What races of women do you feel like you more



Oct 30, 2018
As a deatnik North African, the pool isn't that really big.

White women are obviously the group of people that despise me the most, followed by my own race. In 3rd position I should say south-Mediterranean women.

However, black, asian and a handful of hispannic women tend to be kind of receptive toward me as opposed of the groups of women quoted above.

How about you ppl ?
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Where from north afirca
Well thankfully I don't live in a multiracial 56 percenter country so all the people are the same race = Arab
Ethnic whores have been the only women even slightly nice to me,white women want me to burn.
The only two times I've ever been complimented in my life were both abo subhumans.
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Mena and black women like me the most.
As a deatnik North African, the pool isn't that really big.

White women are obviously the group of people that despise me the most, followed by my own race. In 3rd position I should say south-Mediterranean women.

However, black, asian and a handful of hispannic women tend to be kind of receptive toward me as opposed of the groups of women quoted above.

How about you ppl ?

Hispanic and white girls showcase the most iois, but mostly hispanics/latinas and occasionally some white girls, they don't do it as much
Hispanic and white girls showcase the most iois, but mostly hispanics/latinas and occasionally some white girls, they don't do it as much
It seems to be that Arab men are the group of people that get the most hate and no love from white women but could it only be an exaggeration ?
Only Asian women acknowledge my existence, but I'm not into them unfortunately. I'm more into white women (which is my race), who don't like me in turn. Perhaps I should just become friends with Asian women, tee hee.
It seems to be that Arab men are the group of people that get the most hate and no love from white women but could it only be an exaggeration ?
That's true for average and below people, but the GL ones can get even more indications of interest than white guys can, even the white guys who look good too.

For that to happen you need to be noticeably above average facial wise with westernized facial features (think thin nose instead of bulbous and wide one) and a passable, semi-muscular body (though have known many skinny guys with GL faces get laid)

There's also an element of luck in play here, if you are arab and live in the US or Europe then you need to anticipate a lot of disinterest and racially/religiously motivated stereotypes from the white girls, especially after this whole immigration crisis. It becomes a numbers game
Only a handful of women have ever expressed any attraction towards me. Of those select few, most have been white girls (my race) and a few Latina women. Asian women in particular don't seem to be attracted to me at all. Maybe because I'm med phenotype and have a darker complexion and hair ? Basically, I'm white but not wasp. Think Al Pacino Italian looks.
none of them
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1. Asians and whites
2. Ethnics
3. Blacks
I've seen asian girls here and they are pure subhumans,short af and ugly.
I've mostly interacted with Asians and Indians and Asians like me more but that also is due to the fact that curry bitches just have weird standards.
I've seen asian girls here and they are pure subhumans,short af and ugly.
Thread is which women like you more, not which women you like more
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What your tone goy

you are in my crosshairs scholomo
Huwhite girls followed by hispanic. Lot of the hispanics think im half kek
Deffo Asians, even though my city doesn’t have a lot when I do see em they always giving signs, I suppose blonde/blue eyes and tall is why. I kinda prefer Asians they age way better then whites. Not gonna try shit till I get down to 9-10% bf
Asians followed by whites.
Deffo Asians, even though my city doesn’t have a lot when I do see em they always giving signs, I suppose blonde/blue eyes and tall is why. I kinda prefer Asians they age way better then whites. Not gonna try shit till I get down to 9-10% bf
You mate with a rice whore and all your tall genes go to shit. Your kids will be 5'7 ER clones. Mate with a tall white woman instead.
You mate with a rice whore and all your tall genes go to shit. Your kids will be 5'7 ER clones. Mate with a tall white woman instead.
Yea I do like whites like most of us do, but dam they have so many orbiters/betas around em especially if there semi/decent attractive, I’ll wait till I get a lean look and try from there.
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black females. if any femnig could be femcel it would have to be a darkie
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From real life experience, top 3 in order are:

1. Middle-Eastern
2. Hispanic
3. Asian
Black women are by far the nicest to me, then come white women and then it's currywhores tied in with North African women. The last two women really hate me for some reason, yet will be nice to any white male. Fucking superficial whores.

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