why is it the nicer you are the shittier people treat you but the nastier you are suddenly everyone is nice to you?



Apr 27, 2021
Its like a battered house wife. (at this point I honestly think some women enjoy abuse based on their behavior). MEN also behave like this too. I noticed IRL and online the nicer I was people would ignore/pretend to not hear me or be FLAT OUT nasty to me! However when I was NASTY IRL (call people names/mock make fun of them at work) SUDDENLY they were nice to me. (like I got so angry once I called this one nu-male at work a fat pussy) He then insulted me back whatever I don't care. But what struck me the most was later that week he was offering me popsicles/being all nice to me. (IDK was he a homo tho?). Likewise I told this chick at my work to shut up YET later that week as well she let me borrow her supplies (without me even asking her). WTF are normies fucked in the head or what? (Like for me these mexicans at work talk shit about me. But whenever they ask me for help I tell them to pound sand. Frankly I am only nice to people who are nice to me. Sometimes those same people think I am nice too fast and then lose respect for me).
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probably fear, they will actively avoid you but if they get put in a position where they have to be near you, they will be nice out of fear
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probably fear, they will actively avoid you but if they get put in a position where they have to be near you, they will be nice out of fear
I am 5ft6 and they are stronger than me. Why would they let themselves get pushed around like that? OR is it I trigger some pre-historic lizard part of the normie brain? I swear I feel like I am different species some days.
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That’s your experience alone tbh
Generally people treat you based on what you look like. Eg. if you act like a dick and don’t have the face to back it up, people won’t like you.

Maybe since you’re 5’6” peoples’ first instinct is to target you, and by lashing out you’re showing them you’re not a willing victim, that’d be the only thing I could guess. That or when you spergrage you freak them out into thinking you’re about to shoot up the place, so they overcompensate

if you’re ugly they’re probably shittalking the hell outta you behind your back, I’m going to assume you’re not gl considering 99% of people wouldn’t treat you poorly if you were, unless you’re way more of a dickhead than you think
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Because they either are afraid of you or they respect you more
That’s your experience alone tbh
Generally people treat you based on what you look like. Eg. if you act like a dick and don’t have the face to back it up, people won’t like you.
tru the people at my work were BUTT ugly JFL. norwooding/came from cultures where cousin marriage was common. Not to humblebrag but I honestly think I was the best looking guy there:ROFLMAO:. (hey I am NOT good looking and not trying to be judgmental but if you are borderline inbred its gonna be rough for you!)
Maybe since you’re 5’6” peoples’ first instinct is to target you, and by lashing out you’re showing them you’re not a willing victim, that’d be the only thing I could guess. That or when you spergrage you freak them out into thinking you’re about to shoot up the place, so they overcompensate
the one girl look horrified when I called my coworker a fat pussy:ROFLMAO: (I have to say 2 of my coworkers were REALLY short! The girl was like 5'1/inbred and the guy I insulted was like 5ft4/5ft5!) IDK do you think I actually mogged these people for once? (usually I am mogged. I did feel powerful at work tho when I had that job)
if you’re ugly they’re probably shittalking the hell outta you behind your back, I’m going to assume you’re not gl considering 99% of people wouldn’t treat you poorly if you were, unless
tru they prolly are JFL
you’re way more of a dickhead than you think
yeah i'll admit I can be kinda a dickhead but usually normies act like a dickhead to me so I return the favor
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tru the people at my work were BUTT ugly JFL. norwooding/came from cultures where cousin marriage was common. Not to humblebrag but I honestly think I was the best looking guy there:ROFLMAO:. (hey I am NOT good looking and not trying to be judgmental but if you are borderline inbred its gonna be rough for you!)
You’d think the halo effect would be relative to your own looks level (like a subhuman treating a low tier normie very well, for example) but it isn’t, it’s pretty set based on how far above or below average you are, and 99% of people are susceptible to it
yeah i'll admit I can be kinda a dickhead but usually normies act like a dickhead to me so I return the favor
Being a dickhead without being good looking is a good way to get people to dislike/hate you. Even if you are good looking, if you take it TOO far even the halo effect won’t save you

I’m a firm believer in the idea that JUST being ugly will not make anybody hate you, in most cases where an ugly guy from here says some shit like “people hate me cause I’m ugly” he’s one of the fedora cheeto dust types with some pretty wild opinions

my guess is you do some shit, socially, that you’re not very aware of. That or it’s all in your head and nobody’s even being a dick to you, seen that before
Its like a battered house wife. (at this point I honestly think some women enjoy abuse based on their behavior). MEN also behave like this too. I noticed IRL and online the nicer I was people would ignore/pretend to not hear me or be FLAT OUT nasty to me! However when I was NASTY IRL (call people names/mock make fun of them at work) SUDDENLY they were nice to me. (like I got so angry once I called this one nu-male at work a fat pussy) He then insulted me back whatever I don't care. But what struck me the most was later that week he was offering me popsicles/being all nice to me. (IDK was he a homo tho?). Likewise I told this chick at my work to shut up YET later that week as well she let me borrow her supplies (without me even asking her). WTF are normies fucked in the head or what? (Like for me these mexicans at work talk shit about me. But whenever they ask me for help I tell them to pound sand. Frankly I am only nice to people who are nice to me. Sometimes those same people think I am nice too fast and then lose respect for me).
My assumption is you're referring to controlled environments like school or work. These places are set up for people to be fake. It's a heirchy system not always based of skill or accolades but sometimes race, sex, favoritism, nepotism, etc.

People don't like you if you're a dick to them. They're afraid of you because of fear of being punished for showing any ill will or lashing out. They can lose their job, suspended, demoted, etc. People don't hate you or treat you poorly because you're just nice to them. They're doing it because they have no fear of you in these controlled environments. They know you're too weak or soft to retaliate so they will take advantage of you for their own pleaure.

Now this isn't the norm but it becomes more prevelant as society continues to regress and become more degenerate with communist/liberal idealology and complete sexual liberation.

The best thing one can do is to buy rental properties to create their own retirement plan as soon as possible. Get an off grid porperty and become self sufficient for life so you don't have to deal with these degenerate low IQ society norms that do nothing but cause pain and hate.
You’d think the halo effect would be relative to your own looks level (like a subhuman treating a low tier normie very well, for example) but it isn’t, it’s pretty set based on how far above or below average you are, and 99% of people are susceptible to it
so did I mog these people and were they nice to me because I was objectively better looking than them? (hey I was the only guy who was not inbred/and had a full head of hair)
Being a dickhead without being good looking is a good way to get people to dislike/hate you. Even if you are good looking, if you take it TOO far even the halo effect won’t save you
that is tru but oddly i noticed people are nicer when I am mean to them or simply aloof/apathetic. But when I try to be nice they blow me off.
I’m a firm believer in the idea that JUST being ugly will not make anybody hate you, in most cases where an ugly guy from here says some shit like “people hate me cause I’m ugly” he’s one of the fedora cheeto dust types with some pretty wild opinions

my guess is you do some shit, socially, that you’re not very aware of. That or it’s all in your head and nobody’s even being a dick to you, seen that before
so did I mog these people and were they nice to me because I was objectively better looking than them? (hey I was the only guy who was not inbred/and had a full head of hair)
No, if that were the case they would’ve been nice from the start. Halo effect isn’t relative to someone’s own looks level, it’s relative to the average looks level. Meaning someone who’s below average will never be treated as if he were above average even if everyone else around him is uglier than he is. Now, MAYBE if you live in a small ass town and you’re one of the best looking guys in the WHOLE town, then MAYBE you could manage to be both below average and benefit from the halo effect at the same time, but I’m not even sure about that.
that is tru but oddly i noticed people are nicer when I am mean to them or simply aloof/apathetic. But when I try to be nice they blow me off.
That makes what happens a bit more clear. You said “blow me off” this time around, which means you’re trying to get things to happen. Basically by being a dickhead you’re making it clear that you’re serious and assertive, my guess is when you say “nice” what you actually mean is “doormat” and “not assertive.” You could probably manage the same results by being NOT a dickhead (aka what nice actually is), but straight forward, direct and assertive at the same time.
Lizard brains

I hate those kinds of people. I'd rather just be nice.
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have had a very similar experience with people. when I ignore my friends' messages when they send something even somewhat low effort, they message me back the next day/very soon after, adding to the message or saying something interesting afterwards

compared to when I make an effort to reply to their messages even when they say something that is somewhat more difficult to engage, I often get left on seen or they don't even bother opening the message at all jfl
started to wonder if all people have a mechanism where if someone acts mean = view them as important, powerful etc. so hence should try and win their validation
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I don't think men do this, women do it to men.
I think the reason is they see the nice guy as needy, and they hate this, cos it reminds them if all the hookups and ONS tbey had with bad guys.

So they treat the nice guys like shit out of resentment, and feel the nice guys don't deserve anything, and whatever treatment they get from a foid, good or bad, is more than they deserve
Its like a battered house wife. (at this point I honestly think some women enjoy abuse based on their behavior). MEN also behave like this too. I noticed IRL and online the nicer I was people would ignore/pretend to not hear me or be FLAT OUT nasty to me! However when I was NASTY IRL (call people names/mock make fun of them at work) SUDDENLY they were nice to me. (like I got so angry once I called this one nu-male at work a fat pussy) He then insulted me back whatever I don't care. But what struck me the most was later that week he was offering me popsicles/being all nice to me. (IDK was he a homo tho?). Likewise I told this chick at my work to shut up YET later that week as well she let me borrow her supplies (without me even asking her). WTF are normies fucked in the head or what? (Like for me these mexicans at work talk shit about me. But whenever they ask me for help I tell them to pound sand. Frankly I am only nice to people who are nice to me. Sometimes those same people think I am nice too fast and then lose respect for me).
It's a defence mechanism, I'm unsure but I believe genetic history traits create this.

I was brought up in an abusive household, despite being social, I'm also very opinionated and introverted and just have a natural dislike for the majority of people, which is a character trait I'm trying to remove. My best friend from my younger years was a nerdy gamer, I got him in with my new friend group, and people walk all over him, bully him just because he won't say shit. I remember purchasing him the new Pokemon game, but in return he had to promise to destroy his bully when he comes, because we can't do that for him. My bullied 6'0 friend filled his bag with hardened compost and near enough knocked the guys lights out. After that, his confidence grew, his mean ark began and suddenly he was like one of his villainous animes, in our friend group, he's the big guy that looks out for me now.

Being out-right mean works, but if someones just a creepy asshole, I won't like them, but those who aren't afraid to fight/speak back to you, they hold a higher respect to me, because they are real, and realness scares people especially in this woke culture.
normies are indeed fucked in the head :Comfy:
probably fear, they will actively avoid you but if they get put in a position where they have to be near you, they will be nice out of fear
It's not just fear.

I've also observed what OP is describing. Assholes being respected despite being shitbags. Tbh it just goes to show how full of shit conventional wisdom is regarding how humans behave. People don't give a shit about if you are a so called 'good' person. In fact, it just makes you seem like a pushover. People only respect power. Dark triad theory is real.

That said, being an asshole will NOT get you respect if you are short with an incel frame. Looks matter a good deal. But even for people with only normie tier looks dark triad can still halo you.
I've noticed this myself. I think it has to do with fear honestly. We might pretend we're civil creatures, but in nature fear rules all.
They think you're beta

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