What changes would you like to see made to this forum?

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May 1, 2022
What changes would you like to see made to this forum in general? New features? New subforums? Let us know below.
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Greycel of the week award
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Reactions: anthony111553, goodgamebro, Deleted member 65752 and 176 others
Make a cope react so we can be honest with guys who think they are chadlite, I think we all know a couple :lul::lul::lul:
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Reactions: shogrim, prag, guy24 and 116 others
Less faggots
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Reactions: shogrim, try2beme, shalomnigga and 52 others
Make the looksmaxing subsection main page a sub page where you can choose between 3 options:

- Looksmaxing Questions
- General Looksmaxing
- Surgerymaxxing

instead of putting Looksmaxing questions within general looksmaxing like it is now, there's too many Attention Defecitcels on here.


Also make Pinned threads stand apart more visually, (you could make the text italic, maybe different front, maybe different colour I don't know exactly it would probably need a vote.)
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Reactions: cybe42, Feliezzx, coolguysyndrome and 52 others
Less faggots
316043 460s
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add new striking color roles
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Reactions: j05, AsGoodAsItGets, Suimaxxer and 5 others
Give greycels the opportunity to gain robust colors with a lottery spin, one role per acc :feelsez:
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Reactions: bluemcdonalds, gr34ter, Deleted member 37815 and 14 others
Brutal Similar Threads pill

Screenshot 2022 09 02 at 234909

Xenforo Artificial Intelligence moment xD
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Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets, Suimaxxer, Xangsane and 2 others
Add all the lookism.net full size GIF reacts
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Reactions: Deleted member 47332, bluemcdonalds, mogstar and 39 others
Free username changes bro

Or can I please have a shiny blue username bro I beg
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Reactions: j05, Deleted member 49130, Zaius and 22 others
Make the looksmaxing subsection main page a sub page where you can choose between 3 options:

- Looksmaxing Questions
- General Looksmaxing
- Surgerymaxxing

instead of putting Looksmaxing questions within general looksmaxing like it is now, there's too many Attention Defecitcels on here.


Also make Pinned threads stand apart more visually, (you could make the text italic, maybe different front, maybe different colour I don't know exactly it would probably need a vote.)
Surgerymaxxing subforum is a good idea. Jawsurgeryforums.com is dead and still not letting new users join for whatever reason, so this site, realself are the only places you're getting decent information about surgery (also r/plasticsurgery but that's more for before and afters)

Also seems like general looksmaxxing is flooded with skincare questions and heightmaxxing questions, hard as fuck to find the threads I need when I forget to bookmark them :ogre:
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Reactions: TheBrownOne, Deleted member 29167, Patient A and 20 others
Smileys from is
remove the looksmaxxing (cope) section
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Reactions: !MagicMan777, stimmaxxing, yayatourer and 34 others
More wojak/pepe/emoticon options like what’s on .is

D19689CB 08AA 4422 BD9E 23D9E463412C
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Reactions: stimmaxxing, Deleted member 37815, unknownducks and 15 others
Forum NFTs so I can flex on the broke bois here by reppin’ the most expensive one
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Reactions: Awan, stimmaxxing, unknownducks and 17 others
It's time for the forum to launch its own cryptocurrency
Images 6
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Reactions: D3v, !MagicMan777, Deleted member 47272 and 22 others
Removal of signatures. Or text only signatures. Some people put fucking imgur or video or tiktok, its annoying asf while browsing on desktop.
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Reactions: Deleted member 29167, rooman, Deleted member 21044 and 17 others
can we get an actual hobby section since the off-topic section is consistently flooded with garbage?
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Reactions: Loveland, pentamogged9000, ongongfr and 20 others
- put join date on mobile profiles, I want my halo
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Reactions: unknownducks, AsGoodAsItGets, hypernormie and 12 others
A cope reaction and a subforum called "roping: how and the best ways to rope" that would be the best ending for most delusional greycels and for many normies. Can't wait for the roping subforum:blackpill:. A subforum where we invite redditors here to roast them would be funny too:forcedsmile:
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Reactions: yayatourer, futuregigamogger, Lonenely sigma and 2 others
A r*pe maxing section, where usernames are anonymized and we can discuss details and plans, as well as "ascensions" with image material
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Reactions: TheBiggestIncelEver, anthony111553, stimmaxxing and 39 others
A r*pe maxing section, where usernames are anonymized and we can discuss details and plans, as well as "ascensions" with image material
Glad to know that i'm not the only one that want the rope section, it will be the most useful section here.
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Reactions: !MagicMan777, yayatourer, Deleted member 23219 and 13 others
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Reactions: TheBiggestIncelEver, the_explorer, !MagicMan777 and 13 others
make it look like lookism lol
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Reactions: Deleted member 2729 and Deleted member 16369
The option to restrict your daily time on here by yourself.

For example I would choose that everyday from 6-8pm I can be active with my account and during the rest of the day it’s as if I am banned.
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Reactions: j05, mtcut3plush, AsGoodAsItGets and 27 others
The option to restrict your daily time on here by yourself.

For example I would choose that everyday from 6-8pm I can be active with my account and during the rest of the day it’s as if I am banned.
Mirin self control
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Reactions: j05, Deleted member 23219, AsGoodAsItGets and 20 others
devide the forum into more subforums like on kiwifarms. i think offtopic is crowded with threads that are too varying in quality. mvp's shitposts shouldnt be in the same place as news or quality movie/hobby discussions
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 16275, Makeup_Rules, court monarch777 and 12 others
A specific section for the Gym and Nutrition, add reacts for BOTB, Copes & Legit's. :)
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Reactions: Loveland, Deleted member 29167, Deleted member 19865 and 7 others
What changes would you like to see made to this forum in general? New features? New subforums? Let us know below.

  • Forum member of the week (posted in the announcements section)
    • Equation: Total views in a given week x (Positive emotes + comments)
    • Every user's activity will be tracked and every week, this equation will determine the top 10 users of the week and on Saturday we vote (from the choice of the top 10 users) and the vote closes and the announcement is on Sunday. The voting post and the announcement post is automated. The winner gets announced and the user receives a trophy, a badge that they can flex off in their little text under their profile picture and a little leaderboard where people can check which users won for which week, and the most awarded users.
  • A BOTB voting feature. When the original post in the looksmaxing section receives 50 stars (a new emote to add), the moderators are automatically notified, they fact-check the thread, discuss it and send it to the BOTB section. Our way of determining BOTB is awful. You have to ask moderators who don't even respond sometimes, some say "The people should vote" @tyronelite (nobody votes for BOTB since there's no formal procedure) or is centralized to the mere decision of a single moderator w/o consensus of others, allowing bias and favouritism. (that is how it appears to be to an outsider like me) @AscendingHero
    • A SINGLE BOTB VOTE ADDS 10-50 REPUTATION POINTS! This incentivizes users to be contributors and not shitposters since the reward for quality posts is higher.
    • One BOTB pin adds 1,000 reputation points and you'd get a trophy as well. Again, incentivizing contribution and not shitposting. The amount of knowledge would literally explode if you could get a lot of reputation posts for contributing
    • @ascension! What do you think about this? Just curious.

  • A feed section, make an algorithm that analyzes the user's history, data, etc. and uses that to customize their feed. The feed is the first thing they see when they login. I don't want to see too many shitposts to be honest.

  • Disable the start chat feature
    • No need to explain there, it's awful compared to conversation.
  • Ascension subforums, to inspire people.
  • As @germanlooks said, have a schedule time where you can't login to the forum. Sometime, this forum can steal time away from people who have other things to do in life.
  • Trophies should be visible to other people under your profile picture.
  • Add the following new stickers to posts: Update, Experiment, GTFIH, Brutal
  • A shit-post section, please.
  • FIX AUTOSAVE WHEN WRITING THREADS! Sometimes, only the pictures autosave and not the text!
  • People should be able to pin posts and comments on their profile. I have a link to all of my guides on my profile so I would like it if anyone who checked it out could see it.
  • The ability to host livestreams would be cool

PM me if you need help implementing these features, I'd be glad to help! @Master
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Reactions: Loveland, Deleted member 26824, hypernormie and 28 others
As @germanlooks said, have a schedule time where you can't login to the forum. Sometime, this forum can steal time away from people who have other things to do in life.
Or here they could also add an option/function to set a certain time (something like a timer) in which, after reaching the set-time, the user can no longer access to the Forum. There are many people who spend too much time on the Forum and haven't even started their Looksmaxing Journey (I'm sadly one of them). :feelswhy:
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Reactions: AscendingHero and enchanted_elixir
There should also be a subforum or an entire section dedicated to Self-Improvement and by this I mean something like that dedicated to improving our lives. In a nutshell: Mental health, visualization, meditation, journaling...
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Reactions: heightmaxxing, the_explorer, Lihito and 8 others
There should also be a Subforum or an entire Forum dedicated to Self-Improvement and by this I mean something like that dedicated to improving our lives in a nutshell (i.e mental health, visualization, meditation, journaling...)
I guess for now moneymaxxing & success is the place for that, but I agree self-improvement could be a good subforum as there should be bigger focus on that
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Reactions: Lmao, Corleone, ascension! and 1 other person
devide the forum into more subforums like on kiwifarms. i think offtopic is crowded with threads that are too varying in quality. mvp's shitposts shouldnt be in the same place as news or quality movie/hobby discussions
Sewers section in OffTOpic 4 peak rotting :what:
  • JFL
Reactions: Lmao, Deprived, Deleted member 16369 and 2 others
What changes would you like to see made to this forum in general? New features? New subforums? Let us know below.

The Option for a user to Disable the start chat feature while keeping the "start conversations" feature intact and enabled.

Its broke and glitchy, plus i miss so many messages because of it.
I don't even recieve the notifications from it.

And i want uses to pm me in "start conversations" not in "start chat"

2.Also, please make an official archive/backup of this site using httrack, or wGet because so many important things will be gone if this site crashed like lookism did.
Just play the safe game bro and make an official backup/archive

U guys have the money and knowledge for that too
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Reactions: hypernormie, ascension!, squirrelcel and 2 others
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Reactions: NEVERENDINGSPIRIT, !MagicMan777, ItsOver.com and 10 others
2.Also, please make an official archive/backup of this site using httrack, or wGet because so many important things will be gone if this site crashed like lookism did.
Just play the safe game bro and make an official backup/archive

U guys have the money and knowledge for that too
or just make a backup file uploaded to MegaUpload and only let only a few trusted users e.g. mods back the website up themselves
Ban all the whiney rotting losers that doesn't contribute to the forum whatsoever.
Or make a specific subforum tailored for their needs :Comfy:
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Reactions: ordinarypsycho, AsGoodAsItGets, Deleted member 4362 and 2 others
Desperately need a cope react
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Reactions: Lihito, stevielake, ThousandCuts and 4 others
What changes would you like to see made to this forum in general? New features? New subforums? Let us know below.
Ban @the BULL

He asked for it too
2.Also, please make an official archive/backup of this site using httrack, or wGet because so many important things will be gone if this site crashed like lookism did.
Just play the safe game bro and make an official backup/archive
This tbh. It would really suck if one day this forum just goes poof with all the discussions and info here. :feelscry:
I must start copying hundreds of threads I bookmarked onto google docs asap :dafuckfeels:
What changes would you like to see made to this forum in general? New features? New subforums? Let us know below.
Allow girls on here. I hear lookism did. That would make things a lot more interesting.

Or maybe allow girls to join but only let them comment in the off topic section. Ban them from referencing any posts or threads made in other sections.
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Reactions: !MagicMan777 and Makeup_Rules
More subforums for hardmaxers, softmaxers, gymmaxers. Also make a subforum for people who had surgery so we could see their results and read their experiences. Perhaps a subforum for potential looksmax stuff that is under development. Like the new kintor anti hairloss drugs.
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Reactions: stimmaxxing, Makeup_Rules, serbiangandy and 3 others
What changes would you like to see made to this forum in general? New features? New subforums? Let us know below.
#1 List of watched-users, similar to the (completely useless) following list, to better manage them.

#2 something similar to reddit's "top: hour/today/week/month" aka simultaneously sorting by views and a set thread creation date.
Screenshot 2022 09 06 at 171730

would filter out old bumped thread and give people the opportunity to stay up-to-date with the most viral posts of the day in each sub-forum, without having to click through 5 pages of shit-posts.

@tyronelite @Niko69 my efficiency guys.
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Reactions: Alexanderr and Deleted member 14693
Posts of manlets showing in the smallest font
Posts of ethnics showing in arabic
Everything the bull posts automatically gets replaced with some of his pics
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Reactions: timid, the_explorer, ItsOver.com and 32 others
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Reactions: alpha_provider, Deleted member 18849, Lmao and 1 other person
make username colours free.
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Reactions: Lmao
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