What is reality for oldcels options

The subset of women interested in older men is small. Most conventional advice around 'looking for a caretaker or genuine mature man' is outdated. If you're old, you need money, otherwise what are you providing that a 21yr old Chad can't?

I've seen girls in my area fucking dudes 10+ years older than them, but it's always been a combination of not bad looking + has money to afford trips/experiences she can't with other guys.

Also you're a fucking idiot if you get married in 2020 and beyond. There is literally no benefit to marriage.
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My friends dad is a gook around average height. I dont know how old he is but I would assume hes older then you (late 40s - early 50s is my guess). He is in decent shape and is fairly GL. However this guy has had his family and he is definetly not looking for LTRs. He hops from one short term relationship to the next.

If you are GL your probably fine, if your ugly dont kid yourself, this 21 year old is after that buxx. This is bad if you want an LTR with kids becuase you will get cucked.
Well I have my pictures on my only other post. I got so many mixed ratings I’m not sure but I know my body is solid. I’m just short. And yeah, but I haven’t had my family yet and it’s looking like I might die alone
The subset of women interested in older men is small. Most conventional advice around 'looking for a caretaker or genuine mature man' is outdated. If you're old, you need money, otherwise what are you providing that a 21yr old Chad can't?

I've seen girls in my area fucking dudes 10+ years older than them, but it's always been a combination of not bad looking + has money to afford trips/experiences she can't with other guys.

Also you're a fucking idiot if you get married in 2020 and beyond. There is literally no benefit to marriage.
I’m fine with not getting married or only prenup. But I want kids. And yeah I have endless money, and I’m not bad looking.
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I’ve been riding on the concept that men age like wine and that their sexual value doesn’t decrease until they literally can’t get it up, as long as they stay in shape and take care of themselves. after reading here trying to optimize where I look for someone to minimize rejection/wasting time, it seems like that MGTOW theory is a cope. So I wanted to poll every guy here: how often have you seen 21-25 year old girls in relationships with guys that are more than 15 years older than them? And girls who are at psl 3 and not complete past sluts (less than 20 bodies) That’s the only standard I have. I’m 41. I can reform what they think from there if they aren’t a bitch.
I see it but when I do it's usually her using him for money/lifestyle. If you are good looking you wont have any problems.
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Well I have my pictures on my only other post. I got so many mixed ratings I’m not sure but I know my body is solid. I’m just short. And yeah, but I haven’t had my family yet and it’s looking like I might die alone

My dad didn't meet my mum until he was around 45. (my mum was around 35). You a dude you still have years to start a family (although your fertility is dropping so stay healthy buddy boyo). Its over for women your age so be glad your not female lmao.
I see it but when I do it's usually her using him for money/lifestyle. If you are good looking you wont have any problems.
@mulattomaxxer well this is me
My dad didn't meet my mum until he was around 45. (my mum was around 35). You a dude you still have years to start a family (although your fertility is dropping so stay healthy buddy boyo). Its over for women your age so be glad your not female lmao.
That’s interesting, much older first time parents. I mean guys here seem to think men shouldn’t ever consider marrying a 35 yo woman it seems, wonder what was different there.
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Not very often at all tbh
Well I’m 28 so I’m probably still a youngcel in your eyes, but definitely I’m past my prime.

I can only speak of online dating since I’ve never started anything with females irl after college. Now with all my anti aging endeavors (chemical peel, fruit acid, sunscreen, long curly curtains) and slightly frauded pics + frauded age (24), I can still pull a decent quantity of girls around 16-25 on dating apps, none of whom are Stacy tho.

IMO if you’re past 30 or even 25, your age will be an enormous disadvantage in online dating. Even with my 30+ y.o. chadfishes I barely got decent looking matches that were below 25.

Irl I seldom see old guys pulling girls that are much younger than them. Last time I saw such a mismatched couple was December 2019, right before Christmas. The guys was completely bald, had an average face and some decent stubbles, well dressed. The girl was taller than him and had a very nice body. However I could see she wasn’t really that into him, sexually (no passionate eye contact, bored look, impatience to keep the conversation going etc.)
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Well I’m 28 so I’m probably still a youngcel in your eyes, but definitely I’m past my prime.

I can only speak of online dating since I’ve never started anything with females irl after college. Now with all my anti aging endeavors (chemical peel, fruit acid, sunscreen, long curly curtains) and slightly frauded pics + frauded age (24), I can still pull a decent quantity of girls around 16-25 on dating apps, none of whom are Stacy tho.

IMO if you’re past 30 or even 25, your age will be an enormous disadvantage in online dating. Even with my 30+ y.o. chadfishes I barely got decent looking matches that were below 25.

Irl I seldom see old guys pulling girls that are much younger than them. Last time I saw such a mismatched couple was December 2019, right before Christmas. The guys was completely bald, had an average face and some decent stubbles, well dressed. The girl was taller than him and had a very nice body. However I could see she wasn’t really that into him, sexually (no passionate eye contact, bored look, impatience to keep the conversation going etc.)
Fuck I'm 19, its ovER
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@mulattomaxxer well this is me

That’s interesting, much older first time parents. I mean guys here seem to think men shouldn’t ever consider marrying a 35 yo woman it seems, wonder what was different there.

You aren't ugly. You mog most 40 year olds. Your main flaws are your height (wear shoe lifts) and you have very noticable NCT. Your best pic is with the sun glasses on.

Most people here wouldn't consider marrying a 35 year old women here because most people on this site are in there 20s (my reason I am 21). Imo it isnt the age that is the problem, its more the fact that most 35 year olds are either single mums and/or blown out whores looking to settle down. These girls are entitiled and will probably cuck you. You can't turn a whore into a housewife.
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Well I’m 28 so I’m probably still a youngcel in your eyes, but definitely I’m past my prime.

I can only speak of online dating since I’ve never started anything with females irl after college. Now with all my anti aging endeavors (chemical peel, fruit acid, sunscreen, long curly curtains) and slightly frauded pics + frauded age (24), I can still pull a decent quantity of girls around 16-25 on dating apps, none of whom are Stacy tho.

IMO if you’re past 30 or even 25, your age will be an enormous disadvantage in online dating. Even with my 30+ y.o. chadfishes I barely got decent looking matches that were below 25.

Irl I seldom see old guys pulling girls that are much younger than them. Last time I saw such a mismatched couple was December 2019, right before Christmas. The guys was completely bald, had an average face and some decent stubbles, well dressed. The girl was taller than him and had a very nice body. However I could see she wasn’t really that into him, sexually (no passionate eye contact, bored look, impatience to keep the conversation going etc.)
Thanks for the quality reply. Yes, 28 is young to me. I changed careers completely at 31 still and had many experiences. Good that you’re anti aging. You’ll be better off than me now.

I actually want to do a tinder experiment with my pictures and age preferences from 18-30. But I don’t want it set to my location or phone number. I’ve never used online dating so it would probably be a decent test to see what I’d attract.
You aren't ugly. You mog most 40 year olds. Your main flaws are your height (wear shoe lifts) and you have very noticable NCT. Your best pic is with the sun glasses on.

Most people here wouldn't consider marrying a 35 year old women here because most people on this site are in there 20s (my reason I am 21). Imo it isnt the age that is the problem, its more the fact that most 35 year olds are either single mums and/or blown out whores looking to settle down. These girls are entitiled and will probably cuck you. You can't turn a whore into a housewife.
So clearly your mom wasn’t that. Was there a particular reason she was single at 35 if she was marriage minded? Literally every woman I’ve met above 30 still single has been bitter as hell, health issues, or single mom. I had one woman my age interested recently. When I’m around she acts sweet as pie, enthusiastic, etc. but around other women she turns into a complete bitter bitch. So I think that’s a red flag. And she’s overweight with cats. Ugh
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buy expensive bike
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I haven’t paid much attention to my skin quality. Would you say I look my age or older? Is it possible I can skincare down to looking 36?
Skin quality, is an imp0rtant factor imo. White man (and women) in general, have the biggest skin problems with aging.

I found your picture, scrolling back in you post history.
For a 41 year old, that did nothing/little about skin care maintenance, you have good skin. So I guestimate, you have a good basis, and genes, to actually improve you skin quality plenty. I guestimate, You can bring skin quality down again, to the average 30-something year old dude..

My experience so far. I personally am 36. I never took care of skin, like near zero. I started taking skin care since about 1 year ago. When I started with skin care I started slow/light, being around 35. At that time, I looked about early 30's year old, skin wise. So I had/have good skin genes, I was always a few years ahead of most other dudes, skin quality wise (really annoying 1t 22, looking like and 18 year old "child").
Now after about 1year of taking care of my skin: I got estimated by others that don't know me well beteen 19 and 29 years old. So my skin care efforts, took like at least 5 years off my appearance. It's really funny, how sometimes paople just slightly older then me, talk to me asif I'm a youngster/child.

What can I suggest?
Skin quality, is mostly all about Collagen levels. (and hyper-pigmentation maybe also).
this post on Collagen is legt as hell:

general lifestyle advice for skin quality
Enough rest/sleep is important for skin. Hydration is important (drink enough, and don't overdo alohol much (dehydrates skin). Smoking is bad for skin. Eat enough vegetables and fruits (for the antioxidants that will go to skin from those type of foods)

Simple, must do things in skincare:
moisterize daily. Skin needs to stay "wet", not dry.
* wear sunbloack DAILY. No matter what weather, should be part of morining routine. And buy a sunblock with block UVA AND UVB. they are more expensive, but we need both kind of blocks (most cheap ones are just UVA).

Simple extra things I do, for collagen
* retinol serum/cream - Vitamine C serum. proven to boost collagen a little. I do this every morning
* sometimes a litlle bit of aloe vera gel (pure 98% orso one), where I have hyperpigmentations. It's said to help for that.

Less simple extra things I do/did, for collagen. optionals I guess.
retinA/Tretinoin. for at night. I use the lowest dose, 0.025%. It's ime a great product. I do this nowadays 4-5 times per week. This one is a bit risky for some though. I heard some get flakey, due to overuse (imo). I started thsi one really slowely last year summer. I moisterised and "buffered" and small dose (just 1 pea size for whole face). My skin reacts really well to this stuff. This stuff took years of my skin. My skin really adjusted well to this thing. I use it for the long run, it's a product that doesn't give quick results, it's along term/run product imo

More (or very?) extreme things I did/do/tried. optionals.
* dermaroller (although derma pen is better, more controlled). Not used much only a few times, did work good thoug, but annoying as hell.
* niacin supplement. a few times per week since about a month orso now
* Hylaronic ACid (HA) Fillers, I did once. Although more for aiming fixing asymatry then for collagen. Although HA is good for collagen
* Today arrived a red light screen I bought, (I gone try that one also)

Well that's about it.

To top it off. Men skin ages slower then women. After 35 orso a woman skin ages 2x as fast, and after 50-something even 3x as fast. So us man, have a better bases for keeping good skin quality.

Some appricitation examples, to outlier people that went full out, on skin quality maxxing, and what might (probably not) be possible for regular people. And gotten good results:
Jenifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston, Christie Brinkley, did very well also.
She was 50 here:

She did really well:

Tom Cruise did very well, among the males in skin quality. Maybe some more dudes also, I dunno.

A non famous women, that has plendid skin. I recall. is this woman, shi is on RetinA/tretinoin since her 30's. She is 60, with skin quality that moggs plenty of not most late 30 something year olds women:

This man, is the most non famous, skin God I know. The dude is like 70 or older orso in this video.
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Skin quality, is an imp0rtant factor imo. White man (and women) in general, have the biggest skin problems with aging.

I found your picture, scrolling back in you post history.
For a 41 year old, that did nothing/little about skin care maintenance, you have good skin. So I guestimate, you have a good basis, and genes, to actually improve you skin quality plenty. I guestimate, You can bring skin quality down again, to the average 30-something year old dude..

My experience so far. I personally am 36. I never took care of skin, like near zero. I started taking skin care since about 1 year ago. When I started with skin care I started slow/light, being around 35. At that time, I looked about early 30's year old, skin wise. So I had/have good skin genes, I was always a few years ahead of most other dudes, skin quality wise (really annoying 1t 22, looking like and 18 year old "child").
Now after about 1year of taking care of my skin: I got estimated by others that don't know me well beteen 19 and 29 years old. So my skin care efforts, took like at least 5 years off my appearance. It's really funny, how sometimes paople just slightly older then me, talk to me asif I'm a youngster/child.

What can I suggest?
Skin quality, is mostly all about Collagen levels. (and hyper-pigmentation maybe also).
this post on Collagen is legt as hell:

general lifestyle advice for skin quality
Enough rest/sleep is important for skin. Hydration is important (drink enough, and don't overdo alohol much (dehydrates skin). Smoking is bad for skin. Eat enough vegetables and fruits (for the antioxidants that will go to skin from those type of foods)

Simple, must do things in skincare:
moisterize daily. Skin needs to stay "wet", not dry.
* wear sunbloack DAILY. No matter what weather, should be part of morining routine. And buy a sunblock with block UVA AND UVB. they are more expensive, but we need both kind of blocks (most cheap ones are just UVA).

Simple extra things I do, for collagen
* retinol serum/cream - Vitamine C serum. proven to boost collagen a little. I do this every morning
* sometimes a litlle bit of aloe vera gel (pure 98% orso one), where I have hyperpigmentations. It's said to help for that.

Less simple extra things I do/did, for collagen. optionals I guess.
retinA/Tretinoin. for at night. I use the lowest dose, 0.025%. It's ime a great product. I do this nowadays 4-5 times per week. This one is a bit risky for some though. I heard some get flakey, due to overuse (imo). I started thsi one really slowely last year summer. I moisterised and "buffered" and small dose (just 1 pea size for whole face). My skin reacts really well to this stuff. This stuff took years of my skin. My skin really adjusted well to this thing. I use it for the long run, it's a product that doesn't give quick results, it's along term/run product imo

More (or very?) extreme things I did/do/tried. optionals.
* dermaroller (although derma pen is better, more controlled). Not used much only a few times, did work good thoug, but annoying as hell.
* niacin supplement. a few times per week since about a month orso now
* Hylaronic ACid (HA) Fillers, I did once. Although more for aiming fixing asymatry then for collagen. Although HA is good for collagen
* Today arrived a red light screen I bought, (I gone try that one also)

Well that's about it.

To top it off. Men skin ages slower then women. After 35 orso a woman skin ages 2x as fast, and after 50-something even 3x as fast. So us man, have a better bases for keeping good skin quality.

Some appricitation examples, to outlier people that went full out, on skin quality maxxing, and what might (probably not) be possible for regular people. And gotten good results:
Jenifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston, Christie Brinkley, did very well also.
She was 50 here:

She did really well:

Tom Cruise did very well, among the males in skin quality. Maybe some more dudes also, I dunno.

A non famous women, that has plendid skin. I recall. is this woman, shi is on RetinA/tretinoin since her 30's. She is 60, with skin quality that moggs plenty of not most late 30 something year olds women:

This man, is the most non famous, skin God I know. The dude is like 70 or older orso in this video.

high iq threads about skin. nice work.
do about hair too please.
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I'm only a couple of years younger than you OP. I peaked reasonably early and could have genuinely slayed in my younger years but had other things going on and I assumed I'd stay GL too as I got older but my looks dropped off a cliff from about 30. I would hate to be chasing 23 year olds now
I very rarely see guys with much younger girls more than 10 years younger. If you are 41 I'd be looking at girls about 32+ if you are settling down, any younger there's probably some undesirable relationship dynamic going on.
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topic summary : if you are older than 25 forgot about 18 yo hot teens.

This is very sad and depressing, expecially if anyone is in my situation ( bald, kissless virgin at 31, soon 32 )
  • So Sad
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I'm only a couple of years younger than you OP. I peaked reasonably early and could have genuinely slayed in my younger years but had other things going on and I assumed I'd stay GL too as I got older but my looks dropped off a cliff from about 30. I would hate to be chasing 23 year olds now
I very rarely see guys with much younger girls more than 10 years younger. If you are 41 I'd be looking at girls about 32+ if you are settling down, any younger there's probably some undesirable relationship dynamic going on.
Why would you hate to be with a 23 year old? Yeah, very reasonable good advice. I just so that idea of younger girls preferring older stable guys, but it looks like it’s indeed just a very popular cope. I tried to ask out a 29 year old last year and she almost laughed in my face, literally. Only had 2 partners so far, been single since 31. They were my age then. This one 21 year old who was into me is the only reason I’m thinking that way.
Why would you hate to be with a 23 year old? Yeah, very reasonable good advice. I just so that idea of younger girls preferring older stable guys, but it looks like it’s indeed just a very popular cope. I tried to ask out a 29 year old last year and she almost laughed in my face, literally. Only had 2 partners so far, been single since 31. They were my age then. This one 21 year old who was into me is the only reason I’m thinking that way.
Not saying I'd hate to be with a 23 year old but I'd feel like a bit of an old sex pest chasing after it. Luckily I find women closer to my own age attractive of they are high class. Actively listing after girls in their late teens/early 20's when you are close to double their age is the easy madness lies. Reminds me of the old adage 'the best thing about college girls is no matter how old I am they stay the same age'
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Not saying I'd hate to be with a 23 year old but I'd feel like a bit of an old sex pest chasing after it. Luckily I find women closer to my own age attractive of they are high class. Actively listing after girls in their late teens/early 20's when you are close to double their age is the easy madness lies. Reminds me of the old adage 'the best thing about college girls is no matter how old I am they stay the same age'
I have yet to meet one high class woman my age. I hope you have better luck
high iq threads about skin. nice work.
do about hair too please.
Hairline is important for most as well. I will be ugly bald for sure, looking at my face.

I still have and had good hairline for my age. But it did start thinning and slowly noorwoodind since my early 30's.

I started , less then half a year ago. With :
1. Finasteride 1/3 of 1mg dose. Normal dose is 1mg or 5mg. But I read many studies on it. And it basically showed that after 0.2 mg, one enters the land of deminishing returns. And since some side effects exist. I decided to go low dose and see what happens. I could always increase dose if results bad.
2. Minoxidill, daily. I only use on temples and a little bit on top where some thinning happens.

I'm pretty happy with the results so far. Is almost about back as what it was before, in my 20's.
Also, I didn't notice any side effects.
I just so that idea of younger girls preferring older stable guys, but it looks like it’s indeed just a very popular cope..
The idea of younger women only works in the rich Western world, with alot of safety net government wellfare programs for her. When a dude is mega rich, or status or, famous. And willing to share
Otherwise, it mostly doesn't work.
But it depends on how old you look. A good looking dude of 40 that looks early 30's, cando well with women in 20's. Most guys can date down -10 max but more likely -5 years their looks age.
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Hairline is important for most as well. I will be ugly bald for sure, looking at my face.

I still have and had good hairline for my age. But it did start thinning and slowly noorwoodind since my early 30's.

I started , less then half a year ago. With :
1. Finasteride 1/3 of 1mg dose. Normal dose is 1mg or 5mg. But I read many studies on it. And it basically showed that after 0.2 mg, one enters the land of deminishing returns. And since some side effects exist. I decided to go low dose and see what happens. I could always increase dose if results bad.
2. Minoxidill, daily. I only use on temples and a little bit on top where some thinning happens.

I'm pretty happy with the results so far. Is almost about back as what it was before, in my 20's.
Also, I didn't notice any side effects.

The idea of younger women only works in the rich Western world, with alot of safety net government wellfare programs for her. When a dude is mega rich, or status or, famous. And willing to share
Otherwise, it mostly doesn't work.
But it depends on how old you look. A good looking dude of 40 that looks early 30's, cando well with women in 20's. Most guys can date down -10 max but more likely -5 years their looks age.
I have diffuse thinning since 23, and i'm at the stage like this guy basically.
I'm deadly afraid of finasteride because even saw palmetto gave me limp dick. What do you think about diffuse thinning ?


    79.9 KB · Views: 23
I have diffuse thinning since 23, and i'm at the stage like this guy basically.
I'm deadly afraid of finasteride because even saw palmetto gave me limp dick. What do you think about diffuse thinning ?
If your hair is like that dude, at 23. Then it's bad. At that age of 23, my hair was still as thick as can be. That level of thinning I maybe had at 35 orso, right before I started finastride + minoxidill.

What to do??
Damn, that Saw Palmetto already gave you limp dick.
Point 1: Are you maxxing out all the other things that you can naturaly for good testosterone levels?? If not, then do so.
It's proven. That the combo finastride + minoxidill works well. I think, the prescription dose of finastride of 1mg, is the most ideal for hair gropwth. But actaully at 0.2mg it's already doing like 75% of the work. So I would start with that dose. maybe less side effects risks of limp dick, because of the low dose. I bought 1mg pills finastride. I can only manage to break them into 1/3. Smaller I can't manage.
And I would add minoxidll to the mix.

That way, your hairline should come back to like it was at late teens I assume. For me it's at least the type of progress I had.

I dunno about the risks of limp dick, infertility being high, and/or temporairy or permanent. You goot aread up onthat yourself. I msut have read it before, and the change was limited I recall. With low-dasing like 0.2mg I assume it's even less, but dunno for sure. That is likely never tested.
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If your hair is like that dude, at 23. Then it's bad. At that age of 23, my hair was still as thick as can be. That level of thinning I maybe had at 35 orso, right before I started finastride + minoxidill.

What to do??
Damn, that Saw Palmetto already gave you limp dick.
Point 1: Are you maxxing out all the other things that you can naturaly for good testosterone levels?? If not, then do so.
It's proven. That the combo finastride + minoxidill works well. I think, the prescription dose of finastride of 1mg, is the most ideal for hair gropwth. But actaully at 0.2mg it's already doing like 75% of the work. So I would start with that dose. maybe less side effects risks of limp dick, because of the low dose. I bought 1mg pills finastride. I can only manage to break them into 1/3. Smaller I can't manage.
And I would add minoxidll to the mix.

That way, your hairline should come back to like it was at late teens I assume. For me it's at least the type of progress I had.

I dunno about the risks of limp dick, infertility being high, and/or temporairy or permanent. You goot aread up onthat yourself. I msut have read it before, and the change was limited I recall. With low-dasing like 0.2mg I assume it's even less, but dunno for sure. That is likely never tested.
no i'm 28 right now, it's been thinning from 23.
No, I'm serious.

I guess you could say it started in college. I was waiting for the bus one night, and across the street in a student house, some kind of party was going on. Bottom line, I wondered why I wasn't at that party. Yeah obviously I didn't know anyone there, but what I mean is, what specifically did the people at that party do, what specific life choices did they make from the day they enrolled up to now, that got them invited to that party?

I'm basically trying to achieve whatever the equivalent of getting invited to a party is.
You are basically bluepilled. You misunderstand cause and effect. It weren't decisions that led them there you idiot, it was their genetics which led to how the rest turns out.
You are basically bluepilled. You misunderstand cause and effect. It weren't decisions that led them there you idiot, it was their genetics which led to how the rest turns out.

Genetics play a role in a lot of things. Including getting invited to parties, probably. But just to get invited to parties/partake in degeneracy? I think it's a pretty low bar as far as just looks.

These guys all have sex and go to degenerate parties and get girls to take their clothes off and all the things I wish I could do. Everyone in that thread seems to agree they don't look that special. So as long as you look like a normie, you can apparently do this.
no i'm 28 right now, it's been thinning from 23.
If you have a good face for bald. then you can just go bald.
If not. Then there options, all have risks. If don't wanna takethese risks, which I can understand, then balding and at some point bald is likely the future. Looking at your family or asking hairdressers, can give more info on the future of balding; I guess
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You are basically bluepilled. You misunderstand cause and effect. It weren't decisions that led them there you idiot, it was their genetics which led to how the rest turns out.
Not necessarily. I was class president in HS and popular in college. And I’m not exactly a genetic jackpot
Not necessarily. I was class president in HS and popular in college. And I’m not exactly a genetic jackpot
You didn't understand what I said.
I think bald is not as much of a death sentence as people here make it out to be. It’s definitely not preferable but it doesn’t make you ugly dude.

It's more my face tbh, it's not good enough to pull off bald and possibly wouldn't be even at low bodyfat. So hair will probably be a must when all this shit is over.
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MeN aGe lIkkE wIneXD
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Lol that's pua bullshit
  • Hmm...
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I don't feel diminished at 46.
Of course, you have less options and women in their 20s suck so it makes things more complicated.
Been whistled by women in their 20s but idc.... my wife is still very sexy and mogs them.
I mean, 90% of young women look like shit and 99% are unbearable (act like children like never before + are intoxicated by feminism).

Btw, I have a 55yo colleague who looks like shit and he got a 30yo GF. Status + money saved him I guess.
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I don't feel diminished at 46.
Of course, you have less options and women in their 20s suck so it makes things more complicated.
Been whistled by women in their 20s but idc.... my wife is still very sexy and mogs them.
I mean, 90% of young women look like shit and 99% are unbearable (act like children like never before + are intoxicated by feminism).
Would be good idea you also add some practical tips, for older/aging dudes. Like the bare minimum basic-basics, that you know. So easy to apply for regulars
Would be good idea you also add some practical tips, for older/aging dudes. Like the bare minimum basic-basics, that you know. So easy to apply for regulars
Nothing different that what you've got here.
This makes a difference as most men are lazy as fuck.

Thus, apart soft looksmaxxing described on the forum :
Tri-athelte physique till 23 then went back to sport from 36 : muscles memory played a huge role. I you start from nothing, good luck.
4/5 times workout per weeks.
Some supplements : MSM, ginger, K2+D3, etc.
Liver flush
Started turpentine detox.

So basically, exercise, detox, avoid stress and even better to rejuvenate : PRANA.

Currently: still no grey hairs (but some in the beard but this is due to local trauma imo), feel better than 15 years ago... and ....

There are no limits but the ones you impose on yourself.
If you think you are old, you'll be old.
The body respond to the Mental more than you think.
The stronger the mind, the more the body obeys.
  • +1
Reactions: stuckneworleans, Schizoidcel and eduardkoopman
I always use water from tap. Why need distill water, tap water is fucked up?
To distill it, I need to boil it? Or do I need to buy a bottle then?

MSM, I gitta look up I dunno that one

ginger, K2+D3,- I can attest I use, and I think are great and like them both

Liver flush - Niacin you mean??? That one I use, red flushess ealt kinda extreme at beginning.

Started turpentine detox. - need to look up
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6310
Yes, tap water is for sheep and full of crap, not even speaking of female hormones.
Liver flush : it's an old roman method where you drink olive oil mixed with grapefruit or lemon juice after a 24h+ fast.
I always use water from tap. Why need distill water, tap water is fucked up?
To distill it, I need to boil it? Or do I need to buy a bottle then?
Liver flush - Niacin you mean??? That one I use, red flushess ealt kinda extreme at beginning.
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  • +1
Reactions: eduardkoopman
Yes, tap water is for sheep and full of crap, not even speaking of female hormones.
Liver flush : it's an old roman method where you drink olive oil mixed with grapefruit or lemon juice after a 24h+ fast.
What if you live in an area with high quality tap water? Isn’t it important to get the minerals + fluoride? Even then wouldn’t you want reverse osmosis instead
I would like to ask You ,why îs it frowned upon in the surgeries , especiallly in men over 35 You?
Imagine being 41 years old and asking a bunch of teenagers about life and woman. It's fucking over for you pal.
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 616, Deusmaximus and Deleted member 6310
I’ve been riding on the concept that men age like wine and that their sexual value doesn’t decrease until they literally can’t get it up, as long as they stay in shape and take care of themselves. after reading here trying to optimize where I look for someone to minimize rejection/wasting time, it seems like that MGTOW theory is a cope. So I wanted to poll every guy here: how often have you seen 21-25 year old girls in relationships with guys that are more than 15 years older than them? And girls who are at psl 3 and not complete past sluts (less than 20 bodies) That’s the only standard I have. I’m 41. I can reform what they think from there if they aren’t a bitch.
Look at Cillian Murphy he aged perfectly. Get good face structure is number 1 worry. The rest is anti aging somehow (face lift and proffesionals skin care not fucking retin a copers) and be rich. That combination will make you a handsome sugar daddy.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 6310
Look at Cillian Murphy he aged perfectly. Get good face structure is number 1 worry. The rest is anti aging somehow (face lift and proffesionals skin care not fucking retin a copers) and be rich. That combination will make you a handsome sugar daddy.
Yeah. I’m just not going for the sugar daddy thing. I want someone who desires me
I would like to ask You ,why îs it frowned upon in the surgeries , especiallly in men over 35 You?
For me, because at this age it would be extremely noticeable. My family, colleagues and friends have known me for decades, they know my face. It would just be very cringeworthy
Yeah. I’m just not going for the sugar daddy thing. I want someone who desires me
Desire is for a reason, or reasons. right?!

So what are the reasons, you find acceptable for a woman to desire you?
and which reasons are not acceptable for you?
Desire is for a reason, or reasons. right?!

So what are the reasons, you find acceptable for a woman to desire you?
and which reasons are not acceptable for you?
Someone who enjoys my company and touch, not who just tolerates or attempts to placate me to have access to my resources.
Someone who enjoys my company and touch, not who just tolerates or attempts to placate me to have access to my resources.
That sounds basically to me, that a woman desires you for your:
- personality (enjoys your company);
- looks/attractiveness (enjoys your touch, which likely only happens when we find someone attractive. I main, I like the touch of a woman I find attractive, but not from someon I don't find attractive).

Your wish-list basically excludes you from things like:
* a woman (who is poor) but loves your money/wealth and is willing to compromise her wishes for what a man looks like in exchange for his wealth/security/safety. Which means, you basically exclude this option (see videos below, as an extreme example).
The thing is. The way you like/want it, is more difficult I seem to notice. That's why like 80% of dudes, basically betaBuxx. But a person wants what a person wants; so good to go for that.

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You're absolutely fucking stupid and senseless if you couldn't tell that this was completely staged. What a mindless consumer lol.

Think. Does it take a good 5 minutes of them hugging before the security guard comes on the stage to drag her off? Also watch carefully and you'll see she deliberately falls before the security guard catches and then eventually drags her, as she pretends like she needs to touch and hold onto Jacko more, like she can't live without.

Not to mention her acting skills are horrendous. Jackon was a true narcissist and wanted to create this fan fanatic image.

LOL at giving this as an example for "using high status". Utter cheese.
Imagine being 41 years old and asking a bunch of teenagers about life and woman. It's fucking over for you pal.
If his targets are modern day prime girls then he still has to ask
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6310 and eduardkoopman
Nothing different that what you've got here.
This makes a difference as most men are lazy as fuck.

Thus, apart soft looksmaxxing described on the forum :
Tri-athelte physique till 23 then went back to sport from 36 : muscles memory played a huge role. I you start from nothing, good luck.
4/5 times workout per weeks.
Some supplements : MSM, ginger, K2+D3, etc.
Liver flush
Started turpentine detox.

So basically, exercise, detox, avoid stress and even better to rejuvenate : PRANA.

Currently: still no grey hairs (but some in the beard but this is due to local trauma imo), feel better than 15 years ago... and ....

There are no limits but the ones you impose on yourself.
If you think you are old, you'll be old.
The body respond to the Mental more than you think.
The stronger the mind, the more the body obeys.
What is PRANA?

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