What constitutes Long Limbs (Clavicles, arms, wrists etc)? What are some quanitifiable measurements around these bodyparts to know to gymcell?



Nov 24, 2019
What makes for a good frame in terms of measurements? Like what distance is required between your shoulders? How big should your wrists be? Your forearm, arm, etc? What makes for a smaller or aesthetic pelvis? Need to know if gymmaxing is worth it or if I am a framecell....
They're dependent on other features.
Just fucking hit the gym you lazy fuck
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Check anthropometric statistics. It's most likely that you fall in the average ranges for each measurement.

As for frame, it's often misrepresented as the amount of muscle that one has, while the actual meaning would be synonymous with bone structure. The most important thing for a visually pleasing frame is shoulder-to-waist ratio. The ideal SWR value, the so-called Adonis index, is considered to be ~1.6. In practical terms this means that a wide pelvis can be compensated for with even wider shoulders; and vice versa for narrow shoulders.

The next factor that comes into play when speaking about an aesthetic physique is tendon length, commonly incorrectly called "muscle insertions". Your muscles, my muscles and the muscles of any other human being, in physiological conditions, "insert" or attach to the bone at THE EXACT SAME PLACE. Where the difference actually lies is the ratio between muscle fibers and tendon length, known as the muscle belly. A higher muscle:tendon ratio is more attractive and gives the muscle a fuller look.

cba to write more about it rn, but feel free to ask anything
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Check anthropometric statistics. It's most likely that you fall in the average ranges for each measurement.

As for frame, it's often misrepresented as the amount of muscle that one has, while the actual meaning would be synonymous with bone structure. The most important thing for a visually pleasing frame is shoulder-to-waist ratio. The ideal SWR value, the so-called Adonis index, is considered to be ~1.6. In practical terms this means that a wide pelvis can be compensated for with even wider shoulders; and vice versa for narrow shoulders.

The next factor that comes into play when speaking about an aesthetic physique is tendon length, commonly incorrectly called "muscle insertions". Your muscles, my muscles and the muscles of any other human being, in physiological conditions, "insert" or attach to the bone at THE EXACT SAME PLACE. Where the difference actually lies is the ratio between muscle fibers and tendon length, known as the muscle belly. A higher muscle:tendon ratio is more attractive and gives the muscle a fuller look.

cba to write more about it rn, but feel free to ask anything
how do i know if i have high muscle:tendon ratio
how do i know if i have high muscle:tendon ratio

it's gonna vary from muscle to muscle, no one has a uniformly high ratio. An easy example would be the biceps

^ ignore the incorrect terminology I already explained in my previous comment.
it's gonna vary from muscle to muscle, no one has a uniformly high ratio. An easy example would be the biceps

^ ignore the incorrect terminology I already explained in my previous comment.
good ratio= long bicep insertion?
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yes, the "long" muscle belly is generally considered optimal.
are there any difference in function (be blackpilled, Athlean X says it doesnt matter, but he is a fag)

I have the example on the right (space between ankle and bicep)

and strangely enough, I also have a space between my breast muscles

Does this corelate

I dont have pectus excavatum ( if, then minor)
and strangely enough, I also have a space between my breast muscles
that's also generally considered bad chest insertions afaik

idk if it has any practical effect regarding strength etc though
that's also generally considered bad chest insertions afaik

idk if it has any practical effect regarding strength etc though
matter of fact, I have 55 percentile bideltoid as untrained

Cant even do 4 pull ups (I am 18 y/o)
are there any difference in function

sure, a longer tendon provides a bigger leverage thus more power. People with longer achilles tendon jump higher all other things equal iirc.
sure, a longer tendon provides a bigger leverage thus more power. People with longer achilles tendon jump higher all other things equal iirc.
I am too low IQ

so I would probably have short tendons ? or long ones ?

Also, do you know LIPUS and Proviron
so I would probably have short tendons ? or long ones ?

if you have distance between the end of your biceps and your elbow, that means you have a longer biceps tendon. This might give you a bit of a power advantage due to better leverage, but is generally sub-optimal as far as aesthetics are concerned. I'm not sure whether the length of your biceps tendon correlates with the length of other tendons, but I'd wager it does not.
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Just fucking hit the gym you lazy fuck
So then what's the deal with all the framecell discussion on looksmax and "theres no gym for ur face"? Do you see where the pessimism/hesitancy comes from?
So then what's the deal with all the framecell discussion on looksmax and "theres no gym for ur face"? Do you see where the pessimism/hesitancy comes from?
It’ll be better than whatever your current form is. Shit frame or not. Also, gymceling is proven to give you a confidence boost and it’s just overall healthy for you. I highly recommend you give it a try. Most users here are just lazy fucks who rot on the forums just to bitch and moan about being ugly but won’t dare try any of the softmaxxing methods found on here, with gymceling being one of them. This forum is actual gold for info.
It’ll be better than whatever your current form is. Shit frame or not. Also, gymceling is proven to give you a confidence boost and it’s just overall healthy for you. I highly recommend you give it a try. Most users here are just lazy fucks who rot on the forums just to bitch and moan about being ugly but won’t dare try any of the softmaxxing methods found on here, with gymceling being one of them. This forum is actual gold for info.
Okay fair enough. What you said is very true especially considering im only 20. Can I PM you with a question regarding this? It would mean a lot to me. Thanks
Okay fair enough. What you said is very true especially considering im only 20. Can I PM you with a question regarding this? It would mean a lot to me. Thanks
Yeah man go for it.
Check anthropometric statistics. It's most likely that you fall in the average ranges for each measurement.

As for frame, it's often misrepresented as the amount of muscle that one has, while the actual meaning would be synonymous with bone structure. The most important thing for a visually pleasing frame is shoulder-to-waist ratio. The ideal SWR value, the so-called Adonis index, is considered to be ~1.6. In practical terms this means that a wide pelvis can be compensated for with even wider shoulders; and vice versa for narrow shoulders.

The next factor that comes into play when speaking about an aesthetic physique is tendon length, commonly incorrectly called "muscle insertions". Your muscles, my muscles and the muscles of any other human being, in physiological conditions, "insert" or attach to the bone at THE EXACT SAME PLACE. Where the difference actually lies is the ratio between muscle fibers and tendon length, known as the muscle belly. A higher muscle:tendon ratio is more attractive and gives the muscle a fuller look.

cba to write more about it rn, but feel free to ask anything
Lifefuel tbh

I thought ribcage to waist ratio was the main thing to consider (I'd say I'm aproximately 1:1 in this area), but I think I'm more than fine in shoulder to waist ratio

Also thanks for this good explanation

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