Update to brainmaxxing stack (35th day)


Is cerebrolysin expensive? And where do inject it? Never heard of the stuff dam
Intramuscular and it isnt that expensive if you buy in bulk. It isnt used a lot in western medicine but is used a lot in the east (russia etc)
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meanwhile @DivineBeing 's only supplement is the suicide fuel he gets to experience every day and still brain mogs you
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meanwhile @DivineBeing 's only supplement is the suicide fuel he gets to experience every day and still brain mogs you
i've been barely functional for the last years because of my height
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meanwhile @DivineBeing 's only supplement is the suicide fuel he gets to experience every day and still brain mogs you
All i want is low inhib and grindset mentality out of nootropics you cant make yourself einstein like some limitless pill
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How does Lyrica work? Google has it listed as an anticolvusant i already have a similar drug prescribed i.e tegretol so do these drugs have an affect on behaviour?
Lyrica is a gabapentinoid that acts by inhibiting voltage-gated calcium channels. It reduces the release of several excitatory neurotransmitters such as glutamate, substance P, acetylcholine, and norepinephrine, resulting in a calming effect. It was originally designed as an anticonvulsant, but it was discovered that it also treated anxiety as a side effect. I find that it reduces my anxiety, but also makes me more energetic and sociable. It's similar to Phenibut, which is also a gabapentinoid.

Tegretol is also used as a mood stabilizer to treat manic symptoms of bipolar disorder. I believe it's used for alcohol withdrawal as well.
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How does Lyrica work? Google has it listed as an anticolvusant i already have a similar drug prescribed i.e tegretol so do these drugs have an affect on behaviour?
So yea, some anticonvulsants do affect behavior but the gabapentinoids are most beneficial. You can get Lyrica and Neurontin prescribed off-label or source it on the clearnet.
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They are low dose meth pills with caffeine man. Amphetamines are very regulated.
amphetamines are a lot more tolerable than drugs like Ritalin etc but they have more abuse potential you have to just know that you aren't going to be the type to abuse these medications. I know very well I am not prone to addiction I've tried a lot of drugs and had euphoria out of them but don't get the urge to go back (not stuff like heroin or IV meth but stuff like cocaine, weed, benzos, etc) I don't smoke or drink either you have to make the call to see if this worth getting into
I just drink beer :feelsautistic:
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amphetamines are a lot more tolerable than drugs like Ritalin etc but they have more abuse potential you have to just know that you aren't going to be the type to abuse these medications. I know very well I am not prone to addiction I've tried a lot of drugs and had euphoria out of them but don't get the urge to go back (not stuff like heroin or IV meth but stuff like cocaine, weed, benzos, etc) I don't smoke or drink either you have to make the call to see if this worth getting into
I was saying that the darknet pills are methamphetamine and caffeine pills, not just amphetamine
I was saying that the darknet pills are methamphetamine and caffeine pills, not just amphetamine
the ones I get are in the prescription box and sealed from some Turkish pharmacy for the Adderal and Vyvanse I don't see why they would fake prescription medication over actual Class A controlled drugs with no licensed use as they are way more likely to get seized with more jail time
the ones I get are in the prescription box and sealed from some Turkish pharmacy for the Adderal and Vyvanse I don't see why they would fake prescription medication over actual Class A controlled drugs with no licensed use as they are way more likely to get seized with more jail time
Can you dm the vendor name and details? I wanna give it a try too
Can you dm the vendor name and details? I wanna give it a try too
i can't remember the actual vendor name and the market I got it from (monopoly market) was shut down, i've used versus market with goodish results recently
i got 30mg pills and split them into fourths so lasts way longer, anything higher than 10mg is going to cause brain damage in the long run.
its pretty hard to get a prescription because of the potential for abuse (especially in Europe) and dysregulated dopamine could cause bipolar, schizophrenia and other mental illnesses in the future
How can it cause brain damage, elaborate. If that was so doctors wouldn't raise doses on their patients
How can it cause brain damage, elaborate. If that was so doctors wouldn't raise doses on their patients
big pharma doesnt care, the only thing that makes Adderall healthier than real meth is the dosage, adderrall usually is max 30mg a pill (which is very high) whereas meth is being smoked in grams.
dopamine is neurotoxic meaning that if taken in excess it will literally kill brain cells and fry your neurotransmitters making you an anhedonic junkie
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big pharma doesnt care, the only thing that makes Adderall healthier than real meth is the dosage, adderrall usually is max 30mg a pill (which is very high) whereas meth is being smoked in grams.
dopamine is neurotoxic meaning that if taken in excess it will literally kill brain cells and fry your neurotransmitters making you an anhedonic junkie
not true lmao
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@HighTierNormie do you have any suggestions and tips for increasing neurogenesis, besides Cerebrolysin which i think is the best nerve growth factor in the market, do you have any tips and recommendations for someone just trying to improve his cognitive abilities, communicative skills, intelligence ??

I'm not really trying to upregulate my dopamine receptor sensitivity, but by inducing neurogenesis, i know that as a result of that, i could potentially alter some of the dopaminergic effects, as it is subjective to the nervous system in humans and BDNF improves cognitive abilities in the long run.
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@HighTierNormie do you have any suggestions and tips for increasing neurogenesis, besides Cerebrolysin which i think is the best nerve growth factor in the market, do you have any tips and recommendations for someone just trying to improve his cognitive abilities, communicative skills, intelligence ??

I'm not really trying to upregulate my dopamine receptor sensitivity, but by inducing neurogenesis, i know that as a result of that, i could potentially alter some of the dopaminergic effects, as it is subjective to the nervous system in humans and BDNF improves cognitive abilities in the long run.
you can make your brain more flexible by learning new skills like skating, music, languages, also meditation etc this over time will increase neurogenesis as for supplements then ssris, cerebro, choline,semax etc basically most nootropics also fit into this bracket even street drugs like meth etc. but after 25 or so neurogenesis takes a massive nosedive and you will start to have more rigid thought patterns and take longer to learn new skills even if you take supplements
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prozac 40 mg for anxiety (comes with neurogenesis long term as well ) + modafinil 100 mg for motivation and tiredness does the job for me .
View my original post https://looksmax.org/threads/brainm...caused-through-major-depression.402647/page-2
ok so what i can say is that the stack so far has been more of a partial success, i will continue but with more tweaks

Meditation: this is still one of the best practices to increase concentration I recommend everyone to still do it, it's definitely been very helpful, I try to do it either in the morning or right before a study session. There was a Huberman podcast on ADHD that cited a study referencing that one meditation session can permanently increase focus, i highly recommend for everyone the only issue is that it is very difficult to motivate yourself to do but it is unironically one of the best ways to improve brain function

Cerebrolysin: this definitely worked better than a placebo but was also a lot more subtle than i would have expected. After the first injection, i had this really freaky "brain rush" but ever since the first time i haven't experienced that effect since what I could notice was that my brain doesn't get stuck on one idea for as long as it used to,i.e no more rumination, however, it didn't have the "emotional blunting" of drugs like an SSRI, this may be a good thing for some people but it means that you would still feel negative emotions but just wouldn't obsess over them for that long, I actually kinda wanted some emotional blunting for my particular circumstance but it is what it is. My memory and ability to remain focused for longer without fatigue has definitely increased, i also have dyskinesia from childhood which has calmed down slightly which is most likely due to the cerebro. Now even though i had zero negative effects from using this drug i will probs switch to an SSRI in a few months for 4 reasons: (1) There is no emotional blunting my mindset and worldview are more or less the same therefore not a good drug to treat depression by itself (good for anxiety though)
(2) Potential for your body to create antibodies to the Cerebro since it is growth factors sourced from pig brains and therefore the effects will diminish, not only this but hypothetical chance for your bodies antibodies to cross-react with your own endogenous supply (can't say 100% but all the Cerebro studies I found are short term)
(3) You need to be injecting at minimum at least 5ml-10ml IM weekly to feel a substantial effect, injecting this much fluid weekly into your muscle will over time cause scarring to the muscle and at worse some form of pressure necrosis due to the large amount of fluid to subvert this you absolutely need to be rotating between at least 4 injection sites, plus i don't like needles
(4) Even though there are no cases of prion disease related to Cerebro use I can't say whether or not it will never happen, also prions disease has a 100% fatality rate

Adderall: this has also been very helpful it isn't going to make everyone a hard worker, i used doses of 10mg and under so i never felt any euphoria, what i noticed is that my mind didnt get distracted as often by outside disturbances and i didn't feel the need as much to procrastinate, it, however, did not make my tasks more enjoyable than playing video games and i would still need some motivation to continue but it was definitely an improvement.
I will continue using amphetamines but not Adderall, i used generic addy, which is half levoamphetamine and half dextroamphetamine, the former is adrenergic whereas the latter is dopaminergic, this means that the first one will feel like taking 10 cups of coffee whereas the second is more akin to low dose meth.
For me I like studying pretty late into the afternoon so i dosed at like 4pm BIG MISTAKE couldn't sleep till the next day and felt like shit for a week, if you want to use Adderall i recommend pairing with a beta-blocker to lower the adrenergic signaling to your heart or use it in the morning and do all your work then, DO NOT use Adderall while playing games, jerking off, watching tv or other tasks you do not want to habituate yourself to doing otherwise your brain will correlate whatever you are doing to high dopamine and form an addiction like 10x as quick.
I'm going to switch to pure dextroamphetamine or Vyvanse instead so my sleep doesn't get ruined since I am already an insomniac

i plan to switch out some stuff but other than that it has definitely got the ball rolling for me and i feel more hopeful that i can achieve well.
ofc, before you try any nootropic good sleep and covering any nutrient deficiencies, is a must before using any brain-boosting substances

will make another update in a month or 2 but this is what ive experienced so far
Is there a way that I could contact you like discord or reddit because Im afraid that your going to leave because this thread got my attention.
very failed thread if OP hasn't won the Nobel Prize by now
prozac 40 mg for anxiety (comes with neurogenesis long term as well ) + modafinil 100 mg for motivation and tiredness does the job for me .
taking jew pills to numb you will never fix you
I've heard that heavy metal detoxing is good for brain health. Not talking about this bs alternative medicine guides but using compounds such as DMSA to flush heavy metals in a detoxing routine.
very failed thread if OP hasn't won the Nobel Prize by now
Bro there is no limitless pill, and the goal is more or less achieved i even got corrective surgery which is something i will document in a later post.
Ive switched out cerebro for ssri at the moment but honestly not that strong of an effect but would honestly reccomend an MAO or SSRI to atleast 80% of this forum
Is there a way that I could contact you like discord or reddit because Im afraid that your going to leave because this thread got my attention.
Yh bro you can discord me if you want

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