Wait for college
grades are too shitty i’d have to go to a community college so im fucked regardless.
Unless some miracle comes my only option is be stuck in this situation till 25-30 or rope which would be smarter to pick the latter
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But i’d honestly say its 65% me and 35% them. I was just born with really bad social skills, in elementary i was called obnoxious and annoying but my personality did a full 180 in middleschool, went completely quiet after changing districts
Yea I can relate to u
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You need to stand up to strict parents or they’ll keep controlling you and try to morph you into something you’re not and you’re fucked…Trust me from experience.
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You need to stand up to strict parents or they’ll keep controlling you and try to morph you into something you’re not and you’re fucked…Trust me from experience.
What should i do?
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What should i do?
Idk man. Just stand up for yourself and compromise with them. I used to lashed out at them, wasn’t ideal but they stopped trying to control me.
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Idk man. Just stand up for yourself and compromise with them. I used to lashed out at them, wasn’t ideal but they stopped trying to control me.
I dont know man my life is in such a bad situation i have no clue what i need to do. I wanna save up for surgeries but my parents don’t let me get a job. So i’m stuck with my looks and shitty grades meaning i need to go to a shitty community college. I rarely say this but roping might be the only option
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Damn having shitty parents is so brutal, I been there.

Unfortunately as long as you can't move out there is nothing you can do. Your parents are insane, you just can't reason with insane ppl. :feelsrope:
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Idk man. Just stand up for yourself and compromise with them. I used to lashed out at them, wasn’t ideal but they stopped trying to control me.
I remember when I would lash out at mine and they would threaten locking me in a mental asylum.

Never began if you had shitty parents.
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Damn having shitty parents is so brutal, I been there.

Unfortunately as long as you can't move out there is nothing you can do. Your parents are insane, you just can't reason with insane ppl. :feelsrope:
Should i just rope? I need to find where i can get xanax for painless rope but i couldnt afford it anyway, i cant get a job anyway cuz they dont allow me so moving out isnt an option unless i join the military or smth.
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Combination of very strict parents and shitty social skills made me come out a retard

I missed out on A LOT of essential early socialization from middleschool, to now (16yo).

Havent made a new friend or had a converation with a girl my age in 5 years.

How can i cope?

Parents are still very strict and overprotective if i want to do something with a friend they would probably have to know almost every detail.

I’ve overheard their converations with other guests with the same mindset and they know they are extremely overprotective, from what i understand have been keeping me in a cage and plan to do so until marriage because they don’t want me to “get corrupted by the west”.

I’m definitely not getting married until mid 30s because of looks and HORRIBLE social skills. Also i most likely will rope at 19-20 if i have the balls and if my life doesnt get better.

So i’m screwed what can i do? What should i do?
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grades are too shitty i’d have to go to a community college so im fucked regardless.
Unless some miracle comes my only option is be stuck in this situation till 25-30 or rope which would be smarter to pick the latter
Okay then stop blaming ur parents you retarded fuck. You can’t even focus at school when your parents keep you at home? Do you just spend all day jerking off I don’t understand
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Okay then stop blaming ur parents you retarded fuck. You can’t even focus at school when your parents keep you at home? Do you just spend all day jerking off I don’t understand
Like i said its 65% me and 35% my parents, even if i was NT i couldnt even do shit so im fucked for life
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Like i said its 65% me and 35% my parents, even if i was NT i couldnt even do shit so im fucked for life
Brutal bc freshmen year of college is the easiest time to ascend. Only time I’ve gotten laid. If you miss it, it’s gonna haunt you for a long time.
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  • +1
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Combination of very strict parents and shitty social skills made me come out a retard

I missed out on A LOT of essential early socialization from middleschool, to now (16yo).

Havent made a new friend or had a converation with a girl my age in 5 years.

How can i cope?

Parents are still very strict and overprotective if i want to do something with a friend they would probably have to know almost every detail.

I’ve overheard their converations with other guests with the same mindset and they know they are extremely overprotective, from what i understand have been keeping me in a cage and plan to do so until marriage because they don’t want me to “get corrupted by the west”.

I’m definitely not getting married until mid 30s because of looks and HORRIBLE social skills. Also i most likely will rope at 19-20 if i have the balls and if my life doesnt get better.

So i’m screwed what can i do? What should i do?
I'm 38. And my dad is 76. It gets easier when you physically mog your father and they are physically dependent on you. I suggest you start hitting the gym. To prepare to fight your dad in the future. If it has to come to that.
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Brutal bc freshmen year of college is the easiest time to ascend. Only time I’ve gotten laid. If you miss it, it’s gonna haunt you for a long time.
Ur fucking joking bro my life is over rope might actually be the only option. Is there anyway i can go to a real college?
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I'm 38. And my dad is 76. It gets easier when you physically mog your father and they are physically dependent on you. I suggest you start hitting the gym. To prepare to fight your dad in the future. If it has to come to that.
I won’t fight my dad i physically mog both my parents and could win a fight against my dad with decent difficulty
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I won’t fight my dad i physically mog both my parents and could win a fight against my dad with decent difficulty
I know this isn't realistic in 2024 for a 16 year old girl. But the only way out is to somehow manage to become financially independent and go no contact with your parents. My ex (whose 10 years older), she moved out when she was 17.... In 1992-1993. lmfao. Rent is super expensive now.
  • +1
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I know this isn't realistic in 2024 for a 16 year old girl. But the only way out is to somehow manage to become financially independent and go no contact with your parents. My ex (whose 10 years older), she moved out when she was 17.... In 1992-1993. lmfao. Rent is super expensive now.
Im not even allowed to get a job so im fucked lol
  • +1
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Im not even allowed to get a job so im fucked lol
Legally at 16 you absolutely are allowed to work. If your parents won't allow you to work, that's fucked. They like having control over you and don't want you to be independent.
  • +1
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Combination of very strict parents and shitty social skills made me come out a retard

I missed out on A LOT of essential early socialization from middleschool, to now (16yo).

Havent made a new friend or had a converation with a girl my age in 5 years.

How can i cope?

Parents are still very strict and overprotective if i want to do something with a friend they would probably have to know almost every detail.

I’ve overheard their converations with other guests with the same mindset and they know they are extremely overprotective, from what i understand have been keeping me in a cage and plan to do so until marriage because they don’t want me to “get corrupted by the west”.

I’m definitely not getting married until mid 30s because of looks and HORRIBLE social skills. Also i most likely will rope at 19-20 if i have the balls and if my life doesnt get better.

So i’m screwed what can i do? What should i do?
  • +1
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Legally at 16 you absolutely are allowed to work. If your parents won't allow you to work, that's fucked. They like having control over you and don't want you to be independent.
They dint want me to work because they say “they dont want my boss to mistreat me” or “they dont want me to become overworked”

I think the real reason tho is they don’t want me to get a taste of freedom because ill crave more
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Should i just rope? I need to find where i can get xanax for painless rope but i couldnt afford it anyway, i cant get a job anyway cuz they dont allow me so moving out isnt an option unless i join the military or smth.
Dude, don't rope lol

It would be nice if you find a way to make money online or someth'.
Maybe move to another relative's house? Do you have any other family members you are cool with? It would be the best option. I hope your whole family is not crazy. :ogre:
  • +1
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Dude, don't rope lol

It would be nice if you find a way to make money online or someth'.
Maybe move to another relative's house? Do you have any other family members you are cool with? It would be the best option. I hope your whole family is not crazy. :ogre:
I dont have any relatives that i can go to, i think im too far down for saving tbh
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I dont have any relatives that i can go to, i think im too far down for saving tbh
Really? No one?

I honestly think roping because of those mfs is cucked, don't let them get the best of you! your situation sucks now but in 2 years you can do whatever the hell you want. Just hang in there. What's 2 years for someone who had to endure all this crap for 16 years?
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Really? No one?

I honestly think roping because of those mfs is cucked, don't let them get the best of you! your situation sucks now but in 2 years you can do whatever the hell you want. Just hang in there. What's 2 years for someone who had to endure all this crap for 16 years?
I’m not roping till 19-20 cause i wanna wait because what if a miracle comes 🤷‍♂️, i tried last year with salt water cause its apparently jfl it did nothing tho, i was an idiot for trying at 15, but hopefully if i’m able to transfer to a real uni things might be bette
  • +1
Reactions: NorwoodAscender
Combination of very strict parents and shitty social skills made me come out a retard

I missed out on A LOT of essential early socialization from middleschool, to now (16yo).

Havent made a new friend or had a converation with a girl my age in 5 years.

How can i cope?

Parents are still very strict and overprotective if i want to do something with a friend they would probably have to know almost every detail.

I’ve overheard their converations with other guests with the same mindset and they know they are extremely overprotective, from what i understand have been keeping me in a cage and plan to do so until marriage because they don’t want me to “get corrupted by the west”.

I’m definitely not getting married until mid 30s because of looks and HORRIBLE social skills. Also i most likely will rope at 19-20 if i have the balls and if my life doesnt get better.

So i’m screwed what can i do? What should i do?
tell them to kill themselves unironically
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just move out neeguh
  • +1
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just move out neeguh
The kid is 16. lmfao. Even if this kid wasn't a loser, it's next to impossible to move out at 16 these days. Back in like the early 90s, it was possible to support yourself and move out at like 17, maybe 16.
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  • +1
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The kid is 16. lmfao. Even if this kid wasn't a loser, it's next to impossible to move out at 16 these days. Back in like the early 90s, it was possible to support yourself and move out at like 17, maybe 16.
you can still get a job at 16, better to start becoming independent than this whole living in a toxic situation shut.
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How? I can’t work a job bc they dont let me
fuark that is a tough situation, do you have friends you can crash with while you pile up some money ?
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you can still get a job at 16, better to start becoming independent than this whole living in a toxic situation shut.
Jobs for 16 year olds don't pay a living wage to be able to afford rent. You know that. You live in fucking California. lmfao
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fuark that is a tough situation, do you have friends you can crash with while you pile up some money ?
I have like 10 from elementary but they wouldn’t let me, their parents are strict too and know my parents
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Jobs for 16 year olds don't pay a living wage to be able to afford rent. You know that. You live in fucking California. lmfao
i was getting close to independence with my last job. I'll do better with this pharmacy tech shut.
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I have like 10 from elementary but they wouldn’t let me, their parents are strict too and know my parents
brutal, in that case just hunker tight till you can get through school or somethin. I assume they are at least willing to pay you through school or some shut.
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Ur fucking joking bro my life is over rope might actually be the only option. Is there anyway i can go to a real college?
What’s your GPA and SAT?
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brutal, in that case just hunker tight till you can get through school or somethin. I assume they are at least willing to pay you through school or some shut.
They aren’t paying for my college, but i’m going to a community college anyway cuz grades r fucked
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  • +1
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what socialisation? no socialising to 16 year old doesnt matter at all neither did i
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They aren’t paying for my college, but i’m going to a community college anyway cuz grades r fucked
damn, they sound like dickheads for reals. Well just take advantage of living with them, and get a good degree. Not some ghey liberal arts shut. Then when you can take care of yourself remove yourself from the toxic situation.
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Dk my sat, gpa is like 1.2 but increasing
Focus on getting a really good SAT score. 1400 minimum. Then make up shit on your college app about how your GPA is low because your dad is a heroin addict or something. You could probably sell the idea that you are smart and just in bad circumstances. Get your GPA up as well to a 2.0 at least
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damn, they sound like dickheads for reals. Well just take advantage of living with them, and get a good degree. Not some ghey liberal arts shut. Then when you can take care of yourself remove yourself from the toxic situation.
That will be hard with my 1.2 gpa but whatever ill try, i gotta really try me best tho otherwise the only other option is roping

But they’re cool, just super super overprotective
Focus on getting a really good SAT score. 1400 minimum. Then make up shit on your college app about how your GPA is low because your dad is a heroin addict or something. You could probably sell the idea that you are smart and just in bad circumstances. Get your GPA up as well to a 2.0 at least
Okay cool, how do i study for the sat? I need to try my best otherwise its actually over unironically
That will be hard with my 1.2 gpa but whatever ill try, i gotta really try me best tho otherwise the only other option is roping

But they’re cool, just super super overprotective
well the good news is your not turbo old like me n shut and still stuck with your parents n shut. I don't think your high school gpa matters that much since you restart in college n shut. Just keep grinding bro.
well the good news is your not turbo old like me n shut and still stuck with your parents n shut. I don't think your high school gpa matters that much since you restart in college n shut. Just keep grinding bro.
Ill try my best thanks for the advice bro
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