Why do a lot of Leaders these days seem to have relatively mediocre education credentials?

oh top school as in secondary education & not uni?
Both, Im going to a top uni rn and HOLY FUCK ARE THESE KIDS UGLY. Its not Ivy League tier, but its up there.
remind yourself of how shitty your life will be without money to looksmax & then buy some modafinil for your pet mouse
yhh im gonna buy modafinil ASAP tbh, thanks
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1862
yhh im gonna buy modafinil ASAP tbh, thanks
good luck chief, remember that A level bio & chem is just a memorisation game. Practice the fuck outta maths & then use flashcards for the other two.
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Being a top of the top perfect student is indicative of a submissive meek personnality that follows authority blindly, biden was a low inhib Chad that did barely enough to get by yes still be able to network and climb social structures

nobody wants to be "this"
View attachment 805599

p sure this is from the final team for a us math contest, the ppl there aren't rly workcel types, theyre just extraordinarily smart beyond 99.99999% of ppl. having problem solving skills at that level makes a lot of industry-related tasks much easier to do. wall street quant trading funds 'recruit' those types of ppl while in HS, many of the richest ppl in the tech industry are from similar backgrounds too (co founder of facebook had similar training).

intelligence pill is just as brutal as looks pill tbh
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that's interesting though ngl, maybe the subject matters.

jfl ppl in bio/chem fields tend to be pretty good looking, also a rly high number of girls (for stem). a lot of ppl there seem to be naturally inclined to looksmax; many gymcelled, softmaxxed normies.

engineering has a huge blend of ppl from diff backgrounds.

math/cs prob has the smartest and least attractive ppl of all fields. all my classes seem to be well below avg height, everyone has brutal nerd neck posture, and like 50% should be looking for bimax.

idk if theres some kinda childhood habit selection pushing ppl into diff areas? the contrast is so huge ngl
  • +1
Reactions: Blackout.xl
jfl ppl in bio/chem fields tend to be pretty good looking, also a rly high number of girls (for stem). a lot of ppl there seem to be naturally inclined to looksmax; many gymcelled, softmaxxed normies.

engineering has a huge blend of ppl from diff backgrounds.

math/cs prob has the smartest and least attractive ppl of all fields. all my classes seem to be well below avg height, everyone has brutal nerd neck posture, and like 50% should be looking for bimax.

idk if theres some kinda childhood habit selection pushing ppl into diff areas? the contrast is so huge ngl
pretty much the same as my experience except math students (the ones that actually go outside) don't seem to be too ugly

cs for sure, mostly short skinny asians, white dudes who get sunburnt when they turn their bedroom light on & fat white girls
  • +1
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jfl ppl in bio/chem fields tend to be pretty good looking, also a rly high number of girls (for stem). a lot of ppl there seem to be naturally inclined to looksmax; many gymcelled, softmaxxed normies.

engineering has a huge blend of ppl from diff backgrounds.

math/cs prob has the smartest and least attractive ppl of all fields. all my classes seem to be well below avg height, everyone has brutal nerd neck posture, and like 50% should be looking for bimax.

idk if theres some kinda childhood habit selection pushing ppl into diff areas? the contrast is so huge ngl
I need you in discord ASAP or I will engage in the most heinous and brutal atrocities not seen before in history.
  • JFL
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yeah you need at least all As i'd say to stand a chance

remind yourself of how shitty your life will be without money to looksmax & then buy some modafinil for your pet mouse
fuck i was accepted in 12th to come doing liberal arts in both UCL and king's college, but too pussy to leave my country. would probably been happy by now
Being a top of the top perfect student is indicative of a submissive meek personnality that follows authority blindly, biden was a low inhib Chad that did barely enough to get by yes still be able to network and climb social structures

nobody wants to be "this"
View attachment 805599
Low education means dumb.

Most education means most submissive.

Medium-high education is the optimal level with self, others, iq and moneymaxxing in the optimal balance.
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No education for your Jew selected Presidents
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damn, i wanted to go into genetics or neuroscience, can't really learn that outside of uni and get a job tbh

could i do actuary with a maths a level?
the intro exam is basically slightly harder maths a level and the later exams are all excel based and a shit load of reading of legal crap.

and yeah anything stem based like biology u should get degree.
  • +1
Reactions: hairyballscel
Meanwhile in Romania, half of our politicians have a PhD - sure, most of them are bought, so they are meaningless, but it's like they are trying so hard to impress with diplomas and studies.
fuck i was accepted in 12th to come doing liberal arts in both UCL and king's college, but too pussy to leave my country. would probably been happy by now
unironically re-apply for 2021, many unis offer conversion degrees too if you don't want to do law
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pretty much the same as my experience except math students (the ones that actually go outside) don't seem to be too ugly

prob split between the business/accounting/engineering type of math students vs ai/theoretical/quant type math students, all of them tend to be nice ppl tho
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1862
good luck chief, remember that A level bio & chem is just a memorisation game. Practice the fuck outta maths & then use flashcards for the other two.
thanks again, this really helps
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1862
politics isnt a very attractive career in western democracies, especially europe. youre never going to do anything great, the people are hideous inside and out and the only way you make good money is from corruption and sleezy lobbying, which nobody respects, when youre like 60. yes most politicians still go to top tier unis but given that the average western leader has virtually no authority to do anything major on a long term basis, in societies which are slowly decaying, most kids at top unis would rather become a lawyer or a banker to earn serious money in a legit, respected way before they reach middle age, or go work for one of the organisations or corporations which actually has an impact on the world, or start a company which actually produces something. the only people who care about party politics in the modern west, in the age of no heroes, are weirdos obsessed with marginal tax rates and obscure planning policies.
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The school you go to is becoming less and less important as time goes on.
hopefully covid and the internet will cripple the universities. things like ai and the internet could actually solve so many problems, but obviously theyll be used to just fuck things up even more
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4209
we're not in burgerland, we're in bad dental hygiene land.
Thank god for Burger Land where I can freely question the so called HoloHOAX where supposedly 600 trillion Jews died so now everybody owes them a couple hundred billion dollars for the rest of humanity

And we have guns so the cucks in uniforms cant force us to stay home cause of the China Jew-Flu
lolno. i know a guy who literally organised massive orgies at oxford (he just graduated). its only for the posh people though, upper middle class at least. the plebs who are there cuz they just work really hard and are actually super smart are predominantly incels tbh
  • JFL
Reactions: hairyballscel
Thank god for Burger Land where I can freely question the so called HoloHOAX where supposedly 600 trillion Jews died so now everybody owes them a couple hundred billion dollars for the rest of humanity

And we have guns so the cucks in uniforms cant force us to stay home cause of the China Jew-Flu
@sytyl @MentalistKebab ah shit here we go again
  • JFL
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the whole "stem people are ugly" is kinda cope

in my uni, even in stem subjects, the only ones who actually attend lectures are htns and above tbh. Idk tho, when my friends visit from other unis they always say that people are better looking here than at their unis jfl
yeah the idea that smart/hardworking people are incels is gigacope. obviously there are many who are incels, but i havent seen any real correlation
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1862
damn im in year 13, not sure what to do about uni tbh

is uni worth it if ur not going to a top 20 place?
if youre not sure about uni dont go, at least not immediately. you have plenty of time to find out what you actually wanna do in terms of career and interests, and if youre working in the meantime you wont have to take on so much debt when/if you do. also the studying guide on this forum is mad good (the videos by ali abdaal). they helped me get a high first at uni and i even set up a reasonably successful tutoring company based like 50% on those videos. honestly check them out, could be one of the best things you ever do. good luck with a levels, even if you dont go to uni still go 100% to ace them
  • +1
Reactions: hairyballscel
Meanwhile in Romania, half of our politicians have a PhD - sure, most of them are bought, so they are meaningless, but it's like they are trying so hard to impress with diplomas and studies.
i think they do this in spain as well. big scandal with fake degrees.
  • +1
Reactions: Gonthar
p sure this is from the final team for a us math contest, the ppl there aren't rly workcel types, theyre just extraordinarily smart beyond 99.99999% of ppl. having problem solving skills at that level makes a lot of industry-related tasks much easier to do. wall street quant trading funds 'recruit' those types of ppl while in HS, many of the richest ppl in the tech industry are from similar backgrounds too (co founder of facebook had similar training).

intelligence pill is just as brutal as looks pill tbh
How come they look like a hybrid of sewer rats and bengali incel abused dogs if they are so smart ?
Whats the correlation between looking like shit and being a top math olympiad cuckstudent,

curries like you are stemcels since birth so you're defending them by instinct.
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if youre not sure about uni dont go, at least not immediately. you have plenty of time to find out what you actually wanna do in terms of career and interests, and if youre working in the meantime you wont have to take on so much debt when/if you do. also the studying guide on this forum is mad good (the videos by ali abdaal). they helped me get a high first at uni and i even set up a reasonably successful tutoring company based like 50% on those videos. honestly check them out, could be one of the best things you ever do. good luck with a levels, even if you dont go to uni still go 100% to ace them
thanks, i watched the vids i've been implementing them, hopefully it'll pay off
How come they look like a hybrid of sewer rats and bengali incel abused dogs if they are so smart ?
Whats the correlation between looking like shit and being a top math olympiad cuckstudent,

curries like you are stemcels since birth so you're defending them by instinct.

lol why are u offended? im not defending them, i just know the context of the pic and commented on that lol.

how does attractiveness have to do w intelligence?? they look like sewer rats and abused dogs bc they have ugly faces, tiny frames, and prob shit height too; they are also smarter than 99.9999% of the population, no contradiction there. theres zero correlation between looking good and being smart lmfao.
You're picking out anomalies. Biden has trash tier academic credentials. Correct. But look at who came before him.

Trump - Wharton. Obama - Columbia/Harvard. Bush - Yale/Harvard. Clinton - Oxford/Yale

Look across the pond. Current British PM is an Oxford alum.

In the US, Harvard dominates politics, followed by Yale. In the UK, Oxbridge dominates.

Trust me, going to a good school will still give you a massive boost in politics.
Yeah but we are talking about now. Hell it look like the top 3 people in USA are going to be the lowest in a while lol. Lets see the projected order of succession when Biden takes place:

Biden: Literally who school

Harris : Literally who school

Pelosi: Literally who school

So the 3 most powerful people in the US will be 1 man suffering from dementia and 2 foids lol. All from literally who schools. The USA might be in for some troubled times ahead.
I remember someone said the UK despite all it's talk on being open is actually a prime example of an elitist aristocracy ruling. Even more than other western nations which makes sense since they still have a royal family.

The vast majority of PM including current one, BoJo went to both Oxford and a good high school. Gordon Brown has a 1st hon and a phd but coz he only went to Edinburgh (non medicine major) everyone kept shitting on him. They pretty much went 180 by electing the next PM, David Cameron who is elitist as fuck (Eton, Oxford PPE 1st class etc). Btw BoJo actually was friends with David Cameron in during his time at BOTH Eton and Oxford.

No to mention almost like half the parliament are millionaires who probably also went to good schools (meaning well connected name)

Elitism in UK really is on another level compared to other countries. Maybe thats why they don't vote labour anymore. At least Tony Blair went to Oxford. Meanwhile Corbyn never went to uni so maybes that's why they don't want him in.
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It's not the top uni or whatever. Let's see:

USA: Biden went to literally who college and even then had shit class ranking

India: Modi has a third class degree. Not IIT.

Merkel: Respectable degree school but not the best like LMU/TU etc

France: Macron was a ENS reject. Twice

Turkey: Edrogen's credentials are constantly disputed.

Japan: Suga went to a literally who school

Canada: Trudeau tried to do an engineering degree after his shitty Non-Stem bachelor and gave up

China: Xi Jinping had his formal education interrupted and had to self learn hence his formal use of Chinese has mistakes. He did go to Tsinghua but back then it was on recommendation basis which is different from today. In contrast his second in command, Li Keqiang completely brainmogs him since he actually went through the tough exams and even has a Economics PHD degree.

Sure you still have guys like Putin or BJ, but it's clearly obvious going to a top institution isn't the biggest priority for many nations now.

What gives? Are studycels completely fucked?
You need thinking ability to be a politician. Not education

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