Went outside without glasses for first time today



Afghan Pashtun
Sep 1, 2022
For instance, i have been wearing glasses since 5 years now. My prescription is -4

I used to wear glssses outside often, except sometimes i would remove them but i couldnt notice IOIs then. So it was fucked.

I went outside wearing transparent contacts today and man, it felt so good. I could notice niggas staring at me (it was all guys for some reason) jfl. I pulled out front camera and i was cooming by seeing my nice eye eye area. Was rlly good experience.

Thanks, thats all! I will definitely get lasik once i am 22-23.
For instance, i have been wearing glasses since 5 years now. My prescription is -4

I used to wear glssses outside often, except sometimes i would remove them but i couldnt notice IOIs then. So it was fucked.

I went outside wearing transparent contacts today and man, it felt so good. I could notice niggas staring at me (it was all guys for some reason) jfl. I pulled out front camera and i was cooming by seeing my nice eye eye area. Was rlly good experience.

Thanks, thats all! I will definitely get lasik once i am 22-23.
do you wear contacts or were you just blind out there?
I look like a lesbian with glasses
  • +1
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good excuse to get coloured contacts bro
  • JFL
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bro i was -3.5 and used to drive withour glasses or contacts jfl. Just got prk done and now i have perfect vision
I wear contacts obviously

U must be using those cat type glasses
is it a hassle to put them on? how long can you keep them on? been thinking about contacts for a long time due to my asymmetrical ears making my glasses lopsided
good excuse to get coloured contacts bro
Nah bro i am on transparent comtacts wallahi
bro i was -3.5 and used to drive withour glasses or contacts jfl. Just got prk done and now i have perfect vision
Thats awesome man. My brother is a pussy and scared of it. I will do it in a heartbeat once i am 22-23 with stable prescription
is it a hassle to put them on? how long can you keep them on? been thinking about contacts for a long time due to my asymmetrical ears making my glasses lopsided
I learnt to put them on within 5 minutes on 1st day jfl, maybe in future i can do in 1 min.
I usually.keep them on as long as i am outside. No problem. Tho when i go home and take them out, i feel like taking a nap for 30 mins cuz of tired eyes.
  • +1
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Nah bro i am on transparent comtacts wallahi

Thats awesome man. My brother is a pussy and scared of it. I will do it in a heartbeat once i am 22-23 with stable prescription
im 19 bro got it at 18. The surgery is scary looking but u get it literally done it 3-5 minutes jfl . 3 First days were the worst tho couldnt sleep bcz it hurt af jfl but the surgery itself is no pain at all. Very worth it, if ur in europe get it at lirema.
For instance, i have been wearing glasses since 5 years now. My prescription is -4

I used to wear glssses outside often, except sometimes i would remove them but i couldnt notice IOIs then. So it was fucked.

I went outside wearing transparent contacts today and man, it felt so good. I could notice niggas staring at me (it was all guys for some reason) jfl. I pulled out front camera and i was cooming by seeing my nice eye eye area. Was rlly good experience.

Thanks, thats all! I will definitely get lasik once i am 22-23.
I've heard lasik can be pretty dangerous
How much did the contacts cost
Man I need to get on contacts too. I was also very ugly like you a year ago now I’m better but still wear glasses

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