What am i on PSL scale?

How old are u
Depending on age you are either ltn or mtn
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how Is this kid ltn? he has a bad overbite that makes his lips protude and Short face, ok but he has very good Eye area and eyebrows, good hairline, very good nose and decent zygos for his age
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Why do you look like a retarded version of me
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Go through puberty first. Do basic things; shower, wash your hair, develop a skincare routine, get hobbies, do sports, get good grades, if you’re NT (org slang for basically not autistic) then you can get a girlfriend easily. Many people here think the same way, myself included, that’s not uncommon. Many of us want to look the best for ourselves, because that is how we can feel prideful about ourselves. For some of us that’s the only way, but you’re so young. You don’t need to develop this sort of incongruent mindset. Worry about this when you’re old enough. This is kinda hypocritical because I’m not far away from you in age but trust me nigga u look like shit rn but you’ll look much better in a few years when puberty hits u. Rn you look infantile. Not much u can do other than just wait homie
Ik you ain’t talking to me but any advice I’m like 14 and this blackpill shit is killing me literally like I can’t look people the same without analyzing them
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Ik you ain’t talking to me but any advice I’m like 14 and this blackpill shit is killing me literally like I can’t look people the same without analyzing them
Looksmaxxing and all blackpill related ideologies have infected not one, but two generations of people. Men are not valued by their looks, but their capabilities. The sooner u leave the blackpill the better if u dont want these incels corrupting ur mind. You’ll grow out of it one day and see humans as actual living people again and not ratios and shit lol
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Looksmaxxing and all blackpill related ideologies have infected not one, but two generations of people. Men are not valued by their looks, but their capabilities. The sooner u leave the blackpill the better if u dont want these incels corrupting ur mind. You’ll grow out of it one day and see humans as actual living people again and not ratios and shit lol
First it started on tik tok my biggest mistake was going onto org because Jesus ima prob delete my account and take a break went from basic skincare from analyzing my facial bones (which kinda helped idk if I’m delusional but Thumbpulling lowkey helped me along with some other stuff so it’s been a blessing and a curse)
erm ok, any tips?
Surgery, your ctpr is so bad your chin is too short and too narrow, asymmetrical jaw and upper eyelids along with your nose being too stubby and short it looks like your face has been compressed in many ways making you look like a retarded pitbull
erm ok, any tips?
Surgery, your ctpr is so bad your chin is too short and too narrow, asymmetrical jaw and upper eyelids along with your nose being too stubby and short it looks like your face has been compressed in many ways making you look like a retarded pitbull
Looksmaxxing and all blackpill related ideologies have infected not one, but two generations of people. Men are not valued by their looks, but their capabilities. The sooner u leave the blackpill the better if u dont want these incels corrupting ur mind. You’ll grow out of it one day and see humans as actual living people again and not ratios and shit lol
if he’s coming here looking for a rating and things to improve whilst lurking instead of posting daily and spending 20 odd hours a week on this website it’s fine his brain won’t be cooked but if he’s planning on doing that then he’s already cooked
if he’s coming here looking for a rating and things to improve whilst lurking instead of posting daily and spending 20 odd hours a week on this website it’s fine his brain won’t be cooked but if he’s planning on doing that then he’s already cooked
Bruh i posted my fat deformed face to this forum looking for things to improve and i fell down this dumb ass rabbit hole i BLINKED and i have 2k posts now. He’ll be the same way. He needs to let the bp go before he ends up like all the other ugly chuds on here trapped in inceldom that have 20k+ posts
if he’s coming here looking for a rating and things to improve whilst lurking instead of posting daily and spending 20 odd hours a week on this website it’s fine his brain won’t be cooked but if he’s planning on doing that then he’s already cooked
Keep in mind I’m not even incel or have trouble with women. They treat me welll. I wanted to look better for myself and this shit happened
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Keep in mind I’m not even incel or have trouble with women. They treat me welll. I wanted to look better for myself and this shit happened
because you’re lazy and fat
A shit little boy with aspergers, that's what
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So you're saying OP is in the same bracket as @Clavicular? You rated clav a mtn.
Yeah he’s a bad rater don’t take any of his ratings seriously. He’s a greycel to me
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So you're saying OP is in the same bracket as @Clavicular? You rated clav a mtn.
he's mtn and clav is like a CL. can mfs stop fucking underrating clav
he's mtn and clav is like a CL. can mfs stop fucking underrating clav
he has good eyes, good jaw, good soft features, good health indicators, decent harmony
He went from rating NorwoodAscender cl-chad to high mtn jfl
Screenshot 20240702 111634 Samsung Internet

Screenshot 20240702 111622 Samsung Internet

Seems like his ratings are subjective rather than objective
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damn brutal @NorwoodAscender descension in a matter of 10 days
He had beef with NA before jfl

And he actually ascended more
He had beef with NA before jfl

And he actually ascended more
true I thought that AVI was some ig model mogger until I took a second look
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He had beef with NA before jfl

And he actually ascended more
He’s so dumb. He also claims he’s chadlite lol. Which i doubt
He’s so dumb. He also claims he’s chadlite lol. Which i doubt
Nah tbf the dude is actually pretty gl lol

But his ratings are very retarded

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