Ultimate Lipolysis Guide

Is there any risk of contracting gangrene or getting tissue necrosis on your skin
if so how to avoid
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Is there any risk of contracting gangrene or getting tissue necrosis on your skin
if so how to avoid
yes there is, if u inject too much at one go, it increases the risk of that happening
  • +1
Reactions: cromagnon
yes there is, if u inject too much at one go, it increases the risk of that happening
U think if I just follow this guide conpletely it’ll be fine
Obviously I will but yeah
Do you know how long a via lasts after opening? Do you store opened vials in the fridge?
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Reactions: cromagnon
just shot some in nose .2 ml in all 4 injection spots. it hurt lwky but idc
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Reactions: cromagnon
Do you know how long a via lasts after opening? Do you store opened vials in the fridge?
no idea, but i would imagine multiple weeks

did not store it in a fridge
just shot some in nose .2 ml in all 4 injection spots. it hurt lwky but idc
good doses, well done

and yeah, the nose is the most painful easily
good doses, well done

and yeah, the nose is the most painful easily
btw i have been touching it alot, will that cause the dissolveer to go around the face ?
Alr thx for the reassurance
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The Removal of Facial Fat Tissue With DIY Lipolysis Injections, by @maxxmclooks [RELOADED]

This guide includes everything you need to know about DIY lipolysis injections for the face and neck area, and also my own experience with before and after photos and injection videos.

What are lipolysis injections?

Lipolysis injections, or so-called fat-dissolving injections/lipotropic injections, are a non-invasive aesthetic procedure employed to destroy localized fat accumulations in particular regions of the body. (This guide will focus on the face and neck area) These injections generally include a blend of substances that destroy fat cells, facilitating their elimination by the body. The primary components utilized in these injections are commonly phosphatidylcholine (PPC) and deoxycholic acid (DC). (Important for later)

How to do a DIY lipolysis injection?

Things you will need:

  • Needles (multiple), 30g/13mm, 28-31g/12mm will do as well
  • Syringe, preferably 5ml or less
  • Alcohol wipes or other means to disinfect the injection area (rubbing alcohol and cotton pads will do too)
  • A mirror or a friend to inject, I highly suggest to have a friend or two to inject for you
  • Lipolysis blend containing either phosphatidylcholine (PPC) or deoxycholic acid (DCA), preferably both
  • Marker to mark the injection points
  • Nitrile gloves are not mandatory but can be used

  • The person doing the injection disinfects their hands
  • Mark the injection spots, see "Marking the injection spots"
  • Prepare the syringe and the needle, and pull the solution to the syringe (Slow/hard to pull with 30g needle, use bigger one if available, but not mandatory)
  • After pulling the solution to the needle, switch the needle before injecting
  • If you have a friend injecting for you, (which I highly recommend) I suggest lying down in a bed, with your head slightly elevated

Marking the injection spots
  • Each area should be divided into multiple pricks, for cheeks, an example shown in this picture
  • To locate the buccal fat pads and cheeks subcutaneous fat, this picture illustrates the area where injections should be made. Choose injection spots around the line shown.
  • Do not inject into the masseter muscle, as shown in this picture
  • Do not inject near the ear, as shown in this picture
  • For the nose, this, this, and this picture can be used as a reference to choose the injection spots.
  • For the neck, this photo can be used as a reference to choose the injection spots.
  • For the cheeks, I recommend 6-9 different pricks, for the nose a maximum of 4, and for the neck, 5-20.
  • Choose the number and locations of the injection spots according to your own needs
  • Aim for symmetrical injection spots on both sides of the cheeks and neck to ensure symmetrical results
  • Multiple injection points are marked at a distance of 1cm away from each other in a gridlike manner, as shown in this photo

Injection technique:
  • Hold the needle at a 45-90-degree angle concerning the skin
  • Slowly pierce the skin with the needle at a 45-90 degree angle, inject the desired amount of solution, and slowly pull the needle out
  • Each area should be divided into multiple pricks, injecting 0,2-0,3ml of solution per prick.
  • For the cheeks, I don't recommend injecting more than 2ml per cheek per session, for the nose, a maximum of 1ml, and for the neck 3ml. (Per session) (Though this varies based on the strength of your solution, see "Complications, causes and how to prevent them" and "Other miscellaneous things you should keep in mind")
  • Injection depth for cheeks and neck should be 6-10mm as the fat is deep-seated
  • For the nose, 4-6mm is enough, but be careful with the depth so you won't pierce the nasal wall. (Not dangerous, but makes treatment ineffective)
  • Multiple sessions are necessary for the best results, keep at least 2 weeks between the sessions but preferably 4 or more weeks
  • Change the needle after a few injections, personally, I changed the needle once every 4-5 pricks

Complications, causes, and how to prevent them:
  • Discomfort, pain, and swelling: These are most common and shall subside with time. Swelling and pain after only deoxycholic acid injection may last up to 10–14 days, whereas the discomfort after injection of the combination of deoxycholic acid and phosphatidylcholine usually lasts for up to less than a week. Applying ice/icing to the areas immediately post-treatment mitigates this.
  • Bruise/ecchymosis: These are due to injury to local blood vessels, are very localized, and disappear in a few days. Ice will help this if it bothers you
  • Marginal mandibular nerve injury: This is due to injecting a lot of deoxycholic acid close to the nerve. Clinically, it may result in asymmetrical smile. It can be avoided with the correct injection technique in most individuals. (See "Injection technique)
  • Skin ulceration: Superficial injection may result in ulceration, hence should be avoided. (See "Injection technique")
  • Rarely dysphagia can occur due to injecting too deep in the neck area, to avoid this, see "Injection technique"
  • Fat necrosis, can result from injecting too much solution, usually harmless though, to avoid, see "Injection technique"

Other miscellaneous things you should keep in mind:
  • Phosphatidylcholine (PPC) not only destroys the fat cells but completely kills them, making them unable to recover in the future, so using phosphatidylcholine is a more "permanent" solution
  • The ONLY chemicals that are proven to work for lipolysis are phosphatidylcholine (PPC) and deoxycholic acid (DCA)
  • Topical anesthesia is not required for the procedure
  • The chance of hitting a nerve or a vein is very marginal and is often overestimated
  • Don't approach the treatment with overly high expectations, you will 100% notice the results but you won't get malnourished Jordan Barrett cheeks (at least not in 1-2 sessions)
  • Do not massage the treatment areas for the next 48 hours post-treatment
  • When choosing the solution, the following reference values can be used to compare the potency of the solution:
  • Lipostabil contains phosphatidylcholine (50mg/mL) together with deoxycholic acid, sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride, α-tocopherol, benzyl alcohol, and ethanol
  • Kybella contains deoxycholic acid (10mg/mL)
  • GeoLysis contains deoxycholic acid (10mg/mL)
  • LipoLab contains phosphatidylcholine (100mg/mL), deoxycholic acid (0,5mg/mL), purified PPC 99.8%, L-carnitine (20mg/mL)
  • The full effect of the treatment is seen 6-8 weeks after the procedure

So, now you know how to do DIY lipolysis, next I will go over my experience and show the before and afters and injection videos.
Personally, I chose to do this procedure because I was tired of cutting to get hollow cheeks, and this was the most convenient for me to do, IMO ascended pretty well. I just need to grow out my hair, get a little tan and undereye fillers and I would say then I would reach my peak potential (excluding surgeries). A review about undereye fillers (by a plastic surgeon) will probably come next month when I will have money for it. I can suggest this to almost anyone, not even a low inhib thing, and very cheap plus easy to do.

I apologize in advance because I didn't take any "proper" before pics and my phone's selfie camera is broken so some of the photos will not be of the best quality. (Click to unstretch the image)

View attachment 2947207

View attachment 2947213
View attachment 2947214

AFTER: (2-3 weeks post-treatment)
View attachment 2947217
View attachment 2947218


And please, this is not Ratings so I don't want to hear anything about my philtrum, etc.:feelswah:
Yes, I know I'm yellow, OD'ed on beta carotene and sunlight, problem is being fixed as you are reading this

I'm aware that I might have missed something so please, ask anything about this in the comments.

I will not post the link to the source where I bought my solution because it might be a reason why this got deleted the first time, you can find a supplier within 5 minutes of Googling.

Thank you for reading, leave a comment on what you think!


@<6PSLcel @silencio @Jason Voorhees @ShawarmaFilth @likenesss @cbd558 @cyprian_tomaszewski @nakus @Thebbcmaxxer @CarrotMaxxer @i_love_roosters @NorwoodAscender @blinemaxxer @gigell @xegigi @Lokki @FloppaFlops @mewingmaxxer @JizzFarmer @Timmy @milkcuck @northern mogger @plukee @coisbhai @MazoNitNit @mirrormogger @LooksThinker @Clavicular @cromagnon @hasba1feuj @arab_chink @Blackgymmax @CoreSchizo @Eternal_ @MrOrion @Xangsane @Zeta

worst before and after pics ive ever seen.

Ive used 50ml of Aqualyx and couldn't see super definite results in the same lighting. how tf are we gonna account for the 90 other factors that could be impacting your facial leaness in these photos

getting leaner, sucking in cheeks, facial bloat, lens distortion and more bruh
getting leaner, sucking in cheeks, facial bloat, lens distortion and more bruh
didnt lose weight during that time period, didnt suck cheeks in, bloat is what it is, dc about lens distortion
doing this tonight, wish me luck. i'm still a bit confused on how to mark my cheek area. should i just feel around or what?


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doing this tonight, wish me luck. i'm still a bit confused on how to mark my cheek area. should i just feel around or what?
good luck bro🙏

my recommendation is to visually choose the injection spots, imagine like where u would want to remove fat tissue
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The Removal of Facial Fat Tissue With DIY Lipolysis Injections, by @maxxmclooks [RELOADED]

This guide includes everything you need to know about DIY lipolysis injections for the face and neck area, and also my own experience with before and after photos and injection videos.

What are lipolysis injections?

Lipolysis injections, or so-called fat-dissolving injections/lipotropic injections, are a non-invasive aesthetic procedure employed to destroy localized fat accumulations in particular regions of the body. (This guide will focus on the face and neck area) These injections generally include a blend of substances that destroy fat cells, facilitating their elimination by the body. The primary components utilized in these injections are commonly phosphatidylcholine (PPC) and deoxycholic acid (DC). (Important for later)

How to do a DIY lipolysis injection?

Things you will need:

  • Needles (multiple), 30g/13mm, 28-31g/12mm will do as well
  • Syringe, preferably 5ml or less
  • Alcohol wipes or other means to disinfect the injection area (rubbing alcohol and cotton pads will do too)
  • A mirror or a friend to inject, I highly suggest to have a friend or two to inject for you
  • Lipolysis blend containing either phosphatidylcholine (PPC) or deoxycholic acid (DCA), preferably both
  • Marker to mark the injection points
  • Nitrile gloves are not mandatory but can be used

  • The person doing the injection disinfects their hands
  • Mark the injection spots, see "Marking the injection spots"
  • Prepare the syringe and the needle, and pull the solution to the syringe (Slow/hard to pull with 30g needle, use bigger one if available, but not mandatory)
  • After pulling the solution to the needle, switch the needle before injecting
  • If you have a friend injecting for you, (which I highly recommend) I suggest lying down in a bed, with your head slightly elevated

Marking the injection spots
  • Each area should be divided into multiple pricks, for cheeks, an example shown in this picture
  • To locate the buccal fat pads and cheeks subcutaneous fat, this picture illustrates the area where injections should be made. Choose injection spots around the line shown.
  • Do not inject into the masseter muscle, as shown in this picture
  • Do not inject near the ear, as shown in this picture
  • For the nose, this, this, and this picture can be used as a reference to choose the injection spots.
  • For the neck, this photo can be used as a reference to choose the injection spots.
  • For the cheeks, I recommend 6-9 different pricks, for the nose a maximum of 4, and for the neck, 5-20.
  • Choose the number and locations of the injection spots according to your own needs
  • Aim for symmetrical injection spots on both sides of the cheeks and neck to ensure symmetrical results
  • Multiple injection points are marked at a distance of 1cm away from each other in a gridlike manner, as shown in this photo

Injection technique:
  • Hold the needle at a 45-90-degree angle concerning the skin
  • Slowly pierce the skin with the needle at a 45-90 degree angle, inject the desired amount of solution, and slowly pull the needle out
  • Each area should be divided into multiple pricks, injecting 0,2-0,3ml of solution per prick.
  • For the cheeks, I don't recommend injecting more than 2ml per cheek per session, for the nose, a maximum of 1ml, and for the neck 3ml. (Per session) (Though this varies based on the strength of your solution, see "Complications, causes and how to prevent them" and "Other miscellaneous things you should keep in mind")
  • Injection depth for cheeks and neck should be 6-10mm as the fat is deep-seated
  • For the nose, 4-6mm is enough, but be careful with the depth so you won't pierce the nasal wall. (Not dangerous, but makes treatment ineffective)
  • Multiple sessions are necessary for the best results, keep at least 2 weeks between the sessions but preferably 4 or more weeks
  • Change the needle after a few injections, personally, I changed the needle once every 4-5 pricks

Complications, causes, and how to prevent them:
  • Discomfort, pain, and swelling: These are most common and shall subside with time. Swelling and pain after only deoxycholic acid injection may last up to 10–14 days, whereas the discomfort after injection of the combination of deoxycholic acid and phosphatidylcholine usually lasts for up to less than a week. Applying ice/icing to the areas immediately post-treatment mitigates this.
  • Bruise/ecchymosis: These are due to injury to local blood vessels, are very localized, and disappear in a few days. Ice will help this if it bothers you
  • Marginal mandibular nerve injury: This is due to injecting a lot of deoxycholic acid close to the nerve. Clinically, it may result in asymmetrical smile. It can be avoided with the correct injection technique in most individuals. (See "Injection technique)
  • Skin ulceration: Superficial injection may result in ulceration, hence should be avoided. (See "Injection technique")
  • Rarely dysphagia can occur due to injecting too deep in the neck area, to avoid this, see "Injection technique"
  • Fat necrosis, can result from injecting too much solution, usually harmless though, to avoid, see "Injection technique"

Other miscellaneous things you should keep in mind:
  • Phosphatidylcholine (PPC) not only destroys the fat cells but completely kills them, making them unable to recover in the future, so using phosphatidylcholine is a more "permanent" solution
  • The ONLY chemicals that are proven to work for lipolysis are phosphatidylcholine (PPC) and deoxycholic acid (DCA)
  • Topical anesthesia is not required for the procedure
  • The chance of hitting a nerve or a vein is very marginal and is often overestimated
  • Don't approach the treatment with overly high expectations, you will 100% notice the results but you won't get malnourished Jordan Barrett cheeks (at least not in 1-2 sessions)
  • Do not massage the treatment areas for the next 48 hours post-treatment
  • When choosing the solution, the following reference values can be used to compare the potency of the solution:
  • Lipostabil contains phosphatidylcholine (50mg/mL) together with deoxycholic acid, sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride, α-tocopherol, benzyl alcohol, and ethanol
  • Kybella contains deoxycholic acid (10mg/mL)
  • GeoLysis contains deoxycholic acid (10mg/mL)
  • LipoLab contains phosphatidylcholine (100mg/mL), deoxycholic acid (0,5mg/mL), purified PPC 99.8%, L-carnitine (20mg/mL)
  • The full effect of the treatment is seen 6-8 weeks after the procedure

So, now you know how to do DIY lipolysis, next I will go over my experience and show the before and afters and injection videos.
Personally, I chose to do this procedure because I was tired of cutting to get hollow cheeks, and this was the most convenient for me to do, IMO ascended pretty well. I just need to grow out my hair, get a little tan and undereye fillers and I would say then I would reach my peak potential (excluding surgeries). A review about undereye fillers (by a plastic surgeon) will probably come next month when I will have money for it. I can suggest this to almost anyone, not even a low inhib thing, and very cheap plus easy to do.

I apologize in advance because I didn't take any "proper" before pics and my phone's selfie camera is broken so some of the photos will not be of the best quality. (Click to unstretch the image)

View attachment 2947207

View attachment 2947213
View attachment 2947214

AFTER: (2-3 weeks post-treatment)
View attachment 2947217
View attachment 2947218


And please, this is not Ratings so I don't want to hear anything about my philtrum, etc.:feelswah:
Yes, I know I'm yellow, OD'ed on beta carotene and sunlight, problem is being fixed as you are reading this

I'm aware that I might have missed something so please, ask anything about this in the comments.

I will not post the link to the source where I bought my solution because it might be a reason why this got deleted the first time, you can find a supplier within 5 minutes of Googling.

Thank you for reading, leave a comment on what you think!


@<6PSLcel @silencio @Jason Voorhees @ShawarmaFilth @likenesss @cbd558 @cyprian_tomaszewski @nakus @Thebbcmaxxer @CarrotMaxxer @i_love_roosters @NorwoodAscender @blinemaxxer @gigell @xegigi @Lokki @FloppaFlops @mewingmaxxer @JizzFarmer @Timmy @milkcuck @northern mogger @plukee @coisbhai @MazoNitNit @mirrormogger @LooksThinker @Clavicular @cromagnon @hasba1feuj @arab_chink @Blackgymmax @CoreSchizo @Eternal_ @MrOrion @Xangsane @Zeta

Great thread but would it actually be a bad thing if you put any anaesthetic or numbing cream on it cus that could get rid of the pain.

Also I saw someone did it on the inside of their cheek to make sure it didn’t leave any marks would you recommend that or nah. And how how did you disinfect it straight after to stop infection .

One more thing could it increase spots if you already have a small amount of them.
holy shit mirin effort bhai, if i still look like shit when im below 15% body fat im doing this for sure
Your bot below 15% yet that is crucial for looks i can pm you examples of me with abs but puffy face
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I heard that fat attract water so when you lose fat in a area your body attract less water did you confirm that have you see a difference in your water retention ?
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I heard that fat attract water so when you lose fat in a area your body attract less water did you confirm that have you see a difference in your water retention ?
not really, fat doesnt attract water afaik, carbs and muscle does
not really, fat doesnt attract water afaik, carbs and muscle does
Good thread bro read every word

I'm on my second session i've injected 3x0.2ml on each cheek of lipolab

But why your jawline seem smaller like if your masseter shrink

Did lipolab can destroy muscle too ??
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Good thread bro read every word

I'm on my second session i've injected 3x0.2ml on each cheek of lipolab

But why your jawline seem smaller like if your masseter shrink

Did lipolab can destroy muscle too ??
i injected to the fat on top of my masseter

also angle and debloat makes it look like its smaller
how much does this cost?
~70€, solution, needles, syringes and other things included
might save up for this, i have narrow palate and no cheekbone projection. i get palate expander end this month. double it with this and become a mogger
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might save up for this, i have narrow palate and no cheekbone projection. i get palate expander end this month. double it with this and become a mogger
would ascend prolly
i injected to the fat on top of my masseter

also angle and debloat makes it look like its smaller
why injecting on top of your masseter ??
I was by accident ??
Lipolab is cope, Lipolab V Line or Lipo Super V Line would probably mog though, my measurable fat pad after 25mL total injections is the same. Will probably try Lipolab V Line and then if results are non existent Lipo Super V Line.
why injecting on top of your masseter ??
I was by accident ??
no, wasnt inject, i injected to get rid of the fat on top of the masseter, like between the skin and the muscle to get slimmer face
Lipolab is cope, Lipolab V Line or Lipo Super V Line would probably mog though, my measurable fat pad after 25mL total injections is the same. Will probably try Lipolab V Line and then if results are non existent Lipo Super V Line.
i did super v line, to my experience worked a shit ton better than lipolab so i suggest that
i did super v line, to my experience worked a shit ton better than lipolab so i suggest that
Still got 7 Vials of Lipolab left JFL might just continue injecting the remaining 70ml across the next 6 months so I can cope with the money I wasted :feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy:

I dont really understand the difference between LipoLab, Lipolab V Line, and Lipolab Super V Line formulations appear the same to me.

This the super V Line package ?
Last edited:
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Is there any risk of contracting gangrene or getting tissue necrosis on your skin
if so how to avoid
yes, but the only way to get it is pretty much just if u inject too much at once

=dont inject too much at one

but tissue necrosis isnt really that dangerous, i prolly had one in my right cheek, not 100% certain but i think so
i did super v line, to my experience worked a shit ton better than lipolab so i suggest that
How much have you done of both and how much have you done of super v line before seeing diff
How much have you done of both and how much have you done of super v line before seeing diff
both same amount, 5-9 pricks per cheek depending on time, 0,2ml per prick
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The Removal of Facial Fat Tissue With DIY Lipolysis Injections, by @maxxmclooks [RELOADED]

This guide includes everything you need to know about DIY lipolysis injections for the face and neck area, and also my own experience with before and after photos and injection videos.

What are lipolysis injections?

Lipolysis injections, or so-called fat-dissolving injections/lipotropic injections, are a non-invasive aesthetic procedure employed to destroy localized fat accumulations in particular regions of the body. (This guide will focus on the face and neck area) These injections generally include a blend of substances that destroy fat cells, facilitating their elimination by the body. The primary components utilized in these injections are commonly phosphatidylcholine (PPC) and deoxycholic acid (DC). (Important for later)

How to do a DIY lipolysis injection?

Things you will need:

  • Needles (multiple), 30g/13mm, 28-31g/12mm will do as well
  • Syringe, preferably 5ml or less
  • Alcohol wipes or other means to disinfect the injection area (rubbing alcohol and cotton pads will do too)
  • A mirror or a friend to inject, I highly suggest to have a friend or two to inject for you
  • Lipolysis blend containing either phosphatidylcholine (PPC) or deoxycholic acid (DCA), preferably both
  • Marker to mark the injection points
  • Nitrile gloves are not mandatory but can be used

  • The person doing the injection disinfects their hands
  • Mark the injection spots, see "Marking the injection spots"
  • Prepare the syringe and the needle, and pull the solution to the syringe (Slow/hard to pull with 30g needle, use bigger one if available, but not mandatory)
  • After pulling the solution to the needle, switch the needle before injecting
  • If you have a friend injecting for you, (which I highly recommend) I suggest lying down in a bed, with your head slightly elevated

Marking the injection spots
  • Each area should be divided into multiple pricks, for cheeks, an example shown in this picture
  • To locate the buccal fat pads and cheeks subcutaneous fat, this picture illustrates the area where injections should be made. Choose injection spots around the line shown.
  • Do not inject into the masseter muscle, as shown in this picture
  • Do not inject near the ear, as shown in this picture
  • For the nose, this, this, and this picture can be used as a reference to choose the injection spots.
  • For the neck, this photo can be used as a reference to choose the injection spots.
  • For the cheeks, I recommend 6-9 different pricks, for the nose a maximum of 4, and for the neck, 5-20.
  • Choose the number and locations of the injection spots according to your own needs
  • Aim for symmetrical injection spots on both sides of the cheeks and neck to ensure symmetrical results
  • Multiple injection points are marked at a distance of 1cm away from each other in a gridlike manner, as shown in this photo

Injection technique:
  • Hold the needle at a 45-90-degree angle concerning the skin
  • Slowly pierce the skin with the needle at a 45-90 degree angle, inject the desired amount of solution, and slowly pull the needle out
  • Each area should be divided into multiple pricks, injecting 0,2-0,3ml of solution per prick.
  • For the cheeks, I don't recommend injecting more than 2ml per cheek per session, for the nose, a maximum of 1ml, and for the neck 3ml. (Per session) (Though this varies based on the strength of your solution, see "Complications, causes and how to prevent them" and "Other miscellaneous things you should keep in mind")
  • Injection depth for cheeks and neck should be 6-10mm as the fat is deep-seated
  • For the nose, 4-6mm is enough, but be careful with the depth so you won't pierce the nasal wall. (Not dangerous, but makes treatment ineffective)
  • Multiple sessions are necessary for the best results, keep at least 2 weeks between the sessions but preferably 4 or more weeks
  • Change the needle after a few injections, personally, I changed the needle once every 4-5 pricks

Complications, causes, and how to prevent them:
  • Discomfort, pain, and swelling: These are most common and shall subside with time. Swelling and pain after only deoxycholic acid injection may last up to 10–14 days, whereas the discomfort after injection of the combination of deoxycholic acid and phosphatidylcholine usually lasts for up to less than a week. Applying ice/icing to the areas immediately post-treatment mitigates this.
  • Bruise/ecchymosis: These are due to injury to local blood vessels, are very localized, and disappear in a few days. Ice will help this if it bothers you
  • Marginal mandibular nerve injury: This is due to injecting a lot of deoxycholic acid close to the nerve. Clinically, it may result in asymmetrical smile. It can be avoided with the correct injection technique in most individuals. (See "Injection technique)
  • Skin ulceration: Superficial injection may result in ulceration, hence should be avoided. (See "Injection technique")
  • Rarely dysphagia can occur due to injecting too deep in the neck area, to avoid this, see "Injection technique"
  • Fat necrosis, can result from injecting too much solution, usually harmless though, to avoid, see "Injection technique"

Other miscellaneous things you should keep in mind:
  • Phosphatidylcholine (PPC) not only destroys the fat cells but completely kills them, making them unable to recover in the future, so using phosphatidylcholine is a more "permanent" solution
  • The ONLY chemicals that are proven to work for lipolysis are phosphatidylcholine (PPC) and deoxycholic acid (DCA)
  • Topical anesthesia is not required for the procedure
  • The chance of hitting a nerve or a vein is very marginal and is often overestimated
  • Don't approach the treatment with overly high expectations, you will 100% notice the results but you won't get malnourished Jordan Barrett cheeks (at least not in 1-2 sessions)
  • Do not massage the treatment areas for the next 48 hours post-treatment
  • When choosing the solution, the following reference values can be used to compare the potency of the solution:
  • Lipostabil contains phosphatidylcholine (50mg/mL) together with deoxycholic acid, sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride, α-tocopherol, benzyl alcohol, and ethanol
  • Kybella contains deoxycholic acid (10mg/mL)
  • GeoLysis contains deoxycholic acid (10mg/mL)
  • LipoLab contains phosphatidylcholine (100mg/mL), deoxycholic acid (0,5mg/mL), purified PPC 99.8%, L-carnitine (20mg/mL)
  • The full effect of the treatment is seen 6-8 weeks after the procedure

So, now you know how to do DIY lipolysis, next I will go over my experience and show the before and afters and injection videos.
Personally, I chose to do this procedure because I was tired of cutting to get hollow cheeks, and this was the most convenient for me to do, IMO ascended pretty well. I just need to grow out my hair, get a little tan and undereye fillers and I would say then I would reach my peak potential (excluding surgeries). A review about undereye fillers (by a plastic surgeon) will probably come next month when I will have money for it. I can suggest this to almost anyone, not even a low inhib thing, and very cheap plus easy to do.

I apologize in advance because I didn't take any "proper" before pics and my phone's selfie camera is broken so some of the photos will not be of the best quality. (Click to unstretch the image)

View attachment 2947207

View attachment 2947213
View attachment 2947214

AFTER: (2-3 weeks post-treatment)
View attachment 2947217
View attachment 2947218


And please, this is not Ratings so I don't want to hear anything about my philtrum, etc.:feelswah:
Yes, I know I'm yellow, OD'ed on beta carotene and sunlight, problem is being fixed as you are reading this

I'm aware that I might have missed something so please, ask anything about this in the comments.

I will not post the link to the source where I bought my solution because it might be a reason why this got deleted the first time, you can find a supplier within 5 minutes of Googling.

Thank you for reading, leave a comment on what you think!


@<6PSLcel @silencio @Jason Voorhees @ShawarmaFilth @likenesss @cbd558 @cyprian_tomaszewski @nakus @Thebbcmaxxer @CarrotMaxxer @i_love_roosters @NorwoodAscender @blinemaxxer @gigell @xegigi @Lokki @FloppaFlops @mewingmaxxer @JizzFarmer @Timmy @milkcuck @northern mogger @plukee @coisbhai @MazoNitNit @mirrormogger @LooksThinker @Clavicular @cromagnon @hasba1feuj @arab_chink @Blackgymmax @CoreSchizo @Eternal_ @MrOrion @Xangsane @Zeta

mirin tag me next time
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i did super v line, to my experience worked a shit ton better than lipolab so i suggest that
@cromagnon It's maybe why it didn't work bro
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This is not sustainable.

If you have a high body fat percentage, removing fat from a single body area won't work in the long-run because the body will produce more fat in that area to make it equal to the other high body fat areas.

Best way is to lose overall body fat. You can use HGH to stimulate lipolysis. I'm going to do this to drop to a single digit body fat percentage.
  • Hmm...
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This is not sustainable.

If you have a high body fat percentage, removing fat from a single body area won't work in the long-run because the body will produce more fat in that area to make it equal to the other high body fat areas.

Best way is to lose overall body fat. You can use HGH to stimulate lipolysis. I'm going to do this to drop to a single digit body fat percentage.
if u use PPC, it permanently destroys the fat cells and they wont regrow, its a bit like injectable buccal fat removal
if u use PPC, it permanently destroys the fat cells and they wont regrow, its a bit like injectable buccal fat removal
I injected 4x0.2ml on each cheek 2 week ago it's normal that i look more bloated than before ?
great, dont forget to not overeat after the procedure haha
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Dude in the pictures looks like E. Rodger’s 😂
  • JFL
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yes it is, try debloating
Yeah I do 40mn treadmill everyday
IMG 6437

I feel my left cheek are more bloated if that shit doesn’t work I will do super v line
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