what is the whitepill?

my favorite japanese psl god haruma roped back in 2020 and hes a psl god

mental health affects everybody
Vasily stepanov went insane
Haruma roped
Jordan barret did surgery
Yet, some random fat fag is happier then all of us
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And even then it’s pushing it above 25 most good people are already taken
Vasily stepanov went insane
Haruma roped
Jordan barret did surgery
Yet, some random fat fag is happier then all of us
Maybe the blackpill is fake and we’re just all a bunch of autistic cunts
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Vasily stepanov went insane
Haruma roped
Jordan barret did surgery
Yet, some random fat fag is happier then all of us
yea man this is why looksmaxxers/bpers are wrong sometimes

looks arent everything

maybe when it comes to dating

but like u can be happy without being a psl god
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Maybe the blackpill is fake and we’re just all a bunch of autistic cunts
The blackpill is real, looks do matter,
But in the dating market!!
Looks Will give you happiness by receveing compliments etc, but you can be happy without looks too, most people here have severe mental issues like me, thats why their here, my point is
>you dont need looks to be happy
>looks matter for dating
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yea man this is why looksmaxxers/bpers are wrong sometimes

looks arent everything

maybe when it comes to dating

but like u can be happy without being a psl god
Yes exatcly what I said
Thats completely true, but lets put this way, Jordan barret was a model, he gained a lot of compliments, the problem is, his parents didnt loved him, so he developed NPD like me, did surgery, and now he has body dismorphia, sure he is rich and talks to a lot of people, but you can see he is clearly not much happy with his life NOW, he was much happier before
I agree with the essence of what you said, and it does somewhat apply to me as well. I am not some sort of an abomination, but I am nothing special either.

I used to be way way uglier in my early teens, and as a result, when I went from very below average to this mid-ish look, I realized just how much looks matter, and now my only goal in life is to reach higher level of looks.

However, even if I had the childhood I had, but then turned out to be a chad now, I'd be WAAAAYYYY happier than I am currently. I would never forget how I was treated but I believe I'd be able to trick my mind into believing that one girl "really likes me for myself". Now I won't be able to do that, but my point is - its still because of looks. Not really because of the past.
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The blackpill is real, looks do matter,
But in the dating market!!
Looks Will give you happiness by receveing compliments etc, but you can be happy without looks too, most people here have severe mental issues like me, thats why their here, my point is
>you dont need looks to be happy
>looks matter for dating
Tbh I think you can get a decent loyal mtb if you just play your cards right as an average man though
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I don’t think most girls are as shallow as the ones we see in videos from my experience
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The blackpill is real, looks do matter,
But in the dating market!!
Looks Will give you happiness by receveing compliments etc, but you can be happy without looks too, most people here have severe mental issues like me, thats why their here, my point is
>you dont need looks to be happy
>looks matter for dating
yea man its just finding that sweet spot between looksmaxxing and not being an incel rotter :lul::lul:
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I agree with the essence of what you said, and it does somewhat apply to me as well. I am not some sort of an abomination, but I am nothing special either.

I used to be way way uglier in my early teens, and as a result, when I went from very below average to this mid-ish look, I realized just how much looks matter, and now my only goal in life is to reach higher level of looks.

However, even if I had the childhood I had, but then turned out to be a chad now, I'd be WAAAAYYYY happier than I am currently. I would never forget how I was treated but I believe I'd be able to trick my mind into believing that one girl "really likes me for myself". Now I won't be able to do that, but my point is - its still because of looks. Not really because of the past.
The battle of the sigma bateman
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I don’t think most girls are as shallow as the ones we see in videos from my experience
theyre not

even i have a mtb girl that wants to go see a movie with me

i am a 5'6 5'7 manlet with an mtn face on top of that i am asian

but i am also in HS soooo...
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what is the whitepill

somebody told me i should take the whitepill but idrk what it is
It's accepting that you have been dealt a bad hand and making the most out of your situation. Anyone who isn't white pilled is immature.
I agree with the essence of what you said, and it does somewhat apply to me as well. I am not some sort of an abomination, but I am nothing special either.

I used to be way way uglier in my early teens, and as a result, when I went from very below average to this mid-ish look, I realized just how much looks matter, and now my only goal in life is to reach higher level of looks.

However, even if I had the childhood I had, but then turned out to be a chad now, I'd be WAAAAYYYY happier than I am currently. I would never forget how I was treated but I believe I'd be able to trick my mind into believing that one girl "really likes me for myself". Now I won't be able to do that, but my point is - its still because of looks. Not really because of the past.
Yes I agree with your point,
Below MTN> you will be treated like shit, so looks matter a lot, if your above you will live the "average life"
Tbh I think you can get a decent loyal mtb if you just play your cards right as an average man though
Yes maybe if your lucky, she needs to be christian you need to be 4 inches taller and 1 tier above her, never forget 80% of marriages end up in divorce
yea man its just finding that sweet spot between looksmaxxing and not being an incel rotter :lul::lul:
Yes, you need to find peace for yourself (not joking) get off the phone for 1 entire week and travel in nature, I tried it many times myself and its awesome
Yes I agree with your point,
Below MTN> you will be treated like shit, so looks matter a lot, if your above you will live the "average life"

Yes maybe if your lucky, she needs to be christian you need to be 4 inches taller and 1 tier above her, never forget 80% of marriages end up in divorce

Yes, you need to find peace for yourself (not joking) get off the phone for 1 entire week and travel in nature, I tried it many times myself and its awesome
80% is brooottal
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Why do you think most marriages end in divorce @org3cel.RR
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80% is brooottal
Not actually 80% but you get the point
Screenshot 20241022 220345 Google

Divorceratebycountry 1

Its brutal (this statistic will change drastically since this includes GEN X) give it 30 years and it will be around 80%
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It’s kind of sad that the life of the average man is quickly deteriorating whilst Chad gets even more power than before
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Why do you think most marriages end in divorce @org3cel.RR
Its extremely complicated, especially for women to stay with a man for long, psychology studies women are very hypergamous, this means they want something more superior then them (taller richer higher status stronger heavier prettier etc),
Exemples of divorces:
1.Women is tired of having the same man, so she startes creating fights and arguing very often with him (Hypergamy, because she wants BETTER)
2.Women cheats because she find a much better option (Hypergamy, because she needs BETTER)
3.Not even if your a Rich Chad you will make a women be with you for the rest of your life, Mark Zuckerberg one of the richest man alive went in a big yath with his wife, she literally invited her ex boyfriend and cheated on him infront of him.
4. The only option for a women to be loyal to you is only if she is christian or muslim, its brutal, women will always want better, women will never settle down NEVER she will always want more and more
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Its extremely complicated, especially for women to stay with a man for long, psychology studies women are very hypergamous, this means they want something more superior then them (taller richer higher status stronger heavier prettier etc),
Exemples of divorces:
1.Women is tired of having the same man, so she startes creating fights and arguing very often with him (Hypergamy, because she wants BETTER)
2.Women cheats because she find a much better option (Hypergamy, because she needs BETTER)
3.Not even if your a Rich Chad you will make a women be with you for the rest of your life, Mark Zuckerberg one of the richest man alive went in a big yath with his wife, she literally invited her ex boyfriend and cheated on him infront of him.
4. The only option for a women to be loyal to you is only if she is christian or muslim, its brutal, women will always want better, women will never settle down NEVER she will always want more and more
Brutal stats I guess I have to start church and bible maxxing to find my low bc mob also when did the zucc thing happen?
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It means it doesnt specify gender age etc its just general

It was actually jeff bezos, my mistake, it was months ago
Wait is it 3.4 divorces per person or what?
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Blackpill is just a set of truths. What you do with those truths is up to you
The idea of objective ‘truth’ is looked at as archaic in philosophy. By being epistemologically sceptical, you can inductively disregard the notion and subsequently the black pill.
The problem with what you’re saying is you’re inductively concluding your ‘truths’ on the basis of subjective observations with biases you, yourself hold.

You should read David Hume’s book ‘An enquiry concerning human understanding’, if you want an elaboration of these ideas.
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3.4 divorces for every 10 marriages I think
That’s actually pretty low tbh but you’ve got to analyze further and think about how many are sexless and how many are open (whether the man knows it or not jfl) I think it will be difficult but not impossible for mtns to get loyal wife’s
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That’s actually pretty low tbh but you’ve got to analyze further and think about how many are sexless and how many are open (whether the man knows it or not jfl) I think it will be difficult but not impossible for mtns to get loyal wife’s
It is not low if you consider the other generations, gen Z or alpha doesnt even want marriage or kids..
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Yes, the average marriage ends in 7 years too btw,
I just want a HTB+ KHHV christian women, thats all I need
Bro what you’re asking for is so rare nowadays htn is already like top 10% and almost no woman is khhv by 18 that shi just doesn’t happen
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In fact forget the khhv most woman aren’t even v by 18
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Bro what you’re asking for is so rare nowadays htn is already like top 10% and almost no woman is khhv by 18 that shi just doesn’t happen
True, saying I wish to have it doesnt mean I will, I just hope God has a good women for me
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Yes I am christian, I go to church every saturday, I read the bible and pray, and im learning about christianity in a little school
You see this is where you’re going wrong there’s only one god and that’s David gandy jfl
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Nah on a real note though I wish you luck bro a lot of Christian women don’t even believe In it they are just forced by their parents and then repent when they are 35 for being used up by Chad in parties
holy guys its not that deep

if youre chad youll have a good life

most people arent chad

so most people dont live good life

intead settle for what you can and be satisfied and grateful ur not a 4'6 dwarf, or a 90 iq retard or a sub 1 subhuman with 100 deformities or a burn victim
The idea of objective ‘truth’ is looked at as archaic in philosophy. By being epistemologically sceptical, you can inductively disregard the notion and subsequently the black pill.
The problem with what you’re saying is you’re inductively concluding your ‘truths’ on the basis of subjective observations with biases you, yourself hold.

You should read David Hume’s book ‘An enquiry concerning human understanding’, if you want an elaboration of these ideas.
I thought about stuff of that nature myself, and how if we only looked at the past experiences as a point of searching for the truth, we could dismiss the blackpill very easily; maybe I was in some deluded denial all my life and was just turned to the blackpill as a way to cope with my situation.

...but the problem here is that: 1) my experiences led me to the redpill, not blackpill, making me believe I can change my life with enough hard work, and 2) blackpill is backed up by data. Empirical data. Thats the issue here
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I thought about stuff of that nature myself, and how if we only looked at the past experiences as a point of searching for the truth, we could dismiss the blackpill very easily; maybe I was in some deluded denial all my life and was just turned to the blackpill as a way to cope with my situation.

...but the problem here is that: 1) my experiences led me to the redpill, not blackpill, making me believe I can change my life with enough hard work, and 2) blackpill is backed up by data. Empirical data. Thats the issue here
Something being statistically probable is not the same as an objective truth. A lot of blackpilled people don’t understand the philosophy of science.

Because women are inclined to behave a certain way does not mean all women behave that way. The mind is way too complex to predict that.
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White pill is knowing that it’s over but accepting it
Accept that you’re subhuman and just cope and try to live
Something being statistically probable is not the same as an objective truth. A lot of blackpilled people don’t understand the philosophy of science.

Because women are inclined to behave a certain way does not mean all women behave that way. The mind is way too complex to predict that.
Sorry bro but I don't buy it. If there is a set of beliefs you can use to predict future experiences, those become facts and rules.

The fact its true only 99.999999999% of times and not 100% doesn't change much.

Saying blackpill isn't true because "that one woman in that corner of the world finds jeremy meeks ugly" is like saying "2 + 2 != 4" because that one tribe reads "+" as "-"
Sorry bro but I don't buy it. If there is a set of beliefs you can use to predict future experiences, those become facts and rules.

The fact its true only 99.999999999% of times and not 100% doesn't change much.

Saying blackpill isn't true because "that one woman in that corner of the world finds jeremy meeks ugly" is like saying "2 + 2 != 4" because that one tribe reads "+" as "-"
yea hes right

anybody that says anything else is coping

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