What is reality for oldcels options

What is PRANA?
Basically, life force to another level.
It comes from sexual energy being transmuted.
It feels like a fresh mint current into the body, sometimes moving.
Can be used on external matter too.
It's the Force in SW.
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That sounds basically to me, that a woman desires you for your:
- personality (enjoys your company);
- looks/attractiveness (enjoys your touch, which likely only happens when we find someone attractive. I main, I like the touch of a woman I find attractive, but not from someon I don't find attractive).

Your wish-list basically excludes you from things like:
* a woman (who is poor) but loves your money/wealth and is willing to compromise her wishes for what a man looks like in exchange for his wealth/security/safety. Which means, you basically exclude this option (see videos below, as an extreme example).
The thing is. The way you like/want it, is more difficult I seem to notice. That's why like 80% of dudes, basically betaBuxx. But a person wants what a person wants; so good to go for that.

I know I’m excluding myself from that, but I don’t mind. I have no desire for any girl, no matter how beautiful, to settle with me for my money.
I understand that providing is important, and my money being a factor into someone choosing me is understandable. But the only reason? No. That would never last. I won’t be used in that way.
Thanks. But it's mostly a copy from a reddit blackpillscience post. So credit to him, but that dude also copied it from someone else. A copy chain.

To add.
Overall male peak in desirablity is around 50. If you include women all ages. The previous thing I quoted, is about getting with prime age women.

beyond prime age women. Man peak is at around 50.
So maybe in that sense MGTOW is right, but Jesus helll I can't imagine getting verry excited about 40 years old women in general.


no matter if copied or not, i would like to thank you for the effort.


btw iam 31 years old and ive never looked better, working out since about one year, developed a full beard and i have my cash and life in order and iam getting IOI´s on a daily basis. Even from schoolgirls from the neighbourhood and they are 19 years old max.

From ages 18-28 ive been a ghost. Lived the life of a ghost, and this is the last part i need to sort out - my mental damage from the years of gaming and isolation and my emotional immaturity.

emotional immaturity is still a thing for me, i "felt in love" about 5-6 times in 2019 and two times in 2020 already. I need to get this shit sorted out ASAP. It consumes my mental and time resources.
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no matter if copied or not, i would like to thank you for the effort.


btw iam 31 years old and ive never looked better, working out since about one year, developed a full beard and i have my cash and life in order and iam getting IOI´s on a daily basis. Even from schoolgirls from the neighbourhood and they are 19 years old max.

From ages 18-28 ive been a ghost. Lived the life of a ghost, and this is the last part i need to sort out - my mental damage from the years of gaming and isolation and my emotional immaturity.

emotional immaturity is still a thing for me, i "felt in love" about 5-6 times in 2019 and two times in 2020 already. I need to get this shit sorted out ASAP. It consumes my mental and time resources.
Good for you. I’ve got 10 years on you and I’m hoping for the same turnaround this year too
no matter if copied or not, i would like to thank you for the effort.


btw iam 31 years old and ive never looked better, working out since about one year, developed a full beard and i have my cash and life in order and iam getting IOI´s on a daily basis. Even from schoolgirls from the neighbourhood and they are 19 years old max.

From ages 18-28 ive been a ghost. Lived the life of a ghost, and this is the last part i need to sort out - my mental damage from the years of gaming and isolation and my emotional immaturity.

emotional immaturity is still a thing for me, i "felt in love" about 5-6 times in 2019 and two times in 2020 already. I need to get this shit sorted out ASAP. It consumes my mental and time resources.
Mental damage is something way more difficult to fix than looks tbh. I'm 28 and still have some teenage dreams that were never fulfilled.
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to admit youve got a problem or disadvantage is the first step, sounds cliché but you have to give your subconscious mind something to work with - your subc. mind is much faster then you can imagine and it can solve any problem and steer your attention to new details, but you have to give it the correct and strong suggestions. Thats my method and iam making steady progress like nobody would imagine.
I’ve been riding on the concept that men age like wine and that their sexual value doesn’t decrease until they literally can’t get it up, as long as they stay in shape and take care of themselves. after reading here trying to optimize where I look for someone to minimize rejection/wasting time, it seems like that MGTOW theory is a cope. So I wanted to poll every guy here: how often have you seen 21-25 year old girls in relationships with guys that are more than 15 years older than them? And girls who are at psl 3 and not complete past sluts (less than 20 bodies) That’s the only standard I have. I’m 41. I can reform what they think from there if they aren’t a bitch.
Just get over the idea that you need to chase women all your life, at the end of the day it doesn't really matter, if you're so obsessed just try to find a couple of highly beautiful hookers at a good price and fuck them until you have had enough
no matter if copied or not, i would like to thank you for the effort.


btw iam 31 years old and ive never looked better, working out since about one year, developed a full beard and i have my cash and life in order and iam getting IOI´s on a daily basis. Even from schoolgirls from the neighbourhood and they are 19 years old max.

From ages 18-28 ive been a ghost. Lived the life of a ghost, and this is the last part i need to sort out - my mental damage from the years of gaming and isolation and my emotional immaturity.

emotional immaturity is still a thing for me, i "felt in love" about 5-6 times in 2019 and two times in 2020 already. I need to get this shit sorted out ASAP. It consumes my mental and time resources.
Lifefuel post for many dudes, I hope.

I have no idea, what you mean or why you hate failling in love or likeing certain woman. Although I do recall, that I found it important to control myself on that matter at MINIMUM untill sex happened. Although I do know plenty guys, that get over exited alot way to early, and project something into the future when they just met a girl a few times and sex hasn't even happened yet. And they go all "oneitis", and fool themselfes they would be so happy with that woman if the got together. While the reality might be, that not compatible or other stuff.
Imagine being 41 and post asking advices to high school folks and teenagers who normally call you " sir " on the street...
Imagine being 41 and post asking advices to high school folks and teenagers who normally call you " sir " on the street...
There are more older dudes on her, then I and you would had thought. Plenty dudes here, are past 25.

Looksmaxxing when older. Is actually MOST legit.
BECAUSE, being good/well looking past late 30's is fucking rare. So you can mogg, all your same aged peers.

While when young. All dudes still have their hair, more *then later) are still normal body weight and are somewhat trained, all dudes have non-wrinkled skin, and so on.

But if you look good, at 40. It's rare. And you also get more validation from others, because of it being rare.

I can't say anything about getting prime aged young women, then still. I have no experience with that. But on the other stuff in life, it's a nice 'halo effect' you'll get.
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they have yoga also.

Ali the retarded females thinking they do yoga but only do Asanas.
There is a reason why the last Buddha said women can't achieve awakening.
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At 41 its over
You can date early twenties till mid 30s if you are chad
I know a girl who had a 10 and a 12 yr older chad boyfriend in early 20s
You can seamaxx, only option
  • So Sad
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At 41 its over
You can date early twenties till mid 30s if you are chad
I know a girl who had a 10 and a 12 yr older chad boyfriend in early 20s
You can seamaxx, only option
It’s too bad I have my life built here with family and friends, and my career. I take care of my parents too.
Tbh i cant marry bc i know i will cheat my old hague the nano split second a young foid spreads her legs
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Tbh i cant marry bc i know i will cheat my old hague the nano split second a young foid spreads her legs
Well, at least you’re aware.
I get that it’s “high T” to do so and the urges are there for us all as men. But I’ve never cared for random sex much. Being with someone I enjoy and love, is enough for me not to cheat.
I get you though

watch at around 2:00
she lvoes him, age doesnt matter

so she is either a fan <u have status>, or u are importan aka power<politician/etc> whats better, power to give herwhat she wants
if u were CEO/power person of Insta nad could promote her, she would suck

status is not god damn being a doctor

++ if u are 41, u have to youthmax skinmax as hell, and fraud max 36

OVER if a girl doesn't hug you this way
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The way I see it, no matter your age looksmaxxing is a part of living your best life. Even if as an oldcel you cannot consistently pull prime 18-21 girls (which 90% of youngcels cant either), you will still be in a significantly better position looksmaxxed than you would be otherwise. A lot of women are still hot af in their mid/late 20s and even 30s, whatever your age more options can only be a good thing and it will feel great to mog all the people your age who have let themselves rot to shit.
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The way I see it, no matter your age looksmaxxing is a part of living your best life. Even if as an oldcel you cannot consistently pull prime 18-21 girls (which 90% of youngcels cant either), you will still be in a significantly better position looksmaxxed than you would be otherwise. A lot of women are still hot af in their mid/late 20s and even 30s, whatever your age more options can only be a good thing and it will feel great to mog all the people your age who have let themselves rot to shit.
the question is: where to meet this women when online is too hard/clubs are full of whores
the question is: where to meet this women when online is too hard/clubs are full of whores

Nothing wrong with whores if you just want fun, just don't fall for one. Online difficulty is really relative to location, I'm average looking and had great success in some places and completely tanked in others.

But yeah meeting women isn't easy past a certain age. All I'll say is that the more you try to live an NT social lifestyle the more opportunities just seem to pop up (if you're decent looking)
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Jfl, OP woke up 20 years late
I have no reason to gas you up but you’re legitimately not ugly. I think bald is not as much of a death sentence as people here make it out to be. It’s definitely not preferable but it doesn’t make you ugly dude.

I’ve been watching YT about this stuff though and many guys talk about how young girls would naturally gravitate to a successful older guy they find attractive versus any guy her age. Because it makes sense logistically if they’re marriage minded. Nearly all the comments mirror this one
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Average age is like 14-16 on here (hence the huge amount of low IQ broscience threads), we need a forum for 26+ (when your brain is usually fully developed) truecel youthmaxxing tbh.
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no point in anti aging if you already look like shit looksmaxed when young
no matter if copied or not, i would like to thank you for the effort.


btw iam 31 years old and ive never looked better, working out since about one year, developed a full beard and i have my cash and life in order and iam getting IOI´s on a daily basis. Even from schoolgirls from the neighbourhood and they are 19 years old max.

From ages 18-28 ive been a ghost. Lived the life of a ghost, and this is the last part i need to sort out - my mental damage from the years of gaming and isolation and my emotional immaturity.

emotional immaturity is still a thing for me, i "felt in love" about 5-6 times in 2019 and two times in 2020 already. I need to get this shit sorted out ASAP. It consumes my mental and time resources.
The question is, do you also fuck, or you just get "IOI`s"? Only p in v matters, the rest is cope.
no point in anti aging if you already look like shit looksmaxed when young
Well I’ve been rated decently here, there still seems to be hope for me
The way I see it, no matter your age looksmaxxing is a part of living your best life. Even if as an oldcel you cannot consistently pull prime 18-21 girls (which 90% of youngcels cant either), you will still be in a significantly better position looksmaxxed than you would be otherwise. A lot of women are still hot af in their mid/late 20s and even 30s, whatever your age more options can only be a good thing and it will feel great to mog all the people your age who have let themselves rot to shit.
To add.

Don't forget! Good looks has benifits FAR beyond dating. And that's why Looksmaxxing is legit, at any age.
The Halo effect = real.

Check this videos, and you'll see in action WHY looksmaxxing has results, FAR beyond dating.

To add.

Don't forget! Good looks has benifits FAR beyond dating. And that's why Looksmaxxing is legit, at any age.
The Halo effect = real.

Check this videos, and you'll see in action WHY looksmaxxing has results, FAR beyond dating.


Completely agree

When you're in your teens and early 20s being 30/40+ seems like a lifetime away, but in reality it will come around in a flash

Much better to be a good looking older man in great shape, that looks great for his age than some flabby, pockmarked sack of shit

And yeah the halo effect doesn't expire for a long time and is useful for more worthwhile pursuits that trying to bang teenage whores
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u got it wrong
men age like shit
women never lose their smv
Oh shit no no no no. Both gender can age fine, it depends on the lifestyle and genes tho. Just look at 90% of Americas oldcels, Fat Karens... But look at 40/50 year old healthy people from europe or something, If I would be their age I would maybe still find them attractive. Same for men
The question is, do you also fuck, or you just get "IOI`s"? Only p in v matters, the rest is cope.

hard to swallow blackpill, iam an incel for various (mental) reasons. But the validation keeps me alive.

I had the opportunity to fuck a few weeks ago but i dismissed as i knew she was fucking several other guys and i cant deal with stuff like that. Thats my standard, i want exclusive pussy. If that means i have to remain incel in 2020, so be it.
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Most has been already said - just to add some from my own experience as 38 y/o or as lifefuel to others - I was at my prime at 33 years old. Pulled an 18 y/o and a 21 y/o and a 24 y/o for example. But it may be important to note that this was NOT from online dating and I was in very good shape physically. If you keep in shape and have your life in order (probably more so at 33 than a guy at 24) it IS attractive. You need to be able to show this though, which is kinda hard in OLD.
That young window has now closed for me pretty much. And yea sometimes thats hard to accept. But women in their early thirties have often dropped some of their shitty attitudes they had in their twenties and still look good if they kept in shape.
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Most has been already said - just to add some from my own experience as 38 y/o or as lifefuel to others - I was at my prime at 33 years old. Pulled an 18 y/o and a 21 y/o and a 24 y/o for example. But it may be important to note that this was NOT from online dating and I was in very good shape physically. If you keep in shape and have your life in order (probably more so at 33 than a guy at 24) it IS attractive. You need to be able to show this though, which is kinda hard in OLD.
That young window has now closed for me pretty much. And yea sometimes thats hard to accept. But women in their early thirties have often dropped some of their shitty attitudes they had in their twenties and still look good if they kept in shape.

Hows things now at 38?
Hows things now at 38?

Well, I felt aging accelerate after 35 tbh. Skin, energy, hair. Pretty rough. Also OLD is pretty much over after you put 40 in your profile.

That said I started to take care of my skin (without a lot of knowledge back then, trying a better stack now) and am still working out.
This lets you stand out from other in your age bracket. But the dating pool has definitely gotten smaller and smaller. You have to deal with the fact that many girls 30+ have alot of baggage (emotionally or physically, like kids).

Recently got dumped by ex gf who hypergamymaxxed. But I already have 3 women I am seeing regularly rn so it could be a lot worse. Quality could be higher tho, which is why Im still look and anti-age maxxing.
Well, I felt aging accelerate after 35 tbh. Skin, energy, hair. Pretty rough. Also OLD is pretty much over after you put 40 in your profile.

That said I started to take care of my skin (without a lot of knowledge back then, trying a better stack now) and am still working out.
This lets you stand out from other in your age bracket. But the dating pool has definitely gotten smaller and smaller. You have to deal with the fact that many girls 30+ have alot of baggage (emotionally or physically, like kids).

Recently got dumped by ex gf who hypergamymaxxed. But I already have 3 women I am seeing regularly rn so it could be a lot worse. Quality could be higher tho, which is why Im still look and anti-age maxxing.

Sounds about right. I wonder why 35 seems to be the age that men start to feel their age. I'm 30 rn but honestly feel physically exactly the same as when I was 18, better even. You considered getting on trt or anything like that?
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Sounds about right. I wonder why 35 seems to be the age that men start to feel their age. I'm 30 rn but honestly feel physically exactly the same as when I was 18, better even. You considered getting on trt or anything like that?
Yea pysically didnt feel any drop off until 34-35 as well.

Im thinking about TRT, yes. Gonna get my T levels checked again soon. But I dont think Im gonna really do it before 40. There is no free ride in life and if you go on TRT you have to go on it for life basically. Its proven to weaken the heart muscle (besides many other possible side effects) and my family has a history of heart failures.

When my T levels drop further noticably I will seriously consider it.
It can shorten your life, but raise your quality of life .
Not an easy decision to make...
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Yea pysically didnt feel any drop off until 34-35 as well.

Im thinking about TRT, yes. Gonna get my T levels checked again soon. But I dont think Im gonna really do it before 40. There is no free ride in life and if you go on TRT you have to go on it for life basically. Its proven to weaken the heart muscle (besides many other possible side effects) and my family has a history of heart failures.

When my T levels drop further noticably I will seriously consider it.
It can shorten your life, but raise your quality of life .
Not an easy decision to make...

Hmmm yeah

It is a hard call for some. the main thing that puts me off is the awkwardness of constant injections especially with travel, but I will likely go on trt for life soon along with some peptides for anti aging. I do not believe that moderate roiding decreases life expectancy enough that it's a huge issue for me tbh.

Good luck with your 3 gfs lol
what are these peptides for anti-aging? Are they injected?
what are these peptides for anti-aging? Are they injected?

Im trying to learn about them from some high iq autists on here. Yes they are injected subcutaneously
No, I'm serious.

I guess you could say it started in college. I was waiting for the bus one night, and across the street in a student house, some kind of party was going on. Bottom line, I wondered why I wasn't at that party. Yeah obviously I didn't know anyone there, but what I mean is, what specifically did the people at that party do, what specific life choices did they make from the day they enrolled up to now, that got them invited to that party?

I'm basically trying to achieve whatever the equivalent of getting invited to a party is.

That's intetesting.
I wanna be invited to the party too, what are these achievment to be invited?
It is a hard call for some. the main thing that puts me off is the awkwardness of constant injections especially with travel, but I will likely go on trt for life soon along with some peptides for anti aging. I do not believe that moderate roiding decreases life expectancy enough that it's a huge issue for me tbh.

I wouldnt mind the awkwardness tbh. And I agree- there will be a point when the decrease in quality of life will justify the risks associated with TRT. This is subjective though.

Good luck with your 3 gfs lol

thx lol..one of them is eventually trying to force me to commit so Im enjoying while it lasts
Well, I felt aging accelerate after 35 tbh. Skin, energy, hair. Pretty rough.
37 just yet. For me it hasn't started going down much yet, on these 3 things. But that's also due to effert I put in since last year, and I life a pretty healthy/clean lifestyle. Body is less forgiving though, on bad choices, as in 20's. Things like lacking sleep, alcohol, going to deep when doing sports, etc..
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37 just yet. For me it hasn't started going down much yet, on these 3 things. But that's also due to effert I put in since last year, and I life a pretty healthy/clean lifestyle. Body is less forgiving though, on bad choices, as in 20's. Things like lacking sleep, alcohol, going to deep when doing sports, etc..

I'm 31, but I think if a man take care of his health, avoiding danger things like smoking, being sedentary, high BF % etc, he can feel good for long time after 30 and have a good life. I'm surronded by people who smoke and drink everyday and looks like shit, or skinnyfat 30 something couch potatoes who can't run for 100 mt without passing out, and tell me " muh aging don't let me doing sport ".
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I mean fam if ur 41 & asking life advice from 17 yo the only thing they can give u is this L
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I'm 31, but I think if a man take care of his health, avoiding danger things like smoking, being sedentary, high BF % etc, he can feel good for long time after 30 and have a good life. I'm surronded by people who smoke and drink everyday and looks like shit, or skinnyfat 30 something couch potatoes who can't run for 100 mt without passing out, and tell me " muh aging don't let me doing sport ".

Yes I think 'muh age' is a bit of a cope really. I've been out lifted in the gym and submitted in bjj by men over 50 too many times to think your body collapses in your 30s

It all depends on lifestyle. You just don't have youth to carry you anymore and have to put in the effort. I also think that a lot of mobility work becomes absolutely fucking essential after 30
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Yes I think 'muh age' is a bit of a cope really. I've been out lifted in the gym and submitted in bjj by men over 50 too many times to think your body collapses in your 30s

It all depends on lifestyle. You just don't have youth to carry you anymore and have to put in the effort. I also think that a lot of mobility work becomes absolutely fucking essential after 30

Mobility work?
Mobility work?

Yes. Lots of stretching/mobility/movement/massage etc. Need to keep joints and tendons etc healthy its something 90% of gymcels neglect which is a huge mistake
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Yes. Lots of stretching/mobility/movement/massage etc. Need to keep joints and tendons etc healthy its something 90% of gymcels neglect which is a huge mistake

Pilates and stuff. Yup, I agree with that. Low-impact flexibility work.
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Pilates and stuff. Yup, I agree with that. Low-impact flexibility work.

Yeah pilates is good but just 10-20 mins a day of good old fashioned stretching goes a really long way
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Yes I think 'muh age' is a bit of a cope really. I've been out lifted in the gym and submitted in bjj by men over 50 too many times to think your body collapses in your 30s
Strength is the last thing that goes away, when you get older. If you upkeep.
It all depends on lifestyle. You just don't have youth to carry you anymore and have to put in the effort. I also think that a lot of mobility work becomes absolutely fucking essential after 30
To add, I read. As you get older, youneed to focus more and more or strength training, and less on endurance. High intencity is key.

Obviously for looks, at older age. Skin quality and hairline (if can't rock the blad look) matters alot. Where skin is largely lifestyle and skin care related, besides genes.

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