

“The average is 5.1 bro!! I swear!!”
Mar 23, 2024
Combination of very strict parents and shitty social skills made me come out a retard

I missed out on A LOT of essential early socialization from middleschool, to now (16yo).

Havent made a new friend or had a converation with a girl my age in 5 years.

How can i cope?

Parents are still very strict and overprotective if i want to do something with a friend they would probably have to know almost every detail.

I’ve overheard their converations with other guests with the same mindset and they know they are extremely overprotective, from what i understand have been keeping me in a cage and plan to do so until marriage because they don’t want me to “get corrupted by the west”.

I’m definitely not getting married until mid 30s because of looks and HORRIBLE social skills. Also i most likely will rope at 19-20 if i have the balls and if my life doesnt get better.

So i’m screwed what can i do? What should i do?
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Reactions: Chadeep, boss8055, NorwoodAscender and 2 others
All u gotta do is talk with them boyo!
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  • JFL
Reactions: Chadeep, MA_ascender, Clqs and 2 others
All u gotta do is talk with them boyo!
We’ve argued about it multiple times, i get no where, they just larp that they are completely normal but slightly paranoid and that it’s completely easy for me to go out.
(jfl its not at all worth the effort if i wanted to go out with one of my longtime friends, 2-3 hours of debating and negotiation but they still deny it.) ive been to my friends house 2-3 times and each time was a huge pain in the ass to convince so i just gave up cuz not worth the effort
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Reactions: Chadeep, boss8055 and NorwoodAscender
I would just kms at that point, OD on Xanax or benzodiazepines
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Good parents they will never have a whore as a daughter
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 65208, NorwoodAscender and kebab
I would just kms at that point, OD on Xanax or benzodiazepines
How to get my hands on them? I tried like last year by drinking a ton of salt water cause it’s apparently painless. Do i need them prescribed?
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  • +1
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How to get my hands on them? I tried like last year by drinking a ton of salt water cause it’s apparently painless. Do i need them prescribed?
Off the deep web somehow, when I get more money I’ll also try
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Nigga dont kill y inourself, you will find a way to avhieve your goals
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Reactions: NorwoodAscender
Nigga dont kill y inourself, you will find a way to avhieve your goals
My life feels too far down to ever be normal tbh, my grades are shitty so i will eventually have to go to a community college, i had 2 (or 1 cause one was just a date cuz i was too pussy) but it did nothing so im finna wait till 19-20 and see if this get better.
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Off the deep web somehow, when I get more money I’ll also try
Im not doing all that im sure i can get it prescribed right? If so what should i larp.
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  • +1
Reactions: NorwoodAscender
My life feels too far down to ever be normal tbh, my grades are shitty so i will eventually have to go to a community college, i had 2 (or 1 cause one was just a date cuz i was too pussy) but it did nothing so im finna wait till 19-20 and see if this get better.
Nigga never give up your parents will become less strict as time passes
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Reactions: NorwoodAscender
Spit in their face and tell them to fuck off, the fuck are they going to do just live your life and don't give a fucj low inhibmaxx
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Nigga never give up your parents will become less strict as time passes
Im almost 17 bro jfl they have literally gotten worse bro
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Spit in their face and tell them to fuck off, the fuck are they going to do just live your life and don't give a fucj low inhibmaxx
They will kick me out also why did u get banned from the discord
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Reactions: NorwoodAscender
They will kick me out also why did u get banned from the discord
Why should you care? i got kicked out aswell, now i got my own apartment simple as that bro also dm idk who you are
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y you talking about killing yourself bro, your parents are the problem, kill them if you're going to go that route
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Reactions: Deleted member 66574 and NorwoodAscender
y you talking about killing yourself bro, your parents are the problem, kill them if you're going to go that route
I tried but i wont do it tbh until im 19-20 and my life hasnt gotten better
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Reactions: NorwoodAscender and xegigi
Why should you care? i got kicked out aswell, now i got my own apartment simple as that bro also dm idk who you are
I’m in america my life is over if i get kicked out and im pushing 17 and they never let me get a job so i have no saved up money also i dmed you
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Reactions: NorwoodAscender
Sounds like their plan is to create a socially stunted child with no real world skills, then kick you out of the house when you're a vulnerable useless adult.

They're evil OP, you have to find a way out
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Reactions: CarrotMaxxer, NorwoodAscender and theonewhocantascend
Combination of very strict parents and shitty social skills made me come out a retard

I missed out on A LOT of essential early socialization from middleschool, to now (16yo).

Havent made a new friend or had a converation with a girl my age in 5 years.

How can i cope?

Parents are still very strict and overprotective if i want to do something with a friend they would probably have to know almost every detail.

I’ve overheard their converations with other guests with the same mindset and they know they are extremely overprotective, from what i understand have been keeping me in a cage and plan to do so until marriage because they don’t want me to “get corrupted by the west”.

I’m definitely not getting married until mid 30s because of looks and HORRIBLE social skills. Also i most likely will rope at 19-20 if i have the balls and if my life doesnt get better.

So i’m screwed what can i do? What should i do?
Sounds like their plan is to create a socially stunted child with no real world skills, then kick you out of the house when you're a vulnerable useless adult.

They're evil OP, you have to find a way out
They wont kick me out just for my age, they want me to stay and not move out until 25- mid 30s
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Reactions: NorwoodAscender
My dad kicked me out of the house at 16, literally because I didn't do my chores one day. He was the strictest faggot ever and cucked my social development so hard as a teen. I haven't spoken to him since then, my life is considerably better even though I had to suffer for a year
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  • So Sad
Reactions: twojei, NorwoodAscender and kebab
You know the answer already
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Reactions: NorwoodAscender
My dad kicked me out of the house at 16, literally because I didn't do my chores one day. He was the strictest faggot ever and cucked my social development so hard as a teen. I haven't spoken to him since then, my life is considerably better even though I had to suffer for a year
Are u in america? How did u survive
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Reactions: NorwoodAscender and N1666
This is NOT the place to get help, boyo.
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Reactions: CarrotMaxxer and NorwoodAscender
This is NOT the place to get help, boyo.
I have nowhere else to go

My parents just tell me it’s my fault and i have shitty social skills because i have confidence problems.

They also don’t believe in therapy or psychiatrists as they think i have no issues and am completely normal and think a psychiatrist or therapy will make me kill myself and become a drug addict
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Are u in america? How did u survive
I was living in England at the time, I moved into a family friends house and then I started making my own money. It was pretty tough ngl, then I moved into my own place. I wish my dad kicked me out earlier, he mentally and physically abused me. There's a difference between having strict parents who are looking out for you and parents who take out their anger on you because they are miserable themselves
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Reactions: tombradylover, CarrotMaxxer and NorwoodAscender
I was living in England at the time, I moved into a family friends house and then I started making my own money. It was pretty tough ngl, then I moved into my own place. I wish my dad kicked me out earlier, he mentally and physically abused me. There's a difference between having strict parents who are looking out for you and parents who take out their anger on you because they are miserable themselves
I don’t think they are taking out anger on me, they just are really really overprotective
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Why cant u make friends at school?
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Then resist but do it in secret

Easy solution, they will not know
How the hell do i do that? I have no friends except for 10 that i’ve known since elementary and even then they are all losers with somewhat strict parents
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I dont know

Id say mix of very shitty social skills and strict overprotective parents
Before you blame them atleast try your best to push yourself to meet new people. Ofc you have a pretty bad situation but do as much u can possible
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Wait for college
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Before you blame them atleast try your best to push yourself to meet new people. Ofc you have a pretty bad situation but do as much u can possible
But i’d honestly say its 65% me and 35% them. I was just born with really bad social skills, in elementary i was called obnoxious and annoying but my personality did a full 180 in middleschool, went completely quiet after changing districts
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Reactions: NorwoodAscender and smallman

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