When did you become aware of your subhumanity/get obsessed over looks?

first time i took photo of my side profile but i was always insecure about my overbite
it was very brutal btw
when my oneitis rejected me this january. until then I was redpill pua gym coper
no you nigger I was taught never to fight back and just tell the teacher by my beta parents why is why I didn't do shit. And killing is over the top, I never wish death to my enemies. You sound like a psychopath. Obviously Im very angry at them but killing is over the top, you need therapy.
killing is natural if you have a penis
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I was blackpilled at a young age because my mum was making fun of my manlet height in elementary school at age 7 and saying shit like "why are you so short, look at (tallest classmate) why can't you be as tall as him?" as if I could grow at will jfl she is saying that shit while she is 4 foot 9 and my dad is barely 5 foot 7. I knew she just wanted me to grow up handsome but im still angry that she was sadistic enough to not let me just enjoy my life as a child but just blackpilling me on why im not good looking. She can swallow her words now since Im 6 foot 1 as of this year.

I also was classmates with 2 shithead bullys, one boy and girl, who were such psychopaths that they made 2 teachers quit their jobs. They had quite big egos and continued bullying me for being ugly and introverted even after I remember my parents being called because the situation was getting so bad. The girl was even worse than the guy, even bullying the guy at times. She was notorious in our school for being an annoying loud bitch and fist fighting any guy who looked in her direction. No guy could fight her and come out without bruises because she had a linebacker frame and was like 5 foot 5 so height mogged 99% of the school kids. The guy is pretty chill now and apologised to me admitting he was a complete shithead cunt, so I decided to forgive him. The girl is still a fake ass bitch and is popular on instagram. She is honestly pretty ugly like a 3/10 at best moon faced bitch with a door frame body but status halo because she is good at sports.

This whore even posted on instagram with one of the posts of her smiling like an angel next to a kid with the fucking caption "Be kind to everyone, because it costs nothing!" That shit made my blood boil so bad that she even had the audacity to do this im thinking of exposing her by DMing all her closest friends, family, etc and copy pasting a wall of text saying how she is a bully with a fake nice mask and made me want to commit suicide at a very young age, and hopefully this bitch gets exposed and loses all her friends.
Maybe when you ascend you can seduce the girl and "revenge fuck" her in the butthole?
It plagued me since like 12 jfl. Some call it BDD, I just think I'm hyper aware of my flaws, not irrational about them. Since then I got a new problem after new, first skin tone then my nose turned giant then I turned out to be manlet and then discovered how bad my lower third is.

I had a moment of shock when I saw my subhuman side profile for the first time in a few years in a photo taken by a friend. I got off social media in 9th grade so I didn't take any pictures for YEARS. That is until I noticed later on how shitty my face looked when I was 19 and It was too late to change it. I could not believe I looked that bad, it nuked my self esteem.
When I got rejected by my third oneitis brutally

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