well, i just lost a stacy and my is 90% fully ruined

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thanks man you helped me so much

never seen one

true, i have not the slightest bit of an idea. advice?
rock/metal bars cafes

art colleges/high schools (depending on age)

local concerts (likely happen in antwerpen, it's easy to find alot of them after u get with the right clique)
  • +1
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thanks man you helped me so much

never seen one

true, i have not the slightest bit of an idea. advice?
No need to thank me at all. 💙
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to her but not so much. she's the "butterfly" type of girl always happy. i dont mind though she deserves much better, things i cannot give her.
brutal nigga sensitive girls fog tbh
are you sure its unsalvageable?
  • +1
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That's why I don't feel bad about being an inkwell due to the religious aspect and yet people will try to clown me for it, including so-called fellow muzzies.
I mean it’s a cope we’d both sin if we could but I’ve come to peace with my inception I was destined to be incel since I was places in the worst location for myself and in the worst time period.

I’m more of an locationcel than “incel” but I’m broke so what am I to do I have no option but to remain in Incelland for myself and that’s what it is

Maybe your also locationcel like me I know anywhere else on earth I’d not be incel other than my specific placement within the UK this is a FACT
  • +1
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rock/metal bars cafes
hell no way too much social interaction.
art colleges/high schools (depending on age)
never seen one there at high schools maybe art colleges ive seen one but none.
local concerts (likely happen in antwerpen, it's easy to find alot of them after u get with the right clique)
hmm maybe yes, problem is i have but the slightest bit of social skills and experiences. Concerts are smart though good thinking. Rock concerts.
No need to thank me at all. 💙
yes i do man you and emerald were so nice to say the absolute least u helped me so much
brutal nigga sensitive girls fog tbh
so true.
are you sure its unsalvageable?
no, i can salvage it but i dont really want to i think.
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  • JFL
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fucking cage at this subhuman having mental breakdowns over losing a plain psl 5 whore
Ik ben verbaasd van je schrijfvaardigheden je hebt echt volledig gelijk, het enige wat we kunnen doen is het uitzitten tot we er niet meer mee moeten omgaan en we uit huis zijn. Voelt vreselijk fr ben blij dat ik niet de enige ben op z'n minst echt fijn om te horen. ly gaston
het is fucked man en je bent echt niet de enige. Maar wel in een kleine minderheid.

>het uitzitten tot we er niet meer mee moeten omgaan en we uit huis zijn.

dit inderdaad. Je moet de mensen die jouw slecht doen uit je leven zetten, en dat is fucking moeilijk als het je familie/ouders zijn.

Daarna begint een heel lang en zwaar genezingsproces. Want realiseer je: jij hebt je aan moeten passen om te moeten overleven, al die jaren. Wie jij bent, hoe je denkt, wat je doet, is compleet normaal. Is goed. Jij hebt je zo ontwikkeld om simpelweg te kunnen overleven in een kutsituatie.

Daarna kom je in in nieuwe situatie terecht waarin dit eigenlijk niet meer nodig is, je hoeft niet meer zo goed te presteren, zo achterdochtig te zijn, zo boos te worden, je af te zonderen, zoals je in het verleden in je ouderlijk huis deed. Etc.

Heel lang genezingsproces. Maar wel een die je, helaas, zult moeten ondergaan. Heel pijnlijk.

Geloof me, ook als jij je 'ideale leven' met een stacy chick, geld, alles kan bereiken desondanks je mentale problemen. Zolang jij dit geen plek gegeven hebt, kun je er maar matig van genieten. Dit blijft altijd doorleven in je hoofd en zal jou altijd pijn en ellende bezorgen.

En dat betekent niet dat ik wil dat jij moet stoppen met looksmaxxen of proberen een mooie vriendin te fixen etc. Maar ik probeer alleen te zorgen dat jij je realiseert dat dit niet is wat jouw levensgeluk in de weg staat.
Doelen en ambitie mag je hebben, is goed om te hebben. Maar mensen zijn ook gelukkig zonder stacy-gf, zonder rijkdom, enzovoort. En dat komt doordat 'normale mensen' niet met kindermishandeling te maken gehad hebben.

Realiseer dat dit niet dat gat gaat vullen wat je hebt gekregen door anderen. Dat is niet jouw schuld, maar nu wel jouw verantwoordelijkheid om op te lossen.
Jij kunt een stacy-gf, geld, populariteit krijgen, omdat je steeds ontevreden bent. Je wilt altijd meer, beter, maar ook als je dat bereikt zul je ervaren dat het niet goed genoeg is.

Deze dingen staan gewoon los van elkaar.
  • +1
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fucking cage at this subhuman having mental breakdowns over losing a plain psl 5 whore
i'm considered a chadlite and she was a stacy. The breakdown is mostly for the latter part of the original threadpost if your brain could even handle reading that far.
hell no way too much social interaction.

never seen one there at high schools maybe art colleges ive seen one but none.

Art colleges are full of art hoes who are either goth or alt or almost both of those

Also jfl at looking for ltr with minimal social interaction
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incels still deserve love you know, me for instance its one of the few things i truly want.
My planned surgery soon and looksmax and whatever until i get to chad and true love. With that i'm fulfilled with my life and satisfied.
I know but we can’t get love in 2024 in the west so it is what it is may as well get over it and just focus on god. Like women like some guys and some men are lucky

My best m8 literally has pussy fall into his lap this isn’t a joke and he’s not chad or Chadlite he gets girls in the most crazy ways. Like a woman needed help pushing her car across his street and she asked him he helped her she invited him in he met her daughter and she wanted dick when the mother went out the daughter called my buddy to clap her cheeks

See what I mean this shit never happens to us but for some men this is life genuinely pussy falls from the sky for some and for others (us) we get nothing
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I mean it’s a cope we’d both sin if we could but I’ve come to peace with my inception I was destined to be incel since I was places in the worst location for myself and in the worst time period.

I’m more of an locationcel than “incel” but I’m broke so what am I to do I have no option but to remain in Incelland for myself and that’s what it is

Maybe your also locationcel like me I know anywhere else on earth I’d not be incel other than my specific placement within the UK this is a FACT
Even if I could sin, I wouldn't do it. I think that's because I spent most of my life this way and therefore it would be so out of place for me to degenmaxx.

I dunno if I am a locationcel, I do live in a country where we have no collective SMV as well as the fact I'm surrounded by others, so perhaps you have a point. Maybe I'd have been a giga degenerate in the UK.
  • +1
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hell no way too much social interaction.

never seen one there at high schools maybe art colleges ive seen one but none.

hmm maybe yes, problem is i have but the slightest bit of social skills and experiences. Concerts are smart though good thinking. Rock concerts.

yes i do man you and emerald were so nice to say the absolute least u helped me so much

so true.

no, i can salvage it but i dont really want to i think.
We love you brotha. :love:
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worst of all, a guy in my class said to others 'did you know ... got brutally rejected by...?
he's a literal facial subhuman btw.
I probs lost a ton of respect which i did have before atleast. Now i need to make a big fucking comeback.
at least*
  • +1
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wauw je hebt echt volledig gelijk je zou een boek kunnen schrijven je kan heel mooi schrijven.
het is fucked man en je bent echt niet de enige. Maar wel in een kleine minderheid.

>het uitzitten tot we er niet meer mee moeten omgaan en we uit huis zijn.

dit inderdaad. Je moet de mensen die jouw slecht doen uit je leven zetten, en dat is fucking moeilijk als het je familie/ouders zijn.
klopt, duurt heel lang en je hebt ze ook nodig zelfs na je 18 meestal voor financiële steun. Ga wss niet naar de universiteit kunnen, was ook niet mn plan sinds een jaar. Ben van plan om in constructie te werken sinds ik naar mijn mening sterk genoeg bent en je van het ene loon goed kunt wonen alleen.
Daarna begint een heel lang en zwaar genezingsproces. Want realiseer je: jij hebt je aan moeten passen om te moeten overleven, al die jaren. Wie jij bent, hoe je denkt, wat je doet, is compleet normaal. Is goed. Jij hebt je zo ontwikkeld om simpelweg te kunnen overleven in een kutsituatie.
voelt zo gelijkaardig, je verdient die shit ook niet man je lijkt echt een leuk persoon.
Daarna kom je in in nieuwe situatie terecht waarin dit eigenlijk niet meer nodig is, je hoeft niet meer zo goed te presteren, zo achterdochtig te zijn, zo boos te worden, je af te zonderen, zoals je in het verleden in je ouderlijk huis deed. Etc.

Heel lang genezingsproces. Maar wel een die je, helaas, zult moeten ondergaan. Heel pijnlijk.

Geloof me, ook als jij je 'ideale leven' met een stacy chick, geld, alles kan bereiken desondanks je mentale problemen. Zolang jij dit geen plek gegeven hebt, kun je er maar matig van genieten. Dit blijft altijd doorleven in je hoofd en zal jou altijd pijn en ellende bezorgen.
inderdaad als het je niet overkomt denk je aan de volgende keer wanneer het je wel overkomt.
En dat betekent niet dat ik wil dat jij moet stoppen met looksmaxxen of proberen een mooie vriendin te fixen etc. Maar ik probeer alleen te zorgen dat jij je realiseert dat dit niet is wat jouw levensgeluk in de weg staat.
Doelen en ambitie mag je hebben, is goed om te hebben. Maar mensen zijn ook gelukkig zonder stacy-gf, zonder rijkdom, enzovoort. En dat komt doordat 'normale mensen' niet met kindermishandeling te maken gehad hebben.
klopt, blijven vooruitgang boeken maar uiteindelijk is dat niet het belangrijkste per se.
Realiseer dat dit niet dat gat gaat vullen wat je hebt gekregen door anderen. Dat is niet jouw schuld, maar nu wel jouw verantwoordelijkheid om op te lossen.
komt hard binnen dit pfff nog erger omdat ik weet dat het klopt.
Jij kunt een stacy-gf, geld, populariteit krijgen, omdat je steeds ontevreden bent. Je wilt altijd meer, beter, maar ook als je dat bereikt zul je ervaren dat het niet goed genoeg is.

Deze dingen staan gewoon los van elkaar.
heel slimme woorden gaston, gaat moeilijk worden maar het zal wel lukken.❤️
hoop dat je ook beter wordt, zeker wel ik geloof erin.:ogre:
  • +1
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Art colleges are full of art hoes who are either goth or alt or almost both of those
and what do i have to do there? "hey im looking for a gf" jfl.
Also jfl at looking for ltr with minimal social interaction
yes i know it's laughable. I just want genuine love for my part she can be an MTB. i'm just not that NT or extroverted and hope some girls will understand that some day. I dont have a reason to be either in general neither am i any of two, i do fraud NTness sometimes.
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@PsychoDsk @Gengar @emeraldglass @org3cel.RR @TechnoBoss
i did indeed fuck up, not really she told me 'im mean'. Fucking stupid foid all the fantasies i had for nothing i got my heart broken for a second time now.
its over with her. She told me she did want to go on a date but now says no. cant really blame her honestly i have such a shit personnality.

also 90% chance my fucking shitparents are gonna put me in an institution if they dont make me an orphan first.
Ive literally already been written out of their will.
@PsychoDsk if you're still interested in the meet it has to be in Antwerpen my dogshit parents will never allow me to go to Gent.

Well, it's not fully over. Not fucking yet i still have so much else to do in my life i cant let anything ruin me.
Never give up boyos truly believe in yourself you know yourself best then anyone else, whatever happens please don't give up.
Can you pm her face?
  • +1
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Even if I could sin, I wouldn't do it. I think that's because I spent most of my life this way and therefore it would be so out of place for me to degenmaxx.

I dunno if I am a locationcel, I do live in a country where we have no collective SMV as well as the fact I'm surrounded by others, so perhaps you have a point. Maybe I'd have been a giga degenerate in the UK.
I don’t mean “slay” but I mean if you could get laid with a girl your are too and like you’d 100% do it kind of thing.

I’m 100% a locationcel but it’s not lik “just move bro” I’m not @SecularIslamist who has disposable income and savings, I have no job I’m broke it’s over basically I’m stranded in SOS island and can’t leave. Sure things can change could change maybe will change but right now in the present as I type this that’s my situation

I’m not a subhuman and I appeal to non UK women but once again I’m stuck here and in an northern English cumskins ethnostate where they’d rather date and fuck 2/10 ugly african immigrants and Arab drug dealers over me. I don’t even speak to girls where I live if they have the local accent because I know “it won’t work and she’ll never like me” and I’m always proven correct every time.

I can’t even get a decent job here holy fuck :lul::lul::lul: I don’t wanna move back to London either. See now why I’m considering becoming a monk once I’m baptised and just running to Georgia or some remote country to just live as a monastic.

I’d like to maybe become a priest and spread the true faith is Pentecostal African corrupted nations filled with false prophets as Africa is essentially a false prophet factory
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Can you pm her face?
only picture i have of her is easily traceable. But take my word she was absolutely gorgeous. There are other foids anyways.
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only picture i have of her is easily traceable. But take my word she was absolutely gorgeous. There are other foids anyways.
Yeah i believe you but actual stacies are incredibly rare. More likely its a htb or stacylite
  • +1
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I don’t mean “slay” but I mean if you could get laid with a girl your are too and like you’d 100% do it kind of thing.

I’m 100% a locationcel but it’s not lik “just move bro” I’m not @SecularIslamist who has disposable income and savings, I have no job I’m broke it’s over basically I’m stranded in SOS island and can’t leave. Sure things can change could change maybe will change but right now in the present as I type this that’s my situation

I’m not a subhuman and I appeal to non UK women but once again I’m stuck here and in an northern English cumskins ethnostate where they’d rather date and fuck 2/10 ugly african immigrants and Arab drug dealers over me. I don’t even speak to girls where I live if they have the local accent because I know “it won’t work and she’ll never like me” and I’m always proven correct every time.

I can’t even get a decent job here holy fuck :lul::lul::lul: I don’t wanna move back to London either. See now why I’m considering becoming a monk once I’m baptised and just running to Georgia or some remote country to just live as a monastic.

I’d like to maybe become a priest and spread the true faith is Pentecostal African corrupted nations filled with false prophets as Africa is essentially a false prophet factory
Why do you think they go for uglier guys even though you mog them facially? If I recall correctly you said you wanted to move to the US. Which state(s) did you have in mind?
Yeah i believe you but actual stacies are incredibly rare. More likely its a htb or stacylite
true, she is one. Enough about the foid now i dont want to talk about foids lol.
  • JFL
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Why do you think they go for uglier guys even though you mog them facially? If I recall correctly you said you wanted to move to the US. Which state(s) did you have in mind?
Girls here want dark triad evil men because women women are evil and need their hearts opened.

These women don’t want their hearts opened so they reject god and reject me.

These women want NT men

I may just not be of the phenotype they like which is a genuine possibility and something I believe because I have had cumskins (even ethnic and black girls from here are iffy with me but cos I have great beard genetics it overpowers their natural disgust for me 😉) here who have dates 4/10 blacks say “I’m not their type” lol so that may be a part to it. Funny when I’m on holiday and not in the united shitdom im a slayer ahahah how funny is that almost as if my location is the problem and not me as I tell Normies but nope they don’t wanna listen to me and tell me “Brooo it’s all in your head broooooo, because you say that Broooooo girls won’t like you brooooooo they can sense that broooooooo”
  • +1
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true, she is one. Enough about the foid now i dont want to talk about foids lol.
Fair, if you almost bsgged a Stacy you're Chad so won't really struggle
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Fair, if you almost bsgged a Stacy you're Chad so won't really struggle
chad in mumbai, if only. I do have a jaw surgery soon to fix my overbite and will do aqualyx not confirmed when.
I hope i am chad then.
  • JFL
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chad in mumbai, if only. I do have a jaw surgery soon to fix my overbite and will do aqualyx not confirmed when.
I hope i am chad then.
So htn/chadlite now:lul:. Almost the same
  • JFL
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So htn/chadlite now:lul:. Almost the same
cope, if i were chad she would have begged to be with me. not kidding you it happens but ofcourse (and unfortunately) chad only.
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Girls here want dark triad evil men because women women are evil and need their hearts opened.

These women don’t want their hearts opened so they reject god and reject me.

These women want NT men

I may just not be of the phenotype they like which is a genuine possibility and something I believe because I have had cumskins (even ethnic and black girls from here are iffy with me but cos I have great beard genetics it overpowers their natural disgust for me 😉) here who have dates 4/10 blacks say “I’m not their type” lol so that may be a part to it. Funny when I’m on holiday and not in the united shitdom im a slayer ahahah how funny is that almost as if my location is the problem and not me as I tell Normies but nope they don’t wanna listen to me and tell me “Brooo it’s all in your head broooooo, because you say that Broooooo girls won’t like you brooooooo they can sense that broooooooo”
I also have good beard genetics and I’m growing it out too but for me it’s a failo. And agreed. Women are evil. And so if you’re not evil you’re cucking yourself.
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I also have good beard genetics and I’m growing it out too but for me it’s a failo. And agreed. Women are evil. And so if you’re not evil you’re cucking yourself.
I will never sully myself to appease satan. I never hide who I am I’m overly religious and I’ll never change that

I’ll happily remain incel if it’s sin and demonic powers they want then they can have that and leave me out of it. But I have a captain save a hoe mentally I’m very compassionate overly so I feel myself more effected from the pain of others than Normies so I wanna save these hoes in a weird way.

My facial hair and looks is why blob and Muslim women like me. Some Slavs as well. The Muslim Women into me though tend to be boujie type Muslimas the type to ask for a 100k mehr lol. Usually your race as well :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

My own women are cool with me esp if they aren’t from my city
  • +1
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I will never sully myself to appease satan. I never hide who I am I’m overly religious and I’ll never change that

I’ll happily remain incel if it’s sin and demonic powers they want then they can have that and leave me out of it. But I have a captain save a hoe mentally I’m very compassionate overly so I feel myself more effected from the pain of others than Normies so I wanna save these hoes in a weird way.

My facial hair and looks is why blob and Muslim women like me. Some Slavs as well. The Muslim Women into me though tend to be boujie type Muslimas the type to ask for a 100k mehr lol. Usually your race as well :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

My own women are cool with me esp if they aren’t from my city
What does sully mean, and boujie? :hnghn: TBH you’re dodging a bullet by not going for a muzzie but at the same time, a muzzie foid would probably treat you better because they want to run love jihad on others. And for the umpteenth time, they're not “my race”. You should just say brown or SA. :feelskek:
  • JFL
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What does sully mean, and boujie? :hnghn: TBH you’re dodging a bullet by not going for a muzzie but at the same time, a muzzie foid would probably treat you better because they want to run love jihad on others. And for the umpteenth time, they're not “my race”. You should just say brown or SA. :feelskek:
SA are your “race”

Muzzie foids are annoying if I was Muslim I’d marry a non Muslim woman. Christian foids are OK if not white they usually aren’t whores (if religious). Just don’t marry a white one and your fine

Love jihad is based. Ima run crusader game on them almost got an Egyptian foid to convert running crusader game, prince the BBC crusader
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SA are your “race”

Muzzie foids are annoying if I was Muslim I’d marry a non Muslim woman. Christian foids are OK if not white they usually aren’t whores (if religious). Just don’t marry a white one and your fine

Love jihad is based. Ima run crusader game on them almost got an Egyptian foid to convert running crusader game, prince the BBC crusader
We are genetically too diverse to be lumped into one category. :feelskek: Only second to Africans. So you see what I’m saying.

Muzzie foids are definitely annoying, and they have low IQs and they have few manners. They show one face to muzzies and another to kafirs. I don’t like them due to how double-faced they are. :lasereyes:

Chances are the Egyptian foid had Christian ancestors anyway, right? Due to the crusades and whatnot. Idk. Haven’t read much about that stuff.
  • +1
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We are genetically too diverse to be lumped into one category. :feelskek: Only second to Africans. So you see what I’m saying.

Muzzie foids are definitely annoying, and they have low IQs and they have few manners. They show one face to muzzies and another to kafirs. I don’t like them due to how double-faced they are. :lasereyes:

Chances are the Egyptian foid had Christian ancestors anyway, right? Due to the crusades and whatnot. Idk. Haven’t read much about that stuff.
She didn’t even know Egypt was once Christian I educated her on that and that the mauls invaded a raped her ancestors to Islam under sharia she was feelin it.

Ofc I wasn’t trying to hit or anything because I’m incel and she’s British and I assume all British women hate me.

Yes curries are diverse but she is paki looking tbh
  • +1
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I don’t mean “slay” but I mean if you could get laid with a girl your are too and like you’d 100% do it kind of thing.

I’m 100% a locationcel but it’s not lik “just move bro” I’m not @SecularIslamist who has disposable income and savings, I have no job I’m broke it’s over basically I’m stranded in SOS island and can’t leave. Sure things can change could change maybe will change but right now in the present as I type this that’s my situation
Aren't you living with parents? Even if you pay a (little) rent how could you not have any disposable income?

I do have disposable income but it's flatlined in the last two years. Tbh a lot of my financial stability is owed to crypto (gambling) and making wise financial decisions with my earnings. I think I overstate it because I don't have a wife and kids. But I have financial responsibilities I can't escape like mortgages, car and other costs (council tax, leasehold fee etc) which I have to pay every month. But yeah I have enough money to go complete NEET mode for the next couple years if I wanted to.
  • +1
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Aren't you living with parents? Even if you pay a (little) rent how could you not have any disposable income?

I do have disposable income but it's flatlined in the last two years. Tbh a lot of my financial stability is owed to crypto (gambling) and making wise financial decisions with my earnings. I think I overstate it because I don't have a wife and kids. But I have financial responsibilities I can't escape like mortgages, car and other costs (council tax, leasehold fee etc) which I have to pay every month. But yeah I have enough money to go complete NEET mode for the next couple years if I wanted to.
I don’t have a job… I literally have 0 coming in, benefits is like 250 a month lmfao :lul: wtf can you do with that shit. Use your brain clearly you never been in this situation lol

Yes I live @ home because I cannot move out, a curse for me living and being born here I may illegally immigrate to Greece to become a monk or some shit fuck this

What I mean is you have enough to leave Britian. I have enough savings to go neet for a while (have around 4k for now And 5k in ISA but I can’t take that out cos the deal I made with bank :feelswah::feelswah::feelswah:)

Still I’m poorcel why did god create me honestly I wish I wasn’t born or existed fucking useless world nigger I should had been born during crusades and shit and died trying to kill you or stn :lul::lul::lul:
  • So Sad
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I don’t have a job… I literally have 0 coming in, benefits is like 250 a month lmfao :lul: wtf can you do with that shit. Use your brain clearly you never been in this situation lol
That's brutal. Btw my brother claims benefits and works full time on the low. He probably earns more than many wagecucks.

If you can do some kind of restaurant, garage or do deliveries on the low for a takeaway you will prob earn more than grads.
Yes I live @ home because I cannot move out, a curse for me living and being born here I may illegally immigrate to Greece to become a monk or some shit fuck this

What I mean is you have enough to leave Britian. I have enough savings to go neet for a while (have around 4k for now And 5k in ISA but I can’t take that out cos the deal I made with bank :feelswah::feelswah::feelswah:)

Still I’m poorcel why did god create me honestly I wish I wasn’t born or existed fucking useless world nigger I should had been born during crusades and shit and died trying to kill you or stn :lul::lul::lul:
What kind of ISA was this? Don't tell me it was a LISA (meaning it can only be taken out for a house or retirement JFL :soy:).

£4k savings isn't bad since I presume the NEETbux you're getting is helping you keep afloat and isn't eating into your savings. That will help with moving abroad, but good luck tryna get to the US in the first place.
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She didn’t even know Egypt was once Christian I educated her on that and that the mauls invaded a raped her ancestors to Islam under sharia she was feelin it.

Ofc I wasn’t trying to hit or anything because I’m incel and she’s British and I assume all British women hate me.

Yes curries are diverse but she is paki looking tbh
And did she place a cross around her neck after that conversation? :feelshah:

Did the Egyptian look South Asian? Is that what you’re saying? I had a Syrian classmate who looked South Asian. She had a nice body but her face was ogre.
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I don’t have a job… I literally have 0 coming in, benefits is like 250 a month lmfao :lul: wtf can you do with that shit. Use your brain clearly you never been in this situation lol

Yes I live @ home because I cannot move out, a curse for me living and being born here I may illegally immigrate to Greece to become a monk or some shit fuck this

What I mean is you have enough to leave Britian. I have enough savings to go neet for a while (have around 4k for now And 5k in ISA but I can’t take that out cos the deal I made with bank :feelswah::feelswah::feelswah:)

Still I’m poorcel why did god create me honestly I wish I wasn’t born or existed fucking useless world nigger I should had been born during crusades and shit and died trying to kill you or stn :lul::lul::lul:
You get benefits? I get nothing. :feelswah:
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You get benefits? I get nothing. :feelswah:
Means government is my daddy for the time being :feelswah::feelswah::feelswah::feelswah:

It’s what it is. Prob be this way for a month or 2.

Your in uni that’s why
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That's why I don't feel bad about being an inkwell due to the religious aspect and yet people will try to clown me for it, including so-called fellow muzzies.
coping about being an incel with religion 😔 god demanded us to procreate and flourish (cope)
coping about being an incel with religion 😔 god demanded us to procreate and flourish (cope)
That’s not a command and not everybody’s goal is to breed some cannot breed some dedicate their lives to other things. And in 2024 god understands in the impossible west social selection will make many men die alone
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That’s not a command and not everybody’s goal is to breed some cannot breed some dedicate their lives to other things. And in 2024 god understands in the impossible west social selection will make many men die alone
kek why did god make niggas ugly then or women hypergamous
and it doesn't matter what u do to god unless it's religious
coping about being an incel with religion 😔 god demanded us to procreate and flourish (cope)
No, He did not. He demanded us to worship Him. Not to spread our seed far and wide. :feelskek:
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I don’t even have a job. :feelswah:
Become EO and pray then god will send u Slavic waifu like he did meeee and you’ll ascend. Or remain halal bismillah and accept being perpetual incel
  • JFL
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