When I’m older I’ll investigate/reasearch about occultism, esotericism, etc. The secrets to religion and everything I believe in lie there



your oneitis < caylee cowan
Aug 12, 2023
I don’t want to be a sheep and just look at the Bible and the Quran for the truth

I need more truth, I want to believe in God/Allah but after all the things I have seen and all the different opinions of different people from the soul trap/loose farm theory to the synchronicity of events from astrology and the black cube of Saturn seen in every abrahamic religion like this

Mecca Kaaba GIF

Christianity (the sign for Christianity is a cross and a cube in flat form is like this below)
IMG 3802

and this shit with more cubes (it’s called the “Abrahamic Family House) which features Islam, Christianity, and Judaism
IMG 3803

when I search up “planet” on emojis the only ones why pop up are earth and Saturn….
IMG 3804

Oh and I forgot that there a fucking hexagon on saturn and a hexagon is another big sign that represents Saturn in astrology
IMG 3805

I will not die blind….

I don’t want to be a sheep and just look at the Bible and the Quran for the truth

I need more truth, I want to believe in God/Allah but after all the things I have seen and all the different opinions of different people from the soul trap/loose farm theory to the synchronicity of events from astrology and the black cube of Saturn seen in every abrahamic religion like this

Mecca Kaaba GIF

Christianity (the sign for Christianity is a cross and a cube in flat form is like this below)
View attachment 2756686

and this shit with more cubes (it’s called the “Abrahamic Family House) which features Islam, Christianity, and Judaism
View attachment 2756692

when I search up “planet” on emojis the only ones why pop up are earth and Saturn….
View attachment 2756696

Oh and I forgot that there a fucking hexagon on saturn and a hexagon is another big sign that represents Saturn in astrology
View attachment 2756699

I will not die blind….
worship one God and be a good person, pretty simple
try astral projection
2 Timothy 3:7: Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

The cross was not meant to represent Christ. And the cross he died on was not even shaped like that. You're right that every mainstream regilious belief is laden with demonic symbolism. And it's also prophecied that God's word and his intended life will never be anything mainstream.

Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

The soul trap loosh theory is a meme theory brewed from the most retarded depths of reddit. Literally reads like a retarded scenario from a sci-fi book written by a child.

Since you are smart enough to believe in a creator I advise you to look more into biblical prophecy and the Bible's wisdom and what it has to offer regarding life.
If you care about the truth you can ask the creator to reveal it to you and ask for your life to be lead onto the right paths.

Like you discovered through symbolism, the world is run by evil entities. Just like the Bible says. You need to build a relationship with God in order to not be decieved. Lots of conspiracies and new age spirituality subjects are really doctored rabbit holes designed to decieve you.
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schizo just say jews

The new secret to ascend according to "muh blackpill experts". Be careful you start like this and you might end up being raped in some pacific island by old british royals.
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