Why do I feel bad for animal slaughter but don't want to turn vegan?

I wasnt talking about protien...
but ur point is retarded regardless
if supplements didn't work because of muh muh muhhhhhhhhhh :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh: bioavailability, my vitamin D levels would still be subatomic right now
animal products are the only nutrient dense food in agrarian countries, this trend is irrelevant when alternatives exist in the first world

Top 20 percent for asia @PrimalPlasty
but its not...
i have the option to eat what I want

its not like I'm on a deserted island with only pigs .......

low iq moment
jfl if you think vegetables provide enough bioavailable protein for us to live healthy, let alone increase muscle growth
  • +1
  • Hmm...
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but ur point is retarded regardless
if supplements didn't work because of muh muh muhhhhhhhhhh :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh: bioavailability, my vitamin D levels would still be subatomic right now
What is bioavalabitlity of a high quality supp then?
  • +1
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because you are a brainwashed 0 androgen faggot
post physique faggot
got more androgens in my right testicle than ur entire lineage

3660271 58dcdcb695974bc6c75f39515e77f645 2

i'll be waiting
  • JFL
  • +1
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I don’t really care about animal suffering ngl.

Out of sight out of mind.
  • +1
  • WTF
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you an meet these needs through other means thanks to technological advancement
techonological advancement, you fucking jewish retard, dont you get it? is it the autism or what? there is no heaven for you, dont think you get there because you dont kill any animals, cuz if there is heaven then its definetly not one for you because youre a good slave :lul:
  • +1
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no you dont, you can get every nutrient without the need to kill animals

  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: optimisticzoomer, HTN_Mentalcel, PrimalPlasty and 1 other person
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: User28823 and HTN_Mentalcel
I don’t really care about animal suffering ngl.

Out of sight out of mind.
I will blind you and then rape your mother
And I SHALL enjoy it :feelshah:
  • +1
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  • +1
Reactions: likenesss
post physique faggot
got more androgens in my right testicle than ur entire lineage

View attachment 2943748

i'll be waiting
@optimisticzoomer can rot, sit in his coomer cave and still be stronger than you because he is 6"4 and ayour 5"7, it is what it is
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 72630 and optimisticzoomer
Comparing an animal's life to a human's is low IQ.
It's all subjective
In reality all life is basically worthless
And I never said I would kill his mother
Also I'm a rotter so prefer animals to people
It's all subjective
In reality all life is basically worthless
And I never said I would kill his mother
Also I'm a rotter so prefer animals to people
What if someone chose to kill you over a dog?
@optimisticzoomer can rot, sit in his coomer cave and still be stronger than you because he is 6"4 and ayour 5"7, it is what it is
no height for the pellets piercing his skull from my browning b25 if he tries (in gta 6)
  • JFL
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel
no you dont, you can get every nutrient without the need to kill animals
maybe on a macro level, on a micro level most the nutrients found in vegetables aren’t bioavailable to humans, also you don’t only get the nutrients but also the anti-nutrients such as lectins and oxylates to just name a few
  • +1
Reactions: likenesss
@optimisticzoomer can rot, sit in his coomer cave and still be stronger than you because he is 6"4 and ayour 5"7, it is what it is
Tfw his height won't save him from my 9mm:
  • JFL
Reactions: User28823
Mods ban @User28823 PLEASEEEE
  • JFL
Reactions: User28823
Vitamin A
synthesized from beta carotene
lichen/mushrooms/supplement (most people need a supplement either way)
fermented plants
seed oils, olive oil, coconut oil etc.
Creatine, Carnisine, Carnitine
non essential, synthesized naturally in humans
? found in grains (even bread)
(have fun converting the plant version of it)

"After two weeks of supplementation, the subjects' mean whole blood selenium level increased significantly (to 66.1 +/- 11.9 micrograms/l). Supplementation of selenium-enriched bread seems to be an easily implementable and promptly acting method of selenium status improvement."
non essential, synthesized naturally in humans
non heme iron doesnt cause cancer, but absorbs less proficiently
seed oils and vegetables
fruit seeds, seed oils, roots
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Obamalama, guilty, optimisticzoomer and 3 others
Call me a coper but tbh being 5'7-5'8 is ideal for building an aesthetic and strong body at the same time

A 5"10 with a good frame will have good proportions but taller= biger frame in basically all cases. Look at the roided rock, he cant compete with the tallfag.
  • JFL
Reactions: User28823 and Autismcel
synthesized from beta carotene

lichen/mushrooms/supplement (most people need a supplement either way)

fermented plants



seed oils, olive oil, coconut oil etc.

non essential, synthesized naturally in humans

? found in grains (even bread)

"After two weeks of supplementation, the subjects' mean whole blood selenium level increased significantly (to 66.1 +/- 11.9 micrograms/l). Supplementation of selenium-enriched bread seems to be an easily implementable and promptly acting method of selenium status improvement."

non essential, synthesized naturally in humans

non heme iron doesnt cause cancer, but absorbs less proficiently

seed oils and vegetables

fruit seeds, seed oils, roots
ok no one is taking you serious after the seed oils buddy :)

also beta carotene:

vitamin d:

the rest of what you wrote is just nuts, comepletly literally insane, you hate nature, probably has something to do with your looks also, you want to destroy it, just because you got unlucky, but hey guess what, the reason sean o pry for example looks the way he looks is because his ancestors were most likely kings and warriors who ate alot of raw meat and raw organs + drank blood, think about it you slave.
  • +1
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel
animal products are the only nutrient dense food in agrarian countries, this trend is irrelevant when alternatives exist in the first world
there are no alternatives that are not vastly inferior. inb4 just eat the soy lecthin poison and microplastic infused slop bro. just eat the carcinogenic chitinous bugs bro, just gobble a metric ton of gluten for a fraction of the nutrient value of a quarter lb of steak :forcedsmile:
I’m actually crying rn I feel so bad for the animals 😢😭
  • Woah
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also beta carotene:
You can easily get enough beta carotene regardless of bioavailability, none of the studies which he linked prove anything he's saying.

"It has a conversion rate of 20:1!!!" so what? theres like 200% your DV mcg in 50g of carrots. Its also less bioavailable the larger the doses of intake become. Children can convert it just fine at way better ratios than what he's claiming:

"Our recently completed efficacy study in schoolchildren used intrinsically labeled spinach and Golden Rice as compared with β-carotene in oil capsules consumed by children with marginal to normal vitamin A status and used 0.5 mg retinyl acetate as a reference dose. Due to limitations of obtaining blood samples from children, we gave the reference dose at breakfast and the study dose of rice, spinach, or the β-carotene capsule at lunch. Fasting blood samples were collected at 1, 3, 7, 14, and 21 d. Our results showed that the conversion factor of Golden Rice β-carotene was 2.3:1 and of spinach β-carotene was 7.5:1 by weight. The positive control, the β-carotene in the oil capsule, showed a conversion factor of 2.0:1 by weight (26)."

"By using various techniques, we now understand that b-carotene is converted enzymatically and excentrically into vitamin A, not only in the small intestine but also by other tissues in which the absorbed b-carotene converts to vitamin A. The conversion efficiency of b-carotene to vitamin A is inversely related to the dose. The efficacy of plant foods rich in b-carotene, such as natural (spinach, carrots, spirulina), hybrid(high–b-carotene yellow maize), and bioengineered (Golden Rice) foods, in providing vitamin A has shown that these are effective sources of vitamin A."

vitamin d:
You can get vit. D2 and its not toxic or anything, not sure what his source for that is. Its in fortified foods and in supplements

"The main conclusions are: (i) ergocalciferol (vitamin D2), the form mostly used in supplements and fortified foods, is apparently absorbed with similar efficiency to cholecalciferol (vitamin D3, the main dietary form)"

the rest of what you wrote is just nuts, comepletly literally insane, you hate nature, probably has something to do with your looks also, you want to destroy it, just because you got unlucky, but hey guess what, the reason sean o pry for example looks the way he looks is because his ancestors were most likely kings and warriors who ate alot of raw meat and raw organs + drank blood, think about it you slave.

You cant change your genetic code through diet, so there's 0 chance your scenario would even make a difference if it were real :feelsuhh:
there are no alternatives that are not vastly inferior. inb4 just eat the soy lecthin poison and microplastic infused slop bro. just eat the carcinogenic chitinous bugs bro, just gobble a metric ton of gluten for a fraction of the nutrient value of a quarter lb of steak :forcedsmile:
i do all of that unironically and its better for your health, the environment and its morally superior
i wonder if radicalrationalist thinks he's genuinely rational, or if his name is part of the joke and is sarcastic
maybe on a macro level, on a micro level most the nutrients found in vegetables aren’t bioavailable to humans, also you don’t only get the nutrients but also the anti-nutrients such as lectins and oxylates to just name a few
if you were to look into any of these individually you'd realize its not true and its primal diet schizo nonsense which they made up
i already debunked two in this thread, which are supposed to be the main ones
I'm empathetic to the animals but like the taste of meat too much
Low T probably, you need to play contact sport or something to get your natural senses back.
As I kid I would torture animals all day, it’s natural, I would torture and eat frogs, birds etc.
Was fucked up when I think back on it, but that’s just what us kids in my street would do.
if you were to look into any of these individually you'd realize its not true and its primal diet schizo nonsense which they made up
i already debunked two in this thread, which are supposed to be the main ones
how is any of this made up? it’s basic biochem lmao.

take spinach for example, majority of the amino acids are not bioavailable to humans and can’t be used to synthesise polypeptides, hence even though a label will say spinach has ‘x’ grams of protein, only a small percentage of the amino acids within the protein can be utilised by humans.

And you said you debunked anti-nutrients? Do you think plant defence chemicals are good for us? oxalates which are found in high amounts in many vegetables bind to important minerals forming compounds, which are bad for your kidney, as well as needing to consume more available minerals as there are less available. that’s just oxalates, not even including lectins, tannins, phytates which also negatively effect body function.

But yeah continue on saying eating a vegan diet is completely safe and healthy.
  • +1
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no you dont, you can get every nutrient without the need to kill animals
Jfl were you getting heme iron from?
Another Jew trying to fuck over us superior goyum by promoting man made goyslop
how is any of this made up? it’s basic biochem lmao.

take spinach for example, majority of the amino acids are not bioavailable to humans and can’t be used to synthesise polypeptides, hence even though a label will say spinach has ‘x’ grams of protein, only a small percentage of the amino acids within the protein can be utilised by humans.

And you said you debunked anti-nutrients? Do you think plant defence chemicals are good for us? oxalates which are found in high amounts in many vegetables bind to important minerals forming compounds, which are bad for your kidney, as well as needing to consume more available minerals as there are less available. that’s just oxalates, not even including lectins, tannins, phytates which also negatively effect body function.

But yeah continue on saying eating a vegan diet is completely safe and healthy.
Thank you for bringing intelligence to the conversation

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