Why I don't accept averageness right now.


Deleted member 10699

Nov 10, 2020
I'm not 12% bodyfat, I have no muscles, I have no beard helping my lower third. Why would I accept looking average, if I'm still working to be hot? I'll only accept being average looking when I'll cut to 12% bodyfat, with muscles and, maybe, with makeup and beardfraud. Accept looking average when there's nothing to improve and you still look average.
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My plan remains the same, but I've included makeup as a last resort. Everything to look hot, even if I need to stay a lot of time using makeup and products; women do the same and no one complains.
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every one wants to be hot
everyone wanys to be rich
everyone wants to get the best looking partner
everyone wants to be the smartest one
everyone wants to be the successful one
but only a few % can have and achieve these tbh.most just watch and have a mental break down
and you will be forever average because of your genes, and no amount of makeup can coverup your weak bones:lul:
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every one wants to be hot
everyone wanys to be rich
everyone wants to get the best looking partner
everyone wants to be the smartest one
everyone wants to be the successful one
but only a few % can have and achieve these tbh.most just watch and have a mental break down
and you will be forever average because of your genes, and no amount of makeup can coverup your weak bones:lul:
Weird, because most hot guys here are just beardfrauding with a good body. That's what "hot" is for normies; a good beardfraud with a good body. You're thinking about models; I'm thinking about day to day hot people. And a good body with a nice hairstyle and with a beardfraud will make me to present myself as above average (not to actually be above average, because my bones will still exist under the facial hair, but attractiveness is about presenting yourself). That's why I believe that I will be above average in real life, because normies don't know how to become attractive, they're told: "go to the gym", and get muscles while bloated. No one loses bodyfat properly, no one beardfrauds properly, skincare properly, etc. That's what becoming above average is, imo, to present yourself at hot irl. PSL is irrelevant at that point.
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I'm not 12% bodyfat, I have no muscles, I have no beard helping my lower third. Why would I accept looking average, if I'm still working to be hot? I'll only accept being average looking when I'll cut to 12% bodyfat, with muscles and, maybe, with makeup and beardfraud. Accept looking average when there's nothing to improve and you still look average.
You have to learn to accept what you can't change

even with all the surgeries that could make you better, you will only be above average ( which is still good and the higher minority)

most people are average because that's…..average

don't put so much value into your looks, ok FANTA?
You have to learn to accept what you can't change

even with all the surgeries that could make you better, you will only be above average ( which is still good and the higher minority)

most people are average because that's…..average

don't put so much value into your looks, ok FANTA?
Well, I'll accept looking average when I'll have a mouth watering body, with low bodyfat, and with a beardfraud to make my jaw and chin to be more conventionally attractive. Accepting being average without having tried out these things that (surprise) hot people have? Yeah, sure. It's not about changing, it's about presenting yourself as a hot guy, which most of the so called average people don't do. I won't listen to anyone who tell me to accept being average until I have maxxed out my bodyfat percentage, my beard, my body, etc. No, it's just not right. Since most "hot" in real life guys are beardfrauding with a good body with low bodyfat. I'll stop caring about looks when I'll become a HTN with body and beardfraud. If at that point I'm not above average looking for in real life situations, then, I'd gladly accept being average. I have a body to chiself, a jaw and chin to shape and refine with facial hair, makeup to do, a body to chisel, etc. Why won't I be above average if I do all of this? I don't see many people with these features in the street. My goal is to become hot by working on the features that I can control that make a guy hot (body related), then to mitigate the features that doesn't make me attractive by bodyfat. I'll accept looking average if a sexually attractive body, with low bodyfat and a beard doesn't make me attractive to average girls. Then, I'll accept averageness. But since I'm a rational being, I'll only accept defeat, when I have tried to be hot. And, imo, people are average because they don't try to have sexually dysmorphic features, like a chiseled body, beardfraud properly, etc.
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Weird, because most hot guys here are just beardfrauding with a good body. That's what "hot" is for normies; a good beardfraud with a good body. You're thinking about models; I'm thinking about day to day hot people. And a good body with a nice hairstyle and with a beardfraud will make me to present myself as above average (not to actually be above average, because my bones will still exist under the facial hair, but attractiveness is about presenting yourself). That's why I believe that I will be above average in real life, because normies don't know how to become attractive, they're told: "go to the gym", and get muscles while bloated. No one loses bodyfat properly, no one beardfrauds properly, skincare properly, etc. That's what becoming above average is, imo, to present yourself at hot irl. PSL is irrelevant at that point.
8 Fancy golden brown beard
Depositphotos 309292546 stock photo portrait surprised middle aged bald
Ar 180418696

beard frauding game is legit just look at these guys bro
Average is fucking death. Average would have been acceptable pre-instagram, pre-jewish 0% interest rates, pre-2008, pre-social media and so on.

Every coper who says the average man is living a desirable lifestyle is out of their mind. They are not anywhere near their womans desirable choice. They are not lusted for. They get some dead flesh pocket pussy with 0 creaming because the woman barely gets wet enough to lubricate the vaginal walls thanks to the sheer undesirability of an average man.

HOWEVER, average is an acceptable base to ascend.
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Average is fucking death. Average would have been acceptable pre-instagram, pre-jewish 0% interest rates, pre-2008, pre-social media and so on.

Every coper who says the average man is living a desirable lifestyle is out of their mind. They are not anywhere near their womans desirable choice. They are not lusted for. They get some dead flesh pocket pussy with 0 creaming because the woman barely gets wet enough to lubricate the vaginal walls thanks to the sheer undesirability of an average man.

HOWEVER, average is an acceptable base to ascend.
My goal is to ascend in real life; that can be done by beardfrauding to refine the shape of your jaw and chin, by low bodyfat and by muscles. I won't accept looking average until these actions doesn't make me attractive to average woman.
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Tell me to not focus on my looks when my body is the optimal one for irl people (toned), when my facial hair is on point (beardfraud) and when I have low bodyfat. You must be insane if you think of me accepting averageness without having tried to do these softmaxxes. Literally, you don't know me if you think of me doing that.
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Average is fucking death. Average would have been acceptable pre-instagram, pre-jewish 0% interest rates, pre-2008, pre-social media and so on.

Every coper who says the average man is living a desirable lifestyle is out of their mind. They are not anywhere near their womans desirable choice. They are not lusted for. They get some dead flesh pocket pussy with 0 creaming because the woman barely gets wet enough to lubricate the vaginal walls thanks to the sheer undesirability of an average man.

HOWEVER, average is an acceptable base to ascend.
Yet average people still manage to live happy lives compared to people on here lmao
Accepting averageness should be done after trying your best to get features deemed as sexually desireable. My body is not perfect (I have to work on that), my bodyfat is not optimal (I have to work on that), my bodyfat percentage is not optimal (I have to work on that). Why would I accept averageness? I have no reason to do that. I'll accept it if upgrading these 3 things doesn't make a HTN or hot for irl local places (like clubs and such).
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But yeah, accepting averageness should be done after working hard on your looks. Accepting averageness without having achieved your potential, is just irrational. I preffer to suffer, to kill my joy in order to get the desriable features that will make me above average looking in local situations.
you dont accept it becuase its hard for people to come to that realization that they're ugly
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Of course, because they're NT.
Become NT as well then? Your looks will mean jackshit if you act like a fucking autist.
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Become NT as well then? Your looks will mean jackshit if you act like a fucking autist.
I can't, but I want to maxx my looks to the point that I become hot for normal people, since I'm interested in normal people.
Yet average people still manage to live happy lives compared to people on here lmao
A pig is also happy to roll around in mud all day. Do we envy the pig?
you dont accept it becuase its hard for people to come to that realization that they're ugly
No, but because I haven't worked hard enough. I'll accept it when I have done everything possible (without surgeries). If at that point I'm still average, then, I'm average. But why would I do that without having worked hard? It doesn't make any sense to me.
I can't, but I want to maxx my looks to the point that I become hot for normal people, since I'm interested in normal people.
Yes and you may appear physically attractive to them but you will turn them off with your personality and I am being deadly serious, what is actually stopping you improving your social skills though

A pig is also happy to roll around in mud all day. Do we envy the pig?
That is a poor comparison because the vast majority of people below on this site are worse than the pig in this scenario
you dont accept it becuase its hard for people to come to that realization that they're ugly
it's well established that the "average" by objective rating just means sexually undesirable from POV of women. I.e. u dont illicit any lust. U dont need to be ugly to fall into this boat. Average is enough
Yes and you may appear physically attractive to them but you will turn them off with your personality and I am being deadly serious, what is actually stopping you improving your social skills though

That is a poor comparison because the vast majority of people below on this site are worse than the pig in this scenario
That I'm autistic and I've tried to do it for 8 years (with theraphy). I can hold conversations, but I have issues starting them. I want to get the desriable looks that will make people to like me more, so that I can socialize with more ease. That's why I'll accept averageness after having the ideal male body (toned), the ideal bodyfat percentage and a good done beardfraud. I won't stop now, because there are things that I can change to be hot, and I will change them.
Thst I'm autistic and I've tried to do it for 8 years. I can hold conversations, but I have issues starting them. I want to get the desriable looks that will make people to like me more, so that I can socialize with more ease. That's why I'll accept averageness after having the ideal male body (toned), the ideal bodyfat percentage and a good done beardfraud.
Yes and I have ASD too but simply becoming goodlooking will not make people like you, they may be more likely to initially like you but your personality will be what they care about after they begin having to speak to you, you cannot neglect trying to become more charismatic if you want to be actually happy.

I am not critiquing the idea of acceptances I am just stating that you need to work on that too.
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Yes and you may appear physically attractive to them but you will turn them off with your personality and I am being deadly serious, what is actually stopping you improving your social skills though

That is a poor comparison because the vast majority of people below on this site are worse than the pig in this scenario
JFL at the cope. The pig in this scenario is simply happy because he is unaware of what could be. Since many on this site are aware, at least to some degree, of the importance of looks and how women respond to you, you can't accept the pig's fate.
But you're right -- ignorance is bliss.
Yes and I have ASD too but simply becoming goodlooking will not make people like you, they may be more likely to initially like you but your personality will be what they care about after they begin having to speak to you, you cannot neglect trying to become more charismatic if you want to be actually happy.

I am not critiquing the idea of acceptances I am just stating that you need to work on that too.
And people, initially, ignore me and won't give me the opportunity to know me or to present myself. And I don't like people that much, to begin with. I want to be hot to be the most perfect version that I can, naturally, aspire to be. I'm tired of living like that and I'm doing extreme measures; I'll have sex appeal with the softmaxxes that I've listed and won't accept averageness until I do these softmaxxes.
Yes and I have ASD too but simply becoming goodlooking will not make people like you, they may be more likely to initially like you but your personality will be what they care about after they begin having to speak to you, you cannot neglect trying to become more charismatic if you want to be actually happy.

I am not critiquing the idea of acceptances I am just stating that you need to work on that too.
Literally multiple tinder experiments say otherwise. Pass the SMV threshold = u can say whatever u want and get sex. Don't pass? Enjoy the woman stringing u along for a crumb of pussy.
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JFL at the cope. The pig in this scenario is simply happy because he is unaware of what could be. Since many on this site are aware, at least to some degree, of the importance of looks and how women respond to you, you can't accept the pig's fate.
But you're right -- ignorance is bliss.
I'm happy with normal people not aware of looksmaxxing, because that means that I'll be hot after looksmaxxing, since the compentece will never unlock their potential.
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JFL at the cope. The pig in this scenario is simply happy because he is unaware of what could be. Since many on this site are aware, at least to some degree, of the importance of looks and how women respond to you, you can't accept the pig's fate.
But you're right -- ignorance is bliss.
I understand the comparison, that and they are too far gone as you say but there is stuff they can use in order to put value back into existence beyond just wanting to have meaningless sex.

They cannot become hyper focused on the aspect of looks being important as all that will do is bring misery in retrospect. You can experience life as an ugly person but then become attractive and enjoy the attention for a few years before it dawns on you it was all so completely pointless you do not have anything to really show for it, then you become even more bitter hating society for what it values.

Literally multiple tinder experiments say otherwise. Pass the SMV threshold = u can say whatever u want and get sex. Don't pass? Enjoy the woman stringing u along for a crumb of pussy.
Yes I understand that but being aspie is never a good thing in 99% of cases it makes it incredibly difficult for them to actually engage in social situations and makes them appear pathetic, those tinder experiments are within a very very specific subset of women where they will just look for the first person who seems like a good lay. The aspie who comes off as pathetic will not make it to the bed.

And people, initially, ignore me and won't give me the opportunity to know me or to present myself. And I don't like people that much, to begin with. I want to be hot to be the most perfect version that I can, naturally, aspire to be. I'm tired of living like that and I'm doing extreme measures; I'll have sex appeal with the softmaxxes that I've listed and won't accept averageness until I do these softmaxxes.
Most of the time people will just need you to take the first step for making friends if they are already content within their group, regardless of how good looking you are like will not instantly become this magnificent thing. Simply take this as a warning that becoming focused solely on looks leads to a miserable life. Focus on your looks though and become better than who you were before.
I understand the comparison, that and they are too far gone as you say but there is stuff they can use in order to put value back into existence beyond just wanting to have meaningless sex.

They cannot become hyper focused on the aspect of looks being important as all that will do is bring misery in retrospect. You can experience life as an ugly person but then become attractive and enjoy the attention for a few years before it dawns on you it was all so completely pointless you do not have anything to really show for it, then you become even more bitter hating society for what it values.

Yes I understand that but being aspie is never a good thing in 99% of cases it makes it incredibly difficult for them to actually engage in social situations and makes them appear pathetic, those tinder experiments are within a very very specific subset of women where they will just look for the first person who seems like a good lay. The aspie who comes off as pathetic will not make it to the bed.

Most of the time people will just need you to take the first step for making friends if they are already content within their group, regardless of how good looking you are like will not instantly become this magnificent thing. Simply take this as a warning that becoming focused solely on looks leads to a miserable life. Focus on your looks though and become better than who you were before.
Ah, I agree, but I'm not only focusing on my looks. I'm reading, too, and going to therapy and to a psychiatrist, but I want to have 100% naturally maxxed looks to be above average. I've also been called ugly by some girls, so yeah, I need to have these hot features to compensate and be seen as hot.
Ah, I agree, but I'm not only focusing on my looks. I'm reading, too, and going to therapy and to a psychiatrist, but I want to have 100% naturally maxxed looks to be above average. I've also been called ugly by some girls, so yeah, I need to have these hot features to compensate and be seen as hot.
Yes and keep that up, just try and focus on being better than you the day before. If you want any advice pertaining to looks send me a dm.
My plan remains the same, but I've included makeup as a last resort. Everything to look hot, even if I need to stay a lot of time using makeup and products; women do the same and no one complains.
Just accept that ur not NT and wear that shit with confidence.
every one wants to be hot
everyone wanys to be rich
everyone wants to get the best looking partner
everyone wants to be the smartest one
everyone wants to be the successful one
but only a few % can have and achieve these tbh.most just watch and have a mental break down
and you will be forever average because of your genes, and no amount of makeup can coverup your weak bones:lul:

Brutal truthpill
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