Why No One Here Talks About Working Out The Facial Muscles??


Deleted member 1100

Feb 23, 2019
In my opinion that would certainly give better results than fillers even though it takes more time, at least muscles are a harder tissue and it could become "permanent" if you just keep doing exercises to maintain the muscle condition.

In fact, I pretty sure that is from where it comes from the whole idea of roids changing your face, it just made the muscles bigger, even if you don't workout roids will increase your muscles to a certain degree
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the face has tons of muscles, you can work them out to have tighter skin and eyelids.
the face has tons of muscles, you can work them out to have tighter skin and eyelids.

I remember seeing an interview from a woman in the 90s or something who taught facial exercises, her face looked exactly like those people who get a lot of plastic surgeries, if it's possible to reach the level, than it's safe to assume that you can do something more moderate to get a nice result tbh
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masseter ? brow ?

Hard to train zygo muscles and chin
because its cope.
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cuz muscle on face looks like shit

bones > muscles
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masseter ? brow ?

Hard to train zygo muscles and chin

I think I found a good way to work out the zygomaticus, I'll keep training for a month to see if it's efficient, 1 month should be enough to see results from the noob gains.

Chin is probably hard indeed, because you may fuck up your lower lip, you'll either make it flat or make it too dicksucking, I guess it's only useful for does who already have one of those and wants to workout to correct it
Go train your chin,browdige and zygos then.

I am
I think I found a good way to work out the zygomaticus, I'll keep training for a month to see if it's efficient, 1 month should be enough to see results from the noob gains.
How are you training the zygomaticus??

Chin is probably hard indeed, because you may fuck up your lower lip, you'll either make it flat or make it too dicksucking, I guess it's only useful for does who already have one of those and wants to workout to correct it
If you train the mentalis muscle your mentolabial fold will become flat
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Developed face muscles make you look bloated
Developed face muscles make you look bloated
Does smiling 24/7 develop your facial muscles and give a bloated look?
Interesting approach. I'll keep an eye on it.
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How are you training the zygomaticus??

If you train the mentalis muscle your mentolabial fold will become flat

Thanks for the info

I'm doing what I call the MOMO workout, I'm not sure if it's the correct or the best exercise, but

1- I can feel the zygomaticus working out
2- When I'm on the contraction phase of the exercise the whole shape of the cheekbone area becomes huge

Your face needs to look like that when doing the exercise


1- Make the fish mouth with your lips, like this but stretched it as far and as forward as you can:


2- Do not suck on your cheeks when doing it,

3- Open your eyes like the momo

4- If you're looking like the momo now, then you're on the correct initial position

5- Now, what you need to do is contract your zygomaticus as if you were going to smile. It's a bit hard, but you need to do this while trying to maintain the fish lips
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How are you training the zygomaticus??

If you train the mentalis muscle your mentolabial fold will become flat

Captura de Tela 2019 09 07 as 142842

I can feel this whole area popping out including on the sides at the eye level, it's like when you smile and your cheeks become bigger, but the difference is that

1- you can actually isolate the muscle
2- the fish lips keep your skin on place so it won't give you nasolabial folds (although I think there isn't really a connection about those and smile)

I hope this shit can give me at least 2mm more of volume on this area and make my cheeks defined enough to give that hollow effect, I'd look like a fucking GOD!
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How do we train the brow muscles?
like this but stretched it as far and as forward as you can:


What do you mean with that?

I can feel this whole area popping out including on the sides at the eye level, it's like when you smile and your cheeks become bigger, but the difference is that
How long do you do it? How many times a day?

One thing that i noticed is that it's easier to feel the muscle contracting near the mouth, the contraction should go all the way in the direction of the zygomaticofrontal suture / the side of the eyes
What do you mean with that?

How long do you do it? How many times a day?

It's basically doing this


but without this excessive cheek sucking, then you try to push the lips as forward as possible to keep the muscles stretched, it's like doing biceps, you need to stretch the muscle as much as possible so when you contract it you have to put more force into it.

I'll be doing 300 reps per day tbh, since it's not possible to do progressive overload with weights, you'll need to do a lot of repetitions, after the noob gains, I assume 100 reps everyday will be enough to maintain it
How do we train the brow muscles?

You can either raise your eyebrows or make the angry face, you need to use your fingers to hold the skin on place though or you'll get a lot of wrinkles.

I'm not exactly sure about these muscles insertions and origins, but the angry face will probably work out only the glabella
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Here's an article related to exercising the zygomaticus major muscle to prevent age-related sagging:

Exercises for the Zygomaticus Major Muscle

"Begin by pulling the corners of your mouth up toward your ears in the position of an extreme smile and then slowly release the smile. Repeat the exercise 20 times."

The "extreme smile" part worries me about streching the skin too much, which could probably cause unnecessary wrinkles.
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Here's an article related to exercising the zygomaticus major muscle to prevent age-related sagging:

Exercises for the Zygomaticus Major Muscle

"Begin by pulling the corners of your mouth up toward your ears in the position of an extreme smile and then slowly release the smile. Repeat the exercise 20 times."

The "extreme smile" part worries me about streching the skin too much, which could probably cause unnecessary wrinkles.
Interesting ngl

Nothing much so far, it's a really small muscle, I'll keep doing two sessions of 5sets-60reps every day to total 600 reps till the end of the year to complete ~4 months.

I can get a bigger pump on the muscle now.

What I've noticed while doing these exercises is that the muscle contracts more right below the zygos, not so much on the sides. So it probably won't help giving a wider appearance to the zygos (probably 1mm max) but since there's a lot of contraction below the zygomatic it gives a nice hollow cheeks appearance like this:


Maybe with a well hypertrophied zygomaticus, low bf and atrophied buccinator you can get a noticeable result
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Too mentalcel we're now trying to 'train' our zygomatics and chin, browridge
i wanna train my 'maxilla' too tbh ngl
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In the worst case, at least it will keep the skin tight tbh
yeah i think if we can train brow ridge it will be awesome tbh.
we need actual weight machine for brow muscle.
do you like my avi btw? i got inspired by you.
can you make a video with all the facial exercices that worth it bro ?
yeah i think if we can train brow ridge it will be awesome tbh.
we need actual weight machine for brow muscle.
do you like my avi btw? i got inspired by you.

Yes, is that the girl from GOT?
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can you make a video with all the facial exercices that worth it bro ?

I'll try to get some videos on youtube with the exercises that I do
yeah i love when she laughs. look at her brow tilt goes negative. so cute.

I don't think I can do that, and I can only raise my left lateral eyebrow, if i could do the same with the right eyebrow I'd do it 24/7 to look like I have Positive Eyebrow Tilt
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Leaked video of OP training his jaw!

Op gay
Fuaaaark, it makes you look so much more intimidating, I need to find a way to raise my lateral eyebrows, even if it's by just 2 or 3 degrees of tilt I'd be satisfied
i think medial supraorbital rim gotta be lower and get really close to eyes or even lower than eyes
i think medial supraorbital rim gotta be lower and get really close to eyes or even lower than eyes

Probably, mine is neutral, I think I can fake it with bimatoprost, I'll make my lateral eyebrow thicker on the top and then shave a little bit on the bottom
Probably, mine is neutral, I think I can fake it with bimatoprost, I'll make my lateral eyebrow thicker on the top and then shave a little bit on the bottom
asians even have fucking highest brow ridges on average. whites are the lowest. not even have to go to shallow, deep set eyes..
gawd why did you make me desire aesthetics when you make me born as an asian?
life is pure agony for me.

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