Why Black people are so violent (high iq)

Wars are a whole other subject:feelstastyman: They are started by jews
Neither world wars were started by Jews, Boer war wasn't started by Jews, Punic War wasn't started by Jews, Peloponnesian War wasn't started by Jews, the crusades weren't started by Jews :lul::lul:

Stop coping
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Neither world wars were started by Jews, Boer war wasn't started by Jews, Punic War wasn't started by Jews, Peloponnesian War wasn't started by Jews, the crusades weren't started by Jews :lul::lul:

Stop coping
My brain is actually getting fried talking to you:feelstastyman: Im gonna dnr you
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Okay buddy boyos as im sure that your aware black people can be extremely violent:feelshah: Especially in america and i wanted to make this thread for a while

1. A Basic Overview
2. Childhood
3. Low iq
4. Black Culture
5. Hatred Against White People/Jealousy
6. Closing words from greypiller

1. Lets start with the basics:ogre:, Now we all know in this fucked up society we love killing each other:feelshah: Its been happening since hundreds of years and will never stop however some races are significantly more violent than others for example most pajeets are keyboard warriors but are pussies irl:feelstastyman: ive had the displeasure of interacting with alot of them. They can be violent irl aswell (example: rape) but black people have the highest amount of white on black crime statisticsView attachment 3451312
Clearly it must be societal factors steinberg:feelskek:, well im about to get to that:lul:

Most black children get violently beaten by their low iq negroid parents:feelskek: This inturn with the fact that their parents are smoking weed 24/7 will make them develop abused dog syndrome . Now you may be asking "but greypiller you just said it wasnt societal factors:soy::soy::soy:" being an abused dog does not usually correlate to violence in white people as they are far more civil and prefer to do things such as drugs to cope:feelskek:. Dont believe me? Look at all the abused dogs on here for example, most of them cope via drugs etc only a few of them want to commit violent acts such as going er :feelshah:.
Another huge factor is the fact that most negroids dont have fathers, dont believe me look at the statistics buddy boyo
Studies and reports show that the percentage of Black children in the United States living without a father has been a significant issue for decades. According to the U.S. Census Bureau and other studies:

U.S. Census Bureau (2020): In 2020, about 64% of Black children lived in single-parent households, with the vast majority being led by mothers. This is significantly higher than the national average for all children, which is around 24% for single-parent households.

National Center for Health Statistics (2019): According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), approximately 50% of Black children are born to unmarried parents. While this doesn’t necessarily indicate father absence, it does highlight the challenges related to father involvement.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation (2019): The foundation reported that 60% of Black children grow up in households without their biological fathers present. This statistic includes situations where fathers may not be living in the home or are otherwise uninvolved.
And to prove you steinbergs even more wrong here is the coorelation of people in juvenile without a father:lul: :View attachment 3451347
Statistics dont lie buddy boyos

3. Black people are significantly lower iq than white people View attachment 3451349
Race has coorelation with intelligence as we all know:ogre: Black people from the usa still have the same genes of their nigerian 80 iq cousins
Cracking Up Lol GIF

Alot of studies believe that crime is coorelated to low iq:ogre:. Not just tax fraud but Violent crime (mass murder, murder etc)
Source : https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-l...-contribute-crime-taking-sides-clashing-views

4. Black culture
Black culture is uhmm certainly something:feelstastyman:. As a white person i have observed that black people tend to thugmaxx and act "gangster" to try and fit in with their garbage culture , i have not provided any examples because its pretty obvious:ogre: Jfl i see some random negroid making a tiktok about "pulling up on the ops" so many times:feelstastyman:

5. Hatred against white people
Now as we all know white people are the superior race:ogre: Got offended ? Look at the amount of countries we conquered in the past:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: while you were living in a mud hut eating bugs for nutrition we were colonizing this earth:feelshah:.
A very prevelant example ie george floyd View attachment 3451372
He was a steinberg lolcow for media attention and muh black rights:feelswah: Even though his bloodwork shows he had lethal amounts of fentanyl in him:ogre: and what happened AFTERWARDS WELL niggers started destroying shit for their mub blm movement and killing innocent people:feelstastyman: further proving that they are stupid and ignorant.

6. Closing words from greypiller :
It took me a long time making this thread :ogre: Give your nigga some reps
Tags @ey88 @itzyaboyJJ @JohnBaza @Xangsane @deadstock
Black women are the culprits of black male violence. It's always been them. Black fathers don't stick around because of how cruel and violent their hoes are. However, when a man's not around, the black woman takes her rage out on the babies and children, esp the sons.

Black women have always been the pushers of racism. They teach their children white people must end. They do that because white people don't put up with their bullshit. A black woman knows she talks shit to a white man, he'll ignore her for the rest of her days on earth.
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Reactions: JustHereToLooksmax, Canwefixit and Greypiller
Black women are the culprits of black male violence. It's always been them. Black fathers don't stick around because of how cruel and violent their hoes are. However, when a man's not around, the black woman takes her rage out on the babies and children, esp the sons.

Black women have always been the pushers of racism. They teach their children white people must end. They do that because white people don't put up with their bullshit. A black woman knows she talks shit to a white man, he'll ignore her for the rest of her days on earth.
Black women are horrible:feelshah:
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Here's what chatgpt said:

While the thread raises topics that could be addressed thoughtfully, it’s framed in an overwhelmingly biased and offensive way, which undermines any valid points it might attempt to make. Let’s separate the rhetoric from potential facts:

  1. Single-Parent Households
    Statistics show that a significant proportion of Black children in the U.S. grow up in single-parent households. This is a societal issue influenced by systemic inequalities, such as economic disparities, mass incarceration, and historical discrimination. It's not exclusive to any one group, nor is it a moral failing of individuals.
  2. Correlation Between Socioeconomic Status and Crime
    There is evidence that poverty and lack of resources contribute to higher crime rates. However, these issues are systemic and affect all groups in disadvantaged circumstances, not just one race. It's important to address the root causes—education, employment opportunities, and community support—rather than attributing them to race or genetics.
  3. Cultural Influence
    The portrayal of "Black culture" in the thread is a gross oversimplification and heavily rooted in stereotypes. Culture is complex and multifaceted. What some people label as "gangster culture" reflects specific socio-economic challenges and media representations rather than the broader and richer cultural contributions of Black communities.
  4. IQ and Race
    Claims about intelligence differences between races are scientifically unfounded and widely discredited. IQ is influenced by a multitude of factors, including education, environment, and opportunities, not inherent racial traits. Such arguments often stem from biased or misused data.


While there are societal issues that disproportionately affect certain groups, they stem from systemic factors, not inherent traits tied to race. Racist framings like those in the thread perpetuate harmful stereotypes and ignore the larger societal and historical context. Addressing inequality and violence requires empathy, understanding, and systemic reform, not divisive rhetoric.
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Reactions: Skara, JeanneDArcAlter and Greypiller
Here's what chatgpt said:

While the thread raises topics that could be addressed thoughtfully, it’s framed in an overwhelmingly biased and offensive way, which undermines any valid points it might attempt to make. Let’s separate the rhetoric from potential facts:

  1. Single-Parent Households
    Statistics show that a significant proportion of Black children in the U.S. grow up in single-parent households. This is a societal issue influenced by systemic inequalities, such as economic disparities, mass incarceration, and historical discrimination. It's not exclusive to any one group, nor is it a moral failing of individuals.
  2. Correlation Between Socioeconomic Status and Crime
    There is evidence that poverty and lack of resources contribute to higher crime rates. However, these issues are systemic and affect all groups in disadvantaged circumstances, not just one race. It's important to address the root causes—education, employment opportunities, and community support—rather than attributing them to race or genetics.
  3. Cultural Influence
    The portrayal of "Black culture" in the thread is a gross oversimplification and heavily rooted in stereotypes. Culture is complex and multifaceted. What some people label as "gangster culture" reflects specific socio-economic challenges and media representations rather than the broader and richer cultural contributions of Black communities.
  4. IQ and Race
    Claims about intelligence differences between races are scientifically unfounded and widely discredited. IQ is influenced by a multitude of factors, including education, environment, and opportunities, not inherent racial traits. Such arguments often stem from biased or misused data.


While there are societal issues that disproportionately affect certain groups, they stem from systemic factors, not inherent traits tied to race. Racist framings like those in the thread perpetuate harmful stereotypes and ignore the larger societal and historical context. Addressing inequality and violence requires empathy, understanding, and systemic reform, not divisive rhetoric.
Chatgpt is a jewish ai:ogre: Also its not a reliable source:feelshah:
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  1. Claims about intelligence differences between races are scientifically unfounded and widely discredited. IQ is influenced by a multitude of factors, including education, environment, and opportunities, not inherent racial traits. Such arguments often stem from biased or misused data.

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Chatgpt is a jewish ai:ogre: Also its not a reliable source:feelshah:
Predicted the response, but it's mostly low iq and they'd probably have 90iq< if they had good sleep and nutrition and if they weren't exposed to environmental toxins, Whites also go through iq suppressants but its not as much as Africans, idk, do you really think they're just genetically inferior?
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The question of whether one group is inherently smarter than another under optimal environmental conditions is controversial and widely debated, but current scientific evidence does not support the notion that intelligence differences are innate or tied to race. Here’s why:

1. Race and Genetics

Race is a social construct, not a clear biological category. Genetic differences between individuals are greater within racial groups than between them. Traits like intelligence are influenced by many genes, each with a small effect, as well as complex interactions with environmental factors.

2. Environmental Influence on Intelligence

Factors such as education, nutrition, healthcare, social stability, and access to resources heavily impact cognitive development. Historically, groups with more resources and opportunities have had better outcomes in IQ tests, but these differences diminish significantly when disparities are addressed.

3. IQ as a Measure of Intelligence

IQ tests measure certain cognitive abilities but are not a definitive measure of overall intelligence. They are influenced by familiarity with the test format, cultural context, and access to education. Comparing scores across groups without accounting for these variables leads to misleading conclusions.

4. Studies and Evidence

When environmental factors are optimized—such as in adoption studies where children from disadvantaged backgrounds are raised in affluent, supportive homes—their IQ scores improve dramatically. This indicates that environment plays a critical role in cognitive development.


There is no credible evidence that intelligence differences between groups are inherent or biological when environments are optimized. Focusing on improving access to education, nutrition, and other resources is far more meaningful than making broad, unsupported generalizations about racial intelligence.
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Predicted the response, but it's mostly low iq and they'd probably have 90iq< if they had good sleep and nutrition and if they weren't exposed to environmental toxins, Whites also go through iq suppressants but its not as much as Africans, idk, do you really think they're just genetically inferior?

IQ isn't linked to race.
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IQ isn't linked to race.
Yeah, I wouldn't use it as a predictor of iq. I'll use the iq of your parents plus your environment.
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Yeah, I wouldn't use it as a predictor of iq. I'll use the iq of your parents plus your environment.

no one with a functioning brain would. there are other factors that contribute to iq.
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there's an inverse correlation between iq and high T
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Okay buddy boyos as im sure that your aware black people can be extremely violent:feelshah: Especially in america and i wanted to make this thread for a while

1. A Basic Overview
2. Childhood
3. Low iq
4. Black Culture
5. Hatred Against White People/Jealousy
6. Closing words from greypiller

1. Lets start with the basics:ogre:, Now we all know in this fucked up society we love killing each other:feelshah: Its been happening since hundreds of years and will never stop however some races are significantly more violent than others for example most pajeets are keyboard warriors but are pussies irl:feelstastyman: ive had the displeasure of interacting with alot of them. They can be violent irl aswell (example: rape) but black people have the highest amount of white on black crime statisticsView attachment 3451312
Clearly it must be societal factors steinberg:feelskek:, well im about to get to that:lul:

Most black children get violently beaten by their low iq negroid parents:feelskek: This inturn with the fact that their parents are smoking weed 24/7 will make them develop abused dog syndrome . Now you may be asking "but greypiller you just said it wasnt societal factors:soy::soy::soy:" being an abused dog does not usually correlate to violence in white people as they are far more civil and prefer to do things such as drugs to cope:feelskek:. Dont believe me? Look at all the abused dogs on here for example, most of them cope via drugs etc only a few of them want to commit violent acts such as going er :feelshah:.
Another huge factor is the fact that most negroids dont have fathers, dont believe me look at the statistics buddy boyo
Studies and reports show that the percentage of Black children in the United States living without a father has been a significant issue for decades. According to the U.S. Census Bureau and other studies:

U.S. Census Bureau (2020): In 2020, about 64% of Black children lived in single-parent households, with the vast majority being led by mothers. This is significantly higher than the national average for all children, which is around 24% for single-parent households.

National Center for Health Statistics (2019): According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), approximately 50% of Black children are born to unmarried parents. While this doesn’t necessarily indicate father absence, it does highlight the challenges related to father involvement.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation (2019): The foundation reported that 60% of Black children grow up in households without their biological fathers present. This statistic includes situations where fathers may not be living in the home or are otherwise uninvolved.
And to prove you steinbergs even more wrong here is the coorelation of people in juvenile without a father:lul: :View attachment 3451347
Statistics dont lie buddy boyos

3. Black people are significantly lower iq than white people View attachment 3451349
Race has coorelation with intelligence as we all know:ogre: Black people from the usa still have the same genes of their nigerian 80 iq cousins
Cracking Up Lol GIF

Alot of studies believe that crime is coorelated to low iq:ogre:. Not just tax fraud but Violent crime (mass murder, murder etc)
Source : https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-l...-contribute-crime-taking-sides-clashing-views

4. Black culture
Black culture is uhmm certainly something:feelstastyman:. As a white person i have observed that black people tend to thugmaxx and act "gangster" to try and fit in with their garbage culture , i have not provided any examples because its pretty obvious:ogre: Jfl i see some random negroid making a tiktok about "pulling up on the ops" so many times:feelstastyman:

5. Hatred against white people
Now as we all know white people are the superior race:ogre: Got offended ? Look at the amount of countries we conquered in the past:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: while you were living in a mud hut eating bugs for nutrition we were colonizing this earth:feelshah:.
A very prevelant example ie george floyd View attachment 3451372
He was a steinberg lolcow for media attention and muh black rights:feelswah: Even though his bloodwork shows he had lethal amounts of fentanyl in him:ogre: and what happened AFTERWARDS WELL niggers started destroying shit for their mub blm movement and killing innocent people:feelstastyman: further proving that they are stupid and ignorant.

6. Closing words from greypiller :
It took me a long time making this thread :ogre: Give your nigga some reps
Tags @ey88 @itzyaboyJJ @JohnBaza @Xangsane @deadstock
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To understand black crime, we need to understand the unique black American experience. The theory not only explains African American criminal offending, it also makes predictions which were borne out in independent, empirical research. I will compare the TAAO with hereditarian claims of why blacks commit more crime (higher testosterone and higher aggression due to testosterone, the AR gene and MAOA). I will show that hereditarian theories make no novel predictions and that the TAAO does make novel predictions. Then I will discuss recent research which shows that the predictions that Unnever and Gabbidon have made were verified. Then I will discuss research which has borne out the predictions made by Unnever and Gabbidon’s TAAO. I will conclude by offering suggestions on how to combat black crime.
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Two kinds of racial injustices highlighted by the theory—racial discrimination and pejorative stereotyping—have empirical support. Blacks are more likely to express anger, exhibit low self-control and become depressed if they believe the racist stereotype that they’re violent. It’s also been studied whether or not a sense of racial injustice is related to offending when controlling for low self control (see below).

The core predictions of the TAAO and how they follow from it with references for empirical tests are as follows:

(Prediction 1) Black Americans with a stronger sense of racial identity are less likely to engage in criminal behavior than black Americans with a weak sense of racial identity. How does this prediction follow from the theory? TAAO suggests that a strong racial identity can act as a protective factor against criminal involvement. Those with a stronger sense of racial identity may be less likely to engage in criminal behavior as a way to cope with racial discrimination and societal marginalization. (Burt, Simons, and Gibbons, 2013; Burt, Lei, and Simons, 2017; Gaston and Doherty, 2018; Scott and Seal, 2019)

(Prediction 2) Experiencing racial discrimination increases the likelihood of black Americans engaging in criminal actions. How does this follow from the theory? TAAO posits that racial discrimination can lead to feelings of frustration and marginalization, and to cope with these stressors, some individuals may resort to committing criminal acts as a way to exert power or control in response to their experiences of racial discrimination. (Unnever, 2014; Unnever, Cullen, and Barnes, 2016; Herda, 2016, 2018; Scott and Seal, 2019)

(Prediction 3) Black Americans who feel socially marginalized and disadvantaged are more prone to committing crime as a coping mechanism and have weakened school bonds. How does this follow from the theory? TAAO suggests that those who experience social exclusion and disadvantage may turn to crime as a way to address their negative life circumstances. and feelings of agency. (Unnever, 2014; Unnever, Cullen, and Barnes, 2016)

The data show that there is a racialized worldview shared by blacks, and that a majority of blacks believe that their fate rests on what generally happens to black people in America. Around 38 percent of blacks report being discriminated against and most blacks are aware of the stereotype of them as violent. (Though a new Pew report states that around 8 in 10—about 80 percent—of blacks have experienced racial discrimination.) Racial discrimination and the belief in the racist stereotype that blacks are more violent are significant predictors of black arrests. It’s been shown that the more blacks are discriminated against and the more they believe that blacks are violent, the more likely they are to be arrested.
The irony calling people low iq then using the most Low iq take Im not going in depth because this post is pure ignorance and hypocritical and literally contradicting But Simple What are "black people" explain second What are "white people" A color by human eye thats it
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Reactions: StupidHedonist_INTP, Greypiller and Crusile
Okay buddy boyos as im sure that your aware black people can be extremely violent:feelshah: Especially in america and i wanted to make this thread for a while

1. A Basic Overview
2. Childhood
3. Low iq
4. Black Culture
5. Hatred Against White People/Jealousy
6. Closing words from greypiller

1. Lets start with the basics:ogre:, Now we all know in this fucked up society we love killing each other:feelshah: Its been happening since hundreds of years and will never stop however some races are significantly more violent than others for example most pajeets are keyboard warriors but are pussies irl:feelstastyman: ive had the displeasure of interacting with alot of them. They can be violent irl aswell (example: rape) but black people have the highest amount of white on black crime statisticsView attachment 3451312
Clearly it must be societal factors steinberg:feelskek:, well im about to get to that:lul:

Most black children get violently beaten by their low iq negroid parents:feelskek: This inturn with the fact that their parents are smoking weed 24/7 will make them develop abused dog syndrome . Now you may be asking "but greypiller you just said it wasnt societal factors:soy::soy::soy:" being an abused dog does not usually correlate to violence in white people as they are far more civil and prefer to do things such as drugs to cope:feelskek:. Dont believe me? Look at all the abused dogs on here for example, most of them cope via drugs etc only a few of them want to commit violent acts such as going er :feelshah:.
Another huge factor is the fact that most negroids dont have fathers, dont believe me look at the statistics buddy boyo
Studies and reports show that the percentage of Black children in the United States living without a father has been a significant issue for decades. According to the U.S. Census Bureau and other studies:

U.S. Census Bureau (2020): In 2020, about 64% of Black children lived in single-parent households, with the vast majority being led by mothers. This is significantly higher than the national average for all children, which is around 24% for single-parent households.

National Center for Health Statistics (2019): According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), approximately 50% of Black children are born to unmarried parents. While this doesn’t necessarily indicate father absence, it does highlight the challenges related to father involvement.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation (2019): The foundation reported that 60% of Black children grow up in households without their biological fathers present. This statistic includes situations where fathers may not be living in the home or are otherwise uninvolved.
And to prove you steinbergs even more wrong here is the coorelation of people in juvenile without a father:lul: :View attachment 3451347
Statistics dont lie buddy boyos

3. Black people are significantly lower iq than white people View attachment 3451349
Race has coorelation with intelligence as we all know:ogre: Black people from the usa still have the same genes of their nigerian 80 iq cousins
Cracking Up Lol GIF

Alot of studies believe that crime is coorelated to low iq:ogre:. Not just tax fraud but Violent crime (mass murder, murder etc)
Source : https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-l...-contribute-crime-taking-sides-clashing-views

4. Black culture
Black culture is uhmm certainly something:feelstastyman:. As a white person i have observed that black people tend to thugmaxx and act "gangster" to try and fit in with their garbage culture , i have not provided any examples because its pretty obvious:ogre: Jfl i see some random negroid making a tiktok about "pulling up on the ops" so many times:feelstastyman:

5. Hatred against white people
Now as we all know white people are the superior race:ogre: Got offended ? Look at the amount of countries we conquered in the past:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: while you were living in a mud hut eating bugs for nutrition we were colonizing this earth:feelshah:.
A very prevelant example ie george floyd View attachment 3451372
He was a steinberg lolcow for media attention and muh black rights:feelswah: Even though his bloodwork shows he had lethal amounts of fentanyl in him:ogre: and what happened AFTERWARDS WELL niggers started destroying shit for their mub blm movement and killing innocent people:feelstastyman: further proving that they are stupid and ignorant.

6. Closing words from greypiller :
It took me a long time making this thread :ogre: Give your nigga some reps
Tags @ey88 @itzyaboyJJ @JohnBaza @Xangsane @deadstock
Could be summarise as



In pussy

No pussy


BBC smash
  • JFL
Reactions: Greypiller
Okay buddy boyos as im sure that your aware black people can be extremely violent:feelshah: Especially in america and i wanted to make this thread for a while

1. A Basic Overview
2. Childhood
3. Low iq
4. Black Culture
5. Hatred Against White People/Jealousy
6. Closing words from greypiller

1. Lets start with the basics:ogre:, Now we all know in this fucked up society we love killing each other:feelshah: Its been happening since hundreds of years and will never stop however some races are significantly more violent than others for example most pajeets are keyboard warriors but are pussies irl:feelstastyman: ive had the displeasure of interacting with alot of them. They can be violent irl aswell (example: rape) but black people have the highest amount of white on black crime statisticsView attachment 3451312
Clearly it must be societal factors steinberg:feelskek:, well im about to get to that:lul:

Most black children get violently beaten by their low iq negroid parents:feelskek: This inturn with the fact that their parents are smoking weed 24/7 will make them develop abused dog syndrome . Now you may be asking "but greypiller you just said it wasnt societal factors:soy::soy::soy:" being an abused dog does not usually correlate to violence in white people as they are far more civil and prefer to do things such as drugs to cope:feelskek:. Dont believe me? Look at all the abused dogs on here for example, most of them cope via drugs etc only a few of them want to commit violent acts such as going er :feelshah:.
Another huge factor is the fact that most negroids dont have fathers, dont believe me look at the statistics buddy boyo
Studies and reports show that the percentage of Black children in the United States living without a father has been a significant issue for decades. According to the U.S. Census Bureau and other studies:

U.S. Census Bureau (2020): In 2020, about 64% of Black children lived in single-parent households, with the vast majority being led by mothers. This is significantly higher than the national average for all children, which is around 24% for single-parent households.

National Center for Health Statistics (2019): According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), approximately 50% of Black children are born to unmarried parents. While this doesn’t necessarily indicate father absence, it does highlight the challenges related to father involvement.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation (2019): The foundation reported that 60% of Black children grow up in households without their biological fathers present. This statistic includes situations where fathers may not be living in the home or are otherwise uninvolved.
And to prove you steinbergs even more wrong here is the coorelation of people in juvenile without a father:lul: :View attachment 3451347
Statistics dont lie buddy boyos

3. Black people are significantly lower iq than white people View attachment 3451349
Race has coorelation with intelligence as we all know:ogre: Black people from the usa still have the same genes of their nigerian 80 iq cousins
Cracking Up Lol GIF

Alot of studies believe that crime is coorelated to low iq:ogre:. Not just tax fraud but Violent crime (mass murder, murder etc)
Source : https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-l...-contribute-crime-taking-sides-clashing-views

4. Black culture
Black culture is uhmm certainly something:feelstastyman:. As a white person i have observed that black people tend to thugmaxx and act "gangster" to try and fit in with their garbage culture , i have not provided any examples because its pretty obvious:ogre: Jfl i see some random negroid making a tiktok about "pulling up on the ops" so many times:feelstastyman:

5. Hatred against white people
Now as we all know white people are the superior race:ogre: Got offended ? Look at the amount of countries we conquered in the past:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: while you were living in a mud hut eating bugs for nutrition we were colonizing this earth:feelshah:.
A very prevelant example ie george floyd View attachment 3451372
He was a steinberg lolcow for media attention and muh black rights:feelswah: Even though his bloodwork shows he had lethal amounts of fentanyl in him:ogre: and what happened AFTERWARDS WELL niggers started destroying shit for their mub blm movement and killing innocent people:feelstastyman: further proving that they are stupid and ignorant.

6. Closing words from greypiller :
It took me a long time making this thread :ogre: Give your nigga some reps
Tags @ey88 @itzyaboyJJ @JohnBaza @Xangsane @deadstock
  • +1
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The irony calling people low iq then using the most Low iq take Im not going in depth because this post is pure ignorance and hypocritical and literally contradicting But Simple What are "black people" explain second What are "white people" A color by human eye thats it
Im not listening to a greycel:feelskek:
Ive noticed often your type actually likes black people you don't hate them no your more envious of something I don't know what but you still use their lingo act like them to a degree listen to their music watch them play sports copy their style ive noticed this by the why you typed that you're effected by that You don't actually hate them no no you may be brainwashed into hating them that you need to justify your Culture of hatred [confirmation bias] which is the irony of it that I just found That proves my point that its the culture and environment that makes someone them, You either grew up im hateful household probably poor and you were taught racism probably by social norms and you are two the point without provokation you are aggressive towards them like it makes no sense why would someone be so obsessed with something they hate that they would post it on a lookmaxxing page Your brainwashed i get it media is controlling you 'you think left or right' politics right? Your far right cause "the left is full of lbgtq" yea your cooked bro i read you like a book listen bro You have no enemies you think white black whatever matters it doesn't No ones the same
  • JFL
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nah bro this is a racebait. lame asf ngl. didnt expect it from you. yesterday as well with the indian thread
whats up with racebaiters lately? @WELOVELOOKS
Ye idk this was just stupid, his points are all over the place, nothing in the post was congruent to some overarching point if he was even trying to make one which I assume his point is that this is genetic not environmental which he still didn’t prove at all
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every single molecule, high iq high effort mogger thread, botb worthy saar we need more like this
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Ive noticed often your type actually likes black people you don't hate them no your more envious of something I don't know what but you still use their lingo act like them to a degree listen to their music watch them play sports copy their style ive noticed this by the why you typed that you're effected by that You don't actually hate them no no you may be brainwashed into hating them that you need to justify your Culture of hatred [confirmation bias] which is the irony of it that I just found That proves my point that its the culture and environment that makes someone them, You either grew up im hateful household probably poor and you were taught racism probably by social norms and you are two the point without provokation you are aggressive towards them like it makes no sense why would someone be so obsessed with something they hate that they would post it on a lookmaxxing page Your brainwashed i get it media is controlling you 'you think left or right' politics right? Your far right cause "the left is full of lbgtq" yea your cooked bro i read you like a book listen bro You have no enemies you think white black whatever matters it doesn't No ones the same
Not a single molecule read:feelskek:
every single molecule, high iq high effort mogger thread, botb worthy saar we need more like this
Thanks so much saar
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It's bc the violent blacks don't have the great black cock so they get resentful and act violent. Bbc isn't violent only sbc is
  • +1
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Good thread.
Literally every race hates black people, even indians.
  • +1
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you are contradicting urself rn
I said "more civil" indicating that they are more civil than gang banging faggots:feelshah: However they are still not as civil as white people:ogre:
Oh! wow another day, another race bait thread to farm reps and posts how surprising...
Ragebait farm thread?
He used scientific studies to backup his claims
  • +1
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Dont believe me? Look at all the abused dogs on here for example, most of them cope via drugs etc only a few of them want to commit violent acts such as going er

whoa, very scientific argument. i'm definitely convinced.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: cooldude1231, LiL 369 and Greypiller
whoa, very scientific argument. i'm definitely convinced.
I was unable to find a study on abused dogs so i used .org members as an example:feelshah:


While there are societal issues that disproportionately affect certain groups, they stem from systemic factors, not inherent traits tied to race.
Water but chronicly online intelectuals on looksmax.org website, think they found the sauce themselfs :forcedsmile::forcedsmile: and there r people saying this inst just another race bait thread :feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
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IMG 9814

niggers being slaves was written in the code of the simulation :lul::lul::lul:

  • JFL
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midwit iq thread
  • +1
  • JFL
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Okay buddy boyos as im sure that your aware black people can be extremely violent:feelshah: Especially in america and i wanted to make this thread for a while

1. A Basic Overview
2. Childhood
3. Low iq
4. Black Culture
5. Hatred Against White People/Jealousy
6. Closing words from greypiller

1. Lets start with the basics:ogre:, Now we all know in this fucked up society we love killing each other:feelshah: Its been happening since hundreds of years and will never stop however some races are significantly more violent than others for example most pajeets are keyboard warriors but are pussies irl:feelstastyman: ive had the displeasure of interacting with alot of them. They can be violent irl aswell (example: rape) but black people have the highest amount of white on black crime statisticsView attachment 3451312
Clearly it must be societal factors steinberg:feelskek:, well im about to get to that:lul:

Most black children get violently beaten by their low iq negroid parents:feelskek: This inturn with the fact that their parents are smoking weed 24/7 will make them develop abused dog syndrome . Now you may be asking "but greypiller you just said it wasnt societal factors:soy::soy::soy:" being an abused dog does not usually correlate to violence in white people as they are far more civil and prefer to do things such as drugs to cope:feelskek:. Dont believe me? Look at all the abused dogs on here for example, most of them cope via drugs etc only a few of them want to commit violent acts such as going er :feelshah:.
Another huge factor is the fact that most negroids dont have fathers, dont believe me look at the statistics buddy boyo
Studies and reports show that the percentage of Black children in the United States living without a father has been a significant issue for decades. According to the U.S. Census Bureau and other studies:

U.S. Census Bureau (2020): In 2020, about 64% of Black children lived in single-parent households, with the vast majority being led by mothers. This is significantly higher than the national average for all children, which is around 24% for single-parent households.

National Center for Health Statistics (2019): According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), approximately 50% of Black children are born to unmarried parents. While this doesn’t necessarily indicate father absence, it does highlight the challenges related to father involvement.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation (2019): The foundation reported that 60% of Black children grow up in households without their biological fathers present. This statistic includes situations where fathers may not be living in the home or are otherwise uninvolved.
And to prove you steinbergs even more wrong here is the coorelation of people in juvenile without a father:lul: :View attachment 3451347
Statistics dont lie buddy boyos

3. Black people are significantly lower iq than white people View attachment 3451349
Race has coorelation with intelligence as we all know:ogre: Black people from the usa still have the same genes of their nigerian 80 iq cousins
Cracking Up Lol GIF

Alot of studies believe that crime is coorelated to low iq:ogre:. Not just tax fraud but Violent crime (mass murder, murder etc)
Source : https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-l...-contribute-crime-taking-sides-clashing-views

4. Black culture
Black culture is uhmm certainly something:feelstastyman:. As a white person i have observed that black people tend to thugmaxx and act "gangster" to try and fit in with their garbage culture , i have not provided any examples because its pretty obvious:ogre: Jfl i see some random negroid making a tiktok about "pulling up on the ops" so many times:feelstastyman:

5. Hatred against white people
Now as we all know white people are the superior race:ogre: Got offended ? Look at the amount of countries we conquered in the past:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: while you were living in a mud hut eating bugs for nutrition we were colonizing this earth:feelshah:.
A very prevelant example ie george floyd View attachment 3451372
He was a steinberg lolcow for media attention and muh black rights:feelswah: Even though his bloodwork shows he had lethal amounts of fentanyl in him:ogre: and what happened AFTERWARDS WELL niggers started destroying shit for their mub blm movement and killing innocent people:feelstastyman: further proving that they are stupid and ignorant.

6. Closing words from greypiller :
It took me a long time making this thread :ogre: Give your nigga some reps
Tags @ey88 @itzyaboyJJ @JohnBaza @Xangsane @deadstock
May be too long tribe life🤣
  • JFL
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  • +1
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100% truth
  • +1
Reactions: Greypiller
Okay buddy boyos as im sure that your aware black people can be extremely violent:feelshah: Especially in america and i wanted to make this thread for a while

1. A Basic Overview
2. Childhood
3. Low iq
4. Black Culture
5. Hatred Against White People/Jealousy
6. Closing words from greypiller

1. Lets start with the basics:ogre:, Now we all know in this fucked up society we love killing each other:feelshah: Its been happening since hundreds of years and will never stop however some races are significantly more violent than others for example most pajeets are keyboard warriors but are pussies irl:feelstastyman: ive had the displeasure of interacting with alot of them. They can be violent irl aswell (example: rape) but black people have the highest amount of white on black crime statisticsView attachment 3451312
Clearly it must be societal factors steinberg:feelskek:, well im about to get to that:lul:

Most black children get violently beaten by their low iq negroid parents:feelskek: This inturn with the fact that their parents are smoking weed 24/7 will make them develop abused dog syndrome . Now you may be asking "but greypiller you just said it wasnt societal factors:soy::soy::soy:" being an abused dog does not usually correlate to violence in white people as they are far more civil and prefer to do things such as drugs to cope:feelskek:. Dont believe me? Look at all the abused dogs on here for example, most of them cope via drugs etc only a few of them want to commit violent acts such as going er :feelshah:.
Another huge factor is the fact that most negroids dont have fathers, dont believe me look at the statistics buddy boyo
Studies and reports show that the percentage of Black children in the United States living without a father has been a significant issue for decades. According to the U.S. Census Bureau and other studies:

U.S. Census Bureau (2020): In 2020, about 64% of Black children lived in single-parent households, with the vast majority being led by mothers. This is significantly higher than the national average for all children, which is around 24% for single-parent households.

National Center for Health Statistics (2019): According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), approximately 50% of Black children are born to unmarried parents. While this doesn’t necessarily indicate father absence, it does highlight the challenges related to father involvement.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation (2019): The foundation reported that 60% of Black children grow up in households without their biological fathers present. This statistic includes situations where fathers may not be living in the home or are otherwise uninvolved.
And to prove you steinbergs even more wrong here is the coorelation of people in juvenile without a father:lul: :View attachment 3451347
Statistics dont lie buddy boyos

3. Black people are significantly lower iq than white people View attachment 3451349
Race has coorelation with intelligence as we all know:ogre: Black people from the usa still have the same genes of their nigerian 80 iq cousins
Cracking Up Lol GIF

Alot of studies believe that crime is coorelated to low iq:ogre:. Not just tax fraud but Violent crime (mass murder, murder etc)
Source : https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-l...-contribute-crime-taking-sides-clashing-views

4. Black culture
Black culture is uhmm certainly something:feelstastyman:. As a white person i have observed that black people tend to thugmaxx and act "gangster" to try and fit in with their garbage culture , i have not provided any examples because its pretty obvious:ogre: Jfl i see some random negroid making a tiktok about "pulling up on the ops" so many times:feelstastyman:

5. Hatred against white people
Now as we all know white people are the superior race:ogre: Got offended ? Look at the amount of countries we conquered in the past:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: while you were living in a mud hut eating bugs for nutrition we were colonizing this earth:feelshah:.
A very prevelant example ie george floyd View attachment 3451372
He was a steinberg lolcow for media attention and muh black rights:feelswah: Even though his bloodwork shows he had lethal amounts of fentanyl in him:ogre: and what happened AFTERWARDS WELL niggers started destroying shit for their mub blm movement and killing innocent people:feelstastyman: further proving that they are stupid and ignorant.

6. Closing words from greypiller :
It took me a long time making this thread :ogre: Give your nigga some reps
Tags @ey88 @itzyaboyJJ @JohnBaza @Xangsane @deadstock
such a low iq thread africans dont have lower iqs they have lower education cause white people rob them and white people are 10x more violent then blacks also what does that even mean george floyd the cop didnt know he had fent in him he just attacked a random guy
  • JFL
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i refuse to believe my fellow org members are this stupid
  • JFL
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such a low iq thread africans dont have lower iqs they have lower education cause white people rob them and white people are 10x more violent then blacks also what does that even mean george floyd the cop didnt know he had fent in him he just attacked a random guy
But saar it was societal factors and such things:feelsohh::feelsohh:
  • JFL
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Victim mentality too, very common with AA and new age blacks
  • +1
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such a low iq thread africans dont have lower iqs they have lower education cause white people rob them and white people are 10x more violent then blacks also what does that even mean george floyd the cop didnt know he had fent in him he just attacked a random guy
He should of been in jail in the first place, suprised that supreme specimen lived as long as he did :feelskek:
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: JustHereToLooksmax and Greypiller
You see apes and other lower primate species who haven't evolved always act violent and aggressive when they are confused and don't know what to do. That's just an instinct for them, a natural response to a situation that the retarded ape isnt familiar with. They don't have reasoning and thinking abilities. They just chimp out, throw a few hands, kill themselves or others in the process and think about it afterwards. @666PSL
Didn't think you were an SFcel
I feel betrayed.
  • Woah
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