Why normies are against plastic surgery (high iq)

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Part 1 : Societal Norms
hello fellow brocels, i you have ever had the displeasure of interacting with a normie or seeing them barking at a blackpill post on social media you have likely seen them preaching "muh gym:soy:". normies will bully a person for their looks however as soon as the topic of plastic surgery is brought up to them they start to deny it and cope , today we will take a dive into normie brains

normies have very simple brains , no complexity , no uniqueness but are more status based towards them having good reputation and being labeled as nt:Comfy:, their brains are basically "monkey see monkey do "

View attachment 3378726
the societal current norm is that plastic surgery is frowned upon (editors note : this does differentiate between cultures , age and other factors) normies will preach "muh just go to the gym bro and shieeeet:feelsuhh:" because it is widely seen as a positive thing. normies will use this to virtue signal other normies by making them think they are helping the inkwell while in reality by helping them ascend via gym.

Part 2 : "if it worked for me it must work for him"
now its a common known fact normies usually go from low mtn to mid htn:Comfy:, they think their "ascension" was due to gym while in reality it was because they already had a decent base to begin with further implying their monkey logic
View attachment 3378734
gymaxxing at mtn can actually be quite beneficial so the normies will use the same logic on literal subhumans jfl thinking "muh just go to the gym no need for surgery brrrooooo:hnghn:" this means like monkeys the class themselves all in the same category while not being case specific thinking every man can just ascend via "Muh gym:soy:"

Part 3 : Ignorance
normies will never admit that they are wrong and i mean absolutely never:lul:this is due to them wanting to appear not wrong infront of their other normies losing their social credulity again im being strong with the monkey brain theory here , just as monkeys they want to appear "strong and trustworthy" before their tribe. so even if they see you have a good point in your argument they will not admit they are wrong due to their ignorance

Shame Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN

Part 4 : General bluepillium
this just correlates towards the bluepill ideology (not all normies are bluepilled) but due to the initial thought of "Muh looks dont matter:feelsuhh:" they will essentially think that "Muh you dont need to increase your looks :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy: just work on your personality and shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet" this ideology is ingrained to them at a young age by religion , parents and other factors, this all helps contribute to the absolute hivemind which normies haveView attachment 3378755
Closing words from greypiller :
I hope you enjoyed the thread , bhais (@TechnoBoss pretty please put the thread in botb)
i wish a merry christmas to all my fellow birds and bhaicels and i hoped you enjoyed reading it :Comfy:
tags : @HighLtn @Kaari @IOS @psychomandible
Normie here , how do i play the monkey video without it ruining the thread music
Part 1 : Societal Norms
Part 2 : "if it worked for me it must work for him"
Part 3 : Ignorance
Part 4 : General bluepillium
Firstly plastic surgery is only frowned upon for women if they do numerous procedures or they get some freakish enhancement. Obviously "Societal Norms" is a factor, but just saying "societal norms" is superficial. I have long asserted that such norms exist because most people are too poor to be able to afford plastic surgery, and the bullying of people, mostly men, that have had plastic surgery is a form of class warfare. It is similar to how people suggest a guy that buys an expensive sports car has Erectile Dysfunction. Others believe plastic surgery is effeminate and that is their motivating factor for criticizing men that have had plastic surgery, very homophobic if you think about it, but there a people that are very pro gay but are still critical of men getting plastic surgery.
Part 2 is not a reason.
I don't think ignorance has much to do with it.
"General Bluepillism" is just a form of ignorance.
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thread music :
View attachment 3378720

Part 1 : Societal Norms
hello fellow brocels, i you have ever had the displeasure of interacting with a normie or seeing them barking at a blackpill post on social media you have likely seen them preaching "muh gym:soy:". normies will bully a person for their looks however as soon as the topic of plastic surgery is brought up to them they start to deny it and cope , today we will take a dive into normie brains

normies have very simple brains , no complexity , no uniqueness but are more status based towards them having good reputation and being labeled as nt:Comfy:, their brains are basically "monkey see monkey do "

View attachment 3378726
the societal current norm is that plastic surgery is frowned upon (editors note : this does differentiate between cultures , age and other factors) normies will preach "muh just go to the gym bro and shieeeet:feelsuhh:" because it is widely seen as a positive thing. normies will use this to virtue signal other normies by making them think they are helping the inkwell while in reality by helping them ascend via gym.

Part 2 : "if it worked for me it must work for him"
now its a common known fact normies usually go from low mtn to mid htn:Comfy:, they think their "ascension" was due to gym while in reality it was because they already had a decent base to begin with further implying their monkey logic
View attachment 3378734
gymaxxing at mtn can actually be quite beneficial so the normies will use the same logic on literal subhumans jfl thinking "muh just go to the gym no need for surgery brrrooooo:hnghn:" this means like monkeys the class themselves all in the same category while not being case specific thinking every man can just ascend via "Muh gym:soy:"

Part 3 : Ignorance
normies will never admit that they are wrong and i mean absolutely never:lul:this is due to them wanting to appear not wrong infront of their other normies losing their social credulity again im being strong with the monkey brain theory here , just as monkeys they want to appear "strong and trustworthy" before their tribe. so even if they see you have a good point in your argument they will not admit they are wrong due to their ignorance

Shame Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN

Part 4 : General bluepillium
this just correlates towards the bluepill ideology (not all normies are bluepilled) but due to the initial thought of "Muh looks dont matter:feelsuhh:" they will essentially think that "Muh you dont need to increase your looks :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy: just work on your personality and shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet" this ideology is ingrained to them at a young age by religion , parents and other factors, this all helps contribute to the absolute hivemind which normies haveView attachment 3378755
Closing words from greypiller :
I hope you enjoyed the thread , bhais (@TechnoBoss pretty please put the thread in botb)
i wish a merry christmas to all my fellow birds and bhaicels and i hoped you enjoyed reading it :Comfy:
tags : @HighLtn @Kaari @IOS @psychomandible
did read, good thread
  • +1
Reactions: Greypiller
You forgot one key reason
Feigning good genetics will always be looked down upon for the dimorphic gender. Women cake themselves in fakeup and nobody bats an eye, but as soon as you fraud a bit foids will start losing their shit
Evolutionarily, only a small percentage of men reproduced, with those men having impregnated a large amount of women. It wasn't until the relatively recent advancements of the nuclear family and restricting female dating agency through organized religion that the below average or even average man even had a chance of reproducing. If the small amount of males did reproduce didn't actually possess the genes that made them good looking (akin to modern day frauding or hardmaxxing) it would have been far more consequential for the many offspring that they had as opposed to the much fewer offspring a foid had in comparison
Women can get away with it to a higher degree not only because they need to undergo less procedures to look good (even in their before state they will still have vast amounts of attention from men) but because they are taught the importance of beauty from an early age, so of course they are expected to meet that requirement. Meanwhile, we are taught that a man's purpose is to provide brooo!!!! and that caring about looks is for foids

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  • +1
Reactions: Greypiller
Its just instinct, there's social hierarchy based on looks, and if you upset this hierarchy then it puts their entire lives in jeopardy, can even cause existential crises. Imagine you're a 6/10 and your friends 4/10, you guys have an "understanding" and the power balance assumes you get more bitches than he does. Then one day he actually ascends and now everythings thrown off. Same exact shit happens when one friend starts making too much money, or gets famous.

Remember lots of normies (Especially most women) have nothing going for them in their lives other than looks and youth, when they start to lose their youthful looks they literally panic and have midlife crises. Imagine for them what its like if the one thing they value could simply be bought for 50k.

I might also believe that subconsciously there's aversion to the idea that dysgenic traits can be masked with surgery and then passed into the gene pool. But normies don't really admit these types of ideas to themselves so it doesnt cross into conscious thought
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Reactions: Greypiller and silently_said
Plastic surgery / any hardmaxx is retarded nd normies r right. Such type of bs shouldn't be any more popular than in niche cope circles (aka blackpill).
  • JFL
Reactions: Greypiller
incoherent shitting on "normies" is such a telltale sign that someone is both low iq and a loser that it's not even funny

if only i found a single original or funny line in the thread, i wouldn't even post itt, but these never contain anything worth reading

feeling intense second-hand embarrassment while typing this
  • JFL
Reactions: Greypiller
Yes its stupid
  • +1
Reactions: Greypiller
Plastic surgery / any hardmaxx is retarded nd normies r right. Such type of bs shouldn't be any more popular than in niche cope circles (aka blackpill).
Jfl :feelshah: IS this ironic?
  • +1
Reactions: the_machinist_786
incoherent shitting on "normies" is such a telltale sign that someone is both low iq and a loser that it's not even funny

if only i found a single original or funny line in the thread, i wouldn't even post itt, but these never contain anything worth reading

feeling intense second-hand embarrassment while typing this
Normie detected opinion rejected
A soyjak i made out of that face the evil guy made i saw a v0 h8pzmlkf41tb1
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Reactions: Lefor3Laser
they class all people in the same group:hnghn:, they are also brainwashed by people like k shami thinking "you can ascend from ltn to chad just by gym and towel method:soy::soy:" while in reality hes trying to just sell his course + he got jaw implants and rhino
Water, every guy who ascended is trough surgereis and nothing more, everything else is as you said, trying to sell courses or just give them copes.
  • +1
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