Why do curries even bother coming here?

i already have good jaw
Ok when you'll reach salludon level inform me.. And jfl at your iq if u think a white man can mog 99 percent curries or shitt.. Come to pakistan the imdo nordic pashtuns will mog u to death
  • JFL
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Ok when you'll reach salludon level inform me.. And jfl at your iq if u think a white man can mog 99 percent curries or shitt.. Come to pakistan the imdo nordic pashtuns will mog u to death
no, i mog 99% of cum skins too, go check my rating thread
  • JFL
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no, i mog 99% of cum skins too, go check my rating thread
Will you chill out and take a seat? All you curries just cope like crazy. If you live in shithole curryland then why is this forum relevant? Your competition in India is sub human. Why would you bitch about dating in India unless you are super ugly
Will you chill out and take a seat? All you curries just cope like crazy. If you live in shithole curryland then why is this forum relevant? Your competition in India is sub human. Why would you bitch about dating in India unless you are super ugly
Lol at u.. So we should ask u before making an account... U r the ugly ass bitch
Will you chill out and take a seat? All you curries just cope like crazy. If you live in shithole curryland then why is this forum relevant? Your competition in India is sub human. Why would you bitch about dating in India unless you are super ugly
high IQ take, all currys are volcel specially if they got some money, poverty alone is so much in india that just some money will make you desirable, but foids are incridibly ugly looking
Will you chill out and take a seat? All you curries just cope like crazy. If you live in shithole curryland then why is this forum relevant? Your competition in India is sub human. Why would you bitch about dating in India unless you are super ugly
forum is relevant because we want to slay foreign foids lol
and why would we go back to our shitty country, like my guy even if the west is cucked its never gonna reach the low that is india
What about Pakistan and bangladesh? Are they cucked? Rural India? Are they cucked? Yeah indians have been cucks for 800 years, but at least marital rape is legal in India
No you don't lol. Even 99% curries is pushing too much @AcneScars
i look even better now, i can show you my latest photos, they are far better now but let it go
forum is relevant because we want to slay foreign foids lol
Well it isn't gonna happen, so go back to curry land and sit your mayo loving ass down. You hate white people but obsessed with mayo girls? Yeah your a retard.
Rural India?
no they are based, if you got some money than you will ascend 100%, no matter how subhuman you look.
Yeah indians have been cucks for 800 years
higher caste indians are foreigners too, for example rajputs, kshatriyas brahmin punjabis marwadis etc they look completely different than an average indian ( dravidian).
but they are like 5% of the population at max.
ain't nobody going back without getting a stacy lol.
You live in India or usa? You pajeets are so nosy you can speak with an American or British slang without ever stepping foot in those nations. You are such followers.
i look even better now, i can show you my latest photos, they are far better now but let it go
Still bro. Your competition in west are 6ft + Chads or High tier normies from rich families if you want a stacy.
ain't nobody going back without getting a stacy lol.
Keep trying until your 100 years old. Even then you'll still be bitching on this website im sure.
You live in India or usa? You pajeets are so nosy you can speak with an American or British slang without ever stepping foot in those nations. You are such followers.
kiwiland, but it not my home country, my relatives are everywhere, in nearly every western country and i have a diplomat special passport
kiwiland, but it not my home country, my relatives are everywhere, in nearly every western country and i have a diplomat special passport
Citizen of which country though?
What about Pakistan and bangladesh? Are they cucked? Rural India? Are they cucked? Yeah indians have been cucks for 800 years, but at least marital rape is legal in India
its guys like these in my school that makes me hate the way i look, like what did i do to get treated like this?
kiwiland, but it not my home country, my relatives are everywhere, in nearly every western country and i have a diplomat special passport
Why do you curry want a cumskin girl so badly? They will sleep with African Tyrone on weekends, divorce you, blame you for it all, take your kids, and your money. Why do you want that?
Why do you want a cumskin girl so badly? They will sleep with African Tyrone on weekends, divorce you, blame you for it all, take your kids, and your money. Why do you want that?
because of genetic quality and who will marry them anyway lol? marrying in 2021 is for beta cucks
because of genetic quality and who will marry them anyway lol? marrying in 2021 is for beta cucks
Yeah enjoy their increased cancer risk and increased obesity risk, and increased mental illness risk. Your just another white worshiping curry faggot. Just admit it. I'm done talking to you.
Yeah enjoy their increased cancer risk and increased obesity risk, and increased mental illness risk. Your just another white worshiping curry faggot. Just admit it. I'm done talking to you.
i do not worship cum skins, i do not submit to cum skin supremacy just look at my threads and think again lol wtf are you talking about
i do not worship cum skins, i do not submit to cum skin supremacy just look at my threads and think again lol wtf are you talking about
Yeah enjoy their increased cancer risk and increased obesity risk, and increased mental illness risk. Your just another white worshiping curry faggot. Just admit it. I'm done talking to you.
Still bro. Your competition in west are 6ft + Chads or High tier normies from rich families if you want a stacy.
Caging at this 3 way battle:feelshaha:
i swear this site is 45% curry, 45% white, and the rest is other ethnic groups
whites are like 20% max at the moment

the site is so curry and ethnic dominated right now, its crazy
The curries on this site are all from India or Pakistan lmao, where did you get this idea they're from the west.


Those guys are all curries and all live in shit holes known as Pakistan and India. There's more as well that I'm unaware of.

There's a few here that live in the west but most of the curry users live in south Asia

Nearly All the western curry guys I know date curry women .....

Most of the self hating ones date the white women that nobody else wants. They're self hating and women eventually realise this and the relationship breaks down. The self hate drives them to date these white women.
Why did I get mentioned here man?, I am all for Indian beauty, in fact despite being a straight guy I have seen more chadpreets than good looking Indian women(I believe there might be equally good looking Indian women too), and I don’t run behind white women, I don’t even care about getting into a relationship, let alone pursuing a white woman. And the country you hate so much produces more bright minds than the west, it’s just that most Indians with bright minds want to work in the west for better job opportunities. And yes, there are many Indian men wanting to be in a relationship with white women and the ones living in the west are likely to date white women, but I am not one of them, plus I live in India, so you should stop assuming that I live in a western country
U are kidding right ? %55 divorce rate is insane lmao
Indians should go for all women equally tbh not praise white women like dogs
The thing is that a lot of Indian women are filled with some kind of superiority complex, and to be honest it’s not their fault fully, most of them are just put up on a pedestal, first by their parents, then by the Indian men and that is since a young age when these women were adolescent girls surrounded by boys who put them up on a pedestal, while I agree that reinforcing their confidence is good, but what these men do is fuel their ego, these women try to play the hard to get game despite being low in attractiveness and personality and yet simp men in India think it is fair and further fuel their ego by being “bro-zoned”(a term widespread in India which means when a guy likes a woman and she doesn’t like him back, she forcibly establishes a brotherly bond with him to get rid of him) and still trying to pursue these women thinking one day they will reciprocate their feelings and unfree themselves from the “bro-zone” and be their boyfriends/husbands. I know that a similar thing happens in the west too, but the severity is way lower than India(western guys wouldn’t even entertain the kind of women in India the Indian guys get bro-zoned by) in the west you have women who genuinely want to come into relationships and find it normal if a guy comes up to them and asks them out, while in India, you have these women who secretly want men to come to up to them and ask them out and also want to reject them, this means they want the attention till the day they get arranged to some guy with a government job chosen by her parents(and believe you me, they are more than happy living that way). But I also agree that there are some really sweet, loving and mature women in India, who are beautiful inside out and don’t fall for that hard to get ego-fueling crap I just mentioned, likewise for all women in the world
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whites are like 20% max at the moment

the site is so curry and ethnic dominated right now, its crazy
Well the website polls say otherwise but the fact that there are any here at all is just ridiculous. I don't understand why they bother coming here because in their culture THEY DON'T DATE. Arabs, Indians, and pakistanis all get death threats for dating in their countries. Yes i know they are ugly on average but it seems they are trying to assimilate into western trash culture even though they have never even been there. And the ones that live in the west can just go back and be arranged to someone. They won't be alone for life if they can't fall in love through dating. So that's my question. They are all here because they are whining that they are not able to assimilate into the western trash culture and they can't accept that. They want a cum skin whore to accept them, and when that doesn't happen they show up here. RACE MIXING IS DISGUSTING! You don't mix races! Mixed race children look retarded and have identity problems.
This is the most bluepilled statement i have ever seen @Blackgymmax look at this dude
i actually cried in laughter irl. Hes prob just joking
  • JFL
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also pic of u op?
Well the website polls say otherwise but the fact that there are any here at all is just ridiculous. I don't understand why they bother coming here because in their culture THEY DON'T DATE. Arabs, Indians, and pakistanis all get death threats for dating in their countries. Yes i know they are ugly on average but it seems they are trying to assimilate into western trash culture even though they have never even been there. And the ones that live in the west can just go back and be arranged to someone. They won't be alone for life if they can't fall in love through dating. So that's my question. They are all here because they are whining that they are not able to assimilate into the western trash culture and they can't accept that. They want a cum skin whore to accept them, and when that doesn't happen they show up here. RACE MIXING IS DISGUSTING! You don't mix races! Mixed race children look retarded and have identity problems.
Keep coping low IQcel. PSL god Atesh Salih is half Middle-Easterner and half German. The goddess you worship - ‘Adriana Lima’, is literally a mixture of almost all races, she is Portuguese, African, Native Brazilian, Japanese and Swiss. Mixed race people are way more likely to be good looking. And where are you even from?, you badmouth South Asians and Middle-Easterners and also badmouth white people, that literally either leaves you being from poverty and most malnutrition ridden country Africa or a self-entitled East-Asian, both Africans and East-Asians are behind South Asians and Middle-Easterners in the western dating market, so what are you even trying to prove?
P.S. are you a australoid or Sri Lankan?, if you are, then don’t even bother fighting :lul::lul: Australoids and Sri Lankans are basically cousins and are low at personality and IQ, So they can’t even secure jobs in the west or date.
So keep making low IQ threads while Indians keep acing in the west and rest of the world, those Indians don’t give a damn about low IQ basement dwellers like you
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Are u seriously saying US or UK weather is more miserable than curry weather? :lul:

Keep coping low IQcel. PSL god Atesh Salih is half Middle-Easterner and half German. The goddess you worship - ‘Adriana Lima’, is literally a mixture of almost all races, she is Portuguese, African, Native Brazilian, Japanese and Swiss. Mixed race people are way more likely to be good looking. And where are you even from?, you badmouth South Asians and Middle-Easterners and also badmouth white people, that literally either leaves you being from poverty and most malnutrition ridden country Africa or a self-entitled East-Asian, both Africans and East-Asians are behind South Asians and Middle-Easterners in the western dating market, so what are you even trying to prove?
P.S. are you a australoid or Sri Lankan?, if you are, then don’t even bother fighting :lul::lul: Australoids and Sri Lankans are basically cousins and are low at personality and IQ, So they can’t even secure jobs in the west or date.
So keep making low IQ threads while Indians keep acing in the west and rest of the world, those Indians don’t give a damn about low IQ basement dwellers like you
Hey, if Indians are killing it in dating then great for them, it makes me happy when ugly people succeed, no joke. Who the fuck is adriana lima? Never heard of her. But still mixed people look fucking retarded half the time especially half white half east asians with their large hooked noses but slanty asian eyes at the same time YUCK! Africans are behind South Asians in dating in the west? lol, come on. How are you coming up with this? But hey, like i said if you are slaying bitches despite being curry then that's great for you man.
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Hey, if Indians are killing it in dating then great for them, it makes me happy when ugly people succeed, no joke. Who the fuck is adriana lima? Never heard of her. But still mixed people look fucking retarded half the time especially half white half east asians with their large hooked noses but slanty asian eyes at the same time YUCK! Africans are behind South Asians in dating in the west? lol, come on. How are you coming up with this? But hey, like i said if you are slaying bitches despite being curry then that's great for you man.
Bruh, I don’t really care about relationships or slaying. I plan to relocate to the west for study and work and nothing else, I don’t get any gratification from relationships, I just focus on my study, work and extra-curriculars
Hey, if Indians are killing it in dating then great for them, it makes me happy when ugly people succeed, no joke. Who the fuck is adriana lima? Never heard of her. But still mixed people look fucking retarded half the time especially half white half east asians with their large hooked noses but slanty asian eyes at the same time YUCK! Africans are behind South Asians in dating in the west? lol, come on. How are you coming up with this? But hey, like i said if you are slaying bitches despite being curry then that's great for you man.
And stop calling Indians ugly, especially not when inceldom was formed by westerners
And stop calling Indians ugly, especially not when inceldom was formed by westerners
Why don't you annoying roaches stop coming here? You keep coming for "study" but that's usually some sort of fake course or something. And everyone here will make fun of your stupid accent so get ready for that. If you do come here please don't make your kids grow up here. They will hate themselves big time. Just a heads up, but you guys are so dumb and stubborn to know any better. You'll Keep producing more currycels no matter how much people beg you not to.
Why don't you annoying roaches stop coming here? You keep coming for "study" but that's usually some sort of fake course or something. And everyone here will make fun of your stupid accent so get ready for that. If you do come here please don't make your kids grow up here. They will hate themselves big time. Just a heads up, but you guys are so dumb and stubborn to know any better. You'll Keep producing more currycels no matter how much people beg you not to.
Even westerners come and settle in India and they are welcomed with open arms. In fact it is the westerners who invaded and robbed India, Indians have only added to your goddamn economy, think about Satya Nadella and Sundar Pichai, they are better than the dumb American CEOs appointed before them. And how are you sure about me doing a “fake course” you self-hating low IQcel?!!, I want to do an acting course at The Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute, have you even heard about it you low IQcel white supremist?!
And stop calling Indians ugly, especially not when inceldom was formed by westerners
Then why are you on this website curryboy? You Indian raised Indians are even worse than the western raised Indians. Really awful accent, and you live your entire lives online and since you were ruled by cumskins you speak English and basically try to immitate western people just from watching western movies and youtube videos.
Even westerners come and settle in India and they are welcomed with open arms. In fact it is the westerners who invaded and robbed India, Indians have only added to your goddamn economy, think about Satya Nadella and Sundar Pichai, they are better than the dumb American CEOs appointed before them. And how are you sure about me doing a “fake course” you self-hating low IQcel?!!, I want to do an acting course at The Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute, have you even heard about it you low IQcel white supremist?!
"Acting course" hahahaha! That's a joke pal, good luck getting into that. I guarantee they'll make you fill the role of an Indian gas station clerk with the accent, or an Indian cab driver, or some nerdy Indian student who gets made fun of by everyone and all the girls are grossed out by. I BET MY LIFE ON IT. Sundar and Satya are both ethnic slaves of jews who do all the hard work while the jews who created those companies sit and watch and get richer.
Then why are you on this website curryboy? You Indian raised Indians are even worse than the western raised Indians. Really awful accent, and you live your entire lives online and since you were ruled by cumskins you speak English and basically try to immitate western people just from watching western movies and youtube videos.
Get lost doofus, no point in being even a bit respectful with a basement dwelling rabies patient like you. I am way more fluent in English and my own language than you sub 60 IQ imbecile and don’t have to speak in an American/British accent to sound “smart”.
"Acting course" hahahaha! That's a joke pal, good luck getting into that. I guarantee they'll make you fill the role of an Indian gas station clerk with the accent, or an Indian cab driver, or some nerdy Indian student who gets made fun of by everyone and all the girls are grossed out by. I BET MY LIFE ON IT. Sundar and Satya are both ethnic slaves of jews who do all the hard work while the jews who created those companies sit and watch and get richer.
What have you even achieved you low IQ rabies patient?!!, and I am pretty sure I’d be the one who’d be rich enough to tip you while you fill gas in my car!
What have you even achieved you low IQ rabies patient?!!, and I am pretty sure I’d be the one who’d be rich enough to tip you while you fill gas in my car!
Stop freaking out pajeet. Calm down.
Come up with better comebacks rabies ridden runt
Trolling you curries is too much fun. You get triggred so easily and start freaking out. You were slaves to muslims and mayos for 800 years because you were small, black, weak, and feminine. You can't fight anyone. You are human punching bags. You are literally ruled by a minority in your own country. Only in India are the people so weak that a minority persecutes and kills the majority. In every other country its the exact opposite. Just kill yourselves honestly, your history is so humiliating its funny. Slaves in your own homeland despite outnumbering your rulers 1000 to 1. What a shame. Indians are faggots just accept it. Oh well covid is doing a good job of exterminating you, NEED OXYGEN? the US has banned travel from your country so how will you even come here?
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Come up with better comebacks rabies ridden runt
HAHAHA "rabies patient"? What kind of an insult is that? This is what I'm talking about. You guys do dumb nonsense like this without even realizing it.
Your retarded comments indicate that you are bitten by a rabies dog!
What the fuck are you talking about? In India you curries only have to compete with other curries, its a homogenous country. Why would you think it's easier to date in the west where everyone is mindwashed to think you are all rapists and gross and where you have to compete with every other race on earth? Plus, pakistan and india still have a largely religious population. Sure some city girls might fit this feminist crap but you can't tell me that no women there are religious, there's over a billion of you roaches.

Its called likely odds tbqh your more likely to reproduce when there id a sane gender ratio so males stay here and breed
Its called likely odds tbqh your more likely to reproduce when there id a sane gender ratio so males stay here and breed
they dont breed with anyone, they just stay here and come on these forums whining about themselves. They need to just get the fuck out of the west especially America which has the most shallow appearance obsessed culture of all the western countries. They want to assimilate into a trashy culture that is not theirs. Its like self harming. Why are they doing this to themselves?

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