Why Are Women Outperforming Men Academically?

it's too easy
If it’s too easy, how come u did trash at it? :feelskek:
but in high school i stopped
Stop the cap :feelskek::feelskek: U didnt stop anything, it became too hard for you
Most people who does well at school doesn’t “tries” at it. They just have it. I hardly studied during my entire school career
I have always had teachers telling me i am very smart and i started reading way before my siblings and peers
Means nothing, teachers say this to everyone.

I don’t even put in any effort and I’m top of all classes, obviously U have girls that study for their whole life but you can’t excuse being retarded by saying only girls get good grades. Cuz loads of guys get them no effort as well
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I've been to three universities - most girls I've met there were more disciplined and would put more effort into learning, studying, doing projects, etc...They really wanted to graduate, get a diploma, have a career and make their own money, for most of them it would have been a nightmare having to depend on a man - to get in a relationship with a subhuman, just because he had money. They wanted to make their own money, so they can choose whatever man they wanted(a Chad obviously).
As for the guys, they focused mostly on chasing girls, approaching, simping, orbiting them, etc., they had less time for studying, everyone was desperate then to get laid, for girls obviously this required no effort, also their social life simply came naturally, while the guys had to struggle and put a lot of work.
high IQ response, excellently observant, and correct when juxtaposing against my current experiences at a large state school
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More girls get into higher quality highschools, they get better GPA's, they are the majority already in medicine & dentistry & soon Law, they even get better university grades

What causes that?
Because they are silent and teachers award you for being silent. From what i remember i think boys score more than girls at sat
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Girls manage because they have very good social lives and have as much sex as they want which "scratches the itch" and allows them to focus on work. The peer pressure and societal pressure for men to be successful at all costs takes its toll and they don't have very much to fall back on. If these dudes had a guarenteed girlfriend to have sex with to release frustration then he would probably be fine and might even excel.
high iq points

If these dudes had a guarenteed girlfriend to have sex with to release frustration then he would probably be fine and might even excel. But if he doesnt then he has nothing so there is no motivation for him to do anything.
wdym by this? getting a girlfriend is the motivation :feelswah:
There is a gender bias in teacher's evaluations. They prefer girls on average.
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More girls get into higher quality highschools, they get better GPA's, they are the majority already in medicine & dentistry & soon Law, they even get better university grades

What causes that?
There are more entrepreneur men than entrepreneur women.
There are more rich men than rich women.
There are more high iq men than high iq women.

Your knowledge is different from your intelligence. Just because you have high grades or have a degree, does not mean you are intelligent. Your intelligence allows you to effectively use knowledge. Also, women are more likely to follow through the standard system while men take different approaches and take more risks.
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They do have lower IQs. Something like 4 points.
Meta analysis has concluded men have an IQ 1pt higher than women on average, which is basically negligible. However, men have 8-10x more outliers than women. As such, we see a lot more idiots and geniuses, and this explains why most (but not all) of the brilliant scientists of humanity were/are all men.
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They do have lower IQs. Something like 4 points.
The average iq of men and women are the same or the difference is negligible
Meta analysis has concluded men have an IQ 1pt higher than women on average, which is basically negligible. However, men have 8-10x more outliers than women. As such, we see a lot more idiots and geniuses, and this explains why most (but not all) of the brilliant scientists of humanity were/are all men.
  • WTF
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Meta analysis has concluded men have an IQ 1pt higher than women on average, which is basically negligible. However, men have 8-10x more outliers than women. As such, we see a lot more idiots and geniuses, and this explains why most (but not all) of the brilliant scientists of humanity were/are all men.
I am talking late-stage advantage.

There is also higher general knowledge.

"Overall, there is a substantial sex difference in general knowledge, with men (M=69.75) scoring higher than women (M=59.26). Using Cohen's measure of effect size, the overall difference in general knowledge scores between men and women is approximately half a standard deviation"
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I am talking late-stage advantage.
late stage advantage? You mean that there are more smart men than women? That's already been agreed upon if that's what you mean
There is also higher general knowledge.

"Overall, there is a substantial sex difference in general knowledge, with men (M=69.75) scoring higher than women (M=59.26). Using Cohen's measure of effect size, the overall difference in general knowledge scores between men and women is approximately half a standard deviation"
Men have slight edges in several measures of intelligence, when women only have better verbal intelligence.
General knowledge isn't as innate as the other measurements are, it's highly dependant on nurture, not nature. Men are more knowledgeable that's for sure.
  • WTF
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In first world countries, the difference is barely 1 or 2 points
Third world countries have a bigger difference, of 3-5 points.
The matriarchy bro
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Simply in schools boys are marked down for being boisterous and showing any sign of masculinity. On the other hand woman shut their fucking mouths and listen. Not to mention most teachers are liberal woman who have a pre existing believe men are evil
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In first world countries, the difference is barely 1 or 2 points
Third world countries have a bigger difference, of 3-5 points.
ever consider diversity hires, affirmative action and woman pushed into fields to spite men. IQ is much wider from men but for woman it's a tighter average.
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Women follow orders. We as boys had always a disrespectful attitude towards teachers but girls never. Women get validated and simped to every fucking second of their tutorial mode life. Men don't even have the mental resources left to focus on school because you're constantly under psychological attack from your environment. Also men want to hunt fuck and kill not sit in a room all day. The school environment is against Male nature
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Inceldom is the issue srs

When I was at school, I didn't give a fuck about performing well. Escaping inceldom was my only priority.

If I had a gf in school and was getting invited to parties on the weekend, I would've achieved straight As
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It's because they don't have any other things to do. They have their basic requirements full filled. Math & Engineering field is male dominated but biology and medicine is mostly female cuz one requires logical thinking other requires cramming power.
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It's because they don't have any other things to do. They have their basic requirements full filled. Math & Engineering field is male dominated but biology and medicine is mostly female cuz one requires logical thinking other requires cramming power.
Medicine is far more lucrative than engineering
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In my case its less occupied brain with problems
@UglyGod360 speak up jfl been getting so many wtfs from you
Because men have one thing more to worry about, sex, and they chase it too. A lot of them fail, so they opt out of the universities to make money, because they are depressed and so on, women on the other hand already have the advantage of having a sexual and social life with no efforts.
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I've been to three universities - most girls I've met there were more disciplined and would put more effort into learning, studying, doing projects, etc...They really wanted to graduate, get a diploma, have a career and make their own money, for most of them it would have been a nightmare having to depend on a man - to get in a relationship with a subhuman, just because he had money. They wanted to make their own money, so they can choose whatever man they wanted(a Chad obviously).
As for the guys, they focused mostly on chasing girls, approaching, simping, orbiting them, etc., they had less time for studying, everyone was desperate then to get laid, for girls obviously this required no effort, also their social life simply came naturally, while the guys had to struggle and put a lot of work.
Word for word this a beyond perfect description of my entire college experience. The average woman on my campus seems 10x more motivated to do well and graduate. I've never met a 5th or 6th years undergraduate girl, but know plenty of guys in their 5th year who will almost certainly need to do a 6th.
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More girls get into higher quality highschools, they get better GPA's, they are the majority already in medicine & dentistry & soon Law, they even get better university grades

What causes that?
Women are slaves to the system, will work hours to make sure they get a better letter while dudes make the system work for them
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Tbh when I was in highschool, girls always seemed more immersed, I say this in good faith, I'd rather males pay attention for the greater good of humanity, but this is how it was. I think this is because women get dicked down/have less stressful lives/more validation. While I was in school, I had to buy stimulants illegally just to be able to concentrate, every fucking corner I passed, I got mogged, or I saw a couple making out, which just demotivated me, I felt completely invisible which led me to not participating in class work, meanwhile girls are getting all the validation in the school. Also, girls are heavily motivated by being 'independent' having an ugly betabux husband horrifies them.
Medicine, biology, law is female dominated. Is it useless to you?

none of those are dominated by wymxn. they only dominate nursing. like he said there are exceptions.
  • Hmm...
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Tbh when I was in highschool, girls always seemed more immersed, I say this in good faith, I'd rather males pay attention for the greater good of humanity, but this is how it was. I think this is because women get dicked down/have less stressful lives/more validation. While I was in school, I had to buy stimulants illegally just to be able to concentrate, every fucking corner I passed, I got mogged, or I saw a couple making out, which just demotivated me, I felt completely invisible which led me to not participating in class work, meanwhile girls are getting all the validation in the school. Also, girls are heavily motivated by being 'independent' having an ugly betabux husband horrifies them.
wymxn are simple minded and content. their goal in life is to do what everyone else is doing. men's goal in life is to do what's never been done before
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Smarter men ALWAYS get better grades on school, what are you on? The only “genius” in 2022 who did bad in school is an artistic genius :feelskek:

You are definitely coping with bad grades
That’s not true. A lot of accelerated students just hate school and don’t put in the effort.

On average, their grades are higher though. But that doesn’t mean smarter men always get better grades.
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Inceldom is the issue srs

When I was at school, I didn't give a fuck about performing well. Escaping inceldom was my only priority.

If I had a gf in school and was getting invited to parties on the weekend, I would've achieved straight As

Know that feeling. I got straight A's anyway but I reallly didn't prioritise the work, I prioritised Tinder, I failed a whole year once because I prioritised a hookup over a submission date for example.

Because men have one thing more to worry about, sex, and they chase it too. A lot of them fail, so they opt out of the universities to make money, because they are depressed and so on, women on the other hand already have the advantage of having a sexual and social life with no efforts.

Know that feeling too. I dropped out of university the first time I tried it at 18, because I was truecel and being in that environment was just torturous. The second time I tried it at 23 I had begun to see the blackpill and gymmaxxed a bit beforehand so that got me laid with 2/10's every month or two which was apparently enough at the time.

Now I'm about to turn 29 and only just beginning looksmaxing methods I should have known a decade ago.

It fills me with deep regret to think of what I could have achieved without this burden.
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women only have better verbal intelligence
Interesting, wouldn't have thought so. I never was mogged by a female in terms of articulateness irl
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Because society is built to suit their biological desires

ie breed with the sexy guy, then have the betas worshipping them with attention and money

when society was built around men's biological desires:
have a wife and a family, and maybe a mistress on the side..
then men excelled
More girls get into higher quality highschools, they get better GPA's, they are the majority already in medicine & dentistry & soon Law, they even get better university grades

What causes that?
Higher agreeableness. Even higher education is just as much a test of obedience as it is a test of anything else
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Professors are simps
More girls get into higher quality highschools, they get better GPA's, they are the majority already in medicine & dentistry & soon Law, they even get better university grades

What causes that?
because women try harder due to being narcissistic egomaniacs
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my bio class is 90% women
90% will drop out or switch subjects down the line. get laid by chad and start a family as a house wife, or do sub par work as an intern then quit.
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women are more conformist and do better in structured environments. university is also like high school, which punishes male nature.
90% will drop out or switch subjects down the line. get laid by chad and start a family as a house wife, or do sub par work as an intern then quit.
Not really, mirin your fantasies tho
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It's not fantasies, dumbass, it's based on statistics
Not at my school
Most don’t get into med school though if that’s what you’re taking about, but getting the bio degree isn’t really that hard
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My observations:
-Women are more organised then men. Girls tend to be better at note taking. If you showed me 100 notes I could probably tell if it was written by a boy or girl.
-Women tend to take education more seriously. They are less prone to headstrong and impulsive behaviour. They aren't going for 10 hour gaming sessions after class. Most people that skip class are more.
-Less variation in female IQ. Far less retards but far less geniuses. Most of the people I knew that were failing class were male.
-Preferable treatment from teachers. Teachers will be nicer to girls then boys.
-Women are more likely to ask for help. They don't suffer from alpha bro lone wolf syndrome that has to do everything by themselves.
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All this text... men have lower concentration. Predisposed cause of friend groups lots of factors to count get creative brah
Women always outperformed men in elementary education. Historically situation reversed in higher education.

Now the rules have been changed so higher education resembles more the elementary school.

I think the main factor is including personality as part of evaluation. In elementary school "nicer" kids get better marks, and women have an advantage over that. In higher education you used to be judged by sheer performance. Today, the requirements have been relaxed, you don't even need to be able to read in order to get a uni degree.

By the way, did you know that only 50% of people can read? You don't even need that to be a professor nowadays.
50 percent of what the world? Makes sense. Also its so fucking bullshit. Those nigs dont even need school to learn
University life has become soul crushing for a lot of men
Surely mental health plays into it as well but twice as many women are on antidepressants and are depressed.. Their reasons are alot more petty but the fact remains nonethless.

that's literally the point of studying
by saying that you're implying that men should outperform women academically

Women on average perform better than men in middle school and highschool as well
the reason you're looking for is that women are more conforming to society and have a higher work ethic than men on average
There are also more women who perform average than men, men tend to either do great academically or poorly

Women have higher grades on average than men even in Muslim countries which are notoriously male dominated. Unless you're suggesting that they're matriarchal most of the reason behind women performing better is what I said above.

Fuck women's bullshit depression
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More girls get into higher quality highschools, they get better GPA's, they are the majority already in medicine & dentistry & soon Law, they even get better university grades

What causes that?
Women are the genetically superior gender.
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American Universities are fucked.

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