Why do I feel bad for animal slaughter but don't want to turn vegan?

Low T probably, you need to play contact sport or something to get your natural senses back.
As I kid I would torture animals all day, it’s natural, I would torture and eat frogs, birds etc.
Was fucked up when I think back on it, but that’s just what us kids in my street would do.
so edgy bro :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
i was a normal kid.......... played with animals but never harmed them because I'm not a psychopathic cringelord who will burn in hell for eternity

also, female psychopaths wouldn't exist if T affected empathy
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  • JFL
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I don’t understand what does this mean
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how is any of this made up? it’s basic biochem lmao.
apparently nobody in the scientific establishment is aware of basic biochem, but people like sverige are
all of your points are moot from a scientific biochem perspective, i simply assumed you believed retarded primal diet propaganda without looking into any of it
take spinach for example, majority of the amino acids are not bioavailable to humans and can’t be used to synthesise polypeptides, hence even though a label will say spinach has ‘x’ grams of protein, only a small percentage of the amino acids within the protein can be utilised by humans.
youre strawmanning hard because no one who takes himself seriously argues that all protein sources are equally bioavailable.
you can improve digestibility with different processing methods and match diverse protein sources for a complete amino acid profile
Plant based protein isolates (like soybean) will already get you the majority of the way there, as they're optimized for it during processing
And you said you debunked anti-nutrients?
no i didnt, i meant to say i debunked 2 micronutrients being completely non bioavailable
Do you think plant defence chemicals are good for us?
In some way they might be, but that's another discussion
oxalates which are found in high amounts in many vegetables bind to important minerals forming compounds, which are bad for your kidney, as well as needing to consume more available minerals as there are less available.
TL;DR for antinutrients is that in moderation + cooking/processing + overall adequate vitamin intake are enough to effectively eliminate their harmful effects. Otherwise i can address each one:

you can mitigate kidney problems caused by oxalates by increasing your calcium intake, with some high oxalate foods being calcium sources themselves - like almonds
you can also destroy water soluble oxalates by cooking (boiling or steaming) your food, like with spinach, and/or via soaking if its legumes
you can also just eat it in moderation and pair it higher calcium when you do and you'll be left unharmed

can be almost entirely destroyed with cooking and reduced with other processing methods
cooked foods have shown no signs of negative effects

"Cooking was more effective at reducing hemagglutinating activity in pulses and soybean in comparison with the soaking process; reductions ranged from 93.77 – 99.81%"

"Hemagglutination assays showed that not only cooked and autoclaved presoaked beans lacked the ability to agglutinate red blood cells but also autoclaved unsoaked beans did."

a meme, it doesn't matter if you have a balanced diet

but still, iron absorption can be increased 3-7x by intake of different doses vitamin C


the reduction of bioavailability in zinc disappears in balanced diets:

"The effect of dietary phytate on zinc absorption when controlling for dietary zinc was very small and not statistically discernable (P = 0.29). A 500-mg/d increase in dietary phytate reduced absorbed zinc by <0.04 mg/d."

and for iron you can eliminate/improve it with higher vitamin C or consumption of fermented vegetables, and additionally you can develop an "immunity" through frequent consumption:


or you can destroy part of it through cooking:

But yeah continue on saying eating a vegan diet is completely safe and healthy.
I will! Its healthier than eating meat, so far nothing points to it being unhealthy
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  • JFL
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Jfl were you getting heme iron from?
Another Jew trying to fuck over us superior goyum by promoting man made goyslop
heme iron isnt an essential nutrient, you can get it all from non heme
or just supplement with ferrous sulphate (vegan most of the time)
or increase your vit c intake which is also effective in raising ferritin
You can easily get enough beta carotene regardless of bioavailability, none of the studies which he linked prove anything he's saying.

"It has a conversion rate of 20:1!!!" so what? theres like 200% your DV mcg in 50g of carrots. Its also less bioavailable the larger the doses of intake become. Children can convert it just fine at way better ratios than what he's claiming:

"Our recently completed efficacy study in schoolchildren used intrinsically labeled spinach and Golden Rice as compared with β-carotene in oil capsules consumed by children with marginal to normal vitamin A status and used 0.5 mg retinyl acetate as a reference dose. Due to limitations of obtaining blood samples from children, we gave the reference dose at breakfast and the study dose of rice, spinach, or the β-carotene capsule at lunch. Fasting blood samples were collected at 1, 3, 7, 14, and 21 d. Our results showed that the conversion factor of Golden Rice β-carotene was 2.3:1 and of spinach β-carotene was 7.5:1 by weight. The positive control, the β-carotene in the oil capsule, showed a conversion factor of 2.0:1 by weight (26)."

"By using various techniques, we now understand that b-carotene is converted enzymatically and excentrically into vitamin A, not only in the small intestine but also by other tissues in which the absorbed b-carotene converts to vitamin A. The conversion efficiency of b-carotene to vitamin A is inversely related to the dose. The efficacy of plant foods rich in b-carotene, such as natural (spinach, carrots, spirulina), hybrid(high–b-carotene yellow maize), and bioengineered (Golden Rice) foods, in providing vitamin A has shown that these are effective sources of vitamin A."

You can get vit. D2 and its not toxic or anything, not sure what his source for that is. Its in fortified foods and in supplements

"The main conclusions are: (i) ergocalciferol (vitamin D2), the form mostly used in supplements and fortified foods, is apparently absorbed with similar efficiency to cholecalciferol (vitamin D3, the main dietary form)"

You cant change your genetic code through diet, so there's 0 chance your scenario would even make a difference if it were real :feelsuhh:
Never lose your pills and powders.
so edgy bro :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
Edgy ahhhh life experience jfl I know how cringe it sounds

That’s just how it is though I’m aware it sounds psychopathic but I’m not - I’m literally NORMAL and that’s just what we would do.
Come on dude, do you not see how retarded your fad diet is?
Primal = natural
why exactly is processing bad?
you do realize processing can mean cooking/soaking/sprouting and things of that nature, something anyone can do in primal conditions (and people did do)

and why do you automatically and uncritically assume everything associated with nature is automatically better than the alternatives?
lets be real, you've invented a new god for yourself
Low T probably, you need to play contact sport or something to get your natural senses back.
As I kid I would torture animals all day, it’s natural, I would torture and eat frogs, birds etc.
Was fucked up when I think back on it, but that’s just what us kids in my street would do.
Ethnic hood kids****
Feeling empathy for animal is an Aryan trait. :chad:

I'm only vegetarian I won't judge you because for me it's also hard giving up on dairy.
I don't know what I would do without some pizza, life is just so hard, and food is a great cope.

But the fact that you know what you are doing is bad is already a huge thing, because most people are moronic enough to cope about "muh plants feel pain too, so it's ok to slaughter hundred of innocent animals"

Have you ever tried vegan meat? I think it tastes pretty good tbh, some are almost exaclty like the real thing.
so edgy bro :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
i was a normal kid.......... played with animals but never harmed them because I'm not a psychopathic cringelord who will burn in hell for eternity

also, female psychopaths wouldn't exist if T affected empathy
I always laugh so hard at this "argument"
Hitler is probably the highest T men in history and he was vegetarian and fought for animal rights.

Animal rights are based, it's the only part of sjw culture that we should take srsly.
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someone's out of arguments
nope just tired of repeating myself to retards lol, you are going to stop sometimes anyway you probably are cheating yourself, and crave animal products alot :lul:
nope just tired of repeating myself to retards lol, you are going to stop sometimes anyway you probably are cheating yourself, and crave animal products alot :lul:
but you never had to repeat yourself, i disproved the two sverige videos you posted from the get go
but you never had to repeat yourself, i disproved the two sverige videos you posted from the get go
but you didnt, you just say stuff, lets just go with it, its all bs but lets assume youre right.

Approximately 1 out of 100
human beings carry a gene called 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase.
In Eastern Europe it's 1 out of 30.

People with this gene cannot produce enough or any cholesterol. This leads to growth and mental retardation, autism, deformed bodies, violence and suicide.

Humans only have animal cells. All of those animal cells are made out of cholesterol.

Millions of humans would become retarded within months and die within some years on a vegan diet cuz it does not provide cholesterol.

Smith-Lemli Opitz Syndrome is when someone has 2 of these genes I mentioned earlier. A vegan diet means automatic death for them!

Vegans like you don't talk or warn people about this and all of the other deficiencies because veganism is a religion, vegans dont care about the health of people.

Vegan blood tests have proven that they are deficient in cholesterol, which is why they are obsessed with violence and torture. Vegan Gains is an good example :lul:

and now dont tell me you can get cholesterol somehow on a vegan diet :lul::lul:
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but you didnt, you just say stuff, lets just go with it, its all bs but lets assume youre right.
i just say stuff? what about you? what have you done to prove any of the things youre saying

and youre wrong, i back my statements up with links to studies and wherever i haven't, its usually due to it being undisputed knowledge
tell me, what have i said that needs any kind of proof not already provided?
Approximately 1 out of 100
human beings carry a gene called 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase.
In Eastern Europe it's 1 out of 30.
these are overestimates from before we were able to diagnose the defect biochemically, the true frequency is 33% lower
also its "1 out of 100" for europeans, who have the highest frequency - other populations carry it way less often


People with this gene cannot produce enough or any cholesterol. This leads to growth and mental retardation, autism, deformed bodies, violence and suicide.
Wrong, the mutation in the gene associated with SLOS is recessive and being a carrier hasn't been proven or observed to cause any negative effects on cholesterol synthesis.

You would need to be a carrier for both alleles, which means an extremely small incidence, roughly between 1 in 60 000 to 100 000 in europeans, less in others. (see src above for incidence numbers)

Humans only have animal cells. All of those animal cells are made out of cholesterol.

Millions of humans would become retarded within months and die within some years on a vegan diet cuz it does not provide cholesterol.

Dietary cholesterol doesnt influence serum cholesterol levels significantly... Its synthesized by the organism, and excess of it in the diet can only reduce natural synthesis. Beyond that the only way a vegan diet affects your cholesterol is decreasing LDL which is harmful anyways. You will be able to synthesize enough of it overall if you eat enough macros

"We confirm from the review of the literature on epidemiological data, meta-analysis, and clinical interventions where dietary cholesterol challenges were utilized that there is not a direct correlation between cholesterol intake and blood cholesterol. This lack of correlation is mainly due to the compensatory mechanisms exerted by the organism to manage excess dietary cholesterol, including decreases in cholesterol absorption and down-regulation of cholesterol synthesis."

Smith-Lemli Opitz Syndrome is when someone has 2 of these genes I mentioned earlier. A vegan diet means automatic death for them!
these people's lives are ruined on any diet, they're disabled mentally, a vegan diet isnt going to be a cause factor.
but sure, its a rare exception im willing to make, albeit any sane medical professional will recommend a diet high in saturated fat
Vegans like you don't talk or warn people about this and all of the other deficiencies because veganism is a religion, vegans dont care about the health of people.
as i mentioned above, veganism doesnt necessarily cause any of them

Vegan blood tests have proven that they are deficient in cholesterol, which is why they are obsessed with violence and torture. Vegan Gains is an good example
Theyre usually on the lower end, but you can have high cholesterol on a vegan diet. You can increase your intake in fat, proteins and carbs so you can be assured your body has the ability to synthesize it.
i just say stuff? what about you? what have you done to prove any of the things youre saying

and youre wrong, i back my statements up with links to studies and wherever i haven't, its usually due to it being undisputed knowledge
tell me, what have i said that needs any kind of proof not already provided?

these are overestimates from before we were able to diagnose the defect biochemically, the true frequency is 33% lower
also its "1 out of 100" for europeans, who have the highest frequency - other populations carry it way less often


Wrong, the mutation in the gene associated with SLOS is recessive and being a carrier hasn't been proven or observed to cause any negative effects on cholesterol synthesis.

You would need to be a carrier for both alleles, which means an extremely small incidence, roughly between 1 in 60 000 to 100 000 in europeans, less in others. (see src above for incidence numbers)

Dietary cholesterol doesnt influence serum cholesterol levels significantly... Its synthesized by the organism, and excess of it in the diet can only reduce natural synthesis. Beyond that the only way a vegan diet affects your cholesterol is decreasing LDL which is harmful anyways. You will be able to synthesize enough of it overall if you eat enough macros

"We confirm from the review of the literature on epidemiological data, meta-analysis, and clinical interventions where dietary cholesterol challenges were utilized that there is not a direct correlation between cholesterol intake and blood cholesterol. This lack of correlation is mainly due to the compensatory mechanisms exerted by the organism to manage excess dietary cholesterol, including decreases in cholesterol absorption and down-regulation of cholesterol synthesis."

these people's lives are ruined on any diet, they're disabled mentally, a vegan diet isnt going to be a cause factor.
but sure, its a rare exception im willing to make, albeit any sane medical professional will recommend a diet high in saturated fat

as i mentioned above, veganism doesnt necessarily cause any of them

Theyre usually on the lower end, but you can have high cholesterol on a vegan diet. You can increase your intake in fat, proteins and carbs so you can be assured your body has the ability to synthesize it.
thanks for taking your time to write all of this, im gonna be honest with you, im not good with studies and its not that i dont understand them but more so that i dont care / dont believe in them.

Also whats your argument for veganism? Dont talk about health now, because it isn't healthy I made my own experience with it and thats the only experience i care about.

So you just do it mostly for the moral part right?
thanks for taking your time to write all of this, im gonna be honest with you, im not good with studies and its not that i dont understand them but more so that i dont care / dont believe in them.

Also whats your argument for veganism? Dont talk about health now, because it isn't healthy I made my own experience with it and thats the only experience i care about.

So you just do it mostly for the moral part right?
because of morality yeah, there's no rationalization for killing animals if you believe killing humans is immoral
because of morality yeah, there's no rationalization for killing animals if you believe killing humans is immoral
but i dont. How would you convince someone like me, what do you think about me?
but i dont. How would you convince someone like me, what do you think about me?
i would have a debate on the morality of animal slaughter and how its immoral to a degree similar to murder, and i believe its a necessary logical extension of moral beliefs about humans

i believe if you analyze it objectively then its necessary to agree with me as long as you have generally normal morality, but most people realize they might be wrong and start avoiding the topic, probably to cope with the high probability of what it implies being true

or they might genuinely not understand some of my points because of poor reasoning skills and get bored/triggered and quit

theyre not bad people, and extending human morality to animals is like a total undermining of our instincts as a species, so unless theyre really compassionate or into philosophy/debates, i dont expect them to agree immediately

however i believe there are some genuinely bad people who actually know its amoral to kill animals, but exploit this flaw in our society to be sadist masquerading as regular ppl
caging at this


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