Why don't people understand that 'white people' were uncivilised barbarian monkeys for most of human history?

Also shit list for not mentioning Norte Chico
@yandex99 @wishIwasSalludon @Beetlejuice @nathan @AOL
You sure bud?

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Also shit list for not mentioning Norte Chico
@yandex99 @wishIwasSalludon @Beetlejuice @nathan @AOL
Don’t tag me in race related threads unless it’s funny
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Every empire has its time in the sun is the point being made here. White dudes are on top now but China is soon to overtake
no because climate change effects will cuck most of asia
no because climate change effects will cuck most of asia
And low birthrates will cuck most of white countries since they'll be outbred by ethnics. Can't rule the world when you don't exist
And low birthrates will cuck most of white countries since they'll be outbred by ethnics. Can't rule the world when you don't exist
Every population that's adapting to modernity has a low or dropping birth rate near or below the replacement zone. Come out of your fantasy land little boy.
Every population that's adapting to modernity has a low or dropping birth rate near or below the replacement zone. Come out of your fantasy land little boy.
Fantasy land of what? I'm not the cringy faggot claiming other peoples accomplishments because we may share ancestry. Like cool that your cousin is rich, you're still a loser 👍🏼
Fantasy land of what? I'm not the cringy faggot claiming other peoples accomplishments because we may share ancestry. Like cool that your cousin is rich, you're still a loser 👍🏼
And you're always going to be a brown skinned subhuman. Nothing will ever change that. Thank God I'm not you.
It's simply true and ahistorical.

Let me just get out the way. YES! whiteboys started (much Europeans) started mogging decisively post-Englightenment. We have been arguable only the last two hundred years until present living under white supremacy (UK, US, Soviet, Nazi Germany, French Empire).

This is the source of much adoration for the white man by ethnics. The low IQs are impressed and awed by white people to this day. But we have been caught up in a short timeframe within human history that makes us think whites by their nature are superior.

  • Ancient Egypt (c. 3100–332 BC)
  • Mesopotamia (c. 3500–539 BC)
  • Indus Valley Civilization (c. 3300–1300 BC)
  • Ancient China (c. 1600 BC–
  • Classical Greece and Rome (c. 800 BC–AD 476)*
  • Islamic Golden Age (c. 8th–14th centuries)
  • Pre-Columbian Americas
  • India (ancient to medieval)
  • Sub-Saharan Africa (various e.g. Aksum / Malian)

This is thousands of years. Where the fuck are the Brits, French, Germans in these timeframe? Yeah that's right, these donkeys don't exist. Were too busy in their mud huts.

Arguably only the Romans and Greeks could be considered 'white' but if you consider they were also in north Africa and middle east, they are not European and hardly 'white' by modern standards only geographical cope. Nobody wanted to stay in cold shitty lands where nothing grows. Source of power and wealth was easy and south. Where the darker complexioned people are.

Don't tell me this current epoch 'muh muh we are the most civilised and advanced' - nigga that's what every civilisation thinks. Wait until the Chinese unlock quantum supremacy and conquer space... Will make the West's 'achievements' also look like utter bullshit too by that same logic.

@PrinceLuenLeoncur @AhappyPill4u
Brown hands typed this all out for me not to read it

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