Why doesn't anyone her mostly recommend lowering bf to 10-12%

No chance with carbs and sugars buddy boyo
Africans are lean becouse they dont touch chocolate and sugars
Sugars makes everyone skinny fat
carbs are good for you, prevent muscle breakdown, reduce cortisol. africans eat plantains etc as a big part of their diet - that's carbs 'buddy boyo'
carbs are good for you, prevent muscle breakdown, reduce cortisol. africans eat plantains etc as a big part of their diet - that's carbs 'buddy boyo'
Good carbs buddy boyo you dont know
i disagree. you can't forget anything. as soon as you make one type of food the devil youre fuck3d as mentally you'll obsess over being able to eat it again, and once you do - binge train. you need to eat anything you want, that way you never feel deprived and never obsess over food. the key is though eating less overall, and only way to do this is not liking to eat
Way I see it:
Calore deficit (diet + cardio)
High protein
Rest of macros don't really matter

Aa soon as you worry about low carb, keto etc your cortisol skyrockets and chance of binging skyrockets
Way I see it:
Calore deficit (diet + cardio)
High protein
Rest of macros don't really matter

Aa soon as you worry about low carb, keto etc your cortisol skyrockets and chance of binging skyrockets
keto is not a myth all models and actors do a low carb diet for leaning down and is common sense to not eat shit carbs and sugars
Way I see it:
Calore deficit (diet + cardio)
High protein
Rest of macros don't really matter

Aa soon as you worry about low carb, keto etc your cortisol skyrockets and chance of binging skyrockets
exactly, this is what im trying to explain to @Okiwaga - people who follow your mentality are fuck3d as soon as they touch a carb again, then all that progress is undone.
keto is not a myth all models and actors do a low carb diet for leaning down and is common sense to not eat shit carbs and sugars
its not a myth, but its not sustainable long term
exactly, this is what im trying to explain to @Okiwaga - people who follow your mentality are fuck3d as soon as they touch a carb again, then all that progress is undone.

its not a myth, but its not sustainable long term
if you think you will be lean by eating sugars and shitty foods good luck,Thats poison for our body and makes people skinny fat
if you think you will be lean by eating sugars and shitty foods good luck,Thats poison for our body and makes people skinny fat
thank you for the well wishes :)
keto is not a myth all models and actors do a low carb diet for leaning down and is common sense to not eat shit carbs and sugars
Jfl you don't need to do keto/low carb to be really low bodyfat.
All that matters is the caloric deficit.
You can get shredded from eating pizza as long as you hit your caloric requirements but you're not going to build muscle

Good luck enjoying life and sustaining keto
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Jfl you don't need to do keto/low carb to be really low bodyfat.
All that matters is the caloric deficit.
You can get shredded from eating pizza as long as you hit your caloric requirements but you're not going to build muscle

Good luck enjoying life and sustaining keto
seems like he just discovered keto and is on the bandwagon - let him f3ck up all his hormones then binge on carbs and rethink his eating habits
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No chance with carbs and sugars buddy boyo
low iq cope. its all about calorie expenditure

ur not exempt from law of thermodynamics. if you eat more calories than you need your body will store shit, if u eat less it will use fat as resource. dont need to be a physicist to understand the concept
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thank you for the well wishes :)
Id rather eat some good chiken than some shitty sugar drinks,bread and other shit
low iq cope. its all about calorie expenditure

ur not exempt from law of thermodynamics. if you eat more calories than you need your body will store shit, if u eat less it will use fat as resource. dont need to be a physicist to understand the concept

you need to learn yet sugar is poison
low iq cope. its all about calorie expenditure

ur not exempt from law of thermodynamics. if you eat more calories than you need your body will store shit, if u eat less it will use fat as resource. dont need to be a physicist to understand the concept
Macronutrients are improtant especcialy for sugars thats a big no
Only steroids bodybuilders can eat sugars and be lean and even them say is shit
Why eat shit when you can eat good foods
Getting to 10% requires a level of mental illness not seen on even this forum
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Just avoid sugars for 1 year

I moved to splenda a lonnngggg time ago.

98% here will not reach 10%, ever

Requires constant levels of cardio that INCREASES in requirements the leaner you get. The ones that maintain it easier will be on steroids or be twinks that have no muscle
good insight bro
For me cutting will be really easy because i never liked food and only ate like 2 meals a day max before starting bodybuilding. Bulking is hell for me i hate eating too much. My biggest problem is that idk how kuch calories do i exactly need for bulking and how much for cutting. On calculations online it says the my maintenance is 2800-3100 but this is a huge difference. So how can i know for sure how much is my maintenance, if i knew i would be extremely happy, then i could actually cut, right now it's risky because i can easily underestimate my maintenance and lose muscle while cutting. Plus how much protein is enough? 2gr per kg, is it sufficient?
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the best looksmax is getting lean and staying lean.
This honestly can't be emphasized enough. It's the only change that can add multiple points to your PSL.
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