Watched My Sister Swipe On Tinder. It's 95/5 Boyos.



Dec 14, 2018
My sister was sitting near me the other day using Tinder. I counted how many times she swiped left vs right, and looked at the guys faces.

She swiped right on 1 in 20 guys. And no, the other 19 were not incel tier. They were high tier normies and mogged the shit out of me. She looked for no more than 0.5 seconds MAX before swiping left. And if she went to look at a guys extra pictures because he's almost good enough, she still swiped left.

It's fucking over.

And guess what? This bitch was CRYING and PHYSICALLY HARMING HERSELF last week about not being able to find a boyfriend. What a joke.

I cannot put into words how much I envy Chads.
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Reactions: Danish_Retard, VST, RationalBrody and 12 others
We always think about Chad.
But does he ever think about us? :feelsthink:
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Reactions: Danish_Retard, Zeta ascended, Coping and 8 others
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TRPers are coping by trying to become apart the 20% while females standards are rsising with each day passing:blackpill:
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Reactions: AntiSocial-Fakecel
Yeah same. She was on tinder the other day, but she was only looking for rich guys. Some 25 year old surgeon messaged her even though she isn't attractive.
Vivid blackpill
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Reactions: AntiSocial-Fakecel
Shit is truly sad.
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Reactions: GrewWrong, Coping and AntiSocial-Fakecel
Harmony is so important. Girls look at you for a millisecond and already know if ur gl
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Reactions: Deleted member 245, RationalBrody, Zeta ascended and 4 others
Harmony is so important. Girls look at you for a millisecond and already know if ur gl
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Reactions: kobecel, RichardSpencel, dogtown and 1 other person
Chad or rope :fire::fire::fire::fire:
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Reactions: AntiSocial-Fakecel
Is it worse to have sister or have brother who will literally become chad version of me?
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Reactions: Deleted member 611
Is it worse to have sister or have brother who will literally become chad version of me?
It's worse to have a brother in that case, because you can relate more to him which makes it even more painful
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577305C1 3B3D 430D B28F 1D4700079194
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It's worse to have a brother in that case, because you can relate more to him which makes it even more painful
Yes, i don't have any sisters. Time to LDAR while my brother will become slayer:lul::feelswhy::feelswhy::feelsrope:
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Reactions: Deleted member 611
Yes, i don't have any sisters. Time to LDAR while my brother will become slayer:lul::feelswhy::feelswhy::feelsrope:
Are you really as ugly as you let on? You post a lot about your supposed ugliness but I'd like to see proof of it.
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Reactions: RichardSpencel
Are you really as ugly as you let on? You post a lot about your supposed ugliness but I'd like to see proof of it.
Idk, i can maybe pm pics at some point. My face is currently very bloated due bulking, i can pm pics when im lean maybe.
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Idk, i get iq mogged by gymcels and i have probably adhd/add.
Meanwhile I have photographic memory and can remember the avatars of most people here:chad:
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So glad I have a brother instead of a sister. Even if he does mog me to death.
you're kointo ? The OG postmaxxer
Yes, who else could gather 6,000 posts in a mere 2 months!? Do you share the same username with your account on, or did you go by a different name?
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Reactions: kobecel
Yes, who else could gather 6,000 posts in a mere 2 months!? Do you share the same username with your account on, or did you go by a different name?
I'm pretty sure @Insomniac can post 6000 posts in 2 months :feelshmm::feelshmm:
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I'm pretty sure @Insomniac can post 6000 posts in 2 months :feelshmm::feelshmm:
Because a lot of his posts are ritalincel like in nature. It isn't too difficult to garner that many posts when posting cuckfaces and >/r/ memes. Not hating on him I like his posts they're much funnier than ritalincel's.
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Reactions: kobecel
You should beat up your sister for being a cunt and then rape her. Or both at the same time idc.
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Reactions: Coping and AntiSocial-Fakecel
Harmony is so important. Girls look at you for a millisecond and already know if ur gl
Was about to say this, facial harmony is literally 95% of your looks, when you think of someone’s face it’s the harmony that you think of not their bones or any other bs, this is why becoming good looking is so Fukin hard. Btw OP fuck your sister and this world, it’s over :feelswah::woke:
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Bro When i was a kid i had a crush on her, She was first one i can remember used to watch harry potter as a kid allot.
I had her as my avi on here for like a day I think lol. Either that or it was my avatar while inactive.
Was about to say this, facial harmony is literally 95% of your looks, when you think of someone’s face it’s the harmony that you think of not their bones or any other bs, this is why becoming good looking is so Fukin hard. Btw OP fuck your sister and this world, it’s over :feelswah::woke:
Yeah you either have it or you don't. You can only do so much with soft looksmaxing. If you don't look decent into your 20s with reasonable efforts your only hope is surgery, roidsz and maybe HGH if you can get ur hands on it and afford the shit
  • +1
Reactions: Coping
This bitch was CRYING and PHYSICALLY HARMING HERSELF last week about not being able to find a boyfriend. What a joke.
How old is your sis? Wouldn't mind seeing pics, lol. I'm a visual guy.
I had her as my avi on here for like a day I think lol. Either that or it was my avatar while inactive.

yeah i remember that, She is sexy, Show me someone who you find really attractive atm that is your ideal girl/ type
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Reactions: Deleted member 611
yeah i remember that, She is sexy, Show me someone who you find really attractive atm that is your ideal girl/ type

I don't have any pictures of her @RichardSpencel LINK HER TO MY CHANNEL
Was about to say this, facial harmony is literally 95% of your looks, when you think of someone’s face it’s the harmony that you think of not their bones or any other bs
Harmony implies good bones, boyo. A well-grown face is automatically harmonious.
  • +1
Reactions: Final82
We always think about Chad.
But does he ever think about us? :feelsthink:
My sister was sitting near me the other day using Tinder. I counted how many times she swiped left vs right, and looked at the guys faces.

She swiped right on 1 in 20 guys. And no, the other 19 were not incel tier. They were high tier normies and mogged the shit out of me. She looked for no more than 0.5 seconds MAX before swiping left. And if she went to look at a guys extra pictures because he's almost good enough, she still swiped left.

It's fucking over.

And guess what? This bitch was CRYING and PHYSICALLY HARMING HERSELF last week about not being able to find a boyfriend. What a joke.

I cannot put into words how much I envy Chads.

It’s over for us
It was always around 95/5. Just being top 20% means women will just barely find you "average" despite being well above it.

Taking a closer look at this graph you'll see that women only consider 7% of men solidly above average

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