Why Ive become atheist. The Bible is truly dumb and laughable

None of them have homosexuality. Homosexuality = only attracted to same sex
are u fucking autistic 😂 there are animals which are bi and homosexual. Also i like how u said that as if the bible allows bisexuality.I can list a shit ton of animals which have been proven to be homosexual but the list would be too long
are u fucking autistic 😂 there are animals which are bi and homosexual. Also i like how u said that as if the bible allows bisexuality.I can list a shit ton of animals which have been proven to be homosexual but the list would be too long
I didn’t say the Bible allows bisexuality. That’s twisting my words.

No, the animals that are homosexual would go extinct.
I think the arc refers to a space or regular ship but it didn’t carry actual animals just their dna (eggs & sperm). This is much more plausible as you wouldn’t need to feed them and takes much less space. Just that the writers couldn’t describe it because they had lost technology. Even now pyramids show we once were advanced and a great flood (judgement day) washed it away. There’s even evidence that the sphinx has erosion and the deserts are like sand dunes in the ocean
😂😂😂WHATTHE FUCK LMFAOO. Nigga are u trolling or do u actually believe this
Canadian Lol GIF
So saying the Bible says the Earth was created in Seven Days is a fact is trolling. Ok.
There are no gay animals its lgbtq propaganda. Dogs would literally fuck your arm if u offered it to them. The Bible is right about everything. Before god created life he let it rain for ten thousand of years just like its written in the bible. Later he created different intelligent life forms. How can u believe billions of animals adapted to their environment were created by coincidence? Each organ, each cell, each part of the body has its own function and one needs another to function. Each Was created simultaneously. The chance is 0 that nature made it. If nature could create new life forms it would still happen.
there are no gay animals. Source: Believe me bro this ancient book told me

Also where are u getting this "ten thousand year rain", i havent seen a single verse about this or are u just making shit up to defend ur claims. Also evolution isnt based on coincidence, its just survival of the fittest plus lots of time. And nature still does create new life forms. There are new species evolving and being created to this day, but the thing is evolution takes very long so its hard to observe complete changes. You dont know shit about how evolution actually works
I didn’t say the Bible allows bisexuality. That’s twisting my words.

No, the animals that are homosexual would go extinct.
nigga are u ed? IM NOT SAYING THERES SPECIES WHERE EVERY FUCKING ONE IS GAY. I genuinely cant tell if ur trolling at this point. What im saying is, every species has certain ones who are gay, some who are bi, and some who are straight. It also has soome who are asexual
nigga are u ed? IM NOT SAYING THERES SPECIES WHERE EVERY FUCKING ONE IS GAY. I genuinely cant tell if ur trolling at this point. What im saying is, every species has certain ones who are gay, some who are bi, and some who are straight. It also has soome who are asexual
No, I don’t believe they are gay. There was a “gay” penguin couple, where one turned straight.
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So saying the Bible says the Earth was created in Seven Days is a fact is trolling. Ok.
yes the shitty book written by some nigga says its made in 7 days. That doesn't disprove the fact that its been proven unequivocally to have existed for at very least 2 billion years but possibly more. Believing the earth was created in 7 days is liek believing in flat earth, no matter how much actual scientific evidence you give to a flat earther, they refuse to believe. So go ahead keep believing ur fairy tails nigga
No, I don’t believe they are gay. There was a “gay” penguin couple, where one turned straight.
oh wow u dont believe it that therefore means its true despite the evidence otherwise 😂😂. This man just debunked science
there are no gay animals. Source: Believe me bro this ancient book told me

Also where are u getting this "ten thousand year rain", i havent seen a single verse about this or are u just making shit up to defend ur claims. Also evolution isnt based on coincidence, its just survival of the fittest plus lots of time. And nature still does create new life forms. There are new species evolving and being created to this day, but the thing is evolution takes very long so its hard to observe complete changes. You dont know shit about how evolution actually works
U ignored what I wrote. Dogs fuck everything, even different species or ur body parts. Thats with all animals if they are horny. U just fell for lgtbq propaganda or ur homosexual urself

And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good.

Evolution is debunked. Not even scientists believe in it. Theres no survival of the fittest animals simply go extinct and god creates new animals.
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oh wow u dont believe it that therefore means its true despite the evidence otherwise 😂😂. This man just debunked science
Why haven’t they discovered a gay gene?
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U ignored what I wrote. Dogs fuck everything, even different species or ur body parts. Thats with all animals if they are horny. U just fell for lgtbq propaganda or ur homosexual urself

And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. 10 God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good.

Evolution is debunked. Not even scientists believe in it. Theres no survival of the fittest animals simply go extinct and god creates new animals.
1. dogs humping something doesnt disprove gay animals
2. Stop giving me random bible verses i dont give a shit
3. Evolution is not debunked and highly scientific. Again if you actually knew how evolution worked and not some basic knowledge of "Monkey turn into human" you would realize how retarded the bible is
4. Yes scientists do believe in it, 97% to be exact. The 3% is probably retarded niggas like you

5. How does that make sense? Do you even know how survival of the fittest works? If your a weak or defenseless animal, you end up getting eaten and your species goes extinct. Its that simple
Why haven’t they discovered a gay gene?
maybe because sexual orientation isnt as simple as one gene u fucking idiot? Just like there is no Black or white gene.
maybe because sexual orientation isnt as simple as one gene u fucking idiot? Just like there is no Black or white gene.
Cope. Or it’s an adaptation to an unnatural situation.
Cope. Or it’s an adaptation to an unnatural situation.
damn u just debunked me again. What an amazing comeback

1. Cope
2. Random unproved claim

u win bro ur so high iq
damn u just debunked me again. What an amazing comeback

1. Cope
2. Random unproved claim

u win bro ur so high iq
Jfl if you are still wasting braincels arguing with theists. It’s like trying to Blackpill somebody who thinks personality is all that matters lol. No amount of reason or empirical evidence will sway their opinions because their worldview isn’t based on logic to begin with.
1. dogs humping something doesnt disprove gay animals
2. Stop giving me random bible verses i dont give a shit
3. Evolution is not debunked and highly scientific. Again if you actually knew how evolution worked and not some basic knowledge of "Monkey turn into human" you would realize how retarded the bible is
4. Yes scientists do believe in it, 97% to be exact. The 3% is probably retarded niggas like youView attachment 2342161
5. How does that make sense? Do you even know how survival of the fittest works? If your a weak or defenseless animal, you end up getting eaten and your species goes extinct. Its that simple
If they were gay animals they would stick to one gender, thats doesn't happen. Animals fuck everything if they are horny

Most famous scientists who contributed to humanity believe in god because they realize its impossible that it was created by alone. You must be a literal retard to believe this.

Only the wannabe scientists are atheist.
Chrsitians have no bain, just put the narrative of a supreme being that isn't to be questioned to it and they'll readily obey and follow the whole thing
Put in too that if you don't follow it you will burn for eternity and the fact that we don't know what awaits us in the afterlife
Jfl if you are still wasting braincels arguing with theists. It’s like trying to Blackpill somebody who thinks personality is all that matters lol. No amount of reason or empirical evidence will sway their opinions because their worldview isn’t based on logic to begin with.
nah its fun to make fun of these retards
If they were gay animals they would stick to one gender, thats doesn't happen. Animals fuck everything if they are horny

Most famous scientists who contributed to humanity believe in god because they realize its impossible that it was created by alone. You must be a literal retard to believe this.

Only the wannabe scientists are atheist.

1. no there have been animjals that have been found to exclusively go for one gender
2. Not true again, most scientists are 50/50 (even smaller if u count the christian ones). And even of those religious scientists, most of them still believe in evolution
3. What evidence do you have to back up your claim that its impossible the world cant be created alone?
4. Ironic, christian saying "you must be a retard to believe in this"
5. Yes using a random tiktok video to prove how many christian scientists there are
Put in too that if you don't follow it you will burn for eternity and the fact that we don't know what awaits us in the afterlife
yeah tbh, if it werent for the threat of hell or promise of heaven. I feel like a majority of christians would go atheist
ok buddy at this point just keep believing whatever you want. Dont feel alone tho, atleast your not as retarded as flat earthers
yeah tbh, if it werent for the threat of hell or promise of heaven. I feel like a majority of christians would go atheist
They basically are bro, all of them commit sins most muslims commit sins too
They don't believe in their religion for real liek that, they're just scared of hell in eternity
the bible is historically innacurrate. How can it be "historically accurate" when a majority of actual historians deny the first book of the bible ever hapening
Were they there jfl, historians will say whatever their boss wants. They love to deny Christ because hes the one true god
1. no there have been animjals that have been found to exclusively go for one gender
2. Not true again, most scientists are 50/50 (even smaller if u count the christian ones). And even of those religious scientists, most of them still believe in evolution
3. What evidence do you have to back up your claim that its impossible the world cant be created alone?
4. Ironic, christian saying "you must be a retard to believe in this"
5. Yes using a random tiktok video to prove how many christian scientists there are
1. Thats gay propaganda u homosexual. Animals are too instinct driven to be homosexual. On humans it happens for other reasons because its mental illness or inceldom. Ur mentally ill if ur homosexual

2. Most famous were always theists

3. U have only 2 braincells if u believe it can happen alone

There was a video where all famous scientists said the more they investigate about science the more they believe it wasn't created by coincidence. If the world was craated by coincidence there would be chaos but everything is in perfect order and harmony.
no its not. The bible claims that being homosexual is unnatural when its been observed to be natural and even benneficial. Gay animals are better caretakers and if everyone was reproducing with nobody taking care of the kids it would be harmful. Being gay has also been observed in all species
also it's been proven that you cannot be gay by choice, you are born gay, it is literally genetic
so what ur telling me is god make people gay (soething you can't change, u cant change ur sexuality lmao) then put them in hell for it?
Poppy seeds (which 100% existed in palestine 2,000 years ago),
Proof that they were smaller than mustard seeds at that current time? Exactly ...

Now let s analyze the parable :
“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”
Jesus was not giving a lesson in botany. In the jewish talmud the mustard seed is used as a figure of speech for the very smallest measure of size, and it was very likely the smallest seeds palestinian farmers knew, and the smallest they could actually farm .

Jesus was addressing such people, making an analogy between the kingdom of heaven and mustard seed , both planted by men (jesus and his disciples ) , they start small but later it grows so big it can bear bird nests , flowers cant do that.

In conclusion the parable is not meant to be taken literally , but as a teaching, for people of that time .
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ok buddy at this point just keep believing whatever you want. Dont feel alone tho, atleast your not as retarded as flat earthers
Keep believing in pond scum theory
Were they there jfl, historians will say whatever their boss wants. They love to deny Christ because hes the one true god
?? try reading the bible and comparing it to actual history yourself
something that doesnt exist cant have the capacity to care
Even if a Biblical God isn't there then god could be some sort of machine that has created everything. Maybe you die but still you won't find after life and god. Who knows, but something cannot come from nothing.
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Proof that they were smaller than mustard seeds at that current time? Exactly ...

Now let s analyze the parable :
“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”
Jesus was not giving a lesson in botany. In the jewish talmud the mustard seed is used as a figure of speech for the very smallest measure of size, and it was very likely the smallest seeds palestinian farmers knew, and the smallest they could actually farm .

Jesus was addressing such people, making an analogy between the kingdom of heaven and mustard seed , both planted by men (jesus and his disciples ) , they start small but later it grows so big it can bear bird nests , flowers cant do that.

In conclusion the parable is not meant to be taken literally , but as a teaching, for people of that time .
what typa dumbass comeback is that? Just go back in time and get the smallest seed bro. The growth of most seeds is pretty consistent and 2,000 years is not completely not enough to make a poppy become the smallest seed. Also again there is multiple seeds that were smaller. I only named 10

Also show me any evidence of any of these claims besides a shitty christian article. Also even if the parable isnt meant to be taken ltierally he said a fact that was simply untrue for no reason

1. He didnt know what the smallest seed was
2. He knew but still lied about what it was for no apparent reason.

All/most palestianians at the time wouldve known what the poppy seed was
Even if a Biblical God isn't there then god could be some sort of machine that has created everything. Maybe you die but still you won't find after life and god. Who knows, but something cannot come from nothing.
thats like saying maybe our universe is actually on the back of a humongous dragon. Making baseless claim doesnt mean anything
thats like saying maybe our universe is actually on the back of a humongous dragon. Making baseless claim doesnt mean anything
Who knows, it's a question that will never have an answer
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thats like saying maybe our universe is actually on the back of a humongous dragon. Making baseless claim doesnt mean anything
saying we came from nothing is baseless claim
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How the Big Bang works, which is part of atheism
atheism and the big bang have nothing to do with each other. You can be atheist and not believe in the big bang. Also the big banng doesnt say we came from nothing
atheism and the big bang have nothing to do with each other.
Ok I’m done here. If you’re gonna suggest that society isn’t affected by schools teaching children the Big Bang theory then there is no point.

There is probably other shit to debunk in this thread but from this point forward I won’t respond. If you decide to make a different thread well that’s fair game though.

Anyway, I have seen you make some money-making threads so make another one so I don’t have to waste my time.
Most people understand this by the time they are 12
so if we come from monkeys via evolution, why are there still monkeys?
best is to be agnostic. the most intelligent people were agnostic in the world. live a life of empathy and morals and behave like a good person because god might exist. u dont have to go to church or pray to him, just always think of the possibility of a god existing
best is to be agnostic. the most intelligent people were agnostic in the world. live a life of empathy and morals and behave like a good person because god might exist. u dont have to go to church or pray to him, just always think of the possibility of a god existing
You can be a good person but still go to hell if you don't believe in our Lord.
what typa dumbass comeback is that? Just go back in time and get the smallest seed bro. The growth of most seeds is pretty consistent and 2,000 years is not completely not enough to make a poppy become the smallest seed. Also again there is multiple seeds that were smaller. I only named 10
i legitimately pulled up a study that talks about the rapid speciation of sunflowers , they change in as little as 10 years : “The results of this comparison suggest that between 10 and 60 generations of recombination would be required to stabilize the H. anomalus genome"
Furthermore it's proven plants with smallest seeds are the fastest evolving ones , unironically mustard seeds could have been even smaller than they are now . Most fruit and vegetables we have today did not even exist a few hundred years ago . Just admit you are retarded .
Maize teosinte

Science , which it seems you believe blindly , like it 's a fucking religion , won't back you up on this one.
Regardless , let's leave the cucked science aside , let's assume it's as you say : objectively mustard seeds were not the smallest on the planet , Jesus did not come to teach botany , he came to leave a message , the mustard seed is indeed the smallest seed farmers could plant , any other flower can not substitute the mustard in the parable .

Mustard seeds are tiny: they are used in the talmudic sources (and in Indian sources too) to signify the smallest measurable quantity of things – such as drops of blood that communicated impurity (BTBerakhot 31a). Perhaps the reddish-brown colour of the seeds of wild white mustard contributed to this. Their small size meant that they could behave almost like a liquid themselves – filling up the spaces in an otherwise full basket of gourds or cucumbers (BTShabbat 153b). The Mishnah tells us that there were special sieves for mustard.
The talmudic texts puts mustard seeds in the context of a list of foods going from the largest to the smallest:
He filled up with citrons, pomegranates, walnuts, hazelnuts, peppercorns, sesame, mustard.

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