Why do foids fuck subhuman guys? it makes no fucking sense

never seen this in real life
I see it every single day my friend, it's real i can tell you that much.

Someone talked about this
You’re initiated into the dating market by your peers in high school or before
Then the same people just date each other
Yes this basically piggybacks on what the other guy said, if you don't go that route starting from high school/college, it's fucking over unless you're GL. However, i think it's understated how many people meet their spouse at work.
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it makes no sense

in my worldview only good looking people fuck
Brazza you are a schizophrenic jewish guy who is in the mental asylum, you don't go out, i can assure you GL people aren't the only ones fucking, most of the population in the UK is subhuman, they are fucking/dating each other.
Because you're a non-NT, NEET rotter. Nobodies saying ugly men fuck beautiful women. But they should be able to pull MTBs or LTBs if they have required NT + money + social circle.
Pretty much yes, LTNs fucking LTBs. 90% of the curry population in the UK is LTN/LTBs.
It is like that, every response here claiming otherwise comes from KHHV's who never asked out foids in their entire life
Total cope my chinaman friend, you can cope all you like but LTNs are dating/fucking foids, just accept it.
They met them at just the right time, probably through social circle or work, and the guy was low inhib. For sure lucky timing and low inhib, that's how any guy ever got any girl.
Yh IRLpill as me and secular mentioned, it's legit.
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Should add, one thing I noticed not doing that well with foids is gymcels.

It's not even about Cbum and the famous meme about him keeping his ex GFs messages on his phone, even in my gyms, the real gymcels have heartbreak tattoos all over them, and when u talk to them u can see they r tormented by ex gfs and r now all single, or sometimes dating a foid they not at all into
yh gymcelling is overrated, yh it helps if you're lean/six pack but it's just a bonus imo, making your entire persona/life about MUH GYM is so retarded.
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Total cope my chinaman friend, you can cope all you like but LTNs are dating/fucking foids, just accept it.

Yh IRLpill as me and secular mentioned, it's legit.
What type of foids are LTNs fucking?
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But that's the fucking problem, most men here aren't delusional i like to think and know they will never be able to get an 8 or 9, hell i would be happy with even a fucking LTB but no it just doesn't happen, for me anyways, the subhumans and weak LTNs i see outside are doing fine walking around with their gfs. I wasn't sure this was a global thing, thought maybe it was just this subhuman island aka the UK but it seems it happens everywhere. I too see all types of different subhuman varieties with foids, they are happy and fine with a cute LTB, it certainly beats being an incel so i can't blame them but i still don't understand the foids mindset/thought process, i just don't.

People will say the personality pill is real but that comes after, how the fuck are they first meeting and the foid willing to engage in conversation and something more before they even get to the guys personality? i don't know anymore man.

There has to be a piece of the puzzle we are all missing, something deep inside womens minds that men simply do not know or cannot comprehend. It's the only way this all makes sense.
How are short guys doing? Are even 5'3 or below guys with 7s?
This is true, every gymcel I met, apart from PTs, and all races, and in Australia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam, have all either been gay or broken hearted.

I'd say less than 5% are legit narc/ autistic looksmaxxers
I'll keep that in mind next time i set foot in a gym, IF i set foot there JFL.
Oh as if on queue I just went to a restaurant, alone as always, and a group walked in and took the table behind me.

7 guys all different races, nationalities and accents, all under 30, so maybe an MBA exchange program or maybe working here in SEA.

Every single one is subhuman, literally each one is garbage with his own races failos, worst a normie can look before he starts getting classes as deformed.

They sound dumb as fuck too the shit they are talking, and nearly each one has made mention of their gf so far...
singapore or china? you sure you're not being too harsh on their looks and they're not just LTNs? but if they're lal mentioning their GF then that's just brutal. How are they even finding GFs in asia or back home? doesn't make sense. were they atleast tall or any other positive redeeming features?
They also all have slayer nicknames, Lucky, Joker, shooter, ronaldo, two-time.

Now the one with Scandinavian accent amf klinefeltets body is explaining to the Indonesian that 90% of baldness os down to too much testosterone and the excess dht it makes the body produce, and then explaining that's why we use finasteride but I need to get the doese exactly right to block the exactly the total dht, no more.

The others are asking him more and how can they get finasteride
Lucky/Joker sounding like some indians, sound like 90 IQ mongrels but if they have GFs then they mog me.
Very well said and I asked this so many times.

Everywhere I go, from Asia to Europe to latam to America all I see is subhumans and LTNs

LTN never have trouble getting a gf, any LTN can get a gf, sure real subhumans have it a tiny bit harder.

I see estrogenic guys always having a gf. I see skinny guys or fat guys always having a gf. I see broke ass niggas always having a gf. I see retarded niggas having a gf.

Only consolation I think is that these guys never really date 8s and 9s, so I infer most of us here are fucked up because we went after an 8 or a 9 and that made us crazy and blackpilled
If most foids rack up body counts fast nowadays, why not go for the higher one‘s anyway?
Most Women are the same in behavior and thinking.
Saw this short, peanut head roach looking black guy with this cute asf white girl when I was at this ice cream shop. They were holding hands, so that proves they were a couple. I was about a head taller than him and face and body mogged him to hades and beyond.

Even if she's into black guys,I live in the Detroit metro area. There's no shortage of black guys that are HTN, Tyronelite and Tyrone. If she came in with a 6 foot tall Tyronelite, it would make sense. But this guy was solid LTN, not truecel, but LTN. He was no taller than 5'5-5'6, he was small framed so not gymmaxxed. I mean, we can cope by imagining that she's cheating on him or say that they aren't having sex, but what proof do we have she's cheating on him? And people in relationships usually have sex unless they are both religious.
i get what you're saying but i just put this to typical BBC priviledge evne if he's a subhuman bbc or whatever ,they just have insane status in America these days, simply being black. And yes the people here when they see a LTN or subhuman dating/fucking instantly cope by saying he's being cucked or they don't have sex, the reality is that yes they are fucking/having sex and usually the girl isn't even cheating otherwise she'd just dump him and go looking for a MTN or whatever.
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Women have been programmed to fear attractive men because of ted bundy Jeffrey dahmer . There’s a thread on here somewhere about this someone can link it
But then why can't i get pussy? if they don't like attractive men, what do they like? just high trust looking tall MTNs? hmm..
you're right and i'm pretty sure we both live in the same reigon of uk. I realised that most looksmaxx stuff is kinda cope ngl, nt pill is far more brutal than most other pills. Because even if you go from sub5 incel to mogger, if ur non-nt, you will just rot in your room all day on .org or .is or any other forum rather than going out and shit. HTN's where i live are very rare and they'd be rated mtn on here JFL. You also realise height is kinda an iffy thing too because if you're atleast average height to a bit below (like 5'7-5'10) ur height isnt really seen as truecel tier - just average. Also JFL i saw a 4'10 bengali guy at a shop with his wife :jfl: he'd be told to rope if he was on this site yet he looked so happy with life.
I know you are from MCR aswell so what do you see when you go out in the city/etc? what i said is completely true because i see it every day and i'm guessing you do too. When people say the UK is NT central they ain't lying. I do get heightmogged a lot but maybe you are right and 5'9 isn't too bad, NT + face matters more if you are atleast 5'9ish walking around or more. Like i've seen too many 5'7 ethnic guys with decent foids at this point to say it's over for anyone who is a manlet or who isn't this or that. They likely are NT though so that's something. IRLpill as mentioned above is LAW in the UK. All this blackpill looks shit only primarily matters for tinder/etc.
You can be 5'4 bengali guy but if you're UK born/citizen, you are not dying alone and can passportmaxx a bengali foid from bangladesh.
Because it’s not all about fucking looks

I’ve explained this a million fuckint times, somehow people here still deny it. Yes women do care, but for LTR it’s nowhere near everything. Users here live in some made up world where women disregard their future and stability in a husband for muh hunter eyes. You have to meet a threshold and the rest is history
Yh the problem is if you don't meet that minimum looks threshold, you are a MTN - chadlite somewhere around there i havne't seen you so you saying this to subhumans/LTNs it's no surprise they don't take you seriously.

not all chads are influencers
no what?
What type of foids are LTNs fucking?
LTBs most of the time
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How are short guys doing? Are even 5'3 or below guys with 7s?
Honestly in the past month i have seen maybe 1 or 2 guys only who were like 5'3-5'4 range ithink, rough estimate. Young guys, not counting old men. So can't say really. 5'3 is kinda death tier height tbh.
Yh the problem is if you don't meet that minimum looks threshold, you are a MTN - chadlite somewhere around there i havne't seen you so you saying this to subhumans/LTNs it's no surprise they don't take you seriously.

no what?

LTBs most of the time
not all chads are influencers
Walked past this couple today, sometimes shit makes no sense
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Walked past this couple today, sometimes shit makes no sense
View attachment 3044194
Brutal, even from the back in this low quality video i can tell she mogs him, scarcity pill? nobody else around in the woods :forcedsmile:
Saw a girl who was like 5'10ish, slightly taller than me and her bf or whatever was like 5'6, insane.
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He was ugly facially with wrinkles and poor harmony, big forehead. Yeah even from the back she has the typical cute brunette girl look
Brutal, even from the back in this low quality video i can tell she mogs him, scarcity pill? nobody else around in the woods :forcedsmile:
Saw a girl who was like 5'10ish, slightly taller than me and her bf or whatever was like 5'6, insane.

IMG 0432

IMG 0433

It’s a park in the city outskirts so not remote

I was so dumbfounded I just had to snap a vid
I'll keep that in mind next time i set foot in a gym, IF i set foot there JFL.

singapore or china? you sure you're not being too harsh on their looks and they're not just LTNs? but if they're lal mentioning their GF then that's just brutal. How are they even finding GFs in asia or back home? doesn't make sense. were they atleast tall or any other positive redeeming features?

Lucky/Joker sounding like some indians, sound like 90 IQ mongrels but if they have GFs then they mog me.
The one called lucky was indian, the one called joker had a slav accent and was NW4.

This was in SEA not china.

They weren't subhuman IRL, they were the bottom end of LTN.

Tbh the whole restaurant was ugly that's prob why they were speaking so confident
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The one called lucky was indian, the one called joker had a slav accent and was NW4.

This was in SEA not china.

They weren't subhuman IRL, they were the bottom end of LTN.

Tbh the whole restaurant was ugly that's prob why they were speaking so confident
NW4 and stil lhas a gf? how tall were they roughly? depends if their gfs are from SEA or back in the west, if SEA then not that surprised, foids there will fuck anyone
moneymaxxing + intimidation (automatically think hot men have shit personalities/can't commit)
sounds like your headcanon bhai, guy doesn't evne look rich from any angle, and what do you mean by intimidation? who is he intimidating? the foid who is bigger than him in every way?
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i get what you're saying but i just put this to typical BBC priviledge evne if he's a subhuman bbc or whatever ,they just have insane status in America these days, simply being black. And yes the people here when they see a LTN or subhuman dating/fucking instantly cope by saying he's being cucked or they don't have sex, the reality is that yes they are fucking/having sex and usually the girl isn't even cheating otherwise she'd just dump him and go looking for a MTN or whatever.
Yeah but in this area, there are lots of black guys to choose from. It's full of high tier normie blacks to even Tyrone tier blacks. I'm sure at her high school or college, there are Tyrone athletes. So if she's into black guys, it's not like he was 1 of 5 black men in her 500 mile radius. I was in a suburb of Detroit and Detroit for many years had the largest black population, percentage wise, of any major city in America. At one time, it was 95 percent black now it's like 78 percent black. I say that to say that it would be easy for her to find a taller and better looking black guy. But for some reason, she was with him.
NW4 and stil lhas a gf? how tall were they roughly? depends if their gfs are from SEA or back in the west, if SEA then not that surprised, foids there will fuck anyone
The nw4 one was slightly taller than me, I'd say he can larp 6'.

Rest were manlets, the finasteride dude was like 5'3"
I'm glad to see more users finally acknowledging this lately. The redpill/manosphere crap you see online is purported by people who lack real-life experience and project their own limited views upon others. There is so much doom-and-gloom garbage on the internet that is simply so far removed from reality. Your value as a man is not what actually matters to women. They will fuck the guys around them who exhibit the correct behavior. Luck, timing, and context are the factors that truly matter.

As an example, look at the weebs who are obsessed with looksmaxxed kpop idols. You'd expect them to pick someone who looks similar, but in reality they just end up with the first Asian who comes along. It doesn't matter if they're hideous, broke, someone of no worth whatsoever...in fact this is usually what happens simply because they were the first Asian guy she was exposed to.

This Chad/Tyrone meme has to stop. Women aren't going out of their way to find a high value man. They are simply making do with what's around them. Changing your environment and behavior will do exponentially more for you than looksmaxxing and earning a bit more money ever could.

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Chad's are a Jew Pysop. You should just rope if you're a Ethnic only White And Black guys get any punani without effort.
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with them? why do i see total subhumans who are either weak LTN or below with foids? it doesn't make any sense man, it's not a one off thing either, i see it every fucking day. What is it about a woman that makes them think "yep i'm fucking this subhuman and going to fall in love with him even though every guy we walk past on the street mogs him to death" ???
@SecularIslamist brooootal IRL pill, i just don't get it. If they can do it, why can't i?
95% of the subhumans or LTNs i see with decent foids would be told to rope on this forum or it's over yet you niggas are here rotting while they're fucking and have foids in love with them,
man how is it even possible to cope anymore. NT pill and being social is everything. Holy shit its over.

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