Why should I looksmaxx, given that I'm 38, severely Norwooded, have no money, and will never be Chad



Oct 16, 2018
I can't even betabuxx, so it's over for me, yet my life hasn't been quite incel enough for me to be allowed to hang out with incels. So I'm just stuck in this awkward in-between zone.
roping isn't for the weak. and you don't seem weak :feelshmm::feelshmm::feelshmm:
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To get treated better in general
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Money or status then
To get treated better in general

Yeah, except people give conflicting advice. Femoids say, "Grow your hair out; you look weird when you're bald, like an alien" while men say, "Shave that shit off; you look ridiculous and disgusting"
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If you're going bald, might as well inject T and embrace it.

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It's truly over ...
I honestly don't know the purpose of living post youth. Unless you have kids. Which you don't. So just do drugs I guess.
Yeah do it, you'll have a more fulfilling decade in your 40's.
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Ummm idk why should you?

Why are you still on this site then?

Theres always rope at Home Depot

Or you could do something to make your life a little less shitty

It’s extremely hard, and your situation sounds fucked

But your choices are generally up to you.
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Reactions: Ritalincel
Why are you still on this site then?

Looksmax is where people go when they're too Chadly for Incels.is. But that doesn't take much. You don't have to be an actual Chad to be too Chadly for Incels.is.
I can't even betabuxx, so it's over for me, yet my life hasn't been quite incel enough for me to be allowed to hang out with incels. So I'm just stuck in this awkward in-between zone.
Depends upon what you want in life and what you are lacking . If you are 38 and are getting Becky tier Pussy regularly - I don’t think you should waste your limited resources on looksmax as it’s unlikely to add much . May be an occasional Stacie but chads are born with genetics most of the times and need very minor looks max . Most people on this forum ( Including me ) will be very satisfied in life if we get mid - high tier Becky GFs ( 6-7/10) . It will be Mistake for most people on here to imagine Stacie’s drooling over them even after looks max . May be an occasional Stacie but realistically high tier Becky is more than enough for a fufulling sexual and social life tbh. So if you are already getting those - no need to looks max.

On the other hand , if you are not getting or have not gotten enough Becky tier Pussy in life - yes looksMaxing May be considered . You have to weigh your age, finances and do you really want to spend on cosmetics when you are not sure of retirement strategy ?

You have to decide what makes you happy and keeps you away from rope .
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Looksmax is where people go when they're too Chadly for Incels.is. But that doesn't take much. You don't have to be an actual Chad to be too Chadly for Incels.is.
Then why the fuck you asking what’s the point of LooksMaxing, if you are solely here to looksmax

Also lol at “Chadly” cope, maybe more delusional and autistic, but no more “Chadly”
Srs what does "norwooded" mean in this context?
It's too late to looksmax and try to get some at 38, you'll just end up finding used up roasties wanting to "settle"
Health-maxx for better quality of life when you get older, if nothing else.
Ogremax to get people's respect
Looksmax is where people go when they're too Chadly for Incels.is. But that doesn't take much. You don't have to be an actual Chad to be too Chadly for Incels.is.

I understand your situation and didn't you remarry? I'm only two years younger than you and I never had the chance to get married. Most bitches just cheated on me. It's ogre. Though if have to say if you won that seat in Congress you could have fought for a "right to rape" law. You have more clout than I do. I would've even been your running mate if you would went to executive office. Though we're polarized in terms of most of our beliefs I have your back on that one. I'm just a lower midtier political youtuber. Reach out to me man.
I understand your situation and didn't you remarry? I'm only two years younger than you and I never had the chance to get married. Most bitches just cheated on me. It's ogre. Though if have to say if you won that seat in Congress you could have fought for a "right to rape" law. You have more clout than I do. I would've even been your running mate if you would went to executive office. Though we're polarized in terms of most of our beliefs I have your back on that one. I'm just a lower midtier political youtuber. Reach out to me man.

Are you Eric Striker?
uh, no
though I'm a bit like him. just friendlier on the incel issue. probably a bit more extreme Ungern + Pol Pot.
Then why the fuck you asking what’s the point of LooksMaxing, if you are solely here to looksmax

Also lol at “Chadly” cope, maybe more delusional and autistic, but no more “Chadly”

No more autistic than calling yourself PenileFacialSurgery. What are you trying to do? Get plastic surgery so you can LARP as kike?
No more autistic than calling yourself PenileFacialSurgery. What are you trying to do? Get plastic surgery so you can LARP as kike?
The fuck are you even talking about?

The name is some stereotypical PSL esque name I chose for humor purposes you Autist
Better autist than kike. Hava nagila hava nagila hava nagila hava nagila ha hu ha
Thanks, man, I'm gonna check it out. I used to be AnCap but I've been looking more into things like NatSoc/NazBol lately after listening to Eric Striker. I'm currently reading Dugin's book 4PT.

Striker is really blue pill on the incel question. Painfully so. I'm like him and Jim Profit combined
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I was AnCap, like in 2005, when politics wasn't a big thing on social media. that phase started to peter out around 2010 when I discovered National Anarchism.
roping isn't for the weak. and you don't seem weak :feelshmm::feelshmm::feelshmm:
There has been this thing going around the internet for sometime. And that is the slang "Kill Yourself"

People say this so carelessly and don't think of how it could actually be affecting the person, how much they could be bullied each day and hear these words. This is a real life crisis and happens every single day and you know what that does? It tears families apart.

It is not a fun sight to see someone you care about lying lifeless on the floor when you come home. A brother, sister, mother, father, grandma, best friend, anyone really. Anyone you have a strong bond with.

I want you to put yourself in a situation where you come home and that is exactly what you see.. a lifeless body of one you loved or had a close relationship with, the natural reaction is to scream and cry and try to wake them up.. that heartbreak during the situation and it is traumatizing.

Do not ever say "KYS" to someone if you would break down at the sight of one who did it and who spent time with you. These people have families like all of us, stop telling someone to do such a thing... now I get it's one life out of however many people are on this planet but that's not the point. You're taking away one life and hurting multiple...

If you have no heart and don't care about people at all except yourself then fine. That's sad, but fine. So be it.
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There has been this thing going around the internet for sometime. And that is the slang "Kill Yourself"

People say this so carelessly and don't think of how it could actually be affecting the person, how much they could be bullied each day and hear these words. This is a real life crisis and happens every single day and you know what that does? It tears families apart.

It is not a fun sight to see someone you care about lying lifeless on the floor when you come home. A brother, sister, mother, father, grandma, best friend, anyone really. Anyone you have a strong bond with.

I want you to put yourself in a situation where you come home and that is exactly what you see.. a lifeless body of one you loved or had a close relationship with, the natural reaction is to scream and cry and try to wake them up.. that heartbreak during the situation and it is traumatizing.

Do not ever say "KYS" to someone if you would break down at the sight of one who did it and who spent time with you. These people have families like all of us, stop telling someone to do such a thing... now I get it's 1 life out of millions probably or however many people are on this planet but that's not the point. You're taking away one life and hurting multiple...

If you have no heart and don't care about people at all except yourself then fine. That's sad, but fine. So be it.
Lol i was expecting a jk lol kys at the end because thats how this community is
There has been this thing going around the internet for sometime. And that is the slang "Kill Yourself"

People say this so carelessly and don't think of how it could actually be affecting the person, how much they could be bullied each day and hear these words. This is a real life crisis and happens every single day and you know what that does? It tears families apart.

It is not a fun sight to see someone you care about lying lifeless on the floor when you come home. A brother, sister, mother, father, grandma, best friend, anyone really. Anyone you have a strong bond with.

I want you to put yourself in a situation where you come home and that is exactly what you see.. a lifeless body of one you loved or had a close relationship with, the natural reaction is to scream and cry and try to wake them up.. that heartbreak during the situation and it is traumatizing.

Do not ever say "KYS" to someone if you would break down at the sight of one who did it and who spent time with you. These people have families like all of us, stop telling someone to do such a thing... now I get it's one life out of however many people are on this planet but that's not the point. You're taking away one life and hurting multiple...

If you have no heart and don't care about people at all except yourself then fine. That's sad, but fine. So be it.
There has been this thing going around the internet for sometime. And that is the slang "Kill Yourself"

People say this so carelessly and don't think of how it could actually be affecting the person, how much they could be bullied each day and hear these words. This is a real life crisis and happens every single day and you know what that does? It tears families apart.

It is not a fun sight to see someone you care about lying lifeless on the floor when you come home. A brother, sister, mother, father, grandma, best friend, anyone really. Anyone you have a strong bond with.

I want you to put yourself in a situation where you come home and that is exactly what you see.. a lifeless body of one you loved or had a close relationship with, the natural reaction is to scream and cry and try to wake them up.. that heartbreak during the situation and it is traumatizing.

Do not ever say "KYS" to someone if you would break down at the sight of one who did it and who spent time with you. These people have families like all of us, stop telling someone to do such a thing... now I get it's one life out of however many people are on this planet but that's not the point. You're taking away one life and hurting multiple...

If you have no heart and don't care about people at all except yourself then fine. That's sad, but fine. So be it.
Dont u only post vids of people dying
I am nw4 with big baldspot @ 21 yrs of age. Looksmaxing gives more oppertunities in life. U should not focus on just banging foids lmao, that's not even the best part about looking good. As long as ur not a sub 5'11 manlet or severly deformed u have nothing to complain about.
There has been this thing going around the internet for sometime. And that is the slang "Kill Yourself"

People say this so carelessly and don't think of how it could actually be affecting the person, how much they could be bullied each day and hear these words. This is a real life crisis and happens every single day and you know what that does? It tears families apart.

It is not a fun sight to see someone you care about lying lifeless on the floor when you come home. A brother, sister, mother, father, grandma, best friend, anyone really. Anyone you have a strong bond with.

I want you to put yourself in a situation where you come home and that is exactly what you see.. a lifeless body of one you loved or had a close relationship with, the natural reaction is to scream and cry and try to wake them up.. that heartbreak during the situation and it is traumatizing.

Do not ever say "KYS" to someone if you would break down at the sight of one who did it and who spent time with you. These people have families like all of us, stop telling someone to do such a thing... now I get it's one life out of however many people are on this planet but that's not the point. You're taking away one life and hurting multiple...

If you have no heart and don't care about people at all except yourself then fine. That's sad, but fine. So be it.
  • +1
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I am nw4 with big baldspot @ 21 yrs of age. Looksmaxing gives more oppertunities in life. U should not focus on just banging foids lmao, that's not even the best part about looking good. As long as ur not a sub 5'11 manlet or severly deformed u have nothing to complain about.

I have a bald spot too, but its more of an OCD thing than being self-conscious.
There has been this thing going around the internet for sometime. And that is the slang "Kill Yourself"

People say this so carelessly and don't think of how it could actually be affecting the person, how much they could be bullied each day and hear these words. This is a real life crisis and happens every single day and you know what that does? It tears families apart.

It is not a fun sight to see someone you care about lying lifeless on the floor when you come home. A brother, sister, mother, father, grandma, best friend, anyone really. Anyone you have a strong bond with.

I want you to put yourself in a situation where you come home and that is exactly what you see.. a lifeless body of one you loved or had a close relationship with, the natural reaction is to scream and cry and try to wake them up.. that heartbreak during the situation and it is traumatizing.

Do not ever say "KYS" to someone if you would break down at the sight of one who did it and who spent time with you. These people have families like all of us, stop telling someone to do such a thing... now I get it's one life out of however many people are on this planet but that's not the point. You're taking away one life and hurting multiple...

If you have no heart and don't care about people at all except yourself then fine. That's sad, but fine. So be it.


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You have nothing to lose because you ran out of time, you are truly free. Go take over the fucking world or something, find new meaning
lol, my family doesn't care about me and I bet after the campaign his didn't either too.

also OP, lets ascend in the middle east. Muslim want to fuck our women in Europe lets give them a taste of their own medicine.

hot take: suicide actually takes balls.
lol, my family doesn't care about me and I bet after the campaign his didn't either too.

also OP, lets ascend in the middle east. Muslim want to fuck our women in Europe lets give them a taste of their own medicine.

hot take: suicide actually takes balls.
Suicide is the ultimate will to power. Everything in our evolutionary psychology wants to self preserve and suicide requires the ultimate willpower to overcome that will.
so I guess Nietzsche was on to something.

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