projection, in fact right now Muslims, Christians, buddhas, etc teach it as a religious shit and the believers legit think they are walking around with their souls but in reality it's just another form of dream.

you have a self image and self awareness form of yourself that you use to explore your dreams, it's called astral body in internet and books. fancy name but it's just our senses put on manual mode. by practice and some techniques you can lift your astral body and get detached from your body into your room where you slept. you can move around go anywhere and fly and pass through things, your brain simulates everything based on knowledge and assumptions. it's very similar to a normal lucid dream the only difference is that it you don't pop into a random scenario out of nowhere and instead you are in real life as you perceive it.

I just had one today in the morning, my dead aunt showed up in my room out of nowhere and i freaked out and woke up. then tried again and she showed up again, i was so pissed so i woke up and didn't do it again. she wanted to tell me something i assume but i kept freaking out, because i'm kinda afraid of her cuz last time i saw her she was in pieces from a car accident, brutally damaged.

you need to be really tired and sleepy to do this, you can't just decide to do it and pop into it like in movies and the video i shared at the start of the thread. unless you are really a meditation nerd and meditatemaxxed.

i have tested many times with my friends back in uni, to see if i can gain info that i don't have but it never worked. i would tell them to hide an object in another room while i'm sleeping so i can astral and go there to see what it is, never guessed it right tho i see them do the hiding.

Why lucid dreams are just as real as reality?

you see, we perceive reality through our senses. hearing, touching, seeing, tasting, etc. we what we know as reality is just some nerve system's electricity and information that our brain receives. now in dreams, the receivers are inactive or has very low activity that is not considerable. we can't experience a realm without any senses, we don't feel existing if we sense nothing, therefore our brain creates manual inputs on behalf of our receivers (ears, eyes , etc ) so that we can experience and be.w

meanwhile, the difference between these manual neurological electricity information and natural one is very very insignificant and in vivid lucid dreams it's almost 0 difference.

How can you say that real life is more real than what your brain simulates for you if what it's receiving in both cases is the same exact thing?

First shocking thing that every new lucid dreamer experiences is how real the lucid dream is for them, they can't believe that they can see, touch, hear and feel everything just as if it was reality.

The hippocampus is responsible for illustrating dreams and simulating senses and imaginations. your brain receives senses directly from this part instead of ears and eyes and nervous system.

just like how we get happy through received certain data from our senses in real life ( making love, watching beautiful things, eating, etc ) we get happy the exact same way when we receive data from the manual input of our hippocampus. why do think you cum while dreaming? your dick is not even touched.

when you take drugs in lucid dream, when you wake up you feel good and awesome because even tho you didn't receive that particular subsistence, your brain releases endorphins and dopamine.

--- end of part 1
there are more fundamentals like the fact that numbers are weird in dreams and you can't really read stuff, etc and all the inside lucid techniques to control things, remain sleep and have longer and stable lucid dreams in the next part.

ask me any question you have here.

@futuregigamogger @LiteralCaucasian @HeLivesAgain @reborn @latino_ @Beastimmung @justshower @Thomas DOM @Niko @8PSLcel @cutie @Eriot Lodger

Do you know If it's possible to lucid dream if you sleep 3-5 hours?, Also appreciate the learning to remember dreams part, I'll try to that asap as i only ever remember having 3 dreams from the age of 17-22, all in which me and my family dies (the emotional thing might be a part of why I can remember I assume)

Also you mentioned that you can't read during dreams, is it because the text would be gibberish if you don't have photographic memory of a book? Any other restrictions? I thought that it would grant full powers, would be amazing if I would be able to get ahead with some work and ideas while being asleep

Appreciate high IQ thread, will try all of it and let you know how it went, having 4-5 ekstra hours would be a game changer
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Do you know If it's possible to lucid dream if you sleep 3-5 hours?, Also appreciate the learning to remember dreams part, I'll try to that asap as i only ever remember having 3 dreams from the age of 17-22, all in which me and my family dies (the emotional thing might be a part of why I can remember I assume)

Also you mentioned that you can't read during dreams, is it because the text would be gibberish if you don't have photographic memory of a book? Any other restrictions? I thought that it would grant full powers, would be amazing if I would be able to get ahead with some work and ideas while being asleep

Appreciate high IQ thread, will try all of it and let you know how it went, having 4-5 ekstra hours would be a game changer
Yes, there is a REM state every 60-90 minutes of sleep which means an opportunity to lucid.
The way we can read text in real life is that we see the word and turn it into a sound in our brain, that sound then will find connections to objects and things in our memory and then we understand the word. in dreams, as we read the text, it keeps changing and looks weird because we are trying to do the finding connections part and doing that can change what we see in dreams.
some of the major parts of our brain that is needed in order to read is inactive during REM. you just have to give up on the idea of reading in dreams bhai.
you can however practice speeches, representations, ideas etc. it's like having a strong AI to simulate anything except some like reading that is inherently depended on your eye movements and the data from outside not inside. what do u wanna read when everything that is in your dream is already your knowledge.

you may access some old memories that you can't remember in waking life and this could be considered a new knowledge.

also lucid dreams are like 20-40 minutes if you really dig it, but there is time dilation and we don't know for sure how long it takes since we don't remember all of it.

you don't need lucid dream bhai, your real life is more interesting than my craziest lucid dreams.
  • Woah
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@Niko well, not really i think you would love meeting ancient Greek in your dreams, right?
i became Zeus once in a castle of clouds in sky, lightning coming out of my hands and i was a god. one of my good lucids tbh
  • Woah
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Yes, there is a REM state every 60-90 minutes of sleep which means an opportunity to lucid.
The way we can read text in real life is that we see the word and turn it into a sound in our brain, that sound then will find connections to objects and things in our memory and then we understand the word. in dreams, as we read the text, it keeps changing and looks weird because we are trying to do the finding connections part and doing that can change what we see in dreams.
some of the major parts of our brain that is needed in order to read is inactive during REM. you just have to give up on the idea of reading in dreams bhai.
you can however practice speeches, representations, ideas etc. it's like having a strong AI to simulate anything except some like reading that is inherently depended on your eye movements and the data from outside not inside. what do u wanna read when everything that is in your dream is already your knowledge.

you may access some old memories that you can't remember in waking life and this could be considered a new knowledge.

also lucid dreams are like 20-40 minutes if you really dig it, but there is time dilation and we don't know for sure how long it takes since we don't remember all of it.

you don't need lucid dream bhai, your real life is more interesting than my craziest lucid dreams.
I was thinking to use lucid dreams to test new plans and so forth from the knowledge I gathered already, so could be a good tool if I manage to do it productively, i appreciate the informative reply Bhai!
  • +1
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@Niko well, not really i think you would love meeting ancient Greek in your dreams, right?
i became Zeus once in a castle of clouds in sky, lightning coming out of my hands and i was a god. one of my good lucids tbh
Or i could use the lucid dreams to satisfy my needs and then have more time to focus on work IRL while not sleeping, could be good as well. I was thinking more like dreaming of Katya than meeting ancient Greek gods, but i dig that idea as well
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Or i could use the lucid dreams to satisfy my needs and then have more time to focus on work IRL while not sleeping, could be good as well. I was thinking more like dreaming of Katya than meeting ancient Greek gods, but i dig that idea as well
i'm trying to meet her since yesterday tbh, not succeeded yet. i need more videos and data from her and she needs to be in my head for at least a weak.
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Based as fuck.
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This is a guide solely based on my own experience and knowledge, i haven't read any lucid dream book or watched any cringe YouTube videos about it. only book i read related to lucid dreaming is Sigmund Freud's "The Interpretation of Dreams and Beyond the Pleasure Principle" which is not about lucid dreaming but explains a lot about the phenomena of dreaming.
If you are interested about dreams, i suggest you dig Freud's works more because he is legit in terms of dreams.

Introduction of lucid dreams
digital art animation GIF by G1ft3d

There are 4 stages of sleeping, first three stages are called Non-REM (N1,N2,N3) which doesn't include any dreaming but the last stage is REM (Rapid Eye Movement) which the dreaming part happens. During the dreams you are unconscious(?) but there are debates on this matter in scientific communities. the reason why REM exists is unknown and there are theories but most of them are not provable. we are yet to find a reason for existence of dreams in the 21th century. but i'm not here to copy paste what scientists say, i consider myself expert and i'm here with my own theories. in my opinion, we are always conscious during the REM to a degree but we usually don't remember most or all of it when we wake up.

Basically imo you are always lucid dreaming or in other words dreaming, the term lucid is misused in 99% of articles and it's a misconception. Here is what wikipedia says about lucid dream and therefore most people in the internet:

A lucid dream is a type of dream in which the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming while dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream characters, narrative, or environment; however, this is not actually necessary for a dream to be described as lucid.

dreamer always have control on all aspects of the dream, lucid or non lucid. just because you don't use your powers in the dreams doesn't mean you don't have them. in 99% of all dreams that happen every night, the dreamers don't even know they can control the elements of dreams so they never try therefore it seems like they have no control on the dream and only "lucid dreamers" can which is wrong. all people have absolute control over their dreams.

you are a lucid dreamer as soon as you read the sentence below and understand it and accept it as a fact:

"you can dream whatever you want, control everything, see everything you demand and your dreams are your personal space for running simulations based on the data you collected during the waking life"

it is now over and you are a lucid dreamer. but there is two major issues that can cause you not to control your dreams.

1-How to realize you are dreaming?
The first issue is not realizing you are dreaming. Why don't we realize it instantly? since most of the times it's weird and extremely unrealistic? Freud believed that our dreams are sort of a self therapy session and a way to heal our inner conflicts and daily lives issues. we need to believe dreams as real events to perceive it as reality and fix our issues. if we always knew dreams aren't real, then we wouldn't care or be affected by them therefore it would be useless. if evolution made us dream, it means it has a role in our survival. but IMO this is a cope by dear Freud.

we simply believe things in the dream and perceive them as reality because some parts of our brain that is responsible for this matter is basically inactive or less active during the REM cycle. Freud dosen't even know the half of it, he lived in a age where Netflix wasn't a thing, there wasn't much movie, internet, monitors and videos going on. in our current time, people are mediapilled to oblivion. we are used to see strange and weird things in real life through the black screen. i believe the dreams we have in this current age of television and media is 20x more weird and strange than 100 years ago. therefore it's harder for people to notice they are dreaming.

Black screens are ruining your dreams btw
Shake Your Rump Television GIF by Beastie Boys

in order to realize you are dreaming, you need to treat your waking life as a dream. always be skeptical of reality, even now that you are reading this you should ask yourself "what if i'm dreaming right now?" [answer is, you are not. you don't read in dreams, there are some fundamentals that i will explain later] and to make sure if you are dreaming or not, you need to check if you can control it no matter how real you think your state is.

reality check

a habit and routine to check if the current sate is reality or dream. you do this only in your waking life, reality checks are not made for dreams. reality checks are designed for your waking life. you don't skip the test just because you are 100% sure this is a reality and the idea of checking it is absurd. in fact, the more sure you are that this is reality, more important to check. because your dreams seems just as real as what you experience in waking life.

there are certain things that we are sure that can't happen in real life, like being able to breath through your nose while you pinched it. when you are dreaming, your nose and mouth is open in real life and you can breath so pinching your nose in dream doesn't affect your breathing. if you were dreaming, you could breath through nose while it's pinched and this would confirm that you are dreaming.

i consider this reality checking method to be the easiest one and it's not cringe like some autistic methods of trying to pass through walls etc. imagine trying to pass through walls and looking like a lagged NPC in real life jfl. pinching your nose is 5 sec quick reality check and no one would even notice it.
you can either develop this habit of constantly pinching your nose and breathing, or just setup alarms on your phone for every 30 minutes or 1 hour to remind you to check reality. there are tons of apps for reality checking in app stores.

I don't bother explaining more about reality checks since there is tons of guides in internet about it. only important thing that matters is that you have to be serious about checking it, check it like you really mean. you should really really doubt reality, it's the critical thinking and doubting skill that matters not actually checking it. that part of your brain which is responsible for critical thinking and doubting should be trained to be more active during the REM.

physical reminder

once you sleep, every 60-90 minutes you enter the REM state that lasts 10-30 minutes. it's a cycle:
N1->N2->N3>REM->N2->N3->REM->N2->N3->REM-> brief waking->N1->N2->N3->REM... etc etc

longest REM is after 6-7 hours of sleeping. You can choose a specific song/sound as alarm for the time you entered REM, to remind you that you are dreaming. you can do this for each REM. you should not listen to this song/sound in waking life whatsoever. it should only be heard in your dreams so that anytime you heard it, you would be sure that you are dreaming.

I suggest using this specific song, because it has strong reminding properties and is not a popular song to listen to and none of you probably ever listened to it. this is the song used in Inception movie, so it's kind of already a reminder but you can choose your own but you have to convince yourself that the song/sound you are using is unique and you don't hear it in your daily life. you should tell yourself "if i ever heard this, it means i'm dreaming".

combination of both
you can use the same alarm for your waking life and REM cycles and reality check anytime you heard it, meaning only in your waking life. for this, you better choose a quick and unique sound and make sure you reality check 100% of the times.

Reality check at events
every event, even the small ones in your daily life, do a reality check in the peak. you just got brutally rejected by a foid, do a reality check instantly at that moment. you just had a fight with someone, do a reality check while dodging punches (seriously, not joking), someone approaches you to tell you something, do a reality check as they speak.
events, anything that can be considered a check point in your real life. the times when a loading icon appears top right of the screen at video games that indicates the game is being saved, because an event has happened, you entered a dungeons or sth. similar aspect in your real life.

Go directly into the REM state

This is fairly advanced and needs
practicing. you need to relax and meditate, shut down your body parts one by one by focus and will and at last, slowly deactivate your head and forehead. you enter the dream by imagining the scene and scenario or an existing memory by drawing it in the dark of your closed eyes. first you hear things then the your imaginations becomes stronger and more vivid to a point where it becomes a running dream and you are in it.
idk whatever the fuck people call this method in internet but this shit is hard and needs a peaceful mind. i used to do this a lot when i was younger but now i just want to shut down my brain and sleep because i realize i'm dreaming when i go to REM anyway. this needs effort but the lucid dreams from this method is god tier. i still do this once a month and i still don't know how to explain it to people that how it works. i can simultaneously hear the real life and hear the dream, once i had one eye opened to see real life and dream at the same time. it depends on how much tired you are, generally speaking lucid dream is much easier when tired.

mnemonic induction of lucid dreams (MILD)
remember that REM cycle chart above? basically you wake yourself up shortly after REM by alarms, do a little brain activity like reading and shit and go back to sleep asap, this way you interrupted the cycle your brain is now trying to wake up but you sleep instead and you have the intention of lucid dreaming, it can make you notice your dream because you go into REM so quickly that your consciousness is still active. this is a cringe method and i don't like it, jfl imagine waking urself up so that u can notice you are dreaming.
Stan Marsh Bed GIF by South Park

2-Remmebering dreams
second and most important issue is that you don't even remember your dreams, lucid or not. what's the point of lucid dreaming if you don't remember a thing in the morning? it's like you didn't lucid dream at all.

if you know how computers work, you know that there is a RAM and Storage. RAM (Random Access Memory) is for CPU and VGA for a quick and temporal storage, the data in RAM is not stored permanently. the human brain is the same, our short term memory has a even shorter memory section for our REM state. 99% of the dreams are temporal data that will be quickly removed shortly after we wake up unless we remember them and rehearse again or the dream has a emotional event in it that sometimes causes us to wake up.

by becoming self aware during the dream, realizing you are dreaming you open ports to your long term memory and therefore lucid dreaming exists. the only reason lucid dreaming is even a thing is that we somehow manage to transfer temporal data in the dream to the long term memory. so all we need to do is to train our brain to remember dreams, we should stop not giving a fuck about dreams and instead try to remember them when we wake up make a habit of trying to remember.

Dream journal
in order to do that, you can have a notebook beside your bed next to you with a pen to write down your dreams and anything that you can remember as soon as you wake up. i mean it literally, don't even wash your face and shit. the rate of losing data after you wake up accelerates heavily.
View attachment 1967293

but if you keep remembering regularly and writing whatever u remember down, the graph above becomes less accelerated and therefore you remember more and your brain will eventually automatically remember more when you wake up.

it's better to use notebook instead phone etc, because you can draw symbols and the things that can't be described with text. symbols are so important in dreams, you can keep track of locations and similar dreams using symbols and those symbols will help you remember very vividly.

Dream journal is not supposed to be something cool and well written to show off to your friends etc. it's simply a manual override to quickly store temporal data and save it in your long term memory. you have write things down quickly and try not to make it sound reasonable and cool, write down what exactly you think you saw even it's weird no nonsense.

you should read your dream journal before going to bed the next night. it's all about training your brain, once you care about your dreams you will be amazed how much you remember and the shit that's going on in your life every night when you are sleep.

Waking up during the lucid dream
when you wake up while lucid dreaming, obviously you remember many things because you were conscious but only the last 5 minute is vivid and before that becomes vague and bizarre even though you were conscious during that. if you don't even wake up during the lucid dream, chances are high you will forget you have been conscious during your dream. if you are new to lucid dream, make sure you wake up from a lucid dream like after 50 seconds. don't stay too long because you may forget the fact that you are dreaming again and once you forget, the lucid dream ends and it will turn to a regular dream where you are unconscious.

you need to constantly remind yourself that you are dreaming while in lucid, most lucid dream armatures keep forgetting their lucid dreams because they don't know how short memory they are during the dreams. you are like a goldfish in your lucid dreams, you need to constantly carry the information you need by rephrasing them and the most important info is the fact that you are dreaming.

forget finding nemo GIF

Make your lucid dreams emotional
by having emotional elements in your lucid dream it becomes much easier to remember them. having your oneitis next to you as you explore, going to your favorite childhood memories locations, having comedic lucid dreams, religious shit, etc.

basically whatever makes you invested and emotional will make sure you remember it when you wake up.

Take drugs / Dont take drugs
there are certain drugs that can help you remember your dreams. Galantamine is considered one of the best drugs out there that can help you remember dreams. there are many other drugs out there, i haven't test any tbh but i have easier lucid dreams on opium.

there are certain drugs that will cause you not to remember shit too or make it very hard to become conscious in your dreams like weed. Nicotine also reduces your REM stage and smoking is basically bad for lucid dreaming.

your diet is very important, but i have 0 clue on this topic and i also don't trust what internet says about this. i only know that caffeine fucks everything up in terms of lucid dreaming. don't drink coffee, tea, soda etc.

Fundamentals and theories

Dreams exist so that our short term memory and most important parts of our brain stays active and ready for the waking life. everything else is cope from dear scientists.
we used to live in wild nature and we often had to instantly react to dangers around us after we woke up, like having bears showing up in your cave or sth. if brain wants to function fast, it needs to remain active and responsive and that's why REM exists.

Morale in dreams
we are unconsciously aware of our complete solitude inside our dreams all the time, we behave as if no one is watching us, we are true to ourselves and are not limited by the norms of society. However, the person you are in your dreams is not the same person as your waking life since some parts of your brain is inactive or has really low activities.

you might rape people in your dreams, be an absolute pedophile and kill people for fun but be a nice person in real life. I'm not saying all people do these acts in their dreams but know that if you do it, there is nothing wrong with you. it's your most personal space ever and you are free to do everything. but be careful that the habits in your dreams can show up in reality as well. don't go around sucking dicks in your dream if you don't want to end up gay in real life. the experiences are real af and it can make interests in you. not that i did such a thing, but considering how much gay users we have here, i thought they would probably do this jfl.

Dangers of lucid dream
it doesn't exist. 0 people have died due to lucid dream in history. no matter how fuck up you think the situation is in your lucid dreams, you will always wake up healthy and fine. you might get a little nocuous if do crazy shit like spinning around 200km/hr in a non-empty space when you wake up, you might even throw up. might get some minor temporal headaches that only happens in deep lucid dream hexagon fractals phase( will explain later).

Anything about dangers of lucid dream in internet is pure bullshit and is probably made up by jews or sth. most of the times, it's a click bait because people find it interesting that you can get hurt in your dreams or sth.

of cures there are some levels of deep lucid dreaming where you might lose the ability to wake up and freak out a little, you might experience some void level shit like becoming non-existent, you might think that you died already sometimes, but you will always and remember when i say it, ALWAYS WAKE UP HEALTHY!

anytime you thought you are in danger, keep reminding yourself and literally say it out loud "i will wake up fine" and know that this is a fact.

Some common misconceptions in internet :
  • don't look at mirrors:soy:
reddit level moronic belief, so what you don't see yourself because your brain has never tried to simulate yourself in it's life. anytime you have ever seen yourself, it was due to help of mirrors and cameras, you never imagined yourself from a third perspective. with enough practice you can see yourself in mirrors or even replicate yourself in your lucid dreams.
jfl at these retarded videos on youtube.

  • If you have them every single night and you become obsessed with them, you lose your interest in waking life and it starts to become an actual addiction!:soy:
no one has ever been obsessed with it's lucid dreams in the history of man kind to a point where they don't care about living life. this is pure bullshit, your lucid dreams are 5-20 minuets at max and you won't even remember the half of it. people who claim this just wanna look cool and give you "suffering from success" vibes.

  • Dont have sex in lucid dream:feelswhy:
Sure, lets be a complete faggot in our dreams and behave kindly to the NPC non-existent beings that are just imaginations. JFL at this fucking cucks in internet tbh, NOOOOOO you become addicted to sex in dreams then you won't have sex in real life NOOO kek.
i remember when i was new in lucid dream, i used to ask girls that if i can touch them or have sex with them. nowdays, i'll grab their neck and rape the shit out of them. sure, at first you will always wake up from the excitement but as you get more experienced you will be able to not wake up after cum. and the state after orgasm is god tier and divine. so calm and heavenly.

  • Dont try killing yourself in dreams, because you may sometimes mistake reality and kys in real life:ROFLMAO:
the faggot redditor who wrote this took Inception seriously. in fact i suggest you to explore the death experience in lucid dreams, it's so eye opening and makes you enter the deep state and void and fractal phase.

  • Lucid nightmares:eek:
so what? you are pussy? lucid nightmares are fun and i remember them in good memory. sometimes you lose your shit and get scared of something, then things get out of hand and all your fears show up. if you don't face your fears in your dreams, then where and when do you want to face them? you wanna remain afraid of that thing for rest of your life and be a beta cuck? embrace your fears and face them and fight them. become completely immune to your fears by exploring them in your lucid dreams.

reading about these fake dangers of lucid dreams in internet can actually fuck up your lucid dreams, don't read them don't believe them i have 12 years of experience and i saw some crazy shit but i always survived. i was afraid of heights when i was kid but due to constantly flying in lucid dreams i no longer have such a fear.

Vivid lucid dreams
your goal should be having more vivid lucid dreams as they are the ultimate enjoyable lucid dreams. everything is extremely vivid like real life, stable and you can walk around normally and people behave normal. i could say sex in vivid lucid dreams is even more enjoyable if i had more experience in real life but it truly is. to have vivid lucid dreams, you need to be calm and really relaxed. no anxiety or stress during the day, no external noise meaning your soundings in real life should be quiet and dark and smell good. even a tiny noise from someone's motorcycle far away can make your dreams unstable and non-vivid. however, if you are deeply sleep it doesn't matter much. the deeper your sleep, the more vivid it gets.

Everything is extremely detailed and you see what you love the most, you are emotional and every inch of the dream is detailed. some describe it as a 4k dream.
the dream is aesthetic af and the experience is amazing.
like a dream from your childhood when your momma used to sing for you and play with u

Deep lucid and fractal state
There levels in lucid dream and dreams in general. there are some states of dreaming that can't be considered a living experience and it's more of a visual simulation and background saver tier dream. in Deep lucid, you are not exeperincing the dream as a first person human perspective, you are more like a snake or an observer. you see things that can't e seen in real life or even be shown in movies. it usually happens when you take drugs in your lucid dream, for example when you use LSD in your dreams or smoke weed. you really become high of it and the high is a lot.
in deep lucid state, you can enter objects ( i don't mean passing through them). you can enter a tree for example and simulate visuals to understand what's being inside a tree feels like.
if you go deeper, and lets say enter cells and atoms and quantum level scales or you just get stuck in deep void of space and feel nonexistent , you will enter the fractal state.

Animation Infinity GIF by xponentialdesign
Star Math GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski
Pink Star GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski

The mentioned GIFs and Video are actually very accurate, there is even a deeper state where the shapes become much simpler and 2 dimensional. hexagons then triangles and circles.
this is what you really see and experience, i'm not bullshiting you. search fractal geometry in dreams. you experience the same if you take high amount of LSD in real life too. when very high on LSD, when you close your eyes, you see these shapes.

The void
this is the deepest state i ever got into, it happens when you can stand the insanity of fractal phase long enough or you just die in the dream but never wake up.
you hear nothing, you see nothing, you feel nothing, there is nothing. you can't even think properly, you are one and only one that there is. i believe this is where the original YOU in you exists. you feel enormous pain, you feel like your head is exploding and every cell in your body is falling apart. but nothing happens in the end you just wake up nocuous and a minor headache.
Outer Space Spinning GIF by Jason Clarke

Astral projection
Astral Projection Sleep GIF by bbsquirrel247

Some people think astral projection is not real and it's just in movies, well kind of true because you can't access unknown doing this and everything is simulated based on the data you have in your brain already or it's generated based on assumptions. but it's certainly different than normal lucid dreams, you could say it's not a dream anymore, it's simulation of real life.

In my opinion, most people have experienced astral projection for a short time at least. i think the origin of the idea of soul comes from astral projection, in fact right now Muslims, Christians, buddhas, etc teach it as a religious shit and the believers legit think they are walking around with their souls but in reality it's just another form of dream.

you have a self image and self awareness form of yourself that you use to explore your dreams, it's called astral body in internet and books. fancy name but it's just our senses put on manual mode. by practice and some techniques you can lift your astral body and get detached from your body into your room where you slept. you can move around go anywhere and fly and pass through things, your brain simulates everything based on knowledge and assumptions. it's very similar to a normal lucid dream the only difference is that it you don't pop into a random scenario out of nowhere and instead you are in real life as you perceive it.

I just had one today in the morning, my dead aunt showed up in my room out of nowhere and i freaked out and woke up. then tried again and she showed up again, i was so pissed so i woke up and didn't do it again. she wanted to tell me something i assume but i kept freaking out, because i'm kinda afraid of her cuz last time i saw her she was in pieces from a car accident, brutally damaged.

you need to be really tired and sleepy to do this, you can't just decide to do it and pop into it like in movies and the video i shared at the start of the thread. unless you are really a meditation nerd and meditatemaxxed.

i have tested many times with my friends back in uni, to see if i can gain info that i don't have but it never worked. i would tell them to hide an object in another room while i'm sleeping so i can astral and go there to see what it is, never guessed it right tho i see them do the hiding.

Why lucid dreams are just as real as reality?

you see, we perceive reality through our senses. hearing, touching, seeing, tasting, etc. we what we know as reality is just some nerve system's electricity and information that our brain receives. now in dreams, the receivers are inactive or has very low activity that is not considerable. we can't experience a realm without any senses, we don't feel existing if we sense nothing, therefore our brain creates manual inputs on behalf of our receivers (ears, eyes , etc ) so that we can experience and be.w

meanwhile, the difference between these manual neurological electricity information and natural one is very very insignificant and in vivid lucid dreams it's almost 0 difference.

How can you say that real life is more real than what your brain simulates for you if what it's receiving in both cases is the same exact thing?

First shocking thing that every new lucid dreamer experiences is how real the lucid dream is for them, they can't believe that they can see, touch, hear and feel everything just as if it was reality.

The hippocampus is responsible for illustrating dreams and simulating senses and imaginations. your brain receives senses directly from this part instead of ears and eyes and nervous system.

just like how we get happy through received certain data from our senses in real life ( making love, watching beautiful things, eating, etc ) we get happy the exact same way when we receive data from the manual input of our hippocampus. why do think you cum while dreaming? your dick is not even touched.

when you take drugs in lucid dream, when you wake up you feel good and awesome because even tho you didn't receive that particular subsistence, your brain releases endorphins and dopamine.

--- end of part 1
there are more fundamentals like the fact that numbers are weird in dreams and you can't really read stuff, etc and all the inside lucid techniques to control things, remain sleep and have longer and stable lucid dreams in the next part.

ask me any question you have here.

@futuregigamogger @LiteralCaucasian @HeLivesAgain @reborn @latino_ @Beastimmung @justshower @Thomas DOM @Niko @8PSLcel @cutie @Eriot Lodger

great guide, first one ive ever seen on the off topic section. would fit in the MM&S section. good stuff man
  • +1
Reactions: PointOfNoReturn, Niklaus Mikaelson and Psychophilly
I dont know if its possible to Lucid Dreams because i take Amitriptyline which knocks me out n makes me sleep very deep.
Amitriptyline has quite strong anticholinergic properties and it's belived it's choline that aids in lucid dreaming (that's why galantamine works well), so, yeah, it may be difficult.
  • +1
Reactions: PointOfNoReturn, Niklaus Mikaelson and Psychophilly
great guide, first one ive ever seen on the off topic section. would fit in the MM&S section. good stuff man
Isn't MM&S for money maxxing shit? i didn't know if i had to post this there.
i literally only post on offtopic
  • +1
Reactions: Niklaus Mikaelson
Isn't MM&S for money maxxing shit? i didn't know if i had to post this there.
i literally only post on offtopic
stands for money making and success. id consider this success. what other guides do you have? im intrested maybe ill read a couple
  • +1
Reactions: PointOfNoReturn, Niklaus Mikaelson and Psychophilly
  • +1
Reactions: PointOfNoReturn, Deleted member 15854 and Niklaus Mikaelson
I notice when I don’t get enough sleep but at the same time I’m not very tired I’ll always go sleep paralysis into a lucid dream
  • +1
Reactions: Niklaus Mikaelson, PointOfNoReturn and Psychophilly
dnrd but looks like good info for beginners tho

Been lucid dreaming for years, practiced ADA and reality checks that’s all u need
  • +1
Reactions: Niklaus Mikaelson and PointOfNoReturn
This is a guide solely based on my own experience and knowledge, i haven't read any lucid dream book or watched any cringe YouTube videos about it. only book i read related to lucid dreaming is Sigmund Freud's "The Interpretation of Dreams and Beyond the Pleasure Principle" which is not about lucid dreaming but explains a lot about the phenomena of dreaming.
If you are interested about dreams, i suggest you dig Freud's works more because he is legit in terms of dreams.

Introduction of lucid dreams
digital art animation GIF by G1ft3d

There are 4 stages of sleeping, first three stages are called Non-REM (N1,N2,N3) which doesn't include any dreaming but the last stage is REM (Rapid Eye Movement) which the dreaming part happens. During the dreams you are unconscious(?) but there are debates on this matter in scientific communities. the reason why REM exists is unknown and there are theories but most of them are not provable. we are yet to find a reason for existence of dreams in the 21th century. but i'm not here to copy paste what scientists say, i consider myself expert and i'm here with my own theories. in my opinion, we are always conscious during the REM to a degree but we usually don't remember most or all of it when we wake up.

Basically imo you are always lucid dreaming or in other words dreaming, the term lucid is misused in 99% of articles and it's a misconception. Here is what wikipedia says about lucid dream and therefore most people in the internet:

A lucid dream is a type of dream in which the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming while dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream characters, narrative, or environment; however, this is not actually necessary for a dream to be described as lucid.

dreamer always have control on all aspects of the dream, lucid or non lucid. just because you don't use your powers in the dreams doesn't mean you don't have them. in 99% of all dreams that happen every night, the dreamers don't even know they can control the elements of dreams so they never try therefore it seems like they have no control on the dream and only "lucid dreamers" can which is wrong. all people have absolute control over their dreams.

you are a lucid dreamer as soon as you read the sentence below and understand it and accept it as a fact:

"you can dream whatever you want, control everything, see everything you demand and your dreams are your personal space for running simulations based on the data you collected during the waking life"

it is now over and you are a lucid dreamer. but there is two major issues that can cause you not to control your dreams.

1-How to realize you are dreaming?
The first issue is not realizing you are dreaming. Why don't we realize it instantly? since most of the times it's weird and extremely unrealistic? Freud believed that our dreams are sort of a self therapy session and a way to heal our inner conflicts and daily lives issues. we need to believe dreams as real events to perceive it as reality and fix our issues. if we always knew dreams aren't real, then we wouldn't care or be affected by them therefore it would be useless. if evolution made us dream, it means it has a role in our survival. but IMO this is a cope by dear Freud.

we simply believe things in the dream and perceive them as reality because some parts of our brain that is responsible for this matter is basically inactive or less active during the REM cycle. Freud dosen't even know the half of it, he lived in a age where Netflix wasn't a thing, there wasn't much movie, internet, monitors and videos going on. in our current time, people are mediapilled to oblivion. we are used to see strange and weird things in real life through the black screen. i believe the dreams we have in this current age of television and media is 20x more weird and strange than 100 years ago. therefore it's harder for people to notice they are dreaming.

Black screens are ruining your dreams btw
Shake Your Rump Television GIF by Beastie Boys

in order to realize you are dreaming, you need to treat your waking life as a dream. always be skeptical of reality, even now that you are reading this you should ask yourself "what if i'm dreaming right now?" [answer is, you are not. you don't read in dreams, there are some fundamentals that i will explain later] and to make sure if you are dreaming or not, you need to check if you can control it no matter how real you think your state is.

reality check

a habit and routine to check if the current sate is reality or dream. you do this only in your waking life, reality checks are not made for dreams. reality checks are designed for your waking life. you don't skip the test just because you are 100% sure this is a reality and the idea of checking it is absurd. in fact, the more sure you are that this is reality, more important to check. because your dreams seems just as real as what you experience in waking life.

there are certain things that we are sure that can't happen in real life, like being able to breath through your nose while you pinched it. when you are dreaming, your nose and mouth is open in real life and you can breath so pinching your nose in dream doesn't affect your breathing. if you were dreaming, you could breath through nose while it's pinched and this would confirm that you are dreaming.

i consider this reality checking method to be the easiest one and it's not cringe like some autistic methods of trying to pass through walls etc. imagine trying to pass through walls and looking like a lagged NPC in real life jfl. pinching your nose is 5 sec quick reality check and no one would even notice it.
you can either develop this habit of constantly pinching your nose and breathing, or just setup alarms on your phone for every 30 minutes or 1 hour to remind you to check reality. there are tons of apps for reality checking in app stores.

I don't bother explaining more about reality checks since there is tons of guides in internet about it. only important thing that matters is that you have to be serious about checking it, check it like you really mean. you should really really doubt reality, it's the critical thinking and doubting skill that matters not actually checking it. that part of your brain which is responsible for critical thinking and doubting should be trained to be more active during the REM.

physical reminder

once you sleep, every 60-90 minutes you enter the REM state that lasts 10-30 minutes. it's a cycle:
N1->N2->N3>REM->N2->N3->REM->N2->N3->REM-> brief waking->N1->N2->N3->REM... etc etc

longest REM is after 6-7 hours of sleeping. You can choose a specific song/sound as alarm for the time you entered REM, to remind you that you are dreaming. you can do this for each REM. you should not listen to this song/sound in waking life whatsoever. it should only be heard in your dreams so that anytime you heard it, you would be sure that you are dreaming.

I suggest using this specific song, because it has strong reminding properties and is not a popular song to listen to and none of you probably ever listened to it. this is the song used in Inception movie, so it's kind of already a reminder but you can choose your own but you have to convince yourself that the song/sound you are using is unique and you don't hear it in your daily life. you should tell yourself "if i ever heard this, it means i'm dreaming".

combination of both
you can use the same alarm for your waking life and REM cycles and reality check anytime you heard it, meaning only in your waking life. for this, you better choose a quick and unique sound and make sure you reality check 100% of the times.

Reality check at events
every event, even the small ones in your daily life, do a reality check in the peak. you just got brutally rejected by a foid, do a reality check instantly at that moment. you just had a fight with someone, do a reality check while dodging punches (seriously, not joking), someone approaches you to tell you something, do a reality check as they speak.
events, anything that can be considered a check point in your real life. the times when a loading icon appears top right of the screen at video games that indicates the game is being saved, because an event has happened, you entered a dungeons or sth. similar aspect in your real life.

Go directly into the REM state

This is fairly advanced and needs
practicing. you need to relax and meditate, shut down your body parts one by one by focus and will and at last, slowly deactivate your head and forehead. you enter the dream by imagining the scene and scenario or an existing memory by drawing it in the dark of your closed eyes. first you hear things then the your imaginations becomes stronger and more vivid to a point where it becomes a running dream and you are in it.
idk whatever the fuck people call this method in internet but this shit is hard and needs a peaceful mind. i used to do this a lot when i was younger but now i just want to shut down my brain and sleep because i realize i'm dreaming when i go to REM anyway. this needs effort but the lucid dreams from this method is god tier. i still do this once a month and i still don't know how to explain it to people that how it works. i can simultaneously hear the real life and hear the dream, once i had one eye opened to see real life and dream at the same time. it depends on how much tired you are, generally speaking lucid dream is much easier when tired.

mnemonic induction of lucid dreams (MILD)
remember that REM cycle chart above? basically you wake yourself up shortly after REM by alarms, do a little brain activity like reading and shit and go back to sleep asap, this way you interrupted the cycle your brain is now trying to wake up but you sleep instead and you have the intention of lucid dreaming, it can make you notice your dream because you go into REM so quickly that your consciousness is still active. this is a cringe method and i don't like it, jfl imagine waking urself up so that u can notice you are dreaming.
Stan Marsh Bed GIF by South Park

2-Remmebering dreams
second and most important issue is that you don't even remember your dreams, lucid or not. what's the point of lucid dreaming if you don't remember a thing in the morning? it's like you didn't lucid dream at all.

if you know how computers work, you know that there is a RAM and Storage. RAM (Random Access Memory) is for CPU and VGA for a quick and temporal storage, the data in RAM is not stored permanently. the human brain is the same, our short term memory has a even shorter memory section for our REM state. 99% of the dreams are temporal data that will be quickly removed shortly after we wake up unless we remember them and rehearse again or the dream has a emotional event in it that sometimes causes us to wake up.

by becoming self aware during the dream, realizing you are dreaming you open ports to your long term memory and therefore lucid dreaming exists. the only reason lucid dreaming is even a thing is that we somehow manage to transfer temporal data in the dream to the long term memory. so all we need to do is to train our brain to remember dreams, we should stop not giving a fuck about dreams and instead try to remember them when we wake up make a habit of trying to remember.

Dream journal
in order to do that, you can have a notebook beside your bed next to you with a pen to write down your dreams and anything that you can remember as soon as you wake up. i mean it literally, don't even wash your face and shit. the rate of losing data after you wake up accelerates heavily.
View attachment 1967293

but if you keep remembering regularly and writing whatever u remember down, the graph above becomes less accelerated and therefore you remember more and your brain will eventually automatically remember more when you wake up.

it's better to use notebook instead phone etc, because you can draw symbols and the things that can't be described with text. symbols are so important in dreams, you can keep track of locations and similar dreams using symbols and those symbols will help you remember very vividly.

Dream journal is not supposed to be something cool and well written to show off to your friends etc. it's simply a manual override to quickly store temporal data and save it in your long term memory. you have write things down quickly and try not to make it sound reasonable and cool, write down what exactly you think you saw even it's weird no nonsense.

you should read your dream journal before going to bed the next night. it's all about training your brain, once you care about your dreams you will be amazed how much you remember and the shit that's going on in your life every night when you are sleep.

Waking up during the lucid dream
when you wake up while lucid dreaming, obviously you remember many things because you were conscious but only the last 5 minute is vivid and before that becomes vague and bizarre even though you were conscious during that. if you don't even wake up during the lucid dream, chances are high you will forget you have been conscious during your dream. if you are new to lucid dream, make sure you wake up from a lucid dream like after 50 seconds. don't stay too long because you may forget the fact that you are dreaming again and once you forget, the lucid dream ends and it will turn to a regular dream where you are unconscious.

you need to constantly remind yourself that you are dreaming while in lucid, most lucid dream armatures keep forgetting their lucid dreams because they don't know how short memory they are during the dreams. you are like a goldfish in your lucid dreams, you need to constantly carry the information you need by rephrasing them and the most important info is the fact that you are dreaming.

forget finding nemo GIF

Make your lucid dreams emotional
by having emotional elements in your lucid dream it becomes much easier to remember them. having your oneitis next to you as you explore, going to your favorite childhood memories locations, having comedic lucid dreams, religious shit, etc.

basically whatever makes you invested and emotional will make sure you remember it when you wake up.

Take drugs / Dont take drugs
there are certain drugs that can help you remember your dreams. Galantamine is considered one of the best drugs out there that can help you remember dreams. there are many other drugs out there, i haven't test any tbh but i have easier lucid dreams on opium.

there are certain drugs that will cause you not to remember shit too or make it very hard to become conscious in your dreams like weed. Nicotine also reduces your REM stage and smoking is basically bad for lucid dreaming.

your diet is very important, but i have 0 clue on this topic and i also don't trust what internet says about this. i only know that caffeine fucks everything up in terms of lucid dreaming. don't drink coffee, tea, soda etc.

Fundamentals and theories

Dreams exist so that our short term memory and most important parts of our brain stays active and ready for the waking life. everything else is cope from dear scientists.
we used to live in wild nature and we often had to instantly react to dangers around us after we woke up, like having bears showing up in your cave or sth. if brain wants to function fast, it needs to remain active and responsive and that's why REM exists.

Morale in dreams
we are unconsciously aware of our complete solitude inside our dreams all the time, we behave as if no one is watching us, we are true to ourselves and are not limited by the norms of society. However, the person you are in your dreams is not the same person as your waking life since some parts of your brain is inactive or has really low activities.

you might rape people in your dreams, be an absolute pedophile and kill people for fun but be a nice person in real life. I'm not saying all people do these acts in their dreams but know that if you do it, there is nothing wrong with you. it's your most personal space ever and you are free to do everything. but be careful that the habits in your dreams can show up in reality as well. don't go around sucking dicks in your dream if you don't want to end up gay in real life. the experiences are real af and it can make interests in you. not that i did such a thing, but considering how much gay users we have here, i thought they would probably do this jfl.

Dangers of lucid dream
it doesn't exist. 0 people have died due to lucid dream in history. no matter how fuck up you think the situation is in your lucid dreams, you will always wake up healthy and fine. you might get a little nocuous if do crazy shit like spinning around 200km/hr in a non-empty space when you wake up, you might even throw up. might get some minor temporal headaches that only happens in deep lucid dream hexagon fractals phase( will explain later).

Anything about dangers of lucid dream in internet is pure bullshit and is probably made up by jews or sth. most of the times, it's a click bait because people find it interesting that you can get hurt in your dreams or sth.

of cures there are some levels of deep lucid dreaming where you might lose the ability to wake up and freak out a little, you might experience some void level shit like becoming non-existent, you might think that you died already sometimes, but you will always and remember when i say it, ALWAYS WAKE UP HEALTHY!

anytime you thought you are in danger, keep reminding yourself and literally say it out loud "i will wake up fine" and know that this is a fact.

Some common misconceptions in internet :
  • don't look at mirrors:soy:
reddit level moronic belief, so what you don't see yourself because your brain has never tried to simulate yourself in it's life. anytime you have ever seen yourself, it was due to help of mirrors and cameras, you never imagined yourself from a third perspective. with enough practice you can see yourself in mirrors or even replicate yourself in your lucid dreams.
jfl at these retarded videos on youtube.

  • If you have them every single night and you become obsessed with them, you lose your interest in waking life and it starts to become an actual addiction!:soy:
no one has ever been obsessed with it's lucid dreams in the history of man kind to a point where they don't care about living life. this is pure bullshit, your lucid dreams are 5-20 minuets at max and you won't even remember the half of it. people who claim this just wanna look cool and give you "suffering from success" vibes.

  • Dont have sex in lucid dream:feelswhy:
Sure, lets be a complete faggot in our dreams and behave kindly to the NPC non-existent beings that are just imaginations. JFL at this fucking cucks in internet tbh, NOOOOOO you become addicted to sex in dreams then you won't have sex in real life NOOO kek.
i remember when i was new in lucid dream, i used to ask girls that if i can touch them or have sex with them. nowdays, i'll grab their neck and rape the shit out of them. sure, at first you will always wake up from the excitement but as you get more experienced you will be able to not wake up after cum. and the state after orgasm is god tier and divine. so calm and heavenly.

  • Dont try killing yourself in dreams, because you may sometimes mistake reality and kys in real life:ROFLMAO:
the faggot redditor who wrote this took Inception seriously. in fact i suggest you to explore the death experience in lucid dreams, it's so eye opening and makes you enter the deep state and void and fractal phase.

  • Lucid nightmares:eek:
so what? you are pussy? lucid nightmares are fun and i remember them in good memory. sometimes you lose your shit and get scared of something, then things get out of hand and all your fears show up. if you don't face your fears in your dreams, then where and when do you want to face them? you wanna remain afraid of that thing for rest of your life and be a beta cuck? embrace your fears and face them and fight them. become completely immune to your fears by exploring them in your lucid dreams.

reading about these fake dangers of lucid dreams in internet can actually fuck up your lucid dreams, don't read them don't believe them i have 12 years of experience and i saw some crazy shit but i always survived. i was afraid of heights when i was kid but due to constantly flying in lucid dreams i no longer have such a fear.

Vivid lucid dreams
your goal should be having more vivid lucid dreams as they are the ultimate enjoyable lucid dreams. everything is extremely vivid like real life, stable and you can walk around normally and people behave normal. i could say sex in vivid lucid dreams is even more enjoyable if i had more experience in real life but it truly is. to have vivid lucid dreams, you need to be calm and really relaxed. no anxiety or stress during the day, no external noise meaning your soundings in real life should be quiet and dark and smell good. even a tiny noise from someone's motorcycle far away can make your dreams unstable and non-vivid. however, if you are deeply sleep it doesn't matter much. the deeper your sleep, the more vivid it gets.

Everything is extremely detailed and you see what you love the most, you are emotional and every inch of the dream is detailed. some describe it as a 4k dream.
the dream is aesthetic af and the experience is amazing.
like a dream from your childhood when your momma used to sing for you and play with u

Deep lucid and fractal state
There levels in lucid dream and dreams in general. there are some states of dreaming that can't be considered a living experience and it's more of a visual simulation and background saver tier dream. in Deep lucid, you are not exeperincing the dream as a first person human perspective, you are more like a snake or an observer. you see things that can't e seen in real life or even be shown in movies. it usually happens when you take drugs in your lucid dream, for example when you use LSD in your dreams or smoke weed. you really become high of it and the high is a lot.
in deep lucid state, you can enter objects ( i don't mean passing through them). you can enter a tree for example and simulate visuals to understand what's being inside a tree feels like.
if you go deeper, and lets say enter cells and atoms and quantum level scales or you just get stuck in deep void of space and feel nonexistent , you will enter the fractal state.

Animation Infinity GIF by xponentialdesign
Star Math GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski
Pink Star GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski

The mentioned GIFs and Video are actually very accurate, there is even a deeper state where the shapes become much simpler and 2 dimensional. hexagons then triangles and circles.
this is what you really see and experience, i'm not bullshiting you. search fractal geometry in dreams. you experience the same if you take high amount of LSD in real life too. when very high on LSD, when you close your eyes, you see these shapes.

The void
this is the deepest state i ever got into, it happens when you can stand the insanity of fractal phase long enough or you just die in the dream but never wake up.
you hear nothing, you see nothing, you feel nothing, there is nothing. you can't even think properly, you are one and only one that there is. i believe this is where the original YOU in you exists. you feel enormous pain, you feel like your head is exploding and every cell in your body is falling apart. but nothing happens in the end you just wake up nocuous and a minor headache.
Outer Space Spinning GIF by Jason Clarke

Astral projection
Astral Projection Sleep GIF by bbsquirrel247

Some people think astral projection is not real and it's just in movies, well kind of true because you can't access unknown doing this and everything is simulated based on the data you have in your brain already or it's generated based on assumptions. but it's certainly different than normal lucid dreams, you could say it's not a dream anymore, it's simulation of real life.

In my opinion, most people have experienced astral projection for a short time at least. i think the origin of the idea of soul comes from astral projection, in fact right now Muslims, Christians, buddhas, etc teach it as a religious shit and the believers legit think they are walking around with their souls but in reality it's just another form of dream.

you have a self image and self awareness form of yourself that you use to explore your dreams, it's called astral body in internet and books. fancy name but it's just our senses put on manual mode. by practice and some techniques you can lift your astral body and get detached from your body into your room where you slept. you can move around go anywhere and fly and pass through things, your brain simulates everything based on knowledge and assumptions. it's very similar to a normal lucid dream the only difference is that it you don't pop into a random scenario out of nowhere and instead you are in real life as you perceive it.

I just had one today in the morning, my dead aunt showed up in my room out of nowhere and i freaked out and woke up. then tried again and she showed up again, i was so pissed so i woke up and didn't do it again. she wanted to tell me something i assume but i kept freaking out, because i'm kinda afraid of her cuz last time i saw her she was in pieces from a car accident, brutally damaged.

you need to be really tired and sleepy to do this, you can't just decide to do it and pop into it like in movies and the video i shared at the start of the thread. unless you are really a meditation nerd and meditatemaxxed.

i have tested many times with my friends back in uni, to see if i can gain info that i don't have but it never worked. i would tell them to hide an object in another room while i'm sleeping so i can astral and go there to see what it is, never guessed it right tho i see them do the hiding.

Why lucid dreams are just as real as reality?

you see, we perceive reality through our senses. hearing, touching, seeing, tasting, etc. we what we know as reality is just some nerve system's electricity and information that our brain receives. now in dreams, the receivers are inactive or has very low activity that is not considerable. we can't experience a realm without any senses, we don't feel existing if we sense nothing, therefore our brain creates manual inputs on behalf of our receivers (ears, eyes , etc ) so that we can experience and be.w

meanwhile, the difference between these manual neurological electricity information and natural one is very very insignificant and in vivid lucid dreams it's almost 0 difference.

How can you say that real life is more real than what your brain simulates for you if what it's receiving in both cases is the same exact thing?

First shocking thing that every new lucid dreamer experiences is how real the lucid dream is for them, they can't believe that they can see, touch, hear and feel everything just as if it was reality.

The hippocampus is responsible for illustrating dreams and simulating senses and imaginations. your brain receives senses directly from this part instead of ears and eyes and nervous system.

just like how we get happy through received certain data from our senses in real life ( making love, watching beautiful things, eating, etc ) we get happy the exact same way when we receive data from the manual input of our hippocampus. why do think you cum while dreaming? your dick is not even touched.

when you take drugs in lucid dream, when you wake up you feel good and awesome because even tho you didn't receive that particular subsistence, your brain releases endorphins and dopamine.

--- end of part 1
there are more fundamentals like the fact that numbers are weird in dreams and you can't really read stuff, etc and all the inside lucid techniques to control things, remain sleep and have longer and stable lucid dreams in the next part.

ask me any question you have here.

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>Lucid dreaming guide
>reality checks and MILD bro

Michael Jordan Reaction GIF
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This is a guide solely based on my own experience and knowledge, i haven't read any lucid dream book or watched any cringe YouTube videos about it. only book i read related to lucid dreaming is Sigmund Freud's "The Interpretation of Dreams and Beyond the Pleasure Principle" which is not about lucid dreaming but explains a lot about the phenomena of dreaming.
If you are interested about dreams, i suggest you dig Freud's works more because he is legit in terms of dreams.

Introduction of lucid dreams
digital art animation GIF by G1ft3d

There are 4 stages of sleeping, first three stages are called Non-REM (N1,N2,N3) which doesn't include any dreaming but the last stage is REM (Rapid Eye Movement) which the dreaming part happens. During the dreams you are unconscious(?) but there are debates on this matter in scientific communities. the reason why REM exists is unknown and there are theories but most of them are not provable. we are yet to find a reason for existence of dreams in the 21th century. but i'm not here to copy paste what scientists say, i consider myself expert and i'm here with my own theories. in my opinion, we are always conscious during the REM to a degree but we usually don't remember most or all of it when we wake up.

Basically imo you are always lucid dreaming or in other words dreaming, the term lucid is misused in 99% of articles and it's a misconception. Here is what wikipedia says about lucid dream and therefore most people in the internet:

A lucid dream is a type of dream in which the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming while dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer may gain some amount of control over the dream characters, narrative, or environment; however, this is not actually necessary for a dream to be described as lucid.

dreamer always have control on all aspects of the dream, lucid or non lucid. just because you don't use your powers in the dreams doesn't mean you don't have them. in 99% of all dreams that happen every night, the dreamers don't even know they can control the elements of dreams so they never try therefore it seems like they have no control on the dream and only "lucid dreamers" can which is wrong. all people have absolute control over their dreams.

you are a lucid dreamer as soon as you read the sentence below and understand it and accept it as a fact:

"you can dream whatever you want, control everything, see everything you demand and your dreams are your personal space for running simulations based on the data you collected during the waking life"

it is now over and you are a lucid dreamer. but there is two major issues that can cause you not to control your dreams.

1-How to realize you are dreaming?
The first issue is not realizing you are dreaming. Why don't we realize it instantly? since most of the times it's weird and extremely unrealistic? Freud believed that our dreams are sort of a self therapy session and a way to heal our inner conflicts and daily lives issues. we need to believe dreams as real events to perceive it as reality and fix our issues. if we always knew dreams aren't real, then we wouldn't care or be affected by them therefore it would be useless. if evolution made us dream, it means it has a role in our survival. but IMO this is a cope by dear Freud.

we simply believe things in the dream and perceive them as reality because some parts of our brain that is responsible for this matter is basically inactive or less active during the REM cycle. Freud dosen't even know the half of it, he lived in a age where Netflix wasn't a thing, there wasn't much movie, internet, monitors and videos going on. in our current time, people are mediapilled to oblivion. we are used to see strange and weird things in real life through the black screen. i believe the dreams we have in this current age of television and media is 20x more weird and strange than 100 years ago. therefore it's harder for people to notice they are dreaming.

Black screens are ruining your dreams btw
Shake Your Rump Television GIF by Beastie Boys

in order to realize you are dreaming, you need to treat your waking life as a dream. always be skeptical of reality, even now that you are reading this you should ask yourself "what if i'm dreaming right now?" [answer is, you are not. you don't read in dreams, there are some fundamentals that i will explain later] and to make sure if you are dreaming or not, you need to check if you can control it no matter how real you think your state is.

reality check

a habit and routine to check if the current sate is reality or dream. you do this only in your waking life, reality checks are not made for dreams. reality checks are designed for your waking life. you don't skip the test just because you are 100% sure this is a reality and the idea of checking it is absurd. in fact, the more sure you are that this is reality, more important to check. because your dreams seems just as real as what you experience in waking life.

there are certain things that we are sure that can't happen in real life, like being able to breath through your nose while you pinched it. when you are dreaming, your nose and mouth is open in real life and you can breath so pinching your nose in dream doesn't affect your breathing. if you were dreaming, you could breath through nose while it's pinched and this would confirm that you are dreaming.

i consider this reality checking method to be the easiest one and it's not cringe like some autistic methods of trying to pass through walls etc. imagine trying to pass through walls and looking like a lagged NPC in real life jfl. pinching your nose is 5 sec quick reality check and no one would even notice it.
you can either develop this habit of constantly pinching your nose and breathing, or just setup alarms on your phone for every 30 minutes or 1 hour to remind you to check reality. there are tons of apps for reality checking in app stores.

I don't bother explaining more about reality checks since there is tons of guides in internet about it. only important thing that matters is that you have to be serious about checking it, check it like you really mean. you should really really doubt reality, it's the critical thinking and doubting skill that matters not actually checking it. that part of your brain which is responsible for critical thinking and doubting should be trained to be more active during the REM.

physical reminder

once you sleep, every 60-90 minutes you enter the REM state that lasts 10-30 minutes. it's a cycle:
N1->N2->N3>REM->N2->N3->REM->N2->N3->REM-> brief waking->N1->N2->N3->REM... etc etc

longest REM is after 6-7 hours of sleeping. You can choose a specific song/sound as alarm for the time you entered REM, to remind you that you are dreaming. you can do this for each REM. you should not listen to this song/sound in waking life whatsoever. it should only be heard in your dreams so that anytime you heard it, you would be sure that you are dreaming.

I suggest using this specific song, because it has strong reminding properties and is not a popular song to listen to and none of you probably ever listened to it. this is the song used in Inception movie, so it's kind of already a reminder but you can choose your own but you have to convince yourself that the song/sound you are using is unique and you don't hear it in your daily life. you should tell yourself "if i ever heard this, it means i'm dreaming".

combination of both
you can use the same alarm for your waking life and REM cycles and reality check anytime you heard it, meaning only in your waking life. for this, you better choose a quick and unique sound and make sure you reality check 100% of the times.

Reality check at events
every event, even the small ones in your daily life, do a reality check in the peak. you just got brutally rejected by a foid, do a reality check instantly at that moment. you just had a fight with someone, do a reality check while dodging punches (seriously, not joking), someone approaches you to tell you something, do a reality check as they speak.
events, anything that can be considered a check point in your real life. the times when a loading icon appears top right of the screen at video games that indicates the game is being saved, because an event has happened, you entered a dungeons or sth. similar aspect in your real life.

Go directly into the REM state

This is fairly advanced and needs
practicing. you need to relax and meditate, shut down your body parts one by one by focus and will and at last, slowly deactivate your head and forehead. you enter the dream by imagining the scene and scenario or an existing memory by drawing it in the dark of your closed eyes. first you hear things then the your imaginations becomes stronger and more vivid to a point where it becomes a running dream and you are in it.
idk whatever the fuck people call this method in internet but this shit is hard and needs a peaceful mind. i used to do this a lot when i was younger but now i just want to shut down my brain and sleep because i realize i'm dreaming when i go to REM anyway. this needs effort but the lucid dreams from this method is god tier. i still do this once a month and i still don't know how to explain it to people that how it works. i can simultaneously hear the real life and hear the dream, once i had one eye opened to see real life and dream at the same time. it depends on how much tired you are, generally speaking lucid dream is much easier when tired.

mnemonic induction of lucid dreams (MILD)
remember that REM cycle chart above? basically you wake yourself up shortly after REM by alarms, do a little brain activity like reading and shit and go back to sleep asap, this way you interrupted the cycle your brain is now trying to wake up but you sleep instead and you have the intention of lucid dreaming, it can make you notice your dream because you go into REM so quickly that your consciousness is still active. this is a cringe method and i don't like it, jfl imagine waking urself up so that u can notice you are dreaming.
Stan Marsh Bed GIF by South Park

2-Remmebering dreams
second and most important issue is that you don't even remember your dreams, lucid or not. what's the point of lucid dreaming if you don't remember a thing in the morning? it's like you didn't lucid dream at all.

if you know how computers work, you know that there is a RAM and Storage. RAM (Random Access Memory) is for CPU and VGA for a quick and temporal storage, the data in RAM is not stored permanently. the human brain is the same, our short term memory has a even shorter memory section for our REM state. 99% of the dreams are temporal data that will be quickly removed shortly after we wake up unless we remember them and rehearse again or the dream has a emotional event in it that sometimes causes us to wake up.

by becoming self aware during the dream, realizing you are dreaming you open ports to your long term memory and therefore lucid dreaming exists. the only reason lucid dreaming is even a thing is that we somehow manage to transfer temporal data in the dream to the long term memory. so all we need to do is to train our brain to remember dreams, we should stop not giving a fuck about dreams and instead try to remember them when we wake up make a habit of trying to remember.

Dream journal
in order to do that, you can have a notebook beside your bed next to you with a pen to write down your dreams and anything that you can remember as soon as you wake up. i mean it literally, don't even wash your face and shit. the rate of losing data after you wake up accelerates heavily.
View attachment 1967293

but if you keep remembering regularly and writing whatever u remember down, the graph above becomes less accelerated and therefore you remember more and your brain will eventually automatically remember more when you wake up.

it's better to use notebook instead phone etc, because you can draw symbols and the things that can't be described with text. symbols are so important in dreams, you can keep track of locations and similar dreams using symbols and those symbols will help you remember very vividly.

Dream journal is not supposed to be something cool and well written to show off to your friends etc. it's simply a manual override to quickly store temporal data and save it in your long term memory. you have write things down quickly and try not to make it sound reasonable and cool, write down what exactly you think you saw even it's weird no nonsense.

you should read your dream journal before going to bed the next night. it's all about training your brain, once you care about your dreams you will be amazed how much you remember and the shit that's going on in your life every night when you are sleep.

Waking up during the lucid dream
when you wake up while lucid dreaming, obviously you remember many things because you were conscious but only the last 5 minute is vivid and before that becomes vague and bizarre even though you were conscious during that. if you don't even wake up during the lucid dream, chances are high you will forget you have been conscious during your dream. if you are new to lucid dream, make sure you wake up from a lucid dream like after 50 seconds. don't stay too long because you may forget the fact that you are dreaming again and once you forget, the lucid dream ends and it will turn to a regular dream where you are unconscious.

you need to constantly remind yourself that you are dreaming while in lucid, most lucid dream armatures keep forgetting their lucid dreams because they don't know how short memory they are during the dreams. you are like a goldfish in your lucid dreams, you need to constantly carry the information you need by rephrasing them and the most important info is the fact that you are dreaming.

forget finding nemo GIF

Make your lucid dreams emotional
by having emotional elements in your lucid dream it becomes much easier to remember them. having your oneitis next to you as you explore, going to your favorite childhood memories locations, having comedic lucid dreams, religious shit, etc.

basically whatever makes you invested and emotional will make sure you remember it when you wake up.

Take drugs / Dont take drugs
there are certain drugs that can help you remember your dreams. Galantamine is considered one of the best drugs out there that can help you remember dreams. there are many other drugs out there, i haven't test any tbh but i have easier lucid dreams on opium.

there are certain drugs that will cause you not to remember shit too or make it very hard to become conscious in your dreams like weed. Nicotine also reduces your REM stage and smoking is basically bad for lucid dreaming.

your diet is very important, but i have 0 clue on this topic and i also don't trust what internet says about this. i only know that caffeine fucks everything up in terms of lucid dreaming. don't drink coffee, tea, soda etc.

Fundamentals and theories

Dreams exist so that our short term memory and most important parts of our brain stays active and ready for the waking life. everything else is cope from dear scientists.
we used to live in wild nature and we often had to instantly react to dangers around us after we woke up, like having bears showing up in your cave or sth. if brain wants to function fast, it needs to remain active and responsive and that's why REM exists.

Morale in dreams
we are unconsciously aware of our complete solitude inside our dreams all the time, we behave as if no one is watching us, we are true to ourselves and are not limited by the norms of society. However, the person you are in your dreams is not the same person as your waking life since some parts of your brain is inactive or has really low activities.

you might rape people in your dreams, be an absolute pedophile and kill people for fun but be a nice person in real life. I'm not saying all people do these acts in their dreams but know that if you do it, there is nothing wrong with you. it's your most personal space ever and you are free to do everything. but be careful that the habits in your dreams can show up in reality as well. don't go around sucking dicks in your dream if you don't want to end up gay in real life. the experiences are real af and it can make interests in you. not that i did such a thing, but considering how much gay users we have here, i thought they would probably do this jfl.

Dangers of lucid dream
it doesn't exist. 0 people have died due to lucid dream in history. no matter how fuck up you think the situation is in your lucid dreams, you will always wake up healthy and fine. you might get a little nocuous if do crazy shit like spinning around 200km/hr in a non-empty space when you wake up, you might even throw up. might get some minor temporal headaches that only happens in deep lucid dream hexagon fractals phase( will explain later).

Anything about dangers of lucid dream in internet is pure bullshit and is probably made up by jews or sth. most of the times, it's a click bait because people find it interesting that you can get hurt in your dreams or sth.

of cures there are some levels of deep lucid dreaming where you might lose the ability to wake up and freak out a little, you might experience some void level shit like becoming non-existent, you might think that you died already sometimes, but you will always and remember when i say it, ALWAYS WAKE UP HEALTHY!

anytime you thought you are in danger, keep reminding yourself and literally say it out loud "i will wake up fine" and know that this is a fact.

Some common misconceptions in internet :
  • don't look at mirrors:soy:
reddit level moronic belief, so what you don't see yourself because your brain has never tried to simulate yourself in it's life. anytime you have ever seen yourself, it was due to help of mirrors and cameras, you never imagined yourself from a third perspective. with enough practice you can see yourself in mirrors or even replicate yourself in your lucid dreams.
jfl at these retarded videos on youtube.

  • If you have them every single night and you become obsessed with them, you lose your interest in waking life and it starts to become an actual addiction!:soy:
no one has ever been obsessed with it's lucid dreams in the history of man kind to a point where they don't care about living life. this is pure bullshit, your lucid dreams are 5-20 minuets at max and you won't even remember the half of it. people who claim this just wanna look cool and give you "suffering from success" vibes.

  • Dont have sex in lucid dream:feelswhy:
Sure, lets be a complete faggot in our dreams and behave kindly to the NPC non-existent beings that are just imaginations. JFL at this fucking cucks in internet tbh, NOOOOOO you become addicted to sex in dreams then you won't have sex in real life NOOO kek.
i remember when i was new in lucid dream, i used to ask girls that if i can touch them or have sex with them. nowdays, i'll grab their neck and rape the shit out of them. sure, at first you will always wake up from the excitement but as you get more experienced you will be able to not wake up after cum. and the state after orgasm is god tier and divine. so calm and heavenly.

  • Dont try killing yourself in dreams, because you may sometimes mistake reality and kys in real life:ROFLMAO:
the faggot redditor who wrote this took Inception seriously. in fact i suggest you to explore the death experience in lucid dreams, it's so eye opening and makes you enter the deep state and void and fractal phase.

  • Lucid nightmares:eek:
so what? you are pussy? lucid nightmares are fun and i remember them in good memory. sometimes you lose your shit and get scared of something, then things get out of hand and all your fears show up. if you don't face your fears in your dreams, then where and when do you want to face them? you wanna remain afraid of that thing for rest of your life and be a beta cuck? embrace your fears and face them and fight them. become completely immune to your fears by exploring them in your lucid dreams.

reading about these fake dangers of lucid dreams in internet can actually fuck up your lucid dreams, don't read them don't believe them i have 12 years of experience and i saw some crazy shit but i always survived. i was afraid of heights when i was kid but due to constantly flying in lucid dreams i no longer have such a fear.

Vivid lucid dreams
your goal should be having more vivid lucid dreams as they are the ultimate enjoyable lucid dreams. everything is extremely vivid like real life, stable and you can walk around normally and people behave normal. i could say sex in vivid lucid dreams is even more enjoyable if i had more experience in real life but it truly is. to have vivid lucid dreams, you need to be calm and really relaxed. no anxiety or stress during the day, no external noise meaning your soundings in real life should be quiet and dark and smell good. even a tiny noise from someone's motorcycle far away can make your dreams unstable and non-vivid. however, if you are deeply sleep it doesn't matter much. the deeper your sleep, the more vivid it gets.

Everything is extremely detailed and you see what you love the most, you are emotional and every inch of the dream is detailed. some describe it as a 4k dream.
the dream is aesthetic af and the experience is amazing.
like a dream from your childhood when your momma used to sing for you and play with u

Deep lucid and fractal state
There levels in lucid dream and dreams in general. there are some states of dreaming that can't be considered a living experience and it's more of a visual simulation and background saver tier dream. in Deep lucid, you are not exeperincing the dream as a first person human perspective, you are more like a snake or an observer. you see things that can't e seen in real life or even be shown in movies. it usually happens when you take drugs in your lucid dream, for example when you use LSD in your dreams or smoke weed. you really become high of it and the high is a lot.
in deep lucid state, you can enter objects ( i don't mean passing through them). you can enter a tree for example and simulate visuals to understand what's being inside a tree feels like.
if you go deeper, and lets say enter cells and atoms and quantum level scales or you just get stuck in deep void of space and feel nonexistent , you will enter the fractal state.

Animation Infinity GIF by xponentialdesign
Star Math GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski
Pink Star GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski

The mentioned GIFs and Video are actually very accurate, there is even a deeper state where the shapes become much simpler and 2 dimensional. hexagons then triangles and circles.
this is what you really see and experience, i'm not bullshiting you. search fractal geometry in dreams. you experience the same if you take high amount of LSD in real life too. when very high on LSD, when you close your eyes, you see these shapes.

The void
this is the deepest state i ever got into, it happens when you can stand the insanity of fractal phase long enough or you just die in the dream but never wake up.
you hear nothing, you see nothing, you feel nothing, there is nothing. you can't even think properly, you are one and only one that there is. i believe this is where the original YOU in you exists. you feel enormous pain, you feel like your head is exploding and every cell in your body is falling apart. but nothing happens in the end you just wake up nocuous and a minor headache.
Outer Space Spinning GIF by Jason Clarke

Astral projection
Astral Projection Sleep GIF by bbsquirrel247

Some people think astral projection is not real and it's just in movies, well kind of true because you can't access unknown doing this and everything is simulated based on the data you have in your brain already or it's generated based on assumptions. but it's certainly different than normal lucid dreams, you could say it's not a dream anymore, it's simulation of real life.

In my opinion, most people have experienced astral projection for a short time at least. i think the origin of the idea of soul comes from astral projection, in fact right now Muslims, Christians, buddhas, etc teach it as a religious shit and the believers legit think they are walking around with their souls but in reality it's just another form of dream.

you have a self image and self awareness form of yourself that you use to explore your dreams, it's called astral body in internet and books. fancy name but it's just our senses put on manual mode. by practice and some techniques you can lift your astral body and get detached from your body into your room where you slept. you can move around go anywhere and fly and pass through things, your brain simulates everything based on knowledge and assumptions. it's very similar to a normal lucid dream the only difference is that it you don't pop into a random scenario out of nowhere and instead you are in real life as you perceive it.

I just had one today in the morning, my dead aunt showed up in my room out of nowhere and i freaked out and woke up. then tried again and she showed up again, i was so pissed so i woke up and didn't do it again. she wanted to tell me something i assume but i kept freaking out, because i'm kinda afraid of her cuz last time i saw her she was in pieces from a car accident, brutally damaged.

you need to be really tired and sleepy to do this, you can't just decide to do it and pop into it like in movies and the video i shared at the start of the thread. unless you are really a meditation nerd and meditatemaxxed.

i have tested many times with my friends back in uni, to see if i can gain info that i don't have but it never worked. i would tell them to hide an object in another room while i'm sleeping so i can astral and go there to see what it is, never guessed it right tho i see them do the hiding.

Why lucid dreams are just as real as reality?

you see, we perceive reality through our senses. hearing, touching, seeing, tasting, etc. we what we know as reality is just some nerve system's electricity and information that our brain receives. now in dreams, the receivers are inactive or has very low activity that is not considerable. we can't experience a realm without any senses, we don't feel existing if we sense nothing, therefore our brain creates manual inputs on behalf of our receivers (ears, eyes , etc ) so that we can experience and be.w

meanwhile, the difference between these manual neurological electricity information and natural one is very very insignificant and in vivid lucid dreams it's almost 0 difference.

How can you say that real life is more real than what your brain simulates for you if what it's receiving in both cases is the same exact thing?

First shocking thing that every new lucid dreamer experiences is how real the lucid dream is for them, they can't believe that they can see, touch, hear and feel everything just as if it was reality.

The hippocampus is responsible for illustrating dreams and simulating senses and imaginations. your brain receives senses directly from this part instead of ears and eyes and nervous system.

just like how we get happy through received certain data from our senses in real life ( making love, watching beautiful things, eating, etc ) we get happy the exact same way when we receive data from the manual input of our hippocampus. why do think you cum while dreaming? your dick is not even touched.

when you take drugs in lucid dream, when you wake up you feel good and awesome because even tho you didn't receive that particular subsistence, your brain releases endorphins and dopamine.

--- end of part 1
there are more fundamentals like the fact that numbers are weird in dreams and you can't really read stuff, etc and all the inside lucid techniques to control things, remain sleep and have longer and stable lucid dreams in the next part.

ask me any question you have here.

@futuregigamogger @LiteralCaucasian @HeLivesAgain @reborn @latino_ @Beastimmung @justshower @Thomas DOM @Niko @8PSLcel @cutie @Eriot Lodger

my dream last night was of shooting zombies from this house. when the zombies came into the house, i became chainsaw man like in the anime and started killing them. me and some guys survived, and then we walked out to a coffee shop, i saw fucking david gandy in the coffee shop and i think we conversed but idk, i dont remember what happened after.

this isnt larp btw, my subconscious is random af lol
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rlly good thread tho, mirin, botb tier imo
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nikola tesla, ramanujan ran simulations of their inventions and got ideas from their dreams. over if youre not getting next big business idea from dream spirits, also OP, thoughts on premonitions? i and others have had them
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  • Hmm...
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