Why Black people are so violent (high iq)

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Are you trying to represent a Jew?
  • JFL
Reactions: Greypiller
IQ isn't linked to race.
It isnt ONCE YOU FACTOR FOR ENVIRONMENT. Obviously hood niggas would be retarded duh :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:, but black and mixed children in healthy environments and in the same WASP environments have the same IQ point average. There are many studies on this and a reason beyond "DA JOOZ" that people call race-iq innate correlations bullshit. Also just look at "white trash", they act like hood niggas but white, its cagefuel especially IQmogging the racist KumskinKlutzyKlanner ones :chad::chad::chad:
  • Hmm...
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Some points are good
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It isnt ONCE YOU FACTOR FOR ENVIRONMENT. Obviously hood niggas would be retarded duh :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:, but black and mixed children in healthy environments and in the same WASP environments have the same IQ point average. There are many studies on this and a reason beyond "DA JOOZ" that people call race-iq innate correlations bullshit. Also just look at "white trash", they act like hood niggas but white, its cagefuel especially IQmogging the racist KumskinKlutzyKlanner ones :chad::chad::chad:
Can you pm those studies?
  • +1
Reactions: JustHereToLooksmax
Without reading id say these are the top ten factors.
1. Low IQ
2. Low income
3. Bad culture
4. No impulse control
5. No delayed gratification leading to degeneracy and need dopamine hits all day every day.
6. Drug and alcohol abuse
7. Government telling them they are a victim and putting them on the privileged entitlement payout plan with food stamps, Obamacare, welfare, unemployment, obamaphone, energy assistance, section 8 housing, etc
8. Only gifts are the top 1 percent of blacks doing well in entertainment as a Jew puppet.
9. History of criminals so it carries over and they don't really archive their history well at all and in most cases they lie about their history to create delusions of grandeur and repeat past mistakes.
10. Part of their genetics comes from the Nephiliam aka offspring of the fallen angels. Therefore they are more prone to evil like the Ashkenazi Jews. The Jews just did the system for their legalized crime and so far mor damage in one day than all blacks on earth ever have or ever could.
High T, raised in bad areas, also most fall within the most violent IQ range which is 80-89 https://paulcooijmans.com/intelligence/iq_ranges.html

Minimum 140IQ for scientific work and rational communication.
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What coping midwit shit is this :lul::lul::lul:
Average physics PhD has an IQ of 140, meaning according to this retard a bit less than ~50% of physics PhDs are capable of rational communication.


But yes I agree with your points to an extent. However I personally believe, after many years of research and deliberation on this topic, that the gap is purely or at the least mostly environmental. Feel free to disagree with me on that one as long as you have actual reasons other than "DA JOOZ!"
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View attachment 3498553 Minimum 140IQ for scientific work and rational communication.
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What coping midwit shit is this :lul::lul::lul:
Average physics PhD has an IQ of 140, meaning according to this retard a bit less than ~50% of physics PhDs are capable of rational communication.


But yes I agree with your points to an extent. However I personally believe, after many years of research and deliberation on this topic, that the gap is purely or at the least mostly environmental. Feel free to disagree with me on that one as long as you have actual reasons other than "DA JOOZ!"
Some of it seems suspect yeah, like requiring a 120+ iq to make inferences about the world
  • JFL
Reactions: JustHereToLooksmax
1. They actually have a baby black carrot and are mad that the Jews can't help them with their propaganda after they have been exposed by all studies known to man contradicting the Jew propaganda.
2. Jealousy of the white man. The white man has the privileged of all females of all race desiring him over every other race except black women which is the least desirable female.
3. Jew rap music
4. Jew brain washing talking them they are victims
5. They get free food, TV, shelter, utilities and unlimited butt sex in prison.
6. They can get buff in prison
7. More of a family culture in prison than in the streets
8. Prison makes them hard.
9. They prison makes for clout on social media and become an influencer.
10. A ton of time to develop their b ball game.
It's shocking and appealing that it's 2025 and on a freedom of speech platform there are still people on here saying blacks IQ is low due to education as whites are robbing them. This might be the biggest cope excuse ever.

Their IQs are the lowest of every race in every nation on earth including their own nations.

They are given more educational benefits and privilege than any other race in history. The colleges lower the bar for SAT, ACT and grades to meet their black quotas. Lower qualifies blacks are getting in over the higher qualifies Asians and Caucasian. I'd even bet that the top 5-10 percent of blacks could never make it to an Ivy league college if they applied as an Asian. Not one of them would make the cut.

No race has received more government funding for education than the blacks over the last 3 decades.
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: JustHereToLooksmax and Greypiller
Okay buddy boyos as im sure that your aware black people can be extremely violent:feelshah: Especially in america and i wanted to make this thread for a while

1. A Basic Overview
2. Childhood
3. Low iq
4. Black Culture
5. Hatred Against White People/Jealousy
6. Closing words from greypiller

1. Lets start with the basics:ogre:, Now we all know in this fucked up society we love killing each other:feelshah: Its been happening since hundreds of years and will never stop however some races are significantly more violent than others for example most pajeets are keyboard warriors but are pussies irl:feelstastyman: ive had the displeasure of interacting with alot of them. They can be violent irl aswell (example: rape) but black people have the highest amount of white on black crime statisticsView attachment 3451312
Clearly it must be societal factors steinberg:feelskek:, well im about to get to that:lul:

Most black children get violently beaten by their low iq negroid parents:feelskek: This inturn with the fact that their parents are smoking weed 24/7 will make them develop abused dog syndrome . Now you may be asking "but greypiller you just said it wasnt societal factors:soy::soy::soy:" being an abused dog does not usually correlate to violence in white people as they are far more civil and prefer to do things such as drugs to cope:feelskek:. Dont believe me? Look at all the abused dogs on here for example, most of them cope via drugs etc only a few of them want to commit violent acts such as going er :feelshah:.
Another huge factor is the fact that most negroids dont have fathers, dont believe me look at the statistics buddy boyo
Studies and reports show that the percentage of Black children in the United States living without a father has been a significant issue for decades. According to the U.S. Census Bureau and other studies:

U.S. Census Bureau (2020): In 2020, about 64% of Black children lived in single-parent households, with the vast majority being led by mothers. This is significantly higher than the national average for all children, which is around 24% for single-parent households.

National Center for Health Statistics (2019): According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), approximately 50% of Black children are born to unmarried parents. While this doesn’t necessarily indicate father absence, it does highlight the challenges related to father involvement.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation (2019): The foundation reported that 60% of Black children grow up in households without their biological fathers present. This statistic includes situations where fathers may not be living in the home or are otherwise uninvolved.
And to prove you steinbergs even more wrong here is the coorelation of people in juvenile without a father:lul: :View attachment 3451347
Statistics dont lie buddy boyos

3. Black people are significantly lower iq than white people View attachment 3451349
Race has coorelation with intelligence as we all know:ogre: Black people from the usa still have the same genes of their nigerian 80 iq cousins
Cracking Up Lol GIF

Alot of studies believe that crime is coorelated to low iq:ogre:. Not just tax fraud but Violent crime (mass murder, murder etc)
Source : https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-l...-contribute-crime-taking-sides-clashing-views

4. Black culture
Black culture is uhmm certainly something:feelstastyman:. As a white person i have observed that black people tend to thugmaxx and act "gangster" to try and fit in with their garbage culture , i have not provided any examples because its pretty obvious:ogre: Jfl i see some random negroid making a tiktok about "pulling up on the ops" so many times:feelstastyman:

5. Hatred against white people
Now as we all know white people are the superior race:ogre: Got offended ? Look at the amount of countries we conquered in the past:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: while you were living in a mud hut eating bugs for nutrition we were colonizing this earth:feelshah:.
A very prevelant example ie george floyd View attachment 3451372
He was a steinberg lolcow for media attention and muh black rights:feelswah: Even though his bloodwork shows he had lethal amounts of fentanyl in him:ogre: and what happened AFTERWARDS WELL niggers started destroying shit for their mub blm movement and killing innocent people:feelstastyman: further proving that they are stupid and ignorant.

6. Closing words from greypiller :
It took me a long time making this thread :ogre: Give your nigga some reps
Tags @ey88 @itzyaboyJJ @JohnBaza @Xangsane @deadstock
Your somewhat right but the real problem on top of everything you listed is the black American female awards thugmaxxing behavior in inner city environments

Unironically black men are the biggest simps they are willing ruining their lives for access to pussy

Half the problems in the black community would go away overnight if black women didn’t reward and want men who act like that like women of other races “besides latinas.”

Not to mention the women of other races who also sexualize the stereotypes of black men and only want black men who fit the mold.
  • +1
Reactions: Greypiller
Okay buddy boyos as im sure that your aware black people can be extremely violent:feelshah: Especially in america and i wanted to make this thread for a while

1. A Basic Overview
2. Childhood
3. Low iq
4. Black Culture
5. Hatred Against White People/Jealousy
6. Closing words from greypiller

1. Lets start with the basics:ogre:, Now we all know in this fucked up society we love killing each other:feelshah: Its been happening since hundreds of years and will never stop however some races are significantly more violent than others for example most pajeets are keyboard warriors but are pussies irl:feelstastyman: ive had the displeasure of interacting with alot of them. They can be violent irl aswell (example: rape) but black people have the highest amount of white on black crime statisticsView attachment 3451312
Clearly it must be societal factors steinberg:feelskek:, well im about to get to that:lul:

Most black children get violently beaten by their low iq negroid parents:feelskek: This inturn with the fact that their parents are smoking weed 24/7 will make them develop abused dog syndrome . Now you may be asking "but greypiller you just said it wasnt societal factors:soy::soy::soy:" being an abused dog does not usually correlate to violence in white people as they are far more civil and prefer to do things such as drugs to cope:feelskek:. Dont believe me? Look at all the abused dogs on here for example, most of them cope via drugs etc only a few of them want to commit violent acts such as going er :feelshah:.
Another huge factor is the fact that most negroids dont have fathers, dont believe me look at the statistics buddy boyo
Studies and reports show that the percentage of Black children in the United States living without a father has been a significant issue for decades. According to the U.S. Census Bureau and other studies:

U.S. Census Bureau (2020): In 2020, about 64% of Black children lived in single-parent households, with the vast majority being led by mothers. This is significantly higher than the national average for all children, which is around 24% for single-parent households.

National Center for Health Statistics (2019): According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), approximately 50% of Black children are born to unmarried parents. While this doesn’t necessarily indicate father absence, it does highlight the challenges related to father involvement.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation (2019): The foundation reported that 60% of Black children grow up in households without their biological fathers present. This statistic includes situations where fathers may not be living in the home or are otherwise uninvolved.
And to prove you steinbergs even more wrong here is the coorelation of people in juvenile without a father:lul: :View attachment 3451347
Statistics dont lie buddy boyos

3. Black people are significantly lower iq than white people View attachment 3451349
Race has coorelation with intelligence as we all know:ogre: Black people from the usa still have the same genes of their nigerian 80 iq cousins
Cracking Up Lol GIF

Alot of studies believe that crime is coorelated to low iq:ogre:. Not just tax fraud but Violent crime (mass murder, murder etc)
Source : https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-l...-contribute-crime-taking-sides-clashing-views

4. Black culture
Black culture is uhmm certainly something:feelstastyman:. As a white person i have observed that black people tend to thugmaxx and act "gangster" to try and fit in with their garbage culture , i have not provided any examples because its pretty obvious:ogre: Jfl i see some random negroid making a tiktok about "pulling up on the ops" so many times:feelstastyman:

5. Hatred against white people
Now as we all know white people are the superior race:ogre: Got offended ? Look at the amount of countries we conquered in the past:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: while you were living in a mud hut eating bugs for nutrition we were colonizing this earth:feelshah:.
A very prevelant example ie george floyd View attachment 3451372
He was a steinberg lolcow for media attention and muh black rights:feelswah: Even though his bloodwork shows he had lethal amounts of fentanyl in him:ogre: and what happened AFTERWARDS WELL niggers started destroying shit for their mub blm movement and killing innocent people:feelstastyman: further proving that they are stupid and ignorant.

6. Closing words from greypiller :
It took me a long time making this thread :ogre: Give your nigga some reps
Tags @ey88 @itzyaboyJJ @JohnBaza @Xangsane @deadstock

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