When I talk about Latinos, I'm talking South America and Caribbean, not native Americans/central Americans

Again, curry logic. Race is coloring. Muh bones is curry logic. Sendhil Ramamurthy has the same skull as Henry Cavill so according to you he is White. Keep telling yourself you're white to cope with your dark features, Pedro
Hahaha you just proved yourself wrong, that curry nigga is dark as sin, I take shits lighter than him, meanwhile the composite face you posted has white skin, keep dodging my question about your race btw, you are probably a snow ape nerdic or a selfhating ethnic :lul:
Hahaha you just proved yourself wrong, that curry nigga is dark as sin, I take shits lighter than him, meanwhile the composite face you posted has white skin, keep dodging my question about your race btw, you are probably a snow ape nerdic or a selfhating ethnic :lul:
So just the universal Med cope of "we have light skin brooooo" ok great, you're basically Levantines then. How does it feel that you're "pale" the same way Armenians, Turks, Iranians, and Iraqis are?
So just the universal Med cope of "we have light skin brooooo" ok great, you're basically Levantines then. How does it feel that you're "pale" the same way Armenians, Turks, Iranians, and Iraqis are?
It doesn’t bother me cuz we look different except to autists online who love to cherrypick, OP already explained you how things are, you can keep hating on meds if you want, did a med bull fuck your oneitis or what?
It doesn’t bother me cuz we look different except to autists online who love to cherrypick, OP already explained you how things are, you can keep hating on meds if you want, did a med bull fuck your oneitis or what?
Amazing how I did nothing to insult your precious Master race except that you take being called ethnic the highest disgrace. Did an ethnic bull fuck yours, then?
Amazing how I did nothing to insult your precious Master race except that you take being called ethnic the highest disgrace. Did an ethnic bull fuck yours, then?
Damn its almost as if people will get upset if you deny their identity, who would’ve thought, and white or not I have more appeal than whatever your race is could wish for.
Damn its almost as if people will get upset if you deny their identity, who would’ve thought, and white or not I have more appeal than whatever your race is could wish for.
Calls me a self hating ethnic meanwhile he chimps out because I implied t50s and black hair are ethnic features. Interpret my comments how you will. Not my fault you consider it insulting. JFL You can't make this shit up.
Calls me a self hating ethnic meanwhile he chimps out because I implied t50s and black hair are ethnic features. Interpret my comments how you will. Not my fault you consider it insulting. JFL You can't make this shit up.
You are so dense you can’t even understand why I find it insulting, cage at your sentience.

Anyway even by your autistic sfcel standards meds aren’t ethnic lol

You are so dense you can’t even understand why I find it insulting, cage at your sentience.

Anyway even by your autistic sfcel standards meds aren’t ethnic lol

>posts majority dark hair and eye regions
>muh they're not ethnic

But I'm the delusional one jfl @ you
>posts majority dark hair and eye regions
>muh they're not ethnic

But I'm the delusional one jfl @ you
That just means most guys don’t have A10 eyes and light blonde hair, not that they all have T50 eyes and vantablack hair, but they could do and still be white since it’s all about skin undertones, skull and facial features lol.
Get back to fabricating fake screenshots projecting your homosexuality and following me around the forum like my lapdog.
stop deflecting you have been exposed as a fag and the whole forum knows you are like the cat that covers his eyes thinking that will prevent anyone from seeing it because they did that

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