Why Are Women Outperforming Men Academically?



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Oct 15, 2019
More girls get into higher quality highschools, they get better GPA's, they are the majority already in medicine & dentistry & soon Law, they even get better university grades

What causes that?
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Jews are making men weaker and weaker everyday by the help of gender equality and feminism. They want men and women to be equals while both have different anatomy and biology. Men and women can't survive in same environments. Everything is estrogenic these days, from food to water to lifestyle. Females are benefitted by that, that's another reason why jbs are getting curvier and hotter as compared to last generations. A 16yo jb is fully developed and curvier than a 40yo woman of 1900s.

Men are told testosterone is bad, working out is bad, agressiveness is bad while these are the primary things that makes a man function on his best capabilities. At this point you're the only one who can save yourself. Act like a real man and ignore modern propaganda
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Because men are bailing out of universities like mad.

Women are more drawn to Humanities, which are mostly garbage.

Also, universities are not what they used to be. Their quality plummeted. No wonder women outperform men in some fields. You don't need much competence to work in Humanities fields.
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More girls get into higher quality highschools, they get better GPA's, they are the majority already in medicine & dentistry & soon Law, they even get better university grades

What causes that?
I never cared for grades. I was smarter than everyone I met except those special education kids with giga high IQ. I never valued grades so I never put effort in them. I just did what I had to. Girls put a lot of value on that stuff. Most guys just like me don’t care for grades. When it comes to performing where it’s Necessary everyone is very very impressed by me so yeah. I think it’s just that guys don’t really care.
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More girls get into higher quality highschools, they get better GPA's, they are the majority already in medicine & dentistry & soon Law, they even get better university grades

What causes that?
I've been to three universities - most girls I've met there were more disciplined and would put more effort into learning, studying, doing projects, etc...They really wanted to graduate, get a diploma, have a career and make their own money, for most of them it would have been a nightmare having to depend on a man - to get in a relationship with a subhuman, just because he had money. They wanted to make their own money, so they can choose whatever man they wanted(a Chad obviously).
As for the guys, they focused mostly on chasing girls, approaching, simping, orbiting them, etc., they had less time for studying, everyone was desperate then to get laid, for girls obviously this required no effort, also their social life simply came naturally, while the guys had to struggle and put a lot of work.
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The only majors that are even worthwhile at uni are male dominated (enginnering, computer science, business)
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Two reasons:

1) Men tend to pursue harder majors. That is, math, physics, and engineering majors are overwhelmingly men.

2) Women are far less likely to do risky/dumb things such as study the night before or wait to the last minute to do an assignment. Women are much more likely to plan ahead and do the more rational approach.
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Women are the majority in memes college, such as gender study, humanities in general.
Men dominate engineering, programming,stem in general.

Women are treated more benevolently, they are much more likely to have someone to support them, and don't mind the fact that she doesn't work, she will be charged less.
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Jews are making men weaker and weaker everyday by the help of gender equality and feminism. They want men and women to be equals while both have different anatomy and biology. Men and women can't survive in same environments. Everything is estrogenic these days, from food to water to lifestyle. Females are benefitted by that, that's another reason why jbs are getting curvier and hotter as compared to last generations. A 16yo jb is fully developed and curvier than a 40yo woman of 1900s.

Men are told testosterone is bad, working out is bad, agressiveness is bad while these are the primary things that makes a man function on his best capabilities. At this point you're the only one who can save yourself. Act like a real man and ignore modern propaganda

Why Are Women Outperforming Men Academically?​

Women go to uni to become betsbuxxers for chad
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The only majors that are even worthwhile at uni are male dominated (enginnering, computer science, business)
law and med as well
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it's because they are on average more conscientious i.e have a stronger work ethic than men.
That and intelligence in women is distributed in alot more balanced way.

I noticed in my school's grades rankings that the top 10 were mainly guys (7 i think) and after that it was like 60-65% female up until the top 50.
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jfl at the redpill cope that women are dumb though
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Reactions: PoopyFaceTomatoNose, Chadeep, Danish_Retard and 6 others
Women are the majority in memes college, such as gender study, humanities in general.
Men dominate engineering, programming,stem in general.

Women are treated more benevolently, they are much more likely to have someone to support them, and don't mind the fact that she doesn't work, she will be charged less.
Literally the majority in medicine are women

Is medicine and surgery a meme profession to you?
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Reactions: litaz, mulattomaxxer, Chadeep and 6 others
it's because they are on average more conscientious i.e have a stronger work ethic than men.
That and intelligence in women is distributed in alot more balanced way.

I noticed in my school's grades rankings that the top 10 were mainly guys (7 i think) and after that it was like 60-65% female up until the top 50.
Cope, school has nothing to do with intelligence it's all about following directions and doing the work, There are tons of genius men who don't try in school because they realize it's useless garbage and it's rigged against them, Women get higher grades just for being women by both men and women, It's even worse if you are short or sub5 and introverted
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  • Hmm...
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Reactions: RomanianZaddy, PoopyFaceTomatoNose, KingCartierrr23 and 10 others
Literally the majority in medicine are women

Is medicine and surgery a meme profession to you?
I said that they are the majority in meme Colleges, I didn't say that medicine would be that.
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Women always outperformed men in elementary education. Historically situation reversed in higher education.

Now the rules have been changed so higher education resembles more the elementary school.

I think the main factor is including personality as part of evaluation. In elementary school "nicer" kids get better marks, and women have an advantage over that. In higher education you used to be judged by sheer performance. Today, the requirements have been relaxed, you don't even need to be able to read in order to get a uni degree.

By the way, did you know that only 50% of people can read? You don't even need that to be a professor nowadays.
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the real truth is that men do not learn the same as women, women are more likely to learn from following the teacher and listening to them while men prefer to do their own thing and learn on their own, Men do not learn this way they learn through their mistakes and failures and hands on approach. Keep coping with women have better work ethic, they literally get better grades just by having a hole men are treated like shit in school if they aren't tall or sub5, School is prison for most men unless they are top tier genetic quality, HALO EFFECT IS EVERYWHERE INCLUDING SCHOOL STOP COPING
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Because society expects women to try but not men. It's legit a form of oppression towards women
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Because society expects women to try but not men. It's legit a form of oppression towards women
or maybe women don't want to rely on a man because they want looks and not stability, They actually try in school because positive reinforcement and easy tutorial mode, Women are not ever oppressed stop coping they do this on purpose so they can't settle with a normie, They are doing this to get smashed by chad
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Reactions: KingCartierrr23, litaz, nidus and 7 others
why are people writing long answers to this holy shit u guys are retarded

women are more likely to conform and therefore study more, also girls literally don't have hobbies they just think about school and boys
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why are people writing long answers to this holy shit u guys are retarded

women are more likely to conform and therefore study more, also girls literally don't have hobbies they just think about school and boys
Also teachers are cucked bluepillers, They literally kiss girls asses and give them better grades just for being a foid, Look at the studies done on school females are literally living on tutorial mode in the west not even funny so many bluepilled copers
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Reactions: KingCartierrr23, litaz, Deleted member 2729 and 14 others
it's because they are on average more conscientious i.e have a stronger work ethic than men.
That and intelligence in women is distributed in alot more balanced way.

I noticed in my school's grades rankings that the top 10 were mainly guys (7 i think) and after that it was like 60-65% female up until the top 50.
Women have a higher iq than men on average but it's way more clustered around the mean. It means that men are more likely to be retarded (<70) but there are also more in the male cohort with very high iq (>130)
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Cope, school has nothing to do with intelligence it's all about following directions and doing the work,
It's a mixture of work ethic and intelligence. What you're saying may have been true in middle school but not in my high school where some who try alot dont get good grades because of their mental threshold.
There are tons of genius men who don't try in school because they realize it's useless garbage and it's rigged against them,
may be true in America the land of freedom but there's no bias here. All of the teachers are male and rarely interract with the students due to the huge class size. and-
Women get higher grades just for being women by both men and women,
If that were the case why were the top 10 mainly male

It's even worse if you are short or sub5 and introverted
the top scorer in my school is all of that and male
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Women have a higher iq than men on average but it's way more clustered around the mean. It means that men are more likely to be retarded (<70) but there are also more in the male cohort with very high iq (>130)
Exactly what I meant
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Reactions: Chadeep, Danish_Retard and EverythingMattersCel
I said that they are the majority in meme Colleges, I didn't say that medicine would be that.
Oxford and Cambridge med is 2 thirds female
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Reactions: PoopyFaceTomatoNose, Danish_Retard and PubertyMaxxer
the real truth is that men do not learn the same as women, women are more likely to learn from following the teacher and listening to them while men prefer to do their own thing and learn on their own, Men do not learn this way they learn through their mistakes and failures and hands on approach. Keep coping with women have better work ethic, they literally get better grades just by having a hole men are treated like shit in school if they aren't tall or sub5, School is prison for most men unless they are top tier genetic quality, HALO EFFECT IS EVERYWHERE INCLUDING SCHOOL STOP COPING
america sounds like a shithole
because they have ideal lives so they can focus better. its easy af to study when you arent suicidal over dying a virgin
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Why Are Women Outperforming Men Academically?​

I just answered but ok I'll make it easier for lowIQcels.

Women are born with ideal lifestyle,any women unless deformed will never ever face any kind of social issue. They naturally get social circles, human validation and everything so they don't have anything to worry about other than their careers and who they are gonna marry.

For men it is completely opposite, we need to focus on career so that we can provide. You can cope by saying women also have to worry for career these days but for them it is not that important, they do it by choice. For us there's no choice but to wageslave so we can provide for our family.

In modern era many men are deprived of their basic needs. Imagine contributing in a society which doesn't fullfill your basic needs such as sex, validation, social life etc. This takes a toll on men's mind and as a result many men are opting out of this sheep lifestyle so they can do something good outside of that and live happily and thus communities like MGTOW
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I just answered but ok I'll make it easier for lowIQcels.

Women are born with ideal lifestyle,any women unless deformed will never ever face any kind of social issue. They naturally get social circles, human validation and everything so they don't have anything to worry about other than their careers and who they are gonna marry.
Surely mental health plays into it as well but twice as many women are on antidepressants and are depressed.. Their reasons are alot more petty but the fact remains nonethless.
For men it is completely opposite, we need to focus on career so that we can provide. You can cope by saying women also have to worry for career these days but for them it is not that important, they do it by choice. For us there's no choice but to wageslave so we can provide for our family.
that's literally the point of studying
by saying that you're implying that men should outperform women academically
In modern era many men are deprived of their basic needs. Imagine contributing in a society which doesn't fullfill your basic needs such as sex, validation, social life etc. This takes a toll on men's mind and as a result many men are opting out of this sheep lifestyle so they can do something good outside of that and live happily and thus communities like MGTOW
Women on average perform better than men in middle school and highschool as well
the reason you're looking for is that women are more conforming to society and have a higher work ethic than men on average
There are also more women who perform average than men, men tend to either do great academically or poorly

Women have higher grades on average than men even in Muslim countries which are notoriously male dominated. Unless you're suggesting that they're matriarchal most of the reason behind women performing better is what I said above.
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They be gagging on the teachers dick. Also less stress.
More girls get into higher quality highschools, they get better GPA's, they are the majority already in medicine & dentistry & soon Law, they even get better university grades

What causes that?
Sitting all day long. Easier for women than for men
Just my opinion here:

They are more compliant. They like to do what is the “right” thing to do. So they study, attend classes and do what society tells them to do.

Whereas guys tend to take risks. Guys end up creating more profitable businesses which add more value to society than regular jobs.

Also, I’ve noticed that besides women, it’s mostly feminine men that do well in school. Not all. But mainly feminine guys that end up doing well in education.
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because they have ideal lives so they can focus better. its easy af to study when you arent suicidal over dying a virgin
This also ^^
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Affirmative action grading. Google it, it's real.

Teachers are legally required to flunk Chad men even when they got the questions on the test right, and to promote women and weak men even when they got all questions wrong.

Correlates with the increase of bridges falling apart, police officers not able to stop crime, rampant fraud in government, etc.

Ask yourself, do you really think most of your classmates were able to pass the tests? Of course not. Most people can't even be taught to consistently point out where Ukraine is on a map, but they're supposed to be passing calculus exams? Even though their ancestors were living in tarpaper shacks as recently as 80 years ago?
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Reactions: PoopyFaceTomatoNose and Deleted member 2729
More girls get into higher quality highschools, they get better GPA's, they are the majority already in medicine & dentistry & soon Law, they even get better university grades

What causes that?
Men huddle around women and help them whenever they can, especially in STEM fields.
Women have an easier time earning money, just be a waitress and earn some dough, live with your boyfriend or sell pics of your butthole on onlysimps.
Women are less stressed in this system that caters towards conformity since they are mostly sheep following whatever they are told to do (unless it's their husband :lul:), no opinions, no questioning.

You can observe it on social media, especially TikTok. A new trend appears and women follow without thinking, herd mentality.

Men are more individualistic and competitive, always trying to outperform each other and even messing with each other just to get ahead, but that elbow mentality is also why women fail in a harsher more competitive work environment and most top positions are filled with men.
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Reactions: KingCartierrr23, litaz, Deleted member 2729 and 4 others
I just answered but ok I'll make it easier for lowIQcels.

Women are born with ideal lifestyle,any women unless deformed will never ever face any kind of social issue. They naturally get social circles, human validation and everything so they don't have anything to worry about other than their careers and who they are gonna marry.

For men it is completely opposite, we need to focus on career so that we can provide. You can cope by saying women also have to worry for career these days but for them it is not that important, they do it by choice. For us there's no choice but to wageslave so we can provide for our family.

In modern era many men are deprived of their basic needs. Imagine contributing in a society which doesn't fullfill your basic needs such as sex, validation, social life etc. This takes a toll on men's mind and as a result many men are opting out of this sheep lifestyle so they can do something good outside of that and live happily and thus communities like MGTOW
high iq.

its much harder to concentrate in school as a sub8 male because you are constantly thinking about whether you are cool enough to get a girlfriend or a social circle, and if you are doing the "right" things like dressing well, acting NT, whereas women don't have this issue, at least not to the same extent
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Women don't have to worry about anything. End of the day they know they can get a rich guy and live off him.
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high iq.

its much harder to concentrate in school as a sub8 male because you are constantly thinking about whether you are cool enough to get a girlfriend or a social circle, and if you are doing the "right" things like dressing well, acting NT, whereas women don't have this issue, at least not to the same extent
The thing is that it's not only about that but sub 8 men are not treated equally anywhere. Men are treated good with a condition that they should be good at something - like a skill or some work etc. Women are loved just for existing. A women can cry online and there will be 1000s of people giving her support, jfl it can go upto an extent where it will get national media coverage -- "muh women's mental health" "muh women don't deserve it" but as a sub8 male you can't cry or become vulnerable in front of anyone.

We often see it online that it's becoming common for men to cry and be vulnerable but JFL it's only for 8s and above. Foids love to validate them when they're vulnerable:forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

Image a 2/10 incel crying about his issues no fucking human will address his issues :feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy:

All in all men have fucked up mental health for the most part so they're not able to focus much in studies.

On the flip side this makes us stronger and more rigid.:feelsgood:
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Speaking from my area of study, women tend to have a lot more discipline. It might have something to do with the variability hypothesis (men have higher variance in their trats, meaning more geniuses but also more retards)
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Pussy pass is also legit
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Jews are making men weaker and weaker everyday by the help of gender equality and feminism. They want men and women to be equals while both have different anatomy and biology. Men and women can't survive in same environments. Everything is estrogenic these days, from food to water to lifestyle. Females are benefitted by that, that's another reason why jbs are getting curvier and hotter as compared to last generations. A 16yo jb is fully developed and curvier than a 40yo woman of 1900s.

Men are told testosterone is bad, working out is bad, agressiveness is bad while these are the primary things that makes a man function on his best capabilities. At this point you're the only one who can save yourself. Act like a real man and ignore modern propaganda
most men who want better physique will work out anyway, aggression is regulated by the police and most men have optimal testosterone anyways
the institutions are simps. wymxn left to their own devices will starve to death within a week
cuz of socialism. most academics dont rly produce anything. many of them are literally liabilities for society which is promoted by the state. and its women themselves creating those kind of jobs were they can outcompete men. and the reason they outcompete men in those jobs is because it is bullshit that doesnt fullfill you. only unfullfilled cucks will do jobs that have no actual value for society. they are literally doing what they think will make them attractive to women. save climate muh. save african kids muh (there are exceptions of course).

literally all academic fields that are useful for society and actually fullfilling are all done by men. :feelskek:
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Reactions: RomanianZaddy, KingCartierrr23, Deleted member 3828 and 5 others
Cope, school has nothing to do with intelligence it's all about following directions and doing the work, There are tons of genius men who don't try in school because they realize it's useless garbage and it's rigged against them, Women get higher grades just for being women by both men and women, It's even worse if you are short or sub5 and introverted
Smarter men ALWAYS get better grades on school, what are you on? The only “genius” in 2022 who did bad in school is an artistic genius :feelskek:

You are definitely coping with bad grades
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cuz of socialism. most academics dont rly produce anything. many of them are literally liabilities for society which is promoted by the state. and its women themselves creating those kind of jobs were they can outcompete men. and the reason they outcompete men in those jobs is because it is bullshit that doesnt fullfill you. only unfullfilled cucks will do jobs that have no actual value for society. they are literally doing what they think will make them attractive to women. save climate muh. save african kids muh (there are exceptions of course).

literally all academic fields that are useful for society and actually fullfilling are all done by men. :feelskek:
Medicine, biology, law is female dominated. Is it useless to you?
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Because most men are depressed and are still mentally dealing with expectations for hyper success.

Every motivational video you see out there is telling you that you are a fucking loser and need to "get your act together". So then the dude tries and then goes to uni where he gets mogged and has a shit social life and is sexually frustrated. He cant stop thinking about having sex with all the girls in the class so he can't concentrate on coursework.

Girls manage because they have very good social lives and have as much sex as they want which "scratches the itch" and allows them to focus on work. The peer pressure and societal pressure for men to be successful at all costs takes its toll and they don't have very much to fall back on. If these dudes had a guarenteed girlfriend to have sex with to release frustration then he would probably be fine and might even excel. But if he doesnt then he has nothing so there is no motivation for him to do anything.

Especially if he sees how things are going now economically. Fertilizer has skyrocketed in price whcih means famine is coming to many countries around the world. He will have to work every day of his life and won't be entitled to a pension as retirement age will be scrapped due to old age population.

There are legitimate reasons why men dont bother anymore, its very sad and I myself have been struggling to figure out wtf I even want to do with my life. I have a degree that I don't want to pursue because its impossible to find a place due to low retirement, I have some other qualifications in other areas that idk where I would even start to rekindle them. I am basically relying on crypto to save me financially.
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Smarter men ALWAYS get better grades on school, what are you on? The only “genius” in 2022 who did bad in school is an artistic genius :feelskek:

You are definitely coping with bad grades
How am i coping? Smart men don't try in school because it's too easy and it doesn't stimulate the brain, I have done a iq test and i got 120 iq, I have always been a smart kid and i did do well in school but in high school i stopped because it taught me things i already knew, I have always had teachers telling me i am very smart and i started reading way before my siblings and peers, Keep assuming i have bad grades i literally don't even try and i keep my grades afloat i'm not failing anything
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