why do handsome people tend to be less devout?

You just assume this is the case
You have no data right ?
Ofcourse i assume that. Tell me a place where religion doesn't decline right now. The case with Islam is we simply outbreed atheism thank God, however quality declines with quantity.
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What I read from it is that even someone with 110 iq has only less then 50% the chance of being an atheist. +50% is theistic.
So the other 50% must be dumb or they are biologically hardwired to have a theistic view.
The only reason that smart people are more likely to be atheist is because they are more likely to be influenced. Most literature today is anti theistic, hence they are more likely to take this view. How many times do you see someone with sub 90 iq read an actual book?
It's cultural probably

If everyone in your town somewhere in bumfuck nowhere in India is hardcore religious then that's your only option
No hardship in their lives so they don't have to find deeper meaning for their existence. A poor/ugly/unfortunate person will be frustrated and will think 24/7 of why it happened to him and will resort eventually to religion or spirituality.
This. In the US religion is more common among poor people than the rich. Poor people need to cope. I don't blame them and I actually hope that religion makes them happy.
hardcore religious then that's your only option
It's not hard for him to have these believes because he is more hardwired from nature then the nurture.
Was this always the case? If yes how religion catch a following in the first place. It influenced the mases that otherwise degeneracy would. Today we see a massive decline in religion. In ineffectiveness a religious chad has is miles away then his degenerate brother.
It seems its always been like that. Human nature is the same always, but what is or isnt considered degenerate changes with religion, time, and location. Before christianity took hold of europe, different religions were very widespread but those would be considered degenerate by christians. Things like homosexuality, sex outside of marriage, excessive drinking, were not considered as bad in europe like in the abrahamic religions. I think the difference nowadays is that, because everyone can read, and access all kinds of shit instantly through the internet, good or bad, its much more difficult to form religious communities. In the past, even though christianity was much more prevalent, prostitution, drinking, and all kinds of other stuff was still very common. It seems that nowadays, with access to the whole planet at your computer/smartphone, a community doesn't necessarily need to be brought together by religion anymore.
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the US religion is more common among poor people than the rich.
If it is true it can only be applicable to the US.
The most rich in Iran are their Imams.
The most rich in Arabia is thr royal family and the wahabi alies.
The most rich in the Ottoman Empire was the Sultan.
people than the rich. Poor people need to cope.
The poor might feel the more thr need of necessity. Doesn't the rich have this you believe? It certainly is less, even in Us you should've religious rich. Again only their influence is nothing compared to their degenerate counterpart.
but what is or isnt considered degenerate changes with religion, time, and location. Before christianity took hold of europe, different religions were very widespread but those would be considered degenerate by christians. Things like homosexuality, sex outside of marriage, excessive drinking, were not considered
Is this true? Like the ancient greeks where not Christian to any means but would have laws that prevented fornication or even a women leaving the house. We Turks had honour codes in pre Islamic times. Looking at someones wife could get your eyes cut off. Laws that kept sexuality conditioned was always present imo.
I think the difference nowadays is that, because everyone can read, and access all kinds of shit instantly through the internet, good or bad, its much more difficult to form religious communities
I agree on this. With internet people are thend to believe that they are their own authority on any give subject. Like religion expertise is on a steady decline because of it.
was much more prevalent, prostitution, drinking, and all kinds of other stuff was still very common.
It wasn't the same scale tho, people where more incline to loath it then accept it. Now even in Turkey you can't advice someome not to drink anymore.
community doesn't necessarily need to be brought together by religion anymore.
Then what does it even mean to be a community?
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Ofcourse i assume that. Tell me a place where religion doesn't decline right now. The case with Islam is we simply outbreed atheism thank God, however quality declines with quantity.
Didnt outbreed anything in the middle east.
There will always be atheists in every society.
Religion declines because its backwards.
Made up stuff from the early 7th century.
Maybe benficial for society in the past but not suited for today.
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Didnt outbreed anything in the middle east.
There will always be atheists in every society.
Religion declines because its backwards.
Made up stuff from the early 7th century.
Maybe benficial for society in the past but not suited for today.
What I ment is that every that the decline of followers of every religion can't be observed with Islam.
Religion declines because its backwards.
Made up stuff from the early 7th century.
Maybe benficial for society in the past but not suited for today.
Most of what the world knows comes from the past. 1 century/7 century doesn't matter that much.
Religion is however not beneficial but a necessity. Humans are hardwired to believe in God and divine intervention. If it wasn't hardwired most 3rd world states including russia would have stayed in naturalism/communism.
Is this true? Like the ancient greeks where not Christian to any means but would have laws that prevented fornication or even a women leaving the house. We Turks had honour codes in pre Islamic times. Looking at someones wife could get your eyes cut off. Laws that kept sexuality conditioned was always present imo.

I agree on this. With internet people are thend to believe that they are their own authority on any give subject. Like religion expertise is on a steady decline because of it.

It wasn't the same scale tho, people where more incline to loath it then accept it. Now even in Turkey you can't advice someome not to drink anymore.

Then what does it even mean to be a community?
I dont know in particular about all the pre-christian religions of europe, its very diverse but I do know that they had very different rules than the abrahamic religions concerning sex. In some greek states from before there was greek writing, up until the birth of jesus, it was perfectly allowable to have a homosexual relationship, or to have sex with a woman outside of marriage. Sex was not viewed as a sort of profane thing, there are lots of paintings and drawings and sculptures depicting explicit sex from ancient greece. Marriage is definitely present everywhere in all religions, but its very different than abrahamic religions and I think that is a really big difference concerning the modern world because the west it is still heavily shaped by christianity. You still cant show a penis on tv, or in a movie, unless it has censorship and its rated explicit. This is definitely not a relic from pre christian europe, its from christian influence

As for a community, it seems to me a community can be formed by almost anything which the members have in common. On this website, there is a community, not necessarily everyone is great friends but we are all here because of the topic of looks, lookism, improving looks, not because of religion. But even more tight knit communities, like families, dont need religion. Almost none of my family or friends are religious, but we are just as connected as religious families.
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or to have sex with a woman outside of marriage. Sex was not viewed as a sort of profane thing, there are lots of paintings and drawings and sculptures depicting explicit sex from ancient greece.
I don't know about the sources on homosexuality however I believe that every functional society was based upon control of sexuality instead of total freedom. There couldn't be something like a society if this wasn't the case.

Young Women​

Young women were expected to marry as a virgin, and marriage was usually organised by their father, who chose the husband and accepted from him a dowry. If a woman had no father, then her interests (marriage prospects and property management) were looked after by a guardian (kyrios or kurios),
As for a community, it seems to me a community can be formed by almost anything which the members have in common. On this website, there is a community, not necessarily everyone is great friends but we are all here because of the topic of looks, lookism, improving looks, not because of religion.
What where the most succesfull you believe?
But even more tight knit communities, like families, dont need religion. Almost none of my family or friends are religious, but we are just as connected as religious families
Biologically you have a family, but do you answer to them? Do they hold authority over you? The way I see it is not one western state is build bottem up. All of them are from the head down, that is why most laws in world history are in the west. Everything gets regulated from the top down. That is the reason why it doesn't collapse. If it wasn't regulated from the head down society would imidiatly collapse and things like 'family' 'citizenship' would be meaningless because every indivual is for himself. Other then in name 'familly' doesn't mean much in the west. If it meant something divorce wouldn't occur on the scale it does now.

I argue that societies that are formed from the bottem up are more natural to humans. These societies could only form by religious foundings, so if religion collapses society goes with it and you'll be back at square 1.
You simply can't have a society without religion. If you have it, you do it by constant regulation and surveillance.
Btw I don't hate Muslims. My Pakistani neighbor just gave me chicken that he got for free but he won't eat it because it's not halal. Chill and cool guy. Balding manlet with an average face, computer nerd, tho, but a good person, and that's what matters the most.
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The term islamic escorts make me caged
yeah i have to specify and if i say country where she is originally from people will think im trying to say something else jfl
brutal degeneracypill,do you know if they do so cause they just degens or if they are going through some tough shit?cause refusing to put the hijab for degenerate purposes is still somehow based tbh
i think they do it because they are degens, there is no excuse for being a degen just because you are having a tough time in life, lol look at rohingya for instance, they arent degens despite facing harshest treatment with genocide in myanmar.
The whore had more honour then that fuck

He should just marry jfl at his intellect
you think a womans father will be ok with the fact he has no financial stability? he may win over a womans heart with his good looks but it is the wali who has the last say in the matter and he has a good reason not to accept him due to lack of financial stability
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It will probably at one point. Even Afghanistan has accepted pills to stop pregnancy n stuff like condoms and all..
nah bro its not afghanistan, its the puppet regime installed by america that has accepted it, but they only control 30% of afghanistan, however on the other hand there is the islamic emirate of afghanistan a.k.a. the taliban who would never accept it and they control 70% of afghanistan. you are right, there is degeneracy in afghanistan but only in the parts where america has installed their puppet regime.
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nah bro its not afghanistan, its the puppet regime installed by america that has accepted it, but they only control 30% of afghanistan, however on the other hand there is the islamic emirate of afghanistan a.k.a. the taliban who would never accept it and they control 70% of afghanistan. you are right, there is degeneracy in afghanistan but only in the parts where america has installed their puppet regime.
yea i'd guess so. It was more that it reached everywhere at this point.
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yea i'd guess so. It was more that it reached everywhere at this point.
yeah true, there is not a single country on earth where there is no degeneracy, including saudi arabia
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yeah i have to specify and if i say country where she is originally from people will think im trying to say something else jfl

i think they do it because they are degens, there is no excuse for being a degen just because you are having a tough time in life, lol look at rohingya for instance, they arent degens despite facing harshest treatment with genocide in myanmar.

you think a womans father will be ok with the fact he has no financial stability? he may win over a womans heart with his good looks but it is the wali who has the last say in the matter and he has a good reason not to accept him due to lack of financial stability
true ngl but there is still hope for her,was based to refuse to do what your abused dog friend asked her to
Interesting question and discussion has been mostly surprisingly good.

In the West poor people tend to be more religious than the rich. Maybe rich people are often also better looking than poor? This goes also on country level: richer countries tend to be less religious.

There might be multiple reasons for this.
my personal take on this would be that since rich people already have fortune, wealth and power at the tip of their fingers, what use would praying to god mean? Rich people also tend to have a god complex as well, and think that they themselves are the gods so thats probably another reason. Rich people tend to be more better looking than the poor cos they can afford to take care of themselves, while the poor can barely survive, and along with all the exploitations that happens where rich get richer and the poor get brutally analled by these people, its not hard to see why rich people are less religious and better looking on average, or at least thats what i think tbh.

Edit: Looks like im late to the party i guess...
It’s because religion is a coping mechanism
  • Hmm...
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It’s because religion is a coping mechanism
It's not. I made a thread regarding it
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Reviving an old thread however I discovered a devout chad named Sulumbek Dulatov. In fact, his brothers are all gl devout chads. Just saw this thread and figured I’d add the comment for those interested in getting some inspiration from the guy looks-wise or whatever. I personally find that the GL devout individuals simply don’t market themselves to the world. Pakistan is one of the devout Muslim nations with gl individuals due to genetic diversity. However, we’re not marketing ourselves well and we simply do not get the attention that african american actors and stars have gotten by marketing themselves and begging for inclusion in shows and such for the sake of diversity. You just don’t see these people as much due to the fact that they tend to focus on their life/education rather than stardom or the spotlight.
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i dont think its necessarily true that being gl makes you less devout, however worldly desires become easier to get when gl so thats why a lot of them wont be practicing their religion as much. i have this prettyboy friend who was wahabbimaxxed so i thought wow hes great because not only is he strict, he is also very gl. amazing example, i thought. until i found out he was escortmaxxing, jfl. weirdo has a hijab fetish, asking islamic prostitutes if they can wear a hijab while they have sex (they declined)
Do we look alike?
Ugly/average people usually don't have a social life and are most likely to be isolated in life so they cope with something biggest them selves like god or religion
Good looking people however don't need to do this they live in the moment and are constantly validated thought out there life also they are likely to have a high IQ or economical better of then most of the population
This seems like a stereotype tbh.
@emeraldglass bullshit IMO. my dad was chadlite in his prime and very religious, however he fell in love with my mum and asked his family many times to marry her.... Many times. He was virgin.
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And I've been rated chadlite and I like to keep close with religion.
@emeraldglass bullshit IMO. my dad was chadlite in his prime and very religious, however he fell in love with my mum and asked his family many times to marry her.... Many times. He was virgin.
With power comes temptation. Beauty is power and only the strongest among us can resist this temptation.
Regarding this thread, it's nonsense that good-looking people tend to be less devout. I would even dare to say that ugly people are less religious because they are angry with God and the world. Ultimately it is a matter that is difficult to decide, people vary and many things can affect a person's piety, beauty is one of them, but it does not make one less religious.
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because its all made up stories that was written 2000 years ago with 666 versions. lol @ inhibiting urself because of some manmade bullshit u were indoctrinated by
when you have everything you wanted is when the devil tempts you most
With power comes temptation. Beauty is power and only the strongest among us can resist this temptation.
Regarding this thread, it's nonsense that good-looking people tend to be less devout. I would even dare to say that ugly people are less religious because they are angry with God and the world. Ultimately it is a matter that is difficult to decide, people vary and many things can affect a person's piety, beauty is one of them, but it does not make one less religious.
From the people I know and family, the LTN-MTN tended to do more haram stuff than HTN+ because they wanted more validation.
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From the people I know and family, the LTN-MTN tended to do more haram stuff than HTN+ because they wanted more validation.
That is sad. He who seeks validation from others, is pursuing a mirage?
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