Why the shitting on braces?

Mike mew duped his gullible followers into thinking braces are horrible and will give you a recessed maxilla
I visited the man in person. Did you know he didn't invent palate expanders? I cannot believe we are conned into believing he and madman castle-dwelling father came up with this. A real and reputable orthodontist fitted the same device on me. I had to turn the little screw thing every other day or something? I do not recall...

Can you guess what happens?

As an adult your LOWER jaw cannot be expanded without SARPE. Your upper palate however does expand. Eventually you lose your bite because the bottom jaw does not widen while the top does. You then need train tracks or Invisalign etc. to bring your bite back.

My palate did widen of course, but there was not a noticeable difference in physical appearance and some of the width was lost to bring back the bite. I should have just had Invisalign from the get-go.

In person Mike appears to have actual bruxism, and has a very narcissistic personality (bragged a lot about how he will soon be a celebrity etc). Which is not too much of an issue IMO and yet it should be taken into account when listening to him discuss what he is able to do. He also said he expects the doctor patient relationship reversed, where he says "jump and you say how high" he told me.

He also wanted me to pay for that thing where you expand balloons up your nose. Which is of course a con. He himself admitted he did not really believe in it but has it in his program just in case. The balloon quackery costs multiple thousands.
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  • JFL
Reactions: AutisticBeaner
You've obviously been drinking that Mike mew kool aid. He is singlehandedly responsible for PSL's obsession with maxilla and automatic hatred for any and every orthodontic appliance. He misguides people he's a charlatan. He's a guy that tries to solve every problem with the same solution.
try to look at things objectively, it's very useful
will make your face recessed possibly since instead of expanding or moving teeth outwards it moves it inwards
doing the opposite 4 me
elastics arent so bad i’ve only seen positive results with them
  • +1
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Average intellectual of knowing that it's over for him due to shitty environment and using braces to improve and actually reading on it so he does not get cucked.

He controls the outcome not the jew.
growing up in village
eat mostly hard food
yay good teeth
learn to mew
tongue thrust because i didnt understand how to mew
get protruding teeth and croomed teeth
jfl my parents never taught me how to mew
usually orthodontic treatment involves correcting bites which have to do with elastic bands and that recesses your face
what if my elastic bands are class 3 elastics used to fix bottom front teeth crowding?

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