Why anglos are the most superior whites, Germans are abused dogs

1) They were. But then they got mass immigration from Germany. By World War 2, Germans were the majority ethnic group.

2) Britain absolutely would have lost. France had surrendered and the Brits were forced off the continent. Germany wouldn’t have been able to successfully invade, but a combination of aerial bombardments and submarine warfare would have driven them to their knees without the intervention of the superpowers.

3) It doesn’t matter. Jews aren’t Anglos. Many of their high achievers came from non English ethnic groups. America was the collective achievement of Europeans with English people making a respectable contribution to it. As to them contributing nothing, look up the German scientists and the space race or Enrico Fermi and the nuclear reactor. Heck, if you’re typing this on a smart phone, you can thank Frank Canova for that.

4) The Russians had already smashed the Japanese at Khalkin Gol and Wastern Russia was largely empty. Even in the darkest days of the Eastern Front, they kept over a million men in the east to face the Japanese in case they invaded. Lend Lease started to make a difference in 1943, when Hitlers fate was already sealed. Before that, the Mediterranean and Baltic were both shut down to Allied traffic by the Italian and German navies respectively.

Nah. Anglos are big achievers, but they don’t have clear superiority over other Europeans.

Correction. There are slightly more British Americans than German Americans. The difference isn’t great though. And when you add up all of the other European ethnic groups, it’s very hard to say that America is proof of Anglo superiority.
Germans contributed nothing, most plantation owners and industrialists were anglos, Germans were just workers, USA is British Anglo empire, extention of the British empire without a crown, there is absolutely nothing German about the USA, even hitler hated USA and Americans.
2: Germany lost the battle of Britain, raf was way more stronger than Luftwaffe, remember what raf did to Dresden and Hamburg, German navy was a literal joke they couldn't even sail past by small royal Navy boats, Brits withdrew because french surrendered, Brits were planning a counterattack, they were able to pull back their troops successfully out of Dunkirk, Germans couldn't do shit about it .
3: most achivers in USA are mostly British and joos, Germans were mere factory workers jfl calling that a contribution
even all universities ivy leagues are British or joos
4: Russians can only dream if smashing Japanese, it was a mere skirmishes, if Japan did attacked with full force, Russians would have choked, but Japan instead went for south east asia and smashed the British empire there, tho as I said, Japan > Germany
Anglos have superiority over all Europeans, other Europeans are a joke in front of anglos tbh, and USA and Canada are almost entirely British anglos, nothing German about USA just tell me one influence Germans had over USA without googling, every aspect of USA is British Anglo
  • +1
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Who fucking cares about that. Dutch people are richer, look better, taller etc etc than anglos lol.
But anglos can conquer them anytime, actually Dutch were destroyed by the imperial Japan so badly they never returned to Asia lol, Dutch ain't shit, anglos > Dutch
The **Fourth Anglo-Dutch War (1780–1784)** is often considered the "last ditch" effort by the Dutch to challenge British naval supremacy. This war was influenced by Dutch support for the American Revolution, which angered the British. The conflict ended with the decline of Dutch naval power and solidified British dominance at sea.

The war saw several significant battles, but ultimately, the British Royal Navy's superior strength and resources led to their victory. This marked the end of the Dutch Republic's position as a major naval power.

Dutch were smashed by anglos
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Ancestors of curries tbh, ruled curry land for close to 89 years
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There is no such thing as white men, there are Anglo men ( British ) then there are other European men, don't you consider both as same trash, anglos are a league of their own, and anglos are ruling the world right now meanwhile other Europeans are like pet dogs getting lead by anglos. Anglos are willingly giving up some of their power to ethnics, because anglos considers all men as equal unlike other Europeans. For anglos there is no diff between an Indian man, a German or Russian. Learn from anglos how the build a civilised society
ethnic cucking at its finest youre soo lost

The british have advantageous geography there on an island,

Germany is sorounded by enemies

The only reason the british conquered more than everyone else is lucky geography of being an island nation

German tribes invaded England in 700 to 900 ad and conquered it so they who is the superior ones there
That's why there called Anglo Saxons and not just angles cause Saxons were the germans who conquered England and integrated making Anglo Saxons you retard

So british naturally have german dna

And the germans were very successful in ww2 the reason they lost is obvious they were hugely outnumbered and vs ing the rest of the world with a bigger industry, they still conquered heaps of land

The dutch defeated the british in several battles on land and at sea and even sailed dutch marines up the London river into London to raid

The dutch conquered indonesia the british didn't do that they conquered filthy india
Indonesia was the dutch East indes trading company which made the dutch so much Money it's actually the biggest and richest company ever in human history

America only does well for similar reason lucky geography and large population,

I think the superior race are just Europeans in general
What a lot of gibberish, India is way more powerful and above Indonesia, also indonesia was a colony of Japan they took it from Dutch after smashing them, meanwhile British raj defeated Japan.
Anglos weren't just lucky, they were clearly superior, Dutch, Germans, french never had a navy, they had a subhuman military and navy, British navy simply smashed all European navies, why couldn't other Europeans build any navy as powerful as the royal Navy ? Simply because they all are inferiror to Anglos.

Anglos, Dutch, also British navy smashed the Dutch navy all the time, Dutch empire was a joke, Netherlands is a joke in front of Japan.

German tribes invading england is nothing but tales, hitler tried fabricating that story but guess what ? The anglos rejected it , lol and bombed Dresden and Hamburg slayed 100k + Germans jfl
Anglo Saxon bullshit is a lie, made up theory, it's a pseudo theory, and guess what ? Anglos rejected it
U can thank Zendaya for that
She’s gilt and mullatos she never had anything to do with that men into mullatos don’t like black chicks unless they already liked black foids
She’s gilt and mullatos she never had anything to do with that men into mullatos don’t like black chicks unless they already liked black foids

Most people cant tell the difference between a mullato and a full black african (yes people are this stupid)
dogshit british empire callapsed cuz of loss for the sphere of influence in Central Asia to the Russian Empire.
And this awful country "USA" is not a superpower, not even close.
  • JFL
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Most people cant tell the difference between a mullato and a full black african (yes people are this stupid)
No YOUR stupid, most people CAN tell the difference only YOU cannot because YOURE stupid I went to all white schools and live in a cumskins ethnostate and even here cumskins can easily tell diff between mullatos snd bbc
Anglos are under jewish rule, they are cucked dogs

Look at fucking London, muh superior of all whites :lul:
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Germans are cool. I am Dutch and Germans are good people. I do think they have been treated badly the last 100+ years. Literally been abused.

The reason why they are abused is because Germans are actually capable of a lot. It's a way to control their power.

I sometimes see Germans online still making jokes like they still feel guilty about being a "nazi". Psychologically destroyed.

I hope they will become strong again one day and have a good nation.
  • JFL
Reactions: Hypersonic
Germans are cool. I am Dutch and Germans are good people. I do think they have been treated badly the last 100+ years. Literally been abused.

The reason why they are abused is because Germans are actually capable of a lot. It's a way to control their power.

I sometimes see Germans online still making jokes like they still feel guilty about being a "nazi". Psychologically destroyed.

I hope they will become strong again one day and have a good nation.
Anglos smashed them all the time Germans never defeated the anglos, Germans can't fight for shit. Dutch are also useless. Both inferiror to Anglos
Anglos are under jewish rule, they are cucked dogs

Look at fucking London, muh superior of all whites :lul:
No anglos and joos are allies , also it's nyc now not London and nyc was also established by the anglos
dogshit british empire callapsed cuz of loss for the sphere of influence in Central Asia to the Russian Empire.
And this awful country "USA" is not a superpower, not even close.
British empire did not collapsed after ww2 British empire was still in control of India for close to 2 years they voluntarily gave up India, USA is truly a superpower, most powerful country in the history of human kind
What a lot of gibberish, India is way more powerful and above Indonesia, also indonesia was a colony of Japan they took it from Dutch after smashing them, meanwhile British raj defeated Japan.
Anglos weren't just lucky, they were clearly superior, Dutch, Germans, french never had a navy, they had a subhuman military and navy, British navy simply smashed all European navies, why couldn't other Europeans build any navy as powerful as the royal Navy ? Simply because they all are inferiror to Anglos.

Anglos, Dutch, also British navy smashed the Dutch navy all the time, Dutch empire was a joke, Netherlands is a joke in front of Japan.

German tribes invading england is nothing but tales, hitler tried fabricating that story but guess what ? The anglos rejected it , lol and bombed Dresden and Hamburg slayed 100k + Germans jfl
Anglo Saxon bullshit is a lie, made up theory, it's a pseudo theory, and guess what ? Anglos rejected it
Cope that's why there Anglo Saxons not just anglos retard where are Saxons from

Saxony in Germany the Brits have german blood, im sorry but the germans conquered England

Come to think of it anglos don't even originate from England

There were three main germanic tribes that conquered and settled England in the 700s ad they were the Saxons who were from West Germany the jutes who were in that area between Denmark and Germany and the angles from Anglia who were near the jutes in Denmark

So there you go jfl anglo mates aren't even from Britain instead there a germanic tribe,

And then around 300 years later Scandinavian tribes conquered a section of northern France and than integrated with the Frank's or French so like a French Viking mix, they became the Norman's, they invaded and conquered England in 1066 and interbred and integrated with the anglos and the Saxons and the mix of these peoples evolved into the English language
So Brits are a mix of Germans Vikings French,

The original people of England were the celts and they got thoroughly conquered and ran through by mainland Europeans,
And today there being ran through by ethnics

Don't try to hang shit on the Dutch in ww2 with the Japan thing,
When Britain surrendered to the Japanese at Singapore, Singapore at the time was one of the world's strongest fortifications the British also outnumbered the Japanese, the Japanese won a major victory and the british surrendered like pussies even though the Japanese were low on ammunition and had less troops

Don't get me wrong I like Britain they had a great empire and a fantastic army with great soldiers, and everyone has had there arse kicked in history so no hard feelings

It's just that your argument about them being a superior race is retarded and there are other great countries, at best they may have been chosen by God as the new Israel to spread the word of God, but there still ordinary like everyone else

And even if you think they are superior than you also think the germans are superior because anglos and Saxons are germans jfl
Within white race, the most superior whites are the anglos / British.

Other Europeans are fringe elements, like Germans, poles, eastern Europeans, spanish, Russians, Portuguese french are all abused dogs.

USA ( British people ) is currently the world's superpower, most powerful Americans have Anglo / British surnames and Anglo heritage. British empire did not colonised south america and you can see just how useless it is compared to the north.

I feel like only Japanese can compete with anglos , rest other Europeans are a joke with iq of 98

Why all of India speaks English, why not Dutch, french, German ( lol )etc ?

Why nobody could challenge the British raj ?

Why Germans are abused dogs and lost all wars against anglos even lost battle of Britain?

Germans also lost in north Africa against the anglos.

Even today canada USA Australia UK etc the anglosphere is very rich and superior in everything like economy, looks, strength, military, sports etc

Why curryland doesn't speaks german or Dutch ?

Tales. Germanics mog.
  • JFL
  • +1
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British empire did not collapsed after ww2 British empire was still in control of India for close to 2 years they voluntarily gave up India, USA is truly a superpower, most powerful country in the history of human kind
I'll tell you again, the British Empire has begun to crumble because of the loss of its sphere of influence in Central Asia to the Russian Empire. Moreover, there was an Anglo-Russian war, in which Russia won. And finally collapsed due to the pressure of the USSR in the post-war period. The US is no longer a superpower (as they themselves admit).

And the most powerful state in history is the Soviet Union. Just look at the number of nuclear bombs to see for yourself.
Cope that's why there Anglo Saxons not just anglos retard where are Saxons from

Saxony in Germany the Brits have german blood, im sorry but the germans conquered England

Come to think of it anglos don't even originate from England

There were three main germanic tribes that conquered and settled England in the 700s ad they were the Saxons who were from West Germany the jutes who were in that area between Denmark and Germany and the angles from Anglia who were near the jutes in Denmark

So there you go jfl anglo mates aren't even from Britain instead there a germanic tribe,

And then around 300 years later Scandinavian tribes conquered a section of northern France and than integrated with the Frank's or French so like a French Viking mix, they became the Norman's, they invaded and conquered England in 1066 and interbred and integrated with the anglos and the Saxons and the mix of these peoples evolved into the English language
So Brits are a mix of Germans Vikings French,

The original people of England were the celts and they got thoroughly conquered and ran through by mainland Europeans,
And today there being ran through by ethnics

Don't try to hang shit on the Dutch in ww2 with the Japan thing,
When Britain surrendered to the Japanese at Singapore, Singapore at the time was one of the world's strongest fortifications the British also outnumbered the Japanese, the Japanese won a major victory and the british surrendered like pussies even though the Japanese were low on ammunition and had less troops

Don't get me wrong I like Britain they had a great empire and a fantastic army with great soldiers, and everyone has had there arse kicked in history so no hard feelings

It's just that your argument about them being a superior race is retarded and there are other great countries, at best they may have been chosen by God as the new Israel to spread the word of God, but there still ordinary like everyone else

And even if you think they are superior than you also think the germans are superior because anglos and Saxons are germans jfl
Your wrong again coming up with pseudo theories, all human race came from Africa this doesn't mean we all are Africans, Japanese had some chinese influence still Japanese will never call themselves Germans, anglos are British, and Germans are Germans, some migration might have happened but anglos clearly rejected this we wuz same shieet idea long back, the Brits never claim to be Germans, it's always the loser Germans and Dutch coming up with muh Anglo Saxon theory, in reality anglos have been seperated from Germans for centuries, the fact the British anglos achieved so much and Germans are irrelevant shows that there is major difference between these two tribes, Germans never had any influence overseas, British empire spanned across the entire globe, Germans are inferiror tribe and couldn't achieve that alone disproves your we were same shiet theory , regarding Japanese, no one can really stop them, they could have conquered all of India and Australia as well if they had not attacked USA at pearl Harbor, nonetheless they smashed Dutch Indonesia with no effort, Dutch had no chance against Japan jfl
What a lot of gibberish, India is way more powerful and above Indonesia, also indonesia was a colony of Japan they took it from Dutch after smashing them, meanwhile British raj defeated Japan.
Anglos weren't just lucky, they were clearly superior, Dutch, Germans, french never had a navy, they had a subhuman military and navy, British navy simply smashed all European navies, why couldn't other Europeans build any navy as powerful as the royal Navy ? Simply because they all are inferiror to Anglos.

Anglos, Dutch, also British navy smashed the Dutch navy all the time, Dutch empire was a joke, Netherlands is a joke in front of Japan.

German tribes invading england is nothing but tales, hitler tried fabricating that story but guess what ? The anglos rejected it , lol and bombed Dresden and Hamburg slayed 100k + Germans jfl
Anglo Saxon bullshit is a lie, made up theory, it's a pseudo theory, and guess what ? Anglos rejected it

One more thing

The Boers who were descendants of the Dutch ( and yes I know they lost but losing wars isn't because your a shit fighter it's cause your population and industry is smaller which was the case with the boers)
Absolutely owned the british in that war the Boers were often massively outnumbered and still won battles
The Boers were better marksman better more accurate shots and sniped clapped many British soldiers in the head, one reason for this was high quality rifles the Boers used, which was the Mauser, which was fantastic German engineering

The Boers shot lots of british as the Boers were hunters,
So in that war the Boers displayed the more chaddy attributes the British couldn't shoot for shit compared to the boers
I am an American with purely Northern European heritage spreading across England, Sweden, and Germany. I believe that these groups of Northern Europeans had been the most superior in Power, History, and Strength. But lets look at the difference between the English from the other people of the British Isles, while the Irish and Scottish have been presented in a more militant and radical expression within their Nationalism, in comparison to these militant expression English people had have more softer-tones and turns, English people could stand to attention to things who saw tears in their eyes and tears streaming down their eyes with extreme emotion, and sometimes still in very violent expressions. The English are very emotional and rooted within deep them is their sense of culture and patriotism which comes out in time of need.

I believe that the Germans had become very degraded over the 21st century from the Powerful Nazi regime with hundreds of years of power before that aswell, the Germans have always been very efficient and smart people, if you need something done 100 years ago I'd have a Prussian do it, the Prussian system was extremely efficient in their manner.

Another thing is Hitlers respect for Anglo's and all the other European countries, Hitler had discussed a non-aggression pact with Poland and went to Pilsudskis funeral but it was Josef Beck who neglected and tore the German and Polish relations of the 30's. Hitler had refused to bomb several sites in Britain, he let the soldiers escape on Boats in Dunkirk instead of destroying them. It was only until the end of the war where it was Total War and Hitler realized he should've shown no remorse for the enemy.
  • JFL
Reactions: Hypersonic
+1 for the shout out to the Japanese, btw.

Too bad modern-day Japanese are cucks now thanks to cuckmerica cuckifying them.
  • So Sad
Reactions: Hypersonic
Tales. Germanics mog.
Yeah mogs at getting mogged and losing jfl absolute abused dogs

One more thing

The Boers who were descendants of the Dutch ( and yes I know they lost but losing wars isn't because your a shit fighter it's cause your population and industry is smaller which was the case with the boers)
Absolutely owned the british in that war the Boers were often massively outnumbered and still won battles
The Boers were better marksman better more accurate shots and sniped clapped many British soldiers in the head, one reason for this was high quality rifles the Boers used, which was the Mauser, which was fantastic German engineering

The Boers shot lots of british as the Boers were hunters,
So in that war the Boers displayed the more chaddy attributes the British couldn't shoot for shit compared to the boers
Again BS, Indians also defeated British empire for close to 120 years, check first Anglo maratha war, British failed in india for a century before finally getting control over the Indian subcontinent through alliances and devide and rule, princely states etc. still India fall to the British empire nonetheless.

The British destroyed the boers in south africa, the Dutch were shown their place, many of Dutch were put into concentration camps and many of Dutch women were abused.

Militarily, the British Empire won the Anglo-Boer War. Despite the Boers' initial successes and effective guerrilla tactics, the British forces eventually overwhelmed them through superior numbers, resources, and a strategy of attrition. The British captured key Boer cities and implemented a scorched-earth policy, destroying farms and placing Boer civilians in concentration camps, which significantly weakened the Boer resistance.

- **British casualties**: Approximately 22,000 British soldiers died, with many more wounded
- **Boer casualties**: Around 34,000 Boers lost their lives, including both combatants and civilians
- **African casualties**: An estimated 12,000 African lives were lost during the conflict

The war was particularly brutal due to the use of concentration camps by the British, where many Boer civilians, including women and children, died from disease and malnutrition
+1 for the shout out to the Japanese, btw.

Too bad modern-day Japanese are cucks now thanks to cuckmerica cuckifying them.
Indeed true. I had argued in History class in Freshmen year that the dropping of the atomic on Japan mean't the end of Japan and the glorious Empire of Japan, they have been completley and utterly dumbed down to a complete and robotic capitalist system, there is no honor, no glory, nothing to fight for. As Yukio Mishima said "We live in an age in which there is no heroic death."
  • So Sad
Reactions: Gengar
Yeah mogs at getting mogged and losing jfl absolute abused dogs
They're just civilized, unlike deathnik beasts. Best not to awaken the Germanic warrior spirit.
  • JFL
Reactions: Hypersonic
Indeed true. I had argued in History class in Freshmen year that the dropping of the atomic on Japan mean't the end of Japan and the glorious Empire of Japan, they have been completley and utterly dumbed down to a complete and robotic capitalist system, there is no honor, no glory, nothing to fight for. As Yukio Mishima said "We live in an age in which there is no heroic death."
:feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy: Once so glorious, now forever cucked.
+1 for the shout out to the Japanese, btw.

Too bad modern-day Japanese are cucks now thanks to cuckmerica cuckifying them.
The might of the imperial Japan will rise again
  • So Sad
  • +1
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Your wrong again coming up with pseudo theories, all human race came from Africa this doesn't mean we all are Africans, Japanese had some chinese influence still Japanese will never call themselves Germans, anglos are British, and Germans are Germans, some migration might have happened but anglos clearly rejected this we wuz same shieet idea long back, the Brits never claim to be Germans, it's always the loser Germans and Dutch coming up with muh Anglo Saxon theory, in reality anglos have been seperated from Germans for centuries, the fact the British anglos achieved so much and Germans are irrelevant shows that there is major difference between these two tribes, Germans never had any influence overseas, British empire spanned across the entire globe, Germans are inferiror tribe and couldn't achieve that alone disproves your we were same shiet theory , regarding Japanese, no one can really stop them, they could have conquered all of India and Australia as well if they had not attacked USA at pearl Harbor, nonetheless they smashed Dutch Indonesia with no effort, Dutch had no chance against Japan jfl

The whole trying to say we came from Africa argument is like saying we're all Africans is nowhere close to my point

There is a massive difference between the Africa thing and the Chinese Japanese migrations, firstly the Africa thing happened thousands if not tens of thousands of years ago by hunter gatherers and caveman

The Anglo Saxon invasion of England happened literally in the medieval age where there was technology and governments with professional armies on both sides, that wasn't even that long ago and is fairly recent history and it wasn't a little bit of immigration it was an invasion and full repopulation of the current inhabitants, that is nothing like saying were all from Africa argument

He saxon invasion It's not just a theory lol it is an accepted fact by historians it occurred in recent history so there is writing and plenty of archaeological evidence of it and just evidence in general it's not in the realm of a wishy washy theory it literally happened with evidence that's like saying the Roman Empire is just a theory

And by your logic you can't claim Americans as they have been separated from Britain for quite some time now so them saving Britain in ww2 can't therefore be credited to anglos cause anglos aren't American

Your wrong about the Japanese in ww2

The Japanese absolutely could have been stopped without America and eventually though longer they would have been,
Japan didn't have the resources or manpower to invade Australia even without us help
Japan could never have conquered India
Britain definitely had the capability to stop Japan at Singapore, Britain had more troops more artillery and a great fort they could have actually defeated the Japanese right there and the war could have been shorter, but they didn't they pussied out and surrendered and the Japanese conquered way more than they should have, Japan never had the resources to win, unlike Germany who had a very slim chance of winning

Japan ran a train through Britain at Singapore and there was a way around it but they pussied out, and that was against gooks

Britain is barely the master race, and if they want to claim that they have to share it with Germans Scandinavians Americans Australians etc
  • JFL
Reactions: Hypersonic
Having an island and being disconnected from continental europe provided a huge advantage for them both tactically and for colonization

To say Germans are subhumans is ridiculous. They are certainly much superior to the Japanese.

But with that said I do still think they (anglos) are a race chosen by God to spread the Word of Jesus and have been a force of good
Anglos went to Japan and refused to give them Jesus because they “didn’t wanna impose their beliefs on others”

Anglos are the race that have not only promoted but created the plague called secularism and have given rise to Gaytheism/ Anglos are the assholes. that made Protestantism that filthy vile heresy mainstream.

Anglos converting some subhumans in Africa doesn’t detract from them allowing Hindus to remain and chinks to remain Jesus free
  • +1
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Yeah mogs at getting mogged and losing jfl absolute abused dogs

Again BS, Indians also defeated British empire for close to 120 years, check first Anglo maratha war, British failed in india for a century before finally getting control over the Indian subcontinent through alliances and devide and rule, princely states etc. still India fall to the British empire nonetheless.
Technological advantage any other European power could of achieved the same thing

The British destroyed the boers in south africa, the Dutch were shown their place, many of Dutch were put into concentration camps and many of Dutch women were abused.
Just because you rape and abuse women doesn't mean there dicks were bigger than the Boers dicks, the Boers dicks were probably bigger but they couldn't use them against British women as England was too far away

Militarily, the British Empire won the Anglo-Boer War. Despite the Boers' initial successes and effective guerrilla tactics,
Boer tactics were effective that's right

the British forces eventually overwhelmed them through superior numbers, resources, and a strategy of attrition.
Yeah but see here is your problem, because your claiming Britain as master race status and master race means superior quality of people aka race,
A master race doesn't win through superior numbers and a strategy of attrition because if your superior you don't need more numbers because you can win evenly because you have better quality not just quantity
So you have low iq inadvertently admitted that Britain is not the master race as they had to resort to quantity over quality which demonstrates that they lacked the quality aka they lacked the superiority
So the can't be the superior race and certainly not the superior fighters in this case

The British captured key Boer cities and implemented a scorched-earth policy, destroying farms and placing Boer civilians in concentration camps, which significantly weakened the Boer resistance.
A good strategy,
But that says more about Britain's superior recourses and through that capability rather than race

- **British casualties**: Approximately 22,000 British soldiers died, with many more wounded
- **Boer casualties**: Around 34,000 Boers lost their lives, including both combatants and civilians
- **African casualties**: An estimated 12,000 African lives were lost during the conflict
Yea but alot of the boer losses that you listed are civilians which shouldn't count as they are like free kills cause there unarmed
Jfl any subhuman can kill a civilian

The war was particularly brutal due to the use of concentration camps by the British, where many Boer civilians, including women and children, died from disease and malnutrition
I know

but that has nothing to do with fighting prowess
And is more telling of what a big organisation can achieve with lots of resources and money, again any subhuman in that position with that wealth and resources could do the same thing
Indeed true. I had argued in History class in Freshmen year that the dropping of the atomic on Japan mean't the end of Japan and the glorious Empire of Japan, they have been completley and utterly dumbed down to a complete and robotic capitalist system, there is no honor, no glory, nothing to fight for. As Yukio Mishima said "We live in an age in which there is no heroic death."
Not really, you know Japan used to be the second most powerful economy until 2011, in 2011 Japan had economy of 7 trillion usd, in 1996 it was 5 trillion usd !!!!!! In 1996 !!!!! With barely 80 million people.
Countries by gdp in 1996 in trillions $:
United States: $7,661.6
Japan: $5,260.3
Germany: $2,083.1
France: $1,542.7
United Kingdom: $1,123.0
Italy: $1,114.5
China: $863.7
Canada: $688.3
Spain: $582.4
Brazil: $774.0
Russia: $1,032.0
India: $382.0
Mexico: $401.0
Australia: $421.0
South Korea: $484.0

Even 2 Germany will not equal to one Japan
@Gengar @crushing sluts@100% @Putin
Last edited:
Anglos smashed them all the time Germans never defeated the anglos, Germans can't fight for shit. Dutch are also useless. Both inferiror to Anglos

No anglos and joos are allies , also it's nyc now not London and nyc was also established by the anglos

British empire did not collapsed after ww2 British empire was still in control of India for close to 2 years they voluntarily gave up India, USA is truly a superpower, most powerful country in the history of human kind
"No, anglos and joos are allies"

Good goy !
  • +1
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Not really, you know Japan used to be the second most powerful economy until 2011, in 2011 Japan had economy of 7 trillion usd, in 1996 it was 5 trillion usd !!!!!! In 1996 !!!!! With barely 80 million people.
Countries by gdp in 1996 in trillions $:
United States: $7,661.6
Japan: $5,260.3
Germany: $2,083.1
France: $1,542.7
When did I mention GDP? I am arguing the destruction of the Japanese peoples culture, and honor, they are a Robotic and Capitalist nation.
And being in rich country doesn't = good life lol, Look at the average American public school.
Not really, you know Japan used to be the second most powerful economy until 2011, in 2011 Japan had economy of 7 trillion usd, in 1996 it was 5 trillion usd !!!!!! In 1996 !!!!! With barely 80 million people.
Countries by gdp in 1996 in trillions $:
United States: $7,661.6
Japan: $5,260.3
Germany: $2,083.1
France: $1,542.7
United Kingdom: $1,123.0
Italy: $1,114.5
China: $863.7
Canada: $688.3
Spain: $582.4
Brazil: $774.0
Russia: $1,032.0
India: $382.0
Mexico: $401.0
Australia: $421.0
South Korea: $484.0

Even 2 Germany will not equal to one Japan
@Gengar @crushing sluts@100% @Putin
one nuke is enough for Japan
  • JFL
Reactions: Hypersonic
Most superior whites: Austrians and Czech
  • JFL
Reactions: Hypersonic
Within white race, the most superior whites are the anglos / British.

Other Europeans are fringe elements, like Germans, poles, eastern Europeans, spanish, Russians, Portuguese french are all abused dogs.

USA ( British people ) is currently the world's superpower, most powerful Americans have Anglo / British surnames and Anglo heritage. British empire did not colonised south america and you can see just how useless it is compared to the north.

I feel like only Japanese can compete with anglos , rest other Europeans are a joke with iq of 98

Why all of India speaks English, why not Dutch, french, German ( lol )etc ?

Why nobody could challenge the British raj ?

Why Germans are abused dogs and lost all wars against anglos even lost battle of Britain?

Germans also lost in north Africa against the anglos.

Even today canada USA Australia UK etc the anglosphere is very rich and superior in everything like economy, looks, strength, military, sports etc

Why curryland doesn't speaks german or Dutch ?

modern curries speak english because yes, the british raj, but also because its the best language to conduct international business in. But soon mandarin and spanish will over take english, and so i assume curries are going to start learning those languages as well.
  • Hmm...
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Germans contributed nothing, most plantation owners and industrialists were anglos, Germans were just workers, USA is British Anglo empire, extention of the British empire without a crown, there is absolutely nothing German about the USA, even hitler hated USA and Americans.
2: Germany lost the battle of Britain, raf was way more stronger than Luftwaffe, remember what raf did to Dresden and Hamburg, German navy was a literal joke they couldn't even sail past by small royal Navy boats, Brits withdrew because french surrendered, Brits were planning a counterattack, they were able to pull back their troops successfully out of Dunkirk, Germans couldn't do shit about it .
3: most achivers in USA are mostly British and joos, Germans were mere factory workers jfl calling that a contribution
even all universities ivy leagues are British or joos
4: Russians can only dream if smashing Japanese, it was a mere skirmishes, if Japan did attacked with full force, Russians would have choked, but Japan instead went for south east asia and smashed the British empire there, tho as I said, Japan > Germany
Anglos have superiority over all Europeans, other Europeans are a joke in front of anglos tbh, and USA and Canada are almost entirely British anglos, nothing German about USA just tell me one influence Germans had over USA without googling, every aspect of USA is British Anglo
In the Battle of Britain raf lost 1693 airplanes Germany lost only 283 airplanes

If it was a win it was a Pyrrhic victory
  • JFL
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lol. Anglo women get used like toys by avg black and mullato in the UK.

Even Arabs and pakis occasinally run trains on your women

So much for superior race

High class Anglos maybe but the avg Anglo? Fuck no they are subhuman chavs thanks to avg British person I can confidently say I will never feel racially inferior to a cumskin. The avg pinkoid is a beast of burden
Anglo men > Anglo women
Slavic men < Slavic women
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Germans contributed nothing, most plantation owners and industrialists were anglos, Germans were just workers, USA is British Anglo empire, extention of the British empire without a crown, there is absolutely nothing German about the USA, even hitler hated USA and Americans.
2: Germany lost the battle of Britain, raf was way more stronger than Luftwaffe, remember what raf did to Dresden and Hamburg, German navy was a literal joke they couldn't even sail past by small royal Navy boats, Brits withdrew because french surrendered, Brits were planning a counterattack, they were able to pull back their troops successfully out of Dunkirk, Germans couldn't do shit about it .
3: most achivers in USA are mostly British and joos, Germans were mere factory workers jfl calling that a contribution
even all universities ivy leagues are British or joos
4: Russians can only dream if smashing Japanese, it was a mere skirmishes, if Japan did attacked with full force, Russians would have choked, but Japan instead went for south east asia and smashed the British empire there, tho as I said, Japan > Germany
Anglos have superiority over all Europeans, other Europeans are a joke in front of anglos tbh, and USA and Canada are almost entirely British anglos, nothing German about USA just tell me one influence Germans had over USA without googling, every aspect of USA is British Anglo
1) You can say that Canada, Australia and New Zealand are extensions of Britain, but America definitely isn’t. When people think of America during WW2, they think of FDR (Dutch) and Eisenhower (German). The leader of the American Navy (by far the strongest of America’s services in WW2), was the German, Nimitz.

2) They did lose the Battle of Britain. The RAF wasn’t way stronger than the Luftwaffe though, as the Germans proved in a number of engagements. The Germans were stronger. The Brits had a home field advantage. The German Airforce was fighting three major enemies across numerous battlefields and Most of their funding had to go to the army.

3) That’s just a cope. Germans contributed a lot to America’s success.

4) Japan didn’t invade, because they had more important things to do and knew the Russians would have crushed them. Like they did when they invaded Manchukuo. Germany was far stronger than Japan in World War 2. Not even close. The Japanese had a powerful navy, but overall, they just benefitted from the Europeans and Americans having to focus on Europe and North Africa. Rockefeller… the richest man in the world right before World War 2, was a German. You talk about the airforces. Where do you think Boeing came from. Heck, even now, a German-American has a shot at becoming the President again. Trump. But if you want to go back to America’s founding, look up von Steuben.
  • So Sad
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No YOUR stupid, most people CAN tell the difference only YOU cannot because YOURE stupid I went to all white schools and live in a cumskins ethnostate and even here cumskins can easily tell diff between mullatos snd bbc

Ask most people what race they think zendaya is and they will say black
Technological advantage any other European power could of achieved the same thing

Just because you rape and abuse women doesn't mean there dicks were bigger than the Boers dicks, the Boers dicks were probably bigger but they couldn't use them against British women as England was too far away

Boer tactics were effective that's right

Yeah but see here is your problem, because your claiming Britain as master race status and master race means superior quality of people aka race,
A master race doesn't win through superior numbers and a strategy of attrition because if your superior you don't need more numbers because you can win evenly because you have better quality not just quantity
So you have low iq inadvertently admitted that Britain is not the master race as they had to resort to quantity over quality which demonstrates that they lacked the quality aka they lacked the superiority
So the can't be the superior race and certainly not the superior fighters in this case

A good strategy,
But that says more about Britain's superior recourses and through that capability rather than race

Yea but alot of the boer losses that you listed are civilians which shouldn't count as they are like free kills cause there unarmed
Jfl any subhuman can kill a civilian

I know

but that has nothing to do with fighting prowess
And is more telling of what a big organisation can achieve with lots of resources and money, again any subhuman in that position with that wealth and resources could do the same thing
Anglos brought south africa under British empire, and made boers second class citizen, anglos liberated your dickless Netherlands from nazi Germany as well, Dutch subhumans were slaughtered by Japanese men when they conquered Indonesia, and executed 1000+ Dutch Chad's through cannons
Anglos > Dutch
In the Battle of Britain raf lost 1693 airplanes Germany lost only 283 airplanes

If it was a win it was a Pyrrhic victory
The aircraft losses during the Battle of Britain were significant for both the British and German air forces. The British lost 1,744 aircraft, while the Germans lost 1,977 planes

The main fighter aircraft used by the British were the Hawker Hurricane and Supermarine Spitfire Mk I, with the Hurricanes being more numerous and responsible for most of the German losses, especially in the early part of the battle . The Germans used the Messerschmitt Bf 109 E variant, which had its own strengths and weaknesses.

*Key Aircraft Losses:*
- *British:* 1,744 aircraft lost
- *German:* 1,977 aircraft lost

*Main Fighter Aircraft:*
- *British:*
- Hawker Hurricane
- Supermarine Spitfire Mk I
- *German:*
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E variant

These losses were a significant blow to the German air force, and ultimately, the British emerged victorious in the Battle of Britain
1) You can say that Canada, Australia and New Zealand are extensions of Britain, but America definitely isn’t. When people think of America during WW2, they think of FDR (Dutch) and Eisenhower (German). The leader of the American Navy (by far the strongest of America’s services in WW2), was the German, Nimitz.

2) They did lose the Battle of Britain. The RAF wasn’t way stronger than the Luftwaffe though, as the Germans proved in a number of engagements. The Germans were stronger. The Brits had a home field advantage. The German Airforce was fighting three major enemies across numerous battlefields and Most of their funding had to go to the army.

3) That’s just a cope. Germans contributed a lot to America’s success.

4) Japan didn’t invade, because they had more important things to do and knew the Russians would have crushed them. Like they did when they invaded Manchukuo. Germany was far stronger than Japan in World War 2. Not even close. The Japanese had a powerful navy, but overall, they just benefitted from the Europeans and Americans having to focus on Europe and North Africa. Rockefeller… the richest man in the world right before World War 2, was a German. You talk about the airforces. Where do you think Boeing came from. Heck, even now, a German-American has a shot at becoming the President again. Trump. But if you want to go back to America’s founding, look up von Steuben.
Those Germans were nothing more than mere colonial subjects, they were fighting to keep the Anglo supremacy in check, your argument is so pathetic, most troops for the British empire were Indians, but those Indians helped and conquered the world for the anglos and British supremacy, jfl this means Germans = curries as both are same exact colonial subjects and did the same thing.
I mentioned there why the British Isles people and descendants are the most superior human beings.

-Responsible for the industrial revolution

-Succeeded in making his language the language of the world

-World domination for the last 300 years (Never seen before)

-Rust belt mechanization revolution

-The US and the UK are where most inventions and innovations have been made in history

-Father of capitalism and libertarian thought

-Top research institutions and universities

-Places where life is most complex and huge.
Where opportunities, jobs, education are the best

-It is where the postmodern world is built.

-Winner of two world wars (pacification of Germany, Italy and Japan)

-Winner of Waterloo (pacification of France)

-Winner of the Cold War (Soviet collapse and pacification of the Russians)

-Successful in spreading its genes around the world-colonial success

-Pacification of the Iberians, Dutch. The sole masters of the oceans - the largest navy

-Sole ruler of India - destruction of other European powers there

-The core of the world press and finance
muhajireens mog
@Jason Voorhees
1) You can say that Canada, Australia and New Zealand are extensions of Britain, but America definitely isn’t. When people think of America during WW2, they think of FDR (Dutch) and Eisenhower (German). The leader of the American Navy (by far the strongest of America’s services in WW2), was the German, Nimitz.

2) They did lose the Battle of Britain. The RAF wasn’t way stronger than the Luftwaffe though, as the Germans proved in a number of engagements. The Germans were stronger. The Brits had a home field advantage. The German Airforce was fighting three major enemies across numerous battlefields and Most of their funding had to go to the army.

3) That’s just a cope. Germans contributed a lot to America’s success.

4) Japan didn’t invade, because they had more important things to do and knew the Russians would have crushed them. Like they did when they invaded Manchukuo. Germany was far stronger than Japan in World War 2. Not even close. The Japanese had a powerful navy, but overall, they just benefitted from the Europeans and Americans having to focus on Europe and North Africa. Rockefeller… the richest man in the world right before World War 2, was a German. You talk about the airforces. Where do you think Boeing came from. Heck, even now, a German-American has a shot at becoming the President again. Trump. But if you want to go back to America’s founding, look up von Steuben.
110M British live in US while Germans are 45M.

Demographers regard current British population as a serious under-count

US is an Anglo nation. Always has been.
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Those Germans were nothing more than mere colonial subjects, they were fighting to keep the Anglo supremacy in check, your argument is so pathetic, most troops for the British empire were Indians, but those Indians helped and conquered the world for the anglos and British supremacy, jfl this means Germans = curries as both are same exact colonial subjects and did the same thing.
America=/=Britain and it never will be. You’re trying to piggyback off of America’s current success.

Anglos bombing subhuman Germans to atoms, 50k Nazis killed in one go, jfl where's the subhuman Luftwaffe to stop the Anglo might ?


I’m not a fan of Germany. I’m glad they got wrecked. That doesn’t mean that Britain was stronger than Germany in World War 2.

110M British live in US while Germans are 45M.

Demographers regard current British population as a serious under-count

US is an Anglo nation. Always has been.
Most white Americans are mutts with some combination of British, Irish, German, French and Italian ancestry among other things. America isn’t an extension of Britain no matter how much you guys cope. Britain was one of the many European influences on America. I’m even willing to grant that it was the most important one. But that doesn’t mean you guys get to take credit for all of America’s achievements.
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