Validational sex + transactional sex is the way to go

Deleted member 616

Deleted member 616

Dec 4, 2018
No need to stick strictly to one of them, assuming you are not chad but want lots of lays.

Having a Becky's free, non negotiated validational sex is nice - it gives you confidence and emotional satisfaction. But at the end of the day, it is not as exciting and unforgettable as the sex with Stacys, even if you pay.

Personally I put a lot of efforts into getting laid (looksmaxing, game, hanging out etc.), and I also had some success.
But once I got the validational sex from a girl, it became somehow tasteless: an average Becky can never fuck as well as a prime stacy in bed, and the effort - result ratio of chasing a girl is usually pretty low if you are not chad.

Therefore, if you really want Stacy's pussy, just moneymaxx and escortmaxx, nothing to be ashamed of (you should only feel ashamed when it's your only access to sex). You can still keep looksmaxing and get a nice, loyal looksmatched girlfriend, but that's not the only way on this planet to enjoy sex.

Women are well-known for their dual mating strategy: attractive guys for passion and beta husband material for financial / emotional support. Why couldn't we do the same? Just have your Becky girlfriend cook for you at home while you're having threesome with prime stacy hookers at B&B bro.
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